Hi, everyone!
Well, I am going to be writing this post while I’m watching the finale so I should be able to post it as soon as the winner and America’s Favorite Player have been announced. Needless to say, there will probably be a lot of typos in this post so I ask for your indulgence. Also, needless to say, if you haven’t watched the finale or if it hasn’t aired in your time zone, this post is one BIG SPOILER!
8:30 — Okay, here we go! Julie is doing her introduction. I’ve given it a lot of thought and I am definitely Team Paul. He may not be my favorite human being but I think he played the best game.
8:34 — They’re showing the 1st part of the HoH comp. Of course, we already know that Paul won it. I wish we had been allowed to watch this challenge on the live feeds because it looks like it would have been a lot more fun to watch than 90% of what we did get to see.
8:40 — I’m a little mad but they never put any of my tweets on the screen during the show. I tweet about this show constantly. 🙁
8:43 — Okay, here we go with HoH Part 2. We already know that Nicole won this won. It looks like it was a timed comp so I’m not surprised that Nicole won. James is always at his worse at anything timed.
8:49 — Yeah, there was no way that James was going to win this comp. He looks like he’s about to faint, running up and down that roller coaster.
8:51 — Nicole pretty much destroyed James in part two. She beat him by 12 minutes!
8:56 — Dr. Will is talking to the jury. Everyone agrees that James has a good social game but they don’t think he took enough risks. The jury seems to be reluctant to admit that Paul is a good player. You can tell that most of them don’t like him personally and they’re upset about it. It kind of reminds me of how the jurors felt about Evel Dick. Mentioning Nicole makes Meech cry. Bridgette thinks that everyone on the jury is bitter towards Nicole but Da’Vonne says it shouldn’t matter.
9:01 — Okay, apparently you can vote to either send Jozea or Jason Roy into the Big Brother Over The Top House. Why would anyone vote to give Jozea another chance? Prediction: Jason is going to easily win this vote.
9:07 — Yay! Pablo’s in the audience!
9:08 — Okay, here we go with the final part of the HoH competition. It’s Nicole vs. Paul. It’s the usual final HoH challenge, where they have to pick how each juror completed a statement. I have a feeling that Paul is going to win this because he knows the HGs better than Nicole. Nicole spent all of her time in bed with Corey and not getting to know the players.
9:11 — Four questions in and they are both tied so maybe Paul didn’t know the HGs as well as I thought.
9:14 — PAUL WINS! He received 4 points to Nicole’s 3!
9:20 — Paul evicts James, claiming that James stabbed him in the back. Apparently, Nicole sold out James, just like she sold out so many other players.
9:28 — Here comes the jury. I thought Paulie might get some boos but I don’t think he did. Audience went wild for Victor. Natalie didn’t really react much when James was revealed as being the final juror.
9:30 — Natalie asks Paul about some of the things he said. Paul says he was having fun and he’s not going to change his personality. Michelle asks Nicole what her one big move was. Nicole say that it was getting Natalie to nominate Victor. Corey asks Paul to prove that he’s a good strategist. Paul points out that he survived to the end. Victor asks Nicole if she was just riding coattails. Nicole is confused by the question. Zakiyah asks why Paul deserves to win the money. Paul says he worked hard to win and that, unlike Nicole, this was his first time to play the game. Paulie asks Nicole why she deserves to win. Nicole says blah blah blah. James asks Paul if he was ever planning on honoring his final two deal. Paul says that he wasn’t.
9:35 — Paul’s answers were a lot better than Nicole’s. Nicole tends to just repeat bland talking points while Paul owned both his game and his abrasive personality.
9:40 — Final speech time! Paul emphasizes that he worked hard and that he had a target on him from the first. Paul points out that he had no help and had to win his way to the end. Paul points out that he stayed true to himself. Nicole is talking and kinda rambling. She said that she there to play Big Brother and not Big Baby, which is probably not a smart thing to say when Michelle is on the jury.
9:43 — They’re about to vote. I’m going to predict that Paul is going to win this.
9:50 — James voted for Paul.
Corey voted for Nicole.
Victor voted for Paul.
Natalie votes for Nicole.
Michelle voted for Paul.
Paulie voted for Nicole.
Bridgette voted for Paul.
Zakiyah voted for Nicole.
4 vote tie!
Da’Vonne is the deciding vote!
Da’Vonne votes for … Nicole?
