Big Brother 17 starts in…

by BBBlogger on September 30, 2014

So before we get to Big Brother 17, let’s sum up Big Brother 16!

End of the day we got what we wanted. 16 new house guests. 16 diverse people. 16 people to either love or hate and watch all summer long.

We saw another rise to the top like Dr. Will and Dan G. of Big Brother past. Derrick was an amazing player and did something no one else could do…he was never nominated! He was one of the ones who could have been eliminated after the final HOH but that does not mean he was nominated to be there and on the block.

We found the twists…weird. Team America was fun and the people in it were fun. The Big Brother Rewind was weak at best.

I liked the BOTB and the dual HOH and the 4 noms twist. That at least kept us on our toes and gave opportunities never before present.

One by one we saw the females get voted out and then there was only one left who everyone was “carrying” to the finals. My prediction of a female winning was way off. I also selected Christine as my winner without knowing anything about them…boy was I way off! LOL

I did fall a little for Brittany…as of this blog post she still has not reached out! (please call or post in the comments!! Would love to connect!!) 🙂

So overall it was not the worst season and I feel like it was solid.

Here on the blog…89 posts for this season.

We are at 79,641 Comments for the entire life of this blog! (amazing really!)

I truly owe you all a ton for keeping this blog alive, active and fun.

So next season, we might all be here or we might be on the new blog I am building at but I am still torn.

For now, we are at where Lisa Marie is going to be posting for us weekly and also posting at once I get her setup over there!

If you want to donate, to keep this and other blogs going, it would mean the world to me. If not, no worries. I am glad you were here and glad you could hang out.

If you need to contact me I am at and would love to hear from you.

I hope to see you down the road!

Peace, BBBlogger

PS: Please do not unsubscribe from the email list. We are going to allow this blog to go dormant until we start hearing stuff about Big Brother 17 next May!

PPS: Have a great 8 months off. Big Brother 17 will be back before we know it. I might even bring back the big countdown clock! 🙂

PPPS: Hope to see you on my other blogs and web properties! ~ Bill aka BBBlogger

bobovnvet September 30, 2014 at 4:29 pm

Good to see you again Lisa! ♥ thank you!………. ……………. :mrgreen:

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bobovnvet September 30, 2014 at 4:31 pm

I guess I should have read the whole thing first Bill….. 😳 :mrgreen:

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Jolee September 30, 2014 at 4:32 pm

Yay! Thank you BBBlogger! 🙂

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Joyce September 30, 2014 at 4:36 pm

Whoaaa…thank you

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Tay'me September 30, 2014 at 4:40 pm

I wanted Caleb to win

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junksies September 30, 2014 at 4:42 pm

My heart skipped a few excited beats seeing the email notification!!! It’s been way too quiet. Glad to hear from you! Thanks for the info.

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Jeanne September 30, 2014 at 4:44 pm

Wow, this is great. Thank you BBBlogger. What a good way to keep in touch with the friends we’ve made this season. I will always be here as long as this lasts. God bless you. {{{HUGS}}}

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cathy September 30, 2014 at 4:56 pm

See ya bb blog next year. Imma gonna try to get over to ur survivor blog. However I just am not a huge survivor fan. Stay

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TxDeeva September 30, 2014 at 5:00 pm

I will miss this blog!! 🙂

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Dough September 30, 2014 at 5:03 pm

I am finding it hard to adjust after BB16. I keep wondering what Derrick and others are up to. I can not wait until we start all over again..

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jeanne4488 September 30, 2014 at 5:29 pm

I agree Dough. Feel like I’m in BB withdrawal.. keep googling looking for updates. and frustratingly found Frankie addressing his kingdom of fans (real or imaginary) .. amazingly seems he has some. But seemed clueless as to how many people were NOT his fans. but I’m sure big things will come his way now.. (GAG)

Wondering if Derrick and Victoria have been in touch since it all ended. Saw a picture of her and Jana posing together at the after party – all smiles.

