Hi, everyone!
Okay, Audrey is gone and not a minute to soon because, to be honest, I was getting sick of talking about her. After watching last night’s show and reading some the things that have been said since Audrey’s eviction, I can honestly say that Audrey’s main illness seemed to be her own massive sense of entitlement. She felt that the game was set up for her win and, the minute things got difficult, she decided she didn’t want to play anymore.
So enough about Audrey.
Let’s talk about Austin.
Listen, I have never been a big of fan of Austin’s but I pretty much reached the limits of my tolerance for him last night when he announced that “Judas” was voting for John. Now, to a certain extent, I understand Austin’s reasoning. He wanted to convince everyone that Steve cast the vote and that Steve is America’s player and therefore, Steve has to be voted out. That was Austin’s plan. No, what set me off was the whole, “Judas votes for John.” Memo to Austin: NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOUR STUPID ALTER EGO! If you’re going to vote for John or for anyone, accept responsibility for your actions and say, “I vote to evict John.” When Austin finally gets evicted, he is going to be so shocked to learn that Judas has not taken America by storm.
But here’s the good news! Austin’s plot to take out Steve does not appear to be succeeding and instead, it looks like Austin is going to go instead. And what’s especially wonderful is that Austin, that know-it-all wannabe strategist, is totally clueless about what’s going on.
As we saw last night, the new HoHs are Vanessa (again!) and Jackie. Originally, a lot of people thought this was lead to conflict but instead, it would appear that both Vanessa and Jackie want to get rid of Austin.
Jackie, of course, wants to get rid of Austin because Austin was instrumental in getting Jeff voted out.
Vanessa, meanwhile, has decided that she can’t trust Austin, especially after she caught him lying about telling Jason that Liz and Julia were twins. (Vanessa also told Julia that Austin had told Jason about the twin twist and that Austin had said he would like to get rid of Julia so that he could have Liz to himself. Needless to say, Julia was not happy.)
At the nominations ceremony, John was NOT nominated for once. Instead, Jackie nominated Liz and James, while Vanessa nominated Becky and Clay. However, the plan is to backdoor Austin and everyone seems to be on board with it. (They just have to hope that Austin does not win the POV.)
Austin is so clueless that he even went to Vanessa and volunteered to both go up as a nominee and to throw the BoTB, just to make sure that Liz is safe. Vanessa, needless to say, turned him down.
So, if everything goes as according to plan, it’ll be time to say bye bye to both Austin and his stupid alter ego.
That’s it for now!
Lisa Marie
Great post!! Austin is his own worst enemy or maybe Judas is is worst enemy..heehee
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I will not be sorry to see Austin/Judas go what a blow heart!!
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Thanks for the info Lisa! …………………….
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I will be so glad to see Austin go. I am also tired of Vanessa be glad when she goes..
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I would love to see both Twins make it into the house. I wonder where they stay when not in the house. Jury house maybe? I want to see Austin gone.
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Thx for the scoop!
REALLY hope Austin goes…
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I certainly hope nominations work out the way they want it. If they are both on the
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------same page about getting Austin out, then maybe all will be fine. It will depend on how
closed mouth the group can be. If someone wins the veto and gives it to someone on the
block to remove them from the block are they still safe from nomination? I can’t remember
how that goes. I would think they would again be vulnerable. If that is the case, then it
would be better for Jackie to remain HOH and hope that if Austin wins veto, he will take
Liz off the block. That would be the only sure method of backdooring him. I fear that some-
one like Steve will open his mouth and let the cat out of the bag, allowing Austin to be
aware of his potential backdoor. If Clay remains on the block and doesn’t win veto power
by his own initiative or someone else’s who would save him, he will go home and Austin
remains in the house. It’s too big of a gamble at this stage in the game. I just want Austin
and his alter ego to go home before jury.
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I too hate it when Austin talks about “Judas”. Ick.
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Thanks LM, Yes I agree Austin is the person we love to hate, but it would have been nice if Julie said to Austin , ” So who does Austin vote to evict?”, but alas that was not the way it happened. I do like Becky and James seems likeable also. The Clay couple should be split as we know showmance teams tend to later lead like bullies (IMHO). Now the action can begin if they keep quite about their plan.
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Maybe Austin is dumb. or maybe not. But James is a stronger player and they need to vote to get him out. These people are not using their brains at all in the house.
