Hi, everyone!
Just a quick update on what happened in the Big Brother House tonight:
Da’Vonne was voted out on a vote of 6-2. Only Michelle and Zakiyah voted to keep her in the house. While it doesn’t appear that Da’Vonne was told that she was definitely going to be voted out, she also didn’t seem to be that surprised when the results were read. After Da’Vonne left the house, she and Julie opened her envelope and they discovered that Da’Vonne did not have a return ticket.
So, Da’Vonne is out of the house and she is now the first member of the jury. (As she left, she whispered to Victor that he was the next target.)
We learned two important things at the end of the episode. First off, next Thursday is going to be a double eviction episode. Also, the next care package is going to give one houseguest the ability to cancel the votes of two houseguests. That could be a huge advantage for whomever America votes to give it to.
Anyway, the HoH competition is going on right now. It’s one of those things where the houseguests have to stand on a tiny platform and hold onto a wire while being spun around and repeatedly hit by obstacles. As of right now, Natalie and Victor are the only two who are still holding on. Natalie has been trying to make a deal with Victor to convince him to fall but Victor seems to be determined to win HoH.
And why not? After what Da’Vonne whispered to him, Victor knows that he’s a target.
Then again, the HGs also know that a double eviction is coming up. I don’t know if it’s occurred to Victor that, if he becomes HoH, he won’t be able to compete to become HoH during the 2nd part of the double eviction.
NATALIE IS DOWN! She held on for nearly two hours, she said it was the worst pain ever, she begged Victor to drop and let her have it but in the end, she got Victor to agree not to nominate her and then she dropped.
Victor is the new HOH!
Which basically means that boys will continue to dominate the house this week. If I was Michelle, I would be very worried right now.
Lisa Marie
I’m thinking I want Michelle to get the care package. Yeah Nat for putting up an awesome fight!
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Nat deserved to lose! She is used to getting her own way and batting her eyelashes and guys fall all over her! Vic said…Don’t BEg me Nat! He was not letting go!!! She should have hung on longer!!! She didn’t fall, she dropped!!! But, as to your question Lisa, I am sure he doesn’t have enough BB knowledge or experience to think that many game moves ahead. He just wanted the room and a letter from home. And to be safe. Period. Da said they were going to try to get him out in the DE, so how will he treat the boys??? with FRIENDSHIP and be happy THEY won, or with skepticism for his BB life???I’m betting it’s A! lol
As to who should receive the gift??? I feel sorta bad for Bridgette and you KNOW she will be up again. So just to piss the guys off, I am going to say her!!! MUAHHHH……lol
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i wish someone would be nice to B. i’ve felt like her a lot in my life.
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It’s not her eyelashes. 😎
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Paul and Paulie just said he as putting up Michelle and Z.
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I was thinking it would be Meech and maybe Bridgette. But Paulie just said last night he wanted Z out this week!! SO once again,Paulie is running everyone’s HOH
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AND Michelle is crying AGAIN!!!!
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Victor is the new HOH so that means Paulie is as good as HOH. I wouldn’t be surprised if Paulie campaigned for Z to go home and get off his case. Vic and Paul are tight too.
I have a whole new respect for Paul – no, just respect. New respect would mean I already had some respect for him, which I did not. When his Mama said Paul loved animals and did volunteer work for them, my whole opinion of him changed. Anyone who is compassionate enough to help animals has my friendship! : ) I can be bought…with kindness. I have 4 medium/big rescue dogs. I chose older dogs because people as a rule prefer puppies. I love them so much. Hopefully, Paul funnels some of his apparently enormous allowance into animal shelters.
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two…GMTA!! lolI just said the same thing about Paulie!! 😉
And I know you have a soft side for animals, but anyone Paul’s age….middle to late 20’s??……shouldn’t be living home with mommy and daddy in his old bedroom and NOT working!!! That is why he has so much time to volunteer. Leisure time is for the rich….and the retired. I have even less respect for him now because I see see him as Richie Rich. It does explain his over the top SPOILED boy personality!!! With 2 sisters, it’s pretty obvious who the favored child is around there!
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two, i think it’s great that the great beard likes animals but so did hitler…………i know that sounds terrible. I’m not a fan of Paul and i sure don’t want him to win the money. He’s just going to buy his mom a ridiculous expensive car….if he had said he was going to help support the animal shelter maybe i’d believe his love for animals.
