Hi all!
The diary room is finally open! Cast your vote to evict either Audrey or John now! You can either cast your vote in the comments section below or you can vote in the poll over on the right side of the page.
Do you vote to evict….
Audrey, the catatonic trailblazer
John, the superstar dentist?
(I vote to evict …. Audrey!)
Lisa Marie
Audrey is too unstable to be left in the house ! Does she really believe she isn’t a liar!? Sure seems that way! Bye bye..Audrey!
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I vote to evict Audrey and pray she gets some help. I wonder if she will be there in the chair next to John? I would like to see that she is getting better before she leaves. It will be interesting to see what happens to her once she leaves the BB house. I wish her well. She just needs to get out of the house now!!
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I vote to evict Audrey. Anxious to see how Julie handles the situation. Wouldn’t like to see her or Austin in the Jury house.
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I vote to evict Audrey.
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Audrey has carefully orchestrated what condition her condition is in. Unfortunately for her, there is room for only one special attention transsexual reality star this summer with the transformation of Bruce Jenner into Caitlyn Jenner and her new fame, and thus far, very profitable career. As always, the show still must go on.
My advice to Audrey after she leaves the house is to try to be happy just being a girl.
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As jolee stated.
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Awful Audrey has got to go. I really feel for the transgender community as she has done nothing but embarrass it in a colossal fashion and if anything she is an abomination. Conversely Jason is a credit to the gay community and a very likable person. I hate to say this but I would not be shocked a bit if within two years Audrey commits suicide as her mental stability is obviously shaky at best and in my opinion humongous in instability . Trust I hope I am no Nostradamus and this girl gets much needed psychological help. May the good Lord help her.
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I vote to evict Audrey!!!! Her childish antics are driving me crazy that I’ve been counting the hours until she hits the door! She had her couple seconds of fame and I hope no network offers her anything (they love drama)! I know, sounds horrible, but after watching the live feeds along with the show, I just feel she knows exactly what she is doing and it’s getting harder to watch and frustrating. Thank you Lisa Marie 🙂
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Bye! Audrey
She needs helps in an urgent way
Julie will interview her like she always does very little facial expression , movement or sincerity
Once again production messed w the show and we know it never pays off
At least Rachel is not back or the other past “famous” HGs
That dance party thing they did was pathetic
Can I sound more negative ?
Thanks LM
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Goodbye Audrey.
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I vote to evict Audrey. Wonder if we will have any “hinky” votes tonight?
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Anybody who chops off their privates obviously has mental problems. Why does this shock anyone that he/she has mental problems
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Hopefully Audrey goes and I can start watching the show.
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Jane. I don’t think anyone on this post is shocked Audrey has mental issues and from what I have read not one has stated they are shocked. But you blatantly inferring ALL TRANSGENDERS have mental issues which in a sense is stereotyping and wrong in my humble opinion. You may want to revisit with your thoughts on this. Just saying…..
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I feel bad for Audrey, but I think she will be happier out of the house.
And if John goes, I`ll stop watching.
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Guess Audrey is bye bye but God John drives me NUTS his voice killer but Audrey
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------needs to go find something ?? and quit banking on being Transgender a lot out their
they not crazy.
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I would like to see John the Dentist go. IMHO Audrey might be playing this way on purpose, (we don’t REALLY know). Maybe she’s crazy maybe she’s not, I’m no psychiatrist. Also IMHO some people ought to check themselves, it’s never good to “put negative things out in the universe”.
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Audrey needs to go. She’s not mentally stable. I mean com’on you can’t even make it to the veto ceremony? This is a game and it needs to be played well! And let’s face it She didn’t play it right since day one! I hope she’s well watched after she’s voted out the door!. If it’s meds or therapy she needs them both. Sorry. I do hope she gets better but Not on tv…
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I vote to evict Audrey. I don’t think she is necessarily mentally ill. For all we know its all a big act for her.
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I vote to evict Audrey. She should have been gone a long time ago. Hasta Luego!!!!
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No brainier- Audrey. Do we even need to vote ???? Lol. Have a great day all!!!
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I vote to evict Audrey. “Nuff said. I’m tired of talking about her.
