Hi, everyone!
I hope that all of our readers have had either a great Labor Day or a great Monday, depending on which part of the world you live in! As for me, I am back and getting caught up on what I missed in the house.
I imagine that all of you already know this but let’s just make it “official:”
The veto meeting was held today. Austin took himself off the block. Steve nominated Julia in his place. And, as of right now, it appears that Liz is the target but, regardless, one of the Hate Twins will be going to the jury house on Thursday!
If it is Liz, that means Austin will be looking for revenge. It also means that Julia will probably be even more under the control of Vanessa. Julia has spent this entire game doing whatever her sister did. From several of Julia’s comments in the house, I get the feeling that she still doesn’t really understand how Big Brother works. (Not a single day seems to pass without Julia asking whether or not the cameras are on.) Julia is going to need someone to lead her and since she doesn’t like Austin, that person will probably be Vanessa.
Anyway, Liz and Julia have finally been nominated. It has taken over two months for anyone in the house to make any attempt to break up the strongest and firmest alliance. On any other season, Liz would have been voted out as soon as the other houseguests figured out that she had a twin.
It’s been a strange, strange season.
Lisa Marie
I can’t believe Steve manned up and did the right thing.
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WooHoo, first today!
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A song comes to mind…Truckin’ by Grateful Dead.
Sometimes the light’s all shinin’ on me
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Other times I can barely see
Lately it occurs to me what a long, strange trip it’s been
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Keith, Steve just “Amanda’d up”
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Let’s face it ladies, Vanessa has been the only one really playing the game!!!! Austin and the Twins are bullies to the max!! Can dish the mean out but then complain and say bad things about the one returning it back on them. John has woken up and is now playing the game and is working with Steve and Vanessa Steve is listening to John!!! Vanessa said the same thing about putting Liz and Austin up and he brushed it off till John told him and why. I can say that because of the bullies being allowed I am so ready to have this season come to a close!!!!! Thank you Lisa wit all your hard work!!! Love your Blogs!!!
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Yes. things have turned around and I for one am loving it! I’ve had NO sympathy WHATSOEVER for “poor little Liz” snotting and bawling around .. although she was more cheerful today. But what does she expect? That everyone is just there to assure that her or her sister or Austin are the only ones with a shot at winning?? what does she think the rest of them cam e there for? just for the ride? How can she possibly be so stupid? It’s a GAME. Everyone is there hoping to win! so just like her and Austin, the others need to do what it takes to increase their chances TOO! If anyone was in the house that was so stupid to only be concerned about what Liz and Austin & Julia wanted then they shouldn’t have been there in the first place!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------At least Vanessa is playing & I’m just so glad to see Steve & JohnnyMac stepping up their game now too finally! Oh how glorious it would be if those two made it to the bitter end!
Also had a thought about Austin earlier. With all the unpopularity of Liz and her sister, considering his self absorbtion with his own ego, I’m wondering if once he gets out and finds out that nobody particularly liked them then he might decide maybe he doesn’t like her anymore either! because how would it look for the great Judas to be with a woman nobody likes?? not to mention when he watches the show and sees all the stuff she said about him behind his back! i’m thinking THAT is gonna REALLY piss him off and guessing BB showed it on purpose just so he would. :o)
Austin really isn’t going to have too much power after this so he can huff and pull all he wants – not gonna do him a lot of good unless he wins HOH but even then he can’t vote!
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Thanks Lisa Marie for sharing that on the block after the VETO Ceremony are
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Austin’s Angels
I mean
Austin’e FALLEN Angel’s
I mean
good riddance darlin’
PS: I think Steve and Johnny Mac have a crush on each other (& I don’t think they’re “that gay”)
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I’m still laughing at Julia thinking Sigmund Freud is a lion tamer. Wonder if Loyola is wishing she would stop wearing their t-shirt?
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I think maybe Steve was playing more of a Dan game than an Ian one. Nobody paid any attention to Dan as he was pretty quiet and threw all the comps until he got to about F5 or 6. We all knew Steve was smart, but he seemed weak and immature and like Vanessa’s puppet. But like Dan, he seems to be pulling it out when he needs to. Van might even become his Danielle!!! He said today, in one of his talks to himself, that he didn’t trust her at all! So it seems he has been acting a part and his real self is about to come out and blow this game up~! And if JM is coming to life now too, I have big hopes of them in the F2.
