Hi everyone!
Remember how, just a few days ago, I announced that Paulie was going to win this season? In fact, I think I ordered you to “mark the date.” Paulie’s superhuman, I declared. He can do anything! There’s no way he is ever getting voted out of the house! No one can beat him! No matter what we think of him, there’s no way that Paulie’s going to lose! Paulie is going to win it all!
Uhm … yeah.
About that…
Apparently, I spoke too soon. Paulie did manage to survive the double eviction but it’s going to be a struggle for him to survive this week. Victor, Paul, James, Natalie, and Michelle have all turned against him. Paulie has gone from leading an all-powerful alliance to having exactly two allies in the house: Corey and Nicole.
In short, everyone got smart … well, maybe that’s giving them too much credit. To be honest, it’s more like Paul got smart and realized that Paulie had to go. With Victor as HoH, I’m sure Paulie was feeling safe but, instead, he’s on the block.
That’s right. This week’s nominations are Paulie and Corey. If either one of them wins the veto, Michelle will go up as a pawn but the plan is to get rid of one of those two during this week.
Nicole, oddly enough, is safe. America sent her a care package and she won safety for the week. To be honest, I think America just wanted make her wear a silly costume. If you think Nicole’s been whiny so far, just imagine what she’ll be like if Corey is evicted while she’s wearing a silly costume.
Speaking of Nicole, she is now the only houseguest to have never been nominated during this season. Considering how much everyone appears to distrust her, it’s interesting that Nicole hasn’t been targeted yet.
Anyway, that’s what is happening in the house right now! It should be an interesting week as Paulie tries to convince everyone not to vote him out. However, I think it may be too late for him to change anyone’s mind. Natalie and James are certainly never going to vote for him, not after what he said to Natalie last week. Michelle can’t stand him. Paul views him as being a threat. Nicole isn’t going to vote out Corey. Victor may not have cared who was evicted during his first HoH but he definitely cares now because he still blames Paulie for the first time he was evicted.
In other words, I think it’s going to be “Bye bye, Paulie.”
We’ll see what happens!
Lisa Marie
Picture of Paulie crying because his game is OVER!
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Sirrock: Thanks again for another aide. Loved the pic!!!! 🙂 🙂
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Now who’s the cry baby.
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@Lisa – Pretty sure James hasn’t been on the block either. Never nominated, never put up as a replacement.
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SIrrock…. I was just thinking that! James has not been on the block I’m pretty sure.
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When in doubt, consult the BB18 Wikipedia chart (same charts Ian from BB14would memorize)
Nicole and James never on the block. Nat is next only being nominated once. (others were nominated once, but were evicted, including Victor)
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You’re right, my mistake! 🙂
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All good in the hood, Lisa!
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I still have a hard time liking Victor after the way he acted during his last nomination ceremony! I don’t care how he was trying to be funny, mean is a big character flaw to me!
I am glad the game has become more interesting to watch. I still think this blog is the best part of BB 18.
Thank you Lisa! 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
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Me, personally, if I were in the BB house….NOBODY that was evicted and returned would EVER make it to the end.
Keep him around for a bit, have him handle some business, then kick him out before the Final 3 at the very latest.
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Jolee, i don’t like victor either but i don’t like any of the guys except James and i’m let down with him..i want him to play hard and not kiss butt.
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I agree with Sirrock! I think that’s the way they did it in past seasons. It’s too bad they didn’t do it to Victor. This group of HG’S don’t have a clue how this game is played!! IMO.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nite everyone! Have a great weekend!
I’m off to bed! 😴😴😴😴
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I know in recent seasons, the HG’s who have returned seem to last a lot longer in the house for some reason. Used to be the “revolving door” plan. They come back and go right back out the next week…basically giving the HG”s a “free week”, so to speak.
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Victor is a jerk. he needs to go… take Michelle and her crying eyes or James with him.
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Thanks Lisa for another great post summary and to Margie who
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------religiously works to keep us posted on what is going on. Star, you
are so helpful, too. Sirrock….already thanked you!
