Hi, y’all!
So, I’m sitting here and I’m watching Big Brother After Dark on Pop TV. Not much is happening right now, largely because it’s still early in the season and everyone’s still getting to know each other and they’re all pretending to get along. Don’t worry, the meltdowns will get here soon enough.
Right now, Frank appears to be lying in bed naked and talking to Da’Vonne, Paulie, and Zakiyah about his season. Zakiyah and Paulie are looking extremely cozy with each other.
(Oh wait — Frank and Paulie are not naked. All the members of the Category 4 are having to wear flesh-colored, pixelated bikinis as a part of their mystery punishment for coming in third during the first challenge on Wednesday night.)
Everyone else appears to be gathered at the kitchen table. Jozea is talking a mile a minute.
Anyway, what did everyone think of Thursday’s episode? I’m excited because all of my predictions came true! Glenn was the first to be evicted and Nicole is the first HoH of the season!
I actually felt a little bad for Glenn. As soon as I saw the challenge, I knew he was doomed. The members of the Freakazoids had to stand on an unstable platform, climb a fake tree, grab fake coconuts, and place them on the platform. The heavier someone was, the more the platform would move and the more likely it was that the coconuts would fall off. As the heaviest guy in the Big Brother House, Glenn simply did not have a chance.
So, Glenn was evicted and he didn’t even get to talk to Julie after he left. And, even though I did feel bad for him, I also have a feeling that it might have been for the best. Glenn had a prickly personality and no social skills. He would not have lasted long in the house even if he had survived the challenge.
The remaining members of the Freakazoids picked Nicole for HoH. Paul proceeded to freak out since he thought it was generally agreed that Corey would step up and be the first HoH and that the veterans would be targeted. However, since Paul hasn’t been very subtle in pushing his plan, the vets already knew what his plan was and Nicole was smart enough to talk to Corey and get him on her side before the challenge even began.
Nicole made her nominations and there really wasn’t much suspense over who her target would be. Jozea made the mistake of bragging on himself in the presence of Da’Vonne and Da’Vonne let Nicole know that Jozea was a threat. So, Nicole nominated Jozea with Paulie as a pawn.
“Pawn’s often go home,” both Nicole and Paulie said at various points.
And you know what? Somebody says that every season but it hardly ever happens. Usually, the target goes home and, as of right now, Jozea is definitely the target.
(Nicole also said she didn’t want to “get blood on my hands” and I nearly screamed at the TV because that’s a phrase that I got so sick of hearing last season.)
One other thing about Jozea — from what I’ve read, he was recruited to be on the show and he’s not really familiar with Big Brother. Watching him tonight, it was obvious that this was true. Anyone who has ever seen Big Brother knows the importance of laying low. The cockier and more arrogant you are, the more likely that you’ll be one of the first voted out.
We’ll see what happens but right now, Jozea appears to be destined for eviction!
Lisa Marie
P.S. Before I forget, Tiffany also told Da’Vonne that she was Vanessa’s sister. Tiffany was sobbing and sounded so much like her sister that I nearly had a flashback to last year. But anyway, Da’Vonne now officially knows Tiffany’s not very interesting secret.
I wish they had listened to us viewer’s and had a variety of ages on the show. It’s going to be a teenie bopper summer. 🙁
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I agree!! I also think if they did a all over 40 that would be good
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I agree
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So sick of all these young kids playing their flirting games, get some older people on the show please, I love the show , but I’m in my 70s and would like to see some adults on there! Please consider your fans! Thanks, Crafteme
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Watching feeds on POPTV. First time seeing feeds amd I’ve watched BB since it started. I depend on this blog to get my information. Looking forward to having feeds.
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Well one down and 15 to go. I really hope Jozea is number two. We watched about 10 minutes of big brother after dark and decided to go to bed. 😞 No surprises in tonight show. Pretty predictable. As Lisa said, when they get down to fewer people it will be more interesting. More scheming , Backstabbing and lying. But, that’s OK because that’s big brother. It will be interesting to see which players become our favorites. Thank you again Lisa for a good report. I’ll be back tomorrow. Good night all. 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
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Wow, Paul is even more condescending on the live feed than he was during Wednesday and Thursday’s show! He’ll be gone soon because I don’t think anyone in the house can stand him.
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You are so right about Paul! I am with you Lisa LOL 🙂 ……………
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I Will be glad when they put the pictures of the houseguests at the top of our blog. I still haven’t gotten the name and the face together yet!! 😕😕😕. I May watch a little more of BBAD. Bye!!