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Since I did put up the noms on the last page before Lisa’s blog,but no one noticed, I just want it noted that I was not slacking on my Spoiler duties!!! lol
Last night, Van went down to Austin and asked him about the whole Jason/twin rumor. She told him straight out that she couldn’t/wouldn’t work with a liar, and whatever he told her had to be the 100% truth! She even asked if he understood! He looked right at her, said yes, and LIED to her face!!!!!!! She went back up to the HOH and told Clay and Shelli tht she was DONE with him…and Judas!!! 😉 Shelli hadn’t really ever liked or trusted him and by association, neither had Clay. I didn’t like those 2 at first, and am still not crazy about Shelli as she is a control freak, but at least they are smart, know the game and are playing it! Everyone keeps saying they need to be split up, and if you are an HG then yes, that is true. But as far as being a view and fan goes, there are a lot other people in there I would rather see go before S&C. Ya know, if they can manage to stay together and they win, they deserve it!!!
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Oy yes the Judas thing is as stupid as saying ‘this is my Satan alter ego’ But if Austin goes… will the twins be next? I enjoy them. I’m OVER SHELLY and CLAY, I wish they were out and Vanessa is so overbearing… she can leave. I still like best John and Becky. Still wish Liz would flirt enough to get Austin to shave and Then vote him out… it would be funny.
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Just heard that Van and Shelli have a new alliance name..Vanelli!! I didn’t hear what for but I am assuming for a F2 deal. SO Shelli is ready to throw Clay under the bus, eh??? Don’t tell us she was USING him all this time!!!! 😯 Like who didn’t see THAT coming!!lol
Also, they say that Austin thinks he has Jason in his back pocket!!! He already went over to the Vanelli side, Judas!!! Man… are the guys clueless in here or WHAT???LOL They way it’s looking, I wouldn’t be surprised to see a female BB Winner for a change this year!! WOOHOO!!
Everyone bored waiting to play the BOtB. I guess they think BB is waiting because it is so hot out. Seems like they have been doing that and the Veto comp later this year…like late afternoon, early evening my time. So will be looking out for that!!
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Lol Tendr I like the way you think.
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While I would like to see Austin out, I still don’t understand why the HGs aren’t taking out the twins (2 people) with one vote since this is the last week that is possible. Sure they can be voted out later but it has to be over two weeks instead on swoop. Liz/Julia already showed she will go against the alliance when she voted for Jeff to stay. Getting the twins out might just send Austin over the edge that he may make life so difficult for the other HGs that they have another unanimous vote to evict him the following week.
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I agree with Star and Tendr!! I want Austin and his alter devil ego out the door! Clay and Shelli bothered me at first because even though Shelli was HOH, she allowed Clay too much power, like an overbearing husband!! Not good! Jason gets on my nerves big time! I wouldn’t want to sleep anywhere near him as much as he smokes! Yuk!! I like first, John, then Steve and James. I really thought James was very kind fixing Audrey some food. He will make someone a good husband! My husband only knew two meals: Peanut butter and jelly or bologne!! His favorite was grilled peanut butter sandwiches! Really! Just like grilled cheese, but with peanut butter! With a big glass of cold milk! Try it .. it’s good! 🙂 Keep blogging and keeping us “Live feed deprived” bloggers informed! Thanks!! 🙂 Later!
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Glad Audrey is gone too. It was good that “production” showed some of the time lapse Audry was in the diary room. Julie should have asked her why she missed tne veto cere ony but I am not surprised she didn’t ask. Audry still tried to play the “victim”.Bye Audry!! i hope they get Austin /Judas out this week too, followed by C.lay or Shelli!
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Sherry, you were so right about Audrey!! So, so right! You can tell her family coddles her! They made excuses for her poor behavior and I thought the same thing about the hate mail when she did her shout out! Brittany looked so different! Why people insists on placing fillers in their faces is beyond my understanding! She’s a beautiful woman but didn’t look like herself. I love this blog and especially love reading all of your comments! Enjoy your weekend everyone!!!
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I wanted to thank you, Star, for your info!! I can’t understand why they’re not getting rid of Liz. By doing so, they’re potentially eliminating two people. Liz talks like a nasally valley girl- annoying . Austen is clueless and I will be glad to see him go!
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Thanks for the info Liz. I hope to see Austin go this week and I would love to see Van go next week . She is playing a good game but I don’t care for her. She hates when people lie to her but she can lie all she wants. She will be furious if she is ever put up on the block. I love Jason and Johnny Mack.
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JOLEE – vanessa was telling shelli bout the whole judas thing and she didnt know who he was!
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Thank you Lisa. You have a gift for putting it all together for us.
I thought James was sweet to give Audrey food. When they showed her eating it..that’s when I saw the spoiled entitled girl.
I like Vanessa!
