Hi, y’all!
I have some good news to share but first, I’m going to recap the bad news.
Last night, Jason was voted out of the house. The house decided to keep Becky around. Since Jason was the only one who ever bothered to clean, the house is going to become even more of a pigsty now that he’s been voted out.
Liz really showed her true colors during his goodbye message to Jason. Seriously, her whole attitude was disgusting and her comments were petty and personally hurtful. It’s one thing to say that someone’s a bad player or that they had to go for strategic reasons. It’s another thing to attack someone personally like Liz did. I may be incorrect but I actually thought I heard some people in the audience gasp when Liz told Jason to go back to his mother’s basement.
(What’s sad is that Liz is so clueless that she probably doesn’t realize how she came across. She probably thinks that America loves her.)
Julia then entered the house. Julie Chen really dragged this out, acting as if everyone didn’t already know about Julia. Sorry, Big Brother, but the Twin Twist has never really been that interesting.
Anyway, this led to the HoH competition, which was an endurance comp in which the houseguests had to stand on a plank while cold water was dumped on them and fake eagles swooped down and hit them.
As usual, Steve fell first. Steve throws every competition. That’s as close to a strategy as Steve has ever gotten.
Austin fell next and he was followed by Meg and Julia.
And then, for a while, nobody fell. Liz spent the entire time up there complaining about how hard the competition was. (Shut up, Liz.) Shelli and Clay were, for some reason, allowed to stand right next to each other so they could give one another encouragement. (They really should have been separated.) Becky — well, Becky was just kinda there. James started to hum “ommmm.” Jackie looked extremely determined to win, probably because she knew Shelli was targeting her for eviction. And finally, Johnny Mac, the superstar dentist, showed a surprising determination. After spending the last few weeks coasting by on likability, John seemed to be determined to win HoH last night.
Anyway, as the hour passed, the HGs started to fall. Jackie, Clay, and Becky all hit the ground. Soon, only James, Johnny, and Shelli were left. The three of them started to make deals. After making sure that he would be safe regardless of who won, John jumped to the ground.
Finally, Shelli and James made a deal and guess what? Shelli totally sold out Vanessa! Shelli got James to agree not to backdoor her or Clay. However, she also told James that he could nominate both of them as pawns, if he wanted to backdoor someone else. James agreed. Shelli jumped off.
James is the first solo HoH!
(That’s right — the so-called fan favorite Battle of the Block is no more.)
As soon as James was up in the HoH room, he started to make plans. Since he knows that Shelli lied about her part in getting Jason put up as a replacement nominee, James does not feel any obligation to honor the promise he made to her. James’s original plan was to nominate Steve and Austin and backdoor Shelli.
Unfortunately, James made the mistake of telling this plan to Becky. Becky ran off and told Clay and Shelli. Shelli, understandably upset, told Vanessa that she was prepared to tell James about Austin’s role in targeting Jason in the hopes that James would switch targets to Austin. Vanessa talked her out of it and Clay said that he would talk to James and get James to swear on his daughter that he wouldn’t backdoor Shelli.
However, that may not be necessary because James has changed his mind. Apparently, during the night, he realized that his plan was way too complicated. Instead, he’s just going to nominate Clay and Shelli for eviction and not backdoor anyone. That way, regardless of what happens, one of them will go home.
(Personally, I think that’s a smart plan. The thing with breaking up showmances is that it doesn’t matter who goes, just as long as one of them does.)
Anyway, the nomination ceremony is later today so we’ll see if James follows through with his plan!
Lisa Marie
P.S. By the way, Austin is currently having a sad because Liz wanted to spend all night hanging out with her sister and not with him. WHAT A LOSER!
dod Liz find out about Austin saying crap about Julia?
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Becky apparently needs to have another train hit her to knock some sense back into her head. Shelli and Clay will never share any true info with her. Never!
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I agree with everything you said about Liz. I also agreed with all of the above, just had to say a little about that LIZ. she is a piece of art. James final plan was mine last night. Go James and I hope only one win Pov will be with james and gang.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GO JAMES
thanks Lisa you saved big brother for me because this Shelli and Clay was getting on my last nerves. I will watch a little bit.
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Austin is a bully
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------what is going on with steve
seems like he is scare to play the game
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I do not like Liz at all!! I am so upset over Jason going home! I just hope that James doesnt waste this HOH on getting rid of someone other than those that NEED to go!! Shelli, Clay, Vanessa and Austin! For a professional poker player, she is not a smart player!
