Hi there!
So, every week, we find ourselves hoping for either a big upset or that we’ll get to see someone who we really dislike voted out of the house. Every week, we hope that the voting will lead to shift in power and that Clay/Shelli/Vanessa alliance will somehow be defeated.
Well, this week, we did get an upset. We had every reason to believe that Austin would be backdoored but instead, Vanessa let us all down and is backdooring Jason instead. What’s remarkable is that the entire house (with the exception of Austin) claims to be upset with Vanessa right now but no one is willing to stand up to her and vote to keep Jason. Instead, they’re planning on keeping the relatively useless Becky.
(Even Shelli has been shedding fake tears over losing Jason.)
As of right now, Jason has two votes to stay. TWO! The majority of the house demanded that Vanessa target Austin. Vanessa told the majority of the house that she would target Austin. And now that Vanessa has gone back on her word and tried to justify her actions by telling a series of ludicrous lies (i.e., Jason won the Kathy Griffin phone call competition, Jason was plotting to come after her, Jason was working with Audrey), the majority of the house seems to content to once again do her bidding. The other houseguessts, if they had any guts, could at this point say, “Well, Vanessa, you lied to us so we’re not going to give you what you want and you better start working for us or else we’ll start targeting you every chance we get.” That’s what would have happened in the past. (Seriously, I’d love to see Vanessa and Shelli try to pull this stuff in a house full of true players, like Dr. Will or Dan. I think even Rachel would be too much for them to handle.) Instead, the house is simply shrugging and going along with it.
(Those two votes for Jason belong to Meg and James. There’s a chance that Jackie might vote to keep Jason as well. Even so, 3 votes is not enough to keep Jason from being evicted.)
Right now, the fear seems to be that if anyone goes after Vanessa then they’ll have to deal with Clay and Shelli the following week. Well, so what? Is there some rule that only Vanessa, Clay, and Shelli can win competitions? Now is the time for the houseguests on the outside of the main alliance to step it up and start playing to win. Instead, they’re cowering in the shadows.
The houseguests are also scared that a double eviction is coming up. Becky and Jackie had a conversation earlier today about what’s going to happen at the next HoH comp and Becky said that she suspected everyone was going to throw the comp because nobody wants to get blood on their hands with a double eviction coming up. Becky also said that if she wins HoH, she’s not going to go after Vanessa, Clay, or Shelli because now is not the time to take out a big player. (Yes, that’s what Becky actually said.) Instead, Becky says that she would target Steve.
With Vanessa, Clay, and Shelli literally running the house and picking off players one-by-one, Becky thinks the smart move would be to target Steve!
I swear, it’s enough to make you want to give up.
But I’m not going to! I’m going to see this season through to the end because …. well, because I like writing for this site and I like reading all the comments.
That’s why I’ll stick with Big Brother.
It certainly won’t be for any of the houseguests.
Lisa Marie
P.S. Well, in all fairness, I should admit that Clay is great eye candy and I always enjoy listening to John’s diary comments. And Liz and Julia’s relationship reminds me of my own relationship with my sister, Erin. (We’re not twins but we are only a year apart so we might as well be!) And Meg reminds me of my cousin Erica. But other than that, the only reason I’m sticking with this show is for the blogging! 🙂
Vanessa!!! I’m sick of her Clay and Shelli. This year I’m not to into it at all. the”other side”needs to get their act together.. but I have to watch….
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Well, I’m glad you like blogging cause I sure like reading.
It seems like every year we go through this saying that it is boring and that we don’t know why we watch but we continue to do it. And I can’t even say I stay because I’m blogging. LOL.
I keep trying to believe someone sometime will actually make a game move. They are not as boring as some other guests have been in the past to me. But that is just my opinion. And none of them are quite as annoying as Frankie. So it’s a baby step up maybe?
Thanks again, Lisa.
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Okay, here’s the deal. I’ve always loved Big Brother, but you are what makes Big Brother even more enjoyable. When the season starts, I can’t wait till I find your first blog post and I know the game is on. Heck, I’ve followed you on Facebook so I can stay in touch. Don’t ever change Lisa Marie, cause you are BIG BROTHER!!!!!
