And, on that note, hi, y’all!
So, listen I’m not going to get all graphic about what went on with Austin and Liz last night. In fact, if there was anything else happening in the house, I wouldn’t mention it at all. Unfortunately, there isn’t much going on in the house. Liz did not use the veto. John and Becky are still on the block. Becky appears to be the target, though that could always change between now and Thursday. Steve is wandering around muttering to himself about how he has to get James out next. Same old same old…
And then, last night — well, let’s just say that Liz and Austin entered into a new stage of their relationship, one that involves Austin’s fingers. And — unlike almost everyone on twitter, I am not judging. They’re both adults, everything was consensual, and everyone has needs. Liz has recently said that she is starting to like Austin. Some people are complaining about them fooling around while on camera but again, there are cameras all over the house and, judging from some of her comments, Liz truly does not seem to realize that she’s basically on camera 24 hours a day.
(Liz has never seen the show before and doesn’t seem to understand what “live feed” means. In other news, Liz isn’t extremely intelligent.)
With all that in mind, I still have to say, “Ewwwwwwwwwwwww! Gross!”
Seriously, Austin is so disgusting. I can barely even stand to look at him, with his unwashed hair and that ugly beard of his. I just look at him and I get the feeling that he probably reeks of body odor and axe body spray.
Seriously — BLEH!
Anyway, right now, the house is pretty much Austin and Liz’s castle. Liz did her HoH earlier and Austin told her that she needs to write about him and their relationship. Liz replied that she didn’t want to bore everyone to death. “That’s what they’re interested in!” Austin replied.
Anyway, as far as I can tell, Austin has yet to wash his fingers but he’s still been in the kitchen, sticking his hand into all the food and … no, seriously. Austin is just too disgusting to write about.
But write about him I will because Austin actually made me cheer for Steve. Earlier today, Steve was taking a selfie with Liz. Austin, of course, was standing about two feet behind them, with his arms crossed.
Austin said to Steve, “Be careful where you put your hands, boy.”
Steve replied, “I’ll put my hands where I want so you shut up.”
YAY, STEVE! Seriously, that tells you how disgusting Austin is. He makes Steve look good by comparison!
Finally, one other thing to note today: Meg was talking to James and she told him that she is so sick of Becky. Why? Because all Becky wants to do is talk game.
If there was ever a time to talk game, now is that time.
Lisa Marie
More drama….!
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Ewwww.that’s just nasty.and how can she not realize it’s so recorded?? What an idiot
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Austin is the most disgusting human being. I want to throw up every time they show him. Is Liz that desperate?
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Okay – so that is a vision I can do without. YUCK. However, WAY TO GO STEVE!!
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I am so over this season!!! I can’t believe I feel this way. I look forward to BB all year long and actually have withdrawals after the season is over. But this year, NO!!! I can’t wait till it’s over. But, I still have to watch. Crazy!!!
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Thanks for the disgusting info just as I’m ready to fix lunch! Seriously, although I don’t comment often, I really appreciate this blog and all of you guys! I keep it as “new mail” and check it throughout the day. Kudos to all of you!
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Lol Steve
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Austin, picking your nose now brings a new fragrance. Liz if the urge is that strong you can certainly self induce yourself in the shower where cameras will not see you. Well not all of you anyway…. Just saying…
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This recap is the first one that I truly thought would make me retch. If one of the twins win Big Brother may never recover.
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first post, i think i might just be over BB. i am an avid fan, but come on. Does CBS not get it? This season is the absolute worst. I know several who have already given up, I may too…
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I heard during the finger licking NO GOOD video of Liz and Austin the producers have decided to play the Rolling Stone’s Sticky Fingers in the background. Mick and Keith you made BB…congrats.
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I feel sick! Austin is so disgusting but so are the twins. I love this blog but that was a painful post to read.
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Someone needs to teach Austin what HYGENE is! He grosses me out to the point that looking at him makes me physcially ill…….
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EWWWW. Horrible visual.
