Well, if Audrey’s Diary Room disappearance accomplished anything, it’s this. The entire house is now united in their desire to get Audrey out. As of right now, it appears that Audrey is going to be the first unanimous eviction of the season.
That the feeds keep going to fish whenever anyone mentions Audrey’s behavior would seem to indicate that either CBS or the show’s producers are nervous about what exactly happened. It’ll be interesting to see how all of this will be handled on Wednesday’s show. If they show Audrey talking about having hallucinations and was apparently hearing things, then that would mean admitting that they didn’t do a very effective psychological examination on Audrey before they sent her into the house. If they show how Audrey has behaved since being put up as a replacement nominee — i.e., turning off the lights in the HV Room, sleeping on the floor instead of in a dentist’s chair, and eating real food then that would mean admitting that a different set of rules apply to her than to everyone else.
Is Audrey really as sick as she’s claiming or is she trying to get sympathy? Or is she just pouting because, after being led to believe that she would be this season’s superstar, she is now on the verge of being voted out? To be honest, I’m undecided. I suspect that it’s probably a combination of all of the above.
But, to be honest, if Audrey is so ill — whether physically or mentally — that she can only lay on the floor in a catatonic state then why was she allowed to reenter the house? It would seem like the show’s doctors would have both an ethical and a legal obligation to pull her from the competition for both her safety and the safety of the people around her. (How many times have we seen that happen on Survivor?)
As for Audrey breaking the Have Not rules, I’ve never been a big fan of the whole Have Not thing. I am so over hearing about Big Brother slop and all of that. But, at the same time, rules are rules. And if the rules aren’t going to apply to Audrey then they shouldn’t apply to anyone. If Audrey is so ill that she can’t be a Have Not then I think you could argue that she’s so ill that she can’t play the game. And if she can’t play the game, she should be pulled from the house.
As for the rest of the house, things have been pretty mellow. Everyone knows that Audrey is going home, so everyone’s just kind of hanging out until Thursday. Every time I check the live tweets, Austin is either flirting with Liz, talking about flirting with Liz, or crying that he’s not getting to spend enough time with Liz. (Liz, meanwhile, has said on more than a few occasions that she’s only flirting back to advance her game.) If we could get rid of Austin next week, that would be great!
Here’s hoping!
Lisa Marie
Bye Bye Audrey!!!
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Thanks for the insightful update. I will honestly be glad to see Audrey go. I am beginning to think, based on your comments, that she is not that unstable but rather is pissed because she expected to be as you said “the superstar” this season. She seems like a spoiled little girl in her behaviors. I wonder what production would do if for some reason she wasn’t voted out. They have set a precedent that house guests don’t have to follow the rules if they don’t want to. Should be interesting to see how she goes out and her treatment of the other houseguests. Or even how she handles the interview.
Time will tell. Thank you Lisa.
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Thank you Lisa! I woke up this morning eager to find out what is happening in the BB house. I also have very mixed emotions about Audrey. I hesitate to say anything negative about her, but on the other hand, if this is all a “show” to get sympathy, that’s a different story. I agree that if she is really sick, CBS should be ashamed for wanting to keep her in the house under any circumstance! This situation is bringing drama big time into this boring house, but at what expense? Take her out of the house and get this poor girl some qualified help! The worst thing they can do for her is allow her to isolate herself, sleep on the floor and Heaven only knows what is going on in her mind in that isolated condition. I fear for her if she is really sick!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well, on to the Austin and Liz situation! Liz is willing to let Austin snuggle under the blankets with her just to further her game?? Ugghhh!! Does that mean that Julie is expected to “take over” where Liz left off? Double ugghhh! I really hope Austin is gone next week! A double eviction should be announced soon.
Thank you Lisa for your great report and keeping us informed. I have to say I am kind of glad I don’t have BBAD. I would be staying you way too late! 🙁 Have a great day everyone. I am eager to see how CBS edited tonight’s show. Later! 🙂
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Audrey is a Nut Case, and she’s playing Mentally Ill, in hopes she can scoot by and not go home…or her Hormones she takes, Is Mentally breaking her down. There should be NO Favorites in the House by Staff,……….or else the Game will be nothing more then a crap shoot! I’m sick of Audrey and her stunts…….and if the House protects her as they did Frankie last season, then I will stop watching…….This is inexcusable….the Moment she started Eatting, she should had been lead out of the House…Like all saids……RULES are RULES !!!
