That is right! You heard it here! Big Brother 17 returns on June 24-25, 2015 with a two-night season premiere on CBS.
Whoo hooo!
So I guess it is time that BBBlogger started getting the blog back into shape!
Are you ready?
Peace, BBBlogger
That is right! You heard it here! Big Brother 17 returns on June 24-25, 2015 with a two-night season premiere on CBS.
Whoo hooo!
So I guess it is time that BBBlogger started getting the blog back into shape!
Are you ready?
Peace, BBBlogger
Previous post: Big Brother 17 starts in…
Next post: When will the Big Brother 17 house guests be revealed?
I am so excited to be back in touch with all of my BB family. Let’s hope this is a good season. I look forward to blogging again! I have missed all of you. I have kept in touch with a few, but I look forward to all of your comments. Come on Lisa, let’s do it again. 🙂
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So so excited for this year. Seems like its been so long. Looking forward to this season.
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Hey BBB… Great to see you! And nice to see Jolee & Jenne.
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Hey BBB… Great to see you! Glad you are back and do you have a cast photo yet?
And nice to see Jolee & Jenne.
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Looking forward to another great season on CBS and on the BB Blog!!
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Hi Ted! This is just the beginning of reuniting with our BB family. I am looking forward to another season. I hope it is exciting!! 🙂
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Can’t wait!!! I’m READY
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So glad to see all y’all on here. I have missed talking BB with you. Excited about the new season and just programed all BB’s into my DVR so I won’t miss a thing. Do you know if Big Brother After Dark is still on and what station will be carrying it this year?
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Hi, everyone! Great to see y’all again! 🙂
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Well La de Da and slap me silly, another crap ass BB season, I wish i could say i was looking forward to it. Ted, try and be more kiss assy, I think your lip prints are on both cheeks.
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Looking forward to the new season.
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Good to see everyone is making their way here and I’m ready for this season to get started. I hope the cast is a worthy bunch after enduring the past 3 seasons of toads!
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Hi Jolee,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I look forward to all your wit commentary on the knuckleheads in the house.
Any idea how I get my picture up with my comments, its escaped me for years 🙂
Thank you,
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I’m excited and optimistic that we will finally have a good group of houseguests. It’s time for it to be fun again.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I’m very glad to see everyone again in this blog that is sometimes better then the show.
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Hi Kerry! I also am looking forward to this season and hearing comments from all of you. To get your picture (avatar) go over to the right side of this page ——-> under “Reality TV Links.” “Add avatars to your comments.” Click the link and follow the instructions. If you have problems, let me know. 🙂 looking forward to seeing your face!
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Hi Lisa! Looking forward to your reports! I have enjoyed seeing you on Facebook. It made me realize what a busy lady you are. “Stay supple!” 🙂
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I am looking forward to this season. The goofier the better
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Question for BBBlogger or Lisa: when will we start getting comments from everyone in our e-mail? I checked the box below to be notified of new posts by e- mail! Maybe we won’t get those until BB starts?
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Looking forward to Big Brother 17. How soon will we see the faces & descriptions of the houseguests???
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We’re BAAAAAAAACK!!! 🙂 My favorite time of the year, summer and BB! Here’s to a great season….hopfully production doesn’t manipulate things too much. Whoops….already complaining! haha 😉
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Here we go….weeeeee!
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I know summer is truly here in New England when BB starts YAY
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OK, this is my comment.
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Hi everyone. Thanks Frannie for giving me my ride in. Love ya….I have no idea what to expect this season. Looks like Aggie does. I hope it’s not too boring. Feel free to let me in on any spoilers. <3
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How about a new header or are you waiting for JT to do it again? If you’re waiting on him I hear he’s working a lot so you might need to do it yourself! Good luck, looking forward to the season!
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Hi tendr! Let’s have fun this season. I have enjoyed being on FB with you! <3
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Lisa, I prefer your FB profile picture! You are so beautiful! I see it in the “followers” section! But, maybe you prefer to separate your BB profile from your FB profile, which I can understand! Looking forward to seeing you here! 🙂
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hey yall !! glad to see yall, 🙂
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Hey, I think lost. Is Albuquerque?
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Hi Bill!! Good to see you again! 🙂
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Only 11 more days!! 🙂
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Cant wait for tomorrow’s HGs reveal.
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Omg guess what! Big brother is going to have a woman who is a transgender on. She was born a male. Is now a woman!
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