Hi everyone!
Okay, let me do the standard SPOILER ALERT here so that nobody accidentally wanders onto this site and reads something that they don’t want to read.
Okay, is everyone ready?
As we all know, Vanessa is HoH. She nominated James and Meg for eviction. James was the target.
Well, they had the veto earlier today and things weren’t looking good for James because the veto players were he, Vanessa, Meg, Austin, Julia, and Liz. Literally everyone who wants him gone was playing for the veto.
Well, you know what?
Vanessa is super mad right now! She spent hours trying to figure out a way to “justify” targeting James so that she wouldn’t have any blood on our hands. (Typical Vanessa.) She made a big deal out of telling everyone that she wouldn’t nominate John.
And now, James has the veto and he’s going to take himself off the block. And Vanessa has to pick a renom. Unfortunately, I doubt she’ll go after Austin and the twins but she could very well nominate Steve and Steve could be in a lot of trouble if she does.
We’ll see what happens! If nothing else, it should be fun to watch her freak out tonight.
Lisa Marie
what the heck just happened that I missed that everything in the house is a mess? (they’re all cleaning up)
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WTG JAMES. KEEP Vanessa ticked off. Hope he wins head of household and gets her out.
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YAY JAMES!!!!!!!!!! Hope he wins HOH and kicks out Vanessa on that ugly face of hers. She royally deserves it. She and she alone has schemed against everyone in the house and some of those dummy houseguest don’t get it!!!!!!!! UGH…….hope Vanessa is out soon!!!!!
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Happy for James! Probably Steve will be targeted!
Thanks Lisa!
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If Vanessa was the strategist she thinks she is, she’d realize that the Austwins Train has finally reached its final station. She’s an absolute fool if she thinks she’ll get anything higher than 4th place with those 3. None of them would ever take her to the finals in a million years even with whatever meaningless “gentleman’s agreement” she thinks she can barter with them – none of them will take her, period.
Vanessa’s only chance of making the finals is to secretly flip herself & Steve over to the Meg/James side of the house. This week, she should replace James with Johnny Mac (who I really like but is so completely lame, I can no longer root for him) and get him out. Then she has to do everything she can to help James or Steve (or Meg, yeah right!) win HOH so that one of them can nominate Liz & Austin for eviction. If necessary, the replacement nominee would be Julia. As long as one of the Austwins trio is out, they no longer have a numbers advantage, and Vanessa is free & clear of any blame. If Vanessa aligns with James/Meg, she has a much better chance as getting to the finals.
Liz is the most powerful person in the house right now – she has not one but *two* people who would gladly sacrifice their own game for her. Anyone who doesn’t try to evict her is an absolute fool. With her out, both Austin & Julia would gladly turn on each other for a chance to advance their own game. Then, Vanessa could even re-confirm her Final 2 agreement with Austin and use that to her advantage.
All that being said, I think Vanessa is the most annoying houseguest since Amanda from season 15 and I can barely listen to her talk. She loves to paint herself as logical and game-focused, but she’s the most emotionally hysterical person I’ve ever seen. She doesn’t know why people aren’t ok with being nominated, and she expects everyone to be able to fully explain themselves to her satisfaction at every moment. She thinks that by talking faster than everyone else, she’s somehow the smartest person in the room (which, to be fair, in this house she kind of is, but that’s not saying much). She panics & freaks out at the slightest turn, and thinks she has it all figured out. I love Austin’s “revelation” to her a couple of weeks ago, that everyone in jury absolutely hates her & Austwins — duh! You evicted them all!!
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Thank you Lisa. Please Vanessa use your head. Put up Liz. Split up those twins.
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Great news!!! I don’t trust Vanessa to keep her promise to Johnny Mac. It’s either him or Steve. I would rather it be Steve!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Later! 😎
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Elizabeth… I couldn’t have said it better myself.
Thanks for the update Lisa Marie!
