Hi everyone!
Tonight is double eviction night!
Who do you want to see go first?
Do you vote to evict…
JULIA, the twin who doesn’t do anything
MEG, the non-twin who doesn’t do anything?
Cast your vote over on the right side of the page or in the comments below! Β And let us know who you would like to see go next in tonight’s special double eviction episode of Big Brother!
Happy voting!
Lisa Marie
Julia but it doesn’t really matter. I have lost interest in this season. I only read the Blog. I have stopped watching CBS’s show on Sunday, Wednesday and Thursday. However, Thursday is the only day that matters anyway.
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First evect Julia and then her evil twin
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I vote to evict Julia. Hope James wins HOH and edicts Vanessa.
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I vote to evict Julia but unless Vanessa gives the HG’s permission to do so, it will never happen.
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Julia shake the house up
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Julia and then Liz/Austin however it isn’t going to happen primarily because John and Steve are idiots!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------They don’t even realize that they have all the power. An who knows they may be next depending on who wins the HOH.
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Julia can’t stand her then hopefully her sister goes next
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I vote to evict Julia. Then I hope James gets HOH and they evict Vanessa in DE!
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If they don’t take a shot now and evict Julia, they all deserve to lose the game. If that goes down, the only hope is for James/JMac/Meg to win HOH and put up Vanessa/Austin. Which ever one stays on the block goes. But if Austin/Liz/Julia win the second HOH, it’s game over.
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I vote to evict Meg she has done nothing but she has a great personality and I will miss her personality she’s upbeat and happy haven’t notice problem with her sleeping all the time because I do not have the live feed so every time I see her she’s perky and enthusiastic and happy. And seems like somebody I would like to know. However I want Vanessa to win that’s for Vanessa’s game that she leave as scheduled by Vanessa
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I vote to evict Julia….then hope there is a big blowup between Liz and Austin over it!! good times!!
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I vote to evict Julia. Second eviction, I hope James or Johnny Mac win and get rid of Austin. Then Vanessa for the next time.
I agree that Meg has done nothing but she also can’t win anything. She’s really not a threat. Wellllllllllllll, actually who is? Austwins? Vanessa? Yeah kind of.
As much as I don’t like Vanessa, she is playing the game!
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Thank’s Lisa. I vote to evict Julia, then Liz (they give twins a bad name!) π
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My second thought, I would agree with those who would like James to win HOH and put up Vanessa and either Austin or Liz. I think it would be very interesting to see Austin and Liz put on the block together! That would certainly bring out their true colors!! π π
Later!! π
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I vote to evict….Whiney JULIAAAAAAAAAAAAAUH!!!!
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I voooooteeeuh to evict Juliaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
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Another thought: I guess the main reason I don’t want Vanessa to win is because I do not like bullies! She is the prime example of a bully. I agree she’s probably the only one who is really playing the game, but I don’t like the way she is in everyone’s face. They wouldn’t allow her to act like that at the poker table! I still do not want her to win. It would set a bad president for future BB HG’s … IMHO!! π That’s all folks!! π
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Later!! π
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Julia! I don’t know where CBS found the dumbest guests in the world. That said Vanessa is not the best player, she’s a bully and the smartest of the dumbest which says nothing!!!
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evict Julia ~
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~~@#4 Hope James wins HOH and evictsVANESSA !!!!
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I vote to evict… uhm… yea… Wah-nessa. Oh yeah, once again she isn’t on the block. What a bunch of dopes. Don’t really care who goes. Let’s see Meg who did about 5 minutes campaigning last night or Juuuuuuuuliiiiiaaaaaaa one of the twits? I vote to evict Julia.
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I vote to evict Julia, with Aus or Liz right behind her!
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I’d vote to evict Meg. She doesn’t deserve a chance at this point. I didn’t really see her fight for it. But it sure could get interesting watching Julia go & the 3some broken up. I’ve never been so indifferent at this point in the game but whatevaaa. As much as I’m rooting for Vanessa, I think I’ll be happy to see anyone go in 2nd eviction. I just hope game picks up after that. I probably will quit watching altogether if Austin or Liz actually stand a chance to win. Ugh
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Julia, but think it will be Meg talking with Julie. Second eviction, hope it’s Van!
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I hope Julia goes out the door first tonight although I saw Meg’s attempt to campaign Steve last night and it was just downright painful to watch. She was so nervous that it came off rehearsed and not sincere at all.
@Fran74: I love the “smartest of the dumbest” line. The shoe definitely fits with this group.
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Jolee – I 100% agree with you about Vanessa’s methods…… Nobody likes a Bully!
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I vote to evict Julia and then her evil twin Liz.
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Dammit – get out Julia! Than Vanessa or Liz, it doesn’t make a difference really!
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at this point I don’t care who gets evicted. Game went downhill when Vanessa should of lost to Shelli.
Stupid dopes……………………all of them.
Goodnight house guests. AUSTIN take a bath, wash your fking hair and get rid of your tiny little thing growing out of your beard. Liz can’t stand you………………………
loser,loser loser.