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James and Liz “threw” the BOTB and won.. 🙂
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Thank’s macy! Like someone said last night, I think Julie should have said “Austin” cast your vote! Why encourage his silliness! Just my opinion! I get confused about BOTB … who is HOH? Vanessa or Jackie? Inquiring minds want to know! Well back to my cooking shows?? 🙂 Later!
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Oh praise Audrey!! Hail to Audrey!! The show last nite was BS!! Could Julie Chen kiss anybody’s @ss any better!?!?! O h my gosh! Did anybody know that Audrey was the first
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@jadeangel….. you’re welcome!! 😉 And I didn’t think of it before sherry said it but yes, I do think that Audrey lives a very sheltered life and is molly coddled by her family. I think they see her *transing* as a handicap and so they want to be there to support her and do everything they can to help her get ahead in life DESPITE this horrible curse that has befallen her. I bet they even paid for it and helped arrange the whole thing with CBS. Probably figured if she won it would help her confidence level and get her ahead in some kind of career. And if she won the money she could pay back her folks for everything!!lol I really thought she was sick but now I think she was just acting…..like the spoiled brat she is!!!
I didn’t notice Brittany looking all that much different, but then again, she wasn’t my focus. You think she had fillers in her face?? Considering she said she is happy being a full time mom,why would she bother???
@Jolee….Vanessa is the HOH. Whoever loses the BOtB goes on the block and then that HOH is the one for the week. Whoever wins takes themselves down, and their HOH….Jackie…is done too. Does that help?? I never liked this twist and I hope once jury starts, it is OVER!!!!
As for the twins, the Clay/ Shelli/Van side of the house want to keep the twins for the extra vote it will bring. But finally, the other side with Jason and James et all, are seeing them as a threat and did want to take her out this week, but now she isn’t on the block.
And as for Liz and James throwing the comp. James had planned to so they could get Liz out. But try as he could to lose, they ended up winning anyway. Makes me wonder what Clay IS good at!!! lol Besides sucking up to Shelli, that is!! 😉
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I like Vanessa. I think she has the moxie to shake up the house. It has been soooo soooo boring.
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I know it’s the end of the thread so now I can say this. I kinda liked Austin but I hope for Vanessa. Dont like all the J’s or Becky.
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I like Austin. Vanessa is very smart, but if I was in the house I would not put up with her pushy, overbearing ways. NOT AT ALL…and I’d get her OUT!! Shelli STILL nauseates me, she and Clay can go!!
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Thank’s Star. I got confused because I heard Jackie was HOH and then they were talking about Vanessa being HOH. I know they both won HOH competition, but I was confused about the BOTB and who won. Very confusing. I like it the way it used to be! One HOH= no confusion!! 🙂 I hope you all have a great weekend. Talk to you all later!! Nite! 🙂
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I’m back!! Had computer problem and spent 36 hours connected to India resolving the issues!! I have to catch up.
@tendr – LOL…flirt enuf to get Austin to shave. 2 funny.
@Star – I tend to agree about Shelli and Clay’s game play. I’m on the fence whether I’m for or against them.
I thought it odd that Vanessa, several nights ago referred to the books of Mark and Malachi and today she called Judas the biggest trader in the Bible. I say odd because she appears to know scripture but then has no fear of God being a lesbian and all. I’m not getting preachy…just an observation of the contradiction. She’s paranoid thinking Austin is on the plan to backdoor him. She says that he has the 2nd HIGHEST IQ in history. What does THAT mean? The entire world’s population? Or the history of BB guests? I’m enjoying seeing her squirm over Austin’s potential backdoor. My feelings about her vacillate from day to day. She is one of the better players but it bugs me how she can lie and it is okay but others can’t. IMO, it is a game and okay to lie. It’s a game to win big money!!!
K…back to catching up…
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@jadeangel816 – Pretty interesting to hear Audrey’s family/friend(?) comment about whether Audrey’s tears were CALCULATED OR REAL. It was a loaded, powerful comment. Like, I got your number Audrey. I see right thru you. Re Brittany looking different…I totally agree!!!
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@Jolee – I get confused with the BOtB stuff as well. I even write the stuff down on a little chart because I’m a “visual learner” but it doesn’t seem to help much!!! LOL!!! This weeks winners and dethroned HOH are in direct contradiction to the same situation as last week. **dah** ??
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…oops! *red face* how embarrassing. *blushing*
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@Jolee @Star – I checked my charts…against Star’s explanation and I stand corrected. Both weeks are the same. 36 hours of remote attachment to India has left my brain like mush. I should get to sleep but I MUST catch up!!
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http://www.mortystv.com/images/bb17/bb17-937795.jpg Hope this works. Somebody please confirm if it does.