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Thanks for the post Lisa. If they told her she would be the “Super Star” it would seem like they gave her a sense of entitlement. I agree that they should have maybe done a better job of screen her. It almost sounds like she knows she is going home and who cares if I break the rules. Maybe they told her she could. I doubt we will ever know. As for Austin maybe he should have been screened better as well ;0) Can’t wai to see what happens on the show tonight.
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Austin I can’t wait when the moment surfaces and comes to fruition Liz is exploiting you and you have zero shot at your ultimate goals of getting in her pants/heart. Your poor empty heart will be shattered and remain empty. The Judas thing is getting really old and so are you. Audrey on the other hand is about annoying as they come and will be so glad to see her go. She is certainly not a role model for the tranny world and has not done a thing to enhance it. Total wacko that’s got to go. Would have been awesome had Audrey not come out and Austin found her attractive. AUSTIN AND AUDREY SITTING IN A TREE, K I S S I N G, FIRST COMES LOVE THEN COMES MARRIAGE THEN AUSTIN DISCOVERS AUDREY ACTUALLY HAS A PACKAGE. Oh, how awesome a scenario of this nature did happen.
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Great post, Lisa Marie!! I think everyone is confused as to the actual mental stability of
Audrey, but I am inclined to believe much of what she does….she does because she can.
I, too, think she was made to believe she would be the star of the season, thus the
announcement at the beginning that she was transgender. Yet none of the houseguests
made an issue of it or asked questions about it, as far as I got to view. I doubt she would
have been better accepted anywhere else. Yet she took her opportunity and threw it away
by lying and starting trouble with every HG. Then when she realized she’d gone too far
and was not going to be able to get herself out of the mess she was in…..6 hours in the
DR. I wonder if they were trying to decide how they could save her and keep her in the
game, or really getting her some medical attention? It seems rather strange they would
let her re-enter the game, if she was really all that medically and mentally fragile. There are
two things that really stand out for me: (1) She never admits she’s done anything wrong, but blames someone else and lies about it. and (2) She makes drama out of everything she does. I think this is learned behavior not mental instability. I know people with these same character flaws and are not on heavy hormonal doseages or are transgender. I think many politicians possess these same flaws.
I watched her eat an apple last night while lying in a dental chair and wrapped up like
it was the middle of winter. She seemed as contented as a pet curled up in its master’s
lap. The HGs have been bringing her meals and getting no gratitude or feedback from Audrey. BB has been exceptionally unfair to the other HGs. They have been left high and dry to deal with the situation on their own and are getting fed up with it. They are upset by how she is being allowed to break rule after rule, yet everyone else has to follow the rules.
I can’t blame them in the least. (I wonder where she got the apple? Does she prowl around the house at night stocking up on snacks to tide her over when no one is around?)
I think the HGs should quit bringing her food, asking if she needs anything, etc. Then stand back and see what she does. I even question whether or not the sleeping on the floor was just another attention stunt. She stays a lot in the dental chair. But then she has stayed in bed most of the season from the beginning.
We may never know the truth about Audrey’s mental stability, but it will be a much better
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------season when she is gone, followed by Austin.
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Herbie, that was the best post of the season so far!
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Thanks Keith.
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I’m not a fan of the Have Not thing either. And the BB slop is so stupid. That started because past houseguests cried about having to eat peanut butter for a week. Why punish these people? I think they should just drop it all together.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bye, bye Audrey.
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What is up with STEVE?? He is so boring and did you ever count how many times Jackie touches her hair? She is just like Khloe Kardashian with the hair. She is a pretty girl, but no brains in that head of hers. How can Liz even think of curling up next to Austin/Judas? He is so gross, he looks like he smells shave that hair and cut that stupid beard. Steve needs some ADHD medication because his brain never seems to shut off.. Can’t wait till Thur.
As always Lisa Marie you do a FABULOUS JOB!!! Keep it up. Have a great day.
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If she is psycho, I hope they take all the sharp objects out of the house before she gets somebody in the shower. EEEEEEk, EEEEEEK !!!!!
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let’s see…did someone say that Audrey was a dirty dingus fruit loop…this could be a great exit interview that Julie Chenbot has to do when Audrey gets voted out…assuming that she wants to be interviewed…wouldn’t it be made for TV if she leave wearing the hoodie over her head and the dark sun glass…someone said that if she self evicts she breaks her contract with cbs and gets nothing for her time in the BB House
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I’m not buying what she’s sellin….
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Tranny go home!
