Hi, everyone!
I hope everyone will excuse the lateness of this update. I had to watch a movie earlier tonight for one of the other sites that I write for so I’m running a little behind. Fortunately, nothing has really changed since we last checked in. The plan is pretty much the same: Paulie is going to use the veto on himself and Da’Vonne is going to go up in his place.
Do Da’Vonne know she’s going to be nominated? Well, Da’Vonne is almost always paranoid so there’s definitely a part of her that knows that it could happen. But, for the most part, she seems to think that the plan is to backdoor Nicole. Earlier today, she spent a lot of time talking to Paul about it. Paul nodded and replied, “Yeah, yeah, I hear ya, um hum, yeah…” and so on.
Anyway, I’m watching Big Brother: After Dark right now and I have to say that I kind of feel like I’m watching life inside a cult compound. Paulie is laying in the hammock with Zakiyah. Zakiyah is grooming him, while holding the big wooden spoon. (I so hate that big wooden spoon. I hope somebody stuffs it down the garbage disposal before this season is over.) Victor, Paul, Natalie, Nicole, Michelle, and Corey are all gathered around the hammock. Paul is bragging on himself while Michelle is popping his back acne. Natalie just dropped some grass in Paul’s hair but Paul was too busy bragging about himself to notice.
A few minutes ago, Victor was pretending to be a monkey. He and Paulie were communicating through the use of animal noises. It was annoying.
And, as I watched, it occurred to me that these are some of the most immature people that I’ve ever seen inside the Big Brother House. I mean, I’m around the same age as most of these people and even I think that they’re incredibly immature!
Da’Vonne is going to be mad when she’s nominated tomorrow and when you see the people who are nominating her, can you blame her? Whether you like Da’Vonne or not, she at least came to the house to play the game. And now, she’s about to get backdoored and evicted by a bunch of immature boys and their showmances.
It really makes me hope that Da’Vonne has the return ticket. I guess I just want to see the look on Paul’s face if, after being evicted, Da’Vonne immediately stepped back into the house. Then again, I doubt if I’d be able to see much, considering that Paul still has not shaved off his beard.
And, by the way, I have to agree with something that Zakiyah said last night — where is James!? Seriously, where does he vanish to? Does he have magic powers? Can he turn invisible at will? Personally, I think it’s smart for James to lay low, especially after winning HoH and getting rid of Frank. But I don’t know if James is actually pursuing a strategy or if he’s just taking it easy inside the house. It’s so hard to know.
In short, I’m saying that these houseguests need to be shaken up by something more than just the eventual visit from Zingbot. That’s why I’m hoping that Da’Vonne not only gets evicted but that she has the return ticket as well. It would be fun to watch everyone have to scramble a little.
I’m keeping my hopes up as far as that’s concerned!
Anyway, the veto meeting is tomorrow. If Paul suddenly changes his mind and puts up Nicole as the replacement, expect a lot of whining. If Paul sticks with his plan and nominates Da’Vonne, expect some drama!
‘Til then,
Lisa Marie
I just hope whatever bossy Paul wants… doesn’t work out. I so wish he’d go. Like you said… these really ARE children and BB needs to be changed to Babysitting Brother.
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I agree Tendr, Paul needs to go. He got a big ego boost and it has gone to his head.
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Whoo hoo!! I am first comment! That never happens…lol. Thank you Lisa, you ROCK!!! I hope they do nominate Day, she gets voted out, has the return ticket, and comes back in to win HOH. That would be an amazing shake up and get things going!
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Hi Carrie 🙂
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Agree Carrie,that would be Awesome and shake up things in the house. I wish that the Vets had stuck together better but they never trusted each other….ugh!
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Now that would be awesome! I would love for Da’Vonne to get evicted, come back and win HOH immediately an d put up Nicole.
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Hope you have a good week Lisa. It’s going to be so so hot in Okla. And the ac not cooling….I literally held ice in my lap all evening.
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Thank you Lisa. You just saved me from having to watch BBAD! That house should be renamed “The Looney Bin!” Those people are crazy!! Popping pimples?? Ugggggg!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I really appreciate your great posts. Please don’t give up on it! I would never be able to do what you do in order for us to keep up with what is going on in the house! I hope you have a great week. It’s back to Netflix for me. Any suggestions on a great series? We are just finishing Monarch of the Glen and still have several seasons of Reign. My favorite was Heartland and we also enjoyed McLoed’s Daughters on YouTube.
