Big Brother 17 — What A Bunch Of Losers

by Lisa Marie Bowman on September 2, 2015

Hi, everyone!

Well, I’m watching Big Brother right now.  I’ll be curious to see how CBS edits together everything that’s happening in the house right now.  It’s always interesting to see how different the CBS show is from the live feeds.  If you only watched the CBS show, you would think that Vanessa is a master manipulator.  (She’s good but she’s no master.)  You would have no idea how vile Liz and Julia can really be when they are in full mean girl mode.  You would have no idea what a little rat Steve is.  However, you would still know that Austin is a pig.  There’s really no way to disguise that.

And what a pig!  Seriously, as Austin has grown more and more confident about his place in the game, he has gotten worse and worse.  I mean, he started out pretty bad but now, he seems to be convinced that 1) America loves him and 2) Big Brother needs him more than he needs Big Brother.  Over the past two days, I have twice seen Austin yelling at and cursing out the producers when Liz was asked to clean something.  And, then when Liz was jumping rope in the backyard, Austin actually walked up to a camera and told the live feeders not to stare at his girlfriend.  And, finally, when Vanessa asked Austin if he would be willing to vote out Liz, he replied that he would because, “we’re not married … yet.”


What’s funny is that Liz recently had a conversation with Julia in which she told her that Austin smelled bad and that she wasn’t planning on having a thing to do with him after the game.

And really, at this point, Austin getting dumped is the only thing that I’m looking forward to.  I really shouldn’t say this since I write about the show but I simply cannot wait for this season to be over.  I don’t ever want to see any of these losers ever again!

(Wow, I just looked up at the TV and Vanessa has got terrible skin!  Close-ups do her no favors.)

Anyway, as for Operation Trojan Horse, James tried his best but it’s pretty much a bust.  John showed some interest but then again, it’s rare that John doesn’t show interest when a plan is offered to him.  (I love Johnny Mac but I’m tired of him never following through.)  Meg tried to talk to Austin and Austin told her that there was no way he could vote out Liz’s sister.

So, in other words, Meg is a goner.

The big news, last night, was that someone got a megaphone and started shouting something like, “AMERICA WANTS JULIA OUT!” over the Big Brother fence.  Unfortunately, only John, James, and Meg were in the back yard and they misheard it as “AUSTIN WANTS TO JULIA OUT!”  So, I appreciate the intentions of the megaphone people but they should have tried to be a bit more clear in what they were shouting.  Because now James and Meg have been given reason to believe that Austin might be more interested in Operation Trojan Horse than he actually is.

Anyway, tomorrow is a double eviction.  As much as I wish it wasn’t true, it looks like Julia will be staying while Meg is going to be sent to the jury.  Hopefully, James will win that HoH and use it to break up Austin and the twins.

I’m keeping my fingers crossed on this!

Lisa Marie


sherry September 2, 2015 at 7:36 pm

Great blog, Lisa! Thanks. They say power corrupts, and we see that happen in politics
way too often. Austin is a prime example.

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sherry September 2, 2015 at 7:42 pm

Star: There is nothing like a mother’s love. No matter how bad we might feel, a mother always makes it seem not so bad. She listens to our complaints and never judges us for whining. A mother, like a husband, knows us better than anyone and loves us anyway. May tomorrow be a better day of healing for you. Sinus can last for months and can be year round trouble. For some reason this year has been particularly bad. I hope you got
a pneumonia shot. It has helped me so much! (And NO, I do not believe it’s caused by
climate change. I think it is in a particularly bad cycle right now. It will pass.) But that’s
just my opinion and not worth the price of a cup of coffee.

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Star September 2, 2015 at 7:46 pm

@Lisa…..too funny! I KNEW Liz would dump Aus like a bag of garbage once the game was over!!!lol And I too have heard him yelling back at the BB Voice!!! He thinks he is all that and a bag of chips!!! I think Van and the twins better start packing because I feel like, unless James does win HOH and put Aus up, the guys are going to go after all the girls left in the game!!! I really hope James stays somehow. I would love to see him in the F2 !!!

