Hi, everyone!
Well, tonight was the first live eviction! A houseguest was voted out. A new HoH was determined. And we learned about a new twist!
First off, here’s the specifics. By now, you’ve probably heard that, last night, Frank finally snapped and told Natalie that the plan was to vote out Jozea. Word spread around the house but I don’t know if Jozea found out that he was going to voted out or not. During the live show, he looked really nervous. He was not his usual talkative self and his final plea for votes was unusually subdued. When he found out that he had been evicted, you could tell that he was upset but he didn’t look shocked. This leads me to suspect that, before the show went live, he found out that he was going to be voted out.
Paulie’s pre-vote statement was funny and confident. He did an imitation of Al Pacino in Scarface, which showed that he knew he was safe. As for Bridgette — she basically argued that she should be kept in the house because she’s “sweet.” She looked sincerely worried, despite the fact that she was told last night that Jozea was the target. Maybe she thought that she was about to be blind-sided, who knows?
Here’s how everyone voted:
Victor — Paulie
Zakiyah — Josea
Paul — Paulie
Frank — Jozea
James — Jozea
Corey — Jozea
Da’Vonne — Jozea
Michelle — Jozea
Bronte — Paulie
Natalie — Paulie
Tiffany — Jozea
There were rumors that Julie would not be revealing the vote totals this season but that turned out not to be the case. She announced that, by a vote of 7-4, Jozea had been evicted from the house. Jozea hugged everyone but he didn’t say anything as he left the house.
During his interview with Julie, Jozea was obviously angry. Oddly, he accused Natalie of betraying him, despite the fact that she voted for him to stay. (Even after being evicted, Jozea doesn’t have a clue what’s happening in the house.) Jozea talked a lot about karma and declared that everyone who had betrayed him would live to regret it. Seriously, it was super creepy.
Anyway, it turns out that Jozea may be coming back! In an idea borrowed for Survivor, the evicted houseguests will compete against each other every week. For instance, Jozea is going to compete against Glenn. The loser of the competition will be sent home. The winner of the competition will stick around for a week so that he or she can compete against the next evicted houseguest. They’ll keep doing this for five weeks until the last evicted houseguest standing will be sent back into the house!
So, we might not be done with Jozea. I’m pretty sure that Jozea can defeat Glenn but we’ll see what happens.
As for the HoH competition, everyone is still playing in teams. In this case, the four teams had to carry a bunch of balls back and forth, from one end of the backyard to the other. After a team had managed to gather 40 balls, they would select one teammate to go across to get the 41st ball. Assuming that teammate managed to make it across the obstacle course without losing the ball, he or she would become the new HoH and the entire team would have immunity.
Now, this is interesting because, with the way the teams are set up, James could not allow his team to win the competition. Team Unicorn, after all, is made up of James and three of the people who voted to keep Josea in the house. Apparently, those three wanted Victor to become HoH. So, apparently, James threw the competition in order to keep Team Unicorn from winning.
Who did win?
That’s right — Paulie won HoH. That means that Frank, Michelle, Paulie, and Bridgette are all safe this week! It’s also bad news for Paul, Victor, Natalie, and Bronte because the 8-pack is still in control of the house. And those four players have been so obnoxious that I doubt anyone is going to want to help either one of them out.
That’s it for now! Jozea is gone and Paulie is HoH!
Lisa Marie
Here’s a Chart to help u remember who is in what Team
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Thanks, HoH8. That helps alot.
Lisa, great synopsis. Thank you.
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ur welcome Dear… Happy to help …☺…
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Thanks HoH8. Good to have.
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Hey Girl… dont i always have ur back, lol …☺…
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Hi my dear friend, I just saw the last Blog right after I sent you a E-Mail reply, I should have read BBB but I always read my mail first………….
