Big Brother 17: Things in the Big Brother House Are Getting Worse and Worse

by Lisa Marie Bowman on August 28, 2015

Hi everyone!

So, here’s a short question for y’all.  Feel free to answer in the comments section below.

Let’s say that you’re playing a game called Big Brother.  And let’s say that you have just been evicted, largely because you didn’t have any allies in the house.  You thought you had some friends but they all just unanimously voted to evict you and decided to keep a guy that absolutely nobody trusts.

So, you’re coming out of the Big Brother House.  You’ve failed.  You’ve lost your chance to win the game.  You should be really angry, right?  I mean, the entire house spent a week lying to your face and promising that you would be safe.  As Jimmy Stewart said to Mr. Potter at the end of It’s A Wonderful Life, “You’re only mistake was that you betrayed me and left me alive!”

But then you find out that you’re going to get a chance to reenter the house!  All you have to do is hold onto a rope for the longest amount of time.  And you do it!  As you hold onto that rope, you watch the other three jurors fall.  You now know that you’re about to reeneter a house that you were just kicked out of.  And you know that the other houseguests targeted you for eviction and there’s really no reason why they shouldn’t do it again.

And suddenly, you realize that almost every other houseguest has fallen off their rope.  There’s only one other houseguest left and she happens to be the houseguest who you know has been plotting against you almost since your very first day in the house.  She’s someone who you have often said you would target if you became HoH.

And all you have to do is hold on longer than this houseguest and you will not only reeneter the house but you will be HoH!  You will have immunity!  You will have revenge!  You will have a chance to change your low position in the game!

And then that one remaining houseguest — the one who you previously called the devil — asks you to voluntarily step off the rope and allow her to be HoH.

Here’s my question.

Would you do it?  Would you voluntarily give up a chance to be safe so that your biggest enemy can be in charge of your future?

I wouldn’t but apparently, Johnny Mac would.

I swear, it is so frustrating!  I love Johnny Mac but he is SUCH A TERRIBLE PLAYER!  Vanessa did promise that John would be safe but then again, why should John trust Vanessa?  For most players, being voted out of the house would be a huge wake up call.  For John, it’s apparently just another wacky day in the Big Brother house!

Anyway, Vanessa is HoH now.  She shouldn’t be.  During the competition, the HGs were told that they were not allowed to sit down on the base at the bottom of the rope.  They were only allowed to stand on it.  As anyone who saw the live feeds knows, Vanessa did sit down on that base while spinning around on her rope.  She should have been disqualified.  Instead, she is HoH.

(It’s also interesting to note that Vanessa has often promised to give HGs presents outside of the house.  This is a clear violation of the Big Brother rules.  And again, nothing has been done.  There’s not much question about who Grodner’s favorite is this year.)

Anyway, Vanessa is currently HoH and no, she’s not going to go after the Sasquatch or the Hate Twins.  Instead, she is going to nominate James and Meg.  She’s targeting James.


Lisa Marie

P.S. Check this out.  Austin and Vanessa were talking about Vanessa’s ex-husband.  Vanessa mentioned that she took her husband back after he cheated on her.  Austin replied, “NO!” and then said that a real man does not cheat.  GO LOOK IN THE MIRROR, AUSTIN!

Linda August 28, 2015 at 4:21 pm

At this point all existing players have been chicken to get Vanessa. If they are that stupid, she deserves to win. They have had so many chances to get her out.

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tendr August 28, 2015 at 4:23 pm

I cannot believe he let Van have her way again. Dumb dumb. He should have become HOH then told her he was really sorry but he felt cornered into saving himself since EVERYONE VOTED HIM OUT… then calmly just walk away and maybe say he doesn’t feel like talking right none…I HAVE A LOT OF THINKING TO DO. She would have freaked. Then he should have gotten his butt ready to be kissed. Why didn’t he just take what just about was handed to him? I don’t get it…. intelligence and common sense sure have nothing in common. It would have been great to watch Austin, the twins and Van fall off their pedestal.
Thanks Lisa… but boy it just makes me want to shake ‘his teeth’ loose.