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i’m frustrated. i see things differently. i don’t think i’ll go into it…but not every guy with long hair stinks or is gross…..i used to buzz mine to one inch while my husbands who both have pretty hair would grow theirs out. yes i’ve been married twice. my now husband has deformed ears so i had him grow his hair out and it’s very pretty but he hates how hot it is so wears it back til winter. i’d punch anyone in the face who’d call him names over it…
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i think i will say more here…
maybe i need bbad..i wish i did. i don’t think austin is bad looking at all..i DO just because it is what i like…which he’d shave just to see his face. i do know some men look better with a beard but i think it would be funny if Liz talked him into shaving and then when he did get voted out…he’d go home to his so called girlfriend……that he says he has. i want her to ask him more about this girl and i wish we’d hear his answer…………..maybe he’s playing her? i dunno……….i like the twins and am in no hurry for them to leave…so if austin is helping them stay then let him stay.
about audrey………i’m curious what bb would do if everyone got together and did NOT vote her out.not even one vote…..would they send her home anyway or actually let her stay. i’d have to test that. clay or shelly or jackie or jason could go home instead…would be ok with me….i’m curious why audrey is still there and make bb do the dirty work and complain why everyone else has to keep the rules if they didn’t send her home…then vote her out next time if bb let her stay……………….i like becky and john. i want them to win. i feel for steve though and still like him.
i feel voting audrey out right now is the easy thing to do. yes i do want her gone. but this is like shooting fish in a barrel ………..anywho…….said my piece.
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no i didn’t read what i posted so yes there are mistakes……meh
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Was raised if one breaks the rules, you have to accept the punishment of your actions. Audrey should’ve gone two days ago!
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@ Tendr..I agree. So, because a guy has long hair and a beard he must smell?? REALLY?? He looks very clean to me..his hair looks CLEAN. So, because you have short hair and no beard you smell fine? What mentality!! Laughable!! and really..” tranny go home”? Nice to see this “social experiment” with YOUNG people….this young generation are more accepting, more compassionate..thats right..they are. Bringing Audrey food, etc..shows compassion. None of the young houseguests are saying..”tranny go home” many many times I am ashamed of my age group ( 52 ) andeven people in their 40..s…wow, some very bigoted thought from them. Get over it. I also agree, Tendr, keeping Austin in the house means he defends the twins..who I like. So I hope he stays. Thats it.
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Bruce Jenner is 65 years old now audrey is only 25 years old it might not be that easy to find a 25 year old transgender, with out problems.so let’s not blame this all on CBS.
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ty @Astra Kelly…i feel big brother should do their own dirty work and send audrey home..and LIZ should have never admitted to anyone about being a twin. IF you don’t want something repeated…you tell no one. even if they called her a liar, she should….the twins should have constantly denied it. Once Austin and his hair goes home , the twins won’t have a chance. and it will be sooooooooooooooo even more boring …the twins keep me interested.
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i told my husband who is 47 and i’m 61 so NO KID….when he came home from working his ass off….you stink since you have long hair…and being italian he can grow a beard over night..which i hate…he just laughed a really evil laugh….find me a sweeter man and i’ll eat my support hose.
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LOL..good for you Tendr! Your long hair man sounds funny and sweet. I also find the twins add alot if intrigue..keeps the boredom level down. I want them to stay and Austin and his hairy self helps that to happen. Also, amuses me that Liz is “playing” him, sort of sad too..but adds drama. I dont think Austin is ” dangerous”..really? why, because he’s big? * rolls eyes* biggness doesnt mean dangerous..please people, come on.
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Wow, they’re really dragging out tonight’s episode. Nearly halfway through and, for the most part, it’s been footage of people talking about Audrey but very little footage of Audrey herself.
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@tendr – I like long hair too. Austin says he and his girlfriend have an “open” relationship. I read in on the blogs today.
@PRHinNC – I agree 1000%. If I were the other HG’s I would stage a revolt!!! Audrey should not be there to receive special treatment!!! Audrey irks me beyond words and production coddling her even more!!!
This younger generation is more compassionate and accepting?? They are brainwashed and programmed into accepting just about anything, sadly. Hopefully they will gain wisdom as they age. I could go on and on but this isn’t the forum.
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@Astra, the bigger they are the harder they fall. You can tell he’s actually insecure..imo. I am so over Clay. and Big Brother needs to send Audrey home themselves..the only thing i would allow would be is if she had a migraine..to allow her to eat and lay in a dark room. some chelated magnesium, a cuppa coffee and a cup or two of water knocks mine out, usually. i don’t like not knowing what’s going on and you’d think the kids in the house would too..i’d protest and probably get sent home…everyone….go eat a do-nut.
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van should have used the veto on Johnny…now there’s no choice to even force bb to do the dirty work…stupid.
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I read somewhere that Audrey is actually a hermaphrodite. ???
