Well, this is just great!
Here I was, looking forward to seeing Austin get backdoored and watching him look all shocked when he got nominated. It was going to be a fun week and making it even better would be knowing that the twins would not permanently enter the house until Austin had been evicted. Just imagine if Austin was sent home and he had to settle for hugging Julia instead of Liz.
And that could still happen but, after last night, it’s starting to look like it might not. Clay won the power of veto and apparently, he and Shelli are upset that nobody in the house seemed to be happy about it. Clay and Shelli have interpreted that to mean that there’s a secret plot to get them out of the house.
(And you know what? There really should be a secret plot to get Clay and Shelli out of the house but, for some reason, the majority of the houseguests seem to be content to just be passive sheep.)
So, Shelli and Clay — realizing that it might be a mistake to vote out someone who, though he may have told a few lies, has pretty much been an ally to both of them — went to Vanessa and argued that she should not renominate Austin.
As always seems to happen whenever Vanessa has power, she started to freak out. For the rest of the night, she, Shelli, and Clay came up with increasingly complicated plans to get rid of someone other than Austin. What’s hilarious is that Clay, Shelli, and Vanessa truly seem to believe that the other houseguests are secretly strategizing against them. For the most part, the other houseguests are a collection of sheep. All Vanessa had to do to get rid of someone is just nominate them. There’s no need to come up with any sort of elaborate cover story.
But anyway, Clay and Shelli first argued that Becky should be the target because … well, I’m not sure why. Shelli certainly does seem to be threatened by Becky, despite the fact that Becky has done next to nothing in the house.
Then, briefly, Jason was the target. Why? I’m not sure, beyond the fact that Jason always seems to be a target.
Then, somebody suggested that maybe Austin should be the target because Austin might be America’s player or might be the saboteur. Seriously, it’s amazing how paranoid these people can get over nothing.
Then, the focus shifted to Jackie and, as of right now, it seems like there’s a good chance that Vanessa will go back on her original plan to backdoor Austin and backdoor Jackie instead. And again, I’m not sure why — beyond the fact that Shelli doesn’t like her.
This is one of the things that I hate about Battle of the Block. I know that Julie Chen insisted that BoTB was a fan favorite but I’m not sure which fans she was referring to. To me, it’s absolutely ludicrous that someone could win the HoH and then still be backdoored at the veto meeting. Anyone who wins HoH should be safe for the week, regardless of who wins the BoTB.
Honestly — and I’ve said this before and I’m sure that I’ll say it again — it is time for Big Brother to change up the way they do the nominations and the veto. Because I’m getting sick of the whole backdooring strategy. It’s boring and it happens every single freaking week.
(Instead of nominating two people for eviction, nominate three. If one of those nominations is vetoed, no renoms. Instead, the HGs will just choose between the remaining nominees. Enough of this backdoor crap. And definitely no more battle of the block!)
But, anyway, back to the situation in the house. Austin has now learned that he might be a target so he was upstairs last night, crying and begging Vanessa to protect him. He told her that all he cares about is spending time with Liz and he wants to make it to the jury so that way, he won’t have to be separated from her.
Of course, mere minutes before Austin told Vanessa all that, Liz was talking about how much she hates it when Austin kisses on her.
So, right now, I have no idea who is going to be nominated on Monday. Vanessa might stick to her original strategy and nominate Austin but it’s looking more and more like it could be Jackie instead.
Lisa Marie
This has become the Shelli Show! Clay appears to have his yo yo string connected just below his belt.
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Well said Lisa I agree with every word. Why does Van let Sheli run her hoh. Austin is so dumb he does not want to win the money he just wants to make it to Jury to be with Liz who is not into him. If you are not there to win then leave. If Van back doors Jackie then I hope it comes back to bite her. I wish the other side of the house would wake up and start playing and winning other wise this season is a bust for me.
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First of all, BofTB should be done away with. Keep it simple.
Second, Vanessa should just get rid of Austin. The guy is a sleaze bag. And to put him in jury with Liz would be awful for Liz. This is a fatal attraction that must end now. As for voting for someone on the other side, no one has shown any kind of threat.
Shelli is ruling the house and I am kinda surprised at Van. If she nominates someone from other side she puts more blood on her hands than voting out Austin.