You call yourself Judas? you couldn’t compete in his game. He denied Christ and you are just a pathetic *^hole.
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I vote, with every fiber of my being, to out Julia and end the reign of The Twins of Terror.
By the time I posted this on the Trojan blog the next one was up. So I’m just getting this back in line…
@Tendr, thanks for the advice on chelated magnesium. Iβve been having excruciating leg (thigh, calf and foot) cramps for days due to my new job and walking back and forth, plus sitting in an office chair for extended hours. My doctor is useless so any advice helps. I thought magnesium needed calcium or potassium along with it to keep the body in balance?
@Stra, good to see you here, girl. I miss our late night run ins.
@Cβest Moi, they may be Catholic but I did hear Julia(?) (one twin is very much like the other) say about the Hand challenge that hitting the hand left her spinning like a dreidel. A distinctly Jewish reference, however it exists in her life story. Perhaps, even if thy were raised Catholic they may have celebrated holidays with Jewish grandparents or even close friends.
@Lisa Marie, thanks for the update. Iβm sure itβs doomed to fail because these foolish houseguests cannot band together to get Austin and the nasal voiced twins out!
@Baby Girl, hope you got my email and signed up for this blog. Looking forward to seeing you here soon, whether you comment or not. Someone will try to answer any questions if youβve missed anything. This is a very good group of people.
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I vote to evict Julia. Would LOVE for James to win HOH and put up Austin and Liz. That would be entertaining to watch.
I go back and forth with Vanessa. I appreciate that she is playing the game 24/7. But she is SO annoying!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Considering some of the other bullies this show has had, I don’t know if I would put her in their category. I think she is more persistent and the other house guests are way to submissive and clueless
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Princess, as long as you have dairy in your diet the most important supplement besides a good multi (around lunch, if older like me, without iron) very important d3 every morning, alone around 5000 units. It helps your calcium go only where it needs to go. And magnesium that is chelated..means all the names on the back end in ‘ate’ you do not want magnesium oxide. You can google ‘what are the best magnesium’ there’s even one that gives the brain energy…I take magnesium t a u r a t e capsules…2 every evening, one with dinner. It has done wonders for hubby’s heart and legs. I used to have too much calcium from lifting weights , in my collar bone and it grew calcium scar so magnesium took care of that. My heart now only skips beats when I have too much caffeine. SORRY OFF SUBJECT. I happen to feel this is more important.
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I vote to evict Julie. My chest xray came out great. Yeah!!. Thank you everyone for your concern. {{{HUGS}}}
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Having my gums deep cleaned, getting shots that made me jump and I rarely have problems with shots…. hurt worse than the tattoos I have.
Julia can leave. If I miss looking at her, i’ll look at Liz. I know Meg doesn’t do much but she is close to James and I now want James to win.
Gosh I feel like poo.
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The twins grew up in Miami where there are many Jews who have influenced the local culture for many years just as the Cubans have.
I was raised in Washington, D.C. as a Mormon (Norwegian/Danish with no Jewish ancestors) but with many Jewish friends from many patent attorneys, the Feld brothers to my Jewish business mentor, Leon Goldman, so I picked up on all of the common yiddish expressions early on in life. I suspect that the twins may have had many Jewish friends and acquaintances in Miami as well and are familiar with many jiddish expressions as well while still being 100% Catholic.
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YAY Jeanne. I prayed for you. Pray I sell my bracelets. I need money for all this implant stuff… found out I need a $400 mouth guard..out of pocket.
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tendr. Praying
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I vote to evict Julia! And then either Van or Aus. I’m not picky. Just MAN up in there guys!!!!
Thanks to all for well wishes. Didn’t sleep hardly at all last nite so feeling like crap! I guess when you guys said sinus infections could go on for a LONG time, you weren’t kidding!!! lol
I NEED as good show tonight! It would be the best medicine!! π
Have a good day everyone. Cya on the flip side!!!β₯
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JOLEE – look at your tv guide – bb usually comes on ch 11 here but tonite because of cowboy game it comes on ch 21 – look for KTXA
i vote to evict juliahhhhhh
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I vote to evict Julia-uh! Then hopefully her sister or Vanessa for #2
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I am now able to watch television on three out of four t.v.s. YAY!!!!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I got a call this morning from a tech that lives in Georgia. She was wonderful and
so very nice. I wish I’d had her from the beginning, instead of international variety
that were difficult to understand.
I am so glad I will be able to watch the DE. I wish the HOH comp would be something
that James could win. Mental is not his thing, as admitted by him. But Steve should
do well on before and after, and maybe JM. I wish he would focus mentally like he
had to do to get through dental school. This is his only chance. It won’t happen again.
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I sometimes wonder if Steve’s walking around talking to himself in a room by himself
isn’t encouraged by production to keep us guessing as to what he will do. Van definitely
feels protected by production, as she has gotten away with so much. For them to have
allowed her to go so long with her financial promises before calling her on it, tells me
someone higher up got worried and put their foot down.