@sherry..left you a little post at end of last blog!!! 😉

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Courtney September 2, 2015 at 8:28 pm

BB just came through with the most entertainment I’ve seen from this gang in awhile. Somehow I ended up on the CBS cast bio page so I perused & had a few good chuckles. I discovered that Liz is known as a brainiac (yep, that’s what she said). JM “acts” geeky & annoying so girls will dump him (I’m guessing he hasn’t had many long term relationships). Steve is the loudest & wildest guy in his fraternity (I’m guessing that’s Alpha Mega Dorks) how sad that this fiction is better than the show! I was touched to see that Julia survived Luekemia at age 6.

In case you want to check out…

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pat September 2, 2015 at 8:45 pm

Lisa . … are totally correct. Losers with a big L. As long as they leave a threesome intact, the rest have no chance. 4th wheel Vanessa can take out Austin right now and the rest of the threesome will follow one by one. Of course she has to try to convince the others she is to be trusted in a 5 person alliance. Ha! Fat chance!. But with this bunch, it may be possible. So many poor moves by so many poor or paranoid players. If Austin, Liz and Julia get to final 3, the rest can only look in the mirror and realize how stupid they are. Vanessa chose Julia as the pawn………….the game can flip if Julia goes. They would all have a new chance. But I think we will see the robots fall in line and dump Meg. And the losers continue to make the L bigger and bigger.

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jolee September 2, 2015 at 8:55 pm

Thank you Lisa! The only thing good about tonight’s show is that James won the veto! No surprise, but I enjoyed knowing what the HG’s didn’t know!! 🙂
Tomorrow night is going to be really hard because of the football game, BB won’t be on until 2:30 a.m. on Friday! Whaaaa!! It will be very hard to stay away from this blog, because Thursday’s show is the only one where we don’t know what happens AND it’s a double eviction!! Double whaaaa!! I never liked football anyway! My husband could watch a game on tv, and at the same time listen to one on the radio and read a book and tell you what the score was on both games! Really!!! 🙂
Well, I am going to watch Home Free …. great show! 🙂
Later!! 😎

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Jeanne4488 September 2, 2015 at 8:56 pm

boy oh boy. well I have no problem with the girls getting voted out! (being the idiot twins and Vanessa.. )Sad to say I’m actually rooting for Vanessa over THOSE two airheads & that’s not saying much since Vanessa gets on my nerves. Meg is going anyway but she was never even really IN the game so the only loss there is she was back up for James who I’d like to see win it at this point. LIked Johnny Mac but he’s made some really dumb choices and decisions throughout the game. so I don’t think he’ll make it to the end. Seems like it often is the ones we hate the most that make it to the very end! except when Derrick won last year. I was rooting for him ALL the way. Anyway tomorrow should be interesting.

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bbigbbob September 2, 2015 at 9:32 pm

This “show” has go me so pi$$ed.

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bbigbbob September 2, 2015 at 9:38 pm

Vanessa is such a puppy dog. Look at those sad eyes. It’s so sad……..woof…you dog.

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swt September 2, 2015 at 9:53 pm

this season sucks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Ginny September 2, 2015 at 10:11 pm

I want James to win

So hoping he gets HOH

Terrible season

Thanks Lisa
You make it worth the watch.Appreciate your great updates.

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jolee September 2, 2015 at 10:24 pm

I too want James to win! I was so touched by his story about his little girl. He stepped up like a real man and took on the responsibility of raising his daughter that he didn’t even know he had until two hours after she was born! I say he deserves to win. The way he treats Meg is so sweet. He makes sure everyone knows it’s not a showmance! He has class, even though he is a clown. Thank’s for all of the great comments. I am off to bed! 🙂
Later!! 😎

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Mary September 2, 2015 at 10:54 pm

I would like to see John win. I am not a fan of Vanessa or Austin. I have actually enjoyed this season’s cast. If John doesn’t win, my nexy choice would be for Liz and Julia to be the Final 2

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Mary September 2, 2015 at 10:54 pm

I would like to see John win. I am not a fan of Vanessa or Austin. I have actually enjoyed this season’s cast. If John doesn’t win, my next choice would be for Liz and Julia to be the Final 2

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Margie September 2, 2015 at 11:07 pm

Hey everyone if you were watching this afternoon did you happen upon the sexcapades going on with Austin & Liz in the bedroom while everyone else was living it up in the kitchen. I’m sure her mother is so proud! When they are kissing he looks like he is trying to swallow her whole face. I was watching the feeds at work while I was paying bills, my boss came in and said “what is that, are you watching porn”. lol. I said, no it’s just Big Brother.