C’mon Vanessa. Your smarter than that.
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I like the 3 noms idea. I’d also like to see some gameplay that reflects intelligent thought, instead of whatever it is these hamsters are doing.
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The one thing I actually like about the two HOHs and the BOTB is that the losing HOH can possibly go home. It never seemed to pan out that way. Maybe if Jackie is put up, it will make HOHs think twice before agreeing to throw a BOTB. This could make it more interesting.
My daughter loves Austin (yes, this scares me). But, that being said, if Liz winds up in the Jury House with Austin, well, she kind of brought it on herself. She should be campaigning hardcore to Van right now to back door him!
I for one would love to see his reaction when he is nominated. It would be fun to watch!
I am just glad they are not going after Johnny or Steve! Yes, I am a sucker for the underdog.
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Get Austin out of the house before Jury. I would like to see both Twins make it into the house just as Austin is saying bye bye.
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Thanks Lisa Marie, I do agree with what you said about Austin. I really hope Van puts him on the block for eviction. I so want Austin to go, but Jackie would be ok, I guess. She kinda irritates me the way she was all of a sudden miss know it all when she was HOH. And she hasn’t got a clue that Van does not care for her. Besides I can hardly stand to hear her talk. Love my mute button!
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Austin and Liz….giving me horrible flashbacks of Caleb and Amber! I hope that they do backdoor him before jury! Go team J-Mac!
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Please, say it isn’t so!!! I can’t stomach another week of seeing Austin in any form: walking through the house, laying on the bed, looking at himself in the mirror and especially mauling Liz/Julia!!! Please get Judas out of the house!! Great post Lisa! We are of like minds! See ya later BBB’s. 🙂
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I would like to see Austin go. He’s super creepy, and that beard in a ponytail makes me want to hurl. Jackie is my second least favorite. She has no personality. All she seems to care about is her luxurious hair. I would just love to see Meg and Johnny Mac win HOH. Or Steve. Shelli running this game is ridick and Clay is her healer.
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does anyone know what it was that Austin started to tell someone about how it was supposed to be some big deal – his “Judas” thing ? they kept going to fish but maybe something was heard a some point?
Austin is creepy. But Liz flirted with him and hung out with him all cuddly on countless occasions! so yes, she brought it on herself so I don’t feel sorry for her about it.
But I DO want to see the twins both enter the house. Just not sure how it wil be with TWO of the whiniest voices I swear I’ve ever heard in my life! but aside from that I like them.
But Liz, .. cripe, if you don’t like Austin .. why flirt with him in the first place???
Queen & King Shelli and Clay are becoming annoying with their over confidence and clear controlof the house. and NOBODY seems to have even considered that they are a threat! how can that be??? those two will ride to the end the way this thing is going! Vanessa might make it to 3rd place but unfortunately the way this is going, our Johhny Mac isn’t going to make it too much further. He’s been losing comps now plus there’s been talk of getting rid of him here and there. (Shelli doesn’t think he has their back anymore .. as though that’s what his goal in the entire game should be .. helping Shelli and Clay get to the end .. OOOOOOOOOOOOK Shelli! ) And I’m truly rotting for Johnny Mac!
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LOL.. meant I”m ROOTING for Johnny Mac .. not ROTTING lol. (typo)
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Just wish van would stay with her first thought and get rid of Austin, he lied to her face and if she is such a stikler for lying then she needs to put him up or she goes back on her word about liar’s.
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Can’t read all yet but as gross as that bush is on Austin’s face, Liz should tell him..YOUR BEARD GROSSES ME OUT. Then see if he shaves it for her… if he does it shows he’ll back her UP. I don’t want him mauling her but I know once he’s gone, the twins will soon be voted out. And inwant ShellClay or Clayshell to go off into the sun set and out of bb.
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Thanks Lisa!
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I wonder how much BB paid Britney last week to say how much she loves the cast this season. She’s a good liar but not that good.
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AHAHA!! ( Evil Laugh ) I find it very amusing that Austin torments Liz..she deserves it! She’s leading him on…little c****k teaser. She cant be honest ..so deal with the torment! I LOVE IT!! Hope Austin stays..goes after smug little Vanessa and Shelli and Clay. And please continue to torment Liz! AHAHA!!