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Wow, Lisa! Great blog! In my fantasy, I wish you could call the house on their house phone (I know it’s not still there) and tell those houseguests what you just said!!! Somebody better wake up and begin playing the game. I agree with you that the best part of Big Brother this year is this blog. It has been great! I will really miss everyone! Well, we have a few weeks to go. Maybe we will have a Big Brother miracle! I still believe in miracles! I can’t even pick a favorite guest this year. I guess if I had to choose, it would have to be John. I checked out Vanessa on YouTube last night and she has won over three and a half million dollars playing poker. She drives a Laberdini (sp.??) She wants to win the money because she is missing a tournament because she signed up for BB. Really?? She definitely does not need the money. When you see her home, you can’t help but wonder why she would even want to be in the messy BB house! Thank you again for the great blog! I pretty much agree with you 100%
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Later! 😎
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Yay Scott! I agree! 🙂
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I enjoy the show even when it’s got lemmings like this year. Your blog and the comments are always very entertaining. There’s something about Big Brother that always signals the start of summer for me, so I’ll take it boring or not.
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I like Becky but she’s not playing the game hard enough BUT she’s not the only one. Everyone should pull a ‘survivor’ and just vote for who they want for the rest of the game and completely ignore Shelley, Clay and Van. And if Van tries to bully them like she does… each one should just say You lied to US’ But someone would need to get the bunch of chickens together and chance getting ‘told on’ but there’s nothing to lose at this point.
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In my fantasy, I am yooung and in the house but with all my years of wisdom still inside me. I’d pick off Clay and Shelli and make Vaness’a life hell before I got her evicted. She is one major pain in the ass
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OH..I forgot! I’d trim and shampoo Austin’s beard so everyone would learn to love it! LMAO!! 😉
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Lisa Marie you are a writer.and blogging is fantastic, but I wish you could see the lntertament Austin bring to the big brother house.Liz can take care of her self. And ones the twins are in might be exciting.
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I’ve sat here and tried to do the math (and math was never my best subject!!), and it
looks to me as if it could be too late for the other part of the house to make any changes without someone from the other side defecting. Van, Shelli, and Clay seem to be solid for now. Austin and the twins seem to be in the same camp with the above three (for now). That leaves Jackie, James (?), Becky John, and Meg after the eviction. If one of them wins HOH and puts up two from the Van, Shelli, or Clay team, that would still leave four to vote
and fight to take one of them off the block (not counting Steve who is secretly aligned
with Van). But even if it came down to a tie vote and had to be settled by the HOH’s vote,
they could get only one of whom many think of as “the terrible three” to be evicted. That
would probably unite the V-S-C side of the house to fight even harder to win the next HOH.
But if Van was the one to be evicted, then Steve might defect to Jackie’s side of the house.
(I don’t think even Steve knows what he’s going to do from one moment to the next.)
Right now, I think the losing side of the house has been brainwashed into believing they
CAN’T win a comp that counts. But they are really PO’d about Austin staying and Jason leaving. That may be the key that frees them from the blind stupor that seems to have them in its merciless grip. Anger can be a powerful motive and incentive. And the double eviction could be the “miracle”(some have been waiting for with baited breath) that will provide an exchange of power in this lackluster group of players.
The problem is…..we are not sure of any particular outcome with this group. We watch
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------because we love the blog and hope for something earth-shattering to catch our attention and give us hope that this season will not go to the very end as the sleeper it now seems
to be. I think we might be surprised. John, Meg, or Jackie might show some promise in
the next HOH comp!!! But then I believe it will will rain tomorrow, too.
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yes. the way this is going .. Clay and Shelli (King and Queen of the prom) will make it to the very end ..along with Vanessa who will at that point probably knock one of them out of the game so she can be one of the final 2 and how disappointing THAT would be considering she’s the last one in there that needs the money. If anyone does, it’s Jason. It’s hardly like he’s been any big threat. and what the heck? they are all sad yet won’t vote for him to stay?? makes NO sense! they better smarten up or ALL the weak links are just gonna get voted off one by one til it’s just Clay, Shelli & Vanessa left standing. Austin is too far off in fantasy land to even think about game moves. Is there anyone else in the house with a backbone?? if so I wish they’d step into action and fast! James started out strong. I’d be happy to see even James step up to the plate and stand up to the rulers of the house. they are all so pathetic when it comes to taking a stand in this game!
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Don’t find Austin entertaining but rather dumb
Painting nails and having tattoos doesn’t change his personality
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Tendr: My email is debrod1@aol.com. If you want to talk about dental implants, send me your number and I’ll call you. I had a full upper implant almost three years ago.