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Love it hey ” Paulie the party’s over “and if he has a return ticket
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I’d say BB rigged it
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I like Victor, I hope he stay’s strong and wins 🙂 it all
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Ditto what Sherry said!
It’s easy to overlook James because even Z said no one thinks much about him. Last season it seemed like he had more spunk which made him noticed and liked more.
Sirrock, thanks for the link. If anyone could find it, I knew it would be you! I’d hate to see the tissue bill at Meech and Paulie’s house. : )
I’m surprised Nic got the care package. Does this mean America will likely choose her as AFP?
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No problem Two! They were flying all over Twitter last night. Videos, GIF’s, jokes. Fans of the show are really enjoying Paulie getting his comeuppance. 😀
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Hi two 😊 Re:nic getting the care package ~ looks like she got it only by default. All the polls showed Bridgette in first place from the voting. Since she was voted out in DE, the next highest vote getter was unfortunately Nicole 😖
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That’s what I was thinking as well. I looked on Nicole’s Twitter, she has 125,000 followers. That’s quite an army.
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Thank you Lisa..another great write up. I for one, am SO HAPPY that Paulie is on the block! Really hate him. Karma, baby. Victor was mean in his nomination speech, true, but Paulie is mean 24/7 to the ladies in my book. Hope he goes to jury soon, if not this week.
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If Victor makes it to the final two, Victor will win it all!
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Watching BBAD…Paulie is talking to Nat and seems to be a completely different person now that he’s OTB. Haven’t heard an F bomb in 30 minutes. I hope she’s not buying what he’s selling. Don’t watch LFs…can’t wait to see his face.
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Nat just looked at camera and confirmed all that Paulie just said was all bulls**t. Glad she saw through it.
I guess the numbers on our blogs are gone this year cuz of the reply button? Or was the reply button there and i just didn’t notice it? Star? Surrock? Anyone? Help me out here. Please. Thanks.
Hi Lisa…shocked to see you started following me on Twitter…tho you don’t know it cuz my identities are separate.
Nicole costume reminds me of candy corn
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candy cooooooooooooooooooorn
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Hey Junksies! BBBlogger said that he couldn’t do the reply button AND the numbers! I’m not sure why he decided to go this way cuz I think most of us have said we liked the numbers better. This is convenient at the time, but it’s a PITA to try to read back to see if anyone replied to you and I think a lot of people don’t bother as I write a lot that no one seems to see. It really makes reading the blog harder, I think. I liked remembering what number I ended with and then going from there. And all new comments being at thee end. Maybe we can talk him into putting it back next BB. It’s kind of driving me a little nuts because I can’t get the notifications in my email, so I am always here digging around!! lol
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Junksies..that was hysterical. The way he tried to squirm out of it when she asked him if he called her any named because of her boobs was so typical. He started it and he tried to say everyone was saying it. So what?? She’s asking about YOU! He doesn’t want to take responsibility for anything he did or said. He can’t be wrong. He has to justify. He must be totally spoiled in RL.
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@Star – I was a big fan of the “reply” function at first but now I’m finding it not as user friendly as I once hoped. Partially because not everyone uses it, and it only allows you to reply to a comment, then someone can reply to that reply, then it’s done.
I didn’t think it was a big deal till this last week or so when things really started heating up in the house. Made it difficult to remember to scroll to find my replies to see if anyone replied to them directly or at the bottom (the old way) with the @ symbol.
I was totally on board at first, but yeah, seems like its just not a good flow for this type of page format, maybe. Which is too bad.
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Sirrock…Yup. That’s my take on it too. In fact, I had trouble finding the reply button to answer this!!! Hope you see it….;)
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@Star….hahaha, Yeah I saw it…then I had to find the reply button myself. Oy!
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I think this is the first time for the reply button, Junksies. Can’t say I like it or use it much, but I’m fine with what everyone else wants.
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Thanks Two. I agree, not sure if I like it.