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Sad to see Momma Da blindsided tonight. Voting for Z to get the care package because after the big fight with Paulie, I don’t think she will continue to sacrifice her game for that numb nuts. She had her game face on tonight. She is actually smart when not distracted by Paulie. So, hoping she knows what to do with the power. Poor Vic, wish he would think on his own and start aligning with other people not the Boys or the “Executives” as they called themselves. P & P are are doing what’s best for P & P, no one else – they’d be gone!
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i’m sick of the guys. all except James. i wish all the guys left except cory is it? i rarely hear him say anything. just paul and his big mouth.
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I getcha, Star. Paul is a mama’s boy with way too much time on his hands. If he used that time to find himself, then my advice is to keep searching because what he found needs a lot of improvement.
He appears to have a charmed life…plenty of $$$, parental protection, a life of privilege, and a lifestyle that doesn’t necessarily say “regular guy”.
I watched the JFK,Jr. special on Reelz this week. Now there was someone who had money and a legacy yet still did not wear his hair in a monkey-do, get tatted up, or sit on the sidelines doing nothing.
I feel a little sorry for Paul, but I can do that from thousands of miles away where I am safe from his 24/7 annoyance. Still, he loves animals……
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it’s not his hair and tatts i don’t like. it’s him……………..good thing you can’t see me.
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@two…I freaking love you! You are hilarious. I so agree with you about Paul.
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i just said a bunch of stuff and deleted it. feeling not so secure.
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tendr..I love you! I have some Tats too….I dont care who doesn’t like it! PLEASE….such a chidlish reason not to like someone. I dont care what anyone looks like. AND..if JFK where born into this millenial generation..he would surely have some tats and maybe some piercings. If he had lived..he would be in his 50’s..these houseguests are of a young generation..tats are no big deal. My tats are very discreet..but if your tatted up and pierced, hair is purplr and pink..I DONT CARE as long as your a decent person…YOU tendr, are a beautiful soul!
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I’ve always wanted to get tats but have been too “chicken” to get them. I think tats are awesome and I feel like Astra, do you – tats and all! You do you perfectly! :o)
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Thank you, Margie! I think we could be BFFs in RL. I love how thought out your posts are.
Sherry, I’m not all that familiar with all the shortcuts either, but that was Best Friends Forever and Real Life. I may make some up later on! : )
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T hanks, two. I love your posts and am glad I am not the only
illiterate poster when it comes to abrevs. I told some of the women at Red Hats today some of the ones I’ve recently learned. They didn’t know them either!! Yay!! 🙂 🙂
tendr: Being different doesn’t make you anything but special. I’m not into tats (generaltional thing) but I would never judge someone because they are. And Jolee wouldn’t either. She really cares about you. You have a good heart and would walk a mile to keep from hurting someone’s feelings. That is what outshines any exterior body art or jewelry. You make me rich with your friendship. Love ya, girl. 🙂 🙂
I belive Z is the one going this week, but a lot can happen between now and evictions night. They might both go, but I
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------am looking for a surprise as to the other eviction. It’s time for
a big move and maybe it’s coming. HOH will tell the story. If
Paul and Paulie were put on the block, they might not have the
numbers to save Paulie. It’s never to late to dream.
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Okay, Star. WTH does GMTA stand for? I can’t keep up with
all the abbrevs. ya’ll know. I am so behind times!!! 🙂
I would like to see Michelle get the care package. I think she’s had
a rough time in the house without a male to help her in the game like
most of the other girls, and I think she would go after the guys, but could be wrong. I think she has a lot of spunk. Z is as stable as the person to whom she’s talking with at the moment. Then she swings the other way with the next person.
One thing I can’t figure out is how Victor after being evicted was
able to come back into the house and become Paulie’s best friend.
Usually anyone evicted is evicted a second time as quickly as
possible and has a hard time fitting in with any particular group.
To come back into the house and fit in with the very group who
was responsible for your first eviction is highly unusual. Maybe
it was because they need the numbers right now.
I can only hope Paulie is the one evicted on the DE. He is getting
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------on my very last nerve with his cockiness and disdain for women.
(I know referring to the females in the house as women is a stretch!)
Maybe the next couple of comps will be mental and not physical.
I think the females might beat the men at mental comps. But maybe
Great comments.
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Sherry. Sorry. I thought I had given you that one already. Lol. It means Great Minds Think Alike.