Everyone else: Sorry for going off topic.
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It’s disappointing that Jason, who is supposed to be such a fan, can’t figure out that he only needs 2 more votes to stay. All he has to do is flip Liz & Austin. I don’t understand why he can’t convince them to form an alliance with Meg, Jason, James, & himself. Then, like magic, they’d be running the show instead of Vanessa & Clelli. I’m sure Jackie would flip to their side pretty darn quick, too.
Apparently, being a “super fan” just means knowing all about who did what in each of the past seasons – not how to manipulate other people & shift power around. I guess that’s why they’re “super fans” and not “super players.”
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You all are so good at explaining events that are going on in the BB house. I think it’s a shame that Jason is going home. Was so looking forward to Austin leaving before going to Jury. “Best layed plans of mice and men often go astray”
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Quote by Robert Burns
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I am disappointed to see Jason go and the way it is going it is going to be shelli clay and Van in the end. I don’t know what the twins will do but they also seem loyal to Van. I can see Van winning this and that’s sad as she is a bully who does not need the money. I have no idea why she came on the show I guess for more money to gamble with. The
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------other side of the house are such weak players and just like Derrick they will all follow Van like sheep to the end. I am so disappointed in this season the only good thing for me is this blog.
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LOL Astra… it’d take you and an army to hold him down. I just don’t know if Liz doesn’t ask him because to Him..it might mean their married now or what…’ snicker’
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Oh no. Don’t let STAR see….I meant “they’re’. My mind is elsewhere…
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Deb..trying to copy but am on a small tablet…I have a ‘tori’ right where I need one implant IF I have enough bone and its a four tooth bridge so need two..I hope no more. Am more worried over how to pay for it as much as everything else… will find out what new dr says tomorrow… if I don’t knock myself out …i’ll tell you. You email me ok? tendr247@yahoo.com…….not sorry for getting off subject. ???????
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We seem to forget that production may step in and again ruin a good thing, as we have seen them do it before, just to screw with BB fans Thanks LM as always, you’re right on track. I do enjoy your writings!
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jason hasn’t done much except smoke cigarettes he’s got to be a chain smoker I don’t know where he put all those packs of cigarettes I’ll bet that you guys would be forgiving Austin if he only look like clay.I’m not thinking Jason could ever win a comp.even if big brother set it up for him to win.wouldn’t we like to be entertained the rest of the season.
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So over clay and his “Disney character looks” why didn’t he stand with Shelly against Vanessa when V jumped on She’ll for not admitting she was going along with V?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------When is anyone going to talk some of the others to ‘mutiny ‘?…btw the painted nails on guys used to be a punk thing back in the 1970’s..my bf did it. David Bowie type thing. Now it’s more of a heavy metal thing. Silly but harmless.
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Lisa..for sure you make this blog great!
Maybe a plane will fly over the house with a banner!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Never know!
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I wish a banner would fly by that says: “Wake up or Clay, Shelli or Vanessa will win!!” Sky writing would be better! 🙂 We can only hope something will happen to wake up the sleepers!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------tendr, we will be thinking about you tomorrow! <3
Later! 😎
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SIGH. I miss Dr. WILL AND DAN, and Rachel too. Even with all her whining, it was more interested than this group of sheep. I’m hoping Liz and twin will shake things up
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Tonight on BBAD Jason said he was going to spill the beans so to speak on Vannessa tomorrow after he is voted out. He knows that Vannesa is a poker player and not a DJ. He also knows that Steve is her little sneak. It will be interesting to see how Van smoothes that over. However she was already telling Shelli tonight that she has taken a special interest in Steve and was helping him in the game.
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Wow Carolyn, that’s exactly what needs to happen. I’ve only watched the 1st hour of BBAD and didn’t catch it so I guess it’s in the last couple hours. That does seem very odd that all of the sudden Jason would know she’s a pro poker player. Information like that needed to come out weeks ago. I just mentioned the exact same scenario a couple days ago on here, saying that would be a huge dose of karma to Vanessa if it happened.
It’s going to be great when the twins come in Thursday and Julia acts as the buffer between Liz and Austin. I see multiple entertaining arguments with Austin getting the short end of the stick every time. You think he’s been acting like a teenage boy thus far, just wait until Julia enters the picture.