I shall return after more comments are posted! 😊😊😊😊
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For a great series, try Still Game. It’s a huge hit in Scotland. You should watch with subtitles though. The language can be tricky! I also enjoy Death In Paradise, a British mystery series.
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Thank you Kimberly, Still Game sounds good. We are used to the Scottish after watching Monarch of the Glen! 😊
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Why did they not pick attractive people this season!!!!! Ughhhh not excited they need better people picking out the contestants !!!!!
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I don’t want to see DaVonne return she really messed her game by making way too many alliances and then being loyal to none. She does not get sympathy from me this year, she had a chance to get it right plus I see no benefit to turning around , her ways are too defined to change now. Everyone knows her number.
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OMG!! I am watching BBAD right now and I am at the part here all the girls are picking the guys zits!! And this seriously isn’t the worst part of the night!! Paul is asking BOTH girls that are working on his back, Nat and Meech, if they want to BONE!! And he said if he ad a showmance in the house he would go BONE right in the Paris room!!! (which is why you DON”T BOY!!!)lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is the 2nd day in a row that i am FF thru and will prolly end up just turning it off again! I have watched BBAD since it started in ED’s season…8. I have watched him all alone, smoking in the BY and talking to the camera and never turned it off. I watched Dan and Memphis torturing bugs or moths….still kept watching. But this is painful. And disgusting. And SOOOOOOO beyond immature!!! And I hate that I can’t stand it anymore! I used to LIVE for BB all summer! But it is so stupid…as are the HGS….and boring this year that it is borderline depressing! And this from a Die Hard Fan!!!
I want to FF to a good part, but as long as PAUL is in the house, there will BE no good parts!
The DR needs to pull Paul aside and tell him to drop the BONE thing and to STFU a little!!!! Do they not read anything being written about the show? As perceptive as we are, I am sure others are saying the same things.
I couldn’t take it anymore. With half left, it’s history. I want to shake it off like a wet dog right now…..BLAH!!! LOL
PLEASE BB…..Bring FRANK back somehow and replace PAUL!!!!!!!! ASAP!!!! lol
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Star, so true about this HG menagerie of babies. I stopped watching BBAD because we saw too much fish and it was annoying. I too remember ED talking to the camera. It was somehow entertaining. These children are anything but. Paul is a disaster and picking the zits on his back is really disgusting. What is wrong with these girls? everything I guess. ewwww His brain is a BONE. Bleh! I think he’ll be surprised that he isn’t loved by the fans. I’m pretty sure he thinks he’s entertaining as hell. NOT
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Star, I agree with you! BBAD has been a real disappointment to me this year! After you and Lisa described the going one at the house, I think I will pass! Back to Netflix for me! I also agree that I have been such a die-hard fan of BB since Season 1, never missing one show, it’s really sad! Will we ever see another enjoyable’m BB season again?? I sure hope someone at CBS is listening! As you may have noticed, Jeanne doesn’t come here anymore. She watches the series with me, but that’s all. That should prove something! She was also a big fan. I guess we can hope things get better. I will NEVER give up on this blog! You all are the best! 😊😊😊
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Thanks everyone……….Now I can delete BBAD……….AGAIN! I agree with all of you. All the other seasons I had the HG’s I disliked or bored me. I even had a few HG’s that I really thought I despised. This season? I’m just totally, thoroughly and completely BORED with it all. Star….I’m right with you on the way I never missed BBAD since its conception. I used to really look forward to ED’s soliloquies, the plotting while they played pool, ect. Now, Lisa, I just wait to read your blog and read everyone’s comments. Also, is it just me or does Julie Chen even seem “over it” this year. Not that she’s ever been animated but this year seems even worse.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Take Care All.
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children will be children…that about all I can say about this yrs. ship of fools…asking someone to pop your back zits is sad enough but to think that there are young ladies that will do it for you…well what does that say for them…maybe the person that needs to be evicted is the casting director…where do they find these yahoo’s…BRING BACK SOME OF THE OLD TIMERS for one last hoorah and then bring the curtin down on this show…just my summer opinion…
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I agree with you and was thinking I would enjoy a season of veterans that actually know how to play this game. Let’s call it an all star season and then drop the curtain. The house guests this summer are so immature and hypocritical that it’s hard to watch. Paulie hating on Natalie just because she won the first present from America? Is he saying he wouldn’t be excited if he won? So immature! And Paul calling out Frank last week for trying to get Michelle to use the veto? So Paul, if your butt is on the block, you aren’t going to campaign for yourself? I agree that the casting director should be evicted! Worst BB season ever…
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Here Here Mortaqge Dr. If I had a drink, I’d toast you on it!!lol
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I couldn’t agree more with you, Lisa, and all those who have commented ahead of me. But rather than a commune, I felt like I was at the zoo and watching the monkeys from monkey island groom each other. The zits thing turned my stomach. If they aren’t doing that they’re messing with someone’s hair. They just don’t act like normal human beings of any age. This group takes the cake for talk that makes you want to turn the sound off and gross immaturity.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It amazes me that people get on national t.v. with cameras every-where and pick their noses, squeeze zits, scratch their privates, and expel gas as if they are in the confines of their bathroom at home.