But on a positive note – LOVED the happy ending !!! :o) .. Derrick won .. Cody was 2nd and America’s 3 top favorites were MY 3 top favorites and Frankie wasn’t even mentioned. Although how HE got invited to be on the Talk and The View instead of the final 2 or 3 escapes me but not surprising.

But after last year’s yucky ending.. his year’s ending left me with a warm fuzzy feeling that Good prevails in the end.

Still in withdrawal though. lol.

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Charlene September 30, 2014 at 6:27 pm

Thank you for the great blog & information on BB 16! Please keep me subscribed for BB 17.

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tendr September 30, 2014 at 6:29 pm

if you’re having BB withdrawls you can find online bb from au. and canada….i know some of our players were invited to the canada one and emmit stayed the night at the canada big bro. the au. bb is quite “odd” to me…totally different than the U.S. sorry i’m not typing in caps everywhere i should…it’s my keyboard is so sensitive if i barely miss the middle of the correct key my cursor will pop elsewhere so i just stay in small type as much as i can……..anyway thank you bbblogger for this blog….

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max September 30, 2014 at 6:44 pm

Bye-Bye BB 16. It was fun!!!

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hpr56 September 30, 2014 at 6:46 pm

Thanks, Bill. Looking forward to discussing the next season.

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Keith September 30, 2014 at 7:12 pm

Will you or Lisa let us know when the Amazing Race blog gets going? I’ve been devoted to that show since the first season along with Survivor.

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Star September 30, 2014 at 7:13 pm

Was SO excited to see a NEW BB Blog in my email !! Like everyone else, I am going and always go through BB withdrawl every yesr when it ends. It goes away eventually, but it does take up a quarter of our year and being creatures of habit, it isn’t easy to break!

I liked this season overall. They got out the annoying players right away and the people that were most deserving to win, did. AND we got a new BB Icon in Derrick, I think. Played a bit like Dan but way surpassed him. I honestly, after all this time. don’t remember much about Dr Wil’s play. It was season 2 and to be honest, all I remember is that everyone seemed under his spell and he and Boogie were always hamming it up in the DR. I don’t think he ever won a comp, his claim to fame, but I don’t remember any strategy really. So to me, Derrick and Dan are the BB icons to emulate.

I too liked the double HOH and BOTB, but the rest of the twists were lame. And the unanimous voting was boring and frustrating. But it was just a safer game and much tamer than last year. Doesn’t make it less valid!!

I am not on twitter and haven’t even tried to see what Frankie is doing. Don’t really care! Keep hearing about his sister on TV tho. Unfortunately, Frankie runed any interest I may have had in her..which wasn’t huge to begin with!lol

I did post on the last page that Donnie, Cody, Caleb, Hayden, Nic, Zach, Amber and J&J, Brenchela dn Ellissa are going to be on the B&B on Oct30 &31. It’s already been taped, so it was just a one time deal, apparently.

I don’t like watching shows online. I am a baby boomer and proud of it and like watching shows on TV!! I am usually ONLINE while I am watching TV so if youa re watching shows ONLINE it, you can’t be doing anything else! But if I get desparate, I may look up the other BB’s. @tendr……Where do you go anyway?? YouTube??

As I already stated again on the last page, love ya BBBlogger and thanks for everything you do for us!!!(shortened version!!)lol AND Cudos to Lisa Marie and hats off to her for taking on more of us on consecutive blogs!! Brave

I will keep stopping back here until I feel weaned. Good to see a few bloggers here once again!! Shout outs to the whole Blogade Family!!!

Peace, love and light!! ♥♥♥

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Linda Brown September 30, 2014 at 7:24 pm

Good to hear from you! Love this blog…..can’t wait for next season. Have a great time off.