9:51 — Needless to say, I am massively disappointed. I just hope that Victor gets AFP. I’m really surprised to be honest — Da’Vonne looked like she was really getting into Paul’s speech.
9:57 — AFP: The Top three vote getters were James, Victor, and Natalie. The winner is … VICTOR! Well, at least someone who deserved to win actually won something.
Well, that’s it! Another season is in the bag! Thank you so much for reading and commenting this season! This wasn’t always the greatest season of Big Brother but I know I had a lot of fun writing about it! Thanks, everyone!
If you want to read my thoughts on Survivor, please join us over at https://realitytvchatblog.wordpress.com/! Tomorrow morning, I will be posting my thoughts on tonight’s premiere of Survivor: Gen X vs. Millennials!
And I’ll be back next week for Big Brother: Over The Top!
Thanks everyone! Love ya!
Lisa Marie Bowman
Hey Lisa!!! I’m so excited I’m hoarse from yelling!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My dream come true! Nic won and Vic got AFP!!’ Woo hoo!!!!!
I’m so thankful to you for always being here for and with us and for blogging on the BB OTT!!
Haven’t even read your blog yet I was so hyped!! Lol so I will do that now.
Love you loved BB and loved this season!!!!!❤️💛❤️💛❤️💛❤️
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Star… I agree. This is the win I hoped for! Both of them.
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Jolee… The interviews will be on the live feeds where Jeff will interview e eryone.
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Margie, is that where you have to pay?
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Thanks Lisa for very thing this season. I’ll see you on Survivor as well as next week on this blog. Thanks agai !
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So happy Nicole won! It was nerve-wracking but I absolutely did not want Paul to win!
The only person worse to possibly have a second chance after Jozea would be Frankie! Ugh !!!
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@ Lisa Marie you are the best !!! I really mean that from the bottom of my heart. I really want to thank you for letting me talk about my mama passing away on her favorite show !! Man I miss my mama so much. We shared our love for the BB show. So thank you so much. I want to sign up for Amazing Race as well. I joined where it said so I guess I will get a conformation in email. Thanks for a wonderful season, VERY HAPPY Victor won AFP. c’ya for survivor. 🙂
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Hi Margie!! Glad you were happy with the outcome too!! I always said Paul played the better game and was obviously smarter. But Nic was on her second chance, is a Michigan native and a female. And we haven’t had a female sinner since ….Rachel?? I thought Paul would win but secretly hoped for Nic! For once tho I would have been ok with either HG.
I ALSO was sure Paul would be true to his word and take Nic. He really didn’t respect James at all. Neither did I this season
I was aghast when I heard that Jozea could be in OTT.!! WTH?? No way! I wanted to knock
Him upside the head just seeing the ad for him. Lol
I always loved Jason and regretted he went out so early. So let’s hope and pray and Vote so he makes it over Idiot Boy!! Lol
So are we all set if we have the LFS now?? We don’t have to sign up again or anything? Just making sure.
I’m definitely going to give OTT a try. Now I need to get it set up to be on something other than my cell!!!! lol
Still so excited Nicole won!!!! 🎈🎉💕💖🎈🎉💛
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Sta … Go get that iPad girl!! I think that’s all we have to do is have the live feeds. I think Nic is adorable and I’m glad she won. I’m also glad James didn’t win a thing. I love the fact that Vic did!!!
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MargieP: I have been sending you e-mails and left a post on
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Survivor site, too. But I keep getting a failure to deliver noti-
fication to your address. Do you know what is wrong?
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I agree with you Star, all the way! I wanted Nichol to win, but would have been okay with either, and I am so happy Victor won AFP. 😊😊
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I will see you on Facebook dear friend!! {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}
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Jolee. .. Jeff is on and getting ready to interview the Houseguests.
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James is a little jealous much lol.
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Can’t believe he didn’t vote for Nic. James that is. What a baby. So funny that Nat Nat voted for her when she dogged her out telling James she shouldn’t have trusted her. I figured it would be just the opposite. So glad Da was fair in her vote. She has been in awe of nic game play for several weeks. I was a little afraid she would vote for her just bc of paulie. I guess I now have more respect for Da. Hope she gets something good coming her way out of this. She just needs to stop being so grouchy.