I think this group feeds off the immaturity of those around them.
If Da doesn’t have the return ticket, she will get some relief from
the other HGs as she enjoys the jury house without any of their
The only good thing I saw in the three hours I wasted watching BBAD was Nat freezing James’ crocks to get back at him for putting
mayo in her lotion body. Nat who laughs more than she talks because she isn’t very bright and struggles with vocabulary, couldn’t stop laughing. I found myself chuckling with her.
I think this season even the prod. staff that watches and warns
against bad behavior or rule breaking seem to be too bored to
keep up.
One thing’s for sure…this season has lost its ability to be called
a game show.
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sherry….GMAT Again!! I was going to add they reminded me of monkeys and forgot!! lol
teh other thing is Nat. Who I keep wanting to call Jackie!! She laughs all the time!! More giggles. And even tho it is kind of inane and I know the girl isn’t bright, I kind of envy her ability to say so cheery and oblivios to everything!! I have t say, she never complains and always has a smile. It’s at least refreshing actually.
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I am so sick of Paul and his bone. Now the zits being popped on his back and don’t forget the constant Fu— I refuse to let my teens watch this. I have been a fan of BB since day one. Unless something changes. I am outta here!
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I agree with those of you who are sick of Paul. Don’t the others remember they voted him OUT!!!!! What is wrong with them?
Sorry Lisa but I am one who wants to see Da gone for good.
It’s funny to me how many of the houseguests think they are in charge.
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Oops. I meant they were going to vote him out. Sorry.
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Popping someones zits is disgusting! Paul needs to go. He irritated me Day 1. Im rooting for James, Nicole, Corey or Da. The newbies are too immature
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It is amazing the lack of imagination of this years group of players. Why can’t they dream up games to play? While I don’t really care for Davonne I did feel bad for her last night. She couldn’t stay outside and watch and listen to those idiots groom each other. It was disgusting. I think she and James are having a hard time mingling with these immature people so they are staying in bed. The only thing that could shake things up would be for Da to leave and come back and I would hope she would put up Paulie against Paul. That might be fun to watch.
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I’m in the same boat with everyone else! I just couldn’t watch anymore when they were all picking zits and acting like 13 year olds. They will be changing each others diapers soon! Victor is pathetic! He tells these jokes that aren’t funny and just laughs at himself. Drives me nuts!
Paul and Paulie up in the HOH forever bragging on their social skills as well as how good they know the game. Correct me if I’m wrong but I think Paul has only seen one season of BB. That’s what he said when he first came in the house. They think they are the only ones that can win HOH and are plotting the order that they are going to evict everyone else.
Everyone talks so much dookie to each other that I really don’t know who is actually with who (or is that whom)? Paul was blowing so much smoke last night with Bridgette, Victor, Paulie that I’m not sure who he really intents to go to final 2 with. The same goes for Paulie. As much as he and Paul talk I think he actually wants to take Corey because he doesn’t think anyone will vote for Corey.
As for James, he has Natalie so up his butt that he can’t see anything else. Even he is a dud this season. Did anyone see that stupid Girl Talk she and James were doing last night with that wooden spoon that I would like to put where the sun don’t shine? She was telling everyone about James diarrhea and upset stomach. So whats you gonna watch, zit picking or diarrhea discussion! Speaking of Nat, she has gained a few pounds and doesn’t fit in her clothes anymore. Even her swim suit didn’t fit, she said, and she went in the pool in her shorts and a Tshirt. Sure different from her first couple of weeks in the house! How about how she was slinging that ball in the HOH comp. and doing her little cheerleading kicks and jumps. You could tell James was embarrassed. lol
The producers really screwed up this year!
Also, what about Z. She was totally pissed off that Paulie elected to sleep with Paul the night before. She was pouting and acting like a little subservient girl when she is around him and talking real big about how she’s going to treat him when she’s with the girls. He’s tired of her jealous fits and it is really beginning to show. He said he wants to send her out next week after Day. You would think she would sense his feelings and leave him alone! Have some pride girl!!!!!
