Big Brother 17 — The Diary Room Is Open Again!!!

by Lisa Marie Bowman on September 16, 2015

Hi, everyone!

Last night’s blindside of Austin was great, wasn’t it?

But, as much as I wish the entire rest of the season could just be a replay of Austin looking shocked and Liz crying, the game continues and another Houseguest is going to be voted out tonight.  That means that it is time to open up the Diary Room once again!

If you watched BBAD last night, you know the situation.

Steve is HoH.

Vanessa won the veto.

Hence, the two nominees tonight as going to be Johnny Mac and Liz.  And Vanessa is going to have all the power, which means that she once again is going to freak out about getting blood on her hands.  (Reportedly, Steve may have thrown that final veto comp.  HOW STUPID CAN YOU BE!?)

So, who do you vote to evict?

Do you vote to evict…

JOHNNY MAC, the rockstar dentist


LIZ, Austin’s cavegirl?

You can either vote over on the right side of the page or vote in the comments section below!

Happy voting!

Lisa Marie

Lisa Marie Bowman September 16, 2015 at 7:38 am

As if there was any question, I vote to evict Liz.

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BCMarie September 16, 2015 at 7:40 am

wow early start!

I vote to evict Liz.

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BCMarie September 16, 2015 at 7:48 am

Donald Trump and consider me an illigal immigrant so I am not allowed to vote for James as favourite player ***pout***

I have man company coming over tonight, that is as rare an event as Deb watching baby tutles struggle out to sea, so I will have to catch up with you all later.

I wonder if Brachel Announcement is that they are preggers. Please, please, please do NOT let it be that they will be taking over as hosts next year!!!

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Audrey September 16, 2015 at 8:09 am

I voted for James as America’s Favorite Houseguest and I will continue until Monday.

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Keith September 16, 2015 at 8:13 am

Liz since she hasn’t contributed anything to the game.

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KustardPie September 16, 2015 at 8:14 am

OMG, I vote to evict Liz. If I could vote multiple times, I would. She has 2 for sure votes in Jury and the HG’s are idiots if they keep her over “Sure I’ll throw the comp for you” JMac.

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Michelle September 16, 2015 at 8:19 am

I vote to Evict Liz!!! Johnny Mac as America’s favorite player!
Final 3, Steve, Vanessa and Johnny Mac! Who in the hell would have thought that scenario!! Not me folks!
Bring on Survivor!

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hpr56 September 16, 2015 at 8:19 am

I vote to evict Liz. I know it will be JMac because Vanessa wanted him out last night. If it ends up being Vanessa and Steve and Liz that stay, I hope that Steve wins just cause I can’t stand the other 2. However, Vanessa has truly played the best game even if I can’t stand her. She has gotten everyone to vote her way without them even realizing she did it. It has been her show.

Thanks for the info, LM. I did not know who won veto. I could truly gag.

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herbie September 16, 2015 at 8:20 am

There is no sure thing in gambling on sports. But my money is on Liz getting voted out. My week two prediction of Vanessa and Steve making the final two is coming closer and closer to fruition. Wish I would have bet on this a couple months ago as I really like my chances.

I put the line on Liz being voted out tonight at 10/1 Bet $100 on Liz you win $1000. Bet $100 on JM and you win Ten bucks.

Austin’s departure sure was a congenial one. NOT!! Loved his angry reaction.

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junksies September 16, 2015 at 8:21 am

Please let it be Liz that goes…

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Fannie B September 16, 2015 at 8:23 am

I vote to evict Lizzard off you go!!! I voted for James as American player.

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Jani September 16, 2015 at 8:28 am

I vote to evict Liz…… JohnnyMac as favorite player.. and hope Vanessa does not win this season or I am done with BB

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Firecracker September 16, 2015 at 8:29 am

I vote LIZ….so sick of that VOICE! Or should I say VOICEAHHH! Good riddance!

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Sylvie September 16, 2015 at 8:34 am

Can’t bite either French over here
But could I vote to evict all guests ?

