Hi, everyone! Well, it’s the holidays and I don’t know about you but I’m ready to get out there and start celebrating my three day weekend! But before I do that, here’s a quick update to what is happening in the house.
First off, last night, Jace was voted out and how satisfying was it too watch him walk out the door? I’m a little bit annoyed that CBS chose not to show the amount of whining and bullying that Jace did after he was nominated. I’m especially upset that they did not share the way he treated Steven. When Steven said he was voting to evict his “good friend” Jace, he was being sarcastic and that’s something that will go over the heads of people who haven’t been reading blogs or watching the live feeds.
Also, I noticed that Austin decided to mention his wrestling alter ego, Judas. Austin obviously does not realize that he and his alter ego have been pretty much ignored by the show’s editors so far. I wonder how many people at home were confused by the Judas reference.
Audrey voted to keep Jace and evict Jackie, which was strange. Maybe Audrey is just trying to plant the seeds of paranoia in the house. It would make sense because she has to know that she’s overplayed her hand and is now running the risk of being backdoored.
We also met the twin. I was really hoping that “Liz” would win HoH because I just have a feeling that Julie would have said, “Congratulations, Julia!” and totally confused everyone in the house.
Speaking of Julie, I noticed that she’s at least making an effort to pretend like she’s paying attention to what’s going on in the house. I also found it interesting that during the HoH competition, Julie attempted to prove a running commentary like Jeff Probst does on Survivor. Of course, in Julie’s case, the commentary was usually totally off-base. At one point, Julie announced that Audrey was off to a strong lead and Audrey looked just as confused as any of us.
Anyway, Jace was voted out on a 14-1 vote and we’re all happy to see him leave. (We’re also happy that, even though Frankie Grande was sitting in the audience, Julie did not invited him up on stage.) The new two HoHs are Shelli and Becky, two players who have totally flown under the radar up to this point. Kathy Griffin has control of the house this week and her twist is that she’s going to call the house 7 times. The 7th person to answer the phone will be given the power to stop three Houseguests from voting on eviction night. To me, that sounds like an absurd amount of power to give anyone this early in the game.
Anyway, after the show, Becky nominated Jason and Steve.
Shelli nominated John and Da’Vonne.
Jason and Steve won the battle of the block. So, Shelli is now the HoH and John and Da’Vonne are the nominees but the plan is probably to backdoor Audrey.
And that’s it for now! To our American readers, have a great 4th of July! And to everyone else, have a great weekend!
Lisa Marie
Oh Lisa what a strange night. I will be glad when I get to know the players a little better. I love the show and want it to be played like it was originally meant to be played without manipulation from production. Have a wonderful safe 4th. Please keep your dogs in the house. The firework can scare them. We lost our precious Pomeranian several years ago. {{{HUGS}}}
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Nice update Lisa Marie! Have a great 4th of July!
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I’m not sure what happeneed with DA – but Shelly and Clay are gunning for her and gonna let Audrey skate by for another week. Stupid move to me because they are risking her winning HOH next week – then running the house again.
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Great update. A bit behind but will still watch it today.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Audrey bugs me- especially waking everyone up for a super, secret private pow wow. Does she think she is running things?
Love this show
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I was also confused with the way Julie was calling the plays during the competition. I have a feeling she may have been trying to motivate Audrey so she would try harder … just a thought. … I don’t trust anyone in production anymore. I want the old Big Brother back! Simply let the HG’s play the game without all of the twists that allow production to manipulate the houseguests. I am so glad I didn’t see Frankie in the audience last night. I got my fill of him last season. If he shows up in the BB house this season, I will grab my remote and ” fast forward” him off of my TV! Everyone have a great 4th and keep safe! Thank you Lisa for another great report. Have a wonderful three-day weekend! I hope Sunday’s show is a little more interesting than last Sunday’s! See you then. 🙂
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I cannot believe that they didn’t show how Jace berated Steve! There are many viewers questioning why he’s so disliked- they don’t have the feeds so don’t have a clue. Poor editing. Was Jeff in the audience too? I saw Frankie- loud and making it known he was there- just awaiting a shoutout from Julie and Kathy. Ugh.. Have an awesome weekend all!!!
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Looks like a way to control the game. .
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I liked that Julie tried to be more of ‘host’ during the HOH competition. The outcome of it, and the comparison with Probst made me consider the possibility that the commentary of Probst is dubbed in during editing.
