Hi, everyone!
Well, as y’all probably already know, they had the veto ceremony earlier today! ย Last night, James did briefly considering using the veto to take Clay off the block and hopefully ensure that it will be Shelli who will be going home on Thursday.
However, in the end, James stuck to his guns and did not use the veto.
Last week, at this time, who would have guessed that James would be the first player to actually start playing Big Brother? ย The fact that it’s taken this long for anyone to target the house’s main power couple is embarrassing. ย If nothing else, James will be remembered as the first HoH to truly make a power move.
Now he just has to hope that, after Clay or Shelli is evicted on Thursday, either Jackie or Meg will win HoH.
Here’s hoping!
Lisa Marie
Go James!! Welcome to Season 17………finally!
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James is my hero
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bye bye mrs shelli
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------cant wait to see you gone!!!
now clay can start playing without having you to please
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Please let it be Shelly that goes. I’m sick of looking at her.
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I wish I was as confident as everyone else assuming it’ll be Shelli going home instead of Clay.
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I just wish James would have earned the HOH without making a deal with Shelli that he had no intention to keep.
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@David – James earned every bit of his HOH!!! Initially he intended to honor the deal but only later changed his mind.
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I thought the deal James made was not to “back door” Shelli or Clay. I understood Shelli
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------said it was okay for her and Clay to go up as pawns! Oh well, bye to one of gh
them hopefully Shelli”
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People: respectfully…it’s Big Brother! SO WHAT if James broke his promise to Shelli?? Shelli and Clay have broken promises themselves..it’s part of the game!! Good for James..I would have done THE SAME. What do you all think they are playing..” The I’m honest and good game”?? Really??
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Astra…………… ๐ You are so right my friend! ………………….. ………….
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@junksies and Astra…damn straight!! lol I am so sick of people not wanting the HGS to LIE!!! This isn’t the Billy graham Hour. It’s BB!!!! Are you NEW here????? ๐
The problem is, Kieth’s feeling of dread may be right. It seems that Van is gathering the voted to keep Shelli. It looks so far like Austin and the twins are on board. Van is working hard on Steve. Then their is herself. And john said he promised Clay he would vote him out, as he asked him to save her and he honors his promises. So right there that is 6 and I think Becky might be a vote for her too. I know Jackie and Meg are voting Clay for sure. But even tho she is the biggest threat, Van has spoken and it seems her minions are following. Disgusting. Let’s hope things change before Thurs!!! I am SO sick of her and CLay is the only make eye-candy left in the house!! ( or was it period, actually!!)lol At this point, I don’t think James really cares which one it is. But I hope he gets on board and starts pushing Shelli’s name. This is So not FAIR!!!! WAHHHHHHH!!!! :(‘
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I’m glad to see some people have some common sense about BB. Of course you lie. It’s BB. I keep reading all these comments about how unhonorable James is because he broke the deal. Of course he broke the deal! That’s how you get your intended target out. I just hope it is Queen Shelli!!!!!
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I also agree with Astra. It’s Big Brother! In “real” life I despise liars and promise breakers, but in the entire history of Big Brother lying and breaking promises are two strategies that have always been used! I think any HG that thinks promises will be kept and no one would ever lie, hasn’t been watching BB, or is delusional! Shelli and, Clay have been lying the entire game! They were never in the position where they had to keep a promise, as far as I know. I really think when they get out of the BB house, they will be embarrassed about how they acted! I am really looking forward to seeing how all the drama plays out! Finally there is something to look forward to thanks to James making the first good move this season!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Later! ๐
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You know in the real world there are a lot of us that would be appalled by the behavior of these players. I have to slap myself and say, “Jeanne it’s BB, it’s how you win” Okay I feel better now.. Going off topic / Star, I love Billy Graham, I used to work for him when he did the Tent meetings in California. That was about 1949. They put my picture in the local newspaper handing out fliers.
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James is playing his game and no 1 else’s and I’m alright with that. He seems to be navigating fairly well. I’m just a little liery of Vans influence for next week. If he can survive next week he stands a pretty good chance of winning. He needs to deal with the devil/Van or make some deals with other player (actually he should have did that before the veto ceremony. Now he has no cards to play.
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49 days into Big Brother and Venessa still appears to be high on something not typically available in the storage room. Head of the snake? More like the head of some wicked mushrooms! Her fast speak is nothing more than confusing circumlocution I would hope has a shelf life in the house guests brains of no longer than 10 seconds before total disbelief sets in.
