Hi, everyone!
So, in this post, I’m going to share the results of the POV competition. I know that all of our regular readers love spoilers but just in case you’ve randomly wandered onto this site and you only want to get your info from the CBS and you don’t want any spoilers before the Veto ceremony is aired on Wednesday, this is your SPOILER ALERT!
(I’m going to all that trouble, by the way, because I got an angry message from someone on twitter, complaining about how I always spoil her favorite shows. Bleh. Isn’t that what twitter is for?)
Anyway, now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, here are the veto results!
So, the HGs competed for the veto yesterday. The competition started late (I imagine because of the heat) and it ran late and, at times, it seemed like I would never find out who won this stupid veto. But then, finally, the feeds came back on. As you can probably guess, I was rooting for John, despite the fact that he earlier said he was going to throw the comp and allow Becky to win.
Well, I don’t know whether John threw the comp but I do know that he didn’t win the veto. And neither did Becky. Instead, the veto was won by Hate Twin Liz.
And even though Liz is the HoH and she’s spent all of this week talking about how they have to eventually get rid of Vanessa, Liz says that she’s not going to use the veto. Instead, she will leave the nominees as they are and she will let “the house” decide who goes home.
Yeah, okay, Liz….whatever.
Seriously, I hate how dependent the HGs have gotten on backdooring people but Vanessa is a legitimate threat and everyone in the house wants her gone and, if there’s ever been a time to get rid of Vanessa before she suddenly shows up in the final two, it would be now! And yes, I’m aware that the HGs are scared that an evicted juror might win the right to reeneter the house but Vanessa sucks at comps. They should be a lot more worried about either Shelli or Jackie coming back.
Anyway, right now, it looks like the house is leaning towards evicting Becky. At the start of this week, John forgot that he was a Have Not and ate a cookie so there’s a good chance that he’ll have one penalty vote against him. But, in the end, I doubt that will make a difference. It’ll probably another near unanimous vote and soon, Becky will be hanging out with Shelli and Jackie at the Jury House.
That’s it for now!
Lisa Marie
It’s a sad state of affairs Lisa. That’s for sure. They continue to lose chances to evict Van and that may cost them in the end. Hey C’est. I read Lisa’s comments but haven’t posted much this year. I do read the comments periodically.
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*fish….I think you are lost sweetie!
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Sad! Wake up House !
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Welcome back Starfish and FrannieP. Hope Mama Margie comes back too. She had lots of scoop and her posts were always funny.
I wish these HGs would wake up and get rid of Vanessa. I can’t figure out what kind of hold she has on them.
Lisa Marie: Great job as always.
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yep dumb ass chicken shit people, this group of people suck none of them know how to play BB17 they need to get blood on their hands !!! oh hey yall ( 3rd time ) thanks Lisa Marie 🙂
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I was back in blog before this one..I’m just waking up.
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I thought that this game turned when Vanessa didnt get rid of Austin like she said she would. The fallout from that decision has left the sixth sense alliance in shambles and turned Van into a crazy nutjob. But after all that Van and Austin are still there. I like John, hope he stays.
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Thank you again Lisa! I say if you don’t like spoilers, stay away from BBBloggers! We live for spoilers! 😉 Good to see comments from some veterans! I agree with getting Vanessa out of the house!! The sooner, the better for everyone! I will be checking back for more spoilers and comments! Did I say I love this blog?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Later! 😎
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@Lisa, Please don’t you and other contributers stop the spoilers, I love them , and if I don’t want to know, I stop reading. I love this blog:-)
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Jolee: Agree wholeheartedly! Lisa, you do a great job and for those who feel the need to
complain….they neen togo somewhere else or stop using twitter. Since I don’t do twitter, this may not be possible, but seems like it should be feasible.
It seems like every time there’s been a chance to make a productive, big move this group
fails. I think the best name for their so-called alliance is Turnips. They are acting like
their IQ falls in the range of turnips.