I would love to see his face when she dumps him. Although if he wins she will be there until the money runs out.

I also heard him yelling at production to leave his girlfriend alone several times. He is going to go nuts at the after parties when she gets drunk and starts flirting with Jace (her favorite she has said) and Jeff whom she voted for.

Can’t wait to see what happens tomorrow night. I won’t be able to watch the show until 12:30 but I will be on the feeds to see the results of all the action. I hope James or Johnnie wins HOH and puts up Austin and Liz. One of them needs to go home. I really don’t care which one.

@Starr…..please don’t quit posting late at night. I love your comments.

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Margie September 2, 2015 at 11:11 pm

@Jeanne….I also was door Derrick last year from the minute I saw the Jeff interview before the season started. So glad he won.

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tendr September 2, 2015 at 11:30 pm

@Star, do yo use a nettie pot? James has to every night and he has ‘oil of oregano liquid’ you get at the health food store and it has instructions how many drops to put into water to drink everyday….it kills yeast and bacteria. when james doesn’t use it he gets horrible sinus infections but this stuff works. don’t get it on a cut or in your eye… use salt or baking soda in the nettie pot or netty pot..i don’t know which it is. i just know it works.

i am actually going to bed early. i have to see boy dr’s girl to stab my gums all over. yay early in the morning. i’m skerred.

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tendr September 2, 2015 at 11:32 pm

oh, i wish meg liked James. He’s so sweet to her. i’m sure she could clean him up. and he could teach her how to fish.

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jolee September 2, 2015 at 11:45 pm

@tendr, I ordered the Magnesium Mutate tonight. 490 mg. Thank you! Jeanne goes to the doctor tomorrow to find out about her X-Ray. Pray for her! I will do the same for you tomorrow! 🙂
I won’t be able to watch BB until 2:30 a.m. Friday morning!! 🙁
Nite everybody! <3
Later!! 😎

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KevInDenver September 3, 2015 at 12:30 am

Thanks for the update LM
BB17 — Vanessa’s ZOMbots & ZOMbettes
You reap what you sow — they backstabbed Becky, kept Vanessa and are being eaten alive by her— they didn’t need 20/20 hindsight to foresee that

Meg and her lazy unmotivated azz should have been evicted week 1 byebye Meg

no worries AusTwins; these HGs are NOT bright enough to break up a 3-some

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Susan G September 3, 2015 at 2:30 am

You would think someone like Vanessa who has experience with TV would be waaaaaaay better at make-up – tonight the twins hate Austin for considering voting Julia out (which I don’t think he has done) does Liz actually think she’s worth 500,00 get real – and while you are at it chew like a person – ok thanks – I have always loved Johnny Mac but thought he was too clueless – the new clueless award goes to Steve – does he have a man crush on Bigfoot, or what? Can’t wait for the double eviction – hope some gross people leave the house – a girl is entitled to dream –

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Annie September 3, 2015 at 4:56 am

Does the house know it’s double eviction tomorrow night? If not there should be some serious scrambling going on with no time to scheme!! LOL!!

Julia’s freaking out about the possibility of Austin switching his vote. Julia, Liz, and Vanessa are going over the scenarios that could happen! It’s about time that they have something serious to fret about!! LOL!! I’m hoping that the mantra “Expect the Unexpected” will come into play tomorrow night! A girl can hope!

Star…I’m so sorry you’re not feeling well. I have also missed your wisdom that usually graces our blog at odd hours!! LOL!! I love your witful opinions and comments!! Hope you feel better soon (sinus trouble is bitch…..My mom suffered with her sinuses all year long…bless her soul).