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tendr August 28, 2015 at 4:24 pm

Wish Becky had hung on. I’m let down.

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Fannie B August 28, 2015 at 4:40 pm

I can’t believe that JM did that….. what was he thinking……OMG. If he goes home this week he has know one to blame but himself. THX LM

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jolee August 28, 2015 at 4:40 pm

No, no, no!!! I would have hung on to that rope until my hands were bloody! But, as we have heard over and over again …… I don’t want to get blood on my hands! I this case, Johnny boy, it would have been for your good! If you keep playing like you have in the past, your days are numbered! Too bad! So many people here have been rooting for you! You won the vote here! Ugghhh! So frustrating! I’m going to go make a hot fudge sundae with butter pecan ice cream! Maybe that will cool me off! Bye for now!!
Be back later!! 😎

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PandaP1 August 28, 2015 at 4:42 pm

Well, as much as I hate Vanessa’s game plays, she deserves to win, if these people are so scared of her. I love John, but he cant seem to understand the whole Idea of Big Brother, so if he is so stupid to throw the hoh to Vanessa…then he doesnt deserve to win ! I rather see the Twins broken up…they get on my last Nerve and so does Austin. They make me want to toss up my Food, and slap the TV ! Lets look at this realistically, Vanessa is a Good Player, whether we like her or not….the game is about Outsmarting all the rest of the House Guests…and even if Austin and the twins knows her game, they too chicken to get her out….so I hope she back doors one of the Twins….like Liz, and breakup the three who thinks they rule the game………..WHAT A JOKE !

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Kimberly August 28, 2015 at 4:45 pm

I don’t understand how big brother keeps putting these people get away with alot of stuff.. Why didn’t they do something about it??

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tendr August 28, 2015 at 4:46 pm

I give up on jMac after this…i’m breaking up with

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jolee August 28, 2015 at 4:53 pm

Me too tendr! At least you still have James! 🙂

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Patty August 28, 2015 at 4:56 pm

At this point Van deserves to win BB – everyone should just let her have it because no one is really playing the game. It would have been so much better if Becky came in the house, won HoH and put up the hate twins and back doored Van. At elast it was breaking up the the group. The last day of this season cannot come quick enough. What a horrible season.

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SnakeBit Sal Ô¿Ô August 28, 2015 at 4:56 pm

This show has turned into the biggest show on TV. They need to change the name of it to The A. Grodner playhouse hour. It’d her, her rules and her bimbos playing the game. She allows cheating, she changes the game to suit her fantasy and the houseguests get (dumber, stupider and boring) [take your choice] every year. I have hardly watched it this year and not sure if I ever will again! :dumb:

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kornholio August 28, 2015 at 4:57 pm

Yo Johnny Mac, if Meg or James gets the veto, psst guess who will be the replacement nominee? Yep thats u johhny! IDIOT

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SnakeBit Sal Ô¿Ô August 28, 2015 at 4:58 pm

1st edit of last comment-
This show has turned into the biggest ‘joke of a show’ on TV. They need to change the name of it to The A. Grodner playhouse hour. It’d her, her rules and her bimbos playing the game. She allows cheating, she changes the game to suit her fantasy and the houseguests get (dumber, stupider and boring) [take your choice] every year. I have hardly watched it this year and not sure if I ever will again! :dumb:

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Star August 28, 2015 at 5:01 pm

Van told James she was going to keep noms same as last week. But he thinks it will be him and Meg.
Then he had an AHA moment and remembered when he was HOH last, she promised him if he didn’t put her up, she would let him pic a nom the next time she was HOH. He was going to save Meg. Altho she couln’t play without him!! I doubt Van will acknowledge it!

H/ns are of coruse..james, meg, julia and either JM or Steve. I think JM.

Jeff/fish. Noms are going on. I have to run out for awhile so you guys are onyour own. Unless I can send it from my cell.