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I don’t care who goes home. Why??? At this point in the game I always care. Only person u enjoy watching is Jason. I laugh at his voice and what he says. He reminds me of a housewife from the 60’s. I can just see him with horn rimmed glasses and a cigarette hanging off the corner of his mouth talking about…..that slit down the street.
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I meant I not *u.
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Slut not *slit
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Vanessa overthinks everything. get rid of Austin, why is she going after Jackie? I think they should stop this backdoor crap and put up three nominations and only have one HOH. They don’t show them competing for food vs slop anymore. If Austin does not go home and Vanessa talks about being honest with her I hope whoever she puts up comes after her and her face breaks out all over.
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Vanessa will be making big waves this week when she back doors Austin, no make that Jackie, but wait, what about Becky since she talks with Jackie? No it has to be Jason because he lies. Or will Vanessa reveal her surprise factor at the Veto ceremony – whatever that is?
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Austin is playing the game with his small head, not with the correct head!!
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Correct me if I am wrong, as my memory’s a bit fuzzy, but wasn’t there a season a few years ago where there *was* 3 people nominated at one time? And, if one was saved, either by winning the veto, or someone using it on them, then there wasn’t a renom and one of the 2 left was the one who went homeI wish I could remember when this was, lol. It was a few years back is all I can recall.
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Thanks Lisa, and yup, that’s what I got out of last night’s BBAD – that they are rethinking the plan to backdoor Austin. I agree with all of what you wrote. Get rid of BOtB but since we are stuck with it they should leave alone the HOH who won. AND I HATE THEIR ELABORATE COVER STORIES !!!
@Astra Kelly – I agree that Liz deserves it. I hate women who use men. But I don’t agree that Austin should stay.
@Carolyn D. – I’d be happy if I never had to hear Jackie’s cackle laugh again. Stuff about her just rubs me the wrong way.
More later…
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I am sure we won’t find out anything tonight that we don’t already know, thanks to all of the delicious spoilers! It does make for a rather boring Sunday night in the BB house. Then we have to wait until Wednesday to see who gets backdoor’d even by then we will already know! So, I guess our only surprise will be the vote on Thursday. However, there has been no upset there so far! So, why are we watching???? BECAUSE WE ARE ADDICTED!!!! And because we love our BBBloggers!! 🙂 Time to fix some Chicken la Orange with Jasmine rice!! Yum! 🙂 Later
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They need to get out Jackie and Jason they both are no good and then get out Austin and Johnny Mac and Steve out I can not wait untill both twins in the house together it should be so cool I love the twins
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My hope is that Vanessa’s big surprise will be to back door Shelli at the last moment and become the house hero and finally earn some respect in the game by dethroning the Queen. Dreaming, of course. But it could happen.
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@Astra…I think I see the Jersey Girl in you coming out right there!!lol
For whatever reason, I distinctly remember hating S5. And it was the other twin twist. Coincidence? Maybe. But as I recall they had a kind of Svengali guy in that one too. I didn’t really like the twins either, but it just seemed like a creepy season and nothing ever went the way the fans wanted it too. maybe that should be a lesson to CBS.
I agree with hating the BOTB. It’s a HUGE waste of time and CBS is doing it to get more HGS on the show and to make it last longer. I have heard it is cheap to produce, and instead of starting with 12 people(wasn’t that the original number?) and getting over after Labor Day, now they keep upping the HGS and it goes to the end of Sept!! That way they don’t have to fill in with any REAL programming!!! I also am SOOO tired of the BD thing!!! Everyone is afraid to nominate the people they actually want to get rid of! So they nom pawns, who are weak and let them KNOW they are going to NOM them, and then supposedly sneak up on some unsuspecting evil player!! If that HG is so good, they know people are gunning for them! But this way, when the use them as a renom, they don’t have to listen to said person whining and campaigning as long. It like they really want to get rid of people as soon as they put them on the block. That day. But that would defeat the whole social experiment aspect of the game!! Is this making any sense?? I feel like I am talking in circles now..lol
As for the Sixth Sense group, they are way paranoid and playing TOO hard, exhausting themselves for no need….and Jason’s side is acting like they are at the Hamptons for the summer!!! It’s a study in contrasts …and very boring!!!