LM…..thank you for all you do for us. I love and respect your comments…..they make me giggle!! LOL!!

Well, I’m going to watch BBAD now and see if anyone has grown a brain and will try to break up the Austwins and Vanessa!! Someone has to make a move soon or they will float to the end. UGH!!!

Tomorrow’s show will be suspenseful if nothing else because of the DE. Finally there really be a surprise on the show!! I hope James wins the HOH and shakes things up!! Once again….a girl can hope!! LOL!!

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Star September 3, 2015 at 5:11 am

@Margie…..this is sometimes the only time I DO post, so I won’t be stopping anytime soon. At least not permanently!! lol I may not always love the show but always love being here blogging all summer! In fact, I am starting to miss it already!!!

@tendr..thanks but I hate nettie pots. Plus, oddly enough my nose hasn’t been stuffed up with this. I have constant PND going down my throat all the time which causes me to cough. And it then tightens up my chest. My sinuses are swollen so that I feel fuzzy or dizzy and get headaches…I’m a mess!!lol But I don’t need unstuffing…which I am grateful for. Hate not being able to breathe!!! Good luck at the dentist . I had to go Tues. I used to had gingivitus a couple of years ago. BUt I got a clean bill of health this time and nothing bled!!! lol Sorry for all the health talk. WAY TMI!! I’ll stop now! 😉

Steve and John have been talking about flipping their votes. I know they want to, and if they DID there would be 4 of them, if they teamed up with Meg and James. But they are so afraid of Van’s wrath! And with so few HGS in the house, you can’t hide your actions anymore. Steve was talking to himself again and said he never had intended to go to F5 with the Scamper Squad. And if he has to be mean and go back on his word by evicting Julia, so be it. He left his integrity at the door! He was brainstorming but I hope he meant most of that!!
Also,Austin called LFers FAT NERDS tonight!!! I So want his ass out of there. He is so smug and pompous it’s nauseating!!

James was sad talking to Meg saying they had one more night and lamenting who he was going to talk to after she was gone! He imitated Steve and JM and it was pretty funny!! But I do feel for him. What do you do with all that down time if you don’t really like anyone in the house???? BORING!!!

Steve is driving himself crazy going over scenarios. So much so, he has to keep running to the BR and getting sick!!!! He must be a nervous wreck. But he has an epiphany and says…*Oh ****…I think I need to vote Julia out!!! ** If he doesn’t, he and JM are going up on block. If he does, the Austwins won’t have the numbers to get him out! He thinks Van has been keeping him from talking game to anyone else.(When she got HOH she told him to come up to HOH anytime as she was lonely!) FInally!!!!! He is starting to see the big pic! And Van and Aus for who they really are!!! HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!
Maybe there is hope for Meg yet!!! 🙂

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Star September 3, 2015 at 5:22 am

@Annie…..thanks for the get well wishes! I keep hearing from everyone that they all,, or someone they know has a sinus infection!! I feel so common!! But at least not alone!!lol

The HGS do NOT know about the DE on Thurs. For some reason they think it is next week!!! So it WILL be an exciting show! I too want James to win HOH!! He won’t hesitate to put up Aus and Van or Liz! I wonder who will go 2nd?? IF Steve comes around and votes out Julia, I’d love to see him work with James and go to F2. But that’s alot of IFS! Should be a FUN show!!! 😉

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Susan G September 3, 2015 at 5:27 am

Loving the title – what a bunch of losers – it makes me warm and fuzzy to think of Austin reading it in the future –

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Junksies September 3, 2015 at 6:03 am

@Star – Was just reading about Steve barfing from the stress of it all. Poor guy I hope he makes it out of there in one piece! If they don’t flip the vote this week then all hope is gone for shifting power to the “good side.” I was about to copy the Austin comment about you live feeders being fat nerds but you beat me to it! LOL. Can’t wait for him to read what we think of him!! He said he wasn’t going to watch or read anything for a while after getting out of the house.