Ok Liz and Jon the creepy dentist who laughs like a ghost and has yellow teeth and Liz who thinks she’s the prettiest girl ever who sounds like a 70 year old smoker

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Sylvie September 16, 2015 at 8:35 am

Can’t vote…

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KevInDenver September 16, 2015 at 8:37 am

I think they’ll vote out JohnnyMac but
HI Julie!!!! (Lisa Marie)
I vote to evict dizzy Lizzy!!!!!!!
For America’s favorite HG I vote for Steve’s MOM! (or Vanessa’s hat) or

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RhondaM September 16, 2015 at 8:38 am

I vote to evict LIZAAAAAAAAAAH!!! And take Vanessa with you!! Steve better not have thrown the POV to Vanessa……. Uuuuggghhhh Crazy Vanessa HAS TO GO you goofballs or “it’s over Johnny!”

Thanks for the updates Lisa Marie 🙂

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Randall September 16, 2015 at 8:39 am

Putting my mind inside of Vanessas was scary a second ago but I believe Vanessa will think she should have an easier time convincing Jurors to vote for her over JM because of the way JM speaks to groups. They both have about the same amount of comp wins with Liz ahead on HOH and JM with him throwing maybe two comps, one for sure to go along with all his Vetos. So my Vote would be to vote out Liz .

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the mortgage dr. September 16, 2015 at 8:39 am

Adios Lizzy…thanks for participating in this yrs. version of BB…YOU WON $0 THIS SUMMER…But you did hit the jackpot in Austin or Judas…or whatever…now its your problem to figure out how to nicely tell this guy to buzz off…as a parent can you imagine bringing that guy home to meet mom and dad…NO…I am sure as parents of two participants in this yrs. show that are just jumping for joy to meet this cat next week…maybe they will watch from far away and not show up…

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Terry Westbrook September 16, 2015 at 8:46 am

I vote to evict Liz. Frankly, I think Liz has contributed quite a bit…albeit all gag-worthy.

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Sylvie September 16, 2015 at 8:54 am

Can I mention that Julie bores me as a host ?

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Jeanne4488 September 16, 2015 at 8:55 am

I SO wish our votes counted. (that should be the new and final twist. that America gets to vote at this point in the game! ) I WANTED to vote to evict Vanessa but damnit she had to go and win the veto. (hard to get anything over on that girl) and Steve,, if he threw it to her he is officially a complete and total idiot.I thought he wanted her out as much as Johnny Mac! What the heck?? WHY would he do that? and if he really DID make a mistake in his number on the HOH comp ,, shouldn’t that mean that Johnny Mac actually should be HOH right now? Anyway just when we thought things were looking good. Vanessa has to go and win the damn veto! CBS where is a twist when we need one??? why can’t WE have a say???
Anyway .. things being as they are .. I vote to evict Liz but knowing Vanessa wanted JMac out , I guess we all know where this is going (sadly) I would have LOVED for JMac to have beat her out in the end just to see the look on her face (after all her hard work .. and annoying bug-eyed expressions .. and tears and constant weaving everyone into her web) That would have made this whole season worth while! But of course, the most obnoxious people always seem to make it to the end – except last year with Derrick winning (which was glorious!). I think CBS likes to stress us out with these horrid HGs torturing us with their presence right up to the bitter end.

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Barbara September 16, 2015 at 8:57 am

Ahh lets put Austin and Liz together again, lol Loved last night!

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Jeanne4488 September 16, 2015 at 8:57 am

Sylvie – Julie may be robot – like but she actually DID seem all smiles this last show. and think of the alternative.. Rachel and Brenden?/ (neither of which I can stand!) that would definitely kill the whole show for ME. I had enough of those two their first season. Had hoped they’d just fade into the wallpaper after that but no. CBS has to shove them down our throats along with .. of all people .. Frankie Grande! UNREAL.

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Linda Brown September 16, 2015 at 9:04 am

I vote to evict Liz, The Lizard. I am so glad that last night JohnnieMac voted for Austin and Vanessa fo once in her life did the right thing and voted out Austin!!!!!!!