I am anxious to see the comp tonight and try to judge who really played and who faked it.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------But I have to realize this may not be possible. BB will edit and show only what they want to
show. I noticed they did not show how Vanessa used Crisco to cheat in the slip and slide
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I only read this for the spoilers! Crazy people if you don’t want spoilers then stay off line.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks Lisa
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Hey SF and Frannie!!! 🙂 Good to see some other Vets on here besides me and C’est Moi aka PK!! 😉 You guys should stop by more often. We miss you!! ♥
No time to post right now but I agree with jolee and Des. If you don;t LIKE spoilers, then don’t READ them!! DUH!!!! that is why I do this……********SPOILER ALERT*****
@swt….too funny!!!
hey sherry!!!! 😉
Gotta run..BBL!!!!
Peace, love and light!!! ♥
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I really want Van gone and it would be the smart thing for them to do. But…….. their brains took the summer off. So many of the initial interviews had them claiming long time BB watchers. I had high hopes .
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you Lisa for all your hard work on the blog.
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Steve has “negotiated” f2 with Vanessa, F2 with John, and has f2 with Meg and F2 with Austin “in progress.” The way I see it f2 rhymes with the FU he is going to be haring more than once when his planned twosomes with most everyone gets out AND IT WILL! Not the kind of strategic planning Cornell University endorses I would suspect.
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I like the spoilers, with my job I’m sometimes a day or two behind and I get a lot of information from this blog, I appreciate all the work that Lisa puts into keeping me updated. I also enjoy fellow bloggers insights and life stories.
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I don’t get it how can you expect vans own alliance to evict her before they’ve got other side of the house out., to me that would be stupid did I say stupid YES.house long do you think the twins and pony tail would last without Van please in light me.l don’t get it.
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Hey, Star! Glad to see you back again. Every time I read a post of yours I find something
else to like about you. Now I find out you’re a vet. Thank you so much for your service! I
know those words are far too inadequate for how I really feel, but any words of appreciation
for service by our vets is better than how our vets were so terribly treated after Viet Nam.
(A period of shame in our history for how the returning vets were treated.) But now is another, as the help our returning vets need for medical assistance and aid is being denied
them or so slow in coming…..it arrives too late. There is no excuse for this.
Government bureaucracy has become impossibly corrupted and politically out of control. Stop the PC focus, stop the party line voting, stop the indifference by voters, and start becoming a part of solutions, instead of part of the problem. This is the only way to turn our country around and get the right treatment and respect for our troops, who give us their all for very little compensation. Thanks again, Star, C’est Moi, and any other vets on this blog.
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Robert: I believe the point is to make them more helpless than they are now. Austin would
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------try to bridge the gap, but he would have to get his head out of the clouds first. Van’s alliance
is not well liked by most of the bloggers. But Vanessa is like a cancer in the house. If you
leave her alone to grow in power, you are giving your chances to get to the end a death
sentence. If you cut her out, there is a very good chance she won’t do well in the returning
jury comp and will become a benign threat. But I respect your opinion and am only trying to give you insight into how I feel about her staying and never being subject to eviction opportunities.
given to the house.
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C’est Moi: So agree. Those deals all over the house never seem to work out, unless you
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------are Vanessa in this particular BB house.
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Sheryl thank you.for the insight.
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The prevailing Austwins logic goes like this. Nobody, but possibly Steve, like Vanessa. So Austwins figures it is best to keep the bigger target Vanessa in rather than out of the house this week at least and split the house into three groups, (Austwins),( JM, Steve and Vanessa) and (James and Meg) evicting Becky this Thursday. The next HOH barring a win by Vanessa will put Vanessa’s eviction plan into action. I suspect that Austwins is hoping that James wins the next HOH since Austwins and James and Meg are working together now. One would then expect James to put Steve (who caused Jackie’s eviction) and Vanessa (the whomever is in power stalker) on the block and go with the favorable house odds that anybody but Vanessa wins the POV and it’s good bye Vanessa with Austwins claiming no responsibility for her eviction to hopefully garner her vote for one of the austwins on finale night.
