Hi, everyone!
I’m sorry — this special Tuesday eviction kinda snuck up on me and I am super late opening the Diary Room! Â Okay, we have about 4 and a half hours before the show so, in the time we have left, cast your vote to evict over on the right side of the page or in the comments section below!
Do you vote to evict…
AUSTIN, the smelly wrestler
STEVE, the guy who talks to himself?
Lisa Marie
Thank you Lisa! I vote to evict Austin. I can put up with Steve’s weird ways better than Austin’s grossness!! I shall return. ……
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Later!! 😎
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Austin for sure!!
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AUSTIN the smelly wrestler
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OMG, Austin needs to GOOOOOOOO!
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Hi Lisa Marie,
I vote to evict the disgusting AUSTIN!!! It’s driving me crazy not knowing the final discussions (with feeds down) as we all know Van changes her mind a 1000 times and does a great job in changing other people’s minds. But by now I have an idea which direction I think things will be going. uuugggghhh
Thank you Lisa Marie 🙂
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Personally I’d love to see Vanessa out but I guess that’s not happening….Austin for sure.
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Thank You Lisa! I vote to evict Steve. I can put up with Austin’s grossness better than Steve’s weird ways! I probably won’t return …..
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Well we all know how Vanessa plays so I see Steve going tonight. If she chooses Austin I know we will ALL BE SHOCKED!!! But I don’t see her getting rid of him. And the way she got in everyone’s face for answers, seriously she does the same thing she don’t want them to do. .play the game! ! Sure hope survivor is a great one
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I hope Austin went to hurt and Vanessa got #bloodonherhands….but I doubt it…sighhhhhh
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I vote to evict Austin. There is no way I want to see him and Liz in the final 3.
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Hey Serena was beat by Vinci…so Steve does have a chance even though minuscule.
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Lisa Marie, I gladly vote to evict Austin. I really don’t want to look at him. Or his alter ego either.
I think it is just a plain crap shoot about who Vanessa will out with her tie breaker. But there is always the possibility that JMac won’t vote to keep Steve even though he said he would. They kind of all vote the same way all the time. So it wouldn’t be totally out of character to see him and Liz both vote Steve out so Vanessa doesn’t get “blood on her hands.”
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Goodbye Austin. (Fingers crossed)
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Lisa I happly vote to evict Austin!!
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Thank you Lisa! I vote to evict Austin!
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I enthusiastically vote to evict AUSTINK.
I do hope Vanessa gets put back on her bipolar meds soon, just watching her hurts my head.
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The people who vote someone out have no more blood on their hands than does the HOH who put them up for eviction. If they weren’t nominated they wouldn’t have gotten evicted! +¿*
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Please leave Austin, for the best possible outcome!!!
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Austin, Austin, Austin!!!!!!!! Get him outa there as soon as possible. Shoulda happened weeks ago but oh well. Make sure it happens tonight!!!!!!!!
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P l e a s e ! ! ! Austin be gone.
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I vote to evict Judas and Austin! I want to see Liz cry again. I want to see JMac win HOH And put up Vanessa and Liz. I want to see Steve win POV and of course see the moms stay. And, I want to see Vanessa freak out AND I want to see Vanessa walk out the door!
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Austin gotta go!!!
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Wouldn’t it be wonderful…. if the not so fair lady, Vanessa, patterned her eviction speech to Austin similar to this:
Remember how you decided not to nominate me for eviction or backdoor me for another week, then another week, then another week, just because I was bigger target. Well Austin, or Judas if you prefer, congratulations, the waiting is over, but, surprise! it is you leaving, not me. N0w, finally, Liz can get some well deserved alone time. So regarding that F2 you never planned to keep with me, just think of two action words that rhyme with F2 and consider them my final farewell to you.
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I vote to evict STEVE the crybaby mama’s boy. I would much rather look at Austin acting, looking and smelling like a man anyday. Besides I can’t smell him anyway and when I hear people saying he smells it just sounds like a bunch of sheep baaaaaa, baaaaa, baaaaa….let’s follow the leader.
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Junksies: I guess my last post went on the previous blog. There are posts on here I
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------never got. I not only am now receiving two copies of everyone’s posts (except for the few
I haven’t received yet), but got four of your last post. Go figure! I’m not savvy enough about the internet to know what’s going on or why. Not that it’s a problem, just weird.
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So far, the vote is 116 for Austin and 6 for Steve! If only the HG’s were as smart as us, Austin would be gone! I still have my fingers, toes and eyes crossed! I take back the eyes … I have to see to post! 🙂
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Later!! 😎
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Cathy well said. Couldn’t agree more. Folks on here have some mighty strong olfactories….for those that don’t what that means…smelling receptors.
