Hi, everyone!
So, it all come down to this. There is so little going on in the Big Brother House right now that I have been reduced to writing a post about Becky’s big toe.
If you’ve checked into the live feeds today, you witnessed Becky in pain. Apparently, Becky injured her toe a few days ago. (I’m assuming that it happened during the veto competition. She either broke it or seriously sprained it.) This morning, she woke up and discovered that her big toe was swollen. Becky says that it’s twice as big as it usually is. Becky, who survived being hit by a train, claims that the toe pain is the worst pain that she’s ever experienced in her life. She has literally been moaning in constant pain.
Now, reaction on twitter seems to be split between people who feel sorry for Becky and people who think that Becky is overdoing it and attempting to get sympathy from the house. Personally, I don’t know. I’ve dealt with my share of toe and ankle injuries and they ARE PAINFUL! At the same time, I would hardly blame Becky for trying to get some sympathy during what might be her final day in the house.
You know who doesn’t have any sympathy for Becky? Julia and Liz. Julia said that if Becky survived getting hit by a train, she should be able to survive this. Liz (at least I think it was Liz) pointed out that Becky has already won $5,000 and she can use that to get toe fixed when she gets out of the house. If anything, Becky’s injury seems to have made Liz even more determined to get Becky out of the house.
Which is pretty stupid, to be honest. With her injured toe, Becky is no longer a threat to win comps. If her toe gets worse, she might even be removed from the house for her own well-being. So, really, voting to evict Becky is kind of a waste of time because, if her toe really is as bad as she says it is, then Becky’s game is pretty much over.
But, regardless of logic, it still appears the Becky and her big toe will be sent to the jury house on Thursday.
Lisa Marie
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wow I am all alone in here.
Should I repost from the previous blog?
No, I guess not.
That would only detract from Becky’s Big Tooe.
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Thanks as always Lisa. It really is a sad season indeed when this is the only material they give you to work with. Hopefully something will happen next week.
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lol. The saga of the big toe ..
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Poor Becky. A swollen toe. I thought Meg kicked her or something during one of their games. Did anybody else read that or see on live feeds? Due to boredom in the house ,I haven’t been watching it that much.
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I am honestly not sure how her toe got injured. But that’s pretty much what the live feeds have been revolving around. Lol. You know it’s a slow week when a post about Austin and Liz is followed by a post about Becky’s toe.
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Lisa, lol!! 🙂 I share your pain about not having much to write about! Maybe, if we are lucky, something big may happen tomorrow! I have had a broken ankle and it was very painful. I would rather Becky go home than Johnny! I want Johnny to win HOH tomorrow night. Ready to watch the show! 🙂
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Later! 😎
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On with the show.
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Thanks Lisa for the new post! I was getting a little hot under the color on the last page & that is not like me 😆 Thanks for your new write up my friend…from a old vet……
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Bobo you are always on point. I appreciate your view.
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Becky’s toe.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If it’s been damaged, it’s not as damaged as Vanessa.
That girl is in a world I can’t even try to u derstand.
I feel Beckys pain, however the wool cap wearing crying diva needs to spend time sunbathing at the pool at the Jury House!
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Must have happened during her “Super Jump”..in the vito comp. The one Vanessa was so stunned by.
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OK, I was wrong. Meg did not hit Becky’s toe. Meg was talking about they usually have a Medic standing by, like on that day she got hurt playing Red Rover. So I guess it is still a mystery to me.
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Bobovnvet, I couldn’t agree more. You remind me of John Wayne …. you get right to the point with a a few wise words! 🙂
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I love starting a new, fresh page.
Was I the only one who was so glad when that loud mouthed “Butter Lady” stopped talking? Like fingernails on a chalkboard!
Goodnight bloggers! Have a great evening!
Later! 😎
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this season has no drama, no stabbing in the back then twisting the knife oh so slow, and watching them squirm, we have more fun on the blog than watch the show, i could scream, grrrrrrrr whats wrong with these people. that one guy Austin looks like a creep ewwww, if we could smell him thru the tv. i wish it was a better season. i hope Steve wins, he reminds me of Ian does anyone else see that???? oh well gonna go do a puzzle @ freejigsawpuzzle.com they have real good ones. bye have a good night yall.
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Johnny Mac better stay, he is cool and really smart. Someone tell me how he got the name Johnny Mac please, I must have missed something along the way. Thanks!
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Hi Lisa and other bloggers. Lisa I know a Lisa Marie Bowman. Do you mind if I ask where you live? I can’t believe there would be two of you!