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I’m rooting for James to win it at this point. And I don’t see any logic in Van putting up Johnny Mac who is now in her corner! that would make NO sense. She needs to wake up an smell the coffee – as others have been saying here and realize it’s getting down to the wire and the twins and Austin have an enormous advantage over her and as much as I’ not crazy about Vanessa – I’d actually rather see her go to the end than those 3. As far as I’m concerned – Liz & Julia are NOT strategic players but more floaters who happen to just still be in the game due to their strong / non wavering alliance of 3. If Any of them win it I will puke. As much as I like Johnny Mac I don’t see him winning because I don’t see the others voting for him in the end. So I’m pulling for James. But like I said .. if it came down to Austin or one of the twins, I’d actually rather see Vanessa take the prize – just for the simple reason of it being the lesser of the other evils! well sorta. Just sick of the twins acting so entitled and how DARE anyone win a veto comp or not cooperate wit THEIR plan to go to the end. what idiots. As I think someone said here before – combine their two brains and you MIGHT have a whole one. (MIGHT .. but I suspect it’s debatable)
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Yea for James !!! i think he’s funny ~ i like James & Meg they are havin fun. This week is Double Eviction can’t wait for that.
@ everyone Hey yall 🙂
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Be smart, James ….. kill two birds with one eviction. Get rid of Liz. Breaks up Austin and Liz and Julia and Liz. Liz has got to go…..best or everyone’s game, except Austin and Julia.
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@Jeanne4488 I couldn’t agree more – I’m Team James all the way, although mostly because he makes me laugh & seems very sincere. Not to mention, he’s not afraid of big moves (see: nominating Clelli and being 100% unapologetic about it), and then *shocker!* actually dealing with the consequences of his choices! I love how Austwins & Vanessa totally expect other HGs to just be okay with being nominated. Like, how dare they be upset just because I tried to kick them out! Gosh!!!
I also agree that given the choice of Vanessa or any of the Austwins, I’d want Vanessa to win all the way. If nothing else, Vanessa & the millions of hamsters running on the wheels of her mind have done nothing but think about the game & try to make moves. Also, I have to give grudging respect to someone who is so clearly a target and yet manages to stick around. Again, I’m reminded of Amanda – although I will say, Vanessa is slightly less of a bully than Amanda was.
I LOL @Austwins when they’re like “James & Meg are just here for summer camp!” … really?? Julia has done exactly 0 things in the house besides whine & chastise Liz about her slutty behavior. “Liiiiiiiiizzzz-uh! People at hoooommmmme-uh are watchiiiiiing-uh!” Too little too late, there, Jules. Also, the hickey is absolutely the least of what people are going to be talking about!
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Vanessa has to put up Steve or Johnny Mac and pray that nobody take her out because she cannot play in the HOH this is a big problem for Vanessa not being able to play in the HOH next week she has to rely on Austin and the twins to get her through the double eviction. No time to switch horses no way not now. She is in big trouble everybody is going to be after her probably even Austin everybody that was worried about her winning should be content having no worry. Looking like she’s played her last hand.
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@Elizabeth, I agree with Ted. Great post! It really helps those of us who don’t have access to BBAD or the Live Feeds. I have said it before, this blog is the best part of this season of BB. Thank’s everyone! Have a nice evening.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Later! 😎
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@Robert, I hope you are right!!! 🙂
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I would say you’re right, Robert, but somehow Vanessa has managed to slip out of so many tight spaces … I have to believe she’s got another one in her. Maybe if it was Final 4/Final 3 time she’d be done, but with how lame all the HGs are – I’d say she’s always got a chance.
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Vanessa really needs to split up Austin and the obnoxious twins. Cut the head off the snake so to speak. Austin is running the show them Vanessa. I think the twins will be lost without Austin. They will team up with Vanessa. Then get Vanessa out. If they don t the game will go to Austin or Vanesssa. I would love to see anyone but those two to win, even though they have played the best game..The twins have done nothing but eat and talk about how wonderful they R. Johnny Mac is funny and all that but he hasn t played well. Meg either. Soo it s James or Steve who actually has been saying things lately that actually R on the money. Step up Vanessa and get rid of Austin.
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Yes, split up the twins. They were so fast to break up the showmance between Clay and Shelli and no one wants to touch Liz and Julia and Liz and Austin because of their votes in jury. I don’t think it is fair that the three that went to jury early Shelli, Jackie and Becky got time with each other to talk over their game play and what they would do if they could get back in the game. Johnny Mac was the last person and did not get the time to talk anything over with the three people in the jury house and had to compete on the spot right away. They should of just had the three from the jury house come back and compete. I felt it was unfair to the fourth person who was voted out because they did not get a chance to discuss with the other people in jury.