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I ,am getting a little frustrated with Clay and Shelli…if we are going to have a showmance then hop to it…i’m not seeing a lot of affection on either side…and if James had any brains he should put them both up and let them experience some of their own pain and discomfort…it’s been an easy and painless 5 weeks for those 2…as goofy as Johnny Mac is I would not mind seeing him win the whole ball of wax…
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I call out JIZ as Mean Girls!
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Why doesn’t someone spill the beans that Vanessa is a professional poker player? She looks old for her age. Take off that stupid hat and all that makeup. She doesn’t know how to relax, all that smoke from playing at the poker games has gone to her skin. I like Shellie and Clay at least Clay is eye candy compared to Austin. Who knows what can happen from now until next Thur. Look what happened last week when we thought Austin was going home. Can’t wait for double eviction. Becky is such a BORE and the 2 Valley girls Liz and Julia have the most irritating voices. Watch Steve win the entire season for not doing anything just like Ethan did.
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Great blog Lisa! I am hoping James will stick with his plan to put up Clay and Shelli! Maybe next week could be a double eviction?? Except, doesn’t Julie usually give us notice when one is coming up?? I would love to see the triple threat (Clay, Shelli and Vanessa) go, and maybe Austin before them. I don’t even want to see him anymore! He creeps me out!!! 😳
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------See you all later! …. 😎
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Austin is a creep – it was so gross watching him hang all over Liz and then trying to kiss her. Yuck!
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Well is done thing going to happen soon???
Yay !
The Johnny montage last night about his Dentist Practice ? really????
So annoying
Julie we don’t care
By the way I think Julie is fine pretending she is not wanted to do this anymore
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Her husband making her ?
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I meant she done pretending ….
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Hope James does put up Shelli and Clay ..I can’t stand either of them. They bith act like they are entitled and expect everyone else to do their dirty work . Becky just wants the pretty popular kids to like her. I’m really disappointed in Steve ..I expected him to be a better player. JohnnyMac is my favorite ..I hope he wins!
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I hope James sticks to his plan. As for Steve, I expect to see him on the news one day. He is crazy. There is no words for Becky xxxxx her out. Vanessa, I can stand her. Austin is stupid. Her follows the chick around like a little pup.
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Maybe…maybe baby James will just do it and play the game! Yah!!
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Thank you Lisa for your write up! I can’t stand the twins!!! ? Anyway I hope James shakes up the house! TGIF all………. …………………
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Okay that did not work!!!
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I called the twins out as Mean Girls also, no reason to act like that. Go James finally someone playing with some sense! Johnny Mac for all the marbles!!
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Speaks for itself….Yippeee!!!!
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I kind of like the Johnny Mac montage. It made me realize that he probably is playing the game and this is just an act with the Cookie Monster voice. I hope it’s Shellie/Clay or the twins in the hot seat. Come on James!
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I am SO looking forward to seeing the six sense all nervous and curious to see how quickly they turn on each other. I think we just may see the demise of the sixth sense and the rise of the six senseless!
James just might be my new BB HERO!
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DORIS, like the name six senseless 🙂
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Clay & Shelli UP! Let the rejoice begin.
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OHHHHH MMMMYYYLANNTAAAA!!! PLEASE James..get this party started or I’m done!!!! I’ll watch the last episode!!! Time to Bruce Lee all these spineless losers!!!
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SHELLI & CLAY on block.
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Please James. Don’t let Shellie and Clay change your initial decision! Get one of them out!
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WOW. Action has kicked in! finally! I agree that I’d have much rather seen Austin go than
Jason who actually needed the money! Austin doesn’t even care!
Becky I wasn’t crazy about from day one. Just not much personality. and now she’s become
a spy for Clay and Shelli?? what IS this? the “help Clay or Shelli win the game” show???
I would just LOVE for Clay and Shelli to BOTH be on the block with no chance of another person going up and one of them having to go. That would be WONDROUS! simply because yes, they act “entitled” and act like how DARE anyone not do what works best for THEM!
Shelli also goes overboard trying to act so nicey nicey and concerned about e veryone but most of it – if not ALL of it seems put on. because it’s usually preceded by her telling someone she needs to suck up for some reason or convince someone she wasn’t behind them going on the block or getting voted out and it’s starting to nauseate me.