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Sylvie September 16, 2015 at 9:14 am

I agree Branchel is a horrendous duo I wish they went into space and hit stuck on another planet

Frankie is even worst , the show has become an ad campaign for other shows CBS produces

Dancing W the stars has new hosts I don’t Julie is into this show anymore

I know her husband ! But still DWTS has switched and I like that

And Steve possibly throwing s comp ?????

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jolee September 16, 2015 at 9:59 am

Good morning Lisa! You are an early bird. 🙂
There are 24 posts this mornin when I finally came on! I know we are all eagerly awaiting tonight’s show with a lot of trepidation. It could go so many ways. I am upset that:
1. Steve threw the POV! Dumb move that I am sure he will regret!!!
2. That Vanessa won the POV!! Darn, can’t we get rid of that lady???
Anyway … I vote to evict Liz since I can’t vote for Vanessa !!! I hope you all have a great day! I will be back ….
Later!! 😎

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TxDeeva September 16, 2015 at 10:08 am

Vanessa should be worried about going to the Final 2 with Liz, because Liz has two votes in jury already waiting on her. So if Vanessa was smart, she would vote out Liz!

As much as I don’t like Vanessa – she has completely manipulated and controlled this whole game!

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Ladybugg September 16, 2015 at 10:17 am

Vanessa is just like the ants … just can’t get rid of her/them.

I would vote to evict Liz but really hate the thought of sending her into Austin’s arms.
On the other hand, evicting her now guarantees NO MONEY for Austin to mooch off her after BB.
My thoughts – without any prize money (500K, 50K or 25K) Aus & Liz can’t afford to do all the things they talked about, visiting HGs, traveling, even flying between Miami
& Woodland Hills. Sorry Aus you’ll have to spend Christmas with your family. Say goodbye to that yacht you wanted.

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Margie September 16, 2015 at 10:18 am

I vote to evict Liz and Johnnie Mac for America’s Favorite Player!

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Patty September 16, 2015 at 10:28 am

I vote to evict Liz – so happy to see her go. Things finally perked up last night when Austin was evicted, loved the shocked look on his face as well as Liz. Since they are so much in love, have them together in the Jury house and off of my TV!

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swt September 16, 2015 at 10:38 am

good morning yall,

i vote to evict Lizard

in the middle of the game i hope Steve win’s, he reminds me of Ian ~ at least he’s gonna be in the F3
votes 178 to 6
Liz ~ JM

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Sylvie September 16, 2015 at 10:53 am

Steve is no Ian
Ian gad a funny sense of humor
Steve looks like he’s having a manic breakdown and stresses me out

But Ausyin leaving shoeless was the best
How confident is he now ?

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KevInDenver September 16, 2015 at 10:54 am

I forgot to add that I also loved seeing Austin in shock and bringing up his FINAL2 deal with Vanessa. Best part was seeing Austin barefoot schlepping out the BB hizzy
That was priceless

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Ginny September 16, 2015 at 11:01 am

Leave Trump out of BB!

Please go home Johnnyboy!

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jolee September 16, 2015 at 11:07 am

Checking in before I get busy!
Later!! 😎

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Dido18 September 16, 2015 at 11:37 am

I vote to evict Liz. Loved last night! Loved when Austin told Julie that he thought he was going to win. Delusional to the end! James off America’s favorite. Thought I would have voted for JM but he threw one too many vetoes .

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Yvonne September 16, 2015 at 11:39 am

I vote to evict Liz!! Even Vanessa should see since Liz has two locked jury votes she needs to go.

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Shelley September 16, 2015 at 11:57 am

This is a no brainer, I vote to evict Liz. Buh-bye. Go to the jury house and be happily delusional with Judas the delusional aka Austin the stinky.

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C'est Moi September 16, 2015 at 12:23 pm

@Star… From yesterday’s blog you posted the following:

@Hey SF!!! Good to cya here!!! Funny you heard pk say Blogade because I used tht erm just a day or two ago. In fact, sherry repeated it as she loved the term Blogade Family. Are you sure it wasn’t me??? I sort of coined that ages ago and doesn’t sound like his kind of sentimental non-word!!lol

Here is how Bloggade/Blogade first became the unofficial name for our bloggers on September 2, 2010 transcribed from the Big-Brother Blog 12 archives:

First post: PK 09.02.10 at 8:14 pm
Kristi… Looks like you are the second person this week who would be well advised to move on and find some other blog in which to spew your nasty venom at a revered member of the bloggade…

Then comment : Justaguy (JT) 09.02.10 at 8:16 pm
“The Bloggade” LOL @ PK Ø=Þ

And finally in your own words: Star 09.02.10 at 8:18 pm
Bloggade…love it,PK!!! We have a new unofficial name everyone!