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Cathy. I agree. Couldn’t effing believe Jamesy voted for Paul! Thought he’d be more bitter. But I guess he saved that for Nic since she ratted him out!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Da surprised me a little too. She kept cheering Paul on in the jury with Will and gist pumped his speech. But the suspense created by the tie was awesome!! And when Da broke it for Nic I lost it!!! Lol. Most seasons one HG is hated and it’s a landslide. This wasmuch more satisfying.
I didn’t think Cirey was acting very supportive or boyfriendy either. He gave her a back hug? Then he hung back behind her. What an A-hole. I will be blown away if that goes anywhere.
I guess Jeff is on. Off to watch the interviews !!
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I suspect the reason WHY James voted for Paul was revealed when Paul gave his apparent “brain freeze evoked” James eviction speech. Nicole came to Paul and told him James had a F2 deal with her, not mentioning, of course, she had an F2 deal with James and had no intention of taking Paul to F2 if she won the final HOH. A snake to the end!
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So nicole wins bc she screwed her way to the end what a rip Paul played the game and lost I don’t see how that happened guess that will be the strategy from here on out. Paul wins 7 comps to her 3 was on the block 6 times played a great game and loses to the second biggest waste of space wtf ??????
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Thanks Ms. Lisa for the update. A grand ole update! We had a police shooting here in Charlotte last night and still it carried over through tonight the protest and violence of idiots interrupted the “Survivor” and “Big Brother” programs quite a few times. Missed a lot. Thank you for the 18th BB.
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Bbigbbob. Just watched that on the news. It never ends!!!!! Was it racially motivated? Kind of foggy in details anyway hope you are ok. Stay safe!!!
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well…..black police officer shoots armed black male……
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First time… commentor? Hah. long time follower(2yrs). I just wanted to say I loved reading your bb blog for the past cpl years and wanted to thank you for all the wonderful updates 😀
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Hi Nora!!! I wondered when someone wad going to say that…lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Don’t be a stranger! It’s more fun to chat than to just read!! 😉
Come back next season. Or next week!! 😉
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Welcome Nora! You should have joined us earlier. We are a good group of people. I’m heading over to the Survivor blog now.
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Bummer about Nicole but at least Vic got AFP and Survivor was awesome!
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Paul got jobbed, plain and simple. When I saw Davonne was the last vote, I thought he had it. I guess Paul was just too big of a jerk and it cost him. Dude should have taken James. I can’t believe he didn’t do that. I’d be willing to bet anything that Nicole would have taken James to the end.
Glad Victor won the AFP. When I saw it was down to Nat, James, and him I hoped he took it. At least something went right!
Biggest bummer of the night was I have Direct TV and we had a storm here so I missed parts of the show. Missed the second comp and the jury debate. I’ll catch it online in a bit….but man, we were so bummed that it had to storm here tonight. I love Driect TV but that’s its fatal flaw. Oh well. I’m over it now. Just had to vent. 😀
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So happy Nic won. Paul was SHOCKED when Paulie’s vote was read. His face showed how surprised and confused he was.
It made me reflect on when Paul felt safe in the house, Paul blindsided Paulie; payback is a mother.
So happy Nic won.
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Goodnight everyone. I guess I can’t watch the after the show interviews. I don’t have All Access. I was sure I saw the interviews last season, but it may have been the next day’s reruns.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I truly am going to miss each of you!
Lisa, Star, Margie, Sherry, Bbigbbob, Sirrock, tendr, JT, Astra, Janna, Cathy, Starfish, …… who am I forgetting?? I love you all! 😊😊😊
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------your so sweet I Love you and Jeanne I don’t do social media mama never let us because anybody could say they were somebody and it was dangerous ((( hugs ))) to you and your twin ~ next season or Survivor blog
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You don’t have to miss us Jolee!!! We’ll be back next week for BB OTT and I’m sure we can find something to talk about inbetween!!! 😉 Remember every year when BB is over? We always pop in and out of here or a bit cuz we are going thru withdrawl!!! Besides, you can always see me on FB!!! <3
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Love you too Jolee;..such a sweet lady. Very Very happy Nicole won! She was so shocked..and I cried, I was so happy for her! James derserved NOTHING…haha..thats what he got!! What a LAZY houseguest! James didnt even fight at all for a win!! Grr…anyway..I will be following the blog for the on line season..just wont be watching…hope you all can explain what goes on to me..thanks in advance!