Well as much as we can all dream that Shelli and Clay both go up and STAY up on the block, we all know how quickly things can all change so not gonna get my hopes up.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and still didn’t figure out how you put a picture up on here! I don’t see anyplace you would click on to add one.
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I just read on Facebook that James put Clay and Shelli in the block! Let the fun begin! 🙂 yay!!! This could get exciting!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------See y’all later!! …… 😎
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It’s a shame that James is a Clemson Tiger fan, have three daughters that graduated from in-state rival South Carolina (USC) Gamecocks. Please note, James almost never curses, can’t say that for the other HG. Now, James needs to change the school he roots for!
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Think I might get the feeds tonight and watch the drama.
I like James’ strategy…keeping it simple, no pawns no complicated schemes that can go wrong. Just 2 power players up and one will go home. I luv it!!!!
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I love it too!!!! 😉
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I am very disappointed in the Twins. Liz showed her true colors when Jason was evicted. I was rooting for them both to come into the house, now I want them gone. I would love to see John win the whole thing. I liked the back story they had on him. I would like to see Austin, Shelli and Clay go. It doesn’t matter in which order.
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James has a good plan. Don’t care, make the decisions, let the house do its’ damage.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Then lean back, hear them all out, and do your damnedest. Make sure you introduce the majority, your interest and then say that the majority speaks, and to keep yourself as free of blood, to save your self next week, then pray the other houseguests hear what you are saying, and not what they think they can guide you to….
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There are 3 rats in the house – Steve, Becky and hate to say it but JMac too. And I wish that Meg would stop talking so much to the other side. The Outsiders should just socialize and not talk any game at all to the other side of the house, otherwise they are going to screw up James’ plan. Vanessa has a “plan” yet to be revealed but she scares me.
Missing Star 🙁
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Thanks, Lisa Marie… you are the best! I knew James won, but did not know the order they fell off. Now, thanks to you, I do. I agree about Liz remarks to Jason. Not too classy. But consider this… Jason is pretty snarky and has made some pretty hurtful remarks about people in the house in his DR sessions. Who knows what he may have said to her in the house privately. That being said… I LOVE THE TWINS! I really like Vanessa and hope she goes far. I think Shelli is one of the most beautiful women to be on BB, but I like that James put her and Clay on the block. I hope whoever wins POV does not use it and Clay goes home. I don’t dislike Clay, but would rather watch Shelli.
Has anyone seen my pal Phillip? I am sure he is lurking under an alias somewhere here.
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I agree with Junksies… James keeping it simple. Will be nice to have a week with no backdoor schemes.
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@ Ted
Phillip who?
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You’re right on about Shelli, she is a looker, just like every “interior designer” I’ve ever met skiing in Utah and Colorado usually a “guest” of a Texas millionaire traveling with the Dallas Ski Club.
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oh my goodness yes, Liz was mean and rude in her “Goodbye” to Jason but Jason let her (and everyone else on the mean team) have it
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------***SPOILER*** (?) maybe someone mentioned already that KenDoll and Barbie Doll are nominated
James should let Becky know her betrayal/snitching on his plans = she’s Backdoored if the veto is used. James needs to isolate each HG and demand safety if he keeps them safe… they’ll be gunning for him next week. I hope James studied Evil Dick for BB survival skills. James just ask each HG who he should backdoor and let the backstabbing begin
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Great remarks everyone! Hey, where is Star?? She was having computer problems yesterday. Hopefully they are fixed! Miss our shining Star!! ??
Later! 😎
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Ted, I want to like the Twins, I just didn’t like Liz snarky remake. I am one of the few people that likes Vanessa.
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@KevInDenver – What a brilliant idea regarding Becky betrayal equals BD. That kind of threat would keep anybody in line and should be used frequently!!! Love it!!! I hope he finds out soon and stops talking when she is around.
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Shelli and clay up – yes, there is a santa!
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James has turned into my favorite player!
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I like the twins and Liz’s remark doesn’t change my mind because I believe it was staged by Big Brother writers,she just didn’t deliver it to wellI can’t believe how the house has changed since last week this is great, and I have new respect for James keeping it so simple.
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Copy/pasted from a blog……………..confirming Mama Shelli’s entitled mentality….
Shelli wants BB to make a twist for her to be the first person in jury. Steve says, they did it in BB Canada. We see FotH.
The feeds come back. Shelli wants to put a request in with the DR to ask if they will start jury a week early for her. Steve tells them that he doesn’t see it happening, but it could.