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bobovnvet September 16, 2015 at 12:35 pm

Get rid of Liz! ………………… :mrgreen:

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Stefani September 16, 2015 at 12:37 pm

Ok …. about last night.

Cost of take out dinner ……… $20
Tank of gas to get home by 8pm to watch Big Brother ……….. $50
Look on stinky Austin’s face when he was blindsided and sent packing ….. PRICELESS!!

I have stopped watching this season as I cannot stand Liz, Austin, Vanessa …. well all of them. But kept up to date with this Blog. So tuned in last night and that was the only episode worth watching. Thank you for JM for setting that up and Vanessa for actually following through.

Honestly, I don’t like Vanessa but she did play a good game. I am ok if she or JM win. Not too crazy about Steve winning. Although maybe he could gain some independence with the money.

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C'est Moi September 16, 2015 at 1:10 pm

After Steve’s mental implosion last night, PLEASE! never let Steve ever own or have access to any firearm, anytime or anywhere.

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max September 16, 2015 at 1:26 pm


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macy September 16, 2015 at 2:03 pm

i remember when the term ‘bloggaders’ came about – use it all the time

hope liz goes – that would be at least three votes taken from vannessa (more reason for van to send john out)

liz is disillusional to think 500K would buy a yacht

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Linda September 16, 2015 at 2:10 pm

I have hated Vanessa like FOREVER and she needed to be gone ages ago…HOWEVER, she has played the game better than anyone else and that who always DESERVES to win. I vote to evict LIZ–AHHHHHH………

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Queen Bee September 16, 2015 at 2:11 pm

I vote to evict Liz. I really want to vote to evict Vanessa, but that can’t happen. I also voted for James as America’s Favorite Houseguest. He’s the only one who was willing to make the big moves and get “blood on his hands”. I hope I never have to hear that phrase again. This blog was the only good thing about this season of BB. Thank you Lisa Marie for all you do to keep us in the loop.

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Robert September 16, 2015 at 2:42 pm

I’m still looking for Vanessa to win the whole thing. so I have to vote to evict Liz yes I vote to evict Liz, she has to many votes in jury.and against Vanessa would be the winner.

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tendr September 16, 2015 at 3:04 pm

This game=like getting a Tiffany’s Box for my birthday and opening it just to find a slug in it.

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JoanD September 16, 2015 at 3:15 pm

I voted to evict Liz. I am voting for James as America’s favorite. JMac still has a chance to win some money. Hope he does.

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the mortgage dr. September 16, 2015 at 3:25 pm

did I really see him bolt out of the house with no shoes…you can’t make this stuff up…

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bobovnvet September 16, 2015 at 3:33 pm

Hope tonight’s show is worthwhile ………. Thanks all 🙂 ………………….. :mrgreen:

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the mortgage dr. September 16, 2015 at 3:34 pm

did I really see Austin bolt from the house last night…with nothing on his feet…you can’t make this stuff up…where did they find this guy…

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Susan G September 16, 2015 at 3:40 pm

I vote for Liz to leave and take her chewing and smacking with her.

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jolee September 16, 2015 at 3:41 pm

tendr, lol !!! 🙂
Hi Bob!
Just keeping my place! 🙂
Later!! 😎

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jolee September 16, 2015 at 3:45 pm

P.S. Votes: 315. Liz, 12. JM
If only the HG’s were as smart and knowledgeable as we are! 🙂
Bye!! 🙂

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EB September 16, 2015 at 4:34 pm

Goodbye, John…nobody left in the house wants to go to F2 with his “good guy” image to go against. Look for Vanessa to win it all because she has played a better game than anyone left in the house.