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OMG, how could I forget,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------bobovnvet, two, hpr56, Macy, Junksies, Cyndee, Mortgage Dr.
I love you all !
(Not too bad for an old lady!! 😊😊)
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Love you and your Sissy too, Jolee. This is the best blog ever. Even when we don’t agree, we respect and that is what matters most. You aren’t that old either.
Thanks to all and I look forward to seeing you on the Survivor blog as well as OTT.
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So True Jolee! How can you forget me????
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Never Bobo! How could I ever forget that sweet face! 😊😊
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Oh, no!!! I forgot my sissy!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I love you Jeanne! 😊😊
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------reply up there for you
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Thank you Janna. I am so glad you joined us after your sweet mom passed away. You have been a blessing. I pray you will have a good life. See you on the blogs!! 😊😊
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YAY turned out perfect
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tendr, I agree!! 💕💕💕💕
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Go ahead…call me cry baby Meech. Where did these happy tears come from?
So nickle slot nose Nicole won! Wow! I picked the jury votes correctly by 6 to 3. When Paul chose to take her over James i was surprised and had a feeling he made a mistake but wasn’t 100% sure.
More tomorrow. I’m spent…
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Paul decided to take Nicole because he new he could get James Vote .what he didn’t know is it would not be enough.that he would be one vote short . I am very happy with this vote.
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What’s going on. Isn’t it customary to have the winner of Big brother on a morning show and on the talk.is nicole being overlooked not given all .she entitled two. THE FAME THE FORCHAN .
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Rod Thrive. I am very happy room! I am curious about James’s vote. Since Paul evicted him why did he vote for Paul?
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Simple answer, Nicole ratted James out about their F2 deal but failed to tell Paul (snake talk) she had no intention of taking Paul to F2 with or without an F2 deal with James.
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You are amazing, thanks so much 💖
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Paul really screwed himself when he evicted James, nobody’s fault but his own. Everyone on that jury knew that James coasted the entire season and I don’t think anyone would have voted for him other than Natalie.
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I hate that Nicole won. As much as I didn’t care for Paul, he actually played the game all season!! I’m sure it would have
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------been a different outcome if he would have evicted Nicole and taken James to the end. I’m REALLY HAPPY that Victor won AFP!
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I’ve been saying all week that Nicole would win.
My final prediction was Nicole would beat Paul 6-3
But it was 5-4 so I missed 1 vote. Who did I miss?
BIG MEECH of course!! LOL
Meech agreed with Nat that she wouldn’t vote for Paul if he was final 2….. and that they would even vote for Nic over Paul. But Meech voted for Paul anyway.
I guess I underestimated Meech’s hatred and jealousy of Nicole.
I knew she hated Nic and didn’t want her to win….. but I figured Paul treating Meech like shit would be enough for Nic to get that vote.
AND… Paul called Meech the C word!… so I figured done deal.
Da was no surprise. They showed 2 jury segments plus the chat with Dr Will showing Da being impressed with Nic
Paulie was no surprise. Corey & Nic were his 2 closest allies. And no surprise Z voted same as Paulie
Nat.. no brainer. She hated Paul.. even more than she hated Nic.
Bridgette was the only one other than Meech that I was surprised about. She voted Paul.
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While I agree Paul would have had a better chance against James…. it’s wouldn’t have been a landslide like a lot think.
James would have had 3 votes for sure.
Nat, Meech, Bridgette.
He would need 2 more. Would Nicole have voted for Paul after he just evicted her while promising all week to take her to F2??
IDK… but she could have easily voted for her friend James…. and maybe Corey would have too.
So it really could have been a 5-4 loss no matter who Paul took… but to me he did have a better chance vs James. Against Nicole I thought it could even be as much as 7-2 against Paul.
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I agree with everything you just said. I’m not sure Paul would have won either way but maybe his chances were better with James but I somehow doubt it.
I don’t believe Nic ever said she was going to take James to F2. She seemed conflicted every time she said anything and I didn’t see her agree to it with James even though he said he would. She was pretty sure he wouldn’t be in F2 and so did almost everyone else. He was a huge disappointment this year. AT least that’s how I saw it.