I vote to evict Julia and hope it happens. Then I hope anyone but the Scamper Squad
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------wins HOH. Second eviction should be Liz, Austin, or Van. Van would be the best
choice, but I really doubt this will happen.
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I do not think we should forget big brother 11 Jordan took home all the money, she had all the same qualitys as Meg. as Vanessa said if not now when.she could definitely win, we do not know how jury will vote. I vote for meg to go.
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@macy, thank you, I will check it out.
I am sad that tendr feels like “poo” and Star feels like “crap”!
My thoughts and prayers are with both of you dear friends!!
I am thankful that Jeanne got a good report! Thank you all for your support!
I hope I can find a channel that has BB on tonight! Going to check it out! π
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Later!! π
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If I were in the house, Julia.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DE, James or Van. Depends on HOH.
But in reality tonight Meg and hopefully Van.
Always expect the unexpected. Or at least hope for it lol.
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I hate this session!!!! Weak players!!! I read the blogs here only. Thank you Lisa!
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I vote to the evict Juliaaaaaaaaa..uh!!! Can I vote many times? Lol.
Steve, being the BB expert, should understand that Julia needs to go tonight even though he is so up Vanessa’s behind. He should also know that Van is lying to him to protect herself. She has a final 2 with everyone in the house except Liz and James and they all believe her! I doubt she gets voted out anytime soon because of all the alliances.
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Well, Vanessa is now on the feeds talking Steve out of voting Julia out! It isn’t going to happen folks!!!!!
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Last night changed my favorite player no more Johnny Mac for me after seeing James thowing just about anything and everything in that last comp .I can not stop laughing it just seems to be the time and place for it.
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@Robert – I completely agree with you – James was hilarious when he was throwing everything around!! He’s my favorite.
Julia needs to go!
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LOL Jolie… poor me and Star.
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tendr: I know you aren’t feeling spry right now, in fact you probably feel like a mack
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------truck ran over you starting with your mouth. But I’m hoping you got the anesthesia
you wanted and needed.
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Can someone who will be able to watch tonight real time keep those of us who have to endure the football game interruption up to snuff on what is going on? Because of football we do not get BB until 12:30 here in central time in Louisiana. Thanks.
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son is pretty bad, I!m sooo-uh sick-uh of seeing that overgrown, full of himself-uh Austin swaggering around the house w/ those idiot twins following! I may actually throw up if I watch BBAD anymore! Seeya-later-uh Julia-uh! Hope the rest of the #SS (scamper-uh squad-uh is right behind=uh ya-uh! My condolences and sympathies to the normals.
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If they are smart….. which I think they are not but anyway Julia would be the smart move……. But being smart is not the the strong point with the players this season! π ……
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I vote to evict Julia.
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Margie: My guide says it will be at the regular time–8:00 cst. I will be happy to write
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------a post after viewing it. For those who don’t want spoilers, please don’t read my posts tonight.
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A little while ago, Steve talking to himself again. Saying..F*** it. I could just play for myself and flip it!!!! And then he says..I could keep myself safe…..he is STILL so conflicted!!! the EASY thing in front of the cams would be to vote out Meg. And considering how undecided and torn he is, if he hasn’t firmly committed to his own game by showtime, I think that is what he will do. Idiot!!!
HGS in LR . Seems they all drew numbers for the order in which they would play in the comp. Weird. Aus got 1st and James got last. Van told him that was the best position to be in. I hope she is right!!
I guess Julia was told in DR not to do shout outs tonight. She says she is going to do them anyway! I hope she gets a penalty. IF she doesn’t go home!!!
Even Van is ready for a shake-up. She goes…Bring it! I am ready for a change!!!! (course, she’s safe so…lol)For ONE eviction anyway!
If anyone here has any magic spells they could cast to make sure Julia goes and Meg stay. please use them NOW!!!!lol
@Jolee….thanks for the healing words. Keep ’em coming!!! The drugs don’t seem to e doing alot of good so it can’t hurt!! lol
@tendr..poor US!!! lol I still feel the same…hope you can beat that!! π
@sherry….WOOHOO! Good thing come to those who wait!! lol Glad you will be able to see tonight’s show. I just hope it is well worth all your trouble!!!!!
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@Margie, we don’t get BB until 2:30 a.m. here in Winston-Salem, NC! π
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I don’t know if I want spoilers because Thursday night is the only night we don’t know what is going to happen! Frustrating!!! So, I will either be here after 10:00 p.m. or tomorrow!! π
Later! or much later!! π
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Great write up, Star. Steve has lived a life way too protected from the real world, if this
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------is not an act. Here’s hoping he gets a dose of courage before he votes. I don’t believe
anyone is crazy about Julia, except her family.
