Oh my God, Jeff is disgusting!
In case you missed it, Jeff was caught on the live feeds lying in bed next to Julia. Julia’s back was to Jeff and she also had a bandana covering her eyes. Judging from some of the motion that appeared to be happening under the covers, it would appear that Jeff was pleasuring himself and, once he was finished, he reached over and wiped his hand on Julia’s shoulder.
“You have a little stain right here,” Jeff said, “It’s actually sticky.”
I have to admit that I’m still confused as to why anyone at CBS thought Jeff and Jackie would be a great addition to the Big Brother House in the first place. For the most part, they have proven themselves to be worthless as both players and houseguests. Jackie is, for the most part, invisible while Jeff — even before masturbategate — has essentially proven himself to be the type of person that you dread getting trapped in a conversation with.
Incidentally, after last night’s episode, Jeff and Jackie discussed whether or not Liz is actually a twin. Despite the fact that it’s pretty much an open secret and Liz isn’t even trying to keep it a secret anymore, Jeff said that he didn’t think the twin thing was true. Jackie agreed.
What idiots!
Anyway, if you watched last night’s show, you know that, despite having the power of the Last Laugh, Da’Vonne was voted out and it wasn’t even close. Becky, Jeff, and Jackie were not allowed to vote. (That seems random, I know but apparently, Da’Vonne didn’t want to be too obvious in her picks, just in case she did somehow stay in the house.) Jason and Audrey voted to evict Meg. Everyone else voted to evict Da’Vonne.
If you only watch the CBS show, they did a pretty good job of making it look like the vote would be close but if you’ve been watching the live feeds then you know that Da’Vonne never really had much of a chance.
I know that Da’Vonne wasn’t popular with a lot of our readers but I’m sorry to see her go. She was entertaining to watch. During her exit interview, she caught Julie Chen off-guard. You could tell Julie didn’t know how to reply when Da’Vonne said that everyone in the house was scared to nominate Audrey. “Audrey did vote for you,” Julie sputtered. Da’Vonne shrugged it off.
Anyway, HoH was won by Austin and Vanessa! As I write this up, the nomination ceremony is currently in process. Austin is planning on nominating Meg and Jason. Vanessa is nominated John and James and John has apparently agreed to, once again, through the Battle of the Block. Apparently, the plan is to backdoor Jeff. If John and James somehow win the Battle of the Block, then the plan is vote out Jason. (I’m not sure why they wouldn’t try to backdoor Jason — maybe they just don’t think he’s capable of winning the POV.)
(UPDATE: Austin nominated Jason and Meg. Vanessa nominated John and James.)
I’m totally hoping that Jeff is voted out this week because seriously — EWWWWWWWWW!
Also, we have a new alliance! This alliance consists of Austin, Vanessa, John Mc, Steven, and Liz/Julia. The name of the alliance is Freaks and Geeks. Will this alliance last longer than any of the other hundred or so alliances that have been formed this season?
We’ll find out!
Lisa Marie
EWWWW, going to have to take a shower after that. Jeff is a dirty old man and doesn’t deserve to be on BB. James, Meg & Steve are my final 3 picks. Nap time, talk at you all later. {{{HUGS}}}
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OMG!! That makes me glad I don’t have the live feeds! That is so disgusting!! Even more gross is why did Julia stay in the bed with Jeff? I would have been out of there in a skinny minute! I will be praying that Jeff will be taking his filthy self out of the house next week! Wouldn’t you rather have DaVonne or even Audrey??? I know this was a difficulty post for you Lisa, but forewarned is forarmed!! I have never liked Jeff because he talks too much! He sucks all of the air out of the room. Well, let’s see what this week’s twist brings. I am so glad there will be no have-nots this week. That whole thing is not only Ridiculous, but unhealthy for the HG’S. Thanks again for the report even though it was EWWWWWWWWWW!!!
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Thank you for the write up Lisa.
I am glad Da is gone and her conversation with Julie only made me happier that was the last time I would have to hear her.
Hearing about Jeff is too disgusting. What a PIG! I agree with you about both Jackie and Jeff before hearing the masterbategate.
I have not idea who I even want. I think all the house guests were poorly chosen. I think Barbie and Ken (Shelli and Clay) make a cute couple and they both seem like very nice people. Hardly a factor for BB but in a way they remind me of Jeff and Jordan.
I’m waiting to see IF or WHEN anyone of them can or will start playing the game without being HOH.
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WOW….Ewwww is right! I agree with Jolee I would have been out of there in a hot minute. But you know differnet stokes for differnet folks…pun intended!
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Most of the HG want Audrey to go next instead of Jeff. Wonder if they would feel that way if they knew what he did to Julia – ESPECIALLY Julia – ewwww – wash your hands, you nasty boy!
