Big Brother 17: The Moronic Eye Candy That Is Clay

by Lisa Marie Bowman on August 2, 2015

Hi, everyone.

There is nothing that I hate more than when a contestant in a reality show — whether it’s Big Brother or Survivor or whatever — specifically decides to sacrifice her or his game so that someone else can win.  It’s boring, it’s stupid, and it’s kind of disrespectful to all the people who would love to be on one of those shows but who have yet to have had the chance.  I guess my feeling is that if you’re on one of those shows, you have an obligation to play to win.  If you want to find love or sacrifice everything for a showmance, go apply for the next season of the Bachelorette and stay out of the Big Brother House.

And yet, every season of Big Brother, it seems that there is at least one showmance that leads to someone saying, “Vote me out.  Don’t vote out the love of my life.”  

That’s what is happening right now in the Big Brother House.  Shelli and Clay have been nominated.  James is the Head of Household.  James won the veto.  James wants Shelli out.  And, quite frankly, it makes sense to get Shelli out because Shelli is a hundred time smarter than Clay.  Add to that, with the way that Clay has been flirting with Meg, it’s totally believable that he could be coerced into abandoning his old alliance after Shelli has been voted out.

But instead, Clay has pretty much given up.  Yesterday, after the veto ceremony, he went around and he tearfully begged houseguests to vote him out so that Shelli could stay.  He asked Vanessa to vote to evict him, little realizing that Vanessa was already planning on voting him out.  He pleaded with Johnny Mac until the superstar dentist was literally sobbing.  He begged Meg to vote for to evict him and when Meg tried to argue with him, they had one of those lingering hugs that will never be shown on the CBS show but which will be very familiar to anyone who has seen the live feeds.

Clay, you gorgeous piece of eye candy, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?

I know that Clay probably thinks he’s doing the right thing.  He probably thinks that he’ll come outside and be cheered for sacrificing his game for the woman that he’s loved for a month and a half.  But, honestly, this is stupid.  So much attention is devoted to the two BB showmances that worked — Rachel & Brendon and Jeff & Jordan — that people forget that most showmances follow the horrifying pattern of Amanda and McCrae.

You don’t give up your chance to win for a showmance that’s probably not going to last more than a month out in the real world.  You just don’t.

(Unless you’re an idiot, of course.  As my aunt would say, it’s a good thing Clay’s got a nice face because his head is empty.)

So, sadly, it looks like Shelli might be sticking around.  If James is serious about wanting Shelli out (and Shelli is far more dangerous to keep around than Clay), his best move would probably be to take Clay off the block and replace him with Liz.  But can you imagine the drama if James did that?  Not only would Austin go crazy but Clay would lose it as well.  (Unless, of course, Clay decided to self-evict so he could leave with Shelli.)  

Anyway, right now, I have no idea who is going to be evicted on Thursday.  I would prefer to see Shelli go but I have a feeling that it’s going to probably be Clay.  

Lisa Marie

lorraine ginnane August 2, 2015 at 3:09 pm

I agree with you Lisa what a dumb move if I was his Momma I would slap him silly. Poor James all of his hard work for nothing as he is not getting out a big target. We will have another week of Shelli and Van running the house and that sucks for me as I don’t care for either of them. James best move would be to put up Van with her as he would get rid of at least one big target.

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Diana roulston August 2, 2015 at 3:25 pm

I agree with you. I’m ready for Shelly and or Vanessa to be gone. Clay is an idiot. as is Austin… wish we could see the idiots after voted out at home and see how stupid they feel after watching them selves on TV. and for Thier family and friends to tell them like it really is.. worst season I’ve watched and I’ve watched them all. But slept since each season. So I may be wrong.

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Verna August 2, 2015 at 3:32 pm

Agreed! Use the veto on Clay renom Vanessa and just let the votes fall where they may. Either way it’s guaranteed to get one of the biggest liats out on Thursday. Show some balls James.