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Well, I’m one of just a few who did not want Nic to win. I think her explanation of how she played the game was a little untrue. However, she won. Anyone who lasts that long, no matter how they played, is entitled to that chance. Personally, I really didn’t freak over Paul’s language. I have a family of construction workers so I guess I am calloused to it. I don’t really get freaked out over language. However, I do think he played the whole game with emotion. That is not the right way to go about trying to win. If he had used his brain, he would have realized that his best chance would be to take James who really had not played the game. Instead he chose to use the emotional idea that James back stabbed him. Not a good reason in my opinion. I LOVE that Victor won the AFP. He truly looked shocked and ecstatic. That made me very very happy. Anyway, another one in the books and off we go to OTT and Survivor. See ya my friends.
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Bridgette the big feminist girl power fist pumper votes for a guy. James the good friend old buddy of Nicole votes for Paul.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Zakaria didn’t meekly obey her master and voted for the girl while he voted for the guy.
And above all Day voted for Nicole.
Sure didn’t work out like I thought it would.
But I’m glad Paul isn’t going to represent this season, he is a vulgar piece of gutter trash with a potty mouth who put down the women every chance he got.
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Z & Paulie both voted for Nicole.
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When all is said and done, I have to be happy for Nichol. She made history as the first girl to win next to a guy.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I was very annoyed, to say the least about Paul’s language and his treatment of some of the HG’S. When he put the word “Mother” in front of the “f” word, that was the last of BBAD for me!
You can pour a little water over my head and it will be tolerated, but too much can drown you! Paul had me gasping for air!
I know, I’m a prude, but I’m your prude! I adore all of you, and I am going to miss our daily meetings. God bless each of you abundantly!!
Bye for now, I’m going to see if I can find some of Jeff’s backyard interviews. I did see Jeff’s interview with Bridgette, but couldn’t find anymore.
Stay supple!! 😊😊
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Jolee, you have always been a pleasure. I have always been interested in your comments. Enjoy your peace time.
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We aren’t prudes Jo. As for me..i’m just trying to have half the class of my mother. If someone wants to call me a prude because I don’t like some words….. fine. I don’t really care.
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Again thank you Lisa for your blog daily first thing I read can’t wait for 19 to see what goes in so glad Victor won had all my votes again thank you
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Hi, everyone! If you’re into Survivor, I just posted my recap of last night’s premiere at https://realitytvchatblog.wordpress.com/2016/09/22/survivor-33-1-may-the-best-generation-win/
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Thank you my dear Friend💕 I just made my comment! You are so cool 😎 Keep up the good work 🙂 So Am I just an old fart Or A Baby Boomer , I was born 1947 LOL my dear……..
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THANK YOU TO LISA FOR KEEPING THIS GOING MOST OF THE SUMMER…another BB season is in the books…I think Paul made a big mistake by sending James out the door…but its done. with..and I think it was a 450,000 booboo…thanks again…I’m out…do not look for me on the next season that starts in a few days…I won’t pay for this…take care all…
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How can I sign up for the Survivor blog by Lisa?
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https://realitytvchatblog.wordpress.com/ If you scroll down, you’ll see a place to sign up over on the right side of the page! 🙂
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Thanks Lisa, great job this season of BB 💕💕 I just watched BB this AM I went to sleep & missed all the shows! Thank you all for your comments & kind words🇺🇸 I still need to watch Survivor some time today 😜 See you all soon…………………… 💜 ………………..
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Lisa your blog was awesome! Thanx for your time. 😉
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Not a Paul fan but I was in favor of him winning…he should have taken James! His Mama won’t get that Bentley now. 🙁
Nicole was/is a whiney spoiled little Bitch…js. She didn’t deserve the win and her answers didn’t make a bit of sense.
Corey didn’t look too interested in her and stayed in the background. Since Corey really doesn’t have any kind of job to speak of maybe he will move to Ubley and work in that Coffee Shop Nicole wants to open!?! She’s desperate and will probably pay him just to hang out with her. How long will it take Corey to go through $500,000?!? 😉
Hmmm…will Corey take her on that trip he won or will he take his Bra’s?!? I’m wondering what Hayden thinks of Nicole’s win?!? 😉
I’m glad it’s over!!
Victor deserved the $25,000…glad for him <3
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I hear that M.D., I am not going to pay to watch online!!! I had the fear that this would happen if Paul took Nicole. Darned shame. Thanks again Lisa, see you all next time, recovering from surgery so I feel as bad as I feel, if that makes sense.