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Love these nominations. Do any of the house guests actually know Vanessa is a millionaire professional poker player?
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Austin is pathetic, who hangs (feels) on some chick at any chance he gets and still is clueless she’s grossed out?? Which isn’t too convincing because she actually let’s him, she’s totally egging him on otherwise she wouldn’t even go near that bed!! I would be so embarrassed if she was my daughter!! James is pretty bold, I think he’s going to go for it and put up Clelly!! Steve is definitely missing a few cards in his deck. Liz thinks it’s the “Liz show” for real!!
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Liz is pathetic. Remember most of these house guests have to go. They are all flying high right now but there are two winners. A $50,000 winner and the top dog. Liz is really a POS what she said about Jason when he left was uncalled for. Who is James really targeting this week? I really like Shelli and Clay. Shellie was considerate when she was HOH and now everyone is turning on her and seems to forgive Austin and all his lies. Watch Steve, Meg or Becky win in the finale who can’t win crap. When is the Veto going to be played?
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Happy Saturday everyone! I wonder if Shelli has stopped crying yet! I would feel sorry for her if she hadn’t been so cold hearted about her role in the eviction of other HG’s. I originally wanted Clay to go before Shelli, but with her self entitlement attitude, I hope she is voted out … before jury house! My first option was for Austin to go before the jury house is open because of the way he mauls Liz, but now I’m not feeling too sorry for Liz! If she doesn’t like Austin, how can she so blatantly flirt with him let alone get in bed with him. I was hoping once Julia entered the house, they would stick with each other and avoid Austin. Being a twin myself, I would have formed a barrier between my sister and that obnoxious man! That’s my opinion anyway! The bond between twins can only be known if you are one. Now, that said, I am really looking forward to next week’s eviction and seeing the Clay/Shelli bromance ended. I know all of us have been waiting for someone to start thinking for themselves in this game, and I think James’ move will put a fire under some of the HG’s that have been letting themselves be bullied into voting with the house! I think the sleeping giant just may be waking up! We can only hope! Maybe this summer won’t be a disappointment after all. And, if it is, we always have our blog buddies to help us through! 😉
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well, gotta get my Saturday chores done! Later! …. 😎
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Lost my blog info for awhile and am just now catching up. I watched BBAD last night and
had to stop and walk away for a period. Austin was making me physically ill.
So much was confusing to me as to whom is really for or against Clay and Shelli. They tell them one thing then crucify them as soon as they leave. It’s one thing to hear someone out that you plan to vote out and even agree to help them. It’s something else to pretend loyal support and lay it on thick about how loyal you are and how strong your support is for them. I know lying is part of the game, but sometimes I think it goes too far. Especially if you have been saved by the party or parties you are backstabbing.
Austin wake up! Liz isn’t going to be there for you when you need her. She will let you go and probably make some snarky remark when you leave to purposely break your heart.
Liz has gone to the bottom rung of my ladder of respect. Her remarks about Jason were
low class and mean spirited. There is no reason to be that ugly to a departing guest. It
serves no purpose. Then she is so two-faced and mean in her remarks of others when
talking to Austin. How he could become so enamored with someone like that says a lot about his lack of relationship skills with the opposite sex. It is painful to watch his puppy
dog addiction to her when she is blatantly uninterested in him. However, she is a coniving
female and has played him for the fool for weeks now. I think they call someone like her
a loser tease. She is going to have a big shock when she finds out how America sees her
after the show closes. Jason, your revenge against her hatefulness is coming!!!
I think I heard Clay tell Austin he would do whatever it took to save Shelli, even it meant
winning the veto and saving her. It is apparent the house wants Shelli to be the one evicted,
but it’s only Sat. and things can change in a nanoseceond. They could both be going if it’s
a double eviction.
I can hardly wait to see what Van’s secret plan is going to be. I can’t figure out for whom she is pulling her support. She’s keeping her cards close to her vest.
I am not too crazy about any of the cast this season, except for Johnny Mac. He is the
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------biggest threat to everyone’s game and no one seems to realize this. I hope he wins the
whole thing.
Isn’t it about time for another twist?
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@ Lisa – regarding Shelli and Clay being on the wall side by side….I was on twitter and a former HG, I can’t remember who at the moment, said the HG’s basically are free to pick their spot on the wall. Stupid, huh?