Check out Liz’s eyes in the mirror…. PRICELESS!!!
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Vanessa is not a good player. None of these players this season know how to play BB. Vanessa is as transparent as they come, yet nobody can figure out what she’s doing? Austin is infatuated with Liz but was absolutely clueless she had a twin? The entire house, more or less, has known about the twin twist for weeks but nobody does anything about it?
Vanessa wins HOH and because she’s paranoid about “blood on her hands” she somehow gets Clay to go on the block and he willfully accepts?? Ironically, Clay and Becky lose BOB and now Clay is primed to go home this week. To me, Clay deserves to go home because one of the golden rules of BB is to never voluntarily put yourself on the block regardless of how you feel your position is in the game.
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@Junksies….36 hours connected to India?? Were they talking to you the whole time?? Oy…my ears!!lol I wouldn’t have the patience! My comp would be at a puter repair place! Luckily I have a backup puter…altho not a laptop and I wouldn’t like being stuck down at a desk or long!! lol Hope your issues are all resolved.
I won’t get too involved in a religious thing but most people think they are GOOD and God loves them and kind of pick and choose what part of whatever belief system it is, to live by. So being a gay Christian makes perfect sense to her.
I am sure she meant that Austin is the smartest person ever in BB. Not that I agree. I try at this point not to go too much by who i LIKE or DON’T like, but more by who’s playing the game and making smart moves. Besides, I may like an HG one day and they do something to totally piss me off the next! But at this point, I don’t disagree that Austin is relatively smart, I just don’t like things about him and from a play pt of view, he is a threat and should be a target. I really think Steve is useless and awkward and I don’t trust him. As for C&S, they can be full of themselves, but they are 2 of the most wholesome people in the house (whatever that means)and they do at least do a lot of scheming and plotting and have been playing hard but smart since they go together. It’s just as odd that people aren’t targeting them as it is they aren’t going after the twins!! A lot o people aren’t even playing this game!!!
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@Junksies…I can see your link. Funny!!! I am sure that is how she feels everytime she ahs to flirt with or touch Austin!!!!!!
@My2Cents…..Clay was stupid to volunteer to be a pawn!!!!! NEVER do that!! People go home all the time that think they are totally safe!! He really needed to win the BOB! Now he has to win the Veto if he wants to feel totally safe!! And Van is big on never getting blood on her hand! The stop winning HOH!!! DUH!! Sometime I like her and think she is one smart cookie and sometimes I think she totally over analyses every word and is very OCD and drives me NUTS!!!! lol
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Junksies- too funny about the picture!!!! Was that Liz or Julia? That dude has no clue about lots of things!!! I don’t like or dislike him but I don’t care for his possessiveness over Liz. Annoying…?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I’m gonna repeat myself- love this blog! You all are the best!
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Star, I wanted to agree with you about Steve. I’m not seeing what everyone else seems to be seeing. I wouldn’t mind seeing him go. S and C are feeling really safe. Shelli was totally stress eating or boredom eating. I would too if all that food was placed in front of me!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ok-last post for me!
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@Star – Yup, either on the phone, connected remotely or both, just waiting for downloads and installs and such…with a little sleep sprinkled in. I live in a small town…not many puter repair/tech services avail. So far so good.
Unless somebody makes a strong (usually negative) impression from the get go, the likes/dislikes take shape on their own wherever my head and heart lead me. And you are right, very often I flip based on something stupid they do! I reserve the right to change my mind!! It’s my prerogative cuz I’m woman!! LOL!! It appears that the other half of the house don’t even realize they are playing a game!! It’s frustrating seeing 1/2 playing hard and the other 1/2 just taking up space. The only sense I can make of it is that they have other motives and care diddly squat about winning 1/2 mil. The game of BB has certainly evolved over the years and not necessarily in a good way for us viewers. I love comp beasts (like Janelle) and those who strategize (like Dan).
I had high hopes for Jackie but that fizzled when she leaned toward S and C after her short stint as HOH. If the other side of the house could muster one collective brain they would see where the power is and form their own alliance. Jason is smart, seems to know what is happening on the other side, why doesn’t he step up and LEAD!!!
@jadeangel816 – I believe it was Liz.
OMGosh…its 5am pst, I better get to sleep. Morning all!!
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Austen was telling Janes that he and his girlfriend had split
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------up and didn’t want a girlfriend going into the game. James tried throwing the comp. why do that? Can you believe they were going to ask Johnny Mac to be nominated and throw another comp? Shelli had the good sense to say enough was enough
If asking JM.. Clay was the One suggesting it. Nice to look at but not the brightest crayon in the artbox.