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Hi again! Couldn’t sleep!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I like the “Reply” even though sometimes when you want to reply to someone, your reply ends up about six comments down from where you commented! ??
I really hope next season they start numbering the comments again. It made it so much easier to keep track! I had almost 100 comments to catch up on and I would have liked to be able to write down the number I was on so I could find where I left off.
I’m really not complaining, because I am sure if BBBlogger could do it this late in the season, he would have. 😊😊😊😊
BBBlogger: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUG}}}}}}}}}}}}}from Jolee.
Back to bed! 😴😴😴😴
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Tonight I went back and read twice every comment and felt I had
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------to say something. I am one of the older ones on this blog, but not
a vet. Yet, I feel like the people who post on this blog are like family.
People really care about each other on a personal level..beyond
the BB talk.
For anyone who might feel a little left out of some of the conversations, I ask you to be patient and stick with it. You will
be rewarded for the experience. We don’t always agree and that’s
as it should be, as we are all different. But we never stop caring
about each other. I have found this blog to be made up of people
with big hearts and an eagerness to include everyone. It is the best
blog I’ve ever been a part of. What other blog would have posters
who would take the time to teach an old dog the meanings of blog
abrevs.? Take the time to fill everyone in on minute to minute
action in the house, especially those who might not have LFs or are unable to see the local shows or BBAD? Take the time to find great sites for extended explanations of events or BB info.?
This blog is a tapestry of the better part of humanity with Lisa pro-
viding the intricate stitching that makes it a work of art.
Sorry about the length. This is just MHO, but it comes from the heart.
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Well said Sherry. I love this blog. It’s like a warm cuddly blanket…or a comfortable old shoe.
When do we become vets?
BBAD is good tonight…not so boring. Lots of talk about past events this season and putting puzzle pieces together. Vic doesn’t seem as clueless as I thought. Vic Nat James and Meech are all wondering what Derrick and Cody are thinking now that Paulie blew up his game.
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junksies: I don’t know for sure, but I assume you have to be
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------one of those who have been a part of this blog from its inception.
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Junksies…….good question!! 😉 I’ve been here since at least S7…maybe earlier. Feels like forever!!lol Starfish started with me and so did aggie and Mama Margie but they don’t post anymore. Altho we are still friends.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I think that term started because there was a core group that was loyal and we came back every year. While a lot of posters just dropped in and out. But things were done and said here a couple years ago and a bunch of them decided to leave.
I kind of think of it like if you have been here at least 2 or 3 years, you’re a part of us. It’s more an attitude. But the ones of us that have been together for years know who we are and still think of ourselves as the OGs…lol
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I love you Sherry. Now if i could only find someone to go pee for me. If you think i’m lazy, it just means i’m smart……Lisa said so.
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tendr; The love is mutual. You crack me up!
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Hey you guys! I want some love too!!!! lol ♥♥♥
And I left tendr out…..also a VET!! Sorry!!!!! Still love me???LOL
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Star: You know I love you! {{{{HUGS}}}}}~!!
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Beautifully said sherry!!! ♥♥ You are as wonderful a writer as you are a person and definitely one of those intricate threads!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I post a lot and try to be thorough and funny when possible, but you put me to shame when it comes to putting words together!! So glad you found us!!! 😉
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Star: Thank you. You have become a special part of my life.
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Star, you will always be my shining Star!!! 🔯
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Star, you know I love you. I’m just trying not to say the wrong thing. James and I joke around but if you saw it written ‘only’ you’d think we hated each other.:)
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And, you missed Justa, August, Frannie, Kev11, and sadly, Cynthia who I understand is no longer with us.
But what about ME?
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sherry, bless you!! That was a perfect explanation of this blog! No one could have said it better! I feel the exact same way. Over the years (I think five) I have made so many friends
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------here. Some who have become my Facebook friends. I cherish each one of you! 😊😊😊😊
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Nicole’s costume looks like candy corn meets crossing guard. (Sent earlier but wasn’t finished.) Guess it’s worth it to be safe for a week.
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Closing it out for now. Check back in the morn. Have a great
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sat. everyone!