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tedstrutz August 2, 2015 at 3:40 pm

Agree with everything you just said, Lisa. Except I don’t want Shelli to go, because she is MY eye candy. The smart thing to do would be to get her out of the house, but we know how that goes. Hope she stays… she was so cute running around her triangle with her sword. And how hilarious was Jackie in that armor with Vanessa polishing. Sped through BBAD last night to see what was up.

Hope all is well with my BBB pals and everyone is enjoying the show… I think it is very entertaining this season.

Does anyone know how to tell the twins apart? I think Julia has a deeper voice. I don’t think poor Austin is getting any snuggle time with his Liz.

I asked if anyone had a Phillip sighting… I should have said PK.

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april August 2, 2015 at 3:59 pm

Agree wholeheartedly—but I’d put up Vanessa as Verna would. Then Vanessa would be spreading her magic dust around so that Shelli would go. And if Shelli doesn’t go—Vanessa would—OOOhhhh Welllllll. (The snake or the snake’s head).

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PRHinNC August 2, 2015 at 4:03 pm

LM, your post is spot-on. Thanks for the hard work from this guy with no life. Why is it that men tend to think with their small head? Seems to be happening more this season than others.

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jolee August 2, 2015 at 4:20 pm

Great comments everyone! Let’s forget the eye candy! I think a person’s actions take away from their appearance. It doesn’t matter how gorgeous somebody might be, if they act like a jerk, it takes away from their looks! IMHO! Like I said before: “Pretty is as pretty does!” Give me a sweet, kind, humble man anytime. 😉
I hope James sticks to his guns and that the HG’s will honor his decision like they have been doing all season for the reigning HOH!! The next best thing that James could do, like suggested above, is use the POV on Clay and put up Vanessa!! Brilliant move!!! Create a lot of drama!! Which is what we all are waiting for, right???
Later!! 😎 😎 <——————– The twins!

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cathy August 2, 2015 at 4:57 pm

Yeah I said yesterday that Vanessa backdoor would be the best move for James. Then he would have Shelli and Clay owing him and could probably get them to switch alliances since the numbers would be with the James alliance. Dang it doesn’t take a mate genius to realize that. Van out then austin, then the twins, shelli, clay, and Bam that’s when 5he nerd blood bath begins. They need to get the big sharks out the tank 1st. The little folks can handle the endurance better than the big guys. BB has really made the games more towards brains, stay ability, and just plain luck. Really no games for muscle anymore lol.aybe they need to have a wrestling contest then Austin could compete lol.

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Sirrock August 2, 2015 at 5:07 pm

At the end of BBAD last night, Clay was angling for a backdoor of Steve somehow. He was in the bathroom with one of the twins. It was literally the last minute of the show so I didn’t see much, but it seems very unlikely that would happen.

To me, everyone in the house should be trying to break up couples at all costs. I mean, you have two people dedicated to each other to the end…….hello??? Get one of them out!

If James uses the POV at all, he’s a moron and wasted his entire HOH. If he back doors Vanessa, the couple is still intact and they’re pissed. Since James can’t play in the HOH, you have two pissed off people gunning for you, no matter what they say. James broke his word to them, just as Vanessa broke her word to James and the rest. It’s Big Brother after all, lying IS the game. He made a season changing move nominating Clay and Shelli, time to man up and see it through.

Shelli seems to be the correct one to vote out, she is the brains of the two AND she has two HOH’s under her belt. Just think if Clay goes and Shelli wins HOH…..what’s gonna happen James? On the block, buddy!

My last thought is, Liz needs to get evicted next. Not only is she locked up with her twin, but she’s got Austin as her big dumb St. Bernard, eating out of her hand. Nothing personal to any of them, but Liz is tied to two people. Removing Julia will keep Liz and Austin together. Removing Austin keeps the twins together. Liz should be the target of the entire house.