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I’m LOVING the LIVE FEEDS So Much… the TV show, painted such a False Picture of the HG’s… and had us Hating on alot of them… But now, in the Feeds, i see a Completely Version of the HG’s…
we have our FIRST Showmance, it’s Paulie & Zakiyah… we saw them in the Feeds with their Arms around each other and Holding Hands… and it’s so good watching everyone so happy with each other… NOT like what CBS had been showing us the past 2 nites, lol…
the Have Nots were waiting for Midnite to Finally EAT… and NONE of the HG’s knew that the FEEDS were ON yet… then the DR told Nicole they had been On since 10pm… and they ALL FREAKED Out cause of the Sexually Stories they were talking bout since 10pm… especially Jozea, telling Sexually stories of being Gay, Lmao… So Funny…
i havent heard if they had played that New Comp yet before the POV… but im sure Lisa will let us know as soon she finds out… i know they mentioned the POV being played on Sat, like usual… i LOVED the Have Not room with those Bumper Cars as their Beds, Lmao… not sure how well they’re going to sleep, lol…
i didnt Like that we didnt see the HOH Room Reveal with Nicole and hear her Home Letter and what was in her HOH Basket… and im Dying to see More of the backyard… CBS Only showed us Quick 5 second shots of it… but the Feeds will take care of that problem, lol…
Thank You Lisa for a Awesome recap of the show and BBAD…☺…
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Right! ……………….
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Thank You… u are Truly a Man of Many Words, lol …hope u been well my friend …☺…
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Hey Lisa and Jolee!!
I was rooting so hard for Nicole to stay tonight!! She has her head together more this season it appears and is actually thinking things out before she speaks. I love how she is acting and getting just the results she wants!! 😉 It was so funny when Victor spilled the beans to her and she just acted so DUMB! Like..ME?? I have no plans!!! lol Then Jozea did the same to Da. Only he was bragging, with no reason and Victor was at least trying to warn Nic about the HGs plans. I think he kind of likes her! I could see her getting into another showmance this season. But maybe with Corey. Don’t think Vic is her type. ALtho Nic and Vic has a nice ring to it….hehehe
Was shocked to see Corey and Glenn TIE at the end!!! At least he almost made it!! but I expected more from Corey!! Figured Glenn would be the one out. No offense, but if you aren;t in good enough shape to play the game, WHY are you in there???
I see Nicole’s strategy putting Paulie up, but she could have put Paul up against Jozea and it would have been a win/win whoever went home!!! I just hope nothing goes wrong as I can;t stand him and really like Paulie!!!
I was so POed seeing Paul ream Corey for not getting HOH!! WHO made him the HOH of all the newbies??I didn’t get that memo!!! Just because he and his crew want all the Vets out doesn’t mean everyone does!! He’s been compared to Austin from last year but he is wore because he has no finesse, is way more arrogant and way less intelligent. Hopefully he follows Jozea out of the house!!
Haven’t watched BBAD yet. I like to Tivo and then FF thru it.
I agree with Jolee tho…I would like to see the HGs at the top of the page. It does help for the first couple of weeks!!
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agree on the CAN”T STAND them two either…Paul and Jozea
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Yes, I agree. I would have liked to see Josea and Paul together for eviction. Don’t like Paul at all.
Nic is doing a great job and you gotta love her playing the role so well.
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Hey SF!! We AGREE?? Gee…..what a surprise!!!lol
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No surprise at all Star. 😉 GMTA
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I don’t quite understand Nicole’s reason why she didn’t put Paul and Jozea up since they both want her out. All the smart newbies are teaming up with vets. Paul truly thinks this is his show, he has a ride awakening coming!! And I can’t what for him to get it along with Jozea!! You know his mama named him José!! I still need to watch Sunday, can’t wait to see who was voted off!!
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Me too….wish Corey would have gotten aggressive right back. I want Paul out!
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Hey Star I just DVR the show & was able to FF on POP……….. 💜💜
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Hi Star! As usual, we agree on our opinion of the HG’s. I started watching BBAD last night, but too much going on and most of it boring!! I am DVRing it so I can watch it later. I am rooting for Nic so far. I will be glad when we get to know the players better. I may change my mind! 😊😊
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I haven’t been on here very much because we are caught up with “McLeods Daughters” on YouTube. We are on Season 6, with two more seasons to go! Each season has up to 30 episodes. It is really good. I will try to be here more, because I want to support this great blog! I really enjoy reading all of your comments and I know it will get more interesting as we see less HG’s competing! Goodnight for now. I hope you all have a great weekend! 😊😊😊😊😊
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Star, I shouted out to you, but it showed up six comments down! 😊😊😊
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Lisa…….two great blogs so far, BTW!! 😉 But a couple of techie questions….