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What did Paulie say to Natalie that was so terrible? I missed it. And I was hoping Natalie got the leotard to wear. 😊
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Marc…….for long time they have been calling Nat FT….Fake Tits! It was a big joke! And then when she asked him about it directly he tried to weezle out of it! And he started it!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You’re going home,dude! Unless you win POV or have the RT. Get over it and go to bed!!lol
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Marc if you go to HOHKING you can see a lot of video of Pauli talking to Natalie horribly. Interrogating her on her saying he made her feel uncomfortable. There’s a bunch of videos on there of him acting like a jerk. I watched them last night. I knew he was a jerk but man he was horrible.
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Hey Star. Agree with you about the reply vs numbers. Either way I’ll go with the flow. But neither of your last two comments even had a reply option..???…so I’m here at the end knowing you will see it.
Yes, Paulie is spoiled rotten in RL. He will have dysfunctional romances until he grows up and realizes that he’s not God’s gift to women.
Till tomorrow…
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junksies……you have to keep scrolling up to the last reply you see. Its usually connected to teh original post. Gets very confusing!!!
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I just have to say that Paul didn’t get smart,Bridgette told him about Paulie and how he trusted Corey most in the house.If she didn’t tell him that they still would be P&P and kiss each others butts.
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Sandra Pierce: I didn’t know that. That makes more sense.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks for the info.
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Do not like Paul
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Prognosticating is certainty not money in bank that tends to leave egg on face when dreadfully wrong. Speaking of I think Lisa meant to say Nat n James will certainly vote Paulie out. Not NEVER going to vote for him. Yes they WILL vote for him. Just saying.
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Hey Herbie: I could be wrong but I think Lisa meant if Paulie happens to make it to final 2, Nat and James would never vote for him to vote the $500,000.
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Hmm I don’t post a lot. Mainly because I use a tablet ( I refuse to pay more money for a separate keyboard) and I type very slow. But I read EVERYTHING written on this blog. Lisa, initially, provides us all with an acute synopsis along with her personal feelings/predictions which are usually spot on. The rest of us make our comments/observations with a spattering of personal interactions between us. Hey…..isn’t that the way this is supposed to work? I’ve never felt slighted or ignored because someone doesn’t personally refer to me. In fact, just the opposite. At the beginning of this seasons blog most everyone expressed their heartfelt condolences on the loss of my husband…….and yes it has been difficult……not having him here with me to discuss everything BB. I have been actually using this blog as part of my healing. Mainly because it has been so hard for me to interact with live people.( lol not that you all aren’t live) I can see they are tired or maybe uncomfortable hearing me constantly
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------talking about my husband. But it’s only been 7 months and whether it’s been 7 years I’m not going to stop speaking of him because he is/was my life. I’m not being judged by any of you like I feel I am by a one on one contact.
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Cyndee, I feel your pain, I truly do. I lost my older brother about 2 1/2 months ago to a heart attack, he was only 45.
This week has also been difficult for me as well. My dad has been in the hospital, was near death. He’s still sedated and on a breathing tube, but is improving.
He’s diabetic and they think he had a heart attack, but because of the trauma it caused his system, his kidney’s are not functioning properly, his body is unable to process the dye needed for the tests to scan his heart at the moment. Throw in his blood sugar level and other things are all out of whack…he was put into sedation for the week to try and balance him out.
My stepmom said they are trying to get him off the tube, breathing on his own again, it’s been baby steps over the last day or so. Hopeful for that today. Going to visit this afternoon. He doesn’t live near me so I’m dependant on updates from family.
Anyway, I don’t really talk about this stuff on here, but we are a weird little “seasonal” family. BB and this page have been a pleasant distraction to what’s happening in real life. If you don’t post often, just know we’re thinking of you. And thanks for being so open about your situation, helped me talk about what my dad is going through at the moment. He was on deaths door on Tuesday morning to hopefully being awake and breathing on his own today….fingers crossed. He’s not out of the woods, but we’re taking anything at this point. Once he’s more stable, he could need a bypass or who knows what. We’ll tackle that as it comes.