I’ve noticed there has been a “cooling off” between Austin and Liz for a few days now. Guess the honeymoon is over!???! Ha Ha! He doesn’t follow her around, not helping her cook and just being generally mean. They have had a few spats as well. Liz called him out for being mean to Julia. The chase is over, he is the conqueror, another notch in his belt. She supposedly is over him too, saying he smells bad and wants noting to do with him when the show is over. …and yet, they both continue the facade…? He looked evil scary in the DR tonight.

I didn’t know that BB does the laundry for the HOH. A nice little perk. And boy oh boy, do they ever eat well in the house…steak several times a week, Ahi tuna…reminds me of last year when Frankie got his salmon almost every day. I wonder who had to clean up the mess in the house after the POV comp…did they have a maid service? I got a kick out of seeing Liz freak out about the mess…she really must be OCD!!

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sherry September 3, 2015 at 6:31 am

Good morning fellow bloggers! I went to bed at 10:30 last night. Can’t remember the
last time that happened. Have just finished reading all the wonderful posts from last
night. A couple were a little confusing to me, however. Is Steve really thinking about
teaming up with John and James? I truly hope so. That’s what he should have done
at the beginning of this week. Going to Austin was not one of James’ better decisions.
(I still have no t.v. service and have a feeling I won’t have any until Sat. when Dish comes
out to reconnect me.) I am about to have a tizzy fit not being able to watch BB tonight
of all nights.

I think it would be hilarious if Austin decided to vote Julia out along with Steve and Liz was the only one who voted to keep her. I hate I won’t be able to watch the expressions on their faces and see the live vote. If Liz and Van are left as the outsiders… would be terrific karma. They have lorded it over every HG all season. It’s time for them to feel like they have no one. I don’t like seasons when one group of people rule from the beginning to the end, esp. if they have been unnecessarily ugly about handling their power.

Liz and Julia have talked terribly about every HG all season. They have acted like they
are so much smarter, prettier, classier, etc. than all the others. I have news for them,
they have some of the worst table manners of any of the others. They are not the prettiest,
in fact are not really what I would call pretty. Attractive, but not pretty. Class skipped them probably by junior high, since they’ve never outgrown JH. I know I’m being hard
on the twins, but they have irritated me from the beginning. It was bad enough having
just Liz, but together….awful. They can only blame themselves for the image they set
for live television. I would like to understand how the individual or individuals who inter-viewed the twins and decided to cast them have managed to keep their jobs. In the normal
world away from television, this would be reason for instant dismissal before the first
week was finished airing, and if not then…..when the twins came into the house together.
I know there is always someone they cast who is irritating every season, but the twins????

Another thing that hit me last night during my hours of boredom (all my books are still
packed) was that maybe the question about the twins being Catholic or Jewish can be
based on a parent of each faith???
Sorry for the ramble and gripe fest!

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sherry September 3, 2015 at 6:36 am

tendr: I will be thinking of you and praying for you today!

Star and all the other bloggers who have mentioned sinus problems this season, prayers
are going your way, as well.

Jolee and Jeanne: Will be thinking of you and praying for you that the report today
about the chest x-ray is good news.

Wishing you all complete and speedy healing!

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Junksies September 3, 2015 at 7:01 am

Jeanne, Tendr, Swt and Star…All of you Be Well!!! …and Bob, like your new pic!

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Rose Mary Jones September 3, 2015 at 7:08 am

When Vanessa started talking crazy to James. I wanted to come threw the TV. Vanessa needs to get over herself. If it the twins vs her she(Vanessa) out. Ray Charles can see that. This is the time for a big move or go home. Julia needs to go and why is the producers going along with Austin? What going on with this big brother show? I willbe glad after tonight to see where it going, I will have to go to the cable channels. Tonight is the night for me, I will seating back waiting on Lisa Blog to see how it going and the big show no way in He– will I watch if it the twins and the HO HO man is in it. Thanks Lisa a great Job.