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Star was referring to blog vets not military vets.
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Robert; You’re more than welcome. Thank you for giving me another insight to think
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C’est Moi: Well, heck. Chalk up another faux pas for me. I’m batting a thousand!
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I love to speak to crazier people (Vanessa) than me! Thanx, Lisa.
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The word “Vet” has so many meanings in our society. Military vets like bobovnvet, our blog member, is a Vietnam vet who put his life on the line for all of us and there is no way to adequately say thank you enough times for his service. But regrettably my cat, Opie, will never thank his vet for his service, ever, no matter how much it costs me.
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I’m trying to understand why a blogger would not want to see Van win is it her wealth is it the fact that she is female in a man job perfeshon or is it because she is a Lebanon. I just trying to understand why a blogger would not want to see a strong female win.
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Robert: I don’t think it’s because we don’t want a strong female to win, it’s that we don’t
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------want this particular strong female to win. It has nothing to do with how much money she’s
worth, or the fact she is living a lesbian life style. It has to do with the way she’s played the
game and the irritating way she has of talking an issue to death. She’s very bright and cunning. She’s highly successful in the real world, but her tactics of crying, lying, backstabbing, and never taking responsibility for anything that comes back on her is off-putting. Yes, these may be the very techniques that have brought success to some, like Dan, but down deep many of us would like to see someone we really like, as well as the
way they’ve played the game come in first. JM has so many fans because of the honesty
of his game, but he probably won’t make it to the end because of this very factor.
The key to this show’s success is the different perspectives of its fans and the differences for whom they root to win the game. Often the ones we like in the beginning aren’t the ones we like at the end. The blogs have kept the show from failing. Sharing with others
your thoughts, your humor, your life experiences, and your point of view is the reward
for being a BB fan.
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Sherry thank you for the lnsight.
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You’re welcome, Robert.
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Vanessa has mastered the art of winning big money in poker while often holding a losing hand. She knows how to read people, knows their tells and how to manipulate situations to her advantage. Short term at a poker tournament that has been her strong suit. But in the Big Brother House, her desire to win every hand no matter what so to speak does not put her into the money, but rather exposes her for what she is – not a wealthy lady, not that she is a maverick in a man’s world or even that she is now a lesbian – but that she is a player 24/7 and that not only aggravates the others in the house with her constant attempt to interject herself into everybody’s game but it may account for why so many bloggers can’t stand to watch her overbearing and mostly under-performing Big Brother Persona in action.
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Hi frannie and Star. So good to see you both.
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I’ve been in here since the year Eddie McGee won, next season was Dr. Will my favorite season…’2′. I’m pretty sure so that makes me a vet though some won’t think so.
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Hi Fran
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I know this is off topic but……I wish this show would do a follow up show after the finale and after they have all seen the diary rooms, deals etc go. The bachelor does the men tell all, I wish we had a similar show for BB. Every year after the finale, I wanted to see reaction of all the houseguests once they see what went on. The one I truly would love to see is the time Andy won, with Gina Marie and Spencer the final 3. What a disgusting group they were and they were horrible to Elisa. But back to this season – I like Meg, James and Johnny Mac. I hope one of them can go all the way. Waiting for Austin’s demise.
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So this is a little off topic but I wish BB would do an after show. After the houseguests have a chance to see the whole show and get their reactions. I especially would of loved to have seen an after show when Andy won. The three finalist Andy, Gina Marie and Spencer were the finalist. They were such a disgusting group, especially toward Elisa. I would of loved to have seen a follow up from all of the houseguests that year. I could not find any info. Anyway for this year, I like Meg, JM, and James. These 3 are a totally differnt 3 than from the beginning this year.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C’est Moi, my husband went to Cornell University! He told me that once a bunch of students bought large bottles of Apple cider and hid them in their closets so they would turn into hard cider. They forgot all about it until one day during assembly they heard loud popping sounds. The guilty students started running to their rooms to get rid of the cider. He said students would be running down the hall and the bottle would burst all over the place! It was quite a mess! 🙂
I agree with everyone who wants Vanessa to go! Get rid of her before it’s too late! For those of us who have been watching BB from the beginning have seen this happen again and again!