Is there a reason the posts aren’t numbered this year?? I do use the numbers to keep my place,especially as there are more posts.
Also, in the 1st of BBBlogger’s blogs, I tried clicking the follow up in email box, and nothing happened. Wondered if that was actually working and what happens if it is. 😉 I usually don’t use that feature. Will the posts accumulate into one or will we get like 50 separate ones?? I’ve always just come back here to read, but I thought it might be more efficient from my cell this year.
TIA!!! 😉 ♥
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Thanks, Star! 🙂
I’m not sure why the posts aren’t numbered this year, Star. It may be because we added the reply button but I can’t say for sure.
I’m not sure on the follow-up email box either, because I’ve never used it. I know it’s worked for other people so there may have just been a temporary glitch or something when you clicked on it. I would suggest clicking again and seeing what happens. BBBlogger could probably answer that better than me. I’m afraid I’m not really much of a tech person.
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@Lisa…I don’t think it’s working..at least on my puter..as I did click it when I sent my last post and you and HOH have posted and I haven’t gotten anything. No biggie. Like you, I’ve never used it before. Just thot I’d try it out and see if it saved me some time. 😀 lol
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Has the entire format changed here??
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From the feeds: Apparently, the new competition that we’ve been hearing about is one that allows someone other than the HoH to pick a third nominee. It sounds like they’ve already had the comp, Michelle won, and nominated Paul for eviction. So, as of right now, our three nominees are:
The veto comp is apparently still on Saturday. I wonder if they’re still going to do replacement nominees if a nomination is vetoed. I guess we’ll find out!
I’m really excited about this since I suggested having three nominees way back during Big Brother 16! 🙂
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Very Interesting Lisa… you are On Target with the Updates… i knew u would tell us bout that New Comp as soon as u found out, lol… now, im wondering if the Winner of this Comp will be Immune from Nom… and i bet if Paul wins POV then Michelle gets to name the Re-Nom… as Nicole would name the RE-Nom is one of the other 2 win POV…
it’s just like Julie told us… we will see a New Cerm… the POV Cerm will be different… they’re making lots of changes this year to BB… also they Replaced the 2 Nom chairs with a Couch that is big enough for 3 HG’s… the Game has Begun, lol …☺…
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We have all been saying that BB needed some shaking up for years!! But this is ALOT!!! WOW! Ok..so they have 3 noms but the field to choose from was smaller as Nicole’s team are all safe this week!! We have had only two for so long, I am trying to wrap my head around how three is going to work! It’s going to be harder to judge is a person has the votes to stay or not. And I would think for the whole house to vote the same. Interesting. I wonder if one of them does win the Veto if they will just leave it at 2. My head is exploding right now..lol
Watching BBAD. Those naked suits are pretty NUDE!! 😉 The girls who’s name stars with a Z…..can’ remember it…..was practically sitting on Corey’s practically naked body and picking at his outfit!!lol Subtle!!! 😉
Corey and Paulie talking some game in the SR…both seem to trust Nicole,,,but everyone else is just BSing and flirting. Victor and Nicole ere sitting next to each other at the table and whispering so I think I was right!!!
Ok….enough for night one.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Peace, love and light!!! ♥
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dont worry… her name is Zakiyah… and it seems she is In Love with Paulie, lol…
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I like Michelle.
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Me too Rose! And I love Nicole! Both Mich girls, BTW…my home state…….:D
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I hope the newbies turn it around and get the vets out I’m tired if seeing former losers on bb they had their shot already let others have a go it was a big mistake giving Nicole hoh Corey shouldn’t be in the game he’s too stupid!!! VETS NEED TO GO
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I’m really liking the changes that have been made so far. LIsa Marie thanks for the updates!
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Thank you for doing this.
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I couldn’t agree more with Jeannie a variety of ages is what’s needed in bob house to keep everythin g on an even playing field should be interesting none the less
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i like Glenn sorry he had to leave, i wanted him to stay
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Good Morning
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------One question WHY did the head of household decide at this point in the game to put up a Pawn. WHY not put up two new bes. The tattoo man and Jozea is what I would have done.
if one wins power of veto then put up another new be and then at least one new be is GONE
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Rose..I asked the same. But it doesn;t mater now as all three are up! And I can’t imagine Paulie sin’t going to stay over them!!!!