This isn’t rocket science, it’s Big Brother. If you want to be in a showmance, if the twist has a family member join you in the game or if you were on another reality show with someone (Jackie/Jeff) you gotta split that couple up. I just don’t get why the house is so stupid to allow them to stay together. If they did it right, it would have been 3 safe weeks for the majority of the house, just by breaking up couples.

*Sigh*….where has the stragedty and game play gone? James made the first move of the season, 40 days into the game. Hope he sees it through or he’s toast next week.

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Astra Kelly August 2, 2015 at 5:09 pm

I agree, taking Clay off and putting up Vanessa would be epic for the drama! Also would get ONE of them OUT!! Will really be horrified if Shelli stays.

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MrsH August 2, 2015 at 5:56 pm

Would be interesting to see how he would campaign if James took him down and put Meg in HIS place!

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Sirrock August 2, 2015 at 6:21 pm

Astra, that’s why you can’t risk that move. Shelli could stay. Then you have 2 people competing for HOH and both are pissed at James. James made his bed and I’m glad he did, he just has to have the balls to see it through. If he doesn’t, he absolutely deserves to get booted next week.

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bobovnvet August 2, 2015 at 6:47 pm

Thank you Lisa! I hope that James leaves the two up! Lets break up that couple! glad to read all of your comments! Hi STAR glad to see you here my dear friend ♥ See you later………… ……………………. :mrgreen:

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Ginny August 2, 2015 at 7:02 pm

James is playing the game and I am so hoping he stays with his plan and says goodbye to Shelli.

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Audrey August 2, 2015 at 7:30 pm

I think Shelli should be voted out. If the other people want to win a half-million dollars, they will vote Shelli out instead. If they keep Shelli in the game, they do not want to win a half-million dollars and I don’t feel sorry for anyone in the house.

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Audrey August 2, 2015 at 7:39 pm

The only houseguests I feel for are James and Jason (even though Jason was voted out).

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Shirron Stone August 2, 2015 at 8:11 pm

What was that speech that Shelli gave to Jason. She forgot. I am sooo sick of her and Clay

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Robert August 2, 2015 at 8:32 pm

I think James needs to do more work, talk to all and see if he can get everyone to see that Shelly is the bigger problem to them.and do what he can to get this done.

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MW August 2, 2015 at 8:32 pm

Can anyone give us a clue on how to tell the twins apart? And as far as the noms go, I really hope he keeps them the same. If Clay gets voted out, then fine – it would be ridiculous for James to take one off and risk them both staying.

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bbigbbob August 2, 2015 at 8:33 pm

some of you ladies are call Clay eye candy. Steve is a weak little boy. Watch out! Austin comes in a close 2nd.

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sherry August 2, 2015 at 8:47 pm

Sirrock, I think you are spot on in many ways. If Shelli stays, she will most definitely go
after James next HOH comp and is more than capable of winning it. Putting Vanessa
up will only muddy the waters. She could go home and Shelli would still stay. If Clay is
left on the block, Shelli will probably be the one to go, as he is more liked and respected
in the house than she. Even if he’s PO’d, which is a given, he isn’t as good at comps as
I believe, the biggest threat is being overlooked. It’s Liz. She has Julia and Austin, making them a powerful threesome, but so far has shown very little loyalty to anyone. She isn’t as smart as her twin and doesn’t seem to possess the same ability to read people as she. If she was really loyal to Julia, I believe she would have believed her twin. I don’t think she is interested in much more than herself in many ways.
I know that BB doesn’t inspire loyalty, but seems to dangle it like a carrot. However, living in a house with no outside influences can be a total brainwashing experience. You have a
tendency to form showmances out of emotional turbulance and feelings of isolation. It
keeps you from becoming paranoid to the point of a breakdown. To know you have one
person whom you feel you can trust with anything you say or do is paramount while in
the house. You see HGs break down and cry and cry, when they normally are not criers.
You see friendships form that withstand the game and continue on the outside and others
that fall apart when reality hits them again. BB messes with your brain, your emotions,
and even your self values. Being put back into the real world again after such a long period
of time in isolation is an adjustment that we on the outside will never fully understand or
be able to appreciate.
Another thing that happens is the shields we put up to protect ourselves in the real world
crumble under this kind of environment and can bring out the worst in anyone. So while
it is only human to not like the behavior of this HG or that HG or even the personality of
different individuals, I find myself wondering if I would like them outside the house. That’s
something I’ll never know. But heck, it’s a game and there will be only two winners. The
big Kahuna and second place. Right now, I don’t know for whom I will swing my full
support behind. I like James and Johnnie Mac, but then the finish line is still too far away.