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Hey Bob… i got ur email… u havent been posting too much here on BBB… get more involved in the convos, lol …☺…
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Thanks HoH8. Very helpful . I have trouble keeping up with this myself,
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That’s Great Joan… i will try to remember to Post a Updated Chart everytime it changes… here’s the one with the Noms now… to see who is in what Team…
dont worry i will help u keep up with this Crazy BB, lol …☺…
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as for the NEW “BattleBack” Comp with the Evicted HG’s… CBS will show us a Special BB Episode on Friday July 22nd 8pm to show us All 4 Comps including the Winner… So Exciting !!!
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To early for battle back in the game. Have to wonder why twist are made up to have people come back in the house. I guess to shake it up. It will be interesting to see who will win the compactions.
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Hi Jeannette… well, it isnt early at all… every season they have the first 5 HG’s evicted compete to come back…BUT… this year, they’re doing it 2 at a time weekly instead of All 5 at the same time like the past seasons…
im not sure who will win but im Praying that in Round 1 that it’s a Quiz Comp about Dog Glooming so Glenn could come back, Lmao …☺…
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Thank you. My DVR skipped tonight’s episode so I’ve been waiting to hear from you on here. and yay for tonight’s turn out
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I’m not a fan of anyone coming back into the house. Obviously, they were evicted for a reason…or a barage of reasons. So most often they are voted right back out again! It seems like a waste of time.
Happy Paulie won altho I heard somewhere that it was Frank and the team picked Paulie. I’m sure that’s not true but this team thing is so confusing. I’ve always preferred the HGs playing mano y mano! But at this pointI am just thrilled that the GOOD side won!!! 🙂
I wonder what the schedule of events will be now. Lst week they did the POV on Fri instead of Sat. Will it be random or will they go back to the regular schedule??
Jozea is So clueless!!!! But the good thing is, I’m sure he’s not beating himself up about anything because he;s sure this was all a big mistake and everyone is crying and gnashing their teeth because he is gone! I don’t think there is a lot of self- awareness there…lol
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ur so Funny Star… i Love how u put ur words together to make us Laugh, lol… Yes, the POV will be back on Sat… and on Fri will be the RoadKill Comp after they do the Noms in the morning…
the Noms will be Victor & Paul so if Paul wins POV he cant take Victor off the block… Victor is Paulie’s Target… it seems All the guys are Going early this season…
and No, Frank didnt win it… the last part of that Comp like how Julie explained it… after they had all 40 Balls then they decided who to get the Last Blueberry Ball to become the HOH and they decided to let Paulie get the ball to win HOH… still Confused?, lol …☺…
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Nope. I wasn’t really confused. I had just heard that rumor about Frank. Altho it doesn’t really matter in these teams as long as someone on the team wins.
And I figured i’d just watch the schedule play out the next couple of days. The first week is always a little hectic as they try to fit everything in.
On a different note, I don’t see what is so bad about Vic, except he is on that side. I hope Paul is the target but I ‘d rather see Bronte out before Vic. The way it’s looking it might me a girl’s year this year!
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i wonder if Jozea and Glen are room mates now? Wonder if Glen will want to kill Jozea after just a few hours……if i were Glen..i’d beg for a private room.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i don’t want to see J. again…..ever. Now i want Frank and Victor out asap.
i feel bad James has to be on ‘that’ team.
wish they’d break teams up soon.
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Hi tendr… how u been?… Loved ur reply… when the HG’s are Sequestered… they’re Always Seperated, they can NOT be together… the Team Twist isnt that Bad… but im sure it will End as soon the Jury starts and when a HG returns back…
so we have to bare with it a few more weeks… it’s good to see Changes in BB… i mean, it’s been on for 16 Years already, lol …☺…
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I meant I wanted Paul out….I like Frank.
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I’m not a fan of people coming back either. As far as Jozea vs. Glenn, I would bet that Jozea will win that round because CBS would rather he come back. One of the reasons I don’t like people coming back is CBS picks a competition that favors who they want. Haven’t you noticed from past seasons that someone that really needs a win seems to get a competition hand picked for them to win? Why after all these years why can’t we get to evict Julie (nepotism) ?