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Perfectly said, Lisa Marie. I ditto that Ewwwwwww. And Meg? A cute kid but come on—-play the damn game, girl. I think about how things would have been different if she, James and Jackie would have let Becky have her rightful eviction of Vanessa. Vanessa controls everybody’s game and inadvertently controlled Becky’s too. And creepy Austin is still there because of Vanessa.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I’ve been staying away from the live feeds due to boredom. BBAD has been a total waste. I don’t tune in to watch them play stupid games or make out. (Really, Austin–it’s true). I wish DR would inform them that BBAD people tune in for strategy and backstabbing–not bowling and beer pong (or whatever you call it). I end fast forwarding through almost the whole entire show. Thank God for fast forward.
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Put a shirt on Austin; at least when he’s around food! Between that and his nasty hair and beard, he should also have to wear a hairnet! Where does Production find the people? Last year, half the house was on meds for one thing or another … the same the year before that. This year it seems nobody is on meds, but there’s no edcuse for casting Austin, based on looks alone! Geesh! He kills an appetite by entering the room!
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Queen Bee I thoroughly agree with you. I am a thru and thru BB fan having watched all of the seasons as well as watch the feeds every year and there is not one person I am really pulling for. Austin and the twins get on my last nerve and the stuff I just read from last night in the HOH room makes my stomach churn! lol Thank you Lisa for watching so I don’t have to. I have never experienced a year like this. I always have a favorite that I’m pulling for and anxiously watch the feeds to see what is happening…..not so this year! So sad… I really don’t care who wins except I hope that Austwins do not.
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Austin and Liz: Rule #1 when playing to an audience, is know your audience.
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this season maybe mylast because this BB is so disgusting and the Twin, not a word to say. BB was fun and know it just another shop to watch. Steve is still not on my good list after the nomintions, putting up jackie and meg, That was the worst move I think in BB history and talking to his self, it is a game.
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Wow Lisa U made me throw up in my mouth. He is soo GROSS. And the twins have got to go. All they do is eat, talk to loud, and why do they talk like they do. Like I can not take them. Liz then Julia. PLEASE. Leave Johnny Mac ALONE. Love him . He looks like what the F am I doing here with these A holes. Please come back Shelly. We need some brains in the house !!!
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I can see why Austin is so obsessed with liz I would bet she is the hottest female he has ever been with.and she really playing along. if it does not last, sounds like that’s okay with all of us I’m glad they made room on Big Brother for Austin for me he brings much more then Steve or Becky,
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I agree eith others. I could care little about this season. I have dvr’d BBAD but havent watched in weeks. The cast is the most boring ever. I think they are all good people and it is sad to say because of their goodness, the show is a bore.
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Does anyone else hate the way the twins talk, extending each word or putting extra vowels at the end? Makes me crazy.
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This is def. an awful season. My son got the feeds but neither of have watched since the beginning. So many of them don’t know what they are doing. Austin and Liz are awful. Sure hope Liz’s Mom is not watching her daughter and that pig, ugh
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I realize after 17 years big brother might have run its course I realize that I am in the minority but I happen to like the cast that they started with and I am glad to have gotten in there lies ,to me all of them were pleasing to look at and all have unique personalities in order for big brother to continue I think we have to look forward not backward the rear view mirror is not the place to look
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All I can say is..LOL!! This is NOT the first time the HOH room has been used for sexual activity…not by far! Whatever! This is TAME compared to other seasons where they actually did the full deed! I said..whatever..this is not a Disney Show!! So WHAT?? I actually think Austin’s IQ is significantly higher than either twin…dear God that’s sad. Those twins are annoying in their stupidity!! Hope all that stupid bites all 3 in the ass SOON!!
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No comment.
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I am in agreement with the comments about Austliz’ antics. I’ve never been in favor of
seeing sexual scenes played out in the BB house. Maybe because it is usually people I’m
not crazy about watching under normal circumstances,who do it with cameras running and recording. I think that is one reason Jeff and Jordan were so well liked….they didn’t do camera sex.
I am hoping with all my heart Vanessa doesn’t pull her usual last minute deception moves
and get them to change the target to JM. I kind of like Becky, but I like JM much more. I
think he has the fire in his belly to actually get rid of Vanessa, if he can survive this week and win HOH. A lot can happen in the next two days and a lot can go wrong with JM’s
game between now and the next comp. Although I considser BBAD the biggest waste of
time of any season, I am anxious to see the next eviction and get the results of the next
HOH. I still have hope that this season can be resuscitated and earn a little value.