Vic and Paul were friends before he left. At that time Paul was persona non grata and in the block all the time. So guess he just really liked him. Plus the guys were needed in to get their numbers up as there more girls in the house. And their plan is to get them all out!! In fact u hear Vic is putting up Z and Meech. Besides there is nothing NORMAL about this group of kids! Nine jf them have watched BB long enough to know play patterns. And besides, they ain’t too bright!! Lol
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That should be None of them. Lots of other typos in there but that was the worst. Darn cell typing. Lol
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Thanks Star. I didn’t have that one, but added it to my list. I
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------feel like I’m learning another foreign language. Love it!!
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How can anyone look at Paulie!! What a douche!! He makes me want to hurl!! And Nichole you’re an embarrassment to all females!! Cory,is not that hot….where do you come from.??? As much as I didn’t like Paul at least he knows to cover his ass! And Paulie has the nerve to compare himself to Derrick what a joke!! His family must be so embarrassed and if the aren’t they should be!! And Z’s family is probably even more embarrassed. What a shit show this season is and I really wouldn’t pay to see 19 after this!! Worst season ever!!
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After seeing Paul’s family, I can sort of understand why he has tattoos all over his body. Did you see his brother and sister??? I’ll bet some tattoo artist is rich! Way too much in my opinion. I don’t get it! I can sort of understand personal tattoos for sentimental reasons. It must be a generational thing.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I’m glad Victor won HOH over Natalie, especially after Da whispering in his ear. I’m glad Da didn’t get the RT ticket. She can have the Jury House all to herself for some week, and then watch the two evicted HG’S enter next week. Maybe she will get an attitude check while she’s there.
Gonna check out BBAD. …… or Hannity! 😊😊😊
Nite all! 🔚😊
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i got my first tattoo in my late thirties in another state on a motorcycle trip with my ex. on my back and above my ankle then went to church a week later and my big mouthed sis in law told the whole class. so they all wanted to see but no one was surprised and they got a good laugh. over the years i’ve met a friend who was a so so artist and yes my arms are pretty much covered, i do regret a couple but for the most part they all mean something. i haven’t gotten any in eight yrs. but i do have piercings in my face and belly button…..it’s been there since i was in my forties. i’ve given up half of them in my ears….too much trouble to deal with. and you know i dye my hair with wild stain..it’s something i do when i get bored. i hate seeing me be just grey so i am now a bomb pop…which in time will fade and then maybe i’ll go purple. it’s all cheap and i’ve never had a manicure or ped ever….i cut my own hair..i never buy anything for myself. am a loner. so you can’t judge a book by it’s cover….my mom doesn’t even have pierced ears and we’re best friends. and we are very much inside, alike.
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tendr, I have 2 very big tattoos 1 on each hip..and a small one on my shoulder, in the back. SO WHAT if people have tats?? YES it’s a generational thing…I was in my early 30’s when I got mine..along with my husband. This whole conversation about tats in tiring, to me. Get over it. tendr, I KNOW your beautiful…inside and out!
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This is OFF TOPIC. Scoot on down the post string if you want to only read game play. This is more a mea culpa.
Oh, tendr. You are such a sweetheart, and I’d never want to say anything that would cause you to feel insecure. I apologize for saying something that you might think I meant personally. Not at all. Occasionally I’ll phrase something for (questionable) humor’s sake that comes across as criticism. I’m so sorry my remarks caused you to feel less than.
Tats are fine. Some are beautiful. You are beautiful; therefore your tats are beautiful. I actually love brightly colored hair. Especially blue and fire red.
I will try my absolute best never to say anything you take to heart again. IF I do, just respond telling me I did it again and you (hopefully) forgive me.
I just hope you don’t have a bushy beard. That’s my main objection to Paul, and, for the record, my husband had a bushy beard most of our married life. On Paul it looks to me to be hiding something gross.
Astra Kelly, let me say I’m sorry to you too, and thank you for jumping in and addressing my faux pas. You helped tendr out, and that’s what people should do. Now it would be great if we could put this whole subject to rest.
I went to bed right after I posted so I wasn’t aware of the reaction my post generated.
Moving on………..
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You just described beautiful lady!
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let me try this again. You just described a beautiful lady!
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tendr, you will have to post some pictures on your Facebook page! I especially want to see your hair! 😊😊 I have gray hair, but not the pretty gray! Maybe I will experiment! 😊😊
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I love you just the way you are!!!
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Jolee: I love Hannity as a person, but his constant repetition and
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------repeating lists of things over and over instead of letting the guests
talk is making it hard for me to watch him. But I like his guest lists
and information he gets that others don’t always have. Anyway I
watch every night. Sometimes I switch back and forth if BBAD is
boring. Have a good night.