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Just got a site to watch the BB show tonight……….http://www.videobrother.net/live-stream
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@sherry……..I agree. It appears Steve has never had any adult responsibilities or stresses in his life up until this point! He is smart but very immature and I doubt anyone could fake that for this long!!! Did he ever say if he had siblings?? Because he seems like a typical sheltered only child to me!~
I don’t even think Production liked Julia as she wasn’t the MAIN twin brought on the show!! I thought I was going to like her better at first…she seemed smarter and more chill…but that was just her cover so people wouldn’t notice her. when her real MEAN girl personality came out….she teamed up with Van!!! Naturally!! lol
I will try to be on tonight but it might not be until after the show. Mike’s younger brother is here for a week( he is handicapped and we are taking care of him while his folks get away on a little vacay) And Mike just left to go get us Chinese for dinner…so we may be eating while we watch. I don’t really even like Chinese. I just told him I wasn’t cooking tonight!!! lol So it’s all good with me! π
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I sure hope Steve and Johnny Mac come to their senses and do what is best for their games instead of what is best for Vanessa’s game.
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I vote to evict Julia and if all goes well send Liz or Austin out next. Buh-bye
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Meg has been voted out with James’ vote the only one to evict Julia.
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Steve and JM are idiots. Vanessa is one, too. She had a chance to maybe be the winner,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------but will never be chosen by any of the Terrible Three. She has thought herself ot be such
a brilliant player. This was just a dumb move to not join up with JM and Steve and James.
She wouldn’t even have been blamed for Julia going home. She didn’t vote.
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Thanks Sherry. Much appreciated!!
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It’s down to the twins to see who wins HOH. Liz is now the new HOH. Goodbye, James.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------She will put up James and JM, I think. We’ll see.
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Can’t believe JM turned dumb! I was hoping he’d be F2.
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WORST season ever! No one wants to actually play except for James … Snoring now.
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Thanks Jolee
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I knew I should have been feeding the dogs instead of poking around on Jokers…
**************SPOILER ALERT******************
Meg out and Liz is new HOH. I’m gonna go kill myself….
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Yep, she nominated James and JM. They are doing the live veto after commercial.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The HOH comp was pics of the HGs who have left the house and not in jury. Then
detail questions were asked of them. Almost all of them were false. The last one was
true. Liz said true and Julia said false.
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I’m gonna change my name!!!
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Okay so now I read back and see that Sherry already spilled the beans…lol.
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Girl…You gotta put ups signs and banners and markers to give us adequate warning of a spoiler alert…just saying!! Luv ya!!
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Boomerang is the comp. Steve got a zero. JM got a zero. Austin got 15. Liz got a 15.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Julia got 17. James got a zero. Julia won POV. The noms will stay the same.
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Junksies: I warned in an earlier post that I would be posting spoilers and for those
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------who didn’t want to know to not read my posts. I started to give another warning before
the first post, but decided it wasn’t necessary. Guess it was. Sorry. I wanted to help
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Bob thanks so much for the live feed info!!!!
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Yeah I read your warning but expected signs and banners…lol. I actually read it on Jokers. It’s okay, really….it’s all good…NO WORRIES….!!!
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HEEEEEEEEERE COMES THE LOSER PATROL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As predicted, the ball less bunch caved in and let Julia ride. Vanessa is looking straight into number 4 and could not see that any OTHER group could possibly take her to the end. Never happen with the twins and Austin. How bad is it when one of the strongest can not even add. And she controls the Johnny Mac and Steve vote. Stupid is not even close to the dumb ass game playing. And AS PREDICTED………..guess what………….double eviction and Johnny Mac and James are on the block. James is the only one who understands what is going on. Once he goes……………it will be Austin and the twins unless the lights go out on the world. Or someone grows a pair. What a miserable stupid cast!!!!!!!!!!! Only four letter adjectives work for their brain power.
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…and now Julia gets POV!!! Can it get any worse?? Geeez…I’m gonna go feed the dogs and then kill myself!!
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------James was voted out. He will join Meg in the jury house. Another no surprises
night of BB. I can’t remember a dumber cast of HGs.
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Can’t stand a single one of them! Unless JM makes a move?!?!
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Don’t think there is much of a move for anyone but I’ll Hope JM gets there!
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I am so pissed off right now. I made a commitment to watch and report on this season and I’m going to keep that commitment. But right now, I wouldn’t mind if the entire Big Brother house just blew up.
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No need to watch the final three weeks now that there is no one likeable left. Thanks CBS for freeing up my evenings three times a week. I’ll just read here.
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Amen Lisa!
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Just heard that Steve is the next target. As much and I can’t tolerated the other 6 remaining, JMac being the possible exception, PLEASE get that useless piece of shit, waste of human sperm, psycho babbling numb nut Steve out of my sight ASAP or sooner!
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This has got to be the stupidest group in the house. They kept ll the people in the same alliance. They should have broken that up a long time ago. James the only one that wasn’t scared of them. I dislike all of them that are left except John. The austwins make me sick. Vanessa talks too much and Steve is invisible. I rrally don’t think it was fair to have both twins play in the game, that gave them a 2 to 1 chance. This BB has been a disappointment to me.
