Is it possible that Audrey is about to be backdoored? It certainly does seem like it.
As y’all already know from reading the comments, Vanessa won the power of veto this week. I had two reactions to that news. On the one hand, I don’t like Vanessa and I was not happy that she targeted Jason for eviction. (Even if Vanessa wasn’t head of household, she was largely responsible for this week’s nominations.) I would prefer that Vanessa have as little power as possible and I’m really looking forward to the day when she gets evicted from the house. (And it’ll happen sooner or later. Vanessa has the power right now but she’s not smart enough to lay low. Eventually, the house will take her out in the same way that Amanda and Frankie were taken over in the previous two seasons.) On the other hand, I was happy that John did not win the veto for a third time because I like John and I don’t want the other HGs to start viewing him as too much of a chalenge threat.
But anyway, Vanessa has the power of veto and it’s all up to her whether or not to use it. As of last night, Shelli wants Vanessa to use it so that she can nominate Audrey. Shelli is upset that Audrey has been telling people that they need to break up Shelli’s showmance with Clay. She view Audrey as being more of a threat than Jason and she wants Audrey out.
And Shelli is totally correct. The fact that Audrey has lasted this long is somewhat amazing because Audrey has done almost everything wrong. She came on too strong during the first week in the house. She formed multiple alliances with everyone. She bossed people around. She spread rumors. She cast votes that made no sense. About the only thing Audrey has going for her is that she doesn’t appear to be very good at competitions. But otherwise, Audrey has played the game like someone who wants to get voted out.
But it’s all a question of whether or not Vanessa is willing to use the veto. Last night, she indicated to Shelli that she is but is she really? Vanessa can be difficult to read and is hardly consistent. Last week, she was adamant about not nominating Audrey and even made a final two deal with her. This week, Vanessa has been talking about how much she wants Audrey out of the house.
So, how does Vanessa really feel? I guess we’ll find out on Monday, after the veto ceremony.
Lisa Marie
Thanks for the update Lisa Marie. I have been just lurking so far this year because there hasn’t been a lot to say about the houseguests. Maybe we will see more personalities as we get fewer houseguests. I hope John wins HOH and puts Shelli and Clay up together. I hope Jason stays this week. At first I didn’t like him (reminded me of a Frankie Jr.) but now seeing him on BBAD, he seems like a good guy. I hope everyone enjoys their Sunday afternoon.
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I would love to see Audrey back doored. I think Van will not last long. She is too aggressive. Nap time see you after the show. {{{HUGS}}}
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Lisa Marie, thanks so much for the updates. I really hope Vanessa uses the pov and that Audrey gets back doored. I love John and Jason and I’m sick of Audrey. How in the world is she still in the house is beyond me. Clay and Shellie get on my nerves as does Austin. Vanessa is super smart but not sure that she will make it much longer. I find that this year the paranoia in the house is crazy. I’m so excited for Monday to come to find out about the pov. Should be crazy drama from Audrey if all goes as planned. Hope everyone has a fantastic day!
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Thank you Lisa! As usual you are right on. I hope Vanessa uses the veto so Audrey can go home! I really want to see John win HOH next week. I would hope he would put up Shelli and Clay. If he has watched past BB’s he should know it is good to break up couples. I am looking forward to a double eviction soon. I’m pretty sure it won’t be next week because Julie usually gives us advanced warning, right?? Later!
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In my opinion, I disagree – I think Vanessa is extremely smart. She promised Audrey stuff, but she is only interested in being the winner of BB! She was using every excuse in the book to justify keeping Audrey because she was trying to keep Shelli on her side. Trumped up the whole fight with Jeff. Total blindside! She is devious and could take every comp if she wanted to.
In addition, Audrey has played a game we don’t understand, but she has gotten out Day and Jeff and made everyone else think they got them out! She has her sights set on Jason and he is on the block. He will go if Audrey can raise enough chaos or cry enough tears to keep herself off the block. Steve is next unless she leaves. She is aligned with the power couple in the house AND Vanessa. Totally unlike how anyone else has played, but she is accomplishing her goals one by one.
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I like Vanessa too. I hope Audrey gets booted! This season is fairly lackluster… I hope it picks up soon !!! Have a good night everyone!!!
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Vanessa has money. I am waiting for the time that she is voted out. She is a professional poker player. I don’t blame her for saying that she is a DJ.
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does anyone know if Becky and Shelli are related? They look like they could be sisters, to me! Hi all my old friend!
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You can go to youtube WPT and see Vanessa win 1/2 million dollars.
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Thx LM
JOLEE with you on the John HOH putting up Shel/Clay. AND he needs to have Clayster throw it! ha ha ha
Been outa town all wknd so just getting caught up on all of the blogs. LISA does a good job of keeping us all in the loop!