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Sherry, I got a request from you in my e-mail to send you this blog. I tried to send it, but since the e-mail only showed your first and last name, not your e-mail address, it wouldn’t go through. I am glad to see you made it back on! 🙂
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I can’t believe all the trash talk about Liz over that comment she made Big Brother from the beginning has been pushing the fact that Jason lives in his mother’s basement and has a grocery clerk job. and we all know that Jason was trying to get Liz out of the house so why shouldn’t she be glad he’s gone.he was even asked. why he was gossiping so much about them.
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ooooh noooooowah
o my gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasha
please stooopah
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macy, lol ! 😉
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Hey everyone…I’m BAAAACCCKkkkkkkk!!!!! lol
The POV Comp started about 30 mins ago….about 2PM BBT.
Players are….James, Clay , Shelli, Van, Becky and Jackie.
Hosting: Julia
As to my sudden disappearance…a guy moved in next door Thursday and had ATT up to put in service. Well, the idiot did something to eh lines and shut our internet off!!! We have had multiple repairmen up, spoken to no avail to INDIA to their misnomered HELP service and were all set to go change Internet Providers , when they finally got it fixed today. Almost 3 days with no Internet!!! Can you imagine?? We kept getting lied to and blown off. I am so mad about the customer service, or lack of, anymore I can’t tell you!! And of course, the best of BB was going on the whole time! I did get on Thurs nite by my cell but it is too hard for me to do anything on a 3×2 screen plus my cell kept dying, so I just gave up!!! It is going to take me a while to catch up so i don’t want to day anything else right now in case I am just repeating. It feels great to be back. It has been a very stressful week with this thing and our entire condo has been being painted and you have men peering in your windows everyday with no where to escape until they go home!!lol So I am glad to be back and able to vent out some of my stress!!! Should be an interesting Veto. One of Clelli is going HOME this week!!!!! WOOHOO!!
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Also, James has said that if one of them comes down, he will just put liz up as renom. That way she for sure has the votes to stay with Julia, Aus, Meg and jackie. I guess it was Megs’s idea!!! Wait..Meg had an idea????!! lol Amazing! I knew she was a smart girl. She just needed jason t go home long enough for her to stop giggling all the time. I swear, my gaydar never went that crazy with him, and he and Meg were so cute together, I was almost hoping ……… but as mad as I was originally that he got evicted, I think it may have been a good thing for the other members of his side as NO one was playing at ALL! Now I think they are awake from their jason nap and realize the have to get thier butts in gear!!!
The one thing I did keep hearing tho last nite was that Shelli may be the one to stay no matter what! UGH! I’d much rather it was Clay!! But he said if he won POV he was going to use it to save her. And he was begging the other to do so too. The thing is, they all know how evil she is. She’s definitely the head of the Serpent! So I’m not so sure they would go along with that altho I think they all told Clay they would. No sense getting into a useless confrontation before POV.
James and Van were talking before the comp and he told her she needed to take it and not let Shlay get it! He isn’t messng around here! It’s about time..an HOH with GUTS!!! How refreshing!!lol
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@Invisible Boy!! Agree!! lol James won the very 1st HOH of the summer and now has won the 1st solo HOH. When the chips are down , the boy steps up! It’s just when he had too much down time and starts getting nasty verbally about women I don’t care for him. But as a player, he’s aces!
@Junksies………..AYFKM????? OMG that girl has her nerve!!!!!! For one thing you confirmed what I thot, that this week was NOT jury yet. But now I am hoping against hope that that B*tch goes home for sure!!!! WTH does she think she is??? I so wouldn’t want to know her in RL!! But now I want her to rot in BB obscurity forever!! GRRRRR!! BTW….what is FotH????
@Jolee……totally agree with your comment #52. And I didn’;t think about you watcvhing this season from a twin POV. You will have to enlighten us along the way if you grt any inside feelings on how the twins are feeling or will react to something!! 😉
@sherry….looks like I wasn’t the only one AWOL!! lol BTW…it ,mght help you not to lose us again if you scroll up to the top of the page on the right and sign up for the blog. even if you have before, if you aren’t getting it should reset you. Or ask LM to help.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Loved your post. As usual, we are of like minds! I too was getting confused last night especially with the twins. Liz was up in HOH telling James she knew that Slay were throwing her and Julia under the bus and telling him to put them up and that they would vote anyway he wanted them too!! A few mins later, she’s down telling Clay that they are on their side and that the Sixth Sense lives!! Also today the twins told Van she was their *Everything*???!! What does that even mean??? Obviously, there is no alliance that can be trusted. It’s everyone for themselves and the lying is rampant. NOW we’re talking!!lol
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@STAR!!!! Welcome back!!! You have been missed!!! I don’t know exactly what the letters FotH stand for, but in general BB interrupts the live feed so we can’t hear by going to fish. That part of the site is down right now so I can’t confirm but I will the first chance I get.