I am surprised to admit I think Steve could be the big threat that’s gone under the radar
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------all season and is working hard with Vanessa to be the final two. He may be right about
bringing her to the F2 and thus increasing his chances of winning the whole thing. But
she is prepared to talk him out of the winner’s circle and insert herself. Whether anyone
will listen to her BS dialogue is another matter. But she’s worked these HGs over like
a sculptor with clay, molding them into being what she wants them to be the entire season.
JM, Becky, and Jackie may be strong enough to sway the jury, but Austin and the twins
won’t vote for Steve (at least I don’t think so). The rest are up for grabs. This is the last
scenario I want to see occur, but it may very well happen.
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Astra Kelly totally enjoyed your blog
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Thank you ?
Lisa Marie merci , Austin is so gross and yes why do the twins sound like men ?
I don’t think that Austin gets luckier than this , locked up w desperate Liz
Only reading this lovely blog cause I loved BB so trying to hang on to the past
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Not a game to meg , it’s summer vacation, and she’s the least valuable player
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@ Robert, Thanks. The sexual things that have ALWAYS gone on in BB never bother me..thats LIFE. They are all adults. Get over it
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Meg is cute, but a waste of space..she is not playing the game..the ultimate floater. Vanessa is playing..beyond doubt, but I dont like her tactics..crying, yelling..etc. I dont like her inflated view of herself. She could very well win
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Lisa Marie, After watching him constantly petting Liz I thought “what would her father think? He’s probably ready to go thru the TV!” Now if he sees what you saw last night, he might go crazy! I would! Doesn’t say much for her taste in guys for sure, not to mention her parents and family friends are watching – not classy choices she’s making and her mouth is like a sailor. I’m like you and can’t stand to watch him (Austin), he’s so gross and every time he touches her I get a sick feeling. Uuuuggghhhh he is nasty!
Thanks for the updates Lisa Marie 🙂
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Yuck, yuck, YUCK!!!! I am so glad right now that I don’t get BBAD or the Live Feeds! There is just something so disgusting about Austin that his latest “antics” are beyond gross! It really turned my stomach! Thank you Lisa for taking the bullet for us! I am so disappointed with this season of BB. I usually have a couple of people I like, but this year only Johhny comes close to winning my vote. I will just be glad when it’s over. As many of you have said before, this blog is the best of Big Brother this season. I am blessed to have several of you bloggers as Facebook friends, so I do have that to look forward to. Well gotta go. Be back after dinner.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Later! 😎
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Thanks for another good write write up my dear! ……
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It takes least in this case. I don’t believe one sec Liz is being forced. She’s no angel. She ‘could’ say nnnnnnno.
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From a real VETERAN!!!!!…………….
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So, I’m pretty sure Ross stores are nationwide, right? Ross Dress for Less, lots of clothes & such at great discount prices.
The thing about Ross is, you’re not usually going to get lucky every time you go there. Sometimes, you root around through the clothes and there’s just nothing really good. Then you find a shirt that you wouldn’t normally like and probably wouldn’t normally buy, but because you’ve looked at a bunch of crap, you think to yourself, “…. maybe I should get this? maybe it’s kinda cute?”
That’s what my friends & I call “Ross-Cute” – it’s not really a cute shirt and you shouldn’t buy it, but it’s the cutest thing you’ve seen at the store today so you’re fooled into thinking it’s worth buying. It’s not, and it’s ugly, and when you get home and are surrounded by clothes you actually like, you think, “Why did I buy this??”
Austin is the perfect example of Ross-Cute. In regular life with millions of people walking around, he’s gross and undoubtedly Liz would think he’s gross too. But, because there’s a lack of anything else interesting in the BB House, she’s thinking, “…. maybe he’s alright? maybe I actually like him?”
No, Liz! Walk away! You’re just going to end up regretting the whole thing!
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disgusting, disgusted with this season ~ i look forward to BB all year long, and can’t wait for it to come back on. this has been the worst BB i’ve ever seen. the whole cast is just gross.