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I meant Jason – not James
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I’m a little confused. I thought the game plan was to evict Austin by backdooring him.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Then I read some things about Clay might be the real target. Is this correct? When did
this come about and did Vanessa tell someone that that was the plan? I would think
it better to keep Clay around than Austin for a couple of reasons. Clay doesn’t seem to
be much good at competitions, not extremely bright, so no real threat at this stage. They
need his vote. Austin, of the other hand, is capable of winning both intellectual and phy-
sical comps. He hasn’t shown any real loyalty to anyone but Liz in the game. And you can’t count on his vote or him telling you the truth.He is a much bigger threat than anyone else in the house, except for Van and Shelli who seem to be queen competitors.
Clay thinks he’s a great competitor and brilliant, talking all the time and rarely making much real sense. If it were not for Shelli, who calms him down when he goes on a tangent, he would have lost it the first week. But I like the gentle and loving way he treats her. That is not always the case when it comes to high school and college jocks. Maybe it’s the concussions???
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A lot of great comments since I was here! Junksies, I am lucky to have a son-in-law who’s a computer genius! He works on our computer and the only thing I have to pay him is a pound of Mrs. Hanes Moravian Cookies! He loves them. I have a bag sitting on my computer desk when he arrives! 🙂 I hope you get everything working!
I find myself agreeing with all of your comments! I have little to add, except I don’t want creepy Austin mauling Liz/Julia. I can’t imagine how I would feel if I were Julia and forced to “take over” for Liz with Austin! Ugggh! My twin sister and I had different tastes in men! I know she wouldn’t want to “cuddle” with my man, or I with hers! I really hope Austin leaves next week before the twins are both in the house.
Is anyone else having problems with getting the posts in their e-mail? I checked the boxes at the bottom, but I don’t get them as they are posted. Then several hours later, or the next day I get them all at once .. sometimes 30 or more at a time. All of them I have already read! Just wondering! That didn’t happen last year! Well, I’m done for now. You all have a great weekend! We have a refrigerator to clean out! Happy day!! 🙂
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I also don’t like getting all of the blogs I’ve already read dumped into my email.. They used to come in as written????
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It’s amazing how Jeanne can say in a few words what takes me over 70 words? Maybe it is because I worked in Word Processing for over 20 years! 🙂
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Well Sissy I guess when you have 6 Children you have to get your point across in as few words as possible. {{{HUGS}}}
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**********************************SPOILER ALERT*************************
~PLAYING in POV: Vanessa Clay Becky Liz Johnny Mac Shelli HOST: JASON
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WOW..now we are blogging!! lol Lots of good comments to respond to!!
@jadeangel….I never really warmed up to Steve. We all like the underdog and sweet, scared little boy. As women I think we want to protect him. And I kept comparing him in my mind to Ian and thinking he would take off at some point! He is just super awkward socially(at least Ian has a reason to be and got popular anyway!!)He seems to hold grudges, lie a lot and hasn’t really formed any real bonds with anyone. I don’t see him as a threat tho so they may keep him to use as a pawn as the numbers go down. But he could go anytime and I doubt anyone would even notice!! lol
@Junksies…always enjoy and agree with your posts!! GMTA!! lol As to jackie, the reason she is with S&C is that she at least recognizes that they hold the power! And she has felt isolated all game because of Jeff. I think she would have done much better has she come in alone but then no one would have known who she was , so what’s the point??LOL Also, she is Beauty Contest/cheerleader pretty and I am sure used to being popular. Jock Clay and girl-next-door Shelli make her feel like she is in with the cool kids!!!
@sherry…totally agree with your assesment of Clay! I also thought the house wanted Austin out. But last night, the house was divided into whispering pairs in different rooms. C&S . A&L. V&Jackie. It was hard to hear what they were saying/plotting and I tended to not listen after awhile. I will dig around and if I hear anything I will let you know. I don’t LOVE Clay but at least he is eye-candy and really our ONLY, at this pint! I would MUCH rather see A-hole go…lol
@J&JTwins…….For some reason this blog has had server problems all season. I only clicked on those boxes one time a few years ago and my mailbox was so flooded, I turned them off permanently. It isn’t that hard to put this blog in your taskbar and click on the last post whenever you want to check. May seem like the long way around but I guess it depends on how often you check here and if you want to spend all day deleting emails. lol
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Thanks Star. I don’t think I have a taskbar on my Kindle. I don’t mind deleting. It’s pretty fast on my Kindle. All of a sudden I am getting the blogs in my e-mail! 🙂 I always enjoy your posts. 🙂
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