Hi, sorry for the delay in opening up the diary room!
It is now open so, either in the comments section or using the poll over on the right side of the screen, cast your vote to evict now. Do you vote to evict…
JAMES, the self-described Asian Cowboy
JEFF, the man who makes us all go, “Ewwwwww?”
Cast your vote now!
My vote is for Ewwwww aka Jeff
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I also vote to evict Jeff!. It will be nice not to have to see his face again. I am glad he will not be a part of the jury. Be back tonight after the show! 🙂
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I vote to evict Jeff
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JEFF!!!! I ♡ JAMES!!!…but I’m also from S.C.! ; )
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I vote to evict Jeff !! Only because they were to chicken to get rid of Audrey.
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Ewwwww, Jeff!! I find him repulsive!!! I’m also from S.C. and I have nothing against James.
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Jeff, I also think James is good, but not much airtime, and John was right, James talks like he is comfortable.
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I vote to evict Jeff. Was not impressed with him on the Anazing Race and absolutely not impressed with him on BB17! I wish Julie would pull a double eviction episode and Audrey would get voted out tonight too . But alas that will not happen! After tonight only 2 more evictions until Liz and Julia can both be in the house together.
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By Jeff don’t let the door it you in the ? befor leaving.
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Cya Jeff!
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I vote to evict the mouth of the south…..Jeff.
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I vote to evict Jeff … he definitely brought on the creepy factor (although Austin is becoming the new creepy houseguest with his obsession over Liz). 🙂
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I vote to evict Jeff. He cooked his own goose in the house.
By the way, I don’t post every day but I read every day so thanks a lot to Lisa especially and the rest of you for all your information. Love you guys.
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Jolene. I mean Jeff
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Jeff – don’t let the door hit you where the good Lord split you!
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I vote to evict Jeff.
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What is the deal with evicting Audrey?? Because she is transgender? What kind of reason is that?
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Dito my vote is for Ewwwww aka Jeff
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Despite the efforts of production to change houseguests’ minds, I happily vote to evict Jeff.
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If I was in the house I would vote for James, because he could beat me. However, I am not in the house so I do not have to vote strategically and therefore vote Jeff!
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I vote to evict Jeff. He was also a douche on Amazing Race. Why they chose Jackie and him is beyond me.
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I vote to evict jeff….
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I vote to evict Jeff!
I’m starting to like James, a little. 😀
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I vote to evict Jeff!!!
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If these people have a brain they will vote to evict James he is a stronger player and a must get rid player for them. But the way they are playing this week they do not have a brain.
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I gladly vote to evict Jeff.
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The show is pretty boring this year. At least Jeff has added some excitement. If Jeff leaves it will definitely be a lot more boring. I vote to evict James!
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Awww…Carolyn..we almost had our 1st ever unanimous vote!! lol
I too vote to evict JEFF the Annoying!!!!!!!
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I think this blog has made their viewer choice! Bye, bye Jeffy! 🙂
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Linda, I don’t think it’s because Audrey is transgender. It’s because of the total lack of wisdom she displaced in the first episode. Flying around the house getting in everyone’s face to force her alliance. She just went about it the wrong way. IMHO. She just turned the whole house against her. Looking forward to tonight. Bye bye Jeff. {{{HUGS}}}
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Definetly Jeff
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OMG. I’m sorry. Wasnt aware you were going for new record. I just don’t see James as a leader but more of a person who will do what he’s told to do by the powers that be.
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I vote to evict Jeff, and I hope that someone from the other side of the house can win and move one of the controlling part of the house out of the house, maybe that will liven things up in the house.
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I vote to evict Jeff.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------On another note, I read your blog daily, and have been on this site for several years. I don’t contribute as often as I used to, but am still a fan!
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Bye Jeff
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Ba bye Jeff.
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Hi Julie. I vote to evict Jeff.
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I vote to evict Jeff. I am getting sick of tattoo man
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@Carolyn..I was just teasing. Thus the LOL . You can vote anyway you want. I just thought it was pretty unusual that everyone was voting the same! Didn’t mean to offend!! Sorry!! 🙁
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Jeff ……………….
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I feel what you are saying, but James has potential. If only he realizes it during the game.
Jeff is a gimme this week as “Ewwwwww” of the week during his selfish actions in a house full of people…
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@Star. You didn’t offend. I was torn. Could have gone either way for me. Looking forward to seeing how new hoh play out this week.