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James is a doomed loser. His 2 biggest threats are Vanessa and Shelli who now hate each other. He should have taken Clay down to use as a pawn. Once the weak minded Clay is evicted James will have a DOOMED alliance of 1 or 2 others who will be picked off 1 by 1 and then the others will start cannibalizing each other. I do hope James wins all the remaining POVs but his game-play sucks
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So glad to hear the noms stayed the same. I knew James had this in him the FIRST time he was HOH. James is a strong player & I was impressed taht he didn’t fall for the Shelli and Clay pleas to trust them. Yeah RIGHT. They’d be putting James up next week if he’d let them both stay – you can bet on it because how DARE he come after them! I really want to see Shelli go but it looks like it’s gonna be Clay because he’s too stupid to remember that he is there to play this game – not act all chivalrous in saving his woman! what the ..???? what an idiot. And of course as always Vanessa has to go around trying to control everyone. I HOPE she’s not HOH again next week. I’m so tired of her being in power. Next let’s get rid of that gross Austin!
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Congratulations James make deals with all devils you have to and lets
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------hope it’s bye bye Shelli then Clay can cry and suck his thumb. hard to
know what he’ll do without her telling him. Van get your gang togather
and get rid of SHELLI.
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James can’t be too nice he’s got to get a commitment from Steve, John and Becky otherwise I can see this, vote not going his way. I think vanessa is going to be able to save Shelly
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Least we forget the twins and their puppy Austin. James should be working to gain their help as they could help his plan and get rid of Van. Thanks LM good write up.
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Thanks @ Bobovnvet!! I am a Jersey Girl.. trying to keep it real ! Looking forward to eviction night…Shelli go home!!
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Shout out ” Thanks” to Star and Jolee…Promises are made to be broken in BB!
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ITS ABOUT TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ugh, this has truly been thee most boring, frustrating, idiotic, LAZY, stupid season ever. Its about time someone starts playing the game. Get Shelli the hell outta there. She’s poison to Clay and the house. All she does is infect Clay with her manipulation and lies and then Clay spreads this poison to the other houseguests and you’ve got a serious case of stupidity and non-sense backdooring. ENOUGH!
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watching BBAD and Austin and Van are talking much game! They are strategizing non-stop. Based on what they are saying right now, Clay will be voted out and they are 110% team Shelli. Ugh!
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Hi Astra! Things seem to be getting interesting in the BB house. I am hoping Vanessa will not be able to gain votes for Clay to stay! I want to see Shelli go out the door. The HG’s have to know she is a worse threat than Clay. Without Shelli, Clay is going to be a little whimpering puppy! But, it wouldn’t be the first time that having your “partner” evicted put a fire under you! If Clay stays and sees Shelli walk out the door, it just might loose the beast in Clay! We have seen it happen! So, puppy or beast?? I just hope Clay stays so we can find out! ๐
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well, Thursday can’t come soon enough for me! As many spoilers as we get, we still have to wait until Thursday to see who goes and who the new HOH will be. I would kind of like to see what John would do as HOH. He might just surprise us!
Well, gotta get up early in the morning, so keep on blogging while I go to bed! ๐
Later! ๐
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@Jeanne – Worked for Billy, very cool!!
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I enjoy your posts on the BB house every other day. I am a little bit curious why you haven’t brought up clay and evil shelli’s horrible behavior and sense of entitlement throughout this whole ordeal. They have shamed their names and embarrassed themselves with all the name calling and blame shifting. It truly has made me put the feeds down out of disgust
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To be honest, I’ve kinda gotten so used to Clay and Shelli being jerks that I hardly even notice it anymore. Lol. But you’re right — both of them do have a huge sense of entitlement and have been jerks to everyone in the house.
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Look who everyone is talking about. Hmmmm. At their keeping us blogging. Smile
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@Astra Kelly – Can I be considered a Jersey Girl if I lived there for only 4 years? (In Paterson from 1968-1971) Please??? LOL! I love everything Jersey!!
If the house knows what is good for them they will evict Shelli but something tells me they are going to keep her there because she is a “bigger target.” Eventually they run out of bigger targets and those bigger targets are more of a threat and danger to their individual games. I get the strategy, just don’t agree with it.