So you went to INDIA too (like me) huh? LOL!!! Much of the time was spent saying…”what?….could you repeat that?…I didn’t understand that, say it again.” Tech support centers are in India, ACER computer in Brazil (last time I checked), heck, even Macy’s customer service just the other day is located in the Philippines. I’m not an Occupy Wall Street person, but corporate greed has outsourced American jobs off shore and it disgusts me. Sorry for meandering off topic for a second.
Glad you are back. Just hanging out waiting for POV to end. BTW…I got on the live feeds…OMG!!! my data usage is going down the drain faster than I ever imagined!!!
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Clay won a trip for 2 somewhere. BRB.
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SPOILER ALERT ********************
James won POV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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POV results..
Van got handcuffed to ..not sure yet.
Becky won $5000.
Info still coming in.
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@junksise….Hey girl!! Good to be back! ya..i feel your pain now…lol And don’t be sorry. I ahve been ranting about US jobs and horrible customer service in this country for ever…but even more so the last few days!!
So you got the LFs, eh?? Looks like I am going to he to move faster now!!lol Altho i DID beast you with POV results by two mins!!!lol
Ok…Clay is going to Ireland on his trip. And I heard Shelli say he better be taking HER!!
Shelli has to d0 a *Knight* routine 2400 times. NO idea what that means yet~!
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@Star – Yup, you beat me…I was too busy composing my (sort of) love letter to ya. LOL!!!
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Awww…….thanks Junksies!! Luh you too!! *blush* lol
Clay is now BEGGING Van to vote him out!!!! What an idiot!! unfortunaely, he really does have feelings for Shelli, but she is just using him!!!!! I SO want her voted out this week! Come on Clay, play the game!!! You guys aren’t even going to be in Jury together, no matter waht! It’s OVAH, baby boy! Deal!!!!! lol
And John is in the hammock room crying!! HUH????
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Correction on earlier report…Shelli has to do a KNIFE routine..makes more sense…lol Every 1o times she has to ring a bell. Still confusing.
Ok ya’ll(just kidding…I’m from Mich..lol)need to go for awhile. I’ll BBL. Hold down the fort for me Junksies!!!! 😉
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Well hello Star! So glad you’re back where you belong!! (From “Hello Dolly”) 🙂 You got right back in the groove with some great information! As usual, we agree! I am so glad James won the POV. Eager to see how that played out. I read somewhere that Clay got real upset at the nomination ceremony! Boo boo! To bad! Shelli must have cried a bucket of tears! Poor baby! She is a good crier! Not an ugly crier! Actually she is even pretty when she cries! But, pretty is as pretty does! (An old, old saying). My mom used it on us! Another “mommism” is: “Oh the gift that God could give us, to see ourselves as other’s see us!” I think I will leave it at that! 😉
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So glad to see you back , Star! Well, I better get the dinner dishes done before t.v. starts. I am so excited that AT&T is finally providing Hallmark! Cedar Cove is one of my favorite programs. Now, if they would only get POP TV! Later! 😎
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The little mighty man James saves the day!!! This could not have played out better!!!
LOL…Vanessa and Jackie shackled together!!! I luv it!!!.
Why is John crying?
I can’t get on the feeds. Sloooowww non-existent connection!!! Heavy traffic I guess? New to the feeds so I’m guessing. GRRR!
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@Star –
@ Jolee – Keep your “mommisms” coming. I agree that Shelli is pretty, even tho a little toothy, and I also think that she and Clay really are falling for each other. She told him last night that she can’t stand to be away from him for even an hour. Clay is affectionate and loving with her and not quite as dumb a jock as some think he is. Maybe they are the next Jeff/Jordan?? But I still don’t like them, more so her.
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@Star – Okaayyyy ?? Previous was supposed to say *holding down fort*
@Jolee – I love Hello Dolly…specially the scene where she is serving him turkey dinner!!
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Junksies, I also loved Hello Dolly. I can’t remember a Barbra Streisand movie I didn’t like! 🙂 Even though I was a little hard on Shelli, I am always a sucker for a love story! Maybe Shelli shouldn’t be too upset if she is parted from Clay for a few weeks. “Absence makes the heart go fonder!” 😉
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I will check back later! 😎
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Up to date. Nothing new to add.