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The Latest Alliance Chart
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**********SPOILER ALERT**********
Austin nominated: Jason & Meg, Vanessa nominated: John & James
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I watched the playback on the “activity” in question.. I honestly didn’t see what you saw.. Just in my opinion.. this is what I saw.. they were talking and yes, her back was to him.. but sometimes when me and my husband are in bed talking, he scratches.. and of course, I laugh because it looks the same… but if he WERE doing what you think he was doing.. I think his face would have looked differently and the movement with his hand would have been alot more and then if he had wiped it on her, it would have been warm AND she would have felt that and said something about it.. I think Jeff is a pig in different ways, but I don’t think he did that. Not to take away from anyone’s enjoyment over this, LOL.. and if he had done it.. I would have been saying “ewwwwwww” as well.. Just my opinion.. don’t kill me, LOL
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I agree with you Pamela. I also think that the noms stink! So tired of the same o, same o. I will be glad when they no longer have two HOH’s. I hope they do get Audry out or, if Vanessa loses HOH to Austin, I hope she is nominated (can they do that?) Anyway, I don’t like Vanessa. How many faces does she have? And she is a liar too.
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Whoops! Audrey (spelled her name wrong) sorry.
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They need to get Audrey out of the house ASAP. Don’t they remember it was Audrey that caused Da & Clay’s big fight? Where did they get these house guests?
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Oddrey needs to go.
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I think Da’Vonne got it wrong as to why people haven’t gotten Audrey out yet. I don’t
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------think it had anything to do with her being a transgender. I think they are keeping her
around as someone easily gotten rid of at any time needed. They are too busy going after their own personal vendettas. But maybe I missed something from BBAD. I don’t have
the live feeds.
Am wondering what happened to the alliance supposedly formed last night between
Austin, Vanessas, Liz/Julia, Shelli, and Clay? I think they named it the 6th Sense.
I hope Jeff is voted out this week. Haven’t liked him from day one. He talks too much
and thinks he’s smarter than anyone else in the house. Delusional!
Even if Da’Vonne was destined to go, her speech last night was the final nail in her
coffin for eviction.
Not very impressed with this season’s cast. Hope it gets better.
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What does waiting for moderation mean?
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Hey Sherry! Welcome to the Blog!
Your first comment will always go into Moderation until either Lisa or I approve it. It keeps the spammers out. You should be set now.
Have a great day!
Peace, BBBlogger
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I told my husband that Jeff talked trash about the girls and that he was gross… last week. I don’t care if he was just scratching his little weenie… I don’t want any guy doing that around me unless he’s two years old. Wish I would have read this before I ate since I’m dieting, it would have kept me from eating. Someone vote him out!
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waiting for moderation means last call is still hour away so go for it.
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Jeff and Jackie are brain dead idiots!! And what Jeff did is the most disgusting thing I have ever heard!!!! Was Julia asleep? Cuz if she heard what he was doing , she should have jumped the hell out of that bed!!! the fact that J&J were on TAR seems to impress no one in the house. KIDS these days don’t really watch Network TV! And if they thought they were eye candy, Jackie is ok but looks too fake and Jeff isn’t good looking at all! This year is totally a waste of all our time!!!! UGH!!
Last night, up in the HOH, Van, Austin, Liz and Shelli were all planning yet another alliance and coup!!! They also said they would bring in Clay and Julia, as they are planning to keep them in, and call it the Sixth Sense!!! Austin’s idea and all the girls went gaga over it. So when Lisa said there was a NEW alliance, I thought it was going to be THAT one! But NO….it is YET another!!! All these people want to do are make and name alliances. It’s like they are in grade school and all they want to do is make little clicks and give them secret names and laugh at the uncool kids in the lunch room!! There should be a clause in the BB contract that if, by week 3, the HGS have all turned out to be a bunch of duds, They have a back up group they can replace them with!! I can’t stop watching cuz it’s BB but it is so AWFUL!!! And we have almost another another 3 months!!!lol Instead of a mid September night’s dream , it has become our worst nitemare!!! lol
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I am so glad that you all agree about Jeff. It shows me we have some classy bloggers here. Nap time. See you tonight. {{{HUGS}}}
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Star, read your blog after posting mine. I have been waiting with anticipation all year for BB to start. What a waste of time. So very disappointed in this season. I have always had my nose to the TV when BB was on. Now I find myself walking out of the room to do something constructive. Well its past my naptime. {{{HUGS}}}
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I just watched “BB After the Show” that comes on Fridays at 11:00 a.m. Rachel and two other former players also discussed Jeff’s shenanigans! I really want him out of the house! I know every time I see him now, I will be going EWWWWWW! As badly as I wanted Frankie out last year, I want Jeff out even more! (I can’t believe I said that!) I am fairly convinced that Julia didn’t realize what was going on or she would have left. The twins seem like moral girls. That’s my opinion, after giving it some thought. I realize production is probably ecstatic over this because they are only interested in ratings and this is all over the internet! Too bad! Later!