I am FOR the Jason side, but as a devotee of the game, I have got to repeat that altho I don’t LIKE C&S and Van I’m iffy on, at least they are playing!!! Imagine how boring it will be in the game once Austin(altho I can’t stand him) or the twins are gone!! *sigh* People bitched bout last summer cuz they didn’t like Frankie. But at least he was entertaining and Derrick was awesome to watch!! I actually really loved last year. But I think this one is going to go down there right under S5!!!
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Just woke from my nap. Thanks everyone. I want grubby Austin gone. I would love to see both Twins able to play. I think they did a good job. Got to go help Sissy with dinner
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It seems as though production went the extra mile to find a bunch of wimpy house guests for this season for two reasons. 1. The last couple of seasons got over the top ugly and “politically incorrect” that they needed to simmer it down. 2. They needed wimpy HGs for when Audrey made her big reveal! They had to make sure she was well accepted.
I wanted Audrey to get her act together. Say what you may, but she was the ONLY one who knew C&S need to be separated.
This season takes the prize for the must floaters in one household. YAWN!!
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Thanks for the summary & analysis Lisa Marie. Even when we don’t completely agree, I appreciate your thoughtfulness and reasoning.
I definitely 100% agree that Shelli & Clay are a) a massive threat to everyone else b/c they’re in a couple, and b) completely annoying. If Jason was half as good a player of Big Brother as he is a watcher of Big Brother, he’d be organizing the other floaters (Meg, JohnnyMac, Jackie, Steve, James, Becky) into an alliance to boot out Shlay & Vanessa.
It will never cease to amaze me how those in a power couple, upon hearing that others want to evict them, are immediately shocked/flabbergasted/enraged. “How could they *possibly* want to get rid of US?? Inconceivable!!!” Like, don’t you get that being in a couple automatically creates a target on your back? Why be upset about it – that’s the risk of a showmance. Just keep playing, jeez.
Like many others, at the beginning I felt like Liz sort of brought her problems with Austin on herself. But at this point, she’s in a tough spot: she clearly wanted a flirt-mance only, and he’s obviously taken it to another level with the ‘love’ talk. It seems like the situation has gotten out of her control. She can’t really ‘break up’ with him, because he would probably freak out. Also, it would be very dangerous for her game. It’s in her best interest for him to be evicted, so she can form a power couple with Julia.
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LOL @ Star….That’s mild for me. * winks *
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What is up with Austin’s blue nail polish? It adds nothing to “his look” which I am so sick of! Why does he think he looks good without wearing a shirt! Back to the nail polish, who does think he is,Evel Dick? I know Dick’ s polish was black but I just don’t get the point of either. At least Evel Dick played a heck of a game! And Austin’s game is? oh yeah his alter ego Judas and getting Liz! Is he gone yet?
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@Star – Followed your logic and it made sense to me.
Can’t add much to what has already been, most of which I agree with, so instead I will go kinda off topic and request a couple of things from you tech savvy bloggers. 1) I see you all have pictures or images on the right side of your post. Called a moniker, I think? I want to add that to mine but I don’t know how. If someone would be so kind as to instruct me I would most appreciate it!!! 2) Same thing with the emoji’s…I think I used them last year but forget how to do it. Thanks you…
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I agree with all of you! The only people playing this game are shlay and Vanessa. I love the Hamptons comparison! And Liz’s nasally valley girl voice drives me crazy but I like the twins. Why are the floaters allowing a showmance couple and now they know about the twins- will they continue to float?
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Vanessa is trying to catch Jason in a lie so she can put him on the block. Really? Is that her qualifier for putting somebody on the block. If they LIE!!! Dumb. *sigh*
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So true, Junksies!!!
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Liz likes Austin!
Someone here vhas OCD about Austin’s beard! Ugh..Who cares!
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Junksie, it is a Avatar. You will see “Add an avatar to your comments” to the right of the screen.
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I agree with all that has been said. But once the twins come in the house they will be a power couple late in the game. They may have made a pact with each other to share winnings and sway others in the jury house if a twin gets to the final two. I believe the jury house show of Austin and Liz would be more appealing than BB as it is now. Thanks LM your posts are always on the money!