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I can’t wait for the next couple of shows. Seems like there was some sort of Clay/Shelli meltdown during the nomination ceremony and then of course all the boo hooing to fill buckets by Mama Shelli in the aftermath. Haven’t pieced the puzzle together yet, but it seems as tho the HG’s who didn’t play POV were allowed to drink alcohol and JMac did, to the point of drunkeness. Per another copy/paste:
5:40 PM Meg “Johnny Mac get up!” John “I’m gonna have to to pee eventually.” Meg “Can you get up?” John “Naw I’m drunk.”
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@Star – Seems as tho you were correct on both counts of Knight/Knife…it’s actually a sword and probably knight related.
…time to feed my dogs. 🙂
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It’s been a long day of packing and cataloging my doll collection for packing. Was looking forward to a break by watching BBAD. But it can be so confusing when you get in on the middle of everything going on and have no idea what happened previously. I start and everyone looks like a Shakespearian play come to life. I had to look twice to make sure I had the right channel. Have to admit the story Van made up was excellent. She has some real skill at drama,brogues, and narrating a story. She should be a writer. Impressed for
Star: So glad you’re back on top again. Thanks for the help on getting back on when you’ve
lost contact. It’s tough being an internet illiterate!! Your spoiler info is always great as
usual. I have to feel sorry for Shelli’s punishment/reward comp. 2400 times of making the
circle with the sword which is made of real metal is going to get pretty difficult before the
night is over. I’m beginning to think BB is getting a bit out of hand with their comps. It
seems like they get dirtier, messier, and more difficult every year. That knight uniform of
Jackie’s has to be pure torture to wear and is going to be a bugger to shower in! But if it mellows her cackle of a laugh, she’ll be better off.
I’m glad Becky won the $5000, as she lives in an apartment that sounds like a closet. She
must need the money.
Junksies: don’t ever worry about being off topic. You’ll always have company with me! It’s
hard to not get off topic. I, too, agree with you and Star about the out-sourcing of jobs
to foreign countries making it impossible to understand or get correct info on any equip-
ment. If they would only change the corporate tax laws, we could get their business back
to the U. S. and give some more Americans full time jobs. When they go to China they
get their business formulas and secrets stolen and end up losing long term. In fact, I’d
like to see the whole tax system overhauled and made simple enough for us to be able to
understand it without having to find a math genius/accountant to try to figure it out. Even
accountants are struggling with the system as it stands now.
Star: Why is John been crying? Is it because he’s a sad drunk?
Jolee: Thanks for the heads up. Did you get my e-mail address?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Going to call it a night. See ya tomorrow. Enjoy all of your posts!!
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Good morning all. How is Shelli doing with her punishment/reward comp? Did she
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------go all through the night doing it?
Steve was so sweet to her and so helpful. No one else while I was watching seemed to
be doing much to make things a little easier for her, except Clay offering to get her coffee
when it was too hot to drink it. But he is usually exceptionally good at being there for
her and wanting to fulfill her every need.
I know most of you won’t agree with this, but I hope it works out for the two of them. They
seem to have genuine feelings for each other and heck, I’m a romantic at heart!!!
Meg has a good heart and am glad she’s been able to stay the course. James is a good guy
at heart and a strong competitor. Didn’t know he’s a vet. That makes him many inches
taller in my opinion now. I think the ones who need the money the most (from the little
bit of info I’ve gathered on them) are Meg, Becky, James, Steve, and maybe John. It costs
a lot to start a dental practice with equipment costs and constant supply costs. But maybe
he bought a practice already established and is not in debt as one who recently graduated
from dental school and building a practice from scratch.??.
looking forward to reading your posts.
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@sherry….it’s good to be back!! 😉 i agree about teh BB punjhments. They are oing to far anymore
Shelli is still marchng on trying to finish her task. Last time I checked she had about 6 hrs left and had done about 1500 . And she kept taking breaks with Clay….too long of breaks. She complained of blisters on the bottoms of her feet. So maybe she is losing steam. That was a couple of hrs ago tho so not sure how she is doing now. I got busy and haven’t checked
I get the feeling I am on an old page too so i won’t talk much more in case no one sees this..lol.
As to John, I think he was just really drunk. He and Meg got blasted in the afternoon and both had hangovers at nite!!lol
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