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BIG FIGHT!!! Approx 2:30pm Sunday between Clay/Audrey/Shelli and Vanessa. Audrey outed her and Van’s final 2 deal (if it was real). Was so loud that Liz and Meg in the kitchen could hear Clay shouting. Van slithered out and then told Meg to go up there to listen in on Shelli and Audrey…Meg declined!!! Morty’s has better detail than Jokers. WISH I HAD THE FEEDS!
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Like deb, have been lurking and not posting. All I can say about this season is…….BORING! Since I don’t curse now, guess the HG haven’t grown out of it yet. Might be the primary reason I like Shelli, because she doesn’t.
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Audrey is really stirring the pot now. She knows her goose is cooked so she went to James and exposed the alliance between clay/shelli/austin and van and told him to align with her to get them out !!! What desperation!!! Who knows…it could work!?! Did James REALLY not know about them? Humm… For now she keeps an otherwise boring season a little exciting.
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Macy, I had to laugh when I read that you put my Sissy jolee on the John. I don’t trust Van.
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Great comments everyone! Thank you for keeping us informed about what’s going on in the house. This is the first year we haven’t had BBAD. Unfortunately AT&T doesn’t provide POP TV. Bummer!
Later. Getting ready to watch the show!
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I just really don’t know where everybody’s heads at. It seems they all are running around headless. They’re waving their hands all around and running around in circles. It’s all sad. Just sad. What will they do? WHAT WILL THEY DO??!!
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bbigbob NOTHING!!!!
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Jeanne, BB is silly. Just silly.
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bbigbbob, you are so right! Sometimes it’s painful to watch!
Goodnight all!
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A few nights ago I think James was actually hitting on audrey. Did yall here him say something about doing something unexpected like jumping in the sack with audrey?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Who do I like this season? Not impressed with anyone really. Clay sucked the life out of this season with his obvious use eck boyish charm on Shelli. Which I find pretty typical BB and gross.
I think what I find in common with this group is no bible readers. I love the bible readers. But I have also notice a push by Hollywood in the last year of dropping any code of ethics or morality in all reality tv. So really no big surprise, just disappointment for me. Instead we have transgender, judas, and all the other signs of the times.
I find myself very bored with this group. I would be pulling of course for the Christian in the house; so far I’m not recognizing any.
And to hear the reason that no one what’s to put Audrey up just really leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I’m not for targeting audrey for that reason but to not target her for that reason is just disgusting. This world is really being taken over by a bunch of spineless idiots that cannot think for themselves. Political correctness does not belong in BB lol.
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Cathy – I tend to agree with much of what you wrote. Political correctness doesn’t belong anywhere. I think Da’Vonne had a Bible.
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Thank u Junksies
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As a viewer since the start of BB, this is the worst season yet. The people are so dull, try to find one to root for and can’t. The show is a waste of an hour. CBS uses it to advertise…go back to one head of household, the interruption aren’t funny because these people have no talent. Reading the blog, Lisa, is all I need
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DaVonne did have a Bible. I agree with you about political correctness. I believe it goes against freedom of speech. You should be able to state your opinion (in a kind and loving way) without being thought of as a bigot. I may not agree with the lifestyle of some of the HG’s, but that shouldn’t keep me from rooting for them, or be the reason for wanting them out of the house. God loves us all the same. He is no respector of people. Well, that’s my “message of the day!”
Have a great week everyone. I appreciate all of your comments. Later!
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Jolee– I’ve been called a bigot and I don’t give a rip!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If the shoe fits, wear it!
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I agree Jolie. This is a changing world. But I’m under the great wing of salvation and that means I am in the world but not comforted by the world. Love the house guests buy they just remind me of minions crossed with 3 blind mice lol. I like that guy Jason, I have to admit his speaking makes me smile. I am glad he isn’t flaming and I hope producers don’t tell him to be flaming. I don’t hate any of the guest because they haven’t really done anything to cause me to dislike them. I love that they are not voting unanimously. And Liz is showing a little game. Austen I can’t get passed he keeps referring to himself as Judas……creepy. Steve is a trip. John is also a trip. I guess maybe I’m trying to root for John, Steve, Jason or Liz at this point in the game.
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I don’t understand why the houseguests aren’t trying to get Liz/Julia out sooner rather than later. Why do some of them want to get both of them in the house? That’s just another person you will have to beat down the line. Better to get both out now in my opinion.
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re BIBLE : Clays mom asked him when he was leaving for the BB house if he had his bible and he pulled a small one out of his back pocket…………….
Read daily inspirations @
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Did I tell you I love this blog!! Free to state your feelings without being challenged! A Great group of bloggers! I also am eager to hear about the Veto ceremony!!
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Veto ceremony being held up – audrey has been in the diary room for like 2 hrs……
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Great comments by all!
With this group I don’t feel an intense like or dislike for any of them…yet. I lean a little here and there, still forming an opinion cuz some haven’t gotten equal exposure with which to form an opinion, but I do like Becky, John, Jason, James?, and Steve. The others, well the jury is still out. I want to like Vanessa and Austin. I feel sorry for Audrey. Finally Liz/Julia remind of YODA. Sorry. LOL!!!
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