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Meant to say Don’t know…
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I vote to evict auswit
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Austin should go but that will be a 2nd vote against Vanessa if she goes to the final 2 and a 3rd vote against her if the final 2 does not include Liz. The rest of them have to lie their teeth out of their heads just like Vanessa. Scream and shout just like her. Where’s JonM’s awful voice when he needs it to disarm Vanessa. Give her some of her own medicine.
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I vote to evict Austin.
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I vote to evicte Austin and Judas!
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I vote to evict Austin !!!!
I shall return later
the votes on our blog is Austin 131 to evict ~ and Steve 6 to evict
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I joyfully vote to evict Austin, however; Vanessa will never do it. So goodbye Steve….
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Snake Bit Sal, it’s true about them not having blood on their hands for evicting them but Vanessa did the nominations and she has been saying all through the game that she wants things to go her way but she wants to do it so she doesn’t get blood on her hands. That is why I made that comment. If she is the one who does the tie breaker plus the one who nominated Austin as replacement and Steve as original nominee, then it’s on her for both reasons.
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Austin looks and acts just like he recently thawed out just like his lookalike, the Encino man. More like hairy, color coded rauncho than any form of macho.
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@herbie..don’t go…..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wish our votes actually counted and it’d be van but since she’s not on the block i’d like to see the shake up in the house by sending Austin to jury.
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Maybe Liz will vote to evict Austin. Remember her vote for Jeff? I don’t think anybody in the house ever knew about that one except Liz. Correct me if I’m wrong. If so, probably the best kept secret this whole season.
Anyway, I vote to evict Austin just because I will be surprised if he is voted off.
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Austin gets my vote that’s for sure. Vanessa please oh please grow a back bone and get Austin out the house!!! Bye-Bye
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Thank you Lisa…….I vote to evict Austin ?…………………. ………..
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Well first of all – love the way you think Doris! I second ALL of that. & C’est Moi – loved your speech for Vanessa! If only you two were members of production ..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ok. for my vote. I “sadly” vote to evict Austin .. not sad because I want Austin to stay. Sad
because I”d rather be voting out Vanessa.
Would be fun to see who Liz would run everyone down to if Austin left. But let’s face it.
We all know Steve’s goose is cooked. Weird Vanessa with those crazed eyes of hers has everyone under her spell.
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168 to 8!!! 🙂 🙂
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@JoanD….Yeah Liz and Austin were talking about that vote the other night and she blamed it on someone…can’t remember who. She has blamed it on multiple people depending upon who was in the conversation. If Austin knew he would have a hissy fit because he was so jealous of Jeff because Liz and Jeff had a little flirtmance going on. Wouldn’t you love to see his reaction when he finds out! At the after parties he won’t take his off of her because of Jace and Jeff. lol
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Hope Austin but its squirrel head vannesa so it will be steve
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I really hope Austin is now enjoying life with his “future” sister in law! LOL And JM has to win HOH or he will probably be gone. I want him to win also.
Hello Dorce, welcome to this fun very informed group of bloggers.
I have been reading the blog for several years but only started posting last year. So I am a 2nd year newbie. LOL I don’t post a lot but like you and some other folks I read it all the time.
C’est Moi, your “speech” is awesome! If only…… sigh
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Austin should go but, it’s probably going to be Steve.
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There are a few people on this blog that I wish Production would listen to. Lisa Marie would be up at the top of the list and there are a few of you that I totally think could make this a much more interesting game.
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Thx Lisa – I vote to evict Austin
I enjoy Steves knowledge of the game and like hearing his view of the game at all different times of the game.
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I’m going to go against the crowd here. I’d rather see Steve go, his clinginess to his mother and his general weirdness creep me out a bit. With Austin, you usually know where you’re at. From there, knock off John and let Vanessa, Austin and Liz figure it out…THAT will be interesting!
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I Vote to evict STEVE if Vanessa can’t see that Steve and Johnny Mac are working together Vanessa should be voted out this week. Austin swear on Liz’s love .and swear on everything that is precious to him that Vanessa will be safe. Steve has promised nothing to her and plans to take Johnny Mac to the final they are a couple ,plans on getting rid of Vanessa as soon as possible I think Vanessa deserves to go home this week if she gets rid of Austin.
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I don’t love Steve’s many personalities, but anything is better than Austin’s huge ego !