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Jeanne4488 September 16, 2015 at 4:37 pm

Johnny Mac for America’s Favorite Player … but admit I enjoyed James too. But since things aren’t going like I hoped (with JMac winning and Steve as America’s Favorite… I changed it up a bit.

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Princess September 16, 2015 at 4:37 pm

I very happily vote to evict Liz. With Austin gone, we could end up with a very bitter half of the jury. Austink and the twits, who will not vote for Vanessa. It could be fun watching her lose. But if she keeps Liz, that’s still two votes she won’t have. For all her machinations she’s really messed up her end game.

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sherry September 16, 2015 at 5:20 pm

Hebie, Ladybug, Stefani, and tendr…..I loved your posts. The humor was so enjoyed by

I got to thinking, it was fitting that Austin left shoeless. I don’t think he had but two
T-shirts and a couple pairs of shorts. He went shirtless and shoeless most of the game.
Either he truly doesn’t care about his appearance (yet he hogs mirror time—go figure), or
he can’t afford clothing. He needs to check out Good Will or Salvation Army or some of the thrift stores. They all have better looking clothing than he wore on the show.

I voted to evict Liz, but am not very hopeful that will happen. I know Julia and Liz
are very self-centered, bitter losers who hold grudges (even when there is no reason to
hold one except for their imagined slights against them), but Austin says he’s an avid
fan of BB. He might want to vote for Vanessa, because she out played the others. He
could persuade the girls to do the same. In fact, I think he could sway a lot of votes in
the house one way or the other. It just depends upon whom is F2. If Liz is kept, I think
she could win the entire thing. If Steve is left with Van, it could go either way. If JM
is in the F2 with Steve, I think Steve would win. But nothing is easily understood with
this group. The HGs are the only unexpected part of BB this season. They predictably
did the worst thing possible for their games, and we kept expecting them to learn from
their mistakes. Does that make us all insane???

Thanks Lisa for your wonderful blog and posts. This has been a special season for me,
even if the show was the pits, because of your blog and the bloggers. Thanks to you all
for making my summer so much better than I ever expected.

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karma September 16, 2015 at 5:22 pm

I vote to evict LIZ. U R sooo right about watching Austin. And he s the only one who went out with an attitude
Oh well Karma Austin Karma.

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Robert September 16, 2015 at 5:31 pm

I think the jury Vote is a wild card, the fact that Austin extreme angry at Vanessa could work in Vanessa favor.

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Maria e. September 16, 2015 at 5:39 pm

Austin is a total low life. No class whatsoever. If this guy can’t afford clothes, how can he afford those tattoos all over his body.

I really liked the twins. Austin on the other hand was a real drip. He can sure be a meany when it comes to those two sisters. He will defend them to his grave. He told Julie that fell in love with Liz, yet he was begging his old girlfriend to take him back.

I laughed at him when Vanessa said she was sorry, and he told her that she can’t win from the jury. It was priceless. I really think that Vanessa is a loser by nature but played them all for her benefit.

Steve is a total fool for letting Van win the veto comp. space cadet and his is in college

later –

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jolee September 16, 2015 at 6:49 pm

Only 15 minutes until show time!! 🙂 I hope we get another happy ending like last night! Great posts everyone! I am going to miss all of you soooooo much I shall return ….
Later!! 😎

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tendr September 16, 2015 at 6:51 pm

Austin has gone shirtless because he has a nice body. He likes his tattoo’s so lets them show. He was barefoot because it was a spur of the moment eviction and some of us stay barefoot as much as possible. He walked out without saying bye except to Liz ‘i think’ because he was boiling ‘mad’ and he stayed that way on stage. He went into the house thinking with his little head and I doubt he and Liz will last. Austin is mentally still in the high school he didn’t get to attend.
Steve is smart but not wise. He is still a boy and I’m ready for a bb show with adults.
John has been my choice, funny voice or who cares? Vanessa has been a bully but if she makes to final two she’ll win and i’ll want my wasted time back. Vanessa wouldn’t be winning if she had to play against a game of grown ups.
Steve needs therapy.