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Robert August 2, 2015 at 8:47 pm

If Shelly does not leave I think we have got to give her credit for being a better player than we thought she was I think its ok to give everything she got to stay in the game.

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Jan August 2, 2015 at 9:34 pm

Sherry, well said, being in the BB House can be difficult for young minds, and I’m sure production also messes with them in the DR. I agree with the idea of sending Shelly home it will be interesting to see whom will bond and who would be trusted. Thanks LM!

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karma August 2, 2015 at 9:52 pm

I agree Shelly is dangerous. I also think James was wrong to give his word and not keep it.

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KevInDenver August 2, 2015 at 11:02 pm

as cathy suggested I think James should tell Clay & Shelly he will save them if they vote out Vanessa in exchange for safety next week, but he saves Clay and puts up Vanessa. A WIN WIN for every HG! 😉

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Astra Kelly August 2, 2015 at 11:02 pm

@ Sirrock, you are correct..Taking Clay off and putting up Vanessa is not a good move. I hope James keeps the noms the same and Shelli for james keeping his promise…I personally would have played it just like he did. In fact, I would have laughed in Shelli’s face at the nom ceremony..PROMISE??? Really?? Come on!

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Ginny August 2, 2015 at 11:32 pm

Sherry..said so well. Thank you.

What about it an act? He is always alone. No alliance? Is he playing the game at all or is it strategy to be invisible?
I am hoping there is no bullying going on? I saw James scare him..I hope there is nothing else..

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sherry August 2, 2015 at 11:53 pm

Ginny and Jan: Thank you. I so love getting everyone’s viewpoint on what they think
and what they see that I miss. This is such a great blog. I’m sorry I’ve missed it during
other seasons. This has to be the best blog out there, Lisa Marie. Thank you and Star
for keeping us so well posted and for gathering together such thoughtful and insightful

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jolee August 3, 2015 at 1:06 am

Wow! Great blogging everyone! I see some new faces and some very familiar faces who have not been on here much! This is the best blog out there. Since I don’t get the live feeds or BBAD, I really appreciate all of your comments! 😉
Tonight’s show was mostly old news, but it was interesting seeing how the HOH comp played out. Most hung in there for quite awhile. I am so glad that James won. I can’t help but wonder if he would have outlasted Sherri if she hadn’t agreed to his deal. (Anyone who has watched Big Brother knows those “deals” don’t usually mean a thing!) I thought Clay and Shelli’s reaction to being nominated was really funny! Shelli looked like: “Did James really just nominate us??” Shock!! I will be happy to see Shelli go. She is too strong a player to keep any longer. Her whole attitude about being nominated is really funny! Like, “How can they do that to us?” “Oh, how the mighty have fallen!” Now, we have to wait until Wednesday to see how the POV plays out. We should know by tomorrow what James does, right? Thank you for keeping us uninformed bloggers up to date!
I am off to bed. Have a good week! Later! 😎

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Jeanne August 3, 2015 at 1:08 am

I’m sorry BB or not I’m from the old school, A promise is a promise. It was plain ugly what James did. I am for Johnny Mac all the way. Sorry twins, you lost my vote when Liz was so mean in her farewell to Jason. He didn’t deserve that. Nite nite everyone. Smile

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jolee August 3, 2015 at 1:17 am

Well, twins don’t always have to agree! I see Jeanne’s point. Being my twin sister, we were both raised to always keep our promise, but ….. this isn’t real!! this is Big Brother!! Sorry Sissy! We very rarely disagree! 😉
Goodnight again!! 🙂 🙂
Goodnight Sissy! 😉

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Jeanne August 3, 2015 at 1:22 am

Sorry BB Off topic / Sissy we can lovingly agree to disagree. Love you more.