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Jeffy is gone. Now he can go home and see the reruns of the show and all of the comments that were made including the EWWWWWW factor. I was really hoping John would get HOH. Now, I hope Liz wins HOH. I was surprised that James got 4 votes! I knew he would get Jackie’s.
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@jolee……ditto!!! I was really surprised that Liz and Steve voted for him!!! It was pretty close actually, but then tht’s how I felt about it too. Shelli has already had a shot so I hope Liz gets it too. I just hope they don’t put up the same old pawns. Put up Audrey and jackie and some of the girls for a change!! BBAD should be interesting tonight!!!
@Carolyn… I was torn too. By the end,I was almost sorry Jeff got booted. For game play and revenge on Austin, I kinda wish he ahd stayed now. Oh well. I hope someone gets Austin out soon because as Jeff put it…He’s kinda creepy!! lol Not to mention manipulative and his crush on Liz is grossing me out!!!!! UGH!!!
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Bye Jeff! * sound of slamming door* I think Vanessa is just overbearing…Hope Liz puts her on the block. Right now, Austin is creepy but cute to me..liking the twins so much. As long as he doesnt get anything like “Beastmode Jerk” from last year. Something about Liz/Julia is very endearing to me, they seem like Nice young women. HOPE CLAY KEEPS HIS MOUTH SHUT…with Shelli as a HOH again. So sick of those two!! I’m afraid with Liz and Shelli being friends in the house ..Shelli/CLay will control everything again. Would LOVE to see John or Jason win HOH! James is boring to me…just boring. Nite everyone!
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Watching LFS. Van,Aus, Liz and Aud…..together again….talking in BR about the vote. Wondering who voted for Jeff. Aus and Van don’t let go of a thing when they want to know. They are like a dog with a bone!!!! Liz is sitting there stone faces, knowing she voted for Jeff. And poor Steve came in to go potty and they all asked if it was HIM and if not who WAS it! Everyone was staring at him and he looked as uncomfortable as he did when jace was yelling at him that time. He finally said he had to go pee, trying to think of a way out of this I’m sure!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I am so sick of V&A and C&S..altho I think if Shelli went., Clay would be an ok guy. But V&A are too aggressive and entitled and ready for war and C&S are too sure of themselves and smug. I would like to see someaction form the OTHER side of the house for a change. Like Jason or Meg!!! Or JOHN!! I sure hope Liz wins tho. She is one of my few faves and it’s her turn to be HOH. And julia’s. )
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Star, I agree. I don’t like Van at all. She is so aggressive. I would like to see her and Audrey gone. Nite all. {{{HUGS}}}
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Sneaky slimy Liz voted for James to go and little does her alliance realize that she is the one who flipped her vote. Now they are all obsessed with figuring out who it was and are blaming Becky which infuriates me that Becky is being blamed for something she didn’t do. UGH!!! Just more reason for me to dislike Liz!!! Can’t stand the way she taaalks. Elongates the last syllable of every word and it drives crazy… a constant whine like fingernails on a chalkboard. And she is not that bright. Just another dizzy blonde who gets by on her looks instead of her brain. And she is not that cute either. Guess you can tell that I don’t like her.
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Lol Junksies! I agree with you as far as the way Liz talks, but I like her and her sister! We twins have to stick together! 🙂 I really wanted John to win HOH. I think he would have the guts to make a move to shake things up. He has allowed the HOH’s to manipulate him, but from his DR comments, I believe he is waiting for his chance to strike!! He is probably the smartest person in the house right now! I was really hoping Julie would announce a double eviction next week. Also, I wonder if they are going to have a celebrity rule the house this week! I guess we will find out! Jolee is going to bed! Nite all! 🙂
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Junkisie great chalkboard analogy. Shelli back at hoh means clay time as he is real hoh. At first john annoyed me now I really like the guy. Vanessa is a bit pushy/aggressive as some mentioned and kind of getting tired at her High IQ mentions. Speaking of her u can find you tube videos One being this woman’s only invitational poker event for WPT. She’s very annoying on it. Austin is idiot and has crazy Charles Manson eyes. His tattoo designs are kind of cool though and original. But Keep the sunglasses on as u look possessed. I still find Jackie one I want to see n hear more from her and find her most attractive girl in house while probably in minority on this . Becky and Audrey for some reason feel will join forces in upcoming episodes.
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