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Wow! What a night of Big Brother! Remember when the HG’s were actually shocked when they were nominated? Some would be so upset they would cry and pout all week! No more surprises! We not only knew who were going to be nominated, the nominated houseguests knew also. … in fact, they offered themselves up on the block!!! How crazy is that? As much as I would love to see Austin go, I wouldn’t mind seeing Clay go just to see his reaction as well as Shelli’s! They thought they had it all figured out! Clay and Becky would win the BOTB, Jackie would be HOH and Vanessa wouldn’t get any bad blood on her little hands!! Ha! Ha! Ha! James tried so hard to throw the competition!! Good job Liz!! Tonight turned out better than I thought it would. I enjoyed watching all of the negotiating going on! There’s a slim chance we might have some excitement for a change! Where there’s life there’s hope!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This may be an unpopular opinion, but I detested last year’s Big Brother. Mainly because of Frankie! We thought Jeff was nasty, he was a saint compared to some of the things that Frankie did! (which was pretty much covered up by CBS … he should have been kicked out the back door!!) IMHO!!! Well, I just might make it to bed before midnight! Goodnight bloggers. I enjoyed all of your comments, as usual! Later! 🙂
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I do enjoy the twins..cant help myself. But, I agree Jan..they will be a formidable power couple and 1 in the jury can sway the others for her sister. How very stupid of all of them to allow them both to come in.
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Astra, we all love Twins. Smile!
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If Austin helps Liz’s game good for her. If she were a man I think the girl would still be the one being put down. Jason reminds me of a little old Jewish grandma. I know no one’s agreeing with me..I want Shelly and Clay out. The twins are entertaining…inwant them to stay.
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@ Tendr I agree w/you! LOL Jason does also remind me of a Jewish Grandmother! I also want Shelli and Clay OUT and I want the twins to stay..but for the houseguests..allowing them both in is really, really stupid beyond words. @ Jeanne…especially identical twins..people do seem to love them. Maybe it’s more of a fascination..2 people with identical DNA..but different personalities..and the twins are very cute and likeable this season. I STILL enjoy Austin tormenting Liz tho..HAHA! Hey..who knows..maybe he will grow on her and she may end up really liking him! Stranger things have happened
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@Astra. This is off topic . My twin sister and I were separated by 3000 min. for over 40 yrs. She married a Marine when he got out he took her home to the Carolinas. Left me in California. Now over 30yrs later we live together and take care of eachother.
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Please all of you in this Blog please pray that Jason does not go out the door.
He is the only one who is telling the truth about DA . Austin with his blatin lies.
Austin did say he wants Julia out so he can have Liz all to himself.
If Van keeps him I will loose any recepct for her in this game.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------All her holy than thou about someone lying and he is the biggest one in the house.
And of all things Liz voted to keep Jeff so the little twit is lying along with Judas.
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@Jeanne – Thanks re Avatar.
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Vanessa is so concerned with people lying to her yet is she not lying about her career? Just wondering.
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liz is a heartbreaker.
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Plus isn’t the point of big brother the scheming and lying?
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I kind of hope Austin doesn’t go because I’d like to see what’s going to happen when the twins are both there with Austin. Will Liz dump him once Juju’s there?
Another thing I’d like to see gone is SLOP, boring. I used to enjoying the food challenges
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Sherlock Vanessa is still interrogating everyone to find out who won the Last Laugh phone call (Da’Vonne) and who was the last vote for Jeff to stay (Liz). She’s got to be OCD!!!
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Meg: “You think if they [Austin and Liz] were in jury house they would make out.” Jason: “That’s such an eighth grade question.” Meg: “Well we are in eighth grade here.” Jason: ” I think he would try so hard but that bitch would realize crabs aint worth it.”
…just had to copy and paste…Jason is sooo funny. I hope they don’t backdoor him.
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What made it even funnier was at first I read it as CARBS instead of CRABS!!! No, I’m not dyslexic. LOL OMG…I’ve got the giggles!! Doesn’t take much to entertain me….
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@DES i agree with you. Could get exciting. and if both twins are finally ‘in’ will they be counted as two votes?