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My2Cents August 3, 2015 at 1:31 am

It was pretty sweet watching Shelli on BBAD do her punishment. Having Vanessa always cleaning Jackie’s armor was priceless as well.

On day 1 of this season when we were getting introduced to all the players, seeing James and finding out he was an Asian Hillbilly was the best. It’s such a rare species of human that I automatically wanted him to win. As the game went on, I became less fond of him. He won the very first HOH and had a fairly easy week with everyone wanting Jace gone. Then doing what he said he was gonna do, he through a couple competitions(That’s how Jackie won a HOH) and just reminded everyone on a daily basis about how girls find him sexy. Now he’s back at HOH and making moves. I think he gave up a few grand and a trip in the veto comp so you know he’s serious. He just needs to not use the veto and stick to what he wants to do. Rally everyone to get Shelli out.

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Cathy Reynolds August 3, 2015 at 1:52 am

All I know is James is up a creek without a paddle after this eviction. He is going to have all the dogs after him now. (That’s what I have decided to start calling the alliances lol.
Break it down Becky+ 6th sense bunch are dogs, nerds are cats, and john and Steve are mice lol. I’m afraid everyone except the cats are going to realize that James is a awesome player and he’s going to be happy taking a blood bath every opportunity he gets. Of course Johnny Mac and Steve really are going to worry because if James stays it keeps the dogs off them. FINALLY the game begins! James may as well keep the nom the same, either way he’s the dogs target next week. The only way I see around it is if he did some serious talking to clay and shelli and tell them he never had any intention to back door them (that was his promise to shelli; he wouldn’t back door them) and he intended to back door Austin, Liz, or van the whole time. Right now he could really be making a nice little nest for himself but I just don’t see him manipulating the game like he could.

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Junksies August 3, 2015 at 2:13 am

I was looking for a knock down drag out fight at the nom ceremony and all I got was an anti-climactic climax. 🙁 I enjoyed seeing barbie and ken squirm.

@Jeanne – A promise is a promise…I would normally agree except in the world of BB. What about the Dark Moon alliance of 8 that pooped all over Jason of which Clay and Shelli were a part of? James had every right to go back on his word to Shelli. 🙂

@Jolle – That’s right…I totally agree!! This is BB!! (O/T – When I moved to this one-horse town from LA, and trying to fit in by association, I asked my new co-workers if they’d ever seen the twin ladies around town and most said yes. I revealed they were my aunties, my mother’s sisters, who don’t drive and therefore walk all over town with their matching everything…hairdos, clothing, shoes, eyeglasses, purses, nail polish everything but the wedding rings!!! They actually coordinated outfits every morning before going out!!! Unbeknownst to me, after a time, I found they were quite famous around town. May they RIP. I think of them everyday because of the two of you!! And the by association thing, well it kind of worked out for me…I “belonged.” LOL!!!)

BBAD- Vanessa the Squire was cut loose tonight and it didn’t take long for her to start her usual yack yack yack from which I was so happy to have a 24 reprieve. OMG…does she ever stop talking?? Clay and Mama lassoed James in their attempt to change his mind. STAND FIRM JAMES…do not listen to the desperate little scoundrels. For the first time I actually see and agree that Clay is not that smart…partially because through the good looks and mumbles I was blinded. (Not really.) I was glad, however, that BB showcased his mumbling…I thought for awhile it was just me that couldn’t understand him. LOL!!