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sherry, I agree with you. The main reason I watch Fox News is because they are the only station that doesn’t have to be PC all the time. I especially like The Five! 😊
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I agree with you also about BBAD. I just can’t get interested in a bunch of kids laying around whispering, so you can’t even hear them.
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Thank you for the update Lisa. I don’t know how well Victor knows the game but it would be great if he took Da’s info to heart and put up P & P and just flipped the house. Now that would be fun.
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Starfish: I totally agree, but it seemed to me he was just going
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------to go along with whatever Paul or Paulie wanted him to do. I
hope that changes.
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You’re probably right Sherry. Too bad it will be another HOH with P & P running the show. Bleh!!
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night yall
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Jolee that wasn’t his brother and sister. It was his best friends.
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Margie. I Thot the guy was a friend and the two girls were sisters. I must’ve misunderstood. Is he an only child then? That would make even more sense!! I have a cousin who was an only child who my aunt and uncle tried for years to have. He had red hair and alway wore it on the cutting edge(long then) But he had a lot jf friends an was always the goofball show off. And he would so be saying that Friendship thing. He had ADD and was spoiled rotten. I keep saying the whole show how much he reminds me of Paul. Except for the filthy rich part. Lol. It’s kind of a type. And they both get on my nerves. Lol
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Margie, I wondered about that after I posted it! Thank you for clearing that up!= 😊😊
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Jolee, read above and btw…you’re only one yr older than my mom….i popped into her bedroom the other day..sneaking around the corner while she was on the phone….i jumped onto her bed..like a kid. i had made her a rug Cmas but she likes it so much she won’t put it on the floor so i started calling her crazy lady and butting in her conversation. she makes me feel like a kid. she doesn’t like tattoo’s but she just says oh well, i’m not surprised. none of my siblings have even one. one daughter has two small ones you can’t see as she works at a bank. i love art and my mom says i’ve always walked on the line and just a bit over it……………but i like dogs..
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tendr…I wish WP had a LIKE button…;) I get it. I felt that way around my mom too. I really miss that feeling. She always called me kiddo too. It just is a feeling of love and security and good memories. You are so lucky to still have your Mom..and your dad.
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tendr, please dont ask for Jolie’s approval..who cares?
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Astral, I have no objection to anything tendr does. She is my special friend!
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tendr, I love your personality and that you tell it like it is! You are a jewel!! 😊 My daughter used to love jumping on my bed! The bed I have now is so high off the floor, she would hit her head on the ceiling, or get her hair caught in my ceiling fan! Right now my bedroom smells like a rose garden. I just bought an oil difusser and I love it. 😊😊
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I wish the person getting package would use the care package on P and P.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------also I think James is going to get it because of a part in the show where James looks angry and he has the power.
I think James getting it but I’m not happy with James right now.
He lied to Bridgett and went back on his word. He lied to Da and he could have told her.
Paul lied on the review to Da on her leaving the game.
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Might be redundant, but saw Victor wearing the HOH key around his neck on BBAD.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Good for him!
The internet trolls was a funny thing, but how did it pan out?
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I have Red Hats today so will be out most of the day. I will check back
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------in when I return. May you all have a great day!! 🙂 🙂
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So how many HOHs in a row does Paulie now have. Why is everyone just cow-towing to whatever Paulie wants? I just don’t get it. Are you there to win or to make sure Paulie wins? I would love to see P&P both go in the double eviction on Thursday.
I can’t believe how James messed up when talking to Da about this week’s plan is to put up B and V.
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Once upon a time, the rookies had a plan to get rid of the veterans. Smart plan if followed. With two down so far, now is the perfect time to target the other two, James and Nicole and break up at least one of the two showmances in the process come the first round of evictions on double eviction Thursday. But considering that Victor will likely never figure out who his enemies really are (who has the power and influence to target him as Da forewarned him as she departed the house) he will likely be advised by the Mohawk twins to nominate the two no harm, no foul rookies who have no clue as to how the game is played and neither of the two is of little or no threat to anybody in the house.
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C’est Moi: Good to see a post from you. “Mohawk twins”…hilarious.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hope you are doing well. Have missed your posts. 🙂 🙂
I think you nailed a good play, but like you have little hope good game play will ever appear in this season.