I hope she puts up JM and Meg and sends JM home. he is a totl waste of space in the game and BLEW it big time!! He could have easily been HOH and sent Van home. Now those 4 will go to the end. Disgusted with this whole season!!! 😛

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carol August 28, 2015 at 5:02 pm

He’s a lousy player….sorry he got back in!

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Robert August 28, 2015 at 5:08 pm

Johnny Mac told Julie Chung that if he was to go back in the house he would team up with Vanessa because Vanessa can not stay in the Alliance she is in .Makes a good amount of sense to me.he needs Vanessa. So he is right on track to stay and Win and it’s beginning to look like van might need John mac

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april August 28, 2015 at 5:11 pm

Ya know—I love Johnny too but I too, can’t figure him out. Julie asked him if he won HoH who would he target for eviction. He said Meg. Whaaaaaaaaatttt??? That absolutely blew my mind.
So it’s gonna be James and Meg up. That ought to thrill Johnny. He’ll be disappointed though if James goes (over Meg). Or if he, himself is backdoored.
Although I like both Meg and James, maybe they’ll finally realize the huge mistake they made when voting in favor of Vanessa staying. STUPID.
Almost everyone left in the house other than Vanessa or Steve are (to put it nicely) less than smart.
For myself, the season finale this year will be unsatisfying as I don’t like Vanessa, Austin, Liz and Julia. And surely, at this point of the game some version of that combo will be there, giving their speech for votes.
I’ll hate it but I’ll watch it anyway because I’m a hopeless addict.

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Keith August 28, 2015 at 5:12 pm

I wanted JM out Thursday because he has the common sense of a brick!! Now him coming back in and doing the same crap all over again certifies it. Vanessa and Steve are the only ones doing any actual thinking this season.

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MaryB August 28, 2015 at 5:12 pm

I wish some one would make a bold move and put Aus/Liz or Liz/Julia up! So damn tired of same old same old this season

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Ginny August 28, 2015 at 5:14 pm

That’s why when you are were loving on Johnny Mac I was not!

Not a player..just another puppet!! And sorry if I offend anyone but I am sooo sick of his make beleive voice! Yes…I have heard him forget on the feeds…I don’t believe he is using his own voice.

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Karin August 28, 2015 at 5:18 pm

Lisa you just make my day with your brilliant comments.
Sasquatch and Hate Twins….OMGosh….so true.
Keep up the great writing…your the best!

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Sherry August 28, 2015 at 5:30 pm

Grrrr….I just got my computer working again. It went out last night around 9. I’ve been
lost without it.
I can’t believe the girls quit, or that JM quit to allow Vanessa to win HOH. Has there ever
been a more trusting HG on BB???? You’d think he would learn not to trust anyone by now,
but it doesn’t seem to soak in with him.
Vanessa would be smart to ditch the AUSTWINS and make a deal with Meg, James, Steve, and JM. She could beat them all in comps and have a chance to get to the end. With the other group she will never be #1.
Maybe in the back of her mind she’s thinking about BDooring Austin, but I don’t think it
will happen. Smart is not the flavor of the season this year. I would love to see a shake-up
in power, but it seems this season is doomed to disappoint.
I do not want to see any of the four bullies win, but I will have to see it to the end. I am the
same way with a book or movie that leaves me up in the air. I want to see all “t’s” crossed
and “i’s” dotted. I’m a freak that way.
Check in later!
Thanks Star and Lisa for your updates.

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Robert August 28, 2015 at 5:31 pm

Johnny Mac will not be Vanessa’s backdoor target in my opinion it will be Austin that’s only if it happens Austin is the best player for comp he’s already thought about putting her up there’s not going to be a lot of love lost.

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C'est Moi August 28, 2015 at 5:37 pm

No doubt Vanessa is Grodner’s favorite this year. Rules of the game do not apply to Van. No ifs, ands or, specifically last night during the HOH comp, butts. Guess for some, takin’ a proper lickin’ as needed provides the drive to keep on tickin’ so to speak.