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Junksies August 3, 2015 at 2:19 am

Because of my time zone I’m always bringing up the rear. 🙁

…and Lisa, my previous post must be stuck in moderation??? Hope is shows up sometime cuz I’m too sleepy to rewrite. 😉

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Junksies August 3, 2015 at 2:49 am

At first it was thought to have included the name Shelli but in the end has nothing to do with BB. Hew!!

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Junksies August 3, 2015 at 4:07 am

Quotes from the houseguests:

12:05 AM Shelli explains to Clay the difference between throwing someone UTB for an honest reason vs throwing someone UTB for lies. (Junksies says either way they are UTB)

12:06 AM Shelli: We saved him & he’s upstairs throwing us UTB. Now we have to stoop so low as to campaign to someone as sweet as James.

1:05 AM Shelli- I’m sweet and a deserving person. That’s what makes it so hard in this house. (she’s crying to Van)

1:27 AM Clay to Meg in HR: “We’re getting f***ed over because we’re playing such an honest game.”

Clay & Mama are theee most delusional players…

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Junksies August 3, 2015 at 4:17 am

One last quote from yesterday:

8:50PM BBT: Liz says after the show, Austin and his family will hate her for leading him on.

My dear…sorry to break it to you but you are already hated!!!!!!!

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Star August 3, 2015 at 4:35 am

@Junksies…you are not the latest poster on here. I think that has pretty much always been ME!! But it’s nice to have some

@Bobo…..good to see you and your lil green man! lol 😉

@MW… to telling the twins apart….Julia has a much deeper voice than Liz. I also think her eyes are more almond or cat-eyed. It’s more thier personality tho. Julia is quieter, observes more, doesn’t smile as much. Definitely more reserved and seems the more practical,smarter twin. Hope that helps!!

@sherry…Nicely put. 🙂 Basically you summed up what BB is all about and what the original concept of this social experiment was. I think people forget what the show is supposed to be about especially when they start complaining about HGS lying!! there is a lot of money at stake here! PLUS if you don’t lie in there, you have no self-protection. Anyway, well said. 😉

I don’t have alot to add that hasn’t been said. James is running around tonight trying to find out who is voting for who to go. John says he will go with the house. Most are saying Shelli . But she ain’t giving up! Even when she was dead tired and trying to finish her task earlier today, she was brainstorming on who to throw under the bus next or how they could pull the wool over James’ eyes (they can’t!) to get him to do what they want. The sick thing is, they aren’t even playing for the money anymore!! They aren’t fighting to stay in the game to win. They are fighting to go to jury together so they can spend more time together. Shelli told Clay on a break from her task that she was afraid because she was older and because he is going to have a line of girls and all sorts of offers when he gets out, that he will forget her. So she wants to spend as much time as she can with him before that!! She’s basically very insecure altho he had given her no reason to be. But why should BB finance their little love affair in jury??? Bleh!! I am done with this whole thing! Send her packing Thurs. nite and let people that actually WANT to play the game get on with it!!!!

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Star August 3, 2015 at 4:53 am

I thought this was funny. Meg goes to the BY and tells James that Clelli want him in the HOH room. And he says…so I’m being summoned ?? And then he says I got nothing else to say to them. And that it was basically a waste of time because he said I’m just going to sit their and nod and no matter what they say, I’m leaving the noms the same!!!! LOL You go James!!!

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junksies August 3, 2015 at 5:38 am

@Star – it got lonely so I gave up and shut it down but had to check one last time because im obsessed for my missing post. Hate blogging on cell . Till tomorrow..

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jadeangel816 August 3, 2015 at 5:53 am

Jolee, sooooo agree with you about Clay! I don’t find him attractive at all anymore! He’s an idiot and now just find everything he does to be annoying! Sorry to be so crass!!! @Sirrock- you’re spot on!!!
@Star- I just watched that!!! I love how they summoned him instead of coming to him-morons! Jolees right- this game brings out the worst in a person. ???