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Ina September 30, 2014 at 8:16 pm

I’m lost and don’t know what to do with myself now THAT BB is over guess I have to go back to cleaning house

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Jolee September 30, 2014 at 8:25 pm

Jeanne4488, I don’t think Frankie was on The View. I have been recording it since BB ended. I saw him on The Talk! Uggh! He completely took the spotlight away from Derrick. I was thinking maybe ABC or CBS wouldn’t have him on their show unless they got the first interview! It has happened before …… just a thought. I don’t know why The View would want him now that he is “old news!” I would be very happy to have him disappear from public view! IMHO !!!! 🙂 So glad to see BB e-mail back on my computer! 🙂

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turtle September 30, 2014 at 11:56 pm

Frankie WHO ?????

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Jolee September 30, 2014 at 11:58 pm

turtle, never heard of him! 🙂

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J Renee' October 1, 2014 at 4:42 am


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Star October 1, 2014 at 5:24 am

Hey J Renee’..I just watched that vid. Thanks for sending it. But what kind of rinky dink outfit is BNJ???LOL They were interviewing in a hotel room with Christine and Jacosta and someone else in the room, with junk all over. And congrats to Donnie and all that but he still sounds bitter to me. I am not sure he had that great a time in the BB House. I am a Yankee gal and I talk and think fast and it was always hard for me to listen to Donnie as he talks SO SLOW!!!!! lol
This interview seemed very unprofessional to me. Who is Breaking News Journal anyway?? Curious minds want to know!! 😉

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Queen Bee October 1, 2014 at 7:45 am

I look forward to these e-mails all BB season. This blog is the best one I’ve come across. Thanks to BB Blogger and Lisa Marie for all your hard work. I’m definitely going through withdrawals. Can’t wait for BB 17!!!

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Terry Brown October 1, 2014 at 8:57 am

Wow – I just had a rush when I when I saw the email notification – like having a double shot this morning. I didn’t realize I was going through withdrawals until I saw this email notification and skip over all my friends emails to read this one first. I promise not to un-subscribed to the site – love reading all the comments and getting the updates. Its going to be a long winter, thats for sure. Thank you BBBlogger, its been loads of fun!

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Jolee October 1, 2014 at 10:39 am

Good morning everyone! Isn’t this exciting. …. having BB e-mail again? 🙂 Let’s just all hang out here as long as they make this blog available. We can share the holidays together!! 🙂 🙂
I agree about the interview with Donny. The beds weren’t even made!! It was definitely an amateur interview. Although it was nice seeing Donny again and getting his reaction to being AFP. Have a good day everyone. Let’s keep on blogging! I love it!! 🙂

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macy October 1, 2014 at 12:14 pm

thx bill

congrats donnie!

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Joyce October 1, 2014 at 1:10 pm

Leaving for Hilton Head Sat. morning but I will still be checking email. Love getting all the posts. You guys are the greatest.

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macy October 1, 2014 at 1:25 pm

dvr’d bold and the beautiful to catch our BB16 hg – here in texas ebola trumpted the show with gov rick perry and other medical professionals giving press conf – did anyone else see the show? if so, what happened…………

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Mary Price October 1, 2014 at 2:02 pm

@ Bill -BBBlogger, I was so happy to see this in my in my e mail.
I am missing the show and everyone here so much. But I am not missing Frankie at all.
Thank You for your blog & Lisa Marie keeping us up to date on the season.

@Jeanne4488, Frankie was invited so CBS could keep his sister happy. That I am sure of.

I agree with the others about with draw from the show.
I cant wait till next summer just as long as there is not another Frankie.
Since I dont watch Survivor or the Amazing Race I will miss all of you until next year. Hope to see you all then.

II enjoyed all the comments and finding out when to watch the bold & beautiful.
I watch another channel at the time since 1979.
Thank You all for the great info.
CONGRATS to Donny.

