I don’t have much to share today, beyond what you already know. Stephen won the power of veto and used it on himself. James nominated Jace to sit on the block beside Jackie. The plan is for everyone to vote Jace out and that’s what will probably happen.
To be honest, I think it would make more sense to vote out Jackie, just because she’s more of a potential winner than Jace will ever be. In just one week, Jace has proven himself to be so obnoxious and such a terrible player that there’s no way he could ever win the game. Even if he somehow ended up in the final two, it’s doubtful that anyone on the jury would be able to bring themselves to actually vote for him. (Probably the only vote that Jace could count on would be Austin’s and that would all depend on Austin actually surviving long enough to make it to the jury house.)
Jackie may not be a great player but she’s definitely more of a threat than Jace. As well, voting her out early would keep her and Jeff from becoming a power couple. If I’m thinking about who I want sitting beside me in a final two situation, I don’t want Jackie there. I want Jace there because Jace cannot win.
By all logic, Jackie is the one to vote out but Jace is just so obnoxious that everyone wants him to go. And who knows? Maybe without Jace around, Austin will actually become the interesting player that we all thought he would be. The Austin and Jace Bro Alliance will be no more and that’s probably a good thing.
I talk a lot about how all-girl alliances hardly ever work in Big Brother, especially when they’re started during the first week. But Bro Alliances are almost always just as doomed. Arguably, the one Bro Alliance that worked was the Brigade and the Brigade wasn’t formed during the first week of the game. The members of the Brigade at least got to know each other before swearing loyalty. However, ever since the success of the Brigade, Big Brother houseguests have obviously felt pressured to create alliances as early as possible. Unfortunately, they usually spend more time coming with an alliance name than actually asking each other, “Do I really want to work with this person?”
Case in point: Audrey started a countless number of alliances with everyone and now she is public enemy number one. With the exception of Clay, nobody trusts her. Everyone wants her out of the house. I saw one site where the headline read, “Is the first transgender house guest really only going to last for two weeks?” If Audrey is voted out, she has no one to blame for herself. It doesn’t matter who you are or what your background is: if you’re a bad player, you’re a bad player. And, this week, Audrey has proven herself to be an enthusiastic player but not a particularly smart one.
The house is currently organizing against Audrey. Will Audrey only last two weeks?
If she’s voted out next week, she’ll have no one to blame but herself.
No way will CBS let Audrey go so soon, I will be shocked if they do.
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Thank you Lisa, insightful analysis as always. Will be glad to see Jace go, and really see what Austin is made of as a player. I highly doubt production will let Audrey go…we all know how that is, with Grodner.
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I will be happy to see Jace go. He makes me nervous and I don’t even live in the house!! My next pick would be Jason. He reminds me of a mixture of Frankie and Ian. If Aubrey doesn’t soon realize she is playing the game wrong, she will at least be nominated! Whether CBS allows her to go is the question! Look how long we had to suffer with Frankie last year! 🙁 At this point, I have no favorites! Let’s thin out the houseguests and see who rises to the top. Nite all! See you after tomorrow’s show. 🙂
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Correction: Audrey! 🙂 Darn spell check! 🙁
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Meg is the one who makes me nervous. She’s just a bit too much of bubbly. wish she’d tone it down a bit. seriously makes me nervous watching her. Jason also is a little too much over the top also. Right now the person I could imagine winning it is James.
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Hi all,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I figure since A. G. has been the puppet master for 17 seasons, it’s not gonna stop now. I’m sure she will have a hand in how Audrey stays in the game. Maybe not winning, but sticking around for a while ( for ratings) if you know what I mean . lol lol
Here’s to you all
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I have a favorite and it’s Becky. You probably wonder why and i can’t really explain it but i just feel it especially reading about things she’s been through. I think she’s so in the back ground she may be forgotten. I hope she comes out eventually though and plays hard.
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Backdooring someone doesn’t always work. I have a feeling Jace will be here for another week. I hope I’m wrong though.
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I’m curious, how would BB17 go if production wasn’t constantly leading the HGs in their actions & decisions. The show is so executed to run under their direction. It would be fun to have a season where all decisions were made by the HGs.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Have you been able to tell when Liz/Julie are on screen? Easy to tell when they speak.
Any chance if Jace is eliminated Thursday that Julie says to him there is a twist and he may be re-entering the house?
Seems there has been more drama for a 1st week than in any previous seasons.
Looking forward to tonight’s episode.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hard to tell since they always mess w production and cast lots of actors like Megan and other hopeful wannabe actors
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I love your posts! Am relatively new to BB… Going on my 3rd year. Almost stopped last year but I enjoyed reading your updates and everyone’s posts! Thanks for all you do!
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Being I live in North Carolina, the ‘rednecks’ need to stay with each other. That’s why I hope James will win this GAME!
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Happy Canada Day to all the canucklehead BB fans! 😉
I was on hols last week but caught the aired episodes On Demand and have BBAD ready to record tonight. Summer has officially begun!
I watched the three aired shows back to back and I kept thinking Jace looked a lot like Hayden from last year, but there is no way he can be part of the twin twist, there are too many pictures of Hayden and Nicole out there.
I havent seen any live feeds or After Dark, so my twins guess is going strictly on the episodes already aired. Twins run on both sides of my family, but not identicals. So I am thinking that the twins cant have any outstanding characteristics or mannerisms. I figured I would try to guess a male and a female. For Male Twin I am wavering between John or Steve. Steve may have more unique idiosnycracies, so I am going to have to put John in the lead.
Female Twin my gut went straight to Meg, I am going to be watching her very carefully.
If any one hasnt seen the most recent BBCanada, season 3, it was a thrill right from the get go. I am hoping this year BB can up the ampe and finally make it fun to watch again. No more Frankie! No more Jesse! No more Brachel! No more weeks and weeks of the same person on slop or on the block!
I am on graves for the next five days, have to get some sleep but will be looking forward to reading all the BB fans! 😉
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Hi Jadeangel, welcome! PRHinNC, I live in NC also. I am also for James winning! Looking forward to tonight’s show. Really looking forward to tomorrow’s! 🙂
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I want Jace to go. He had me rooting for him for a bit – but when he berated Steve like he did – forget about it, the bully. I know he wouldnt have said half of the things he said if someone else was in the room!
And Audrey – she is a bully as well – but wishful thinking on getting her out anytime soon.
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Hello Jolee! Thanks for the welcome! BCMarie, I think the twins are Liz/Julia her sister
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New Post! http://www.big-brother-blog.com/big-brother-17/big-brother-17-are-we-all/
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See y’all on the new blog! 🙂
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The person I think is obnoxious is John, the dentist. Does he make any sense at all?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I sure wouldn’t go to him for dental work.
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