This season is so dragged out. No more twins, where is expect the unexpected. What a sleeper. Steve can’t seem to form a complete sentence and give a name of who he wants out. At this point I really don’t care who wins.
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What is wrong with the houseguests this season? What the h—- was going on that the twins even lasted 5 evictions at all. Are the houseguests stupid? Johnnie Mac was the first one to want them and Vanessa out weeks ago. I can.t stand to list to the twins and Austin in his due personality any more. Keep your clothes on for pete.s sake and get your hair and beard cut. You are some kind of freak and the sound of the twins. voices grate on my nerves. If someone doesn’t take one of them out this week. I have had it. No more Big Brother for me.
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Thank you Lisa
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Good posts! Nite everyone! 🙂
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Later! 😎
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Nite tendr! 🙂
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My computer is still coming and going. I know it’s U-verse at the base of the problem,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------but they won’t admit it’s their fault. I hope this goes through, but can’t promise anything.
I keep remembering JM telling Van a day or two before the comp that the Austwins had
a deal with James and Meg. She seemed genuinely shocked by the news. Now if this didn’t
happen then I dreamed it during one of my computer glitches.
I think James and Meg, especially James were her targets all the time to make sure Austwins stayed under her control. But now that James has won POV, she is going to
have to re-evaluate her plan. She won’t put up the twins, so probably not Austin, unless
the twins agree to it. She still thinks she needs Steve, I think. So I think she’ll go back on
her word to JM and BD him. But then, she might pull a rabbit out of the hat. She has to
realize JM would be a perfect Final2, as his winning comps is dismal and his throwing
comps is phenominal.
Vanessa cheated in the slip and slide comp and supposedly was disqualified, but it was
never aired on regular viewing times. I think she knew she could cheat and probably not
get disqualified and AG, I believe, has selected Vanessa as her Flavor of the Week. She will
do what needs to be done to see to it she gets to the end. I wish there was enough back-
lash from fans to make it mandatory to disqualify her and start over with JM as HOH, but
that won’t happen. It would mess up their schedule for when this game is over. They
could substitute another double eviction…..????
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The twins and Austin keep telling Vanessa she should not put one of the on the block. That they don’t want to go on the block. I guess they forgot about last week when Steve said he did not want to go on the block and they got so pissed at that and said that everyone should be prepared to go on the block. Then Comes this week and none of the three thinks they should have to be a pawn. Double standard???????
Vanessa is stupid if she doesn’t go with JohnnyMac and Steve. She is a definite fourth on the side of Austwins. Why doesn’t Steve remind her of last week?? I can’t believe that she is so blind. I hope she doesn’t put JohnnyMac on the block!
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Van should put up Steve get her aline to vote out meg.James is not that big of a threat, if she can’t pull that off there is no way she not going home herself. so I say get rid of Victoria right now. O I mean meg,
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Can’t sleep! Hi everyone! Having fun?? Lot’s of good blogging going on while I was sleeping! 🙂 I’m gonna try to get some rest. Eager to see exactly what happened during the HOH comp. I have heard several versions! Until tomorrow! Goodnight my friends.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Later! 😎
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Why not add what Big Brother Canada did and have 2 underdogs – summoned to a room and have a competition to give the winner between them have the power to take up to two people off the block in a special Veto power ..Otherwise looks like after 2 more people are gone that are not Austin or the Twins then they will run the game down to the final 3 which could make this season the most boring predictable yet
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nite Jo
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Jeanne, the comp was having to find hidden objects, so guess they all decided to trash everything, maybe the idiots didn’t realize they would be the ones to clean up later, lol
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I don’t even watch the show anymore but do enjoy reading this blog! You all are the best! I love reading Lisa’s post and then your comments! Very entertaining ?. I really wish that I watched the earlier seasons. I started when Amanda was on and can honestly say- am not impressed with this show at all. I don’t get the casting. I was so pulling for Johnny Mac since I’m also from PA but he’s proven to be a poor player… Thanks for this blog!!!
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4:06 AM Steve to Vanessa: “I can decide if someone’s dumb in 5 seconds, but I can’t decide if someone’s smart in 5 seconds”
Guess he got his answer after just 5 seconds looking in the bath area mirror.