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Vanessa truly works too hard to come up with ‘reasons’ to put someone on the block that everyone in the house clearly sees through. Just make your decision. Thank heavens she doesn’t play cards like she runs her HoH!!!
From a game point, keeping Austin is the smart play. He’s a number for their side and until the other group is down by a few members it doesn’t make sense to get rid of Austin. No matter what Liz is saying about her showmance, her actions indicate otherwise and if she really doesn’t care for Austin, her actions are cruel – considering he is using the word love. Prematurely, of course, but still…
Meg is cute but I don’t know what she’s done to stay in the game. Jackie is only partially there, Jason is funny but not exactly an overachiever, John’s claim to fame is that he has been nominated as a pawn four times and James and Becky just mill around taking up space. Shelli seems to be working the hardest at keeping herself and Clay safe and Clay seems content with that. Steve? He’s Vanessa’s invisible sidekick and while I’m sure he’s smart and knows the details of the game he’s just not street smart and can’t apply his knowledge to the reality of being in the house.
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@Pat I agree 100% – Jason is hilarious, and it would break my heart to see him go. He’s the only person even remotely entertaining in the house, except maybe Meg. (I still chuckle to myself about Meg saying “Competitions Jason & I could win together: bedazzling a backpack … making a frittata … ” LOL!). He’s always the highlight of BBAD for me, since I don’t have live feeds.
Vanessa’s need to find a ‘reason’ to nominate someone borders on idiotic. Her constant witch-hunt for liars is especially hilarious since she not only lies about her job to the other houseguests, but lies as her job. Also, it’s Big Brother – lying & scheming is pretty much the point and is certainly the only way to win. Also, who cares about the Last Laugh phone call?? That’s such old news!
Vanessa’s high & mighty attitude, like it’s her prerogative to interrogate everyone in the house, would get real old real quick. I’m still baffled why no one has figured out that maybe she’s the one who should be targeted. I guess that’s not going to happen until someone besides Vanessa & Shelli figures out how to win a competition.
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Yes, Vanessa is lying about her career. She’s a pro poker player. I was thinking wouldn’t it be great if someone found out she was lying about her career, then completely berated her about it, essentially turning the tables on her and giving her a huge dose of karma?
By the way, I was surprised with Davonne being a poker dealer that she had no idea who Vanessa was. Even though she didn’t work in Vegas where Vanessa is, it still seems like she should of known who she was. She’s been a pretty successful female player over the last several years. I’ve dealt in the past as well and play once in a while. Every person in the industry, big or small, almost always know who the more popular pro players are male or female.
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SO many post today!! And I pretty much agree with and enjoyed all of them. Just so far down here to remember who said what! lol But that is what I love bout this blog. We are all serious BB fans and usually see things through the same lens. 😉
@Junksies…… not sure what it says to the right, but you need to go to Gravatar.com and establish what you want to use as your pic with them. Once you do, it will follow you to other blogs, FB, twitter…wherever you go until you change it.
Also, here is a link to the list of smileys you can make here. You can type the word or the keystrokes to make them. I am glad you asked because I was using an old page and this one had added some new ones Like this :star: !! I’m so excited…lol
I hope Jason doesn’t go to, for entertainment reasons. But….just like the people I dislike are playing the game,the people I like..aren’t!!! No one is making any sense this year. C&S should have been put up by now. They should be talking about breaking up the twins and to that end, Liz should have been up more than once and not as a pawn!! the HGS are either lazy,dumb or haven’t EVER watched BB before! They are sleepwalking thru this season and it’s putting US to sleep!!!
Speaking of the twins, I do like them but Liz is a tease! Julia said to her tonight to quit making guys all in love with you. I think it’s a hobby!!!lol That prolly was her game plan….to find a guy and get him all gaga over her and let him take her as far as possible!! I don’t get how when she is alone with austin, she tells him everything and acts like he’s her BF..IF she can’t stand him!! I don’t think she is that good an actress. And she might not be attracted to him physically, but I think she really DOES LIKE him!!!