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Sylvie August 28, 2015 at 5:42 pm

I repeat what I said many days ago
JM is a floatter not a player.

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Sandy August 28, 2015 at 5:44 pm

I am completely turned off to the BB show. The people this year were all miscast. They didn’t even earn the right to play. Everybody lies in Big Brother. That’s the game. But when I see Vanessa angry because someone or anyone wants her out, I want to puke. She has orchestrated everyone’s eviction. You would think they would see it and get rid of her. Do I think she should win? No. For that matter I can’t think of one person who deserves it. Meg is smart..she stays in the background but does nothing to make a difference. This show has become like all the other reality shows. After the first few seasons, it loses what made it wonderful at the beginning…it and the people on the show are boring.

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Star August 28, 2015 at 5:47 pm

Meg and James are the noms!!!!!!!

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PRHinNC August 28, 2015 at 5:54 pm

Rules are in-place to make whatever one is playing, fair for ALL. If a rule is broken, that infraction is just cause for an individual disqualification. So simple, even Austin could understand.

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C'est Moi August 28, 2015 at 6:15 pm

No wonder Vanessa dropped out of Duke Law School. She is void of any oratory skills that would convince any juror or judge with an average or better IQ the her “argument” is even worth a listen.

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Robert August 28, 2015 at 6:18 pm

Come on guys you can’t throw Johnny under the bus because he wanted to stop spening like a top while Vanessa siting on ass. Hanging on is one thing spinning is another it can make you really sick, and it no fun playing with a rule breaker some might call that cheating.

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Gypz August 28, 2015 at 6:24 pm

I think it wise to put up julia and austin. Then we wouldnt have to see that nasty austin! And liz would be on her own in the house.

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Cathie August 28, 2015 at 6:33 pm

The House had their chance to get rid of Vanessa, and yet, they did not. I am not crazy about Vanessa, but at least she is one of a few that actually has game play. The focus now should be on her and splitting up the gruesome two-some. Johnny is fun to watch, but must have been dropped on his head at some point in his life. Talk about STUPID. Vanessa is only there because they allowed it to happen. There is noone in that house right now that deserves to win except for maybe James ( I hate to say Vanessa too, but I am saying it now!) . Hands down, it is the most uninteresting bunch of players I have ever seen; and I have watched every season. Pass out the No- Doze people, you are going to need it!

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Astra Kelly August 28, 2015 at 6:34 pm

So disgusted and sad. Jackie, Becky and Shelli just dropped, all together? I get that the jury house is relaxed, and the pressure is off..etc, etc BUT dont they want the $$$$?? WHY are they even on the show then? Especially Shelli, I thought she was really into the game. Guess not. It makes a mockery of the show. As for Johnny words. Who does what he did? Cant wrap my head around it. Well, I guess we’ll see what plays out..who knows? Maybe it will turn out different than we think

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Princess August 28, 2015 at 6:39 pm

Thanks, Stra!!! That’s good news. I have a faint hope that Vanessa will get over her infantile outrage at Steve and that she, John, and Steve will team up against the hairy man and his twins. At that point, James will probably join John because he knows he’d be fourth in the Austwins alliance. It’s pretty dysfunctional with the Vanessa group but they are better than nothing.

Lisa Marie: Sasquatch? You insult those of us in the Great Pacific Northwet! No self respecting Sasquatch would look like that. On purpose.

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Majorrn1 August 28, 2015 at 6:40 pm

I’m done with BB altogether, no more wasting my valuable time watching something that is so crooked and unfair by production!! Don’t make rules if you have no intention of following them for everyone, not just who you chose to.
I will no longer finish watching this year and I will no longer EVER watch BB anymore!!

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tedstrutz August 28, 2015 at 6:42 pm

Sorry, but I have no sympathy for Quirky Johnny. He should have hung tough… no pun intended (I’ll leave puns to C’est’s feeble attempts).