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I vote to evict Steve. I want Austin and Liz to get further in the game than Vanessa. I really dislike her. @ Sherry…posted on last blog: e-mail address is: (lower case) astrailah@gmail.com
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I vote to evict Austin. It’s now or never to make a bold move!
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Astra Kelly: Got it. Thanks.
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So I just googled bb spoilers and under “dirty laundry” they are reporting who was evicted and who won HOH yesterday. I do not want to spoil this for anyone, but I am happy about the outcome – if it is true.
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Please Austin has to go
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Lets get Austin out, will not have a better chance.
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C’est moi. .. loved the parting speech scenario 😉
Less than 10 minutes to go. This one I am actually going to watch LIVE and keep the recording for comparison when every one comments later.
The final count of the number of times Vanessa changed her mind from when she made the agreement with JMac to blindside Austin to the moment of the actual vote is 273 times.
I vote to evict Austin.
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wow that took a long time to load. .. later folks 😉
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Cheryl, please we love spoilers, tell…….tell……….
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I’ll say it again, Wah-nessa. Oh yeah, again she isn’t on the block, again. Just don’t care at all quite frankly. Ready for this year to over. On to Survivor. Let’s hope for a good season. Thanks for all the work you do Lisa. You definitely deserve hazard pay!
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Not sure if this site is reliable but it says Austin is out and JM wins HOH. I hope that was not wishful thinking on their part.
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Fingers crossed till I find out, TV signal on the fritz, so am waiting here for the low down.
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Long time blog reader few times later, but I read that vanessa wears hats to cover an ear piece that production uses to communicate with her. They want her to win to promote her new show where she hosts gambling tournaments or something like that. What are your opinions about that? I’m thinking it’s possible with the way the past few seasons have been.
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I would vote to evict Steveeeeeeeeee
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Long time reader few times poster…good grief
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I vote to evict Austin.
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Ok it’s official
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Austin is gone
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yea! Austin’s out barefooted
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what happened to PK this year anybody know ??
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I’m on the east coast, NC, sis just called
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Yes!! Best eviction all season!!!
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There’s a cyber jinx amongst us…will spare you the details of the wacky thing that just happened but it was unusual and weird…!!!
Robert have you been on the same dial as the rest of us..???…Van and Steve have had an F2 deal for weeks and weeks and they both know it.
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Steve hoh
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Now please get rid of Vanessa. But they will take her to f2. Ugh
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I just don’t want her to win anything.
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Booyah! I love seeing Karma in action!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By the way, Liz probably would have done better in that HoH comp if she hadn’t spent the last month and a half only hanging out with Austin. So, it’s double karma!!!!
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PK? He’s never too far away… Actually closer than you may think…
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@ C’est Moi ? are you PK or in his family? Tell him hello for me and glad he’s still around and hope all is well 🙂 Been meaning to ask but got side tracked with the game, noticed never seen PK here.
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hope Liz goes away and then F3 and let the comps began that matter
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Many in the blogade (FYI a PK creation) know that C’est Moi and PK are the same person. So to make it formal, Hi swt, glad you are still around as well…
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Loved Austin’s exit.
Way to go Steve for the HoH win.
Liz will obviously go up on the block. She was pouting throughout the HoH comp. It was a good comp for all 3 players, fair and square.
Now if only Vanessa doesnt mollify Steve’s mommy complex, we might see her on the block too.
But we all know that she will convince Steve that the Jury will prefer JMac over her, so to Steve, JMac would be more of a threat.
Leaving the door open for her to still be in F 2.
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Yes! Best surprise eviction ever. They had no clue and it was grand. Julie said to tune in to BBAD tonight to find out who the new nominees for eviction are. Then tomorrow night there will be another eviction. I think that is right.
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Since everyone wants to evict Austin, that means he’s staying. You know how it goes with this group of housedorks.
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@ C’est Moi bop my head ~ never knew, glad all is well thanks for the the quick reply.
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@Star – Confirming I’ve noted your email to keep in touch later. Thanks for JMac video playing guitar…I love a man with a guitar. I saw where you asked if anybody was having problems with email notification and I have not signed up this year so could try to help you ‘cept to say just grab Mike’s phone…LOL!!! I’ll keep in touch when BB is over. May even get on FB.
@sherry and Margie – I write, I submit and one second later it appears. Have had no probs except for last night (this morning). It’s there now…guess that’s all that matters. And sherry I agree that voters should have to take a test and I’ve been saying that for years…it’s my major pet peeve!!
I’m on the west coast just killing time until tonight’s show that most of you lucky dogs have already seen. 🙂 bbl
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Now if I could only get my older that some of the rocks in the Grand Canyon bud, TED, to get back here more frequently.