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As I have been saying, get rid of Liz. The best move that she can make! The trio is out for themselves!
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Hey Everyone,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As much as we all bitch, moan and groan about never watching BB again, I really doubt that it matters. Just look at the Nielsen ratings for last week…….BB was in the top 5 with all 3 shows. This tells me CBS can do whatever they want, show whatever they want and cast whoever they want and we either grin and bear it or stop watching. I enjoy this blog so I guess the trade off is being somewhat invested in this seasons BB. Because if it’s ratings that drive the renewal of BB it will be renewed for years to come. All we can hope for is the firing of AG. Maybe with her gone our BB will return to its former glory.
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Not hard for any new network programming to be in the top 5 on Sunday, Wednesday and Thursday during the summer hiatus from regular prime time programming.
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After listening to the verbal dodge the subject, skew the facts and continually play the victim assault Vanessa laid on James in the HOH room last night, I am now totally convinced that Vanessa could commit the crime of the century and never deviate from her demented routine of you don’t know the facts, I never did that, and can’t you see I AM THE VICTIM! Sick at so many levels no matter how smart she may think she is.
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Thanks Lisa Marie and to all of you for you comments. It sure helps to get someone else’s perspective. So, is the DE this coming Thursday? Some people are saying Thursday and some are saying next week. Is this one and the same?
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I just read on Joker’s that Julia has volunteered to go on the block as a pawn and she’s doing it to give Steve a rest. Evidently it was Liz’s idea. Poor Julia, first Have Not and now Pawn, both suggested by Liz. Julia surely ought to feel like she is being used by now. I hope somehow Meg gets to stay another week and James wins HOH.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I agree with you 500%. Unfortunately as long as BB holds its own in the summer (IMHO) the renewal is eminent. And I totally also agree with your 2nd comment……I can just see Vanessa putting on the proverbial leather gloves and saying “see, they DON’T fit”. Good grief, I think they give in to her just so she leaves them alone.
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This is great news for Vanessa Julia volunteering to go on block Meg will be going home it will be just Austin and liz and a tiebreaker would be Vanessa goodbye Victoria oh I mean meg. Most likely it will be a unanimous vote to take out Meg I will miss Meg. To me she does look like Taylor Swift. She has a beautiful personality and she’s a very positive upbeat person she will be missed
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Interesting comments! Thank’s everybody. Tonight’s show will only do one thing for me … finding out how Johnny Mac and Vanessa did as the final two in the HOH comp. There are several versions. So tonight we will see! 🙂
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Later! 😎
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Tonight we will see what production wants us to see as usual.
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Thanks for your write up Lisa & everyone’s comments! ……………..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Not sure if you saw my thank you C’est Moi about Veterans…… But thanks again my friend! You & Ted crack me up 😆
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You and all the other veterans are the one who deserve all the thanks.
How do you like Ted’s avitar? It really is a nice mug shot, too bad he included his inflated head in the pic.
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Last night when James was talking with Vanessa in the HOH room, he calmly stated that he believed she was over playing her game after which Vanessa went totally ballistic lambasting James for insulting her while James did all he could to calm her down. That is what happened.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------But now fast forward to today when Vanessa relates last night’s tete a tete with James to the twins and it becomes a whole different story as only Vanessa can tell it. Now as Vanessa’s story goes, James took a big dump on her in a negative, venomous way insulting her and making her cry.
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C’est Moi ………….. 😆 Hey my friend he has not changed his avatar in years 🙂 nor his funny banter! Thanks for remembering me pk & why are you always in the dog house? thank for so much insight on the game & not buying to all the other BS 🙂 See you soon….. !
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Into………….. :oops:……..
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Just speaking for myself, I absolutely HATE Vanessa, with that being said, she is someone that you need to keep in the house because nobody likes her so the smart move would be to keep her because if you make it to the end the jury would not vote for her to win so ever who is sitting by her at the end would be the winner.
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I really hope that when James comes down off the Blick that Vanessa puts Austin up I’m tired of him walking around like he’s God’s gift to women
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cest…what are you talking about not hard to be in the top 5 in summer time. It is commendable BB has 3 shows in top 5…there are plethora of other network shows that would love to be in the top 5. Don’t get your post at all. Sunday is the most watched day of TV and to be one of the top dogs is HUGE. BB is not going anywhere.
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