Sherry, my husband was a Korean vet! 🙂 I loved your tribute! Thankfulness is always in style. We could dedicate it to bobovnvet! 😉
Be back after the show!
Later! 😎
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little boy steve needs to man up. 50% acting? BS! Man up Stevie!
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little boy stevie. MAN UP!
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Cest’moi you are a good writer thank you for your comment an insight.
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little stevie, would you be able to talk without your arms?
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At this point I am ready to stop watching BB17. I am so sick of Vanessa backstabbing everyone and they all know it and yet they are so afraid of her. Three BB’s ago a red haired guy won BB and he was the one with the bowtie. He was shameless and acted just like Vanessa. Nobody could see through him yet he let out clues that he was in on the backstabbing…..yet he was kept till the end and WON.
With tonight’s viewing (sunday) Vanessa is acting so vile and telling all, that she doesn’t know what is wrong with Johnny Mac and Becky.. So Becky and John are on the block and Vanessa has that looks like a dear in the headlights. I just want to smack that face of hers and take that disgusting blue hat cut it up in shreds.
Why now hasn’t Austin blown up in Vs face for what he knows about her. He stands next to Liz and just wants to close- line her. She is a real tool.
Now I read that Johnny Mac didn’t win veto but Liz did. I hope Johnny wins HOH and kicks Vs sorry azz out the door.
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Thanks… I was just adding to sherry’s assessment of Vanessa. Personally, Vanessa gives me the heebie jeebies and that is reason enough for me not to like her inside or outside of the Big Brother House.
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Vanessa, which breed, Blood hound or Bassett hound?
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“I wish…” Our ol’ MeeMaw always says “… wish in one hand, shit in the other and see which one gets filled first…”
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I wish John stays, wins HOH, nominates the twins, backdoors Vanessa… BAM!!!!! but he’ll have to shit some EVIL DICK miracles to live past that move…
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Steve 50% acting…like I said, he is crazy like a fox!!!
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But even the most cunning fox can only raid so many chicken coups before the axe comes down on his head.
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C’est Moi: I really love your posts. You concisely make your point and get to the core of
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------things with just the right words. Thanks. I totally agree.
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8:07 PM Vanessa: “I’ve been reading the fucking Bible, which is boring as shit!”
Looks like it’s time to put some of that Irish Spring to better use on Venessa’s mouth.
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cest moi, vanessa’s mouth is like a septic tank, she just spewed all that $hit out of her mouth.
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It amazes me how people can get on t.v. with a national audience and say something
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------like Vanessa just said. It’s bad enough to feel that way in the real world and keep it to
yourself, but she’s not winning fans across America with comments like that.
C’est Moi: Did you understand why BB took the Irish Spring away from the HGs?
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Well, that does it for Vanessa as far as I’m concerned. What a lack of respect for God’s Word! I know we are encouraged not to make comments about spiritual matters, but I would be be remiss if I didn’t say how very foolish she is! The Bible is sacred to all Christians and we have to stand up for what is right! Enough said! I feel sorry for her.
Tonight’s show was a lot more interesting than most Sunday night’s because we got to see the HOH comp and the nomination ceremony. I would rather see Becky go home rather than Johnny boy! I want him to win an HOH comp and do some real damage! Well this lady is off to bed! Have a great week everyone. Keep those spoilers coming! 😉
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Later! 😎
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oh no, I didn’t see a comparison of a cat vet to a retired military Vet did I? say it’s not so!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So sorry BOB.