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First….Thank You all for your kind condolences. On to BB….. Very interesting 3 noms. Been 2 for so long can’t figure out how it will actually work out, but we all did want change. BBAD isn’t real interesting yet, but hoping it will be soon. I, also, think there should be more of a diversity in ages. They do it in Amazing Race and Survivor and it works. These “kids” need some of our wisdom…lol. Makes you wonder how some passed through school with them not knowing basic knowledge. It’s scary….future of our nation. Take Care
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Well we got some nice changes. The age thing when you’re my age between 20 and 30 doesn’t seem like a big age difference. But I do like the new format.
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@ Lisa Marie…I also wish we had the comments numbered again..makes it so much easier. Could you suggest that to BBBLogger? Dont want to be a PIA..but it helps alot. Really hoping Paulie doesnt go home..either of the other jerks can go..and good riddance!
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Well, that’s two votes for numbers Astra!! Must be an Aquarian thing!! Need to be organized…lol And I think everyone feels the same about the noms. So funny how everyone always dislikes teh same people. It just telegraphs over the screen!! You’d think they would be embarrassed when they fina;y see it but being JERKS they will think all the HGS were NUTS and that was the problem! Not THEIR’S!!! lol
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I sent BBBlogger a message about the numbering. He’s looking into it.
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Lisa, I’m not getting the new posts either even though I click the box. I’ll take it off and reclick and see if that works. Great comments giving us the run down of the show. I’m so happy you’re back at it!! Poor Glenn, I felt sorry for him. That comp was not made for anyone over 130 lbs that’s for sure.
Love seeing all the new BB everything it seems. So far it’s looking like a good year. Three nominees is a good change that was needed. Thankfully Michelle nominated Paul. He needs to go IMHO of course. 😉 Thanks Lisa for that info.
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Oh, yes, please add my two cents to those wanting the numbering back. If we have to choose between numbers and reply, it’s a toss up for me. I hope emails start to show up soon.
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So happy Paul was put up. I think Nicole made a mistake nominating Paulie since they really need his vote.
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Soo happy BB18 is finally here, that means summer has started for me! My first impressions from the early interviews were spot on. I knew Paul the bearded lady would be a total douche and he has lived up to my expectations. Jo-SAY-away, ugh. He is a redo of Frankie, he thinks he is all that and a bag of rainbow chips. Can’t stand this guy and the remark he made about the military last night was uncalled for and totally unnecessary. Twitter is taking him to task, he won’t have an easy time when he goes back into the real world. Thank you Lisa and here is to a great summer with BB! 🎉🎆🍹🍷🍻
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Pretty much went down as expected last night. Some thoughts in general.
1. Sick of CBS bringing back players. Wonder when we will see Jessie making an appearance? I do like James and Frank but Davonne needs to go! Can’t stad her.
2. The challenge last night was weighted against Glenn. How about giving us some brainiac challenges? Oh yeah, most of the cast doesn’t have any brains.
3. Bring back the voting turnstyle. I don’t like the new way of voting. There is no suspense or drama as cast get nervous knowing whether their key will be pulled.
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I miss the turnstyle nominations as well. I didn’t think I would but, looking back, it was actually a lot of fun to watch everyone pull out their keys.
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Having a 3rd nominee isn’t exactly new, but maybe they’re doing it in a different way. BB 15 did it for part of the season….here’s how it they did it back then for those who don’t remember or didn’t watch. I had to look it up myself to refresh my memory, figured I’d just paste in what I found. Again, this is from BB15, not this season.
“In a twist this season, one HouseGuest each week (ostensibly the one who is playing the “best game”) is secretly chosen by the viewing public to be the “Big Brother M.V.P.”. In the privacy of the Diary Room, this person nominates a third person to face eviction for the week; the choice is revealed to the remaining HouseGuests just prior to choosing players for the upcoming Veto competition. The identity of the week’s M.V.P. is not told to the remaining HouseGuests; it is up to the M.V.P. to decide whether or not to divulge this information. In a further twist, during weeks four, five, and six viewers have chosen the third nominee.”
Elissa, Rachel’s sister, won MVP every damn week and many thought it was production saving her….for those who remember.
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That’s true — I had actually forgotten about that. I wonder if they’re still going to do replacement nominees if the veto is used or if they’re just going to leave the two remaining nominees on the block?
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hopefully, Jozea will not win the veto and I do hope he is evicted. Wasn’t he handpicked for the show???
