Hi, everyone!
Well, it is was a long, long night. The veto comp took forever. Apparently, it was a face morphing contest, which means that each player was timed and it depended on who got the shortest time. Both Julia and Meg were playing in the veto and since those two aren’t exactly the sharpest HGs in the history of the game, I’m going to assume that they’re the ones who are responsible for the veto literally taking forever.
But anyway, the results are now in and…
Vanessa is probably going to keep the nominations the same, though you can never be totally sure with her. It’s probably going to depend on who she’s the most angry with before the veto meeting is held. Right now, she is suddenly very angry with Steve. For reasons that I’m still trying to figure out, she no longer trusts Steve. As well, Steve said that he didn’t want to be a pawn this week so now Austin and the twins are convinced that he can’t be trusted.
(How many times have Austin and the twins volunteered to be a pawn? Expecting someone to be okay with being nominated is stupid.)
Also, Meg apparently broke down crying after she lost the veto. So, again, Austin and the twins are wondering whether or not they can trust her. With the way this season is going — and considering how fragile Austin’s precious little feelings appear to be — that could always lead to Meg getting backdoored.
But probably not!
This could all change but, as of right now, it looks like Steve is the new target and that he’ll probably be sent to jury on Thursday. Of course, as soon as he’s voted out, he’ll have a chance to get back into the game.
Lisa Marie
You reap what you sow.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vanessa is earning a win in BB17.
I wish she would do it while not demonizing all of her fellow schmucks.
The saga continues…. this will be interesting….
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OMG…I am so BORED with these weirdos!!!!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What has happened to BB??? I cannot figure it out…it used to be so
Awsome…Fighting in the house….people with guts and minds of their own
Not afraid to play the RIGHT WAY…Last couple of seasons stinks..i keep tuneing
In thinking this is going to be a good season…back like it use to be…
But NO!!!! I think they cant find good houseguests any more…Where are they?darn it
I still say they are all too young no diversity in ages.. When they said the old lady in the house is Shelli 33 i knew we had a prob.soooo disappointed ?
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I am so ready for BB to be over. This has been the worst season ever – time for BB to go with American Idol and call it quits.
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Go Vanessa! She is playing the game..using each person as a pawn in a chess game.stratagizing each next step they might take. I think she also looks at each player ad a deck of cards! She is brilliant.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The only thing that upsets me she does not really need the money but that’s the way it goes..
Sad players the rest of them..
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I still expect Johnny Mac to be the one to get the boot. Things change on a dime but they seem to keep gunning for him for some reason – although he’s never shown himself to be a threat to the almighty three (being Austin, Liz & Julia). I really don’t mind Julia near as much as Liz. Vanessa definitely seems to pull everyone’s strings and it’s so ironic that she bases her “who should go reasoning” on not only who she’s suddenly distrusting or feeling threatened by but also how truthful she says they are.. Well Van … DUH! you’ve been lying to EVERYONE by not admitting your a professional poker player who has
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------already won millions of dollars and needs the money less than anyone else in there & apparently are just trying to maintain your millionaire lifestyle. Wish someone would wise up and get rid of her! Tired watching her orchestrate every nomination and eviction.
Still pulling for Johnny Mac – even though I don’t really want to see Steve go either just yet. And how is Meg a threat? lol. Cripe. she’s nice to EVERYONE and never made a move against anyone throughout the entire game because she never has the power. Vanessa is SO paranoid!
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I can’t seem to find where Vanessa lashed into Steve. Is in the highlights (in live feeds?) if so , what is the title .? is it the one that says “Steve doesn’t want to talk”? wanting to see what went down and can’t find it.
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Vanessa comes off like a female version of Donald Trump. Non-stop pitching the deal (her deal, of course) ad nauseam to one naive (stupid ass) schmuck after another.
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I swear, if it comes down to the Austwins being the final 3, I’m done.
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Well said Vicky! Bring back the old BB that we all loved!
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Vanessa is playing like a poker player which she is. She really does not need half a million dollars. I don’t feel for the other side of the house. They haven’t won that many competitions. However, I will vote for John to win the favorite houseguest money since I assume everyone likes him. John will be sent to jury this Thursday.
