One reason why I often find myself longing for a season of Big Brother with no twists is because the twists rarely work out that well. They either play themselves out and don’t impact the game at all (like the time that Cowboy discovered that Nakomis was his half-sister and Nakomis revealed that she really didn’t care) or else they turn out to be major disasters that lead to good and deserving players being sent out of the house before their time (like just about every twist introduced during Big Brother 15).
ENOUGH WITH THE TWISTS, BIG BROTHER! Just let people play the game!
Anyway, over the past day or so, we’ve seen two twists come to fruition in the Big Brother house. First off, Da’Vonne figured out that Liz has a twin. And, to be honest, I’m not surprised. Physically, it’s actually pretty easy to tell them apart. As well, Julia doesn’t really seem to be that into the game. Even their voices are different.
Da’Vonne told Jason that she had figured it out and then, against Da’Vonne’s wishes, Jason told just about everyone else in the house. (When last I checked, everyone had been told except for Austin, Audrey, Becky, John, and Vanessa. And, as I write this, I don’t think anyone has directly confronted Liz yet, though Steve did spend a lot of time asking her a lot of questions.)
If Shelli had nominated Liz (instead of Meg), this would have worked out to Da’Vonne’s advantage. But Shelli mysteriously changed her mind at the last minute and I have to admit that I’m still trying to figure out why. I’m not prepared to say that production encouraged Shelli to change her mind but it wouldn’t surprise me if they had. After all, if Liz got voted out, then they would have wasted a lot of time setting up a pointless twist for week 5.
(And we all know that CBS can’t wait for Julie Chen to say, “Except the unexpected,” while formally introducing Julia.)
Still, it’s not hard to think that next week, Liz will be a target. Which means that Audrey will get to sneak by for another week.
(As well, Liz and Julia only have to survive five evictions for Julia to enter the house. It doesn’t matter whether they’re exposed ahead of time.)
Finally, in the other big twist, Da’Vonne got the 7th phone call! So, that means she can now pick three people who will not be able to vote on Thursday. That would be a great power if there were only five or six people voting. But, with 12 people voting, canceling three votes probably won’t make that much of a difference. The houseguests all tend to vote the same way, regardless of who they want to stay. And, for some reason, they also tend to evict whoever the head of household wants them to evict. It can be a bit frustrating to watch, yes?
So, sadly, it appears that Da’Vonne will still be leaving on Thursday. But at least she got to expose the twin twist before she left…
Lisa Marie
This season is soooo soooo frustrating. Production PLEASE LEAVE THEM ALONE to play their own game. Like when BB first started. We don’t like you’re twists and turns. Lets play BB as it was originally meant to be played. A bunch of people in the house playing off of eachother, getting acquainted. Strategizing etc etc etc. Whew, got that off my chest. {{{HUGS}}}
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I do believe that production has s hand in some of the decisions.
Has anyone watched the show Unreal.. It’s about the making of a reality show and boy does it make you wonder what is real or as the show says..Unreal!
I hope the twins can enter the game and play.
Sure hoping for some good old days of Big Brother!
Thanks for the update Lisa!
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Big Brother 17 is not the Big Brother I have loved for so many years! (I haven’t missed one season!) There is no longer any surprises or drama, (except the dumb twists). I was watching BBAD where Shelli, Clay, Jeff, Jackie and John were forming an alliance! They were even setting up scenarios where they could talk to the other HG’S making them think they were in an alliance with them!!! And ….. the favored five would not be distrusted if they were “caught” strategizing with other HG’S!! How dumb is that? It gives them licence to make other deals and not even be held accountable even if they are secretly working with another HG! I don’t know about you all, but its getting downright ridiculous!! Every week we know exactly who is going home! No surprises! Come on people play the game!!! So far it’s so boring!!!!!
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Thank you Lisa, I’m getting the blogs in my email now. Great!! {{{HUGS}}}
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CBS is grasping at straws. This BB is not working. Of course, that’s my opinion.
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Thanks !
I am only reading not really watching After Dark so annoying
I don’t know why this show can just happen ? why do they keep messing with it?
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Sylvie, where do you go to read BBAD. I also think the videos are boring, but I wouldn’t mind skimming through a written account of the show. Have a good evening. I will check back later! 🙂
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I agree with all the comments ..CBS is ruining BB by messing with it.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Leave it alone CBS and I’ve been saying this the past 3 years.. evict Julie Chen and
let Jeff Schroeder host the show!
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let dick donato host the show…he will tell it like it is and call out some of the folks in house and ask them why they do some of the things they do 24/7…bye bye Julie hello evil dick…
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I agree that they are putting in to many twists and the twin thing REALLY what were they thinking. They need to let the player play the game. Great job Lisa!!
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Last time I checked Big Brother is always about twists so I don’t get the whining about it.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Expect the unexpected.
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GINNY – I watch the unReal and just can imagine the hand they played in Clay and Shelli’s romance….
Da has been working overtime to get votes – go down swingin – girl!
It has been funny watchung the HG compare Liz and Julia – they have even named them – Julia is the skinnier of the two – and more reserved – they call her Cruella and the ‘thicker’ one as Da has put it has a more homely name (I forget the name right now). To me, they are both thin. Have to admit, I too was fooled.
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Thanks for your Info Lisa……. …………
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There is a big difference in discussion and whining. Just saying. See you after the show tonight. {{{HUGS}}}
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I realize that Big Brother has always had the unexpected ( maybe not so much in the earlier years). The slogan ” Expect the Unexpected” started several years ago. I don’t mind that part of the show. What I don’t like is the way the show is manipulated so production can change the course of the game to keep their “favorite” HG’S. I do not like the double HOH or BOTB! I think any HG that throws the competition doesn’t deserve to even be there. It is one thing to strategize and comes up with ways for the HG’S to manipulate the game (without prosecution’s interferences). I like the twin twist and the phone call twist because those make the game more interesting. If it is true that production is interfering with the HG’S decisions in the Diary Room, I think that is unfair. Let the HG’S play their own game. Last year was a good example of how the show can be absolutely ruined by production’s interference. I don’t want to go away from this season’s show feeling like I ruined my entire summer! This blog is one of the reasons I stay! We have some awesome bloggers on here! It’s the best of the best!! 🙂
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Correction!!! “Without production’s interference” That must have been a Freudian slip!! 🙂
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BORING is what I use to describe BB this season. It was once my favorite show but either I am getting too old for it or the casting sucks. I suspect if is the “to old part” cause I have yet found a reason to give hours of my life to a bunch of 20 something looking for stardom. I sure wish there were some older, wiser players this go around cause they could at least share some real life experiences with the cast…..
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