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Hey, Wil’s Saga Videos are back… he has the Funniest BB Vids… here is his First one… Enjoy …☺…
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Thanks for posting. I love these videos by Wil.
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YW Joan… here is another weekly series with BB Puppets… So Funny… i will Post these weekly also with the Saga Vids… Happy u Love the Wil Vids, he’s the BEST !!!, lol …☺…
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Great report Lisa. I am happy the way it turned out! Jozea is gone and Paulie is HOH. I was hoping one of the Vets would get HOH, but I am happy with Paulie. I was wanting James to win HOH, but I can agree with his reason to throw the comp. I knew he would do good at this comp because he is like a little monkey! 😊😊. I am beginning to feel better about this season, but it still needs more action on the HG’s part. Too much laying around. “Lazy!!!!” Also a good report from you, Star! 😇😇 Check back later!!!
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Poor James….at least he’s thinking about the other vets. I hope he wins.
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I just want to say I FUCKING HATE BRONTE! If I u Ave to hear her FUCKING fake ads voice one more time I Will FUCKING scream! Please get that bitches off the TV! Omg PLEASE!!!!
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I hear ya! Bronte seems to be pretty fake. I noticed she only uses her cutesy helium-voice when she knows for sure that she’s on TV.
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Jball, why don’t you tell us how you really feel!! 😊😊😊😊. You have a way with words! 😊😊😊
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LMAO!!! Oh Jolee..That cracked me up!!! 😀 I mean this in the best possible way, but I can’t see most people your age even watching BB, much less doing a blog,and then to be that sarcastic on top of it!! It just tickled me…;)
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I really don’t have much of an opinion of Bronte one way or the other. I did however like how she took control of the situation when Paul came in the room during “Girl Talk” with James. Paul is such a hot head. James was clearly joking about “GT” and of course Paul over reacted.
Bronte saw he was about to do something stupid and she escorted him out of the room and dressed down the boys by the pool table, in a normal, focused voice. I want to see MORE of THAT Bronte. Of course, Victor and Paul basically dismissed her and in their stupid macho way, told her to go back to the room. These things are huge reasons why nobody wants those two guys around. They seem to be so dismissive of the women in the house. I don’t watch the LF’s so I don’t know how often that happens, but BB has no problem making them both look like a couple of demeaning assholes to women. Hence the video package of Victor picking on Natalie. She may be overly sensitive, since she’s hot and even said she can get any guy she wants…..and Victor doesn’t comply to that so it could be just some fancy editing……but it was really a bad look for both guys last night on the show.
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Yes, I agree, Victor and Paul seem to be disrepectful to women and dismissive. Where oh where do they find these type of young men year after year? There is always at least 1. I dont get why Paul took offense at James comment about ” girl talk”…what is there to get angry about? What is his problem? James was so obviously joking…I really dislike this ” type” they cast..the angry, ignorant macho asshole.
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Thanks Lisa for your synopsis of the show. As always, it was great. I loved the show tonight. I don’t know if Josea knew he was leaving but I’m thrilled he’s gone.
Star, I agree absolutely about returning HGs. I would have said exactly what you said about them being voted out asap. It would be funny if Glenn beat him wouldn’t it? We can hope.
BBB, I’m still not getting the email comments. I do get the original blog. Any suggestions?
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SF… every time this happens,the returning HG walks right back out the door,so we aren’t the ONLY one who don’t like it…lol
I think BBB has done all he can do. I never got them either. Are you signed up for WP?? Do you get emails from our other blog?? If so, it should work here. But for some reason, it wasn’t for me and all it did was change my name so I just told him to let it go.