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Sick of these folks sitting on their butts. Are they all anemic or have tapeworms? Jeez go jog or swim or something.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I know everyone hates Austin but he does have a nice behind lol. I like a big man and he is a big man. Not crazy about his face, he could Def use a different head lol.
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Cathy, lol! I would like to see that cute behind leave through the front door! 🙂
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I agree this season has been a big YAWN!!! 🙂
Be back after the show! Having “California Hot Dogs” for dinner tonight! Yum! 🙂
Later! 😎
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Vanessa is a big B itch. She needs to go. If Austin and the twins are the final three, guess who is going to backdoor that weirdo. Or if Johnny Mac is in the final three….he will win. He will get back doored and comeback to the house. Yay..
Meg and James are going. I really like Meg. Johnny and Meg would be the final two if these maroons would play the game right. Talking about (Maroons…………Austin, Liz and Julia)
Thats it for now. I really don’t feel like watching tonight. I can’t stand looking at Vanessa and her pout, that rag on her head and her constant talking like she thinks everyone loves her. YUK YUK YUK
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Vanessa is currently performing another BS scripted two puppet, dumb and dumber, show. This Big Brother is shaping up to be a case study how the rich will always get richer and the dumb just keep getting dumber.
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I can’t even want to watch the feeds. And as for BBAD, I can’t stand watching them play stupid games (bowling etc.). I thought I had a chance of game talk last night but noooooooo, Nothing, instead.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This morning I checked who won the power of veto and whaddaknow, Vanessa. I can’t even feel bad for Meg anymore. If she loses James–well that’s what you get. Those stupid ninnies went against Becky and now Vanessa will be there to the end.
I haven’t checked in today but I would imagine she would probably like to have James put up in lieu of Steve because Austin has grown close to him recently. But if she sticks with JohnyMac (I say “she” because all games are controlled by her one way or another) I’ll be sorry to lose a lot of the entertainment factor.
Austin plays this game like a preteen little girl–scared of Vanessa. We saw him grovel when she put him up and now with some power he’s again handed it over to her again.
I ‘ll enjoy watching their faces when they find out she’s a millionaire. I hope BB never again lets someone very wealthy play the game for the challenge of it.
That self centered “b” couldn’t have had enough mercy to let poor little Jason stick in 1 more week to make jury and thereby collecting a much larger check from BB.
She obviously is very good at the manipulation needed to get ahead in this game but it just pisses me off that the winning money could have made a world of difference to most any one of the other players (a couple of which I really like).
Sorry to ramble on. It is what it is.
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Sorry but it doesn’t say anywhere that Vanessa can’t play because she gas money already
Dr Will didn’t need the money either when he won
Also lying is OK here I find it weird that I have to defend her now but the others aren’t playing and Meg and Johnny are just floaters
Be mad at the ones laying low not the ones thing to play
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Trying play is what I meant
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A lot of u think Vanessa is REALLY rich. She’s not. I would be surprised if net worth over 2 million and I doubt that. Granted that’s a lot of money for most but not retirement money at her age by any means. While she has won over 4 million in poker tournaments Uncle Sam gets about 40% of that. Additionally poker tourney figures include buy ins so that is deceiving. Add travel expenses and monies she has lost in tournaments which I would estimate over 1 million and cash games where it is common knowledge in poker community she is overall loser at the end of day that 4.5 million everyone knows about is very misleading. I wouldn’t be surprised if net worth under 1.5 million. I would bet on it. Yes I know still a lot of money to most but the way some on this blog perceive she has stupid money. Wrong. Only stupid she has are opponents in BB.
But like most all on this blog believes this season sucks!!
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Having to take stomach meds to get through this season. Thank goodness for fast forward buttons when Vanessa speed talks, the twins repeat stupid phrases ad nauseum and slurp and smack while yelling in their Fran Dresher voices-ah. Glad it’s almost over. Bye JM, I had high hopes for ya. Thanks everyone and LM for your input.