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Forgot to add Brachel are coming on, cant remember what day,for a Special Announcement ugh
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junksies I am on the west coast as well 😉 I set my PVR for the east coast show times.
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I didn’t get to see the show tonight because we are in OBX and watched a baby Loggerhead turtle make its way to the ocean. It was so cool to watch. Now I have to wait until I get home on Saturday to watch Austin be evicted. It was worth missing though to see that baby turtle make it way across the sand to the ocean.
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I voted for James and will continue voting for him as America’s favorite player. I hope you all are voting for your favorite. So happy Austin finally got his due. Now it’s Van’s turn.
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so funny!
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Yeah! Vanessa finally got it right. Would like to see more of whats going on in the Jury house.
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Hallelujah!!!! Perfect! That’s the way to play Big Brother! As much as I do not want Vanessa to win, she probably made the best move of the season! I wonder how long it took her to wash the blood off of her hands?? I am definitely doing the happy dance while seated in my La-zy-Boy recliner! 🙂 🙂
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The only thing I am a little apprehensive about is Steve winning HOH. I think I would rather have Johnny Mac at this point. I think he would be the best bet to go after Vanessa. We shall see! And, the good news is we don’t have to wait a week to find out! 🙂
😎 <————————— Excited! Later!!
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@ C’est Moi,
yes i miss Ted too
@Starfish ~ where you been, good to c’ya 🙂
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Now if Steve is a big brother fan.Vanessa will be the next to be evicted. He will backdoor her.he at this point has to be thinking of his own game.
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Very interesting evening. Who would I try to send home Van or Liz, both don’t deserve to be in the final three, one has the money and the other has an attitude that she’s entitled, as CBS drafted her for the show. Also enjoyed Austin leaving after his Boy remark to Steve. Thanks LM.
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Was it just me or did the audience gasp when Austin called Steve “boy?”
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Didn’t anyone notice Steve accidentally won’? He said he meant to add another zero to his answer which would have made his answer 6000 instead of 600?
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Finally something went the way I wanted it to go!!! But I wish it were JM who’d won
HOH, as Steve will be a nervous wreck before his HOH is over. I want to see
Liz gone, as I just can’t stand to watch another spoiled tantrum from her. (But she did
better than I thought she would.)
I would like to see JM and Steve as F2, but there’s a part of me that wants to see JM and Vanessa as F2, because she played the game when others weren’t playing, just surviving. I haven’t liked the way she played and often found myself yelling at the t.v. set as if she could hear me!!?? But she played her heart out and have to give her credit for that. If she is voted out, I fear she’ll sway the jury to vote for Steve to win the whole thing.
If Vanessa is evicted this time, rather than Liz, and Liz makes it to F2….there’s a good
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------chance she’ll win the game. (I’ll need a room in the looney bin if that happens.) She’ll
have Austin’s vote, and make get all of the girls’ votes. It will be interesting to see if
this jury votes according to who played the best game, or votes for their favorite per-
son to win.
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It’s not just you, Lisa. I thought so, too.
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tendr: I caught that, too. But I wondered why all of his numbers didn’t have the zero,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------only his first number. Either he’s extremely lucky, or he wasn’t telling the entire truth.
Need to hit BBAD. Talk later.
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If Liz were in a final 2 situation, she would definitely start off with Austin and Julia’s vote. She would then only need to get 3 more votes to win. And if Liz is in a final two with Vanessa or Steve (who has been seen as mostly doing Vanessa’s will), the jury could be bitter enough for Liz to pick up those votes. (Big Brother juries are almost always a hundred times more bitter than Survivor juries. It’s odd.) If Steve really wants to win, he needs to get rid of both Liz and Vanessa. It just a question of which one to go after first.
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Hmmmmm! Interesting comments! I did notice the “hand picked” audience did react to Austin’s comment. It was so good seeing the shocked look on Austin’s face when Vanessa directed him to the other chair! I know many of us here were applauding! 🙂 Why would anyone want to evict Austin (aka Judas) ????? Thank you, thank you, thank you Vanessa! Finally she made a smart move! Now, eagerly awaiting tomorrow when hopefully we will see either Liz or Vanessa gone!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Good to see you Starfish. Thank you for the link. Goodnight everyone!
Later!! 😎
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Oh goodie…more sling band.
Tendr…something off about Steve and the missing zero…don’t know if I believe him. He changes the 6 to a 7 and forgets another zero? Even I knew that was too few seconds.
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Something wrong with this blog. Telling me I’m making duplicate comments when I am not. Very strange.
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Very happy. Nite all.