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This is the worst BB in history EVER!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I miss Jason!!! Time for James to win HOH!!!
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@ Sherry I have to thank you for you tribute to “military” vets who are the true heroes of our country. It was beautiful. bobovnvet is our true military vet as a Purple Heart recipient of the Viet Nam War. He’s the one I know about. We do thank him and all our veterans for their service. My father was in the Pacific in WWII and war is hell and they deserve every benefit and our thanks that we can give them. Your post was perfectly perfect!
As for our “blog” vets…I don’t know how the name “vets” was introduced but it refers to some of us who were here from the very first year or two of this blog. The names you may recognize are Star, Frannie, Tendr and me. We posted like crazy, sometimes all night, just to get to 100 posts to keep this blog alive. PK or C’est Moi, as he calls himself now, came on a bit later, I believe, as have many others. There are many more from the very beginning but Star is the only one who is posting regularly this year. Most of us are taking a break. This is a great blog with a lot of fun and Lisa is the very best!!
Just to comment about BB this year. This group better get their heads together and get Van out if they have any chance of winning. I believe she’ll get the votes against anyone, if in the final two, because she’s playing the damn game and driving us all crazy in the process! That’s my two cents.
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thank you Starfish…….i’m here but mostly reading.
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Vanessa expects perfection of herself and whenever anyone criticizes her she comes unglued feeling rejected and turns vindictive. For instance, on the CBS tonight when Vanessa and JMac where talking and she offered to “help him with his game” and he responded by telling her he doesn’t like when she cries and yells at him, she immediately stormed out of the room en route to HOH to tattle on him. I’m glad he followed right after her…BUSTED!!! Whether it was from this conversation or another, the following (from Mortys) layed on the editing room floor:
3:46PM BBT: Vanessa is in the the HoH room telling Austin and the twins that she is scared of John. She says John wants to hate her. She says that John has rage in his face.
One of the twins says that she feels he is an ex-con. Vanessa is worried that he will attack her in the middle of the night. Austin says they have security. Vanessa says that he has a mental issue. Julia says that he is bi-polar.
…and don’t forget he listens to death metal and rap!!! OMGosh…is there anything this girl won’t conjure up??!!
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oops…forgot this last part:
Julia says that she is afraid of Vanessa’s social game and Austin points out it’s not a social game. It’s manipulation.
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Starfish, I have always enjoyed reading your point of view. I can tell who the ” vets” are, because your writing is always interesting and to the point. Star and tendr have been good friends to me these past two years and I cherish their friendship throughout the year. I hope you and franniep2 will consider me a friend. I love this blog and strive to bring the best comments I can, since I do not have access to BBAD or the Live Feeds. I try to keep up by YouTube, spoilers and this great BBBloggers. I am disappointed that some of the vets don’t comment here very often. I know you are missed!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I also enjoy C’est Moi, sherry, Junksies, bobovnvet, and, of course bbigbbobs’ comments. I guess that’s all folks! I couldn’t sleep, so just checking in! Nite all! Have a great BB week! 🙂
Later! 😎
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Well,I have been busy and gone most of the day and it looks like I missed a lot!! I see my name several places, SF has been on TWICE and everyone has been *scampering * around chatting up a storm!!! lol
@sherry……..First of all, I’m not sure why you said it was good to see me here again as I am here everyday….sometimes talking to myself!! 😉 But I am sorry that I confused you talking about the Vets. I was, as has been pointed out since then, talking about those of us that have been here since the beginning. A few years ago there was a bit of a riff between the *newbies* and some of the *Vets* so I guess I thought the term was well known. Plus, if you notice, I don’t tend to talk about much except BB, since this is a BBBlog,so I just assumed the association would be immediately clear. As for me being in the Armed Forces, picture Goldie Hawn in Private Benjamin!! In the beginning!!lol So wouldn’t ever happen!!! 😉
@SF…..Seemed like old times seeing an actual long post from you! When I think WAY back to the old blogs tho, the people I remember are you, Aggie, Mama Margie and another girl that used to come on really late at night. I think she worked for a TV station and her name was Natalie?? Do you remember her?? She was a huge BB fan but after a couple of years she just dropped off the face of Blogdom! lol Anyway,as usual I agree with you. SHOCK!!! lol They blew it this week by not BDIng Van! She’s like a damn cat because she seems to have at least 9 lives in this game!! Every time it looks like she’s done for, she pulls something out of her bag of poker chips and somehow manages to stay! And usually with power or on the power side! And of course, she would take her little whipping boy STEEEEVVVVVE-UUUHHHHHH with her!!!! (every time the twins do that, which is obsessively,my skin crawls!) It would be like Derrick taking Victoria last year! So, if they want to keep being chicken and not getting any blood on their hands, I hope they have a nice little vacay at the Jury House!! Clean hands and feathers intack. 😉
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11:36 Steve and JMac have a game chat on the hammock… JMac: How are you?