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Swt all this season big brother contestants for the most part have had a positive attitude seaming to love life and grateful to be there clay even giving up all the money because of romance can’t you see anything positive and what’s happening in the house
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& there it is……lol. we all kinda knew this was gonna happen….muscle head & lydia. …cowboy dude in the shower …remember? …whats his face rubbin one out in the pool supply box. ….remembed? Soooo glad i didnt watch the feeds or BBAD last nite……so sorry yout eyes need a bleaching Lisa 🙂 & you took one for the blogosphere team.
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Pbar – YES. I for one totally agree with you about how the twins talk! .. they draw out their words and everything ends in “uh” examples: “ewwww-uh!” “Liz-uh!” or “NO-uh!”and then when they are responding to something saying the same thing at the same time in that whiney tone with “uh” on the end it’s even worse! drives me nuts. They really overdo it. They have the whiniest voices I’ve ever heard .. EVER!
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@Elizabeth: I love your analogy!
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Everyone has a right to their opinion, but I wish I could erase the thought of “Austin the Gross” from my brain! It’s a good thing I have my bottle of Tums handy! I really wish Austin would go to the DR and never come back in the house! “If wishes were horses, beggars would ride!” Another mommy-ism!! 😉
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have nothing to add! Where is my shining Star? Would like to hear your response!
I will check back ……
Later! 😎
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Robert #41 yes, i hear and see blah blah blah it’s just not exciting like other BB maybe it’s me i dunno, where is the umph at, you know ~ i used to love to read the blogs and couldn’t get enough of BB. waited for shows. It used to be fun, like Evil Dick and Jeff and Jordan. even last year ~ this year seems to be missing something.
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Thanks, Deb! Ross-Cute has saved me a lot of money over the years! 🙂
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SWT……..well said!
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and to you Robert, what rock have you lived under?
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Oh, Good Grief…
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Swt l apologize please keep posting. Your thoughts are important to us all.
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tendr, (comment #27) agree 100%. Can you imagine how Liz’s parents must feel? The BB house is full of dull people! Like I said before, Johnny is the only one I would vote for or want to have anything to do with. Thank’s for all of the great comments. I am off to bed! Nite all!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Later! 😎
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Robert, you are so right! 🙂
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kevindenver, oh c0me 0n Charlie brown
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BOBOVNVET thank you for your service and thank you for your sacrifice
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Jameshuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh… Steveshuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Besides the way van plays the game, the way the twins talk is the most annoying thing in the house. Watching them eat and gain weight isn’t pretty either.
Someone mentioned earlier how they think nobody in the house this season is on meds? Van for sure is on meds. Anyone who talks as fast and as much, not to mention being paranoid and over emotional, is definitely on something. Adderall comes to mind. Plus, Meg is on them because I guess she has a disease or disorder of some kind. Might explain some of her odd behavior as well. Or she could just not be that bright. I might go for the ladder.
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@My2Cents – Meg has rheumatoid arthritis which explains her posture and stride.
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@jollee…shout out for asking where I was earlier. It’s nice to be missed!! Busy day…never enough hours!!
LOL@Kev….I Could hear you sigh and feel your eyeroll…..;)
What else can I say about Liztin but EWWWW-UUHHHHHHHHH!!!! 😛 the not washing thing before he ate made me cringe!! How do you un-see that??LOL On an even grosser note, I just heard that they are in the HOH once again making out right now!! I can’t bring myself to turn on the LFS and i do NOT want to know ANY details!!!! YUCK!!
I just read something i didn’t know. I guess the twins were talking about keeping John as the *Mongoose*. First they want him to go after Van. THEN Austin!!!! Wait….what??? What happend to Liz saying she liked him and all the canoodling they are doing??? If she is acting, she deserves some kind of Reality Emmy!! I thought for sure either they would drag him along for F3 or that maybe he and Liz would try for F2 themselves. But I guess you can’t break up twins!! Right J&J??? lol
Steve is finally showing his gameplay. I am sure he is with Van, they have an F2, but he has this kinda sorta side thing with John, whose brain he was picking last night during the BB Chef thing. He was getting names and asking a lot of questions and I got the feeling that he would go running back to Van with all of it. On BBAD he was talking to Meg about Becky. She said that Becky felt pretty sure she was staying and he says….. Really?? That’s interesting. He’s such a mole. I can’t believe people think he’s so sweet and trustworthy!!