Peace out!!! :star:
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Hmmmmmm……..looks like the NEW smileys aren’t working on here. Any idea WHY Lisa??? Maybe this is an older version of WP?? I’m bummed. Thought I’d found my siggy….lol
@Junksies…..most of the smileys DO work. Just use the simpler ones. Do you know how to make them in general?? Because that is what I usually do. Just type them like you would anyplace else.
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How can Liz say she’s not into Austin WHEN SHE WON BOTB she jumped and wrapped her legs around him. ‘Cuse me but that is very telling body language lol. I like Austn, he’s def different but what a freakin man lol! Not lovin the facial hair and he could really use a good moisturizer. But his build is hunka hunka burnin up! Nice to see a real man instead of the clay mates that are all too familiar.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Liz would have to be a idiot to want him gone, he is going to always work to keep her safe, and if she tells him to protect Julia he will do it.
Hope to see Jackie go this week.
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Well it looks like BB is heating up a little at last. I think Austin should go it looks like he is just there to have a showmance. As for Shelli and Clay PLEASE what a joke everyone know that a power couple only lasts so long before the house breaks them up. If it wasn’t for Shelli I think Clay would already be out of the house. Vanessa is a player and should follow her gut not what the house is saying. I you want to be HOH you have to Man up or Woman up as the case may be. As far as lying about what you do for a living sometimes it makes perfect sense. It sure worked for Derrick last year. I love reading the blog and agree with most everyones thoughts. Lisa Maria thank you for your post alway informative. Can’t wait for Wesnesday night.
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@Star – Thanks for info about Gravatar. CRS…can’t remember squat about how to type a smiley.
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Austin has to go because he is a liar and can’t be trusted. He will pull the same crap again, even though he is a number. Vanessa needs an anti anxiety drug to relax because she constantly changes her mind on who to put up. Please Austin go home. I don’t understand why she is targeting Jason or Jackie what did they do to her? I watch BBAD but sometimes it is hard to get all the information. Is Vanessa still trying to figure out who voted for Jeff? Wasn’t it Liz? I can’t remember. Does Liz like Austin or is she playing him like a fiddle? Jackie is annoying and doesn’t say a word, pretty girl with a nice body but nothing of substance in that head of hers. No wonder her and Jeff never went anywhere. Jason is a hoot and Meg thinks this is a frat party. Worse BB season yet. Boring. Send Austin packing. When is the POV ceremony?
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Wingnut17, yes Vanessa’s trying to see who voted to keep Jeff and also who got that special call with Kathy Griffin- I forgot the name- she thinks Jason got it. She’s hyper paranoid! Because he along with some others, aren’t playing the game, they will be picked off one by one! Why no one gets. Shlay out? No idea!! I think many are more concerned about being famous than actually playing the game
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@wingnut17 Liz was the third vote for Jeff, but nobody knows except her. I don’t think she has even revealed that to Austin. According to Joker’s, it looks like she will nominate Jason to take Clay’s place on the block. It is possible she will change her mind before today’s ceremony, but it looks like Austin is good for this week. Dammit!
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I too am very tired of King Clay and Queen Shelli. Ugh! I like Vanessa, John and Jason. I’m not sure about Becky and Meg – don’t know yet. Poor Steve seems like a lost pup, I don’t know what to make of him. Austin is ok w/ me, he’s body is AWESOME – just wish he’d cut his hair and get rid of all those tats! The twins get on my nerves, maybe it’s their voice? I just know that I’m ready for the King and Queen to get to steppin’ and I’d prefer for them to NOT make it to jury…a girl can dream.
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If Vanessa backdoors Jackie she will look like the biggest hypocrite in the house in America’s eyes when it comes to lying. She has on numerous occasions proclaimed those that lie to her die in a sense by being voted out. She flat out told Jackie no chance she would be backdoor-ed and I just don’t seeing it happening. But what do I know? I do know though every time I see her with her big black rimmed glasses on she reminds of that nose and eye-glass toy sort of thing that was around when I was a kid. I am sure most of you over 45 know the item as it was ubiquitous in the 60s and 70s. Getting back to lying I know it is part of the game and everybody does it. But Vanessa has been adamant about honesty and I just don’t see her getting Jackie booted from the game. Why many on this blog don’t like Jackie I don’t get. She seems like a nice girl. She hasn’t said a mean word about anybody that I know of and with the limited exposure she has had I just don’t get why most like to see her go. On another note I sure hope Shelli has no long term romantic/relationship aspirations with Clay. It is not going to happen and the minute the game is over they are over. Clay will be inundated with hot and younger women wanting him and unfortunately while Shelli is attractive she is not stunning and her heart will be crushed just like Judas’ will once he learns he’s been played by Liz.