Steve: I’m good… Just had some bonding time with Vanessa and made her happy which is good, because people who don’t make her happy tend to go home (ed. LOL).
Steve knows exactly how to schmooze Vanessa!!!
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Junksies, I agree with you about the conversation with Vanessa and Johnny Mc. He’s not one to suffer fools. He tells it like it is! I was so glad he followed Vanessa up to the HOH room. The look on Vanessa’s face was so funny! I hope Johnny will be the one who puts her on the block! That would be something worthy of BB strategy! Well, gonna see if I can get back to sleep! Bye, again!
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nite all..i keep dozing off so i guess i should take advantage of it. by the time i brush my teeth and get ready for bed and fight with the dog…i’ll probably be wide awake..
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Hi Star! Nite Star! 🙂 Missed you!
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@Junksies……I wish John was a bit more aggressive and would come out of his shell more…but maybe that is his game…because when you DO get a glimpse of the way his mind works, it’s amazing!! Van can’t operate unless she can manipulate you, as you said, and that means also get you talking. When you talk, you reveal things about yourself and your game to her which she can then use later against you! Also, when you talk, she expects you to agree with her. And she likes hearing that praise and constant affirmation of her intelligence and obvious astonishing gameplay!! But John’s whole conversation with her tonight consisted of one word answers. He won’t give her any ammunition!! And she always gives him these looks of bewilderment that he is not doing what she expects him to!!! I couldn’t believe how unstealthily she went scampering up to the HOH room immediately after their little tete- a’- tete. She is getting sloppy because he does scare her!! And she wants to make sure Liz hears Her side first!! this emotional playing could be her downfall. Or one can hope!!lol
Your info on the lies she is telling about John are further proof of this! Man, what is her problem??? That is far from normal game! I wonder if he could sue her for slander after he gets out and see this??? With her fortune, he could do pretty well!!lol
I hate it when they give the hgs booze and they just play pop ball all nite!! I haven’t been paying a bit of attention to it. It’s just on in the background while I blog!! When they do this on BBAD, you don;’t get to hear any game talk. And they sleep all day. It’s really getting hard to catch anything juicy or newsworthy,even with the LFS. Oh wait. That’s because this season SUCKS!!! I almost forgot….lol
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Nite jolee!!!! And DITTO what you said in #58!!! 😉
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hope you are able to get to sleep this time!!! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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Sherry thru me a curve ball for a second…is C’est really a female!?! Glad we got that sorted out!!!LOL!! And the vet thing too…that was kinda funny. I’m laughing with you, Sherry, not at you!!
Hey Star…I’m here but been laying low enjoying everyone and this great blog!! Just Love It!! THANKS LISA!!