April’s photo cracks me up… she must be watching Big Brother.

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deb August 28, 2015 at 7:00 pm

LM: Thanks for a great write-up as usual. You definitely have taken lemons and made lemonade this summer.

They need to target Liz. Once Liz is gone, I don’t see Austin and Julia playing nice to each other so the three person alliance is now individual votes instead of a group of three votes which will be hard to overcome.

I don’t understand Johnny Mac’s reasoning for dropping. He knows he isn’t good at comps and here he was right at the end and dropped on Vanessa’s command.

I can understand putting Meg up as much as I like her. She is the ultimate floater who can’t win a comp to save her life. Because she has done nothing, it is mighty tempting to take her to the final 2. What can she really say she has done in the game? Nothing. One of my favorite lines from Meg was in the beginning when she said something like the only comps me and Jason can win is bedazzling a backpack or making a frattia.

With Meg gone, James is alone on an island. That would be the perfect time for James, Johnny, Steve and Vanessa to band together to take down the gruesome threesome.

Just my thoughts. Sorry for rambling!

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C'est Moi August 28, 2015 at 7:38 pm


As usual old man, you didn’t get it, no pun intended because it wasn’t one. 🙂

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maria August 28, 2015 at 7:46 pm

Vanessa wins again. I knew it.
She is the most infuriating player that has come along. I watched a few minutes on Thursday and saw Van sitting down. One good way of not getting dizzy.

I still want to know what the hell she is doing in the house to begin with. She has millions from her poker days. What’s 500 thousand dollars to her. I say give it to the poor. They need it more than her. She will probably use the money for some trinkets or buy herself a toy boy.

I just can’t stand her. She reminds me of a p imp. Those tears of being hurt when someones lies to her or she gets her signals mixed up with the players, makes me want to gag. She plays the game well but she is retarded.

Yeah I said it – R E T A R D E D

I still like John…………………..if he fell to get Van to win HOH, wouldn’t he have lost and went back to the jury like the others did.


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Robert August 28, 2015 at 8:04 pm

Vanessa would rather have a toys girl than a toys boy.

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swt August 28, 2015 at 9:05 pm

i agree with most of yall ~ i think the twins and Austin need to go they make me sick. this is DE again, coming up think James and Meg are funny and they are just having fun. Not really playing the game. I used to like Steve but ~ i am wondering if he’s mental or acting, i think he just is trying and thinking to hard ) Vanessa is the only one playing the game, she smart and knows exactly what she is doing. Johnny Mc is a nut, he creeps me out !
this is a stupid year of BB we all waited for this type of game play, man it does suck !
but like all of us die hards we will continue to watch. drinking the cool aid ~ ha ha

@ Sherry my email is ~ maybe you might be willing to tell me what’s next on my illness. i already told my husband i want a morphine drip to take me out, no drama ~ can you believe this i have been a heart nurse ( ccu & telemetry ) for 23 years, how ironic that i didn’t know about this lung disease. My doc says 1 out of 300,000 get this disease.

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P August 28, 2015 at 9:12 pm

Steve might very well be a nice person in real life, but his gameplay from day 1 has been the worst. Does someone with no social awareness, no ability to conform and seemingly little interest in the game really think BB is for them? Sorry, but I think he is a dope. Hate the laugh too. If my dentist laughed like that, I’d be running, fast.

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Jeanne August 28, 2015 at 9:16 pm

Nothing to add, just keeping my place.

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tendr August 28, 2015 at 9:16 pm

Retarded is ‘slow’ Van is just ‘bad’ to me. She’s a huge bully.

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bbigbbob August 28, 2015 at 9:47 pm

Vanessa is brilliant! You can see they all fall for her crap. She should win. Who has a better game? Not James, he continues trying to work him up some.

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Robert August 28, 2015 at 9:52 pm

If Van is this huge bully your talking about, it should make exciting, TV.and if Steve is this mental case should make great TV and Oustin only thinking with small head what an exciting show expect the unexpected. And that’s not even to talk about Johnny Mac.