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I believe that Jozea was recruited. I think they may have shown him Frankie’s season after he was cast but otherwise, I don’t think Jozea has ever really watched Big Brother before.
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Thank you Lisa. Without this blog I’d be even more confused than usual.
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You’re welcome, Tendr!
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hey yall 🙂
it’s me
swt ( sweet ) i have told everyone hey yall on page 1 and no one even said hi back ~ am i one the red headed freaked step child list ~ just playing
hi everyone glad to c’yall again i want 2 people to leave Josea and Paul !!
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Hi, Swt! As a redhead myself, I can promise that all red-headed stepchildren will always have a place here. 🙂
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ty Lisa
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some one please tell me how to put a picture up instead of my ugly stamp??? please
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I love Nicole
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and James and Frank
but Nicole can be such a knucklehead
She too confused Paul with Paulie… she should have nominated Paul with Jozea
The OLDbies are outnumbered and the newbies could easily evict Paulie and save Jozea
and if one of them wins POV; nominate the VOICE [Bronte] or someone else as annoying.
I like Paulie and his good nature.
I feel its racist that BB always has black HGs who are as obnoxious as Da’Vonne. Most black folk and and other people of color are rarely so BadAttitude as she is. Tiffany is only slightly less annoying than her sister.
Michelle looks a lot like Nicole.
Just saw that Nicole’s secret sister Michelle added the correct Paul to the nominees.
Godspeed Paulie.
I like 3 of the OLDbies a lot. Corey, Paulie,& Michelle should work with them.
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Lisa, BBB:
Can you guys take a look see to find out what’s going on about not receiving posts? I’m still not getting them. Thanks so much. It’s good to have BB back and thankfully what looks to be a fairly good season.
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I just sent BBBlogger a message about both the emails and the numbering. He’s looking into it.
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i see you starfish
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swt: On the right side of this blog, under :Reality TV Links”, click on the first link. It says Add an Avatar to your comments on BB Blog. Or go to: http://en.gravatar.com/ which is the same. Good luck.
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k ty starfish, i’ll try that
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Hi, everyone! I sent BBBlogger a message about the emails and the numbering. He’s looking into it.
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Thanks Lisa I am only getting the new ones from your posting on the last page 😜
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ok, my chromebook will not support the avator oh well
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A little late but hi SWT.
Have a good night! 😊
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------POV was just played and PAUL won! NOOOOOOOOO!!!’n😡😡😡😡worst case scenario!! I can’t fricken believe it!!!! Wonder what happens now ? If Nic had to pick a renom or not. This isn’t off to a good start. 😠
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Hey… Calm Down… No Big Deal that he Won… cause Nicole’s TARGET is Still Jozea… and he is scheduked to be Evicted on Thurs with a 8-3 Vote…
and Frank’s Re-Nom he said will be Bridgette… so dont worry girlfriend… everything is GOOD, lol …☺…
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It’s getting late for me….LOL Anyway I am working on my new i-Phone & time got away from me..about 10:30 in NJ…..Thanks for the new Post & Lisa I will read everything soon my friend but thank you my dear! …………….
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Everyone wanted the veterans out first..I just don’t see jozea a threat..So happy Paul is up. I don’t like his big mouth attitude.
Lots of changes..some for the better..some not.
Want to thank whoever it was that mentioned At@t now had POP. They didn’t last year! So now I have after dark to look forward to with my morning Coffee. You can really get to know what’s going on when you see the feeds or after dark.
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OMG! Thank you SO much! I did not know AT&T had the POP channel until just now reading this! It’s about time! lol I remember in 2011 when I first got AT&T I was soooo excited that BBAD was on listed. And I think it was the following year it moved to a non-AT&T channel! All I can say is ‘It’s ABOUT TIME!!!’
Thanks again!
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I’m not sure how the “Reply” works. For instance, I wanted to reply to Star’s comments, so I clicked the “Reply” under her comments and my reply was entered six comments down from Stars!??????? 😊😊😊 Oh well, I guess we are experiencing some changes in the format which is fine with me. Well, it’s was way past my bedtime! Goodnight Star, hi swt! 😊😊
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Welcome back old friends! I am happy to see you all here. LISA MARIE…excellent as usual! I had the misfortune to miss this first week. 😢 But am trying to play catch up. Don’t know what I have missed and hope I have the Pop Channel!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------VE to you all
Bleu Kani
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This format looks really weird and the Big Brother heading is not at the top of the page???? I says D Divi???? I am confused. I’m not getting the usual e-mail messages about a New post????
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