Even if Van manages to tag along, I doubt either one would take her.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Van is going to have her hands full babysitting Julia, who the dumbest player in the house unless you count the ants! And that might be insulting to them…lol Austin is going to feel isolated and angry. And I don’t think Van can pull off being loyal to him, Julia AND Steve, so something has to give!!!! Hoping this is the start of big upsets in the house!!! Give us something for sitting thru this shitstorm this summer!!!! lol
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@ Star i agree !!!
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Goodnight everyone
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Good post Star! I agree! I am only looking forward to Thursday’s now! The rest is ho hum!!! Time to say goodnight and take the dogs out and start the coffee! 🙂
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Later!! 😎
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Thanks you guys!! Have a good night and sleep tight!!! 🙂
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It’s a little quiet in here tonight! Everyone having a busy Labor Day. I have been missing tendr today. I will say goodnight tendr, in case you come in here tonight. Well, I am turning off my light and turning on my Ray Price album!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Later! 😎
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Hi Lisa
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Want to thank you for all the writing and updates you have given us this season
This is my first time writing anything about the season.
I so agree with all the letters that previous friends have written.
Time for Steve and JMac to clean house and go for the wins.
Get Liz out this Thursday then Austin Julia then Vanessa
That will make my season of BB 17 was so sad when Meg and James.
Like a lot of Feeder Watchers I was ready to close it down but you just want to watch it and listen to the Chatter’s and what they have to say.
Also please let us know when they are voting for Americas Player I want James to win it so much for he is from my home town.
Friend reader, Pat
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awwwwwwwww. up alone..well with rocky. bored. sweet dreams anyone’s who asleep.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------going to surf now.
i just drank a smoothie and i feel like a beached whale.
OH glad you are home safe and sound Lisa Marie.
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Can’t wait to see how Austin does after Liz is gone. Yep Steve was smart to want Liz gone, breaks up to alliances and she is the stronger player. Game on!
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Now, BB gets good I will be glued to these posts I am leaving for Ireland on Wednesday – I am one year cancer free and am celebrating by going to Ireland with my middle daughter, Angelica – I have traveled all over, but in spite of being 79% Irish I have never been to Ireland – my husband went before he met me so he never wants to go – girls trip – I love spending quality time with each of my daughters – we all watch BB – blessings to all, and I hope my friends here start feeling better, it seems to have been a tough year, made rougher by having to watch those twins chew and smack their food – I’m sort of kidding!
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Listening to Austin give the twins the biggest BULL S….. I’ve ever heard. You know how he can be so fullofshitphical!!!!!!!lol. What’s really funny is t h at they’re hanging in to his every word. Oh dear Lord, they’re eating again. Hold on while I put the mute on. Ok. I’m back. Anyway, the twins where all ears, not because they understood anything he was saying, but because they kept hearing what they like to hear the most about l. For instance, how one of them for sure will win America’s favorite player, how they played the best game th e n anybody else, how everybody hates Johnny M as much as they do. This like that. Oh no, one of the twins came out to sit by the hot tub with a bag of Sour Kids. I think I’ll leave before she starts Smacking her every bite… too late…
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Well I guess Steve and JM have finally woke up!!! Susan G congrats on your one year cancer free!!! I have been cancer free for 5 years. What blessing everyday is.
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I was glad to hear that Steve finally won . Whay did Austin decide to take hisself off the Block and not His Love Bone, Really. Atleast one of them will Be gone.thanks for the update. I really have had enough of BB17 and Took a break and it was not easy because I have been watching it for a minutes. Will wait for your next update because I hav ehad enough. You are really foing a great job. Thanks so much.
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To Susan B
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You beat that old CANCER and You WON, GREAT to hear, Enjoy Ireland. YOU ROCK
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Thanks as always Lisa. You have a real gift for telling what is going on. I appreciate it.
And as always, Star, you seem to be inside the heads of the house guests pretty well.
We know that Austin will be out after vengeance but so what? Vanessa truly knows how to play the game and the other house guests. I didn’t like what she was doing at first but now I see how it’s working and dang – she is good at it. I am just so sick of that hound dog face of hers.
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@Susan G congrats !!!!