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Audrey August 28, 2015 at 9:56 pm

I don’t feel for the other houseguests. Vanessa has played them all. Don’t be surprised if she wins 500,000.00. The houseguests on the other side has not won competitions. James will go to the jury next Thursday. Don’t forget, it will be double eviction.

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Sylvie August 28, 2015 at 9:57 pm

Just wondering if I am correct
Did I see James seating as well in hog comp?
Re watched it tonight

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jolee August 28, 2015 at 10:24 pm

@maria, Johnny was the last member of the jury to fall off, so he would go back in the house. But, if he had outlasted Vanessa, he would now be HOH, insuring that he would be safe for another week….but, with the double eviction coming up, no one is safe! I just hope they make better decisions than Steve did at the last double eviction! They could actually get rid of two of Austin’s alliance! That would be so great!! Well, I didn’t have my hot fudge sundae tonight. I had to settle for warm chocolate chip cookies with a glass of cold milk! 😉 Yum! Will check in ….
Later! 😎

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Ladybugg August 28, 2015 at 11:03 pm

Thursday night a few HGs came up with new words for the 12 days of Christmas:
12 Days of Big Brother
12 Days of Big Brother
12 pelted chocolates
11 gronk parties
10 falls of grandma
9 evicted houseguests
8 lies from Audrey
7 days of have-nots
6 veto players
5 dental chairs
4 returning jurors
3 nights of pop ball
2 identical twins
1 freeze frame makeout

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Dorothy August 28, 2015 at 11:59 pm

Can’t believe Johnny Mac was smart enough to make it thru dental school
and is stupid enough to listen to Vanessa ( the queen of water works ) you
deserve to go now for being extremely stupid

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tendr August 29, 2015 at 2:11 am

SWT could you email me and tell me the name of your disease? hugs

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tendr August 29, 2015 at 2:14 am

robert…we don’t see on reg. tv anything interesting. what little there is, is saved for bbad but yes vanessa bullies ppl…i can’t believe how everyone is afraid of her. i’d tell her to shut up

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tendr August 29, 2015 at 2:16 am

double eviction they’ll prob get meg, james and john..and maybe the fish out.

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tendr August 29, 2015 at 2:18 am

ok well it’s boring in here lol…..going to go watch a love triangle movie that looks like a thriller.

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Pauletta August 29, 2015 at 7:05 am

I have stop watching BB, cannot stand the twins, Austin, or Venessa. So boring………

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Courtney August 29, 2015 at 8:20 am

Thanks LM

Is next week a double eviction? I missed that.
Seems to me that rule #1 of all BB/Survivor/RealityTV
is to take out any couples whether Showmance or Family
member. It’s an alliance that can never be broken.
That was a big part of the mistake this season. Also they
did seem to vote out anyone “playing” the game early. I
think that Vanessa may annoy most of you but she played
this cast perfectly. Anyone who’s read my words has seen
that I have Van in the pool so I do have a vested interest
however, you have to give her some credit. I was rooting
for JM but he lost any respect as a player. So Vanessa cries &
manipulates…this is Big Brother. Does anyone else playing
deserve a win based on gameplay….or personality.

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herbie August 29, 2015 at 8:21 am

Johnny Mac you lost me as a fan. Imbecile, cretin, idiot, dummy, and words of the sort come to mind by your ignorant deal made with Van. Dumb, Dumb, Dumb. HOWEVER, if Vanessa really thinks it over she needs to break up the Twins and DISAUSTIN(G)..Get it Disgusting.

If she doesn’t your eminent eviction will be justified. Johnny Mac hate to say it but your latest blunder will go down as one of the dumbest of all time on BB.

But I am hoping I am wrong and your strategy if that is what you can call it is brilliant at the end of the day. Good luck JM and you are going to need it.

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Courtney August 29, 2015 at 8:24 am

Oops! I see that I shouldn’t have hit the return key while typing. Lesson learned.