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JMc September 16, 2015 at 6:58 pm

Buh bye Liz

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jolee September 16, 2015 at 7:01 pm

Amen tendr! 🙂

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Jeanne September 16, 2015 at 7:06 pm

Keep my place. See you after the show

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MW September 16, 2015 at 7:06 pm

I think Van will vote out JM for 2 reasons, 1st – if she votes out Liz she will guarantee herself 3 votes against her instead of only 2 and 2nd- she will not be the 3rd wheel in any of the alliances, they will all be “even steven”, no pun intended! I cannot stand Van, but she has played the hell outta this game which probably isnt too hard with this group! My personal vote is to evict Liz….the show just came on and of course Van is crying. Geez!

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Star September 16, 2015 at 7:08 pm

I vote to evict Liz. Altho we all know Van is going to evict JM as he had been his target for weeks!!!

I haven’t had a minute to get OL all day so will have to catch up after BB!!

PK….I concede!!! It was 5 years ago….mea culpa! I posted that before I had a chance to read back. I won’t make that mistake again!

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deb September 16, 2015 at 8:15 pm

I’m such an idiot. I have been killing time until the show came on at 9:00 only to find out it came on at 8:00. UGH now I have two episodes to watch when I get home. Can someone provide a recap of tonight’s show (please skip any mention of Brenchal).

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bbigbbob September 16, 2015 at 8:27 pm

Watching the wed nite program. Silly, silly, silly people. Pathetic…

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Margie September 16, 2015 at 8:30 pm

I can’t believe the nerve of Vanessa and Liz talking on the feeds with Steve! Vanessa said that Johnie had promised her everything if she would keep him but she just couldn’t trust him to keep his word because he has broken it before. Double standard much!!!!! I guess she forgot about promising Austin to keep him, to trust her as well as all the other times she has found a way to justify breaking her word.

I loved the jury house! Boy Austin has not cooled off one bit. It looked as if everyone else was chilling. I think Vanessa definitely has Shelly ‘s vote, maybe Becky’s but I don’t believe she will get James or Meg.

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Jeanne4488 September 16, 2015 at 8:34 pm

I’m in the dark too Deb. I just have Hulu and so don’t get any shows until the following day.
Guess if I turn on the live feeds, whoever is left in the house will answer the question for me though. Afraid to look. Expecting our JMac to be gone.

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deb September 16, 2015 at 8:42 pm

Jeanne4488: You are right. Johnny Mac is gone. Vanessa decided to keep Liz who has two automatic votes in the jury.

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C'est Moi September 16, 2015 at 9:46 pm

Every time Steve talks to the mirror I expect him to slip into “You talkin’ to me” or “Here’s Johnny” mode at any moment. Hopefully, he won’t require sedation and/or require a straight jacket between now and the finale.

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jolee September 16, 2015 at 10:56 pm

Poor Johnny Mac! Now, I have to root for Steve!!
Later!! 😎

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Carolyn September 16, 2015 at 11:17 pm

I voted for America’s favorite yesterday on I tried to vote again today but it would not let me vote. Has anyone else had any problems with voting for America’s favorite player?

I thought we were able to vote 20 times per day until Sept 19.

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Carolyn September 16, 2015 at 11:22 pm

They are actually showing the comp on BBAD. Looks like they are all still in it.

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Astra Kelly September 17, 2015 at 12:11 am

Happy for Racheal that she is pregnant..she has been wanting a baby. Brendan is such an obvious control freak..I feel sorry for her..I really dislike him. I have been feeling Vanessa and Liz in final 2 for a few weeks…with Liz winning. Austin looked annoyed with the others in the jury house, because they were’nt just agreeing blindly with him about Vanessa. He’s a jackass

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Junksies September 17, 2015 at 12:18 am

Part I of the final HOH is being shown on BBAD. How cool is that? For those of you who don’t have either the live feeds or BBAD I’ll explain what the comp is. Now mind you, I don’t know the name of the comp or the official terms used to name the “parts” but I’ll do my best to describe the visual for you. It’s a carnival theme and the HG’s seem to be human candy apples that are being alternately dipped in a red liquid up to their necks and then slammed into a wall all while sitting on a small disc and holding onto a rope for dear life. Underneath the disc seat hangs what is supposed to represent the apple. They are all dressed in the same BB issued t-shirts, shorts, slipper sneakers and gloves.