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@Carolyn – I missed the first hour, keep forgetting that some nights it’s on for 3 hours. WOW!! I didn’t see that part. I wish he’d spill the beans now!!! Better yet, he should use that info to bring over Austin and Liz and rally the others so he’d have the votes to say. SOMEHOW SOMEWAY I’d be working that info to my advantage!!! Grrr!! Who was he talking to?
@tendr – My pet peeve is the misuse of to, too, and two. lol
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Yes love to read your Blog What is wrong with this house my gosh I thought they came to play BB they are letting the wrong people run the house.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jason is the only one who really knows this game.
Steve is just the gopher for the mommy and big sister team
If their was a BB God they would turn on Van and keep Jason
J Mac is just floating along with the rest of the now owning the HOH room crowd.
When is he going to make a move and play the game not throw comps. You to James your all talk and no walk Hope things change on Thursday and the minions get the win for HOH
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tendr: We will all be thinking of you today and praying that all goes well for you!
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Thanks for the write up Lisa! I think the only one I like is John ?…….. See you soon! ……………………….
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Jason is being stupid for just rolling over and playing dead when there are things he could do.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Doesn’t he get that you can’t just sit back in this game and hope for the best? Just lounging around in the back yard and smoking cigarettes all season isn’t gonna get anyone to the end.
Austin screwed up but Jason didn’t hesitate a minute to backstab him after he did. So he’s not exactly a trusted person in the house. And then buddying up to the very people who then turned around and put him on the block.
Its all gotten ridiculously predictable. SOmeone needs to shake things up! It’s become the Shelli, Clay and Vanessa show.
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Jason has done no campaigning to stay.. Nothing! He’s resigned to leave! This has sparked Meg to FINALLY play! I wasn’t a fan of Jackie but like her now. She’s getting the weak side together and is targeting Shlay!!! Could get interesting! I like Becky but find Jason way more entertaining! For being a huge fan though, he’s definitely not playing the game. These kids act like they’re at summer camp!
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I wanted to mention @Jeanne4488- I so agree with you!
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Do you think Vanessa can take that damn hat off her head. I can’t even look at her.
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Well it looks like we are all on the same page about this years BB. If Jason would tell the others about Van’s poker playing and that Steve is a mole for her it might make the other HG’s rethink how they vote. But it looks like that is not going to happen. Jason would have been great in the jury house.
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Your blog is the only good thing about this season. I’ve had it.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Linda, I LOL’d for reals at your Vanessa comment. Her whole “urban style” is driving me nuts!
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Laura, I almost walked away too but enjoy this blog too much! Can’t believe Jason’s gonna wait til he’s evicted to share the info!!! Idiotic! I loved Johnny Mac but he’s just floating with the floaters! They need older and wiser players ! James needs to stop floating- he’s great at comps- and Clay is no longer attractive to me. Ready for him to go! Lizs nasally valley girl voice is getting to me too. And Austin polishes his nails more than I do. He has different shades every day! Lol
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BUT this season is much better then last. These people are young and just aren’t playing the game but nothing like the morons last year!!!
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@Junksies he was talking to Beckey. Of course, Beckey is playing both sides so she isn’t going to tell anyone. She’s just trying to keep herself safe.
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Jadeangel, I agree with you! As bad as this year is turning out, I hope BB never, ever has a bunch of perverts like last season. I really wish Jason would tell the HG’s what he knows about Vanessa. I think that could be a real game changer! I think even Clay and Shelli would think twice about taking her with them to the end. I would love for John to get HOH just to see if he would cause a real upset! I get frustrated with all of the Kool Aid drinkers in the house. Didn’t they all have some knowledge of what happens to the weak players? They keep them as pawns for awhile and then pick them off one by one until all that’s left are the strong players (or the lucky ones who haven’t rattled the cage!) Well, that’s my point of view! Have a good day everyone. Looking forward to tonight, but really looking forward to tomorrow! Later! 😎 😉
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jolee: Sorry, I hit the wrong button and ended up sending you my reply by regular e-mail.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Don’t know if you will get it or not, so am correcting it by this usual reply process. I thought
I heard Jason tell James he tried to tell Clay about Steve being Van’s secret mole and com-
rade, but Clay refused to believe him?!? It amazes me how easily Van is playing everyone in
the house. They don’t seem to wise up to her methods of control until they are walking out
the door….too late. Clay needs to wise up to his limitations on intelligence. If he were half
as bright as he thinks he is, he might win HOH one day. Instead he has become all mouth
and a contented coattail rider. Maybe a concussion or two in his history from football
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How did Jason find out that Vanessa is a poker player? I hope he stays, Becky is such a bore and brings nothing to the table, except she is not a superfan. I loved when she was talking on how she watched old episodes of BB all the time. What a sleeper and a repeater when she talks. You know if Jason goes he is going to blow up Vanessa’s game. I still don’t know why Van did not nominate Austin. You know the twins will be gone pretty quick. James can’t keep his mouth shut. What ever anyone tells him he runs to the HOH and tells them just like a little kid. I was watching Jason chomp on that apple last night on BBAD and I could not wait for him to finish it. I do not like it when the camera shows them eating and the noise they make. It will be interesting to see who wins HOH and Vanessa is one big hypocrite for I don’t like people who lie to me. She has to go!