I am so sick of this week. I can’t wait until tomorrow when we can get Liz and Austin out of that HOH bed. He literally makes me nauseous! It would drive me crazy to have someone smothering me all the time! He even follows her to the bathroom! Now that they have got a little ‘handy’ it’s even worse. After watching the show tonight and hearing Julia’s comment about her dad and the hicky I can’t even imagine how he is feeling watching all that is going on in that bedroom! Even worse, Austin thinks he’s “all that and a bag of chips” as do the twins. We have no one to root for this year!
I don’t want any of them to win except possibly Johnny Mac because he is hilariously weird. Otherwise I can’t stand watching the feeds, which is unusual for me. At this time of the game I am usually glued to them watching anxiously for my favorite houseguest. This year, not so much. This is the most boring year ever. I hope johnnie wins tomorrow and puts up the twins, Austin or Vanessa. Actually I don’t even like James or Meg so anybody can go. Just get Austin ou of that HOH!!!!!!
Lisa thanks for all you do. It’s much appreciated,
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Austin is the most DISGUSTING person ever on BB , no class, walks aroung shirtless and shoeless come on look in the mirror you nare GROSS, cover the hell up.
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After the last two hideous seasons and all its problems it seems BB has gone overboard to find a very vanilla group of houseguests who wouldn’t stir up our ire. The problem is that they have gone too far and even Julie Chen can’t tell us to expect the unexpected. We are just sighing our way through a very boring season. And they’ve made it extra long, too! Oh, yippee. More of the dimwitted mean blonde twins.
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Can someone please explain the reference to Irish Spring? I hear the houseguests talking about it and I don’t know what I missed.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Also, I think Liz should of shared her HOH bed with her sister. That creepy Austin is disgusting. How can she stand him touching her. His skin reminds me of a snake.
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Why do the voices in Steve’s head trust Vanessa so much and distrust everyone else?
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Nite all. Tomorrow is another day. God bless
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The way I see it for next week if Steve Julie or Austin when HOH Van will be protected, if Johnny Mac James or meg win. then Van will be leaving to the jury, but will have a chance to come back into the game.1 out 4 chance.
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Under my scenario she has a 3 out of 7 chance to stay another week .
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Hi, Margie! Thank you for the kind words! 🙂 I’m in the DFW metroplex area.
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Jolee, I think people on this blog know that you wouldn’t intentionally say anything to
hurt someone’s feelings. Your heart is too big and your spirit too kind. Wish I knew more
people in their eighties who are as much fun as you and Jeanne.
Glad your roof is going to be fixed without too much major damage and Jeanne is
feeling better. Made my day!!
I’ve been wondering why there haven’t been any more twists or whatever they
called having someone outside the house (usually well known) add their input into the
twists. Then I realized there has been a difference in Julie Chen’s demeanor over the past
few weeks. She doesn’t say “expect the unexpected” as much and seems almost mellow.
I think they realize their casting has been a boring disaster and are just anxious to see the
season through to the end. No Pandora’s Box, No Golden Key or any of the other keys to
throw a wrench into the game; no more America’s Player….there just hasn’t been that
much to keep us on the edge of our seats wondering how this or that will change the game.
We haven’t even gotten to vote on food or know what food has been added to the HNs
diet. It’s almost like they want to keep America out of it this season. Maybe it was the
disaster with Audrey or the lasck of success with the early twists that made them back off
audience participation. It’s hard to tell.
I hate that Liz and Austin have made internet history. No matter how much I personally dislike the game they are playing and their particular personalities, I have to wish they had made better choices about camera sex. That will follow them from now on and could affect both of their lives career-wise. My heart goes out to their parents. No parent wants to know about their chilren’s sex lives or know it has been broadcasted over the internet for the world to see.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If Julia thinks her parents wouldn’t be pleased for Liz to bring someone like Austin home to meet them (before the camera sex), I can only imagine how crushed they are now. As a parent you know the world will not always treat your children fairly, and they will make mistakes you can’t prevent or protect them from, but it is never easy when life turns that knowledge into reality. No matter how hard you struggled to raise your children to do the right things and give them the protection against the things in life that will harm them,
when they become adults they don’t always remember the lessons they were taught. Em-
barrassment is nothing compared to the pain in your heart.
Well, that’s just my opinion and is worth nothing more than that.
Since it looks like tonight will be another game night, I will record it and skip most of
it tomorrow.
Have a great night, fellow bloggers!
P.S. I heard Beckie say something a few days ago about an infected nail that was coming off. That may be part of the problem.