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Well said C’est Moi.
I agree with Lisa Marie, I’m so pissed right now. LM — you are a better person than me because I don’t think I can watch the trash that is left.
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Can I make a prediction? Here’s how the next three weeks will go and if I’m right, somebody send me twenty bucks. Lol. (Just kidding — joking takes the pain of this season away.) But anyway, here’s my predix:
Next week — Steve goes.
Week After that — John goes.
Week After that — Vanessa goes.
Week After That — Liz wins the final HoH, evicts Austin, and wins the game.
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Can’t believe I’m gonna keep watching this bunch of LOSERS-UUUH! Bad habits die hard.
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Just got back from a 7th grade and 8th grade Volleyball game at Middle School! That lasted 31/2 hours if you can imagine that, watching girls run around in a circle looking at each other because they thought the other was getting the ball. So did I miss anything? ?
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Margie……….. π
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You won’t wanna hear it, Randy
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Nothing good came of tonite, IMHO.
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My first serious relationship was with a Wells College grad, class of 64. Wells was a girls college then on the shores of Lake Cayuga, New York, very close to Cornell. Until now, I never fully realized exactly why she never dated guys from Cornell. Must have been a “Steve” haven even back in the 60’s. Scary thought!
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Lisa I so much sympathy for you. Good luck with the rest of the season! Btw I would love to see the house blowup. It would be more entertaining for sure.
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Randy: I guarantee your volleyball game was more exciting than BB tonight. Just more
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------of the same.
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what a pathetic bunch…………………………………….
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Are the guys left actually guys? there is not a pair in the bunch!
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Lisa I am sorry to say I totally agree with you on your predictions.
The only thing that could save it is if Steve or Johnny win the next HOH and put up Austin and Liz and nobody cares who goes home. A few minutes ago I heard Austin and Vanessa discussing him throwing the next HOH because they want to get Julia or Liz out. Of course, Austin prefers Julia because if Liz left he would have to have sex with himself! I would love Austin to leave.
@Bob….you saved me tonight with that live feed info. It worked beautifully! Thanks again.
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Margie .do not know what city you’re in . I’m in Los Angeles and they are broadcasting big brother on a sister station at 9 pm check tv listing on all station in your city.
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Robert I am in Louisiana (central time) and it doesn’t come on until 12:30 tonight.
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Unreal! My sister and I are watching and yelling through the phone! She is in NY. I am in FL…,We are soooo upset
and hubby says your exact order of eviction Lisa!
Oh…what a disappointing season!
Thanks Lisa for your dedication of this blog!
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Vanessa..ya think that hat thing is cute………………………………………….it looks stupid.
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Worse season ever,I’ve watch every episode ,in every season and this is the most unwatchable waste of tv ,I love Big Brother….what the heck happened…who picked these people..did they not interview any of them before casting..What a disappointment…
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Call it!Bam!
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Agree with all y’all…and I’m not even Southern!!!! lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Coughing bad, feeling horrible and then THAT happened!!!!
Now I really feel sick!!!! π
I won’t stop watching, if for no other reason than to blog, but it is getting painful to do so. No hope of anything good happening now. I hate everyone in there! JM is just the least of the evils. πΏ What a waste of a summer!!! π‘
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Jackie, Meg, and James BACKSTABBED Becky and got their just desserts. Big Brother fools. I predict all the voices in CRAZY-Steves head won’t win any more comps, dumbDentiste John will continue to throw all the comps because his smarts ends right there at bicuspids and molars and that the AusTWINS will be final 2.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------oyyyy vayyyy
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Hey Star you’ll don’t make fun of all of us Southerners!!! lol. We suffer enough in the heat!
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Lisa Marie,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------When will the Vote for Americas Favorite Player take place?
Will we have heads up on where to vote?
So sad that Meg and James both went to the Jury house!
It will be fun in the Jury house now
Thank you Pat
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At 9:40 BBT, the comp tarted. It is going to be a baseball theme. Say Buh bye to watching BBAD tonight!!!!
Waht is going ON this season??? The whole thing has felt OFF!! This just happened a couple weeks ago. Played thru all of BBAD . They can’t play RIGHT after the show? Or Sat??? It’s like …ok Jack……after you get back from your break, we’ll get this comp goin’,k?? Or not…..lol Does anyone connected to this show give a flying F*** about it??? SHEESH!!
Margie..not making fun. I like y’all. I just feel stupid saying it with a Michigan Mouth!!lol And you got nothing on us right now in the heat/humidity dept. 80’s and 90’s and the dew point is like 68 to 70! Miserable!!! And is so good for my curly hair which I painstakingly straighten everyday!! I look like a poodle!!lol
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Hey y’all……are they playing for a new HOH now?? Any spoilers greatly appreciated!! LOL!!
Kudos to Lisa Marie for sticking with it! I don’t know what we’d do without her!!