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Great write up, Lisa!! From what I heard last night on LFS, for some reason Shelli is actually gunning for Day!! I think it is because Clay wants her out. I guess they had a tiff or something earlier and he isn;t the type to forgive and forget. Everyone is praying Day gets the POV so that Shelli is forced to put Aud up. Shelli had a long talk with John last night and asked him to throw the comp today. He agreed. People were talking abouit it afterwards saying it was obvious he had thrown it as Day was dragging him all over the place! I think Shelli would have played a much different game is she didn’t ahe her nose so far up Clays butt! That’s the problem with a showmance. You don’t think for yourself!! And apparently they were made to play at like 7:30 this morning and have all just gone back to bed. No idea why BB would make them get up so early! the comps have all been at weird times and days so far. I wonder if the POV is actually going to be Sat. as usual??
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Day was in the BR crying. She knows they want her out. I feel so bad for her and I really like her! I hope she saves herself as she has done nothing to deserve this and her teammate cheated on her! And if we got Aud out too, I wou;d be a happy camper for the summer!!! 😉
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Upset with the fact production edited out Jace’s nastiness to Steve…So glad Steve is off the block. Unfortunatly, saw Frankie several times in the audience …felt like they WANTED us to see him. * rolls eyes* I HOPE Da’vonne aka D or Day , doesnt make her nomination a race thing. She seems very tempermental..just my opinion. If she does do that, it really takes away from the game..* sigh*
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Yes Star..Day and Clay had a argument: if you go back and watch it you will see it was really blown out of proportion by Day. So I guess he doesnt like her now. I lean towards liking her, but she really has to control her temper
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I do not know why the want Day out either. If they succeed I am beginning to wonder why afro americans even try to participate. I think clay and shelly are ………..
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Hate da. Her dancing after jace voted out was very annoying. Hope her poker dealing butt is dancing out door next week. And while jace is disdained by most I think his eviction interview with Julie was all class.
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I was glad to see Jace go. I really love me Sreve. I hope the other house guests give him a chance. I liked Audrey, but she really needs to get a grip of her game! I don’t think she is a threat. She will continue to give the house guests reasons to get rid of her. I don’t love me Day. She can be a trouble makers down the road. To get THAT upset because others were wondering what she was doing, is quite dramatic!
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Da is even more annoying than Jace. So I hope she goes next. Can the girl even talk without all the hand gestures??
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Astra..I guess I didn’t see that. And judging by every ones comments, it must have been more her fault. I just thought she was pretty laid back MOST of the time and provided some comic relief in the DR. She’s not my favorite or anything. I just don’t really care for showmances and Clay was Audrey’s narc for so long I don’t trust him!!
I too like Steve. When asked if he was OK with being a pawn again, he sid NO and said he’d promise Becky 2 weks of safety if he got HOH but she wasn’t having it. I think the house thinks he is mousy and will go along with whatever they say. Something tells me the longer he is in there the less of that Steve they will see!!
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POV players:
Shelli, Clay,Steve,Meg ,Day and John
At 2:13 BBT LFs went to Jeff highlights. Veto comp??
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Yes say Jeff too and Frankie of course tried to be noticed in the audience.
Wondering if they did comp early, since its a long weekend and Hollywood people have Friday off . So would male sense that production would be at minimum crew today and tomorrow.
About the the 7th phone cal how are we going to know it’s not rigged
So over robotic Julie
Can’t wait for an Audrey melt down
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@ Star…I am new posting here, but have been reading this blog since the beginning. So I kind of “know ” you..LOL. I am also an Aqaurious, and my name means ” Star”. Dad liked it..mom not so much. Anyway, nice to actually “talk” to everyone this year. I miss Starfish, Kevin 11, Mamma Margie.. and the other old timers. Nice to see your still one of the “oldies” here Star, that’s all I wanted to say
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Thanks Lisa. Don’t have much to add this time. GO STEVE…. not easy to say since that’s my ex’s name…..(eye twitching) Have a safe holiday.
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Great write up LM!
When I saw Frankie in the audience I actually rewound because my brain was saying That guy is boucing around, he reminds me of Frankie, wait his hair, naw, it cant be, ,,, rewind rewind Play GROAN Oh NOOOOOOOO!!! it IS Frankie, muffled screams and sobs, him being almost front row centre I thought for SURE he is gonna be the emcee of the Red Carpet Prom Event.
NOTHING about the Prom Event was shown. So I am totally confused now, was the Prom just for BBAD? Or is that something that is ongoing that will be aired in more detail later? Cuz sure as shootin, if there is more to be aired later I see Frankinsense in the future.
Hated the way Julie did the Probstotic commentary. Enough with the CBS crossovers already, next we will have Drew Carey doing a segment on 60 Minutes about ISIS.
I do have to say though, I really admire the way Julie can carry garb. She must have the best dresser in the company, even still after all these years.
Hope everyone has a wonderful Safe long weekend. I will be working, but I will also be hanging out here 😉
Cheers to Democracy & Freedom!