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Missed the show tonight but I was visiting a cousin I haven’t seen for a couple of years and then my parents and nephew so I’m not unhappy. But before I go back and read everything , I wanted to comment about toe pain…. Between the bone graft in my jaw ‘so far’ and arthritis in my toe…. the toe pain can make you literally curl up in a ball… plus remember..when Becky was hit by the tram she most likely got knocked out..I’ve seen my own children with wounds that should have them screaming yet they hardly made a sound. It’s called ‘shock’ and Becky probably woke up on pain killers so I can understand her comment. This is in no way trying to start an argument with anyone. :):):):):):):):):):):):):)
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swt: Have you tried jigidi.com. All jigsaws you can choose your favorite genre and how
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------many pieces. I will try your site, too.
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Everyone has different threshholds for pain. I have bunions and fibromyalgia. For most of
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------my life pain was something I endured without too much comment. The pain in the big toe from the bunion is NOT good. But since the fibro,I have pain over the least little thing, and it drives me crazy to have lost my tolerance for pain. The body, also, has areas that are far more painful that others. A paper cut can be a big thing sometimes. Fingers, toes, backs, and feet are some of the most painful areas of the body. A kidney stone will bring you to your knees. A migraine can keep you from functioning. But while a head injury will bleed profusely, it often is not that painful. I’m sure the many surgeries she’s had on her face and teeth were not that much fun. I think she’s basically a pretty brave and strong female.
tendr: Good analysis of pain.
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sherry, I am so glad I decided to check in one more time before turning off my light. Thank you for your kind words. You were right about my not wanting to hurt anyone’s feelings. I was so upset over what Liz was allowing to happen that I reacted like a mother who would be so embarrassed to have my daughter displayed in such a way. As you said, they will have to live with their choices long after BB is over. Even though I am 82 years young, I have a 30 year old daughter I adopted when I was 57. She is one of Jeanne’s granddaughters. I have two beautiful grandbabies; Caleb who is almost 6 and Kylie who will be four. I am truely blessed!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well, I am ready to turn on my Ray Price album and go to sleep. Busy day tomorrow. Goodnight all. Have a nice day tomorrow. 🙂 sherry, you made my day! Thank you.
Later! 😎
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@Jo..neither one of my daughter’s in their early 30’s would have done what Liz did. In fact they freak out when i can so easily talk about sex. Or maybe it’s no one wants to know their mom has sex……BUT if one of my girls did do what Liz did. ON TV…they’d get hell from me no matter how old they were.
AND BTW……please ppl stop thinking typed words here from ‘some’ of us are aiming to get us chewed out. but Jo, i got cha beat. and i happen to like some of the ppl most dislike ‘cept for Jmc. he’s a cutie. the rest of what i feel about the players…i keep to myself.
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Actually Becky has won more than 5k. She’s won at least 10k and maybe even 15k. Add the $$$ you get for making jury and she’s done quite well for herself this summer playing a game.
If I was JMac I would be reiterating this fact about Becky as much as possible. I would also keep reminding the twins and Austin how much you want to get Van out and that if you let me do it she will still give one of you guys her vote from the jury.
I do agree this season is the worst ever. If JMac can somehow survive tonite, win HOH, and get out Van, I do think it might make this season a little more fun to watch. Once Van is removed from the game, Austin and the twins(especially Julia) will have no idea what to do next and will be ripe for the taking.
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It’s 4:09 am Can’t sleep. Have to get up early. Leg cramps driving me crazy. Nite BB bloggers. Stay sweet.
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Jeanne go to the health food store and buy just plain old “magnesium citrate” and take two about an hour before bedtime…you want between 200-400mg. too much will make your tummy hurt…so i take magnesium taurate but i don’t know if it’s easy to find. stopped my leg cramps in a few days. also epsom salts baths (don’t use any soap) soak for twenty min…will do it also. james used to kick me and try to run in place in his sleep. i told him it’s either magnesium chelate or the sofa…now he’s great.
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oh, take with food.
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i’m having a histamine itching all over from drinking junk food coffee on the way home from my mom’s. wish i was asleep. c u all tomorrow. i mean………..after while.