BBAD…OMGosh, I can barely tolerate watching the twins hop, squeal, shout, chomp their way to stardom (or so they think). Are they gonna be surprised when they hear what we BB fans think!! If you watch closely you can see they even get on the nerves of some of the other HG’s. And even worse is their behavior exaggerated by the booze they got for the last two nights in a row. I’ve noticed their behavior is rubbing off on Meg too, sadly, cuz I like Meg…just cuz. And I don’t know why so many of you think that Becky is a mean girl…??!! Not even!!! Enough of the Pot Ball!!
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@tendr – Sounds like my routine…by the time I do the 15 things it takes to get ready for bed I’m wide awake!!
@Jolee – It would make my BB year to see JMac put Vanessa!!!
@Star – I think JMac is a gentile little soul and unable to show much aggression. He is quiet and very observant and so far it has served him well. I hope he gets the chance to take Van out!! Love the slander option!! Oh wouldn’t it be nice??!!
The last I read tonight Austin is rethinking to backdoor Van. Earlier Liz stated that she is afraid of Van and doesn’t want to do it. Hopefully Austin can change her mind.
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Here are a couple of interesting tidbits!!
***Julia is freaking about Austin given her a hickey “Is he in mother f****g high school.. the girl with hickey’s look like their slut”
Julia – the first one was hilarious it’s really disrespectful now
Julia – we’re on national television and you have a hickey on your neck
Liz – I know that bro what the f**k
Julia – they will play that stuff, think about Mom and Dad
Liz- I KNowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Liz – whatever I’m not going to lie to you I kinda do like him
***Steve says to the camera he’s highly skeptical of Vanessa but he’ll never let her know that.
Steve -I don’t trust you However I need you for Final two you’re going to take all the blood for the things I do and no one will vote for you in the end
Steve – AS long as I play the blindly loyal minion you’ll never get rid of me
Funny. Van thinks she is using HIM!!! lol
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@Junksies….YES!! GO Austin!! If anyone can talk her into it, it’s him!! ( I said TALK, not SUCK, Austin!!)lol I don’t understand why, if she is afraid of Van, she doesn’t want to get her OUT!!! When she’s safe in jury, Liz can relax! DUH!!! These HGS have NO…well, you fill in the blank. There are lots of options!!lol
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Jolee – Incredible what Vanessa said about the Bible!!! Austin made several comments about how she uses the Bible at various times comparing her to Jace who did as well. I recall one scene, I think it was on the CBS show, when she was sitting at the hot tub and talking game with 2 other HG’s, and a 3rd walked by who she didn’t want to hear her talking game, so she very quickly changed the conversation by saying “So, what did you think about Job?”…referring to the Book of Job that she had previously mentioned. She apparently tells Bible stories to anybody willing to listen. I find that very odd. What does she think she is…a missionary? Who would listen to her anyway considering her….I’ll shut up now.
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Here’s a good laugh…..
3:14 PM Julia tells Vanessa that OTEV is an HOH. (ed: even though it’s, you know, “veto” spelled backwards) Van: “You sure?”
3:17 PM Austin/Liz talking about who America loves more. Austin: “Hopefully they love us both.” BB intervenes with FISH.
3:26 PM Julia: “Steve, I know for a fact that OTEV is an HOH comp.” Steve: “OTEV is Veto spelled backwards!” Julia: “That was f’ingstupid of me.”
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Before OTEV comp…
1:58PM BBT: Austin goes to HoH and says he just told John to throw it to him. He agreed to. Austin has a huge mouth full of food, he says Vanessa is down there and he is afraid she will talk to him about her being back-doored.
Austin says that John will only throw it to him if Becky is out… he chokes and spits some food on the floor. The girls go ewwwww. They LOL at him for having tuna in his hair.
No body told him to stuff a whole can of tuna in his face. The twins want him to tell Steve he better not throw it. Liz needs Austin to win. He says she needs Becky not to win it.
Just had to share the tuna chunks with ya’ll. LOL!!! That’s it for tonight…I’m off to bed now.
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jolee, Starfish, Star, and Junksies: Thank you for your kind words and glossing over my
stupid, newbie misunderstanding. I so love reading all of your posts and sharing personal
history stories and view points.