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Fannie B August 3, 2015 at 8:51 am

I am sooo glad that James is playing the game!!! Sirrock I thing you nailed it. As far as Clay goes my favorite saying about eye candy is “Good thing he’s pretty” Great post Lisa Marie. I can’t wait for Thursday.

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Mike R August 3, 2015 at 9:23 am

I laughed when Shell talked about James and how he made the deal in front of everyone so you can’t trust him. Then basically throwing Vanessa under the bus, I KNEW that if they didn’t vote out Austin it would blow up in their face and it has, in a big way. Vanessa didnt want to get blood on her hands but Clelli pretty much bathed her in ot Carrie Style. I would say another alliance has pretty much bitten the dust.

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jolee August 3, 2015 at 11:34 am

Hello everybody! Well, while I was sleeping, you all were posting great blogs. Star and Junksies, I really enjoy your point of view. It really tickles me how Shelli is so surprised that she is a target! It’s like they are banishing the queen! I hope we find out today how James used the POV. I hope he sticks to his guns and leaves the noms the same! That will make for a very exciting week in the BB house! I feel kind of bad that I don’t have more empathy for Sheli, but she and Clay have been so entitled! This is how Big Brother has been played from the beginning! Only the players who make big, surprising moves are the ones we remember! James will definitely be one of those players who are talked about in the future, if he just doesn’t give in to the peer pressure. Well, I have had my say! Getting ready to have some fresh peaches, sourdough toast and crispy bacon! Bye for now! 😎 <———— hungry! 😉

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wingnut17 August 3, 2015 at 12:48 pm

I hope Shellie stays and James breaks up the twins because they think they are riding high. James would have two votes in the jury house if he kept both Shellie and James. There talk on BBAD made sense. Meg is a ding bat and just talks in riddles. She walks on her tippie toes and acts like a 12 year old and can’t seem to make a decision on her own. I really don’t know how she makes it in New York paying over $1.000 a month in rent on a waitress salary. James did not keep his word and is not trustworthy. Johnny Mac and Dumb a@@ Steve are riding high in the background that no one seems to pay attention to. Can’t wait to see what James does.

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bobovnvet August 3, 2015 at 12:58 pm

Thanks for all the comments everyone 🙂 & hey Star how you doing my friend? :mrgreen:

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C'est Moi August 3, 2015 at 1:21 pm

11:07 AM PDT Liz tells Austin she wants Shelli out and doesn’t trust her.

Barring a major earthquake in Los Angles before Thursday to further divide the house, Liz wanting Shelli out, means Austin and Julia will also want her out and with Meg and Jackie on the same page, whatever the rest of the voters do will not save Shelli, now only the pretender to the throne.

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C'est Moi August 3, 2015 at 1:28 pm

and it gets better:
11:19 AM Vanessa to Clay and Shelli “we have the better odds”

You’d think a professional poker player would understand the meaning of “better odds.” Apparently not?

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sherry August 3, 2015 at 1:34 pm

As much as I appreciate the courage it took for James to put both Shelli and Clay up,
they did make a good point. They would be two votes in the jury house. They really aren’t
playing to win any more….just to make it to jury. Don’t see that happening, but it was the
only leg they had to stand on. I think James will keep the noms as they are. How the rest
of the house reacts afterwards is another matter for consideration. He has left himself
playing the part of the emperor who had no clothes. I can’t see any of the other HGs
winning HOH that are on his side, unless Johnnie Mac steps up to the plate or Jackie
stumbles into a win. Personally I would like to see Jackie go. Her attitude has become more
than a little irritating. She plays both sides of the house and talks about other HGs holding
grudges, but she is the prima dona in this area.
I have to give kudos to Shelli for completing her comp.I don’t think anyone else in the
house could have done what she did. Meg couldn’t stay out of bed long enough to eom-
plete it. Liz couldn’t quit talking long enough to have enough breath to finish. Since none of the HGs except for Van have been able to finish in the running on comps, I don’t think
they would qualify as possibles. I think a comp that leaves a HG with blisters all over their
feet and needing Advil to relieve the pain is necessary. This isn’t survivor!!!
Has anyone heard how the Veto ceremony went off?