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C'est Moi August 29, 2015 at 10:05 am

Big Brother is he indoor version of Survivor where the goal should be to be in the house at the end of the week every week until the finale. So keeping that in mind, was JMac dropping of the rope swing with what has proven to be a valid Vanessa promise not to nominate him for eviction this week, which means most likely he will still be around until the next eviction such a bad move after all? Venessa could very well have outlasted JMac on the rope, cheating or otherwise, and JMac would likely be the next one sent to jury.

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Jeanne August 29, 2015 at 10:41 am

Come on Vanessa break up those twins. I want them and Austin gone.

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Erin August 29, 2015 at 11:23 am

For the first time in Big Brother history, I have missed a couple episodes. Guess what? I just dont care. These people are so stupid and horrible players and now someone who is already rich is going to win, I just cant believe it. I hate that 10 people in the beginning were recruited. I want REAL People in the Big Brother house, not good looking people. I really Enjoy reading the blog BUt Im just so SAD about this season,,,, sigh,,,

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Herbie August 29, 2015 at 12:52 pm

Ceist. Good point

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macy August 29, 2015 at 1:23 pm


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bobovnvet August 29, 2015 at 2:00 pm

Thanks for the write up Lisa! To answer your question about JM he may have a plan…… but I would not have given up! Once again thanks for all the comments everyone! As far as BB goes….I love this show ♥ good or bad that’s what brings us all together! :mrgreen:

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tendr August 29, 2015 at 2:16 pm

C’est Mio, That’d be the only way I’d understand Jmac giving up… if he was falling off anyway. I’d be puking if I had to be twirling on those ropes. But if he just trusted her….I just don’t see how he could.

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tendr August 29, 2015 at 2:19 pm

Mio….. my tablet keeps typing in mom or moo

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KustardPie August 29, 2015 at 2:24 pm

It’s all I can do to make it thru the shows this season, no way can I force myself to watch BBAD. Worst cast ever, worst season ever. They need to totally revamp for next summer, better screening of the cast and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get some new comps. I am so sick of OTEV and Zingbot and all the other same comps as previous years. Bring back the food competitions and the luxury competitions. Make them earn the pool, workout room, etc. I can only hope that someone from CBS reads the blog this year and makes some changes.

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Star August 29, 2015 at 2:34 pm

************************SPOILER ALERT********************************

POV players picked early today…….Van and Austwins, James and Meg.
JM hosting.

Looks like tthe comp is going to be the one playing poker. The 4 of them have it down to a system where one stays and the other 3 fold every time. Even without this strategy, I don’t see how James and Meg could win when it’s 2 against 4. Plus I doubt Meg will do very well at this. Not sure about James. Maybe if he plays poker.
Van’s camp have all said they won;t use the veto so there is no BD plan. Thjey want one of the 2 to go home. Meg keeps saying it’s going to be her. BUT they don’t seem to know it’s a double evict! I hate this time of year. It is so depressing when the numbers dwindle and it gets quiet in the house, you know the show and our blog are winding down and so is summer. 🙁

@herbie…I red taht Van and JM were talking in HOH yesterday and JM did NOT make the deal with her before he fell!!! What happened was he actually did slip off. But then Van, who’s mind goes non-stop,came up woth a plan to SAY he made a deal with her so that she ahd an excuse to put up Meg and James. She could say she ahd promised him to keep him safe and tjhe rest are her alliance. It was , again, to get no BLOOD on her hands!! He of course agreed. Anything to save his skin!!! I still disrespect his gameplay and his lack of balls in this game. Likeable or not. And actually, everything about him kind is kind of off-putting to me.

Jeff highlights…looks like POV is early today!!!!

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tendr August 29, 2015 at 4:07 pm

Knowing how Van follows ppl around chewing them out, making up lies… the way I’m reading that she’s treating like kicking a puppy. Van reminds me of my ex. Ripping me apart face to face like that…I would have punched her in the face. Wouldn’t be my first time. I can only be pushed so far…pretty far and then , it’s war. I don’t care if Van is winning…i’d like to see her and E.Dick enemies..I don’t like either of them. She’s the producers fav..imo.