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Steve won HOH
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------He nominated Vanessa and John
Vanessa won POV
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oops…forgot to say SPOILER ALERT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry…
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Junkies,I just signed on to see if anyone had any news since BBAD is seriously boring! Not the news I wanted to hear especially after the joy of seeing Austin finally barefoot himself out the door! Now what will Vanessa do since she will have the only vote?
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So ….who does Vanessa want out more – Liz or JM? I am hoping she will get rid of Liz – but she will probably evict JM thinking he is more likable in the jury. Liz would have 2 votes, hopefully that’s enough to evict her.
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Oedipus LIVES!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I love Steve but his Mom and the voices in his head will always come between us
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Over flowing with Joy. Did you hear me scream when Van voted Aus out? Loved that the 2 girls had no makeup as this was unexpected, including Aus’ bare feet as he was so confident that he was staying.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Now Steve has Van & John on the block, but sadly Van won the POV, boo hoo.
Liz should enjoy these last days in the house as she can be herself & mingle without her huge shadow.
Steve said he was trying to throw the game but he still won.
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Thank you Junksies, we love spoilers in here! 🙂 I am sorry Vanessa won the POV because I am afraid she will not want to take Johnny Mac to final two. We shall see. Glad I checked in before going to bed. Nite all!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Later!! 😎
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@terralou #65 – i read that somewhere too and it was stated in an earlier post about vanessa being chosen to promote a new cbs show about gambling with vanessa as the host. therefore one can deduce that it would be swell for them for her to win it. they were probably expecting her to be more popular….. sorry cbs….she’s not likable…. imo. no one else has read that???
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@swt. good to see you. I’m taking a break this year and pop in once in awhile to see if I can catch any spoilers and check up on some of the folks I know or as PK commented “The Blogade”.
I hope Van votes out JM since she seems to have a soft spot for Steve. We’ll see whose blood she wants to get on her hands this time. We’ll have to watch her cry (on que) a lot because she has to do it twice in a row. LOL
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Van already won the PoV so it will be Liz or JMac out tomorrow.
They had better send Liz packing because of her numbers in the house.
Just like I expected Steve may have won the HoH but it contines to be Vanessa calling the shots.
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Anyone voting for James for AFP? Please place your votes as soon as you can.
I got my vote in for James. He entertained the most.
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Oh, Steve! Wake up!!!
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Jolee, do you think Vanessa has convinced Steve to vote JM out? I want him to stay! Hey, you said goodnight already. LOL
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I know Vanessa will cast the actual vote, I worded that wrong.
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@Hey SF!!! Good to cya here!!! Funny you heard pk say Blogade because I used tht erm just a day or two ago. In fact, sherry repeated it as she loved the term Blogade Family. Are you sure it wasn’t me??? I sort of coined that ages ago and doesn’t sound like his kind of sentimental non-word!!lol
Just got wind of the whole POV debacle!!! BCMaire…why do you think Van is calling the shots?Of so, why would Steve have put her up?? I really don’t get his choices at all. He is either in an alliance with her or JM, I am assuming by now it is JM, but either way, why those two> Why not Liz?? Or is he keeping her totally safe so he can drag her to F3 and beat her??? She really did badly tonight. I am trying to remember what comps she won but I think she is better at physical and not so grat at mental. Which obviusly would hurt her in F3. Still, why not the 2 girls??? Seems very srange to me that he made those 2 selections for noms. My sense of strategy must be pooed by this time of the season!!lol
Haven’t had a chance to read back yet, this has turned into a chatty group, so I may be repeating,but never in BB history have I ever seen anyone so totally blindsided as Austin was!!! He was basically in PJs and barefoot!!!lol It looked like his head was about to blow up when Van said his name!! And then there she was , crying and trying to explain WHY!!! Like he had the time or even the slightest inclination to listen!!!! He kept yelling that she wasn’t going to get any jury voted and it sounded like he was going to be the one to make sure of that!!!! Bitter much??? lol Liz looked like a deer in headlights!! Think about it. She hasn’t had to play alone for one minute in this game!! She is prolly scared to death!!! The biggest emotion I saw on her face was FEAR!!!