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pat September 3, 2015 at 7:17 am

I think the best scenario is a septuple eviction and call it over. Does septuple even mean 7? he he he he!
I am sure the BB higher ups are just laughing since we keep posting. BB casts based on their interviews and they obviously can get it wrong since they do not know how someone will react living in a commune for days on end with the scrutiny that comes with BB. No one knew in advance these guys and gals would be so freaking weak minded. They went with the “cute crew” this year and included the “PC duo of Jason and Audrey” to round it out. This year is terrible in the game play (there is none yet), but it is all about TV ratings. Yet, tonight, for the 4th or 5th time the non trio have a chance to take over the house by voting one out. Will they make a game of it and make the final weeks interesting……..or will the LOSER rating become even larger. They need to rename the house: “Cranial Rectosis House”.

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C'est Moi September 3, 2015 at 7:22 am


Typically the Father determines his family’s religion and with the Nolan surname, I suspect his entire family is 100% Catholic.

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Junksies September 3, 2015 at 7:26 am

hey sherry… Florida has a heavy Jewish population/culture transplanted from ex-New Yorkers and there may be other Hispanics there I’m sure, but mostly Cuban culture therefore probably Catholic and I’m thinking the same thing…parents could be one of each.

If I were you I’d be going crazy with no TV. I unsuccessfully went down the U-Verse rabbit hole about 5 years ago and ATT keep trying to sell me the latest and better version but I’m resisting for now at least while BB season is in full swing. I’ve had Direct TV for about 14 years and now that they have been bought by ATT supposedly there are some good deals out there but I’m gonna wait a while till they get the kinks worked out. And my PC keeps giving me strange warnings of Windows updates that I’m ignoring till BB is over…hope it doesn’t crash before then. Funny how life goes on hold for this stupid game of BB that we all complain about but can’t live without. Good Luck!!

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sherry September 3, 2015 at 7:28 am

C’est Moi: Thanks. I didn’t know that. In the south more times than not, the mother
decides the religion for the family. However, Catholic and Jewish faiths are far more
staunch in their beliefs. Do you have any ideas on how the twin who spoke the Jewish
word would use it so casually? Possibly a good friend is Jewish and she picked it up?
Anyway, thanks.

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sherry September 3, 2015 at 7:36 am

Thanks, Junksies. I AM going nuts over the lack of viewing ability. But not just because I really am PO’d about not getting see possibly the most interesting episode this season. I
haven’t gotten to keep up with the news. I listen to the Fox News all day long while I am
doing things around the house. I like to keep informed, but I like filling the silence of
a home with only one occupant, as well.

swt: Hoping today is a good day for you.

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Junksies September 3, 2015 at 7:39 am

@sherry – I used to live in New Jersey from 68-71 where there are also a lot of Jewish people and even now I still say Oy Vey!!!…and I’m far from Jewish. lol!!

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Junksies September 3, 2015 at 7:41 am

@sherry – sounds like my solo household riding with Fox all day long. I’m a news Junkie!

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Junksies September 3, 2015 at 7:45 am

It’s almost 6am and time to get some sleep. G’nite all…

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Junksies September 3, 2015 at 7:55 am

One last thought…is anybody else sick and tired of hearing the stupid “speeches” the guests spew at eviction? It’s purpose is to PLEA to be kept in the house and instead it’s everything but…. Julia was practicing hers tonight. *rolling eyes* So annoying!!!

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Fannie B September 3, 2015 at 8:18 am

When I saw what the POV game it looked like it was taylor made for James. If anyone could hide something it’s him. Can’t wait for the show tonight it should be the best of the season. Lets hope that evil twin one is voted out first then evil twin 2 in the next round……..If wishes were horse and horse could fly……All of our dreams will come true!!!

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sherry September 3, 2015 at 8:27 am

Sleep well, Junksies.

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tendr September 3, 2015 at 8:32 am

@Jolee, I hope you were saying magnesium t a u r a t e. For some reason my tablet will change that word if I don’t spell it spaced. Magnesium malate will also help RLS plus so much more. Ok. I had a horrible night… am going to go to Dr. In my lounge pants and look like I just woke up. Have fun ya’ll.