If they do vote Day out this week it will be interesting to see how Z and Michelle react. They do not want her gone.
Well, I’m at work and my boss is so inconsiderate to keep calling and interrupting me so I guess I better do some work. lol
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Good Lord…I didn’t realized I word vomited so much! Sorry.
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No problem… said a fellow word vomiter. 🙂 Good game talk is always enjoyable for me to read.
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I always look forward to Big Brother. This years ‘ cast looked very interesting “on paper.” CBS really dropped the ball this year. Other than Frank…the entire cast is a waste of time to watch. Paulie seemed ok in the beginning, but he is a joke too. Can he not make a complete sentence without using the f -word? I do not want any of them to win. Why did they bring Nicole back!!! And James..no respect for him after he lied to Frank and Bridgett…”Man of his word”…big hypocrite!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Has anyone noticed how different Bridgett talks now that Frank is gone? She lost that ” baby talk” voice and now talks normal. What’s up with that? Can’t stand any of them.
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I think, the reason Big brother has lost some steam, and Survivor has not is because casting has changed. Survivor still welcome people of all age groups will Big Brother has strictly become a bunch of Barbie / Ken doll looking Hollywood wannabes. If you notice people from survivor go back to their regularly lives after the show, while Big Brother people fight like tooth and nails to grab a Hollywood media career .Zakiyah is laid backed with her game and could win. Nicole is a snake and should be put up and sent packing. The cast is boring this time around, and there is not a single person that I am rooting for . Playing in teams were boring , road kill didn’t work.
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I could barely watch last night’s BBAD, the pimple popping was so disgusting. How many pimples did Paul have because it seemed like Michelle was working on him for hours! Ugh!
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How did Paul go from being one of the most hated guests in the house to being Paulie’s new best friend. It’s ridiculous. Last night they compared hair, beard growth, and manliness. I know Paulie thinks he’s running the house but Paul said he planned to replace Paulie with Nicole; that would once again make him the most hated man in the house and probably get Nic voted out, James, Natalie, Zak (following Mama Da’, Mama Da’ herself and Michelle would probably vote Nic.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Paulie would possibly vote Bridgette to keep his alliance with Corey intact. Who knows or cares what Victor would do. But I doubt Da’Vonne would miss an opportunity to get Nichole out and break up a Showmance. And who would Nicole have to blame for this, that’s right, herself. She made a big deal over not allowing a Showmance to blind her this season yet that’s exactly what she’s done, again. The way it looks now, Paul and Paulie could go to the final two dragging Corey along as a meat magnet and another vote. James is playing a quietly effective game. He hasn’t insulted anyone, pissed anyone off, and his and Natalie’s feelings seem genuine. I’m surprised but I’d like to see James take it this summer. Or Natalie. I’m surprised how popular she is with fans. Not bright, but bubbly, effervescent and truly kind. At this point, James is the only one I’d be interested in seeing have a chance at winning. And I’m not sure he believes he is capable of that.
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Very well said and you pretty well covered it all. At least in my opinion.
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Thank you for your very kind comment.
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Hi K 🙂 Nicole wont be the re-nom. It will be Da… and appears they are doing the veto ceremony right now.
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Hi JT, I realized that Da’ really would be Paul’s target as I got further along into last night’s BBAD. Z and Mich have said openly that they will vote Bridg, but you know that nobody goes against the house when it comes down to it. Somehow I missed where Paul, Paulie, Corey and sometimes Victor are a group, a loose alliance. Nic seems to believe she’s part of that but they are cutting the girls. So all is normal in BB land. The beautiful Zakiyah seems to be getting on Paulie’s nerves so I expect her out soon and Michelle is very smart. Definitely a threat to the guys. But Nichole has surprised me the most. Lying, conniving, and just not being loyal to anyone but Corey – who is running her game. Didn’t she say her mother would be furious if she did it again? Well, I’m sure her mamma is furious with Nichole. Nichole has already forgotten: dough over bros!
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Great comments everyone! Have a great week! =😊😊😊
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Last night (before BBAD). Da did talk to Paul. He told her he was putting her up without really saying it. So Da left that conversation 95% sure she would go up. She wasn’t happy of course.
They did talk again earlier today.. and then Da was 99% sure she was going up. So she knows. She was already campaigning last night.
The next care package of eliminating 2 votes doesn’t happen until next week. So it looks like the only thing that could save Da this week is if she has the RT ticket.