I am also disgusted with this season. It has been sooo predictable from the very beginning. What happened to America participating? And there has been no”expect the Unexpected” this season. God only knows what they’re eating with slop!! I wonder if they’ll have Pandoras Box this season. Or a luxury comp?? No fun whatsoever!!
Like others I remain a diehard fan…..it’s just not that fun anymore. SAD FACE!!
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Well, the worst possible thing that could happen, happened!! I actually have a stomach ache! It was like watching a 20 car pile-up! It just kept going from bad to worse!! I am sooooooooooo upset! The most disappointing episode of BB ever! Lisa, I would gladly be the person who threw the bomb into the middle of the house … and I am not a violent person! I was so hoping for a different outcome! Crap!!!! I wish now that I had waited until tomorrow to watch it …. after a good night’s rest! It wasn’t supposed to come on until 2:30 a.m. here, but after I watched Project Runway, I turned to CBS and there it was!!! I missed the first part, but tuned in on time to see Meg evicted and then the rest of the disastrous comps! Uggggggghhh. I will hang in here with you all, but as far as the rest of BB, I could care less!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lisa, you will earn a medal for bravery when this season ends!
Can anyone give me one scenario that could turn this catastrophe around??
Can y’all tell I’m upset!!! π π
Goodnight Star, goodnight tendr, goodnight Lisa and goodnight fellow bloggers! I’m going to take a sleeping pill, turn on Ray Price and go to sleep! A mind is a terrible thing to waste, and I am wasted! (Am I taking this all to seriously???)
Later!!! π
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too seriously! Darn spellcheck!!
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I came across this last week on Mortys (questions that have been posed to him with his answer).
When did they start recruiting HGs instead of just picking from the auditions?
Since the second season, casting director Robyn Kass has selected a mix of people who applied, and newbies that her and the producers feel would react in someway to the other HGs. Both Robyn and the producers have said that despite extensive interviewing, they are usually surprised as to which HG becomes the stand-out of the season.
Austin told Steve the reason he didn’t watch last season was because that he was supposed to be on the show, but he walked out. He said Hayden was his alternate. Of course you can never take what comes out of the mouths of the HGs as gospel.
The season of idiot robots…*sigh*
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***************************SPOILER ALERT*******************************
Steve won HOH!!!!!!!
IS there room to hope here???????
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@Star – Oh goodie…now we can watch Steve barf up his cookies for another week…
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@Junksies…..I’ve been doing that all week too! And I’m not even getting paid or it!!lol
He had got to know that he is not on the top of the food chain and put a couple of bigger fish on the block!!! If he puts up JM and Julia i will barf…again!!lol Make a big move or literally…GO HOME!!!!
On the topic of the twins religious background…Liz has been throwing in alot of El Espanol lately! Aus asked her something earlier and she said…No se….which means I don’t know. She just did it again on LFS altho I forget what now. lol They are just words and phrases but it still makes me think they might be part Cuban. Did you see their root grow out?? I mean it’s somewhere between dark brown and jet black!!!! π I think Nolan is Irish tho. SO either way, I would say Catholic, but maybe not practicing!!! lol
@jolee……..we all feel your pain…just a little earlier!!!lol I have no words anymore. Just going to sleep walk thru the rest of it. Kind of like the HGS have been playing the game!!!! Sweet dreams!! I couldn’t sleep last nite. Maybe I need to get me one of those Ray Price albums!!! I have heard the name but I have NO idea what he sang. But if it puts you to sleep…Hmm…not a ringing endorsement, is it??LOL
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@Star, lol!! The Ray Price album I listen to is his Gospel album. He has the most calming voice! When I was younger, I enjoyed his love songs. When he sang a love song, it made your knees go weak! π I’m too old for that now! π
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------He passed away about the same time as my husband. My husband liked good old fashioned country! His song For the Good Times and Help Me Make it Through the Night were some of my favorites! He’s on YouTube, but he is much older. I’m not sure you would like him! Well, I am ready to let him put me to sleep! π Nite!
Later!! π
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I cannot watch without first DVRing it, it is the worst season ever, it’s so repetitive and boring. I am guessing this could be the final season of Big Brother, the novdelty has worn thin…
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Well Steve won the hoh so I guess Vanessa is head of household again
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I’m going off topic – it really irritates me that it is so expensive to be sick – I have been super lucky – I have a pacemaker, which looks like is needing to be replaced very soon and I had uterine cancer – I did chemo and then had my baby makin machine removed – then I had another surgery after that which was related to the cancer – it’s not right that people have to pay these huge amounts out of pocket – I think health care should be a right –
About religion, I think a lot of people these days know much more about different religions then we did when we were growing up – I’m 54 – one of my masters is in world religions, but that’s not where I learned the dreidel song – it was just fun and catchy – sort of like “gold digger” you can’t help but like it even if it isn’t your normal jam – or “get low” such a misogynistic song, but what a great beat –
Anyways, I hope everyone starts feeling better soon – I think this cast has bored everyone right into the hospital – peace y’all
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@Star…I was just kidding…but I do like poodles!!