The thing I DO miss is he numbered blog. I was the 4th post tonight, originally. But people just piggy back on others and reply and when I came back I was like 10th! Not that it’s a big deal,but it changes the whole blog. I would rather have the numbers than the reply feature, if anyone is listening!! 😀
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Agree to disagree on the number/reply. I like the flow better, it’s like facebook or the majority of other message boards like reddit or whatever. Instead of reading someone’s comment then 20 comments later, putting an “@ Star” so you see it, but the rest of the bloggers have to search back to read the original message to get the context of the reply. It makes the thread so disjointed, IMO. I know a lot of you are all about having them numbered, and I personally think the original comment should be numbered, but not the replies, if that’s possible. Then it’s the best of both worlds, if you’re picking up what I’m puttin’ down! 😉
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Star, I really try to ignore the type of comments I referred to above, but sometimes I just have to say something. I try not to be rude, but then I think of all the different people on this blog: young kids, teenagers, moms, seniors, like me and my sissy, and it really bothers me. I love being a part if this blog. I have gained so many friends here. I never want to offend anyone, but sometimes you just have to let your feelings be known, hopefully in a non judgemental way. I’m glad you got “tickled!” You know me more than anyone on this blog. I am no 😇!!
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Sirrock..agree about the OG comment being numbered but not the reply. Best of both. But I don’t think it’s gonna happen…lol
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Starfish, Iwas thinking the same thing! It would really be great if Glenn beat Jozea. I still don’t trust Production because if for some reason they wanted Jozea back in the game, are we going to see the comp manipulated??? I hope not. 😝😝😝
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Goodnight!! 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
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Which team was on slop this week?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Which team had immunity for eviction for two weeks?
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I’m puzzled by this as well. Was that just a first week, kicking-the-show-off thing, or is that happening every week?
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To be honest, it depends on who the options are that could come back whether or not I like this. Right now? No! Keep Jozea out! However, two things would be great to see. 1. Watch Glenn beat Jozea in the competition to come back. And 2, in the end, see a vet who has been evicted, come back! If it doesn’t play out that way, then I will hate the whole idea! LOL
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Really saying a prayer that Glen beats Jozea. I don’t think I’ve ever developed such an instant dislike of a HG before. It even took me a few weeks for Frankie Grande to get under my skin. I really don’t care for teams either, but thanks so much HoH8 for the chart. Helps my feeble brain keep it straight.
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I was disappointed that Joze was not shocked or even surprised when he got voted out. If Frank let it slip he owes the audience an apology.
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I agree
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Great comments, everyone. Thanks HoH8 for your imformative posts. Not much to add, you all have said it exactly. Later..
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Hey y’all. I’m new to posting here, but I’ve been lurking here for years, and I just want to say, y’all are an awesome group. I’ve never seen such a kind, supportive bunch of folks on the intrawebs.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Anyhoooo…. Hubby and I can’t figure out why Paulie isn’t in the 8-pack. Seems being the kind of guy who will pretty much volunteer to be a pawn would be an automatic “in”, plus being a Califiore. Thoughts?
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Welcome Waxfairy to the best BB blog. We do have some of the best bloggers! I hope you will visit often and share your comments. Do you get the live feeds or BBAD? I watch a little BBAD, but I am still attempting to familiarize myself with the players. I tend to side with the Vets this year, and I like Paulie! See you soon! 😊😊
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Jolee: So good to see you still have such a big heart for others
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------with a kicking hilarious wit. You are a very valuable part of this
blog. Keep ’em coming, friend.
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Hello, Jolee, it’s nice to meet you! I don’t actually subscribe to the feeds – I’m afraid I’d get too obsessed – so I mostly come in this site to see what’s going on, and a couple of others.
This is an it interesting group. Some of the newbies are so out of it, it’s like watching kittens play with string. I like all the vets they brought back too, and I didn’t like Frank that much the first time.
I hope you and your sister have a fun and festive Fourth!!
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Waxfairy. I should have replied to your post here. Please see my welcome message below .