That got me wondering. I wonder if everyone on social media (mainly twitter) that were screaming “CONSPIRACY” until Frank didn’t have it… I wonder what they will say if Da has it? Is it only a conspiracy if a HG you hate gets it? The hypocrisy could be interesting.
I never believed it was rigged for Frank to have it. And if Da does have it, I believe it’s just luck of the 1 in 12 draw.
Counting votes as of now. Da has Z & Meech. James would rather keep Da but not sure he’d go against “the house”.
As I’ve said before, one of my fave things about the CBS shows is we get to see DRs. That is where the truth comes out. I was a bit surprised to hear James say he didn’t want Da out after she told him the couples need to be broke up. He must have realized who Da actually meant.. and believed her when she said she didn’t mean him.
Da did ask Nat for her vote even though Nat & Bridgette were good friends early. Nat seemed open to keeping Da.. but admitted she was in a tough spot.
So Da could potentially have 4 votes. Unlikely, but possible. That would make Paul the tie breaker. Paul did want Bridgette out, but has been swayed by Paulie, Nic, Cor, & Vic to vote out Da.
But if it came right down to it.. and he had to stand on the live show and cast that vote.. which way would he really go? I think he’d evict Da.. but wouldn’t be shocked if he evicted Brid.
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Whether it’s a 4-4 tie or 6-2 to evict Da seems to be all up to James. Nat will trust his judgement.
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Feeds are back and Da is OTB of course
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Does anyone know what James is doing with the saran wrap?
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Apparently Natalie put his Crocs in the freezer so James is saran wrapping her make-up bag to get back at her.
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I have heard Corey say several times that he doesn’t want to have to wear a costume which is why I think I’m going to vote for him to win the super safe care package just so he has to wear a costume for a week.
I’m really not liking Nicole this go around.
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deb……Great idea!!! Mind if I steal it??LOL And I agree. I don’t like the way Nic is playing. It’s cowardly and shows how weak she is. She said she would by NO means have a showmance this year! that last about 10 minutes. And she whined all nite about being a pawn! I think she played better in her season because she had Chritine to talk to. Altho she has her cousin there now, but they don’t seem to get along that well. Besides, her sights are set only on boring , crazy eyes Corey!!! these HGS are beyond lame this year!!!
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Stra, Nic has a cousin there? Please clarify!?!?!
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well, hope da has the rt – not because i like her – but to see how it shakes up the house – we need MORE DRAMA
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Check out Day’s toenails. They are long and pointed like fingernails! She is laying on the chaise with Paul and I couldn’t help but stare at them. Never seen any like that. lol
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Day is the only person playing the game. It must be so frustrating being in a house of people that just doesn’t play the game and wish they were on a dating show. I thought Paulie was going to be amazing, but he’s a want-to-be mobster. Loved his cornered animal, that you have to put down speech to Nat and James. Is it just me or do we have 10 year olds in the house? Ooops sorry no disrespect to 10yr olds I meant 4yr olds. Nicole, Z, Natalie, Bridgett, thank God above Bronte… I have never heard such whinning, crying and tantrums in my life!!! Paul is a whimp, he talks big man talk and then allows Paulie to high jack his hoh.
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Thanks for this post Lisa, 💕I still did not read any of the comments…………
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I voted for Paul to get the next care package. It would be a total waste for him this week but it would then keep him from getting any of the other care packages. I do like the idea of making Corey dress up for a week since that seems to bother him so much. I guess we have to make our own fun since they are such duds.
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I agree with Kimberly. Plus we need to see older folks, veterans with real life experiences, sensible people that has watched years of BB and only a very FEW (2 0r 3) silly kids. Lazy kids does not have a place on this SHOW. In my opinion.
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I had high hopes for Paulie, but he’s a huge disappointment. I’m still rooting for Da’ – I hope she’s able to scramble up enuf votes to remain at least another week. I think if she aligns herself w/ James/Nat/Z and Meech they could stand a real chance as the “underdogs”. Paul and Paulie have become WAY too confident and COCKY. That mess last night on BBAD was beyond disgusting – Paul getting his back zits popped and Z begging for Paulie’s attention (and popping his back zits) made my stomach turn. I still have a soft spot for Victor, I think he is doing what he needs to do to stay in the house and he’s doing a fantastic job of staying on the radar. My favs are Da’, Victor, Nat and James. Jury still out on Meech. Z has no damn pride or back bone, Nic whines way too much, Corey has no original thoughts and Paul and Paulie are way too cocky!
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