I am So happy Steve won HOH so one of the Austwins is going home!!!!!! Yeah. I wish it would be Austin but since that is not what Vanessa wants that probably will not happen.
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@Paula…lol. So true.
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@Star…we have been in the high 90’s to 103 and the humidity is 100%. I do the books for a wholesale plant nursery and thank goodness I work inside and not outside where the workers have to endure the heat.
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Okay sherry…where are you? Digging around in all those boxes? I hope that I didn’t hurt your feelings earlier. You did a great job and it was appreciated!!
@Star – With Liz born and raised in Miami where there is a huge Cuban population and with her dark roots…LOL…joking… I would lean toward her being Catholic. If she is Jewish she’s not staying Kosher that’s for sure!! The first 50 minutes of BBAD consisted of taped pre show interviews where Liz rattled off perfectly in Spanish 3 Cuban culinary dishes that she is going to miss while in the house.
@Jolee – Oh how I love those 2 songs by Ray Price and more and agreed he has one of the smooooothest voices. Pulls at my heartstrings. Star you should check it out…that is if you like country music. Jolee – my fav is the man in black…Johnny Cash…now there’s a man who knows his way around a gospel song or two.
James “Kimo” Rosen – BB ratings are great…and renewed for season 18.
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Ok Steve won Hoh so who is Vanessa putting up? Julia and Austin is my guess. Forcing Liz to evict Austin. But she and JM may flip the switch just to show Austin who Liz has loyalty with.
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Or they may back door Austin.
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Vanessa is all happy, nearly euphoric because of Steve’s win and if I was any other player I would sure be taking note of that and concluding that she and Steve must have a side deal beyond Scamper Squad. If she was worried in the slightest that Steve was gunning for her she’d have that droopy hound dog worried expression on her face. Austin appears to be contemplative…you can almost see the barbells rolling around in his head. And OMG, Van is sucking up to the twins complementing them left and right the last couple of days feeding into their egos and boy are they lapping it up like two little puppies.
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Steve better put up both twins. I think that would be his best move.
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@Cathy – He better not put up Julia…or so she said because…she let him put his arm around her… She be workin’ it!!
Has anybody noticed that the comps seem to be dumbed-down this year so it’s not to taxing on the brain cells…like the emoji and tonight’s photo memory? I mean so far the non-physical have been pretty easy and possibly tailor made for the twins. Huh?
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Star and Margie regarding humidity…having made several trips to Florida I decided ain’t no way I’d ever live there…after a shower I still felt wet, had a fuzz ball on my head and even my eyelashes were frizzy!! I’ll take dry heat any day! Lol!!
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Vanessa’s in the driver’s seat….from Jokers:
2:53 AM Vanessa just convinced Julia to make a deal with Steve that if he puts Austin and Liz on the block, she won’t use the veto.
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@Junksies…..I certainly agree with you about the humidity. When you walk out the door here it’s like getting slapped in the face with a wet towel. I have lived here all my life and I am still not used to it and dread the summer every year!
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Junksies: I wasn’t upset, nor did I think you were on my case. I’ve been having trouble
with my feet and ankles swelling, because I’ve been on my feet too much. They have
really been bad the last couple of days. I haven’t been able to wear shoes for two days.
I went to bed early last night to give my feet a break. Luv ya.
Van is thinking once again about a scenario where she comes out safe. Heck, it’s an
overload on her brain cells. I truly believe production has been behind her to see her
get to the end. She has seemed closer to Julia than Liz for some time now. I think she
finds Julia more easily manipulated. Liz listens to Austin too much. So if Liz and Austin
get put up on the block and either wins Veto and takes themself off, she may think she can rid herself of one of the duo. But let’s say Austin wins and takes himself off the
block. That leaves Liz on the block. Steve will then probably put JM up next to her and
Austin and Van will vote him out leaving the final 5 as Van wanted. Either way she’s
headed towards the $500, 000 and will be miles ahead of the rest. The only thing that
might lose it for her is if Steve is in the F2 with her. The jury may not vote on skill of the game as much as against their dislike of Van. She will not have one friend in the jury house. Most seasons the discord is tossed aside at the end and the one who played the
best game gets their votes. But this cast is so mentally challenged, they may do the
opposite or go along with what they think past shows have shown. No one knows how
they will, in the end, vote. The thing is, she’s the only one who has really played any sort
of game this season. Even she has made some dumb moves, but comes out smelling like a
rose every time because of the lack of game mentality on the part of everyone else.