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John won POV! Looks like Da’s DAYS are numbered!!!! 😉
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@Astra……Well HI! Now I feel like we are soul or STAR sisters!!lol I am flattered you KNOW Me so well…lol Yes, sadly alot of the others haven’t blogged here much the last couple of years and this year not really at all. I miss them too. I wasn’t going to blog myself, but BB is too much of an addiction…it must be shared or you BUST!!!lol
Thanks for the Holiday wishes BCMarie! I know you are from Canada so that was nice!! Don’t work too hard this weekend!!!
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talking about Frankie, Jason acts just like him. He acts gay…on “BB: after dark” he acts normal but put him in front of a camera. It’s all a show. Just like Frankie…..FAKE
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Audrey’s hormones are really kickin’ in……she went nuts the other nite and forgot it the next nite.
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Have a great 4th. Nothing to add. {{{HUGS}}}
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BCMarie..LOL..Julie can carry a garb! She can! Sorry, Star..didnt mean to sound weird, I only “know” you from reading this blog for so long..also miss “Justaguy’..his commentary was spot on. Very smart guy. and Kevin 11 was so funny, as was Momma Margie. I was just too scared to post for years. In a way, I feel sorry for Audrey..she’s the first Trans person and must feel pressure because of that..I know she’s been freaking out..but dont these people think about how very very public they become on this show? I’m not sure what the prom stuff is..is it important?
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Star and Astra, I am so glad you are blogging! I really enjoy your point of view. Even though this is just my third year here, I too miss some of the “veterans.” This is the best place to be to get knowledge of what’s going on with BB. I also liked Day, before she started acting up. She needs to calm down! I am so glad I didn’t see Frankie in the audience. I hope he stays in the audience and never enters the BB house. That may be wishful thinking! 🙂 I would like to see Audrey go out the door next week. She is too aggressive and tries to take over….Running up and down the stairs, getting everyone out of bed and taking them to the HOH room. James should have said something to her. James and Steve are my favorites! I would not let John near my teeth! Eager to see what happens when Kathy Griffin does her “twist!” That could definitely be a game changer. I hope all of you have a nice weekend and a safe 4th. I love America!! 🙂
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Looks like Shelli has decided to put Liz up as the renom..as a pawn. She’s not happy about it but said she would take one for the team!! Looking seriously now like Da is going home!
Austin spreading rumors that he thinks Audrey is America’s player. Well, he’s close! She’s Grodner’s player!!lol
I don’t know WHY Shelli won’t put Audrey up! Must be Clay is still in her back pocket. I am starting to not like Clay or Shelli much at all!! But as I said before, most people in showmances seem to go brain dead!!!
bbigbob….what is wrong with gay guys acting GAY??!! I think it’s entertaining! And most of the gays that have been on BB have been smarter that the average HG! And everyone on there overacts!! Especially when the cameras are on them. IE ….Evel Dick in the BY with his smoking monologues. Do you have a problem with gay people???
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@Astra…don’t feel weird or apologize! I am happy to know you and your blog made me feel good!! 😉 I think Aud is still a bit confused about how to act like a female and her male side is being overly aggressive. It’s hard enough playing in the BB house even if you are confident in who you are! And she may still be taking a crapload of hormones. You never really know what is going on with people, but on face value, I don’t like her or her game. Nothing personal. She just played too hard too fast.
JT and I used to spar to see who could get the comp info here 1st! We were all a good team and maybe they will wander back over some day. I think they just got burned out. I will give them your best as we are still all friends. And I am glad you finally felt brave enough to come OUT!!lol No one bites here. And if they do, bite back. Or ignore. It’s justa blog, after all…lol
I like James and Steve too. John creeps me out. Does he sound like Bobcat Goldwaite to anyone else when he talks???LOL I wouldn’t let him touch me OR my teeth!!! lol He can go anytime too as far as I’m concerned. He couldn’t even playact throwing the comp good enough and everyone knew he did! And I don’t think anyone back home calls him Johnny Mac!! That is a cool nickname and he is SOOO far from cool he’s on fire!! Can you say LoserMac?????lol
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Audrey is over playing and she knows it so she voted for Jace ..just as Lisa said..throw some paranoia in.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Da is D for drama..a trouble maker..not a team player. Hope she leaves.
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I really had high hopes for Austin to be a great player but it seems like he really isn’t doing much. Maybe laying low is his strategy since he is such a big guy. I am glad Jace is gone. Don’t care for Audrey just because she played too hard too fast. This season will be interesting and I absolutely LOVE the twin twist!!! Have a safe and wonderful 4 th of July weekend!!!