BTW…what is with all the girls wearing bandanas ?? It looks like gangs have taken over the BB House!!! lol
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Tonight BBAD was a real hoot, at least for me and for once I really enjoyed it. Hamsterwatch explains:
They came up with yet another evening activity, a trial: Becky was the sober judge; James was the bailiff and defendant, accused of pelting Grandma Meg with chocolates and defended by Austin; Meg was represented by Vanessa; and the others portrayed witnesses and jurors.. they found James guilty and sentenced him and his attorney to ten minutes in jail – that turned out to be the stairwell, oddly enough, which is where we came in on this episode.
Parts of it had me howling…it was really funny!!!
Vanessa has “mentioned” her professional gambling to both Austin and Meg and at first I thought it went right over their heads, but apparently not over Austin’s. He repeated it to the twins, I believe, that Van has probably won millions. Interesting…
If BB wants to improve their ratings, I would suggest they show more, LOTS more, of what goes on in the jury house. I would love to see the process of how they decide their votes.
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@junksies…I didn’t know that. She seems young to have RA. Maybe that is why she isn’t good at physical comps!
I think I did hear that Van had to go to the Dr daily to get her meds. Who would be surprised if she had ADD??? lol
It’s kind of alarming how many of the HGS are on prescription meds every year. Most of them seem to be for anxiety related things. What Does that say about young people nowadays and for the doctors for who are throwing pills at them??
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@Star – Hey you!!! Yup, Steve is showing his gameplay bigtime!!! Meg dialed it back as much as she could when she saw Steve’s reaction to the Becky thing. I don’t think he’s telling Van everything like he used to…he has wised up about her.
I would love to see JMac and James F2. That would be a tough choice for me. James’ antics and zingers keep me amused.
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@Star – Totally agree with your observation about the youngsters depending on meds. Remember when the blond racist chick (forget her name) drank fingernail polish for the alcohol content? THAT is desperation!! Vanessa’s is on something when her speed talking kicks in!!
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cos..sitting here waiting for hubby’s alarm…its raining and the crickets are coming out..there’s one in here in the living room…i hate them so much. and i’m out of bug spray.
i will prob miss the show thurs. am going to visit my parents, so far.
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@tendr – I never use bug spray in the house. Try a household cleaning spray like Mr. Clean or Clorox for kitchens…it works just as good and isn’t as toxic. The ants in the BB house would drown just as easily with Windex sprayed on them!!!
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Speaking of bug spray, I have to wonder if they fumigate the house and outside with
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------pesticides after each bunch leaves the house. There seems to be a chronic problem with
ants each season. I know the HGs are famous for lack of cleanliness and carrying food
everywhere, both in and out of the house, but it seems to be a problem that never gets solved. I think this group is neater in the kitchen than some in the past have been. They even have started an in house police watch for anyone leaving a dirty dish in the sink without washing it.
I’ve noticed JM stares at Steve when they are talking as if he’s trying to decide whether or
not Steve is being honest with him. I would think all the HGs by now would have figured
out he’s Van’s pet mole. But maybe he just can’t give up on Steve and keeps hoping he’ll
see the truth about Van before it’s too late.
JM is hysterical to watch when the twins are at their most aggravating (monopolizing every conversation around them, squealing for reasons known only to themselves, talking over each other, competing with Meg for attention, and even the rivalry between the twins that seems at an excessive high level). His eyes go from one to the other as if he is asking himself the question, “Are you people for real? Who ARE you?”
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This truly makes me sick….does Liz realize this is now on the internet and that everything is being recorded at ALL TIMES and once on the internet, it will NEVER come off…her parents are watching for gods sake!! And, Austin…he knows they are being recorded, he just thinks he’s all that (or Judas is) This season is horrible and I think they really crossed a line this time by filming it…way to go Big Brother. If I wanted to watch porn, i’d go to a porn website…this is a family oriented show, and kids do watch live feeds and BB After Dark….disgusted!
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as a father of 2 gals in their 20’s I agree with all that has been said before this post…it’s not a pleasant sight to see at all…but let all agree that it takes 2 people to do this act and she is not running to the DR to say get him away from me…yes should they use much better judgment with all the camera’s around…it’s a sad situation and both of these losers can not control themselves…save it til after the show is over an get a frean’n room…AMERICA DOES NOT WANT TO SEE THIS…but I bet CBS loves it…!!!!!