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Waxfairy…cool name!!! 😉 I couldn’t figure that either!! Paulie is almost as good as a Vet and Tif is in the 8-pak! Plus Nicole played with Cody and he kinda had a thing for her. So I didn’t get it either! Zac was pulled in by Da and I think Nic brought Michelle. She should have gone with Paulie instead out of loyalty and MANpower!!! Anyhoo…Welcome to the blog!!! No need to lurk. We won’t bite…too hard…lol
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Hey Star, thanks for the kind welcome! We shall see about Paulie, he seems cool. I’m glad he put that awful Bronte up. I hope they get her out.
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OK here’s a few observations about the show from reading other info/discussions and just out of my own head.
1. I was reading Evel Dick’s twitter feed after the show aired. Jozea said he watched BB16. ED thinks he watched it while he was in sequester before going into the house. That’s his only knowledge of the game….one season, and we don’t even know if he watched it all. And that’s also why he targeted Nicole. Nicole wasn’t a great player at all. She had a showmance, got booted, won her way back in…..only to be booted the next week. Yeah, better focus everything you have on her! That worked out pretty well for ya.
2. So why don’t they just show each comp of the Battle Back each week? Are they just trying to sell it as something super new and special by showing it all on a separate night or are they just trying to rake in some more Ad revenue? Survivor did it during the week and it was fun. Redemption Island was a cool little “game within the game” during the episode. Maybe BB is trying to steal the idea from Survivor but chose to do it a little different to stand out?? I don’t know…..I’m still kinda bummed it’s not happening during each week. Thoughts?
3. So Jozea got to see the goodbye messages and then is told he could return to the house? How is that fair? He’s getting secret info from his “enemies” and could return to use it. Was that done like that in the past? They better do that for everyone. It was mainly everyone working against him that was in the messages (well, that’s almost everyone in the house). Think of BB3 when Danielle should have won but the Jury wasn’t sequestered at that time, so they went home and watched the show, saw her bashing everyone in the DR, and they were bitter and didn’t vote for her to win. I know that’s an extreme comparison, but it’s pretty on par if you think about it.
4. I get why James “had to” throw the HoH comp but how smart was it really? He wasn’t convincing from what I heard, all the newbies on his team know he threw it. So doesn’t that leave him open to be a Roadkill Nom? He’s playing a team game and I suppose they wouldn’t have let him be the one to win HoH for the team since it was 3 newbies and James, but man….he’s rolling the dice big time. He better win that Roadkill thing or he’s going up if one of his alliance doesn’t win it.
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Well said Sirrock!!! Although I agree with you about James throwing the comp, I can see his reasoning. He will probably regret his decision, because in the past, HG’s that threw comps did not have the respect of many of the HG’s. I will see y’all later!! 😊😊
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thanks Lisa & HOH8 for the update. I have been a super fan since the 1st season but this year working a lot so keep falling behind. but count on the updates here and love this blog so much. only have time to follow a few blogsites but if I can help share anything back let me know. I have many fb pages. I can share on this page if you want.https://www.facebook.com/jussayin.007/?fref=ts. over a million there . don’t post much ads there but would be happy to if you like. let me know. and thanks again!!!
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**********************SPOILER ALERT********************
Paul and Bronte have been nominated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WOO HOO!!! Perfect!!!!!!!
GOOD call Paulie~~~ <3
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Thanks for the spoiler Star! Very cool………
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YW Bobo!!! ♥♥
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Wow. I thought Paulie wanted Victor out. Read on Joker’s that he did.
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Yes, yes, yes! Thanks Star.
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Thank you sherry! So good to see you! I always look forward to meeting here with my friends and fellow bloggers. Have a great weekend!! 🎵🎵
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Not a problem sherry!! Good to see you again! Hope things are going well. Are you moved yet??
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Thank you Star for the updates! Love your Spoiler posts! I dont have the Feeds or BBAD…so it really helps to have your input !
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YW Astra!! ♥ I have secret sources!!! MUAHHH!! lol
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Thank you Star! That’s great news!! 😊😊😊
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I know Jolee!! I thought so too! LKove Paulie as HOH ansd the Noms!! Perfect!!! I just wish they would let him into the 8-pak and make it a 9-pak!!!! He deserves it. He is playing with those guys!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Did you see my comment to you above?? Just wonderin…….;)
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Welcome waxfairy! I also enjoyed reading this blog for several years before I occasionally started posting several years ago . Folks here are BB experts! And they make me laugh!