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Becky’s toe is wrapped up in a bandage and I heard she was getting antibiotics and pain pills. I have broken toes. They don’t wrap them or give you antibiotics. I remember her saying after the HOH she won, the slip and slide thing, that her toes hurt then. You are wearing slippers basically and need to hang on and grip with your toes, I would imagine. She was complaining that her feet and big toe hurt back then. It sounds to me more like she lost a nail or something. Austin was carrying her from bed to kitchen tonite and then she hobbled around. Looks painful. James was asking…do you think it will be better by Tomorrow?? We want you in the comp!!! She’s hurt and he’s thinking *numbers*! SMH
Very 1st thing on BBAD was Lizitn making out. Ew. then she rolled over and said..I can’t stand it!! and austin rolled on his back with his arm over his eyes groaning. It’s obvious they have to keep STOPPING and want to do more!!!! But she prolly won’t on the cameras. Good to know she has some morals!!lol But still TMI! 😉
Someone on last post asked about Irish Spring. I may be wrong, but I think they have been playing a lot of pretend in there at night. So when they were doing the bowling thing, they were pretending it was being tellivised and so gathered things to use as props. Irish Spring was one of them and they think it’s funny or some reason!!
And to whoever liked my word Canoolding(i’m too lazy to look back…)lol I hand’t used it in forever! Just popped into my head to use fr L&A. They were already making it gross. I didn’t want to add to it!!lol
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maybe Becky has gout…I have had it…it hurt like a you know what…but with medication goes away pretty quick…listen up CBS…get a medic to the jury house…she should be there by early evening…gout is caused by a build up of uric acid in bone joints…the uric acid crystals in the joints and it is like bone on bone rubbing…oh well…I VOTE TO EVICT BECKY…Johnny Mac your safe for another week big guy…
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The league tired early from Wednesday night bowling in exchange for pelting each other with mini Hershey and Mr. Goodbars. BB allowed them to run all over the house giggling hysterically with their little ammunition while Steve tried to sleep in his dentist chair while one or both of the twins ran for cover on the floor under his blanket. The militants in this war were James and Chewbacca against the Yoda twins and Meg. At the conclusion James announced that tonight’s sponsor was Hershey for a Bowl Full of Fun. He’s so cute!! Don’t know where Vanessa was for this particular event but have noticed at other times she awkwardly stands around just watching like she is a chaperone at prom night.
OMG!!!….Becky is really playing up this toe injury…she actually hitched a ride on JMac’s back “apparently”unable to walk!!! Last night she was vigorously scrubbing off toenail polish with no regard or protection for an injured toe!!! I REPEAT….she wasn’t complaining about it last night!!!!!!!! She can’t say it happened during the OTEV comp, so when did it happen? But boy is she ever laying it on thick attempting to convince them that she is out of commission and not a threat moving forward hoping to stay in the house. If this strategy works and she stays in the house over JMac I am going to be PO’d. I like Becky and wish she was up against someone other than JMac because I would be cheering her on. Suspicious minds…like mine…are wondering if maybe, just maybe, Becky ripped off her toenail on purpose????!!!! She, who survived a train to the face could easily tolerate a little toe injury for a 1/2 million!!!!!
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@mortgage dr – Cherries are good for gout.
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Just now went back and read comments so my earlier comments might be out of the loop.
@Kev – It’s the Dan Dust!!!
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@Star – And they both look like they are the WORST kissers!! It being their last night in the HOH room he’s really working it. Smelly Chewbacca!!! ewwww Liz is going to tell the world that her relationship with Chewbacca was all strategy and it may very well be. Some people will do anything for money!!.
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There is a really really good old time movie where Betty Davis plays estranged twins. The poor twin knocks off the rich twin, assumes her identity and has to sign a slew of paperwork but of course the signature wouldn’t be the same so she takes a hot poker from the fireplace and burns the palm of her hand so she has an excuse for a sloppy signature. Becky used that hot poker on her toe….LOL!!
As usual, at 5 a.m. BBtime I’m loopy and blogging with my lonesome. 🙂
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Junksies you are spot right on…have a bottle of the concentrated cherry juice in the refig…I take a shot of that daily…keeps those toe mites away…
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@Star – I too like your word canoodling. Irish Spring is just one “sponsor” they dreamed up during bowling night. Swiffer, tin foil, storage bags and Tre’seme (sp?) are a few others but Irish Spring is their fav. I think it was Steve who took all of the Irish Spring from the house and hid it as a prank and the HG’s blamed BB for it’s disappearance thereby raising it’s prominence as the favorite??
I’d prefer watching strategy sessions and backstabbing over game night but in lieu of that I must say these guests are creative and have made the downtime time fun to watch.
@Sherry – Yup, it seems that BB has rolled over and died. Where are all the twists and surprises and the like…? I think production is damned if they do and damned if they don’t, not that I have any sympathy for them. We are very hard to please!!
Did anybody think that OTEV sounded like Axl Rose??