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Anybody remember what happened to Kaysar? He made a deal with some girl and he ended up out that same week. Big brother is a game, no one has won this game without sin it is essential in my opinion.
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A better strategy for James was to tell both Clay and Shelli that they were pawns to backdoor Vanessa. Then uses the POV on Clay and put-up Vanessa. Now he gives himself some credibility with them as she has been controlling both Clay and Shelli. Most likely Vanessa who is a stronger player would have been sent packing, unless for some reason the house decided to send Shelli home. In any event, mission accomplished as he would have gotten rid of one of the stronger players in that alliance. Plus James would have been in a better position next week to stay safe. As all of the houseguest are not very good players.
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Go James!!
EV – I agree with you I thought James said he wouldn’t back door them as well.
As far as the breaking promises go they are meant to be broken on BB. I alway say when someone is whining about lies and broken promises is “Have never watched BB” I mean really that is what the game is all about. If you don’t want to play the game for the money why go on the show? Love this blog ๐
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James may not look smart but at least he some what knows how to play this game and certainly did not knuckle under from Clay and Shelli…the showmance is not going to happen and one of them is going home…they will make a huge mistake if they keep Shelli and send home Clay…he is a weak puppy dog that Shelli has brainwashed…must be too many knocks on the melon on the football field…maybe good looking but can not play this game…OH CLAYTON…your sugar momma should be bye bye…but you maybe shipped out by these idiots…
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Way to go, James!!!!!!!! Now I can look forward to Austin getting nominated and booted out!
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@ Junksies…of course you can be considered a Jersey Girl! LOL….if you love all things Jersey, why not? I have a bad feeling Clay will go..I want sickening Shelli to go. However..MAYBE Vanessa and Sheli will turn on each other if Shelli stays..after all, Shelli did throw Van under the bus. I guess, either way..on Thursday night Dear Shelli will cry..and I will be cheering! I really can not stand her or Vanessa
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Thank Goodness James has balls!! And yes he lied!! There is no rules to Big Brother! Please let it be Shelly!!
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Finally… BB has begun!
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James really should have put Vanessa up against Shelli after using the POV on Clay. Deal/Schmeal with Vanessa. One’s got the fangs, one’s got the venom–take 1 of them out (preferably Vanessa) to cripple the snake at least. Everyone, almost, seems to be hypnotized by Vanessa. Every Hoh, regardless who’s won it, hand her the wheel —-even the other side of the house, for the most part, is in her trance. Reminds me of Derek.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We had a few days of joy when the other side won (avenging Jason) but it is already turning back around to team V.
Looks like all you ladies that care about “eye candy” are going to be so disappointed and those of us that are sick of Shelli have a ways further to go until we get our much needed break from her. And in the end (if no one wakes up soon enough it’ll be Vanessa as season 17’s winner. When, after the show is over this year, they see her home on Youtube they’ll get a rude awakening. She’s a pro in every sense of the word and is playing BB for only the challenge of it. Must be nice.
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I posted this on the last blog, having not received this one yet. So this is a repeat, but just want to get my opinion out there.
Last night it was revealed, in so many words. that Clay now wants to stay and he and Shelli are already campaigning against each other to make that happen.
Should be good couple of days to see how this plays out.
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It’s refreshing to hear that Clay is waking up and trying, hopefully not too little too late.
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I would like Shelly to stay because once she’s out of the house I think Vanessa will be the number one target and that would be a shame to to see Vanessa get voted out of the house so soon. It’s interesting that the number one person that didn’t want to get blood on their hands Vanessa seems to be bathing in it
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Hey Astra…. I live down the Jersey Shore….Exit 98 ๐ Good to see you my dear! Thanks for you comments! ………………………………….
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Most of the comments have been great. Kick Shelli to the curb. How can this cow like or love Clay? He is 23 and she is 33. Ten years is a big gap for Shelli. Robbing the cradle and not seeing that she is on TV for all the world to see.
Then again Clay is a baby who is learning all the moves from a women who will kick him to the curb when she leaves. Women are so stupid. Just like Liz and Austin. Julia can’t stand him and she is trying hard to keep her sister out of his arms. Austin is the biggest jerk that I have seen since watching this program
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Maria, calling Shelli a cow is so ugly. You can not like a player without being downright mean.
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Sorry for that comment Jeanne. I just think that she isn’t using her head as far as men are concerned. He is so young. Sure he is good looking but she could do better than this college boy. Why do women do this an every reality show.
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