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Hope tonight’s show keeps me awake. It’s been a big YAWN!!season. Thank God I know how to crochet. At least I know it’s not a total waste of my time. See you after the the show tonight.
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Pretty boring in BB land, IMO. I don’t mind Clay, really, but Shelli (the entitled) and Vanessa (the bully) have some kind of voodoo hold on these people. PLEASE, The Other Side, wake up & PLAY … you’re being played!
Only houseguest I feel any affection for is Johnny Mac. Same for my husband. The others are boring lemmings. I’m sick of the buzz words: “backdoor”, “blood on my hands,” … you know.
Sick of Battle of the Block. Please, BB, find a better formula. You’re BORING us to death. Just watching once a week is going to be adequate.
Thanks for the blog … it’s the only thing to keep one going with this program!
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Grandma Kathy and all you other seniors, we need to have an all over 65 player’s. Our competitions could be, canning, baking, crocheting, comforting, counselling and those that are good at gardening, which I’m not. I am 82yrs young and can’t do the on my knees thing anymore. On my knees is more a mental state these days.
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@Carolyn D – I went to look for and found the script of Jason telling Becky about Vanessa but there was so little emphasis, elaboration of any kind by either one of them. It makes me wonder…did he just make a casual comment that oddly hit on that idea (like one chance in a million) or does he really KNOW that she is a poker player? Maybe the script I read was lacking in detail and if I’d actually heard the conversation the BBAD I’d have my answer. And please don’t think that I am doubting you. I have really big questions why this has not been revealed before and why nobody has talked about it. @wingnut17 – Agreeing with your question, how did Jason find out? Being the DR is the SILENT player in all this, fully manipulating events, did they reveal it in a DR session? Makes me wonder….humm
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How can you “pretty much agree with someone 100%”? If you can answer this I will be truly impressed.
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I don’t know how he found out . Maybe speculation on his part. He mentioned Van offered to help him (financially??) after the game. I am suffering from BB overload since I have been watching the live feeds this year, BBAD and reading Joker’s and two different blogs. I may be dreaming this for sure.
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@Carolyn – No, you aren’t dreaming, it was said for sure. Speculation or not, it went right over Becky’s head. Yeah, I saw that, Vanessa puts Jason on the block and then later tells him she has “connections” on the outside and that she can help him. She reminds me of a mob boss.
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Jeanne: Good for you, Fair Lady!! I’m 69 and sometimes feel 99, but others feel like
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I’m still 18 (at least mentally on a good day!) I agree, there are a lot of things we older
folks have in the way of talents that are quickly becoming extinct talents. Fried chicken,
pie baking, and old time values are getting harder to find every day. I realize values change
with different generations, but sometimes ignoring or ridiculing our generation is a loss
on their part. We still have value!!
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Herbie, when I say ” I pretty much agree with you 100%” I am saying that I agree with everything you said, BUT I am leaving an infinitesimal percent of doubt, that is so small it has to be rounded out to 100%. Impressed??? 😉
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Yay sherry! Truer words were never spoken! 😎
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I really agree with you 100% 😉
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Thank you Sherry. We are valuable. My children and grandchildren are fighting over who’s going to get my recipe book. I said, “Have you ever heard of Xerox” Smile!
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From what I understand, Jason either surmised that Van was a poker player through quiet observation(which he is so good at) or he knew from the git go and just didn’t share, which i doubt. He is SO good at WATCHING the game! Unfortunately, you have to do more than that once you are IN the house! Apparently being being a Super Fan doesn’t translate to being a Super Player!!