Have a wonderful day!
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Thank you, EV! Have a wonderful weekend!
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so glad for the noms!
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Me too!
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Me too macy and Erin!!!! Paulie did GOOD!!! lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I personally have nothing against Victor and I can’t stand Bronte. so I liked the switch!!!
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Hi all this year! I was a little annoyed that the house guest got to see the good byes if he has a chance to return. Give them the unfair advantage when and if a return is made and if they were clueless in the beginning…they now know the truth. They should be told upon entering the Eviction house I think. Just me????
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That seemed unfair to me too.
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I agree Linda! 😊
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I agree with y’all that it is unfair, but did you notice how little info they actually gave up? There were only three, Da being one, and hers was (surprisingly) nice and didn’t really give any info, Nicole, who only admitted she went after him because he was coming after her, and …. now I forget who the other one was, but it was pretty innocuous, also, I think. (Paulie, maybe?) I imagine the ones they didn’t show were worse, like Frank, probably. Maybe the didn’t have much material to work with that didn’t totally blow up someone’s game.
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I was so happy when Jozea was voted out but then I was upset when I heard that he might get a chance to come back. I know they do that almost every season but, to me, it seems like if you can’t get it done the first time, you shouldn’t get a second chance. Does anyone know why Jozea thought Natalie voted against him?
I’m glad Paulie’s HoH! Love his nominations!
I hope everyone has a good and safe 4th of July weekend!
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Production butting in to help their favorite have more chances to win IMO
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I don’t know why Jozea thought that, but we laughed out loud when he said it, just because he has been so completely wrong about every single thing. And so confident in his wrongness.
You have a great weekend, too! 🎉
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Loving that Paulie is HOH…and love his noms!! Couldnt be better! Hope everyone has a happy, healthy and safe 4th!
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Oh..just had to say..I also think letting Jozea see those “goodbye” messages was VERY UNFAIR…never should have been done! Also really getting so sick of Julie Chen…
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Ditto Astra!!!!!!!!!!
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Me Too Star! Yes, I did see all of the nice comments. That is just one more reason I love this blog!/ 😊😊😊. I like this “Reply” section, but it can be confusing. You can only have one reply, so if someone else wants to send you a message, they have to either find another comment (like I did here) or go to the end of the messages. Anyway, I am happy about the HOH and the noms. Not too sure about Victor winning the Road Kill. I guess we will see! 😊😊
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BBUSA. “We make the rules up as we play”
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OH Tendr..so funny!!!
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Hi… i just wanted to Explain Why BB let Jozea see the Goodbye msgs… he Only saw 3 of them… and 2 of them were by HG’s that could NOT Vote so it didnt matter…
the Only one that mattered was Day’s Goodbye which cant help Jozea too much if he comes back… and for those Wondering why Victor was Not on the block… Paulie wants a “Backdoor”… those hardly work but if it doesnt he can get Paul Out instead… so it’s a Win-Win for Paulie this week…
the Roadkill just was Done so expect Star to give us the Spoiler soon, lol …☺…
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HoH8..thank you for explaining. I get it now.
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Star: I am living at the new residence, but am still not all the
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------way moved in. Due to some physical problems, there are some
things I can’t do on my own. But my friends have been ex-
ceptionally wonderful to help when they have the time to
spare. I became very sick after BB last year and was out of
commission for some months. Am back on the train towards
normalcy again. Thank you Lord. And thank you Star for
remembering and caring.
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Good to hear that you are feeling better and have managed to keep on with your move!!! ;)You are lucky to have such good friends! It seems like we were just talking about this, not a year ago. Yet BB seems like it takes forever to come back on!!! 😉
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Glad you are back this year to blog and bitch about our summer addiction!! lol
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Bless you sherry. Hope things go well for you!! <3
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the Winner of Roadkill was…”VICTOR”….