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Micah, I hope you will be well soon. Take care! 😊
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Darn autocorrect!!! Mical…..😊
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Thank you, Lisa. Your commentary was articulate, efficient, and spot-on.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Am I correct in thinking that there is some kind of after hours interview with the houseguest? If so, can anyone tell me how to find it?
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Whoops! I didn’t mean to send my comment this early!
I hoped, unrealistically, that Victor would win. I don’t really mind Nicole winning as she beat out Paul. I didn’t mind his language but his aggressive attitude toward anyone who differed with him was off-putting.
I puzzled over Nicole’s nose and her whiney voice all season – especially the relationship of one to the other. Someone referred to her nose as a “coin slot nose.” That doesn’t solve the relationship aspect, but it was a great description. I laughed out loud when I read it!
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Jolee. Hope you are having a good day . I read some of the posts on a big brother group on FB. I saw your post about the hateful posts about Paul losing and Nicole winning. Wow, such haters! As you said folks have differing opinions here but nobody would ever attack other bloggers that viciously! The language so many used no wonder they were such Paul fans. As several posters said, it’s a game! We didn’t lose or win any money ! Take care. I won’t be watching BBOT either.
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JOLEE thanks for remembering me – so sweet!
I WAS SOOOOO MAD last night – i did not want her to win!
soooo happy for vic though!
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Thank you all for your kind comments! It makes me feel warm and fuzzy!!! 😊😊😊😊 That’s an old saying … I am really showing my age! 😊😊
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Be back later! I miss all of you already! This is the saddest part of BB!!
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Lisa, you are the absolute best and I thank you for all your enlightening posts even when there was nothing to write about. You somehow managed to entertain us without much to entertain us with. THANK YOU!!
I’m thrilled with the outcome. BB isn’t all about winning comps, you have to have a social game. I agree with Da that Nic was a big influence behind the scenes without being obnoxious.
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I am so thankful for this blog. I was invited to another BB blog, but the bloggers were mean spirited and rude. This blog is like a breath of fresh air! I will miss it.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Goodnight everyone who still visits here! 😊😊
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Great job! I love reading this!!! Team Nicole
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------How do I sign up for the amazing race recaps?
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Hi! I cover both Survivor and the Amazing Race at https://realitytvchatblog.wordpress.com/
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Happy Friday everyone … just checking in … the room is almost empty! Sad! 😢
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Hi Joleek. Happy Friday to you too! Did you see my post above to you about that other BB site? Enjoy your weekend!🤗
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Sorry Jolee not Joleek. As you always say, auto correct error!
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EV, I read it and checked the other site. Not at all like ours. Crude and very negative. Auto check gets me a lot 😝😝😝
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TGIF ………………..
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Hi Bobo! Happy Saturday!! ,😊😊
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Right back at you………………
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------💝 💝
💝 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕. 💝
💝 💝
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Well, that didn’t turn out well! It was supposed to be a frame of hearts!! 😝😝😝. Oh, well, I am sure you got the message!
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Hi Jolee. Happy Sunday! Did you see the article that interviewed the jury members? Each juror explained why they vote as they did.
Have a wonderful day! Take care!🤗
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EV. … Do you remember where you read the article? I would love to read it.
Hi Jolee…happy Sunday !!!💞
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Hi Margie, it’s so good seeing people on here again. It seems so lonely when you come In and nobody has been here but you! I miss you all! 💝💝😘
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EV, no I didn’t see that article. I will have to look it up. Miss everybody on here very very much. 💝💝😘💝💝
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Darn! I don’t know how the y got after my name. There will be a message for you Margie! My post is going through moderation. 😝😝😝
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hi – MP – EV – JOLEE – BOBO and LISA MARIE – when should we look for the new fall BB blog? – i check my e-mail everyday to see!!
hope you are all doing well – been quiet in here,,,,,
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Macy, hi! I hope all is well with you! Miss everyone sooooo much! 💕💕💝💕💕💕. I’m not sure about the new blog. Did you see the new cotestents for BBOTT??
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Hi Margie P. The jury article is on BigBrotherNetwork.com
Have a great evening.
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EV …..thanks.
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Have a great Sunday everyone………………
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Margie P. You are very welcome. When you go the site you will see they have several interesting articles.
Bobo, you have a great Sunday evening also !
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Thank you my friend & Have a good Monday! ……….
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Monday Monday so good to me………… Have a good one everyone…………….