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Jolee, what is the link to that show, have never seen it?
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Star, I so agree with you! As bad as last season’s BB turned out, this is worse in a different way. I have a feeling several of the HG’S would agree with us … they walk around like zombies trying to fit in. I’m sure some of them have said “What was I thinking!” I can’t remember which HG’S were talking in the backyard, but they expressed how boring it was and so different than they thought it would be. I never watch it while it’s on, so I can fast forward when I want to. This blog is one of the best things about this season’s BB. I really look forward to all of your comments. I think I am going to take a nap. My sweet little puppy Lexie woke me up early this morning by getting sick on my bed!! 🙁 poor baby! At lease I will have all clean bedding tonight! 🙂
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Pamela, I came across it by accident while watching BBAD on YouTube. I think if you will search for “BB 17 After the Show Episode 3” you should get this morning’s show. I also saw yesterday’s; episode 2. Good luck! 🙂
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P.S. Pamela. It only comes on once a week on Friday morning at 11:00 a.m. after the eviction on Thursday night.
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So jeff released himself hoping Julia’s hypothalamus was swimming in estrogen. Apparently, that didn’t happen. Pretty ballsy of him…no pun intended. Seems many don’t like Jackie. Personally, I like her but BB not giving her much verbal airtime for us to know her better. New alliance is a good one and if those guys play their cards right they will all go very far in game. After the second episode I predicted Vanessa will be in top 4. I changed my mind. She will be in top 2. She is an incredibly smart girl and while she fudged on her introduction with her poker tournament winnings I am liking her more and more. I mentioned in previous post I have played against her in poker tournaments and from brief conversations we had at table I can tell she is very bright. She’s also very loquacious when playing. This trait is certainly not evident on BB. Oh by the way Steve will be the other house guest in final two. Da made huge mistake last night not keeping twin notice to herself. She could have used this knowledge in much better fashion. While she doesn’t possess a glorious absence of intelligence that was dumb. Sure her chances were minuscule to stay in house but again if she played that hand better…pun definitely intended…she would have had fighting chance. Hate the two lovebirds. Clay wouldn’t give his sweetie the time of day if they were not in the house. Liked him at first but now not so much as he is somewhat of a pretty boy bully.
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Gross, that’s all I can say about Jeff.
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I agree, Clay is a “pretty boy bully”. Jeff disgusts me because of his audacity ( sp? ) IF he did do that deed. I do understand these guys get frustrated..but come on! I think if he did wipe that on Julia, she would have noticed right away. I wonder why they are giving so little attention to Jackie? What is she like? I hate when I dont get to know what certain people are like, because of production. I dont have the live feeds. I agree that Da should have kept the twin knowledge to herself and tried to work with Liz/Julia ..sort of a blackmail thing I guess. But it wouldnt have worked, because the twins dont seem to care about the disclosure. A boring bunch right now. Hope it gets better
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Jeff is just a horn dog who can’t help humping.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sadly it’s the DNA of the species.
I doubt he is the first anon DNA supplier, just caught on tape.
Jason as the target, yeah, I can see this happen this week, cleanse the house of Moma DA, and move forward.
The twin twist. I think this will play a bit longer.
Now, as a John Mc, I really do not like this high pitched squealer of a DDS. I see this guy as a soon to be released. He has such a “gay yet not that gay but too gay to be a Dentist” voice.
I know, it’s too personal for me, but I think I am on to something here.
Honest and real!
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I agree…Clay is a bully and Jeff is a dirty boy. Ewwww
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Even the phone call message to him was to take a shower!
Glad Da is gone. Hope Jason goes soon!
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Hands down, Audrey is going to win it. Like Da said, everybody is going to be afraid to nominate her….great fucking job BB production.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Is it because you all wanted to be on the Jenner wagon? If that’s the case, SHAME on you.
Julie was acting for sure when Da said that. WTG Da!!!!!
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No comment. Just keeping my place. {{{HUGS}}}
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Jeff — what were you thinking. You need to grow-up and become a man! You give men a bad name.
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Thanks to those who explained what moderation meant! I love reading what
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------all of you think.
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I don’t have the live feeds. What is Clay doing that a couple people are calling him a bully?
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women get frustrated too…. note to future bb guests….bring a black light.
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TMZ placed something on their website about Jeff doing that to Julia then retracted it by posting another camera shot. He probably set this up to make himself relevant, which he did cause people are buzzing about it. They really do need someone else selecting the cast. I liked Da much more than Audrey. Her facial expressions or lack thereof are annoying!
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To anyone that thinks Audrey is going to win I’ll bet you a dime to a dollar that won’t happen. Sarah??? Concerning clay bully inquiry bully may have been tad much on my part. Pompous seems bit more accurate with ting of bully.
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