Take care Cyndee! 😀
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Sirrock: I am so sorry for what you are dealing with right now in
your life. My mother was 46 when I lost her to cancer. It’s too
young to have to leave our loved ones. My mother once told me
that while dying wasn’t easy, she knew that being the ones left behind was even harder. You have my heart in your loss of your
It seems that when we think we aren’t capable of feeling any more pain or coping with any more stress and worry….we find
life often thinks we are. I’ll put you and your father in my prayers.
One thing you must know, your father did a good job raising a
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------son who never quits giving to others, even when his own life
is too complicated for words. How proud of you he must be.
While I know you feel so terribly helpless as to how to help him,
his pride in you is the light that keeps the darkness at bay.
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Sirrock, God bless you. Your family and you will be in my thoughts and prayers.
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Sirrock…..so sorry to hear about your Dad!!!!! It must be doubly hard as you are not able to go see him! Same goes for you as I just said to Cyndee………..since I am sure you read it cuz you read everything like me……and I hate to just repeat!! 😉
I will keep you and your family in my prayers. You are one of my favorite posters on here and so glad we can help you get away from your worries if only for a few minutes everyday! ♥♥ Also thanks for sharing. It’s nice to get to know more about he people we spend months talking to every year!! 😉
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Cyndee: This blog listens and cares about the parts of our lives
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------that burden us with pain. When we share, we lessen the effect
of a pain that threatens to consume us.
I lost my husband 16 yrs. ago and wish I’d had this blog to help me over some of the rougher parts of trying to learn to accept and cope with a world that suddenly had turned upside down.
I still don’t know which was harder…going back out into the world where I felt totally out of place and defenseless or coming back inside a home that greeted me with only silence.
Grief is something that never ends. It stays with us always. Time
doesn’t heal all wounds. It merely helps us to learn what works best for us individually as we decide how best to cope and go on functioning. It allows us to be able to find ways of talking about the pain that shadows our every moment of each day.
If I may, I would like to suggest you find a bereavement group in your town. It helped me so much to sit down among people who
were experiencing many of the same things I was. No one was
judged or made to feel uncomfortable when tears always close
to the surface broke free. We stayed connected and friends for
many years.
I am always available to listen or share with you what I’ve learned. Let me know if you would like my e-mail address.
In the meantime, know God feels every ounce of your pain and
counts every tear, so that He can carry you when you are too weak to walk on your own. You are never truly alone.
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Sherry, wow! I think you are awesome! Boy, we are having a time of sharing and hopefully healing today! 😊😊😊
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I really love you all!!
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God bless you Cyndee, I lost my husband 13 years ago and I still think of him every day! He even visits me in my dreams. He worked for the post office for 15 years, so he is always in his uniform! 😊😊
You are so welcomed here. As you already know, there are some amazing people here!
Star, I have finally figured out the “Reply” section. I have figured out why my reply comments are several comments down!! Because there are several other people replying to the same comment!! Duh!! 😊😊😊😊
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I agree with all of you who think Paulie is a jerk! He may have even replaced Victor as #1 jerk!!
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Cyndee..I too feel your pain. I lost my Mom 3 yrs ago(and my dad 20) and have never felt so lonely or isolated in my life!! My Mom and I were super close….she even lived 2 minutes away…and I feel the pain of her loss every day. So I can’t even imagine if it were my husband!!! I think I would feel like crawling in a hole and never coming out! So my heart hurts for you!!! ♥ People say the friends you make OL aren’t real friends. But I disagree. I have lost a lot of REAL friends because they move or get busy with their families or just life! But I can come on here any time of the night or day and always find someone to talk to. And the best part is, someone who shares one of my passions. BB!! lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Your post was refreshing and I am glad we can be here for you at this time in your life. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and am so glad you joined our little family!!!! HUGS!!! xoxoxox
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Paulie’s not GOD’s gift to women? Boom! Especially Jersey girls.