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send Audrey home. he is a cry baby.
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Well, BB has manipulated the regular airing to make Audrey into a victim who never
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------had a chance because the entire household is against her. No mention of the many hours
in the DR or how nice everyone in the house has been to her, while she shows little or no
appreciation for all they do for her. They didn’t even show the house meeting where every-
one exchanged tidbits of information about things Audrey said that weren’t true. Not once
did they show how many rules she has broken. Perhaps they will show more tomorrow
night, but I don’t think they will.
It’s not Austin’s height or strength (which are both powerful assests for him), it’s his
temper when it comes to the twins. I think sometimes his mouth is bigger than his real
intent, but one never knows.
Being different shouldn’t give you the right to special treatment that includes breaking
the rules everyone else in the game has to follow. In the real world, if you don’t follow
the rules or try to continually play the part of the victim, you endure consequences.
Compassion is a wonderful trait, but there is difference between compassion and mani-
pulative blindness.
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why don’t they just go back to pb sandwiches instead of slop..? they did that before didn’t that or am i just being a walter mitty? it doesn’t matter if audrey was or is both sexes…i’ve seen ppl who were born looking female but with no female organs on the inside at all and the genetic code even said male though born with female organs. no one can help any of that…i am only wanting to know the reason audrey is getting special treatment because i know it could be legit…if not then big bro isn’t doing their job. and why doesn’t someone go to the d.r. and protest? anyway it’s too late…………………..i’d not date anyone who had a gf and said they had an open relationship…now THAT bother’s me about austin more than anything and oh i hate his judas thing…..other than that….he’s just a big over grown teenaged boy in a big guys body. still think liz should get him to shave and do whatever he’s dumb enough to do to have her attention..if it helps her game..there’s no gun to his head.
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I want Audrey to get some professional help.. I wanted to like Austin, he has nice eyes. But now I think he’s creepy. My favorites are Becky, John, Vanessa and the Twins. We twins have to stick together. {{{HUGS}}}
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Junksies and Sherry, I agree with your comments! However, I feel very sad when I see Audrey. She may be sorry for her choices in life. She seems like a very unhappy person. I see no joy in her life. Really sad!
Tendr, you have an awesome husband … long hair, short hair or bald, he’s a keeper! 🙂
I am really eager to see how this entire drama plays out tomorrow . Will Julie interview Audrey or will she sneak out the back door in her hoodie and dark glasses? As bad as I feel for her, I think she will be better off at home where she can get some professional help. Thank you for all of the great comments!
Bedtime for this ole lady!! 🙂 Later!
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A shout out to tendr. I love all your comments. God bless you. Bed time. Nite nite sweet dreams. {{{HUGS}}}
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P.S I didn’t think that Audrey would be happy in the Jury house. Best she go home and take care of herself. IMHO. Nite
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@tendr – Yes, in the past, the Have Not punishment was PB&J until a house guest became extremely ill because of blood sugar issues and therefore production switched to Slop because it is more nutritionally balanced.
I wanted to root for Austin but his delusional and possessive behavior of Liz is not good, plus all of what he has shared regarding dishonest behavior while on the job speaks to the kind of person he is. He is emotional, by his own admission. I think he has anger management issues. IMO.
Much of the time during BBAD I am listening more than watching, especially if it is only general chit chat, however, tonight I looked up and saw Audrey disguised and lurking. It looked as though she was hiding around corners and eavesdropping. I thought she might join the conversation. I hit the record button and will replay later. She was wearing Clay’s wig, James’ kitty cat hat, sunglasses and her favorite uni bomber hoodie.
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sorry…unabomber. Austin wants Julia out because she would take Liz over him. Dah!! Poor guy has it bad for Liz and she could care less!!!
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@Junksies….I didn’t know that about the diabetic thing with the PBJ. Makes sense tho. What i don’t like is the whole H/N thing. It used to be just food. Then they started like corporal punishment, with the cold room, hard bed and cold showers…on TOP of no food!!! I think that is way uncalled for!! And there isn’t even a comp or anything for it anymore so I don’t see what purpose it serves. I so don’t see the attraction of going on this show!!!lol
I also didn’t know that Austin was dishonest in his job. Isn’t he a bartender? I guess i missed that. What was he talking about??