Star: I don’t know if I missed some of your posts, they got lost in spam, or what, but it
seemed like a long time between posts from you…thus the welcome back comment.
Starfish: My father was stationed in the Phillipines during WWII. My grandfather had a
purple heart from an earlier war. So I have a special place in my heart for military vets.
Thank you for your support and kind understanding and words.
As far as I’m concerned, Vanessa has gone too far and should have been called into the
DR for her over the top accusations about someone’s character (JM). But then the twins
would have to be called in, too. However, with the twins I think they skate by with a lot
because they were given only the brain cells for one person and have to share them. I swear
they act like they are five at the oldest. It might have been considered cute to scream and
repeat each others’ comments and talk in unison when they were smaller (but I don’t think
it would have been entertaining even as a child), but as adults…it’s repulsively irritating.
Add Meg’s loud voice to the mix and chaos reigns and remotes go to mute, FF, or off.
I, too, am sick to death of “pot ball” and the poor imitation of cheerleading taunts and
cheers. When you watch BBAD, you expect to get some game talk and get a better idea
what is going on in the heads of the HGs. But watching night after night games of pot ball
and that stupid Mother, Father, Grandmother, etc. play acting is the poorest of t.v. viewing. BB production, who usually gets involved with more than they should, have let
this ride for too long and the alcohol only encourages irritating behavior. For those of us
who don’t have live feeds, we are in the dark too much of the time. For those without
live feeds OR BBAD….the game isn’t even correctly represented on CBS regular viewing.
Without this blog and so many others (not quite as good as this one), it would be a show that would die a death of low viewership. So I think BB should be hard pressed to present better viewing material from the HGs. This group is boring to the extreme and so lame at game playing.
If JM goes home because of Vanessa and her lies and the cowardness of Liz, I can only
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------hope he is voted back in as a returning guest. It would be wonderful if someone got HOH
that had some guts and was willing to finally put Vanessa in the jury house. For her to
have to remain in jury and JM get to come back would be the best move of the season!
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Ahhhh, Star. My feelers are hurt. I’m a vet and I’ve been there all the time.
Just kidding about the feelers.
Lisa, I live for the spoilers. Don’t know what I would do if I had to wait. You do an excellent job and we appreciate you. But you have covered your bases with the “Spoiler Alert”. I don’t know what I would do without all of your posts so I know the real story of the h0use. Thanks to all of you.
Honestly I am so sick of Vanessa. I think she is going to try to get John out because she knows he has her figured out. I can’t believe the others didn’t get it when she ran up there with her tales and he came up and mildly called her out on it.
Get some balls people! Get rid of her.
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Wow, John told Vanessa how it REALLY is with her and she just can’t handle the truth. She really needs to look in the mirror. Can’t wait for the HGs watch the show after the fact and see all the back stabbing and lying they have been doing. Just turns my stomach.
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I, too, am tired of Vanessa, the Twins and Austin. However this is BB. Lie, cheat, sneak and when you have an opportunity do it. If you don’t you will be gone. I don’t like Vanessa but she is playing the best game. She can’t win competitions but she talks others into doing her dirty work. There have been missed chances to get her out but they didn’t. She is a poker player and she can bluff her way into getting the others to fold. She will get down to the final three but then she will be out.
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And hpr56 too, of course!! 😀 Sorry my dear.
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I’m so glad I don’t get the live feeds. I probably would have thrown my computer out the window by now. This season sucks!!!
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Hi hpr56! 🙂
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LM SPOILERS welcome here
Vannesa comment re: the Bible – they should take it from her, she does’nt deserve it.
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Listening to austwins swallowing Vanessa’s “plan for today” self serving BS proves positive that collectively the austwins burned out their one brain cell on day 60.
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C’est Moi & Starfish Thank you my friends♥ Thanks for your write up Lisa! …………….
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