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bobovnvet October 1, 2014 at 4:34 pm

Whats up Star? ……………………………… :mrgreen:

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bobovnvet October 1, 2014 at 4:39 pm

Just saving my spot again! 😆 ………………………………….. :mrgreen:

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Star October 1, 2014 at 10:35 pm

Not sure who is reading or interested but for fans of Evel Dick…he is on a show on VH1 on Wed nights at 10:00EST called Couples Therapy. He is trying to work on a relationship with an Ex along with several other C-rated celebs.
However, on the show he admitted why he left BB13 early.( I got this second hand in a BB email, altho I do watch the show.) We all thought it was that a friend was sick. As it turns out, he was called to the DR one day and given news. They take blood tests before they are admitted to BB. They took two and one of them showed he ahd HIV. They retook it and had the same result. ED then asked to leave and went straight to his mother’s house to tell her. I am sure he was very shaken. He got it from basically an unprotected one night stand. It is a very small amount, if that is the correct term, and he manges it with a pill once a day. His EX GF that he is on the show with has been checked and is clean.
He said he brought this up to shine a light on the diseaseand he health risks of unprotected sex.
I always wondered why he really left that season!! I never bought the lame story they gave us. I think he is doing a good thing by telling his story. And I’m still a fan!! 😉

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Jeanne October 2, 2014 at 12:13 am

Saving my spot. Nite all

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EV October 2, 2014 at 6:22 am

Good morning everyone, I am still around too! (smile)

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Courtney October 2, 2014 at 12:10 pm

BBB, Thanks so much for another great season! See everyone over at Survivor.

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macy October 2, 2014 at 2:30 pm

BBB im not getting the SURVIVOR blog – wassup?

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Lisa Marie Bowman October 2, 2014 at 4:03 pm

Since some people apparently did not get it — here is the latest post on the Survivor Blog.

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macy October 2, 2014 at 5:06 pm

thanks lisa for the survivor link – not sure why it doesnt pop up like the BB blog – so i have to go to your last post and get the link there

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Jolee October 4, 2014 at 6:48 pm

Hello bloggers! I just wanted to check in with all of you who have requested my recipes. As I mentioned, my computer crashed about a week and a half ago. I had to buy another one, which will be delivered a week from Monday! As soon as my son-in-law gets me up and running, I will send the recipes. I am hoping (and praying) I didn’t lose all of my documents, pictures, etc. I miss all of you soooooo much! God bless!

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bobovnvet October 6, 2014 at 5:45 pm

This page is still going 😕

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Jeanne October 6, 2014 at 7:55 pm

Did you miss us bobo. la la la still here. {{{HUGS}}}

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Jolee October 7, 2014 at 1:44 am

Hi Bob! I believe BBBlogger started this new post so anyone who wanted to stay in touch would have a place to do this! That’s why he said “Big Brother starts in….” I love seeing Big Brother blogs in.My e-mail. I know, I should give it up! 🙂 Have a good week! The twins are still checking in! 🙂

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Jolee October 7, 2014 at 1:45 am

That should be: “Big Brother 17 starts in ……” 🙂

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Joyce October 7, 2014 at 2:38 am

Still here. Just want to stay in touch

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bobovnvet October 7, 2014 at 5:32 am


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bobovnvet October 8, 2014 at 1:40 pm

Is there a new page for Survivor tonight ???? …………….. :mrgreen:

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Jolee October 8, 2014 at 1:48 pm

Bob, Lisa posted a link to Survivor on her last post. Comment #69 in her post “Here how the story ends.” 🙂 See you there!

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Jeanne October 8, 2014 at 3:44 pm

Bobo did you find the post for Survivor?

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Lisa Marie Bowman October 9, 2014 at 12:48 am

New Post is up over at the SurvivorBlog.

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bobovnvet October 9, 2014 at 3:58 pm

Yes I found it….Thanks Ladies ♥ ……………………. :mrgreen:

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Jolee October 9, 2014 at 5:29 pm

You are so welcome Bobo!! 🙂

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bobovnvet October 9, 2014 at 7:13 pm

:)………………. ♥

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bobovnvet October 9, 2014 at 7:14 pm

Should have been a smile 🙂 Like that! ………………….. :mrgreen:

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