I have decided that the reason the production staff retains the same people, no matter
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------how much they have ruined the show for the fans is because the ratings stay high. If
critisized, they point to the ratings and say, “They tune in and keep coming back for
more, hoping something will change and their favorite will get a break. It’s a winning
formula!” What CBS has failed to take into consideration is the quality of the show has
suffered tremendously these past three seasons. This year being the worst. If you have
no pride in the quality of the product you produce, then you care next to nothing about
your audience. Shame on you, CBS. You failed to listen to your audience and gave them
the worst cast ever. All the blog complaints and threats to stop watching have done
nothing to make you alter your course. You kicked America out of the picture this season,
leaving them guessing as to how HNs were chosen, what they were allowed to eat, or even
allowing them to vote on anything. BBAD was the worst ever, as well. Pot Ball and bowling
with the ridiculous fake family routine were boring and irritating to the extreme. Then
you take away Pandora’s Box and all the other game changing aides. In short, CBS, you
gave us the worst you could produce and laughed all the way to the bank.
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Margie: Louisiana and Arkansas are pretty much the same as far as humidty and temps
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------go. C’est Moi who hails from Alabama is in the same boat. I’ll be so glad when we start
to see some fall weather. Fall is my favorite time of the year. Just cool enough to wear a
light sweater or jacket. You feel more energized and motivated to do things you’ve put
off all summer. Besides, I believe the older we get, the harder the summers are to take!!
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Junksies: I wrote a long post earlier this morning, but it didn’t show up. Don’t know
what happened to it. I knew you were pulling my chain and trying to help me. I’ve
been having a great deal of trouble with my ankles and feet swelling. I’ve been staying on
my feet too much and drank too many cokes to keep me going. Anyway, I went to bed
early last night to give my feet a rest.
I went through the entire scenario as to why Vanessa is sitting pretty and trying to con-
vince Julia to talk to Steve about putting Austin and Liz up. I think she wants Austin gone,
but would settle for Liz, if all fails. She wants that twosome/threesome broken up. If one
of them gets the Veto, then Steve will put up JM, and they’ll vote out JM. Liz is a far better
competitor, but not as easily manipulated as Julia. That’s why Van’s been cultivating a
special bond with Julia these past couple of weeks. But Van may manipulate her way into
getting them to save JM and getting rid of Liz. However, I can’t see that happening,if Austin takes himself off the block. He and Julia would vote for JM. But if Austin is willing to turn his back on Liz, a big competitor is gone. Not a very solid eventuality. Anyway you work it, Van is headed to the F2.
Now as to the ratings being high and BB being renewed for another season…..it is hard to
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------understand how anyone as incompetent as the producers of this show are able to keep
their jobs. But if ratings are okay, they say,”Look at the ratings. We did great. Even if
the audience didn’t like this season, they still kept coming back for more. The formula
works. They keep hoping things will change. Hope keeps them waiting for the next segment.” The key is that no matter what the viewers want to see….that just isn’t important to CBS. The respect for the viewership is blatantly missing. To add salt to the wounds they’ve caused this season, they took America totally out of the picture. We were left not knowing how HNs were chosen, what foods they were allowed to eat with slop, or even if the slop might have stopped. We were forced to watch on BBAD ridiculous games and the constant playacting of the family they created. (Austin once again wouldn’t let it drop and kept pushing it until you were wanting to tape his mouth permanently shut.) There were no special powers granted, when it could have helped the persons the majority of the viewers were rooting to succeed. It was as if CBS couldn’t have cared less. All that mattered was getting through this debacle of a season and putting the money in the bank. Shame on you, CBS. There are no more loyal viewers than those who follow Big Brother, and you’ve treated us shabbily.
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I’m done for this season. I cannot stand this cast so don’t want to hear what happens! See you next year!!! You’re all the best! If more people stopped watching/recording and sent letters- maybe things can change for the better. This year was – no words for how bad!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------See you all next summer!!!
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jadeangel1816: Understand why you’re through for the season, but you’ll be missed.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Look forward to reconnecting next season.
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Junksies, I love Johnny Cash! I have watched his movie “I Walk the Line” a dozen times.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Now that Steve won HOH there is a small glimmer of hope that all of his pacing back and forth alone in his room, he was thinking of what an impact he could make in the game if he could just win HOH again! I can dream can’t I? I would have rather seen Johnny Mac win, but this is second best! We will see!
New blog! I’m headed there!
Later!! π
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Sherry I feel the same way about the heat! I love the fall and winter and along about February I start dreading summer again. When it gets cool I get that little spring in my step and seem to have more energy.
I’ve been watching the feeds this morning and I have never seen two more selfish and selfcentered people than the twins. They are so pissed that Steve would dare to put them on the block because ‘they don’t deserve it’. Pay back is hell! They are trying to threaten him with losing three votes in the jury. Surprisingly Julia is the worse. Liz wants Julia to go up to the HOH and cry and try to make Steve feel bad. I guess they have forgotten how they have behaved toward other people on the block.
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Margie: I don’t think they’ve forgotten how they behaved towards other people, it
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------never registered in their self-centered world that it was wrong or cruel. Their world
is no larger than themselves. The old saying holds so true for them: If you can’t stand
the heat, get out of the kitchen. I remember another adage: When climbing the ladder
of success, remember that when you reach the top….there is only place to go, and that’s
down. On your trip back down the ladder you will meet again the same people you
stepped on to climb higher.
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Sherry so true!
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