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I vote to evict Audrey. Get on with the game.
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I vote to evict Audrey. I do pray the “woman” gets some serious help with living life.
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Audrey is acting crazier and crazier … sorry to say she needs to go.
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I vote to evict Audrey and hope she does the right thing and goes to the eviction ceremony.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It’s time to come out of the HN room, turn on the lights, get dressed in real clothing, and
leave the blanket behind. It’s time to show the gumption she told us about in the personal
history bio at the beginning of the show. Her appearance last night was weird to say the
least and confusing, but it showed she is capable of doing a lot more than she’s been doing.
The lingering by the wall, half hidden and sending an ugly stare to the other HGs suggests she might have been ticked off by them not rallying around her and making a fuss over her
finally emerging from the HN room. Whatever her motivation, it’s time for the drama to
stop and normalcy to prevail again.
I have to admit to not taking to John immediately. His laugh and immature antics in the beginning turned me off, but as the show continued I grew to respect and really like him. Keep doing your thing, John!
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We don’t know what’s really wrong with Audrey so I choose to not mock her, say she did things to herself when I have no proof , non of my business, nothing to do with the game. I do want to know though what really happened. And Get Over Lying…. That Is Part of The Game. I like John… though that surprises me and I don’t want him to go though I read Austin is talking about getting John out and blaming it on Steve …soon. I hope not. So since Big Brother can’t do it, ‘weakling’ There’s no choice but to vote out Audrey…I wish her No Harm.
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I vote to evict Audrey. She’s acting like a brat who isn’t getting her way. Good riddance. And could production PLEASE make them all stop hugging after each “ceremony”!!! It’s ridiculous!!! I hate it when they do that!!!
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laters auds
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I was disappointed in the show because they really underplayed Audreys behavior. She clearly doesnt remember what she tells people and when the game gets real for her, she wigs out.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I hope she gets professional help
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Queen Bee…I am totally with you on the Hugging once evicted comment. The Evictee in most cases is saying to himself/herself FU ALL YOU A-HOLES AND I HOPE YOU ALL DIE. Well, the die part a bit of exaggeration but you get my point.
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What was up with Aud coming into the liv rm in the blonde wig – reading off of card that ssaid something like bb shake up – then nothing happened????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
help clear this up
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127 to 0… hahahahah!!! I’m out of the woods, Kids. Missed your writing, Lisa Sweetie. Looks like lots has been going on. I read Jeff got the boot, always disliked that guy on TAR and esp. in the house. Won’t get to watch TV till Sunday. Will rely on you for a report of who goes… hope it is Audrey… I liked her and hoped she would be a better player… WTF happened to her the last two weeks… from what I’ve read she should have been taken off the show like they do on Survivor.
Love, Ted
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I heard they are playing a game and Audrey won the “Immunity Idol” I don’t know how true this is but rumors are scurrying.
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I vote to evict Audrey tonight, Austin 7/30. Over the weeks I grew tired of Audrey covering her chin/mouth with clothes, pillows or blankets. Also most of the time she would sit down & immediately cover her body with a blanket. She had dark aviators on too, but many others were wearing shades indoors too.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I read “Jane” saying “Anybody who chops off their privates obviously has mental problems.” I have read that comment elsewhere. Is there any print to back that up or just speculation?
I have had a suspicion Audrey was plotting a Dan Geesling trip like the season he planned his funeral. She was quite coherent talking with Shelli & seemed to be having fun with the wig on. Also her song in the HN room seemed planned, she knew the camera was on her.
Hope to see her showered & shampooed finally, make-up & hair done & wearing a nice dress his evening. She can exit gracefully if she chooses. Then it’s time for some serious psychological help. Good luck Audrey. God be with you.
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I vote to evict Audrey. I wish her well. I hope John can continue to stay and play the game.
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Hi Ted! Janice, where did you hear that rumor? That is the worst possible thing that could happen. Audrey needs to go not only for the house, but for her own well being ….. Please, say it isn’t true. 🙁
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I vote to evict Audrey. Also let’s evict the producers of the show. They used to know how to find house guests that were fun to watch.