I do the same thing when I watch TV in general..unless it’s a movie or a housewife of anything…lol I listen while I am online or whatever. So when Audrey came out…..SHOCK……she had on Clays blonde wig, sunglasses and hoodie and was carrying a laminated card…like everyone does who needs to read what CBS wants them to. She gets all goofy and funny…like that’s NORMAL for her……and says…..*I’m the other TWIN!!!* Like she’s either assuming everyone knows or she wanted to blow the roof off the *secret*! Like she’s not happy so why not make everyone else’s life miserable?? To my surprise, Liz went along with it!! (I think she was sunned) Then she handed her the card and told Liz to READ it and it was just something about the food in the storage room!! SO Liz made up something and started to dance, like it was art of the Waxstreet Boys thing and blew it off. I would have been POed that she had like OUTED me if I were her!!!! Then she slunk off like a slug again to some dark spot!! I have been watching BB since Day 1. Most bizarre HG EVER!!!!!!! I’m just sayin’…..
@sherry…totally agree with you, especially the last paragraph!!! Look how many rules Aud has broken!! On top of not playing the game at ALL, she has turned lights out, was signing a song tonight about the other HGS really creepily into the camera with no one saying…STOP SINGING!!. She has been eating whatever she wants and she is an H/N!!! The ONLY time I remember that happening was Jen on BB 8 with ED. He was ticking her off and she was on slop, so she went in and got an apple and other food and ate it outside in front of him. She got called immediately to the DR and was punished!!! She had to sit out the next comp and if she did it again she was OUT!!!! And then of course, she totally missed sitting in at the Veto Ceremony. If they didn’t take her out for health/mental reasons, she should be gone for rule breaking!!!! I agree that she shouldn’t be getting special treatment for being Trans. Why should her sex effect the game?? It’s unfair and unprecedented. I really wish she hadn’t been allowed to tell. It would have made us and the HGS more neutral about her and it could have been dramatic if/when it came out!!! I also don’t think Liz should have been *allowed* to tell about her twin thing either. That should have been part of the deal. If they figured it out, she still should never have validated it. They had the possibility of a lot of plots and drama here, and they let all the cats out of the bag and that is why it’s so boring!!!
Sorry for long post. Didn’t have anything to add the last couple of days, so I guess I am making up for it….lol I am sure a lot of people will see it and just skip it anyway. Whatever works!!! 😉
Can’t wait for the Live show tonight. The way Audrey was downplayed on Wed’s show, if she is going to do anything crazy, CBS will have a lot of ‘splaining to do!!!lol
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If the dentist goes home tonight I am done for the season…that guy really grew on me and is my favorite on the show. Please HG don’t do it!!!!!!!!!
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@Star – No need to apologize for long post. I believe that Austin currently works in a gym and previously as a bartender/bouncer. He spoke of taking money at the door from bar patrons like a cover charge when there wasn’t one, being drunk while on the job and something to do with whiskey. Sorry, I don’t remember the whiskey thing exactly. To me, that is unethical, dishonest and stealing. He also speaks of stringing along various women which may be considered normal these days, but I’m old school in that way.
The Have Not thing has grown to be cruel and unusual punishment. BB should limit it to food deprivation only.
I too have watched BB from day one and agree that Audrey is the oddest HG ever. I will put money on BB bathing her in the best most positive light and will never show the extent of her wacky behavior, after all, that would be a negative reflection on the LGBT community and we can’t have THAT now can we? *sarcasm intended*
@herbie – I think we can safely say that the dentist will be staying. Hoorah!!!
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There was a conversation between Audrey and Shelli…. Audrey said that production told her (Aud) that Shelli was making a mistake for getting rid of her this week. Audrey was called out for using production as strategy.
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Austin is a pro wrestler that is why he has the alter ego Judas. I think that Audrey should go home for her health if nothing else. BB has really dropped the ball this year.
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i noticed audrey got a penalty vote….not typing in caps..hands hurting. glad we got to see audrey’s family. austin is on my bad guy list, giving audrey a vote then saying he’s going to blame it on steve….steve is so sweet. i like becky, john, steve and the twins and only want austin to stay if it helps the twins..if not, he can go.
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Do the house guests know that the votes were 9-1 knowing that someone in the house voted to keep Audrey or do they think that vote was the extra one because Audrey didn’t follow the rules? I am a bit confused. So Jackie and Vanessa are on the same page with getting Austin out but don’t know it yet. Austin thinks Liz likes him but she is playing him like a fiddle. I just can’t see the women in the bar hanging all over James unless he lives in a small town. The visor is such a turnoff and the height. Must be slim pic-kins where he lives. Jackie is such a sleeper maybe if she wins HOH she will wake up and get a personality and get some pep in her step. Jason the grocery guy is a hoot he makes me laugh, I remember his crazy room in the basement with the gold dollar sign above his bed. I don’t like Vanessa’s potty mouth. Steve or Austin can go next week. Don’t care.
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