My two cents totally agree how that poker dealing girl (DA) did not know Vanessa is a professional poker player. Besides Vanessa Selbst and a couple other poker girls Big Brother Vanessa is one of the top KNOWN poker gals on earth. As I mentioned before Vanessa was engaged to this guy Chad Brown I played poker with on numerous occasions. He was well liked in the poker world but unfortunately succumbed to cancer about 2 years ago. It appears shortly thereafter Vanessa had a sexual preference change of heart and now has a girlfriend.
Lastly, be nice to Jackie…I like her.
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Thanks everyone for all your comments! …………………
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Whew that’s a lot to take in. Looks like a lot of second guessing to me. I think production wants us uninformed.
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Hey Herbie, I remember those glasses from the 70’s and herbie the love bug. I used to like Vanessa and now she is all over the place. When is the POV ceremony going to be played? Jackie is just a bore and agrees with what people say and seem like if she says something she might get in trouble. She is a follower and not a leader. She probably thinks that keeping quiet will get her further in the game. I do agree that the twins voices are annoying. I was looking at Clay and Meg together sitting outside and they kinda looked like Christian Grey and Anastasia Steel from fifty shades of Gray. I don’t think Shelli and Clay will last after BB ends. She is so much smarter than that. She is probably bored. Heck, who would you hook up in the house, Steve, Clay or Judas???
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Didn’t Clay win the POV?
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Vanessa put Jason on the block as replacement.
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Nice comments everyone! I have little to add, except I want Austin gone! He creeps me out!! I hope when Julia come into the house she can convince Liz it’s not worth cuddling up to Austin and the twins will abandon him and join forces in the game.
Star, I am going to test out some of the graphics to see if they work: Here goes:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------😳 :bear: 😀 ➡ 😎 :burrito: These are supposed to be:
oops. bear. grin. arrow. cool. burrito. 🙂 🙂 Let’s see if it works! 🙂 🙂
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So, it did all except the bear and the burrito! 🙂
😳 😀 ➡ 😎 There! 🙂 🙂
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Oh, no! I just saw that Jason was put up! What’s going on??? I don’t think I can stomach Austin for one more week! Even though Jason spends most of his time in the backyard smoking like a smokestack, he is kind of interesting and not gross like Austin! Even if Austin removed all of his tattoos, his actions would still turn my stomach! (I have a weak stomach!) 🙂 🙂 😀
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Vanessa you just lost my vote. I don’t like vacillators. Make a decision and stick to it. You just got trumped with my Royal flush.
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I really hate to see Jason go. I hope he will be able to figure out a way to save himself. He is about the only one I like. They should all confront Vanessa with a thousand questions and don’t let her leave without answering every single one of them. My dream nominations for next week are: Clay and Vanessa for one HOH and Shelli and Austin for the other HOH.
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…………… Just saving my spot! …………….
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I would really like to see Austin get voted out. I can’t stand the thoughts of watching him any longer. He will freak when he sees what a dweeb he has been in the house.
I do like the three nominations idea though. I would love to see it played out.
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Shelli is doing her best Derrick routine instigating most everything and taking responsibility for nothing. So far she has been rather successful, but Liz appears to already be onto Shelli’s game play and when Julia enters the house, Liz and Julia may be the perfect tag team to dethrone Queen Shelli with or without assistance from Liz’s body guard.
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You all know how I feel so I won’t bore you with it all but once Austin goes, the twins will be voted out and if you think it’s boring now…. Vanessa is nuts. IMO
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Does she have rocks in her head? Why did she pick Jason? I don’t understand? Do you think the house will vote out Becky she is a total snooze fest. If I have to hear what she can and can not eat and if she gains 3 pounds I will lose it. I hope the house keeps Jason. They might target Austin next week. WHAT A SLEEPER!!!
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Mr Potato head..
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