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I can just only imagine what the Twins parents are thinking watching all this nastiness unfold on LIVE tv! As a parent, I WOULD MOVE~
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This season sucks! It has always been good up until now. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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What a bad year on BB!! I do like James because he does the little pranks that are funny. I wouldn’t mind James and Johnny Mac going to the F2. I guess all of the twists are over except for a HG coming back in. Yawn that is all I have to say!!!
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I guess I have one more thing to say thank goodness for the BLOG!!
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THANK”S Robert & BoBo ~ i’m happy~ now i know yall feel like i feel for the most part, we all complain sometimes ~ i just had to get that out there. We the Loyal Watchers from this blog, who have been on it for years we support and like each other.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Expecially ( spelled wrong ) we love, and thank.
Lisa Marie ( she rocks )
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Thanks you Robert! & your right swt !.. ………………………..
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Rachel tweeted last night very excited because Austin & Liz called the HOH ‘The Brenchel Room’ Not the first time nor the last. The twins also make my teeth hurt-ah. So ‘Hot’ ha ha! Last night the side view of Liz looked like a cartoon drawing of Bob Hope (Ski Slope) I did enjoy the ‘Trial’ and the ‘Cooking Comp’ the last couple of BBAD shows. Very funny!
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ok – I wasnt going to comment about liz/austin – but here goes:
They are both consenting adults in a new love – but really? With the lights on and 24 cameras watching?!
Her parents are definately not watching that. It was hard enough for me to watch for a few seconds and I’m not related.
o brother
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In my opinion, this has NEVER been a ” family show”..are you kidding me?? Sex has been happening on the show from season 2 on…cameras and all. Do you all have selective memories?? As for their parents…your little darlings are ADULTS now and you have no control over what your ADULT kids do….period. As I said before..this isn’t Disney. The parents cant stop their “kids” from going on BB..or control what they do….so go hide somewhere then if your SO ASHAMED. This behavior is not new to this season..not by far. If your so damn outraged STOP WATCHING
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thanks bbigbbob #49 love it
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Robert it just was funny, #49
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No doubt, Liz is an adult looking for a $500k payday like most house guests save possibly Meg who knows her chances of winning more than the tag along $50K are just slightly better than winning the power ball lottery.
So what is going on between Liz and Austin, beginning early on in the game and becoming more intimate, so it would seem, the farther we get into the season?
Austin for some reason I fail to grasp seems view himself as the irresistible Adonis in the the house and seems to be there more for lust than the money. That makes him the perfect mark for Liz who has been “on call” from the beginning to play along with him and do whatever a girl’s gotta do keeping up the guise to get to the prize.
It is a gamble for sure, but a “working girl” (and she is working it to the max) can’t always get her money up front. $500K at the finale would more than adequately pay for her being receptive to all manner of bodily encroachments over the course of a long hot summer.
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You’d think the two lust birds would pull the bedspread over them to try to be more private from the entire public. And I wouldn’t let a ‘child’ of mine watch the show. There’s things I do now that my kids are grown and gone that I never did when we lived together. I felt they are going to do what they see me do and not what I say.
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C’est Moi: Well said and humorous to boot.
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@Star, yes, J&J love and respect each other. We are so close. We guard eachothers’ hearts. It is usually hard for two independent women to live together, but we have been doing it for over 12 years. The fact that we were separated for over 40 years; only seeing each other every two years probably makes us appreciate each other more! When I watch Liz and Julia together, I can’t believe they have the twin gene!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As far as the activities of Van and Liz, it is utterly repulsive! Go get a private room. No one with half a brain thinks that’s okay! (My opinion!) And I thought Frankie was disgusting! This beats all. Stomachs are turning and based on most of the comments, most agree! Whew!!
Well, it’s starting to rain and my roof is leaking! Help!!! 🙁 I have been calling for help all day …. no one has responded. ) Let me go see if I need a bucket! 🙂
Later!! :cool:9
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Jolee: I think it’s marvelous that you and your sister have lived together for 12 years.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hope Jeanne is doing better. Put her in my prayers. I will add that your roof gets taken
care of quickly, as well. Good luck!
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I can see the porn industry waiting at the CBS door for Liz & Julia to walk out, they will be begging to sign them on.