What I’d like to know, to keep BB honest, if the HG’s drew numbers or straws for the position they would assume, and for their gear. Is the seat the same size, is the thickness of rope the same, is there any “stickum” on any glove like what used to be allowed in the NFL, is the wall they are being slammed into the same hardness or softness? Am I suspicious or what? LOL!! Vanessa is in the middle position and is already complaining that she is going to be bruised, will need an adjustment by her chiropractor and hopes there will be a time to rest between comps. BBL

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Junksies September 17, 2015 at 12:32 am

It looks like they will be at this for a good long while. Maybe BB will speed things up by spinning the ropes. LA is in the middle of a cool down so temps are a little chilly and being wet is going to have a negative affect. Maybe they will start making deals with each other to terminate the comp…

Austin left bitter and was still bitter entering the jury house. Looks like Shelli will give her vote to Vanessa…she even said as much last week. I hope that after Austin lays out all the details he can sway votes against her to override any positive influence that may come from Shelli. Are they allowed to do that? Something tells me no. I am dying to see more of the haps in jury!!!

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Junksies September 17, 2015 at 12:42 am

Sorry…they are only being dunked to their ribcage (not neck).

Where is everybody? It’s too quiet in here!!!

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jolee September 17, 2015 at 12:46 am

Thank you Junksies! I appreciate your play by play! I will be checking back! 🙂
Later!! 😎

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jolee September 17, 2015 at 12:47 am

I’m still here Junksies. I am surprised that more people aren’t here! Kind of lonely! 🙂

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sherry September 17, 2015 at 1:13 am

Junksies and Jolee: I’m here. I fell asleep watching AGT finale. I ran errands all day and
was exhausted. BB was predictable, as it has been most of the season. I didn’t like the
results, but expected them. Don’t like any of the three left, including Steve. I think his
attachment to Vanessa has been such a cop out, but predictable throughout the season.
Liz being left was something Van was going to do from the start. She didn’t want to be up
against only males. In the dictionary Van’s picture must be next to the word hypocrite.

I think the most disturbing part of BB this season has been the mental instability of so
many of the HGs. Van’s constant crying and having to give oral explanations for every
move she made that only made sense to her and sounded hypocritical to the listeners
(because it usually was). Her being all over the place and constantly changing her mind.
Liz because of her showmance and inability to see how she was the mirror image of all
the unfair criticism she spewed about the other HGs. Steve with his pacing and talking to
himself. (The hardest part of the comp going on is having to listen to his infernal talking
that makes sense mostly to only himself and his humming. I’ve seen patients at a state
hospital with these same characteristics.)

Then there was Audry with all of her issues; Austin with his delusions of grandeur and
fame; Julia with her jealousies; Jace with his issues; Da Vonne with her anger issues;
Oh, I could go on…but it’s pointless. The vetting was non-existent this year, which
made it a dismal season to watch. If it is proven that CBS in any way influenced the out-
come of this season by choosing a winner before the game was even begun because of
a conflicting new show they wanted to promote….then I’m through with BB and would
like to see them severely penalized for this. Gambling casinos are regulated, so I have
to wonder who is regulating CBS and the other reality shows.

I will continue to watch parts of BB for the rest of this season to see the reactions and
voting of the jury. Not because I am interested in a winner. I know that Vanessa has
played the game better than any of the others, but she was caught cheating on more than
one occasion and should have been expelled from the game a long time ago.

I sound bitter and know it. I AM bitter that this season has been such a waste of viewing
time. But my wonderful experiences with the blog have made it all worthwhile. So ex-
cited about continuing this experience through e-mail and Survivor blog. Lisa, how will
I find your blog on Survivor?

I am not staying up tonight, as I have another appt. tomorrow. Nite all. Sleep well.

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Junksies September 17, 2015 at 2:06 am

Glad to see you here Jolee!!! I will also have to toss my support to Steve just like you. I’m so sad that JMac was evicted. I loved the part of his speech where he said he knew he was going based Liz’s poor acting skills…or something to that affect. It went right over her head. If somebody as clueless as she wins BB it will put me in the nut house. LOL.