When Aus said he was sure he was going to e the winner, I almost puked!! And I was eating!!! 😛 He did get a note in the BB Hall of fame tho. The only HG to NOT be put on the block until the F5…..and then to get evicted!!!!! LOL He wanted to be remembered and garner fame. There ya go….BOY!!!!!! 😉
BTW..the reason he called Steve Boy……not that it still wasn’t rude on national TV…..but they all sort of pretend they are a *family* in there. Sort of like playing house. Auds and Liz were the parents, of course, and I don;’ remember the whole roll call , but Steve was Boy.Like in Tarzan. Later his name kept growing Oscar Boy something Garfunlkle the 3rd. I was stupid and silly and FINE as long as it was amongst themselves on a daily basis, but it was meant to be demeaning the way Aus said it and Steve knew it!!! Yet another reason to get Liz out!! Plus she hates him!! I still don’t get why he didn’t nom her!!!!
Well, back to catch up a bit and then back to my Fall decorating. Can’t stand it when there are boxes and stuff all over the place!!! lol
BTW…I hadn’t heard that about Van either. WHY would CBS gie her…or anyone actually, a show about poker????? They must know from blogs and emails that people hate her!!! I wonder if she is related to someone at CBS. What else could it BE??????lol
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Looking to me Johnny Mac will be going next .
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Ok watching them est is tortutr
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Now they are group glossing
Dislike !
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Flossing I meant
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yuck !
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EV, I’m back!!! I am hoping Steve will make a smart move. He did when he was HOH last time. Let’s hope Vanessa won’t use her super powers on him! 🙂 I just wanted to check back to see if Star showed up … and she did! Star, I hope you post some pics of your Fall decorations. I am eager to see what you did! Well, I am really going to go to bed now. Turning on. Ray Price to lull me to sleep! Nite all. See you …..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Later!! 😎 <——————- sleepy! ?
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Hey Jolee!!! I will post on FB when it is all done!!! I just wish that was NOW!!!lol Sweet dreams of Ray Price!!! lol
Just voted 20 times for James!!! He was the most entertaining HG and I am sure he could use the money for his little girl!!! PLUS, he’s a Vet!! guess you can do that everyday until next Tues? Not sure I will be that devoted, but I’ll try!! Not that he needs the help I wouldn’t think. Seems a shoe in to me!!! 😉
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Steve in HOH crying into his Teddy Bear. Saying he threw the POV comp and now he regrets it. DUH! Ya think??? He could have gotten Van out and it would have been his big move!!! He doesn’t think he can win against her and he is apologizing to his family. If he’d won,it would have been him, JM and Liz,they would have sent Liz out and it would have been he and JM in F2. I wondered why he put JM on the block in the 1st place!! They were talking right before bed….the late niters long gone now, bed at midnight, although no one is sleeping, and he said he didn’t know how hard he could push Van. (about her vote) John said… NO! don’t push!!! John said it wouldn’t be the worse thing is he got evicted. I hope he is just saying that for Steve’s sake!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Steve comes down and wakes up Liz. He has been crying and wanted a hug. She thinks it’s sweet he is so sensitive and says, Do you think Austin would do this?? Hell NO!!! (maybe she’s not so upset he is gone!!!)lol Van comes in , has been listening, and TELLS Steve to go to bed. SHE doesn’t want him talking to anyone else!!! His F2 is with JM and He is HOH, not her! Nor is she his Mama!!! I could wring Steve’s neck for throwing that comp!!! grrrrr!!! I want that woman OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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@Lisa – Yes the audience certainly did gasp when Austin called Steve boy. Double karma is right!! He thought he was going to win!! Ha! Talk about shell shocked. I rolled it back a couple of times to wallow in of his misery.
@Maxi and Terralou – Good stuff about the possible Vanessa gig…I’ve not heard about that. I won’t watch it.
@P – Wah-nessa is a perfect name for her.
@Deb – aahhh..baby turtle…I can just picture it.
@Star – For Steve to blow ousting Van at this stage of the game just makes me want to sit down and cry. Why would he be so stupid? And I cannot stand how Van mothers him. Go to bed…?…really…when I read that on Jokers my head nearly exploded!! I wish he would tell her to SHUT UP already!!…I know he wants to!! It makes me sick when she is so happy thinking she has this whole thing in the bag…I could just strangle her!! I’m trying to shift my thoughts to jury votes…I’m thinking the girls didn’t really like Liz or is it just my wishful thinking? I hope Austin poisons the jury against Vanessa. Yes, I’m bitter and don’t care. **tongue sticking out** LOL!!
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I get confused about how the end plays out and maybe others do as well so his may help:
What Happens Next? Steve, Vanessa and whomever isn’t evicted Wednesday night will all play in the final HoH Part I, an endurance competition. The winner of Part I gets to go on to Part III. The two losers of Part I face off in Part II, which is usually part physical and part puzzle. The winner of Part II faces off against the winner of Part I in the live Part III competition on Finale night. The winner of Part III, the final HoH of BB17, will then choose who they will take with them to face the jury, the other being evicted and final jury member.