I dont agreewith LM that Liz is not aware of the constant camera presence. ALL HGs would each individually be thoroughly advisedby lawyers, and I bet psychologists too, warning them of theconstant extreme permanent camera exposure.
On top ofthat, each HG would each have all theirfriends and family reminding them of it.
As well, if this house is the same as all the other previous houses, while in the house they are constantly wondering how they appear to the rest of the world.
Coming soon. . The;-)Drawl Twin Enchant the Brothers Grimm. .. produced byViper Videos 😉
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@ Jolee I have much more than half a brain, thank you…I am also not 82 years old. I have a daughter who has been an adult for some time..I understand her generation, as my generation were no angels themselves. This show is a social experiment with younger people..and lets admit..even if the houseguests were my age..( 52 )….when I was young the same things were going on..that’s right. They were. If certain individuals expect social mores from 60 years ago to be represented..really, get a grip. ( in my opinion ). If you all are so offended and outraged..switch channels. * rolls eyes* @ Cest Moi..agree with your post #79
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I like Meg and I like James. They have fun. John is a strange person that I find funny. Steve is annoying. How often do we have to hear “let me know if I’m crossing the line”. Grow up and know for yourself. Austin is gross and thinks he’s king. The twins would be so much more interesting without Austin. Becky has balls. Van is overplaying her hand. Who did I miss?
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank’s sherry! So far my ceiling in my bedroom isn’t leaking! Lowe’s is sending out a contractor tomorrow to fix the leak and my son-in-law will redo my ceiling after it dries! Thank you for your prayers! We all need them! Jeanne is feeling much better and she thanks you. 🙂
Looking forward to tonight’s show, just to see the reaction of the HG’S during POV and Veto ceremony. I am more eager to see what happens tomorrow night! I am really hoping Johnny Mc gets HOH!!! Anybody but Austin, twins or Vanessa.
Oh,by the way, in comment #82, I meant Austin and Liz, of course. Things haven’t gotten that bad …. yet! You never know what will happen in the Big Brother house!! 😉 Be back after the show!
Later! 😎
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Hey everyone!! Thanks LM!
@Elizabeth…love that!! “Ross cute”
@Star…canoodling?! Adorable word choice
@Robert…I agree with you, I’m still interested in this year’s gameplay but in defense of others’ comments, this is a rather uneventful dull year with no stand out players so far. Me, I’m half heartedly hoping for Vanessa but only because I have her 1st in a pool. #2 is JM, my favorite player.
@J&J…you are twins? I knew sisters but not twins….so nice!!
This year’s BB is like a Disney show compared to Season 9…ughhhh now that was a disgusting bunch!! This is why I always DVR BBAD…well, that & I’m sleeping 🙂 have a great night all!!
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@Astra, I am sorry if I said anything to upset you. My comments were not aimed at anyone … just stating my opinion. I’m not alone in being disgusted at the behavior of some of the houseguests. We all state our dislikes rather they are about the gameplay of the HG’s, the way the twins get on our nerves, Steve’s weird actions, etc.. Just because we don’t like some of the antics, doesn’t mean we don’t want to watch the show. I don’t get BBAD or the Live Feeds, and I am glad! This blog is the best part of this season, and I am not here to hurt anyone’s feelings, just giving my opinion. The blogging this season has been refreshing! I enjoy reading all points of view, even if I don’t agree! (I apologize for the half a brain comment – it wasn’t my intention to hurt anyone’s feelings.)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Later! 😎
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This is the season of OT. They are much more interesting than what’s going on in the BB house. *Astra, I have watched BB from conception, it’s NEVER been this gross. I love this blog because we don’t make personal attacks on other bloggers. Smile
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O yes you do!!! Astra 😆 Love all of your posts everyone & for some just stay with the show got to go BB Is on now………..
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PK………………….. 😆
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New post!!! 🙂
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no one will probably see this……….no reason to be mean to other bloggers.
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Austin is so disgusting &Liz obviously has mental illness. Austin is so unattractive,old,31 years repulsive. 23 with that foulness’ makes me so.ill. Her Family needs to have an intervention as soon as possible then bathe her in.bleach,get her tested for herpes. Austin is walking vomit& to old for Liz so foul.
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Austin is a disgusting creep!!!
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