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Jolee, thanks for saying you enjoy my point of view..I too enjoy yours and everyone elses. I also thought Audrey running to get people and taking them upstairs was SO OBVIOUS..I mean, if I was a houseguest I would immediatly think an alliance was being formed. She really isn’t turning out to be a good player..her and Day just make drama. Day might smarten up, I doubt Audrey will. Hormones aside, I dont think Audrey is cunning enough to be the Puppet Master she wants to be
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Thank you Astra. I have really enjoyed being a part of this blog. I agree with Star that if you disagree with one of the bloggers, just pass on by. No need to comment! I think we have enough houseguests to blast! There are plenty of houseguests that I feel are playing the game really dumb! If Day would calm down and Audrey would back off some, they would have a better chance of sticking around. Jace went home because he was so loud, obnoxious, in-your-face, bully and rude! (did I cover it all?) 🙂 The only time I kinda liked Jace was after he left the house and showed his good side. Too late!! I think I’m done for tonight. Happy 4th! We have already heard fireworks in our neighborhood … and dogs barking! Keep your dog’s safe! 🙂 Nite!
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Star, I agree with you about NOT wanting John to work on your teeth, but I’m looking forward to when they interview his family back home to see what his practice is really like, (if he makes it that far).
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I also think Steve was nominated because he seems kinda smart, good speller anyway , plus I thought Austin’s Judah reference meant he was a traitor. Interesting stage name though.
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Starr, I don’t have a problem until he starts acting like a dramatic little girl. He talks like a young man off camera. And when it comes to homosexuality, I really don’t want to know his personal life.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Did you see Frankie on the front row? He was a silly, painted up like a clown. He is a grown man acting like my 5 year old granddaughter.
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I was very sad listening to Jace berat Stephen. Autistic people have trouble with looking into your eyes. Jace said many times to Stephen..Look at me.
Stephen handled it well!
Audrey has isolated herself from the others crying saying how can she defend herself…Not a smart move Audrey.
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Thanks Lisa Marie for the info!! And Star for the updates!! And everyone who blogs here!!! Does anyone know who’s on slop??? Just curious!! LOL
Have a safe Fourth of July everyone…and God bless America!!!!
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After watching BBAD I know that James, Steve, and Jason is on slop….don’t know the fourth one though!?!
I noticed Thursday night that Jeff and Jordan were in the audience. I still say that’s a wedding that should be televised (ahem…cough…CBS…..ARE YOU LISTENING!! It’s like a fairy tale and their love is so innocent and charming!!! PLEASE CONSIDER CBS!!! )
More later….XOXO to all my BB Bloggers!!!
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The four have nots are Meg, Jason, James and Steve. I love this blog!
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Da brings drama but not as much as Audrey! I saw on Twitter that they’re calling Shelli and Clay Dumb and Dumber
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Cbs needs to watch what they are doing..they always put at least one African American person in the game..but seems like they never make it thru the game..smh..Davonne isn’t that bad of a player..she will call u out and that’s what I think people are scared of..not because she talks with her hands..people are just looking for a reason to get her out..Shelli us playing Clays game and knows if she don’t pull the trigger 1st..then Davonne will get him out..I am African American and am a fan of BB..but idk if I’ll keep watching if they keep portraying Da like shes a trouble maker..that would be AUDREY!!!!!
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Hi Annie! Nice to see you on here. I enjoy your blogs. Happy 4th everyone. Have a great day. See you after tomorrow’s show! 🙂
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Da is not so bad. She did at least start out playing the game. She just needs to relax and laugh instead of getting posses off so fast. Now she has enemies.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I like Steve, he is smart.
Hubba hubba that Austin looks good. A real man.
Like the blondes. They are taking it all in and playing the game.
Not sure about James, interesting guy.
Jason Hummmmm jury is still out on him. I hope he don’t go overboard on his personal business.
Audrey I wish she could have kept her change to herself. Don’t know why Transgender feel the need too tell everyone their business. If your a girl own it and quit revisiting the grave. I’m kinda po’d at her because I hate for anyone to bully, and especially butt in and tell the HoH’s what to do.
Pet peeves floaters, bullies, people not playing their on game, people sleeping in the HoH’s room that are not the hoh. And people that are not the hoh making decisions/intruding on Hoh territory.
Not crazy about lying or betrayal but that’s part of the game.
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And what tha heck? Da being the only black person??? That kinda sucks that production did that.
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HAPPY 4th! So I was thinking that it would favor Audrey to win the telephone call – but its only for this week – so how would production try to fix this one? We know they want to keep Liz for the twin twist – sooo they would want to get out Da. sooo who are they going to have sitting by the phone? And who is that person going to pick not to vote? hmmmmm
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Macy — My prediction is the phone rings for the 7th time. BB production voice says, “Audrey, please answer the phone.” Or at least that’s what would happen if Audrey was a nominee.
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