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Junksies August 3, 2015 at 1:54 pm

@wingnut17 – I wondered if anybody else but me noticed that Meg walks on her tippie toes.

Really good stuff went on in the wee hours of the morning. James/Jackie/Meg finally see the big picture of the last 3-4 weeks recognizing that ALL of “them” have been working together. James is sure to leave noms the same, then, and I quote; Vanessa is next to go as she is the HEAD OF THE SNAKE!!!

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Star August 3, 2015 at 2:11 pm

***********************SPOILER ALERT******************************

James has left NOMS the same!! YAHOO!!!!!!!!

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junksies August 3, 2015 at 2:37 pm

@Star – Goodie goodie!!! Now I can relax…thanks! Gonna take a nap…

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Fannie B August 3, 2015 at 3:15 pm

I’m loving that Asian Hillbilly!! I am so glad he left them both on the block….bye bye Shelli…….The game has started!
Thank you Star for the update on the POV.

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Jeanne August 3, 2015 at 3:50 pm

Thank you for sharing

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jolee August 3, 2015 at 4:34 pm

Thank you Star! That is good news! Let the games begin!!! 😉
I also am taking by a nap!
Later! 😎

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jolee August 3, 2015 at 4:35 pm

Typo!!! I am also taking a nap!!

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Shirron Stone August 3, 2015 at 4:51 pm

I am so glad that he did not change his mind. yes, yes

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Junksies August 3, 2015 at 5:31 pm

Clay is such a spoiled little boy who throws itty bitty temper tantrums but will eventually blow when Mama isn’t there to control him, unless Mama#2 Meg steps in. BB is constantly telling him to put his mic on and Clay obstinately resists telling BB he isn’t talking. He refused to put the mic on so Mama grabs the mic and she and Meg both tell him to at least hold on to it!!! Later, after the nom ceremony, pouty boy announced that he isn’t going to talk to anybody. It will be fun to watch him implode!!!!

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Keith August 3, 2015 at 5:44 pm

Meh, I think it’ll only be good news if Shelli is the one voted out and not bumble brains.

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Astra Kelly August 3, 2015 at 5:53 pm

I LOVE that Shelli and her widdle bratty boy toy will NOT be in jury together!! What an idoit Clay is….and so so happy to see “sweet” ( GAG ) Shelli go! James, I’m so proud of you for playing the game! Cant wait to see the drama when one of them leaves..hope it’s Shelli!

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bobovnvet August 3, 2015 at 6:50 pm

Thank you Star ♥ ………………………………………………………….. :mrgreen:

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wingnut17 August 4, 2015 at 10:39 am

I like Shelli, at least she is playing the game and not laying in bed all day laughing like Meg and just sitting around all day in silence like Jackie. I hope they keep her. If James was smart he would of put up Liz and let her go home and separated the twins. I can’t wait for double eviction. Let’s see who is crying next. Shelli and Vanessa are playing the game and coming up with strategies Steve is such a DORK and Mamma’s boy and can’t make a decision on his own. If he won HOH he would not know what to do. Is he playing dumb or just doing what everyone tells him. Austin still is a liar, I can’t wait to see how he acts when Liz goes home. He keeps talking about Clay and how he gives him dirty looks and doesn’t want to be in the game anymore. Don’t worry Austin your day is coming soon.

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jolee August 4, 2015 at 2:54 pm

Not much going on here today! I know we are all just waiting to see how this week plays out.
Later! 😎

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Carolyn D. August 4, 2015 at 3:22 pm

Last night it was revealed, in so many words. that Clay now wants to stay and he and Shelli are already campaigning against each other to make that happen.

Should be good couple of days to see how this plays out.

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