I did hear that his side was on the move to get him saved. They were supposed to be talking to the HGS trying to get either C&S or John and I think Steve to be the last 2 vote he needs to stay. But it seemed every time I checked the LFS today, they were all napping in the Purple room!!! way to Save a Life, guys!!
Just some simple observations about this weird season:
–I hadn’t seen or heard from or about John until last night when he was spotted playing chess with Van. WTH has he been the last week????
–No one is playing pool this season! there are no real GUY guys in the house!! Jeff used to play with Austin, but ever since he left, Austin is attached to Liz at the..well, wherever he can !!lol All he HGS are in 2’s and most just lay around snuggling, napping or giggling. UGH!! I can’t believe BB is letting them get away with this so that the LFers and BBAD watchers have ZIP!!!
–No one had even played chess until last night!!(that I had seen)
–I don’t care how much anyone hated Frankie..he was entertaining!! Everyone on here seems to hate last season but I thought it was brilliant! Frankie with his *celeb* status, Christine and Cody and their *affair*, Zankie, Derrick and alliance with Cody and 2nd aliance with Victoria, caleb and his school boy crush on Brittany…the list of things to talk about go on!!! Everyone is snoozing thru this year..including the HGS!!!!lol
That’s all I got!! enjoy the show!!!! 😉
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OMG! what is wrong with these people? They do realize this is a money competition, not summer vacation. This has got to be thee worst season EVER! BBAD is even worse. They need to put it back on Showtime or something. SOooo tired of the same repetitive commercials. These lasy asses NEED to get their head in the game and start making some power moves or we’re going to see 3 people at the end-Vanessa-Clay and Shelli.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Its another season of floaters!!!
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I have nothing! Getting ready to watch show that I DVR’D so I can fast forward thru boorriinngg parts! Later! 😎
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@Star – You are spot on as usual especially regarding the comparison of this and last year. This year is like watching paint dry. Never thought I’d say that I miss Frankie!! What a disappointing player Jason turned out to be. Why he couldn’t bridge knowledge with game play only he knows. Guess it wasn’t his goal. I think he just wanted to be “there” and that was enuf for him. Jason must have just surmised the poker player bit otherwise it would have been spoken of, and a lot, IMO. What are the odds of that!! I hope we find out.
Tonight’s episode is 2 hours away and I’m not looking forward to watching stuff that I already know, especially Clay winning POV. Yuk!! His appeal stops at eye candy. The time between shows seems like an eternity…especially waiting for Thursday and new HOH’s. Be back later!
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@ Junksies…..Agree 100%..as usual!! 😉
I think Jason was thrilled to be there but that he also really needed the money!! So why he didn’t play is beyond me! Maybe he thought he could float his way thru!! That usually only works if you have a strong player helping you.
Nothing was disclosed tonight! It’s such old hat on Wed as we all have known everything they show since last Sat!!!!! I never understood why they switched it from Tues to Wed nite. Going from Sun to Wed, when those are the down days anyway, is so hard!!! I’m surprised that those only watching the show even remember WTH is going on!!lol And waht show does CBS have on Tues nite that is so important…oh wait…CSI!!! UGH> Not a fan but it must e the reason why they can’t have BB on in that time slot!! So once again, TV Politics affects the viewers. Nice. Sometimes I think that CBS thinks BB fans are really stupid. We stay thru bad schedule changes, horrible HGS, dumb ass twists……maybe they;re right. We MUST be stupid to put up with this! Especially when we get so little in return anymore!
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Why did Vanessa have to tell Austin she was going to backdoor him? She should of just kept her mouth shut. He may be a number, but he will still tell lies. That kiss with Liz and Austin made me sick and squirm. She deserved it for leading him on. I hope Jason stays.
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I love the Xerox comment! Grandchildren are such wonderful gifts from God.
They give our lives meaning when we are beginning to think we are no longer
needed as much. The joy we see on little faces when they eat our old fashioned
cooking is priceless and worth more than words can say. And their is nothing
more precious than little arms raised upwards and little legs pumping as fast
as they can function to reach us. Then they grow up too fast, and we once again
realize we’ve served our purpose and are no longer quite as necessary to them,
either. And we once again feel the emptiness in arms that once held them so ten-
derly and with so much love.