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Vanessa is such a pain!!! That rag on her head must stink..and why does she pout 24/7?? She’s ugly..this iz the worse season EVER!!! I’m NOT watching it anymore. I read here to see what’s up. Thank you Lisa
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Still, I know how April feels. So what about the rules. You don’t have to be smarter than a rock to play either but there they are. I feel like we’re all standing outside staring at rocks to see if any move. I WANT TO SEE this group of players on Survivor! That would bring more entertainment.
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I have no doubt but what Vanessa felt a P.T. Barnum rush coming on after just the first day in the house with 15 suckers lined up ready for the show to begin. Even Danny Glover can’t compete with Vanessa’s controlled outbreaks of crying followed by laughing at, not with, her captive audience. JUST TOO EASY
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@Herbie..to me..two million is rich.
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Tende. Understand. It is to lot of people. I know people that would think they living in sustenance if they had only 2 million. Ridiculous yes. But true
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tendr! I would pay to see that! 🙂
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Later! 😎
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Tendr. Could u imagine meg on survivor? That be as ridiculous as a giraffe in high heels. But would love to see this group on it too. There would be fatalities as most just weak
Heck only Becky Shelly clay n Austin would survive All others could die!!!
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It is amazing how Vanessa claims to have protected everybody in the house at one point or another and yet, six got sent home and three to the jury at the latest count. ADT she is not, obviously.
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@Bobo……Happy Birthday!!! I hope you are enjoying it wherever you are!!! ♥
Van and Steve playing chess and talking. He is cowering back to avoid her wrath and possibl;e eviction. the LIE he told(which wasn’t a lie at all!!) was taht he ahd heard she was supposed to be the BD this week! He apologizes and says he was being a shithead……like a kid…sorry Mom!!…..and she accepts. But it was TRUE!!! Van just hears what she wants to hear. She may be smart and playing the game, but she is the tue definition of a narcissist!
So now for some reason, she is mad at Meg and saying she can go F*** herself and is going home this week!! Meg and James have a side deal with Austin and moreoever, Austin LIKES them! SHE is not the HOH this week!!! But she still thinks she has control over the entire house! Unfortunately and sadly, that is too often true!!
I guess before Steve ate humble pie, he was slated to go over JM(thus the lie to say he lied about!!lol) NOW she is on a warpath over Meg!!!!! It’s non-ending! Looks at her crosswise and you are dead in the BBpool!!!
Someone else I was talking to said she is like an abusive husband. Everyone walks on eggshells around her afraid to even speak or they will acquire her wrath!!! I agree, she is the on;y person playing hard, altho Steve is in his own groveling way and I think Austin could have if he hadn’t fallen in LUST with liz!! Steve was saying that they had to remember taht this year is full of recruits. He said….Do you know how many times JM has SEEN BB??? then he got bleeped!! I take it under 5 times would be close.lol
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Zingbots zing for JM……..ZIngbot to JMac “Five out of five dentist agree that only thing less attractive than your laugh is… your back hair. Zing”
Zing for the twins……..Julia’s zing: “Liz you are least intelligent, least attractive, and least interesting twin…oh wait, that’s Julia.”
Van is saying now that getting Meg out would be best because she has no shot at coming back. Aus says that James would go crazy in there about her because he feels for her what Aus feels for Liz!!! they joke around like siblings but I knew he has a thing for her! But Aus said the twins would have to flip because they want to keep her.
In other words, no matter what we hear, we won’t really know until Thurs’ vote who the hell is going home!! lol
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Why don’t they ever show them competing for food and who is the have not anymore? I think CBS renewed the BB contract for a few more seasons. They should show it twice a year and see how many viewers tune in. Fire the casting crew and get some new people in CBS. Don’t tell the houseguests what you are going to do to them. What happened to Expect the Unexpected. What a joke Julie Chen. This season a complete YAWN and can’t wait for it to be over. Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest will probably be in the final three. At this point I don’t want anyone to win no one deserves it unless Shelli comes back and how are they going to decide who comes back? They should of never told the houseguests someone is coming back. They should keep everything a secret.
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Only 22 minutes until the yawns begin! 🙂
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Later! 😎
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Why is Austin such a chicken shit? Can’t he play the game for himself and put up the evictions he wants…..