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Hi ted, Star and I were wondering where you were. I want Audrey gone. Enough already. She/He needs to go home. Don’t need her/him in the Jury house.
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I`m uncomfortable with the way some posters are referring to Audrey. If she identifies as a woman, then people should refer to her as a woman. Speculating about what surgery she may have had, or using quotes around her gender really is unnecessary.
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I gladly vote to evict Audrey.
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@Jolee I heard it on JokesUpdates. They either know something we don’t know or are trying to keep this interesting for us. Just a few more hours til we know.
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I finally vote to evict Audrey bye bye
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@ Tuna I agree with you. I have not posted very much since all the ugly spewing started. We don’t know if these are really issues or game play. Remember when Dan planned his own funeral? To me the Audrey critiques have crossed the line.
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I vote to evict Audrey she got to go she lies like Jeff and nobody in the house likes her and I do not like her ether so gobye Audrey
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I vote to evict Audrey!
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@macy..as to your question about Audrey and the wig last nite, if you go back a page, I wrote a long post about it at the bottom. It explains all. 😉
@Jeanne..WHEN was I wondering where Ted was????? I don’t remember asking and I kinda knew already..plus I don’t care. lol J/k Ted!!! ;P
@Janice..OMG!!! Please don’t let that be a real THING!! I KNEW the producers would find some way to save her!! PLUS that means John would go home!!!! ARGHH!!!! I am going to go research. Be back if I find out anything!!!!!
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I agree Tuna and Janice D.
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Well. as to the RUMOR about Aud, I find nothing on it anywhere. Hopefully, it is just that. I don’t know when they would have had time to play a game anyway today and I think the other HGS would haverevolted!
I did hear that Austin plans to throw in a hinky vote in and vote FOR Aud and say it was Steve! It would actually serve Steve right as he denied his vote for Jeff and blamed it on Becky!! But one more reason that Austin gets on people’s nerves!! this should be a unanimous vote to make a point and get teh house united. Nice going, Judas!! (aptly named!!) lol
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Audrey…. oh please send her home.
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I vote to evict Audrey.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Now from the irritable files, John’s voice is worse than nails on a chalkboard.
Thankfully his game is much better.
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Hey Audrey, Toodles Noodles!!!!
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Star, I stand corrected. Someone wa s asking about, Craig Long
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Just seen bb tonite, the show sucked! glad Audrey is gone. hate that CBS is forcing their trans-gay agenda to the other 98% of America. to get it cut off or sewed on……how whack is that? that’s my story and im sticking to it.
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Another CBS futile attempt at Big Brother Franchise damage control. Truth is, sometimes there is no way to turn a lemon into lemonade. Audrey is out now in every respect, but not quite as she had planned it, even with her lame web site promo. Bye Audrey. Really Bye!
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Hey Lisa Marie!! I am so happy to read your blog on BB17. You are always spot on with everything about the house guests and some of. Your followers! I have not been able to follow you as closely in years past, but am trying to keep up. If anyone can answer two questions I would be so great full!
#1. Why does Austin always call himself Judas in the DR?
#2. How. Come everyone knows that Liz is the twin, how come. No one has called her out? The would be an easy way to remove her from the house?
Thanks L.M. and everyone of my fellow BB lovers!
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I think Julie may have gotten the reason that nobody has outed the Twins. They want the extra votes in the house. Food for thought.
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I want to give credit where credit is due. I’ve been pretty hard on BB producers this year
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and was really disappointed in last night’s lack of true portrayal of events where Audrey
is concerned. But tonight they did a better job. Maybe not explanatory enough for those
who only watch prime time, but then an hour isn’t long enough to cram everything into
such a short time span. I wonder if those watching who only have prime time to guide them
wondered why she got a penalty vote? There was no explanation.
I found the clip on her family really enlightening. I think I now understand better why
Audrey behaved as she did. Her family excuses everything she does and holds her re-
sponsible for none of the unflattering things she said or did. They showed no concern for her mental health, but talked as if it was all game play. If they weren’t concerned about a break down in the house, then I guess the rest of us were barking up the wrong tree.