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Junksies September 17, 2015 at 2:18 am

@Carolyn – I voted for James like 20 times with no trouble tho it did seem to have a slight glitch somewhere in the middle of my 20 vote submission. Don’t get why they let us vote 20 times a day??? Now I think I might change my mind and vote for JMac even though the $25K won’t make even a small dent in his student load debt. I’ll follow my heart later tonight and see if I stick with James or switch to JMac. It’s so quiet in here tonight I think I’ll take a break to find something more exciting…like round 2 of the Republican Debates!! Now I know where everybody is!!! LOL.

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Junksies September 17, 2015 at 2:29 am

*********************SPOILER ALERT*********************

Steve looses a shoe and falls a minute later. BB time was 12:18 a.m.


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Junksies September 17, 2015 at 2:41 am

Right around 12:00 a.m. the HG’s were sitting directly on the “apples”…production apparently took away the wooden seats. Elapsed time is a little over 3 hours. Vanessa starts her usual head games with Liz trying to persuade Liz to give up. Van is pure EVIL!!!

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jolee September 17, 2015 at 2:42 am

Oh, no! I just found out Steve fell! He still has a chance. Hopefully the next challenge will better for him.
Junksies, I also may change my vote to Johnny Mac now that he has been evicted! I will just be glad when it’s all over. The only thing I will miss is this blog! I may check back ……
Later! 😎

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jolee September 17, 2015 at 2:45 am

Junksies, I just noticed you have added your picture! You are beautiful! 🙂 Bye for now!


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Junksies September 17, 2015 at 2:51 am


It’s over…Liz drops!!! Grrrr!!!!! Vanessa wins Part I of final HOH. Thanks Jolee but it’s a costume lol….maybe cya later.

I wish I could have dunked Van’s head in the red water and held it there….

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jolee September 17, 2015 at 2:52 am

Junksies, I don’t know why I didn’t notice your picture before. I went back to several previous posts and there you were! 🙂 I guess it’s because your picture is kind of dark until you expand it.
Have a good day! I may be back later when the night owls come on! 🙂
Later!! 😎

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jolee September 17, 2015 at 2:54 am

Thank’s for the spoiler! I’m out of here! 🙂

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jolee September 17, 2015 at 2:59 am

I just found out that Vanessa offered Liz something that was not picked up by the microphone and a few minutes later, Liz fell off! She may live to regret that if Steve wins the next challenge! We will see! I’m really going to bed now before it gets light outside! 😉
Later!! 😎

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BCMarie September 17, 2015 at 9:48 am

The show last night definitely was not very exciting. I doubt I will bother watching BBAD.

An unexciting near end to an unexciting season. This DEFINITELY does not make it my my worse final three. I think that honour goes to I believe it was the year before last, making it BB15. The year of the railroad pedophile, the red head gay rat and Gina Marie. Ugh what an unsavoury lot they were.

As for Favourite Player I do like JMac and it was impressive the number of times he was able to save himself. But as a Person, I like James more. He was entertaining and had a lot of passion. Sometimes JMac was just too blase.

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macy September 17, 2015 at 12:50 pm

I’m betting that austin and james will try their hardest to persuade the other jurors not to let vanessa snow them like she has done to most of the hg —

her talking does work doesnt it! AAHHHHHHHHHHH!

yall notice AMBER on the new reel/loop – i didnt recognize her with the black hair

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swt September 17, 2015 at 12:55 pm

i never had any trouble voting for the 25k i voted for James all 20 times

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Margie September 17, 2015 at 6:43 pm

@Carolyn….I have had the same problem voting. I also thought we could vote every day until Monday.

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Margie September 17, 2015 at 6:51 pm

@Jolee…please vote for Johnnie Mac. I think he deserves it more than James. He was voted out and came back in and lasted until final five. Also he won four or five comps and really didn’t have an alliance, per se. I voted the first night but it will not let me vote again today or yesterday.

So anyone, what happens next? I can’t remember.

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