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Maybe if they stop “recruiting” people and start just going off the millions of applications they get, it would be better. Idk at this point. I am sick of the people who have no minds of their own.
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If Van, Oustin, Lisa, Julie are in final four. Do you think Vanessa can win the Game.??? I think Herby might have given us great insight to Van wealth look like to me she lives above her income. Everything on payment. Some day all could be lost.
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they all are afraid of vanessa. it’s pathetic! they phrase of the season, “blood on the hands”. STRIGHTEN THE HAT ON YOUR HEAD VANESSA! YOU LOOK SO STUPID!
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I am in the S.F. Bay Area ~ it looks like they’re not showing BB tonight (pre-empted by football)….waaaah! Anyone else having this problem?
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@C’est Moi
I hear you and blame production putting a poker player w idiots
Also they should have split the twins a long time ago
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I miss that big old round key box on the big old lazy susan that each HG got told one by one “___, you are safe” until it was down to the 2 nominees… and how the big round table got smaller and smaller as HGs were evicted.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I think Meg is “nice” but absolutely worthless, she doesn’t even pretend to look like she is trying and I wish her lazy, dumb arse was voted out before Jace. I wish Austin had been voted out right after Jace, the “entitled cool kids”. I’m looking forward to HOH Comp this Thursday and let whomever wins BB17 earn it.
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Dang now Vanessa can’t be backdoored. I had decided that was Austin best move was to call in Steve and JM and make a deal with them but Vanessa messed that theory up.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------OK I still go with James is the biggest threat but Austin has decided he likes him, crap. I like James but he is good and he is going to evict one of the Austwins I can just feel it coming. They can drag Meg all the way to the end. She is never going to win anything lol. She is Victoria. Yeah Austin really needs to keeps both JM and Steve and backdoor James b/c Steve and JM will gun for Vanessa and that will…..”keep the blood of his hands”lol.
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Well, that was a wasted hour! It’s a good thing I had my knitting and my Kindle to keep me from dozing off! 🙂 Well, I am off to bed. Goodnight everyone. Have a great week.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Later! 😎
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Star, in case you come on later, I missed you tonight! 🙂
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Why would you want to backdoor Meg? She is the one everybody should want to sit next to in the end. Even if Van didn’t win the veto, Austin would have never put her up as a replacement. He comes off strong in the show(thanks to editing and production) but we all know he has absolutely no clue how to play this game and more importantly, he has no balls.
The only players who had a clue(took way to long though) were Becky and JMac. One went home last week and the other is going home on Thursday. If you can’t be manipulated by Van you’re as sure as gone. If Austin did have a clue, he would keep Jmac to go after Van. Steve is easily controlled by Van so keeping Steve is a huge mistake for his game. But as long as all you’re worried about is Liz becoming your GF and announcing it on BBAD in a horribly contrived scenario, you already lost before the game even started.
I’ve always thought JMac has played a better game than most have given him credit for, but he has a problem with performing under pressure. All the comps he has won have been comps where he was already safe or didn’t need to win. All the comps where he needed to win or would have benefited him greatly(like the last few HOHs) he has lost. That’s what separates the great players from the not so great players, winning comps when you have to.
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Laughing..guess the remaining survivors could become cannibals. Or have a cemetery.
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@Herbie…post above
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I’ve hated other BB shows but this has been the most boring I can think of…. nite all…i’m going to make bracelets and watch TV…. with my dog.
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I don’t see Meg as Victoria; I think she’s more like Jordan. And we know how that worked out. There are 2 ways to win this game….with amazing game play that the jury just can’t ignore or with a great personality…friend to all!! Personally I’d rather see Vanessa win in that case but I do think Meg could have a chance.
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I’m catching up on BBAD & I’m actually uncomfortable for Austin (I know, I can’t believe it myself) . He’s asking Liz to be his girlfriend and although she eventually agreed, she laughed & made him suffer her intimidation. Rule #1 if I ever decide to go on BB, “NO SHOWMANCE”! Beside that fact that it could be embarrassing, get in the way of serious gameplay not to mention, my husband probably wouldn’t approve. Let’s face it though….I’ll never have the nerve to go on the show. I’d be too sensitive to comments like “would ya check out her thighs in that unitard”!!