But no one can take away the memories they’ve given us to fill our hearts and minds during times when we feel our years weighting us down and our existence a little more isolated with each passing day. This is something no one understands until they take that journey themselves, So if our children aren’t able to understand how we can become so
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------involved with a television show and friends we’ve made on a blog, we smile inwardly
and say to ourselves, “Hang on dear ones. One day you will. One day you’ll walk in our footsteps and maybe along the way, if you’re wise enough, you’ll listen to an older person’s
wisdom obtained through experience and be in awe as to how smart we suddenly
became in your opinion. Smile.
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Great post, Lisa Marie. Star and Junksies: Good comments and so true. T.V. news and
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------entertainment value has become too politicized. When re-runs become more important
than new programming….well, the blogs are the only thing saving their viewership. If
there was no where to go to vent frustrations with casting choices and ridiculous twists that never seem to work, people would stop watching. Hoping that the original concepts
and player intelligence will return to a show that developed some of the most loyal
viewers around soon dies without communication with other fans.
Thank you Lisa for keeping us all from going bonkers or so bored we have to resort to
doing jigsaw puzzles each night.
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Feeling frustrated. Always straining to HEAR when I have the live feeds on. And yes, my volume is up all the way and I can hear other shows fine but I miss so much of what is being said on the BB feeds. actually sometimes find myself holding my laptop up to my ear! which is bit ridiculous.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------somewhere I have some speakers but can’t seem to find them. so it’s like watching a silent movie most of the time. I catch bits and pieces but miss way too much.
anyone else??
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sherry, I have a new app for my Kindle called Colorfy. It is so much fun. It’s addictive. It allows you to color intricate pictures by a touch of your stylus! It helps get through the boring BB shows. You can send the pictures to friends via e-mail or post them on Facebook. I have several friends who are doing them and we post them on FB. I think you will like it. 🙂 Looking forward to what tomorrow will bring on BB. I hope something exciting happens. Later!!! 😎
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Jolee, I hate to admit this in this age of electronic wonders, but I don’t hae a Kindle. I
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------still prefer the tangible book. My phone is a flip, track phone. I still have a VHS player
and a DVD player. I am in the process of finishing up three novels at different stages,
one almost ready for publication and am an artist who has two commissioned paintings
waiting for my final touches. But it’s been too hot and am too busy to finish any of these.
I am giving up my art studio to move into a smaller house. Will have to set up in one
side of double garage. Will have to see how that works out. Hoping to be moved in by
the end of August. Trying to do everything by yourself is time consuming and extremely
frustrating. Thank God for BB (boring and frustrating as it has been) this summer of such
hot temps and constant packing.
So honey, the apps thing is above my pay grade and electronical knowledge. Sorry. But
thanks so much for thinking of me. I was one of those electronical geniuses who never
learned how to stop the blinking light on my cable box clock!!!!
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sherry, I wish the best for you as you complete your books and paintings. I would love to check them out when they are completed. I love arts and crafts of any kind. I have done oil, charcoal, pen and ink, watercolors, acrylic and pencil. I cross-stitch, knit, crochet. and make gourmet candy. 🙂 All of these help me get through the Big Brother boring season. As mentioned before, this blog is the best of BB17. I would like for you to e-mail me and we can go OT all want! 🙂
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you ever get a computer, laptop or Kindle, the Colorfy app is free. My e-mail address is joleemae@aol.com. I would love to keep in touch beyond Big Brother.
I hope the show tonight does not disappoint! Talk to you all later!! 😎
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jolee, you just made my day! I love that we have so many things in common. I would
love to keep in contact with you after the show is over. My e-mail is:
sherryhe23@sbcglobal.net. It is about the only thing that won’t be changing with my
new move. (New address and phone number. New electric company and water company.)
I’m wondering if tonight Julie will announce they are going back to one HOH. It would
make things so much more interesting, I think. I am so tired of BOTB. It gets confusing,
too, when there are four put up for eviction nominees. Pawns have been done and done
and done. Now some of them are finally realizing it has come to the point in the game
when they are going to have to make more difficult decisions and more red lines in the
sand will have to be drawn. (But we have become immune to red lines. They don’t seem
to mean as much as they did a few years back.)
For those who came into the house and believe they have such wonderful friendships
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------to fall back on, it is going to be an actual shock to discover friendships are not cemented in stone when it comes to BB and $500,000 is at stake. It’s a game, people. Start playing it for real.
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I hear you Lisa I am the same way they need to do something
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