I will say she looked great tonight (but then I’d probably look a lot better if I got as much
sleep as she’s gotten the past few days), and her mental capacities seemed perfectely
normal. Just glad she came out for the ceremony, handled herself with some dignity,
and was able to leave with her head held high. I have only one concern. She gave out an
e-mail address or blog connection on national t.v. I hope she’s prepared for the hateful
comments, she’s most likely going to get. Then again, I don’t know if anyone can be pre-
pared for words of hate directed towards them. I pray she will be all right and am so happy
to get on with the game.
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Prayers for Audrey that she finds peace as she struggles with her insecurities.
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Sherry the penalty vote came because she did not attend the “veto Meeting” when she got put. Upon the block!
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The best part of tonight’s show was seeing Brittney again – one of my all time favorites. I wonder what BB she’s watching to have said this is the most exciting BB ever? So Jeff of Jeff and Jordan is taking over the house next week. I would LOVE for Rachel Riley to take over for a week. Imagine the havoc she could cause! : )
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Madisonchris – Austin is a wrestler by trade and his “stage” name is Judis. That’s the way the closed captioning people spell it. And I don’t get why Liz is not a target either. If both twins join the house getting either of them out will be nearly impossible. They want the extra number? That extra number will be voting against them rather than for them.
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My heart goes out to people who are LGBT. They all had a tough time, but they are just people and are capable of strange behavior like Audrey. They can be unlikable but that’s due to personality. Has nothing to do with gender or sexual orientation. When I think of the people I know who I don’t like, not one is LGBT – that I know of. And if they were I’d still dislike them same as before I found out they were LGBT.
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two, I guess I am out of the loop, but what is LGBT? I am glad Audrey is on her way home to her family who obviously love her. I am really eager to see what Jackie and Vanessa accomplish as HOH. I don’t even know who I would prefer winning the BOTB. Probably Vanessa would have the backbone to shake things up. I am still waiting for the double eviction! Later! 🙂
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Jolee – LGBT means Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual and Transgender. If they ever add F for fat, I guess I’ll qualify to join. : ) Jolee, you’d best get some beauty sleep. Not that you need it! ; ) I’ve missed you and your Sissy.
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BB definitely took it easy on Audrey last night. If that were Jace or anyone else that wasn’t transgender, they would have painted a much darker picture than what they did with Audrey. She broke a lot more than ONE rule, as BB gave her a penalty vote for violating the have-not policy, and she was a disgrace as a BB player period.
I’ll give her some credit for finally waking up and being at the live eviction, but I’m pretty sure the only reason she did was because she was going to be on TV.
It won’t be Vanessa, but I’m hoping Jackie puts up Austin and Liz\Julia. From the beginning of the week to the end, we might finally start to witness must see TV.
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Madisonchris3 – the penalty vote, as Julie Chen explained, was because Audrey chose to eat food while being a HN. That given, why no penalty votes for lights out during the day or sleeping on the HN floor?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Audrey looked great, held herself together and departed with grace. She talked with Julie with a good sense of humor.
Loved seeing Brit and the pix of her two children.
Now they are after Steve. I want him to stay. It’s fun seeing him come out of his shell & experience life.
Did Vanessa answer the same question twice during the HOH comp.? Seems like the answer was the dice roll comp both times.???
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Madisonchris3: Thanks. I thought it was for eating while a have not, but since so
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------many rules were broken by her, I wasn’t sure.
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Audrey got the penalty vote for eating the food
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***********************SPOLIER ALERT******************************
Jackie nominated Liz and James
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Van nominated Clay and Becky
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Hey Two & Ladybug, thanks I did forget Juliemention the eating thing, but it was also because she did not attend the veto meeting! Thanks for the “Judas” info. I knew he was a wrestler, but did not realize that was his name. I thought it was himself telling us he would be a turncoat to his alliance in the long run?it’s been an odd season thus far! It was Audrey’s fault for getting thrown out of the game. I liked her, but it just felt like she thought she would come into the house and no one would go after her because of her female sexuality, like no one would wan to offend the LGBT part of society. I the she dug her on grave and unfortunately the house was more than happy to help her get there.
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