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Lying is practically a given in this game. It’s actually part of the game; it’s called finesse, sort of. 😀 I was surprised that Paul actually lied to Da during his goodbye message. He’s good at it too. Didn’t he consider that she’s in jury and someone will tell her that it was his plan & Paulie’s to evict her? Paul is very good at walking that fine line so he can fall on either side most of the time. Too funny but he’s doing a great job manipulating the house. If they don’t figure out soon that P & P are running the show, it will be too late. Most are just too scared to make a move which is ridiculous because they can’t win if those two are still in the house. I think I would vote for Paul over Paulie though.
I wish James would get moving like he threatens he’ll do. It’s gonna be too late pretty soon. Nicole can go home, she brings nothing to the show IMO. Same goes for a couple others too.
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Why would Victor not put up Paulie. Paulie is the one that backdoor’d Victor. I would want revenge and would want to break up the P/P couple. But then again I know how to play the game.
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I’m just wondering, has Corey ever had/expressed an original thought? His claim to fame so far seems to be saying “uh” “duh” “yeah” “uh huh” “dude” and “sure.” I don’t remember a complete sentence and he seems to have less IQ than a houseplant. The way I express it around the office when someone frustrates me to that degree is ‘dumber than a post it note.’
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Princess, maybe if Paul leaves we’ll be able to hear if Corey ever talks…..
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Princess … He has the personality of a dial tone. I know it’s old but it fits the bill for Coreny.
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James should get the care package and ultimately the win!!
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Does anyone know why the Zachiah was sitting in the red tunnel on BB AD?
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SL….one night she was siting in the red tunnel waiting for Nicole to find Paulie and bring him to her. They had just had ANOTHER fight and she was crying.
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Marc, I agree! It’s not those eyelashes!
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Thanks again Lisa …………. I still did not read everything LOL
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Well the nominations happened and, no surprise, MY BOY, did as he was instructed to do and put up Meech and Z. Meech reacted as expected and is hysterically crying!
Paul is very good at covering his ass. He goes in one room and persuades someone to do his bidding and makes them think it was what they wanted to begin with. Then goes to the their room and makes them think he is taking care of them. Like this whole nomination speech ….Paul and Paulie asked him into doing exactly what he did and now he is consoling Meech and saying how horrible Vic is. Masterful! He’s much better at it than Paulie.
Vic is also rocking his HOH bathrobe just like Paul did. Wears it all the time. This is going to be a looooooooong week. I think James will use his package to cover Paulie and Paul. He is talking about using one of the vote vetoes on Paulie so Paulie won’t have to vote Z out.
Meech will be crying all week.
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Margie, I couldn’t agree more about Paul. I’ve always thought he was a master at manipulating them while appearing to be their pal. He could win this thing. He pretends to be innocent while he’s pulling the strings.
I don’t know how those guys can wear those heavy bathrobes. It’s damn hot right now in Burbank, Ca. I see some of them wearing jackets outside and it must be in the high 80s & humid during the day. At night where I live, it’s only getting down to the high 60s at night so it’s hotter in Burbank. Weird to me.
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meech’s cry turns on quicker than vanessas
here we go another paulie hoh – blah blah
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@Starfish…..have you been watching Paul talking to Paulie about Z needing to be the next one to go? He is really good and even gets Paulie to admit that it should be Z to go. Paulie talks big about getting rid of her but he doesn’t want to get rid of the perks he has with her at night in the bumper cars!
You should be in Louisiana where I am!!! It’s in the high 90’s to 100 during the day with 100% humidity. At night the lowest it gets is in the high 70’s. I walk out of the door in the mornings to go to work and feel as if I have been slapped in the face with a wet blanket!!!
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Margie, sounds like our weather here in North Carolina!
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Margie, I don’t do well in the 80s so I wold have a tough time in LA. It still amazes me that they wear that heavy robe all day in this heat.
Yes, Paul is good, very irritating, but a good player. Paulie just gets led around by his hoo hoo the way I see it. 😉
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New post!
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Shoot me but I HATE that baby talk that Z does to Paulie. It’s kinda a mixture of differential and please love me sound! That mixed with the constant clearing of his throat drives me crazy. Any idea why he does that all the time?
Wonder if Meech’s sister is still pissed at her? Anyone heard?
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I’m going to the new post!! 😊😊😊😊
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Margie: He clears his throat all the time due to allergies. It drives
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------me crazy, too. I think part of it is habit from allergy drainage. He’s
been complaining about it since day one. I’ll bet he has problems
outside the house, too, but perhaps not as bad.
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