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C'est Moi August 29, 2015 at 4:08 pm

At approximately 7:02:33 PM Big Brother time during the swinging rope HOH comp JMack said to Vanessa just after he said “I gotta do what I gotta do…. want to put the feud on hold for a week?…. You’re safe with me if I fall… Let’s do it” followed by Vanessa’s immediate “DITTO” which would seem to indicate, assuming I understand the true meaning of the word ditto, that he would be safe with her if he dropped out. At 7:03 PM, ass hole Austin yelled to JMack “your ass touched” (overlooking the fact that Vanessa’s fat ass had been lodged on the platform for some time) and JMack dropped, not slipped, off.

What plan Vanessa devised later to appease her peanut brain gallery would seem to only confirm the ditto deal she made earlier with JMac.

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tendr August 29, 2015 at 4:09 pm

I pretty much hate BB right now

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Star August 29, 2015 at 4:47 pm

Well, either way. I might have come in in the middle of the conversation. But it shows Van and JM are working together. Probably secretly. Nothing in that exchange means that JM didn’t slip off tho. They were just agreeing that no matter who won it, they were both safe for the week. Actually, if they were following the rules, Van would have been eliminated anyway. It appears that Van is very loyal to the Austwins and is grateful they are even taking her along for 4th place. But she is too smart and too driven for that to be the case and it wouldn’t surprise me if she took JM to the end with her. Unless the jury is really bitter, and they don’t usually let that affect their vote, Van would win. I don’t see her going for anything less. Let’s hope something happens to stir up this season! Even if it is the finale!!! lol

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jolee August 29, 2015 at 5:35 pm

I guess we will know for sure about the HOH comp tomorrow night!
If I ever had any doubt about Production favoring Vanessa, I think the fact that the POV comp is POKER!!!!! speaks volumes! I’m sick of BB … barf!!!
Later! 😎

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Jeanne August 29, 2015 at 6:24 pm

BB is colossal disappointment this season. YUK

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Star August 29, 2015 at 7:30 pm

James won POV!!!!! WooHoo!!!!!!!

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C'est Moi August 29, 2015 at 7:48 pm

@Star…. Nothing in that exchange means that JM didn’t slip off tho.

True, but after watching the replay several time, JMac does appear to intentionally drop off immediately after Austin yells at JMac, “Your ass touched!” possibly thinking he was disqualified. Just saying…

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Star August 29, 2015 at 8:29 pm

Ok…I can see that. I actually thought he jumped down when I was watching it Thurs. night but I keep getting conflicting information. But JM doesn’t seem like a rule break to me so he probably thought he was out anyway. BUT of course that info came from Austin who had a vested interest in Van winning. And she was in a sitting position that she wasn’t supposed to be in. So WHERE is BB during all this?? They really have been letting everything slide this season! From the quality to the rules to the HGS they picked! I hardly even hear them calling the HGS out on singing or anything this year. Should a network be apathetic about it’s biggest summer show?? Who knows. It’s been a strange season, that’s for sure!!

Where IS everybody today??? It’s been raining and dark all day, so except for a short trip out, I have been here most of it for a change. And no one’s around. Figures! *cricket, cricket*

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Rose Mary Jones August 31, 2015 at 7:54 am

Vanessa said in the conversation to herself while talking to James and meg.Why dont they tell me someting about the wierdo Austin, so then she decide to target James because of his relatioship with Meg, WHO IS NOT A COUPLE, just friends.What about Austin and Liz, HELLO. My real feeling is to only listen and watch for Your Feeds. BB17 is the worst show aired on BB. Thanks for all the views on your BLog and I am glad to read your BLOGS. YOU NEED TO BE THE DIRECTOR. So Mr. BB Director and staff turn over the power to Lisa. I am out of here. BB17 WoW is so bad this time.

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