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I’m peddling fast to catch up from taking a break!!
@JoanD – #67 previous post…Thanks for your comment about Vanessa/JMac/gynocologist…I guess I’m not losing my marbles after all!! LOL!! I too don’t want James or Meg to go, at least not yet anyway. Now Vanessa is off on a wild tangent to possibly get Meg out!! Listen to what she said today:
1:00 -1:31PM BBT: Vanessa goes to Austin and Liz and tells them her conversation with Johnny Mac and how Meg is the mastermind that tried to get her backdoored last week. Liz drops her mouth open like she was in….
1:31 – 2:00PM BBT: Vanessa goes to the HoH room to talk to Julia about her talk with Johnny Mac and how Meg tried getting her backdoored last week, and made her the target this week.
Vanessa calls Meg a hyprocrit and says she is a manipulator
Can you believe that!!!??? Meg…a mastermind???!!!! Not even!!! But we all know Vanessa is THE most paranoid and now delusional player of this season, perhaps of all seasons!! It’s pretty obvious who her next target is and her MO for snaring Meg in her web. GRRR!!
@April – Totally agree especially about Austin. Well said!!
@Herbie – BE SURPRISED!!!LOL!! Vanessa is listed on Celebrity Net Worth and estimated to have $4million. I know others feel that wealth should not exclude one from playing on BB but I strongly disagree!! Dr. Will obviously earns a nice income but I’m sure he did not and does not have 4mil.
@ BobovnVet – Happy Belated Birthday Wishes to a fellow Leo!!
@My2Cents – Yes, yes, and yes…especially about Austin!!
@Star – Love your passion, you go girl!! (#28)
During the CBS show tonight Liz says that she and Austin have only cuddled. HA!!! I call BS on that!!! In addition to what they have been doing under the covers I read where 2 nights ago she slipped her hand in his shorts!!! Question of timing but she still is a scumy little slut of a liar!!! And Austin is a great big fat cheater!! Coming into the house he admitted to having a girlfriend and that they have an “open” relationship which in my opinion is no relationship at all. If he cheats once he’ll do it again!! Liz is setting herself up for pain if she moves forward in a relationship with him and deserves what she gets. These young girls are so stupid!!! I’d like to slap some sense into them!!!
POV ceremony today…I wonder, is the fickle Black Widow going to use the POV??? G’nite all!! …Or G’morning!!
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One last thing…
I hope Jmac stays, Becky or Jackie come back, join the Goblins and they all go after Austin’s Angles (more like devils). I can dream…
Derrick was a smooth operator and I didn’t like his style of play but in the end I finally came around and supported his win and really respected that he is law enforcement and a good family man. I can’t and won’t ever EVER say the same for a bisexual millionaire poker player. Bleh!
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@Junksies- I’ve been reading over the comments from the last few days and I’ve got to say, you crack me up!! We are so on the same wavelength. You referenced the Villages in Florida….are you from Florida by any chance…like me?
I’ve said it before but I will say again… I think if they didn’t know what was coming… they would have to play more strategically. Take away unfair advantages, like siblings, relatives…no recruits, etc. They’ve kept some stupid things, like have nots and slop and gotten rid of some fun things, like food comps. OK, that’s it for now. Love the blog.
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I can’t get over how delusional the houseguests are. The twins think they are “hot.” I beg to differ but even if they were “hot”, their personalities make them ugly. Austin and the twins think the audience loves them. I would love to be a fly on the wall when they start reading blogs and see how opposite things really are. The houseguests think the audience are enjoying watching them play potball or bowling night after night after night. WRONG! I’m still rooting for Johnny Mac and James.
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I just wanted to clear some thing up the twins are hot .hot, hot ,hot.and sergeant that worked on Liz breast. My hat off..
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Unlike the build up to last week s Veto Ceremony for Big Brother 17 there wasn t any shouting or anger, but we did have some tears as this week s nominees learned of their fate. The top.
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