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So how many of you are going to watch the debate tonight ❓ My wife is making popcorn………. Like I am going to watch this crap see I am doing well I did not say shit! LOL…….. have a great night everyone hope to see you all soon……………
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Hi bobo! I not only watched the debate, I watched all of the post debate interviews until .2:00 am 😝😝😝Happy Tuesday! The week so I just flying by. It was soon be Halloween. Then the holidays. 🌲🌲🌲🌲🎄🎄🎄☃️☃️🌬🎈🎈🎁
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… this week is just flying by!! .(correction)
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Hi Jolee ….. what did you think of the debate last night?
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Have any of you checked out the new cast for BBOTT?
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OMG….. the new cast has a girl named Whitney Hogg from Southern Kentucky that has the strongest southern accent!!!! Talk about grate on the nerves!
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I think my pick for BBOTT is Shane Chapman. He seems the most level headed in his interviews. We will see.
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Margie, yes, we watched the debate last night! I think our guy did a good job under the circumstances. I am checking the polls this morning. They all seem to favor my candidate. 😊😊😊😊
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I still haven’t had a chance to check out the new HG’S for BBOTT. I will do that today. Do you have the live feeds? I will have to depend on all of you to keep me up on the a activities in the house.
Have a nice day!
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Jolee …. Yes I have the live feeds but these interviews were not there. I just googled them and watched them on the internet. It looks like a pretty good cast. They consist of the usual. A couple who say they are super fans, one of which I think really is and the other I think has just watched two or three seasons on tv. There are several really pretty girls, a couple of pretty boys and one guy named Cornbread from Augusta, Georgia. One girl from Kentucky has the thickest accent I have ever heard. She calls it Southern but I’ve never heard anyone talk like she does! I would get really tired of her quickly! I wonder if some of it is put on. Check it out when you get time and let me know what you think.
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I will, Margie! Couldn’t sleep, so I came to check if anybody was here! Yay, I am not alone….. I don’t think! 😊😊
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hi BOBO JOLEE and MP good to see your comments!
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Right back at you my friend……………
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Hi Macy! I hope you are doing well. I miss all of you. 😊😊
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Hi Macy … are you going to watch BBOTT?
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MP yes – i am – just checked out the new house guests video – my thoughts are… monte will be hooking up with either shelby or alex -mabe even morgan if she calms her azz down. i think cornbread is going to be fun to watch – think kryssie will be kind of annoying but maybe have some funny outfits – cant remember the ladys name – she was a little older – liked her alot. (on the tip of my tongue)–danielle is cute – justin is going to try to keep this house liking him by cooking cajun cuisine – yep whitneys voice will be grinding – and scott – the resident nerd.
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Macy …. I Think the older lady’s name is Kneely. You know two of the girls, Morgan and Alex, are sisters. Wonder how long they can keep that secret. Monte and Shane will probably be in a fight for the girls! It looks like a fairly good cast to me.
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Hey my dear friend Margie… we have not talked to each other in a long time………… I miss you mu friend……..💜………..
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MY …………….
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no – i didnt know they were sisters. they seem so different. prolly pull it off if they distance themselves – noticed they both live in texas – dallas and austin – arlington/dallas my hometown!
guess we will tune in tomorrow!
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Hey BoBo … Are you going to watch the new BBOTT? It looks like a pretty interesting cast!
Hope you are doing well!
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Well my friend I have been pretty sick…. I guess that’s what happens when you turn 69 LOL …………….
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All my comments are waiting Moderation ❓ Maybe because I said Shit the other day……………….
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Bobo….. So sorry you’ve been sick. Take care and get better!💉🌡💊
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Oh, Bobo, I am so sorry you are sick! You will be in my thoughts and prayers!!
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Bobo, I think it’s because you are signed in MYbobovnvet. That happened to me when I inadvertently put a letter in front of Jolee! 😊😊
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Have a good night everyone…………… Night for now……….
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MP – my daughter was in gymnastics with the morgan girl (cheer prep) morgan was in a more advanced level – but she lived in the town we live in now. justa fun fact!
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Macy …. That will be fun to kinda know someone, don’t you think!
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MP didnt know her at that time – i just made sure shay got to her class and went to the car to watch – orange is the new black – first season — til …
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now she is 16 and DRIVES
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Goodnight everyone. I’m going to try and get some sleep. I haven’t had a good night’s sleep for awhile! I think I’m letting the election get to me! 😕😕😕
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