I’m a 5 year survivor 😉
I also want James to win America’s Favorite
Loving twin meltdown
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Steve is smarter and stronger than he allows even himself to believe. He made sure to tell Austin that he was going up and was not his target. If Austin wins HOH, I would be curious who he would put up. Will he keep his alliance with Julia and Vanessa and put up Steve and JMac, or will he prove loyalty to JMac and Steve and put up Vanessa and Julia? No, he doesn’t have the guts to put the girls up. He would fear Liz being mad at him for putting up her twin and he will be afraid of the wrath of Vanessa. Hoping JMac wins the next HOH and puts up Julia and Austin. If Austin wins VETO, he can put up Vanessa and send her packing.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If Vanessa wins, I have no clue what her strategy would be. She is now afraid of all the blood on her hands. If Julia wins, well, HA HA HA HA! If Julia wins, HA HA.
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Susan G, Congregations, have fun in Ireland. Thats where my Dad’s family is from. Always wanted to see it. I have been cancer free over 10 years. Praising God everyday.
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Do you think Liz and Dick, I mean Liz and Austin are going to stay together after BB is all done? The twins are so immature, and think the world revolves around them and eat like a bunch of pigs. I don’t like it when they have competitions where it is a game of chance, like throwing a dumb ball into a number and seeing where it lands. They really need to mix it up for next season. This season was sooooooo disappointing. They could of interviewed more good looking people for the show. I can’t even eat when Austin is on. He makes me throw up in my mouth when he does not have a shirt on. Those stupid white rubber bands he puts in his hair and when Liz gets close to him she even starts to back away from him. The tattoo’s on his fingers and his long hair are so gross. I just can’t wait to see who wins and be done with this season. The show is like a train wreck you want to turn away, but you can’t stop watching.
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God bless all of you brave women who fought cancer and licked it! I was with my sissy every step of her journey. I know God had a reason for reuniting us after almost 40 years of being separated by 3,000 miles. She has been cancer free for almost 11 years!
I am definitely looking forward to Thursday. I want to see Liz exit the house, followed by Austin or Vanessa! Julia is no threat and would be a good f3 with Steve and Johnny Mac. Well gotta go pick up my food order. Have a great day everyone. 🙂
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Later!! 😎
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It kills me watching the auztwins talking how they will win the next comp thinking they know what it is. And I’m sure CBS will give them what they want. Instead of pulling something new! !
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Last night was strange on BBAD. The twins were arguing back and forth as to who needs
to go home. It was as if they thought they had a choice in the matter. Then Austin keeps
telling Liz how much America loves her and will be mad if she is evicted.
Steve was lying underneath the hammock swinging the girls. Then Austin came over. He
can’t stand for anyone to spend any amount of time with the girls unless he’s involved.
He takes over swinging them by holding Liz’s hand. His attachment to Liz is so controlling one moment and so sheep dog pathetic the next. I can’t see this—-whatever it is—extending into the real world. Austin and Liz both love themselves too much to have enough left over for another person.
Isolating themselves from the other HGs and saying ugly things about them (HGs) behind
their backs is not the way to influence the votes. But I don’t think Austin or the twins,
esp. Julia understands how to play BB.
If JM doesn’t win HOH this next time, I think he’s gone. I don’t want Vanessa to win, and
she’s said she will, if it looks like JM isn’t going to win. I don’t trust which side she’s really
going to choose. I definitely don’t want Austin to win, as he will put up JM and Steve—
again! Then if neither is able to win Veto, it will come down to Julia and Van to vote. It
could be a tie vote, leaving Austin to cast the final vote. Van could think her best chances were to stay with Austwins and vote out either JM or Steve, probably JM, and talk Julia
into voting the same way.
If one were to win Veto, Austin would have to put up Vanessa against the one left. He wouldn’t put up Julia against either male. I think then it would be another tie vote with Austin deciding. Or JM could vote out Steve and save Van, as Steve could vote out JM and save Van. None of the scenarios look good if Austin wins. Julia could pull a miracle out of her hat and win. Same scenarios.
I would really like to see JM and Steve be the F2, but it will be a hard, uphill climb that
will have to be paved with a lot of luck for that to happen. But here’s hoping!
Thanks Lisa and Star for your posts.
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Now you can see why JMac got smart, finally, and threw the last HOH to Steve, the alleged Big Brother expert. JMac assured himself 2 chances now to get to F4, win HOH which he could not do had he won HOH last week and POV. After F4 everyone gets to play for HOH, JMac included for a possible back to back HOH wins to assure F3 and go from there.
‘Cause you know the side that wins the next HOH will immediately become Vanessa’s side, as usual.
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I agree, C’est Moi. Vanessa preaches loyalty, but has very little in reality.
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