BCMarie – Caleb hosted the Karate POV comp that Van won…just FYI.
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Well, I guess this entire summer we have all been quite perplexed as to how most of these HGs could be such bad players and moronic. Some of us understand how editing and production probably plays a bigger role than most of us realize and/or want to believe. An earlier post was right on it. Van already has a deal in place to host a show called Poker Face. We already know how CBS loves to promote their shows using BB air time. What better way to promote this new poker show by having Van at least make F2. Even though this doesn’t change the fact there were some horrible players this summer, I think it clearly explains why James, Meg and Jackie did a complete 180 from agreeing with Becky on getting Van out to all of the sudden wanting to keep her around. Even for them three, it always seemed very strange.
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It really didn’t matter who Steve put on the block. The winner of veto was going to have all the power. However, Steve intentionally throwing the veto comp is another matter entirely. Not the brightest move ever in BB. In fact, I have no clue what the reasoning would be at all, unless he really didn’t want Van gone. I thought once Van put him and JMac on the block that sealed her fate. Wow, what a coincidence, Van once again, somehow, someway, stays in the game. You would think that she has some kind of show she’s gonna be on and CBS wants to keep her on the show as long as possible. Oh wait………….
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Are you kidding me???? Steve must have put Van and JM up instead of Liz, in case Liz won veto and he would have to put Van up with JM. Way too big of a decision for him. His crying is enough to make me want to barf. He does things that are so stupid (like supposedly throwing a comp at this stage of the game) then cries about it. He lets Van dominate him. Well, JM is going home. She will definitely keep Liz, especially after finding Steve cuddling with Liz. (She now thinks Steve is just trying to get Liz’s jury vote, but if Liz stays for F2, she will beat Van, I believe.)
Van thinks the jury will vote for JM over herself. I don’t know that is true. I think keeping
Liz is more dangerous. Since there are more gals over guys in jury, they might very well
go for a female over a male just to have a female winner. But Van has said no female has
won over a male in the F2. Dumbbell Steve should have remembered that. Why JM didn’t
win the veto I don’t know, since I don’t know what the comp was. Why Steve didn’t win
is because he’s a mess in this game. He never sees the big pic. But there are some weird
things going on. I still am not buying the HOH win being a mistake!!?? Then there is the
new info on Van having a new show on CBS coming up….conflict of interest for CBS????
I’m going to date myself big time here….is this a repeat of “The $64,000 Question?”
Liz is going to be the winner if she makes it to F2. Did I hear Julie say there was another
DE coming up? Even if it comes down to Van and Liz as final two, the jury will still be
female heavy with Austin and Julia casting and promoting Liz votes. With a Van/Steve F2, I think Steve will win over Van, because of bitterness in the jury. If JM and Steve (unlikely) are F2, it could go either way, but probably would fall in Steve’s direction because of HOH wins. This is a jury that doesn’t think like past juries, so everything is simply supposition. But I don’t see Van winning.
JM’s attitude that his going to jury is not all that bad is ludicrous. Has he forgotten the $250K debt waiting on him when the game is over? Not to mention the revenue he lost by going on BB. Trying to make Steve not feel bad is typical of JM’s biggest flaw in the game. He was too honest and too loyal. This season has to be keeping Pepto Bismo (sp?) sales skyrocketing.
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Is there some sort of Gaming Commission keeping BB honest or can they do whatever they want? That is the $64,000 Question. Seriously.
Where are you tendr? Still painting the purple door? Thanks for defending me.
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According to Van’s girlfriend it’s all a rumor:
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It’s too quiet in here tonight, I’m lonely and having fun….found this about Poker Face:
According to the Big Brother news site Celeb Dirty Laundry, one viewer is ‘friends with a cameraman’ on the show and he has told her that Rousso is a certain to win. The reason behind the conspiracy theory is that Rousso is set to present a new poker show called Poker Face on CBS (the network that also hosts Big Brother) and the network is using Big Brother to boost her profile.
Although the full details of Poker Face haven’t been released, the main premise of the show is that Rousso will host a series of tournaments in casinos around Las Vegas. If the theory is true, then Rousso’s appearance on Big Brother has been manufactured to help boost the ratings of Poker Face.
Of course, such claims are purely speculative and there is no suggestion they have any base in reality. However, with Rousso edging closer to a win and some viewers becoming ever more disgruntled, it’s certainly a storyline that will bring more attention to Big Brother, Rousso and poker as a whole.
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Another post goes into the black hole. humm. WTH??????????????????????