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This is my personal thoughts and I can’t stand to see Liz and Austin on this show, not trying to hurt anyone feeling who make have a different look about the BBH this year. Austin is a big footed in your mouth person. Liz is so annoying with her daffy Duck voice.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Queen thinks she has it going on in BBH. Can’t wait to see her but go out the big Door and take Ausitn with her. Vanessa crys abour everything if this was another BBH she would have been gone weeks ago. This BBH show I will have to think real hard on watching next season. Sorry I just feed up with Liz, Vanessa and Austin, How do you spell Disgusting (AUSTIN).
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I think CBS might be bored with this season. Why can’t they go back to the way it was in the beginning? Food comps, luxury comps. Get rid of Have Nots. It’s ridiculous. They used to play comps to see who was going to be Have Nots. They don’t even do that any longer, so just get rid of it. Big Brother is slowing turning into Big Boring!!! Especially with these houseguests.
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Is it me, or does a houseful of people that are within a decade of each other just seem boring? I really preferred it when the age differences were a larger gap. The oldest person this year – Shelli, 33 – and the youngest person – Steve, 22. I enjoyed watching people like Jerry play against the younger people. I just wish that they’d go back to the original formula and stop with all these “Unexpected” stupidities! The original worked the best. I started watching in season 2 and have not missed a season, until this year. The last couple of years, I’ve “watched” off-and-on throughout the season – keeping up with the show through this blog. This season, I’ve probably only watched a handful of episodes, and read the blog posts. CBS either needs to stop renewing BB, or totally revamp and go back toward the original way things were done.
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@Queen Bee – Well said!!
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Well its very obvious that this set of HGs just have no common sense. Getting rid of the wrong people, going against better judgment, and then Liz making out with Austin – YUCK! I’ve had enough of this season already – dont even care who comes back from the jury house – they can’t bring back Jason! To top it off, Johnny Mac making deals with the devil twins – its like selling his soul. This season has been the most frustrating season for me. I still feel Becky will be leaving, hopefully James will win the next HOH and put Vanessa up and keep her there! Thanks LM for the posting – the high light of my work day!
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Hi everyone. Sorry I’m so late jumping in. As usual, thank you so much Lisa. I love how you can make even the most mundane happenings take on a personality. I would really miss your blog if it disappeared.
I really wish it could have been Vanessa going home tonight. I’m so tired of her. I agree with those who say it needs to go back to the way it used to be. There was always something exciting going on. They made cards out of paper. They played games. Even watching them sitting around and chatting at night was entertaining.
I also remember other years saying it was the most boring ever, so to me, this isn’t any worse than some of the past shows but each year I expect it to get better. Hasn’t done for a while. Come on BB, make it a challenge and more interesting. Back to basics.
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I so wish they would bring back the HN comps and let us vote on the other 2 foods they get. This season needs more comps to make up of the boring house guests. Also why didn’t they have America’s player? That was always fun to watch and vote on what they would do. They need to go back to the OLD SCHOOL BB!!!! As for as Austin and Liz OMG gross is the word that comes to mind. I can’t wait for tonight to see who wins the HOH……Best of luck JM and James. I think James is funny with his pranks.
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Morning everyone. Just got back from breakfast out. Looking forward to tonight’s BB.
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Good morning bloggers! We have been busy today: took our Maggie to groomer, went out to breakfast, going to get Jeanne an X-Ray ……. etc…
Great blogs everyone. I love to come here and see so many people blogging!
@Junksies, the worst things Jeanne and I would do is exchange classes in school, fool our dates and friends. When Jeanne’s fiance would call her I would pretend I was her. He would tell me how much he loved me , ( thinking he was talking to Jeanne.) I would let him ramble on for a few minutes and then say: “Just a minute, I’ll get Jeanne!” 🙂 You could hear him yell clear across the room! 🙂
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I can’t imagine twins not getting along. We are each other’s best friends.
I don’t think Liz and Julia respect each other. If Julia thought the hicky on Liz’s neck was bad, and would upset their parents, what do you think she would do if she knew “the rest of the story?” I think I would go into the HOH room and either evacuate Austin or drag Lizb her ponytail out of the HOH room and lock her in the storage room!
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Correction: Liz! 🙂
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*tendr, thank you darlin. I will try it.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I think BB should send EwwwwAustin to the Dairy room and BACKDOORS him. IMHO
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Could this be Big Brother’s last season?I fast forward through the show on DVR in about 15 minutes and it’s still booooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrring!
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Not much to say Pilgrims 🙂 Thanks for all the up dates & comments!
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