But Operation Backdoor Victor is still in effect, lol…☺…
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One thing I haven’t seen mentioned and I apologize if I missed it. When Julie asked Jozea what he would do differently if he could get back into the house he said he would seal his lips and he ran his two fingers across his mouth like a zipper. So he didn’t leave the house clueless and unaware and unfortunately that is completely unfair when production brings him back in. And I think we all know that they will. Unless somehow Paulie gets evicted in error.
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Princess……because Frank and James couldn’t keep their mouths shut and blabbed to some of the girls, Jozea wasn’t clueless!!! That is why he was so nervous on eviction night and didn’t say anything to anyone when he left. Nor did he look SHOCKED! I so wanted to see that face! So no. It isn’t fair if he goes back in. But production will no doubt make sure he does! It seems like BB gets lets pure and more crooked every year!!!
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Great post Lisa and I love the comments and especially the spoilers.
Right now I’m still working with BBB to start getting your comments in my email. So he unsubscribed me and I’ve subscribed so I hope this work and I get the next email. Thanks all for your updates!!
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Hi, Starfish, I hope it works too! You’ve been a member of this blog since the beginning and, when I first started writing for this site, you were one of the first to make me feel welcome! 🙂
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Thanks Lisa, but nope it didn’t work. No getting the comments. 🙁
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I wonder if Windows 10 could have anything to do with it?
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a Quickie Live Feeds Update
the Feeds were Down for Over 5 hrs today with the Roadkill Comp… then as soon the Feeds came back… Victor was telling everyone that he Won… he was upstairs talking with Paulie&Frank on who to nominate…
Victor has NO CLUE what’s going on, lol…his Only chance to survive this week is to Play in the POV… but he’s not on the Block… so Paul is telling him to Nominate Himself so he can Play in the POV, which makes Perfect sense… but he doesnt want to…
Victor is thinking of James or Tiff to Nom… and James is already saying he will Throw the Veto to his Alliance so they can Backdoor Victor…
Victor is by himself now, his 2 Girls (Bronte&Bridg) are Both wanting to Throw Vic&Paul Under the Bus to save themselves from the 8Pack and even Paul is willing to Not save Vic…
so Vic only option is to WIN POV… and if he Nominates Himself, he can win it and then by taking himself off the block, being the Roadkill winner, he will able to Re-Nom a HG since he took himself off the block… ok, who is Totally Confused???, lol…
tonite will be the Roadkill Nomination… then tomorrow, the Feeds will be down another 6-7 hrs for the POV Comp… hopefuuly Lisa will be able to explain this situation better then me, lol …☺…
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It sounds like Victor has nominated Tiffany for eviction. She’ll find out tomorrow and it’ll be interesting to see if she pulls a Vanessa style meltdown.
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OMG, that’s so Great… i wanted Tiff on the Block…i cant wait for her Major Meltdown… she is So Playing Van’s game…
so it seems the Backdoor Plan will work now… Poor Victor… it’s a Shame a HOT Man will go and so goes our Eye Candy… UGH, lol …☺…
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He is pretty but he has a very irritating laugh!
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Has anyone heard the rumor that Glenn beat Jozea? I sure hope that’s true!
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That would be so cool!
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Hi, Ev! Hopefully, that’s true! 🙂
Hi, WaxFairy! I’m happy to see you posting here now! 🙂
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Thanks Lisa! I’m a huge fan! Thanks for having such an awesome blog. 🐝🐝🐝
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Happy Fourth everyone!!!🎉🎉🎈🎈🍭🍭🌮🍔🌭
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Hi everyone! Long time reader but first time poster. I’m just wondering what everyone’s thoughts are on production favourites this year. It seems that every year Grodner picks a fav and manipulates things to keep them in the game. Frank’s first season comes to mind (although I am a fan of his) and even Audrey from last season. Any early favourites yet?
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