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Hey sherry…I think JMac says a lot of stuff to deliberately confuse the others attempting to to throw them off balance and keeping them guessing…referring to his comment about going to jury. You are right though he is too honest and loyal for this game but that is exactly why I wanted him to win. I guess it’s just too much to ask for goodness to win out!!
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An even juicier story of production interference:
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Junksies: So true.
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@Junksies….totally agree on all points. But Steve did kind of cross MOM! She told him not to talk to anyone else, that is why she wanted him safe up in the HOH room. but he grabbed his bedding and came downstairs to sleep next to Liz. SO he was a little rebellious!!lol watching BBAD and Van is in his ear but he seems to be in it with her! He just said he wanted to have sent her home this eviction!! Who DOES he really have an F2 with here???? SMH. In fact he is confessing all kinds of personal stuff to Van. Not sure if this is game play or just insecurity!!
With Van being the POV winner, she is going to take herself down, Steve will have to put up Liz and then, on Live TV, I think Van just votes right there, out loud, right?? You KNOW she is going to vote JM out! I cannot believe BOY threw the last POV!!!! His name is fitting as that was not a mature, thought out plan of action!! (unless Van told him to and he isn’t admitting that!!) If it’s Van and Steve in F2, I think Steve wins. If Liz and Steve…she has a head start with Aus and Julia but who else would vote for her? I still see Steve winning. Between Van and Liz, Van SHOULD win, but if Aus keeps his promise and works the jury into a bitter lather, it will be Liz. Not sure I see a scenario that Van can win!!!! That makes me feel much better!!lol
@Junksies…what did you need defending from??? Or who??
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Junksies: I didn’t think I could get any sicker of this season,but I was wrong. Aren’t there
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------some rules out there somewhere or some commission that is suppose to keep game shows
honest??? I guess reality doesn’t qualify as a game show??? If all of this is true, and many
of us have suspected for some time and quite a few seasons that it is….then I hope CBS
loses a bundle on this season and gets some major flak from the viewers and the higher
ups. I say fire the entire lot on production and start from scratch.
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Star and Junksies: Am leaving the blog in your capable hands. Must try to get a
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------little sleep before I go to an appt. tomorrow morning. Sleep well, friends.
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@Junksies…both interesting articles. Especially the 2nd one as the one with her GF is more than a bit prejudiced.
@sherry……agree with and enjoyed post as always!! Just wanted to say HI!!! 😉
Did you guys catch Julie saying that Brenchel will be on tonight with BIG news???? If it’s personal I am thinking a little BB Baby!!!! lol Not sure what else they could have to say about the show or why else they’d even BE there really!! But it’d be SO like them, if they do have baby news, to have to announce it on TV. Such sell outs! But at least it won’t be Jessie again!!!lol
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G’Nite sherry – sorry you have to go. I tossed out the gaming commission question last year and nobody responded so maybe I will do my own research. You might be right in that it’s reality so doesn’t require a BB watching BB. Sleep tight…
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Nite Sherry. And Junksies. I’m out too!!! Sweet dreams!!!♥
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Well, Star I will tell ya when bb is over…I don’t want to stir up a hornets nest. I thought the same thing that it is probably Brenchel baby news. Yawn!! Second article was better than Mel’s interview. Mom used to tell me where there is smoke there is fire so maybe there is something to Van and a poker show…I would not put anything past CBS executives and and the all mighty dollar. About the Steve and Van coffee clutch… had me talking to the TV telling him to ZIP IT!!…but then I realized he is just too smart to be fooled by her. At this moment I am thinking Van will keep JMac over Liz. I think that she thinks she has a better chance of winning against JMac than she would Liz in an F2 situation. But then who really knows? It’s a crap shoot!! lol
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I’m gonna hit the hay too….G’Nite all…
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Now if Steve has any brain he would put up
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The 2 idiot girls let’s see what happens
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New post!!! 🙂 🙂
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Star: Hi, back! I think it’s probably baby news, too. But I wonder what windfall of money
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------came their way to make him allow her to get pregnant. He told her they could have a baby,
if they won Amazing Race. They didn’t. I think he truly likes to control Rachel. I find that
hard to stomach. They aren’t my favorite couple to begin with, but I felt sorry for her.
And it is just like them to milk their news for all it’s worth on BB live.
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Star and Junksies: Thanks for the sweet good nites! Sorry I missed them. Went right
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------to sleep for a change, but kept waking up during the night. I do that when I know I have
somewhere to go the next day. My brain is afraid of oversleeping!! Maybe they’ll come up
with a brain transplant before too long. I want to be first in line!
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