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hpr56 September 3, 2015 at 8:42 am

Wow, I guess I really need to be grateful. I have no sinus infections nor do I have any lung problems other than my regular ones of not being able to breathe much. But I luckily have not had any major issues. I guess because our weather has been pretty mild and nobody at work has been sick. I honestly hope that you all get better and can start to enjoy life.

Lisa Marie, thanks for the update and I love how you write what’s going on and your feelings. You are awesome.

I really want to hope that the votes go toward Julia being voted out. However, I don’t have my hopes up. This group doesn’t seem to be able to do anything real smart. I can’t say it is the worst BB ever but it’s right up at the top level.

I can’t wait to see how they react when they find out it is a double eviction night. Come on James and company. Give ’em hell.

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Sirrock September 3, 2015 at 10:22 am

As far as Austin swearing at production goes, I’m pretty sure he thinks he’s being funny. I remember him doing it and the gist I got from him was he did it because the BB voice is polite, so it was funny (to him) to sound mean/rude by telling them to fuck off. I get his point, and I have done similar things for humor. Replying the opposite way as expected can be funny at times, but like any joke, if you go to the well too many times, the humor is gone. That’s my take on it.

As far as the house goes, if they don’t band together for one week to vote out Julia, they’re complete morons and none of those 4 deserve to win the game. I know they can do math. I hear them talking about how Jiztin (way funnier than Austwins) will just run them out the door and yet they have this major internal struggle, deciding if they want to vote out a member of the longest alliance in the game, and the biggest one numbers wise as of now. I mean, anyone who has a shred of common sense can see you need to take your shot when its handed it you and this is the perfect time. They’re so scared of what the reaction will be, but not is the time to shake shit up. It’s like they all want to keep waiting for some magical “perfect moment”, but if they keep waiting, they’ll be in the jury voting for the winner.

Oh and one last thing. If the Chenbot spills the beans that tonight is a double eviction right off the bat, I think I will have lost almost all hope for this show. Hopefully, they run a clip package, do the vote, have the interview with the exiting HG, THEN tell the remaining HG’s its a Double Eviction as they are about to head out for the HOH. For time sake, and history of the show, I’m guessing it’s going to be a “Before or After” comp, cuz those go fast. Then the famous ball pit Veto….which is always used in a DE. Just don’t throw out your clown shoe like Jeff did!!

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jolee September 3, 2015 at 10:24 am

@tendr, I just ordered Magnesium Mutate, but I also have Magnesium Taurate with Potassium. So far, this has not helped much.
Thank all of you who are thinking about Jeanne and me. You all bless us. Jeanne is on the way to the doctor’s now to get a report on her X-Ray.
I would say I was looking forward to tonight’s show, but unfortunately, it doesn’t come on until 2:30 a.m., because of football! 🙁 I don’t know if I want to check in here for spoilers, or wait until tomorrow. …. or stay up late and watch it. So many decisions!!! 🙂 🙂 Have a nice day everyone. Will be back!!
Later!! 😎

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Jeanne September 3, 2015 at 1:04 pm

I will take a nap, get up and watch the 2:30am show.

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Margie September 3, 2015 at 2:45 pm

Good morning everyone……to respond to some of the comments, Julia learned the Jewish word from Vanessa and Steve who are both half Jewish. As for Austin and Liz cooling it…it sure didn’t appear that way yesterday afternoon as they were busy having sex in the first bedroom (purple room) with people walking in and out. Of course, I think she is just trying to keep him on tether to protect her and Julia and also in case he wins. If he doesn’t win she will dump him before the backyard interviews are over! If he does win she will hang around until the money is gone. I’m sure, from her conversations with Julia, or should I say whine sessions, that she doesn’t care a fig about him…just what he can do for her. There’s a word for that!

Thanks to everyone doing the posting last night. I just couldn’t bear another night of the whining and the Steveeeeeèee..uh. That really grates on my nerves. Just looking at Austin grosses me out and if you have to listen to how wonderful he thinks he is its almost unbearable. I can even tolerate Vanessa better than all that and that’s saying a lot.

Please James or JM vote out Julia, win HOH and turn this mess around!!!

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