I love the reply button but I never saw the numbers.
I love this blog because no one is cruel. Everyone seems kind to everyone else. You don’t see that much any more. Good job Lisa and vets (OGs).
My fave at this point in time has to be Big Meech, crying and all. Still want Glenn as AFP.
Can NOT wait to see the show on Sunday. I hope they don’t leave anything out. Do you know what Friday’s show is about yet? Is it a battle back?
Enjoy your day and keep posting as it’s very exciting when I open my mail and see I have 25 comments to read on this very classy blog. =0)
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I think Nicole only got the scare package by default. I know I didn’t vote to give it to her. I just did not like her whinny paranoid all the time game play . Hope she never plays again. Victor has surprised me … and I don’t think Paul figured anything out.. I think he was told to wake up and smell the “friendship” .
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BBfanno: Since she received the care package on Friday, does that mean she is safe from being a renom this week and can’t be put up as a nom next week?
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Who is this new guy in the house named Paulie? It must be killing him to act like a normal human being instead of the self-appointed King Of The House. Funny how when he left his Queen dangling on the block, she was evicted and his Kingdom fell apart. I love he is getting a big dose of karma. There is no way he can continue this charade all week if he doesn’t win veto.
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Courtney: Good post!
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deb: Loved your analysis. I think you nailed it.
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Love this blog. Would like having numbers too. Never saw them before. How do I find HOH8 videos on Utube?
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I just found his channel for you. Here’s the link to all his videos.
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Looking for the one with Maddie
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It just struck me that this season lacks any semblance of loyalty…
Paul turned on Paulie because he wasn’t going his way & visa versa
Paulie had no qualms watching Z go
Cory ran with the boys to decide double eviction leaving Nicole to wonder….wait! Did she wonder?
James sat by idly listening to FT comments about Natalie.
And so on….
Maybe this is a reflection of society? OPPS, I don’t want to wax philosophical.
I totally understand throwing the other nominee under the bus to save your own skin from eviction but I don’t recall a season before where a group couldn’t retain an alliance. And we can’t confuse James’ protection of Natalie as anything more than….(well you know haha).
And for all of us who are tired of Meech crying!?! Wait until Zingbot lets her have it!!!! I’m sorry to say this because it makes me seem petty but Meech is nothing more than a wannabe girl who finally got invited, in a roundabout way, to a popular party then acts as if she’s all that! Ugh!
Cyndee, I hope you’re doing ok. I’m sure it must be so difficult. Thoughts are with you!
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I think I finally decided to root for Victor, whom I couldn’t stand before his eviction. Last night as they were sitting around bashing Paulie, Meech said something like “and at his eviction we should say….” To which Victor replied, “I think he’s had it bad enough” I can respect that plus Victor seems more analytical than I gave him credit for. Now, maybe if he puts on a shirt, he’ll seem downright brilliant 😉
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It’s too bad Victor didn’t have sympathy for the two girls he bashed and then threw beads at them. Then he sympathises with the poor little boy, Paulie! ???????
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Jolie….^5….that’s a high five
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After reluctantly giving in to my blatant curiosity, I tapped into CBS full access AGAIN to watch the aftermath of Victor nominating Paulie and Corey for eviction. Now I’m struggling with a big decision; who is the poorer sport, Hope Solo after being dethroned as soccer Queen of the Olympics or Paulie being dethroned as King of the Big Brother House?
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C’est Moi: I love your humor and analytical mind. You always
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------bring up points that are short and distinctly enjoyable.
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i am so glad that Paulie is on the block and was taken down a peg or 2 ~ he don’t like the feeling of being on the block, i hope he does not have the round trip ticket. Have a great weekend yall 🙂 BBL
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sorry but i have to disagree with the statement of Nichole being whiny. Michelle is the whiny one. i mean who cries like she did when they do NOT get evicted.
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Have so enjoyed all of your comments today. I don’t remember when there has ever been a season when our opinions have vacillated more over our feelings about the hgs. We can really dislike them one day and feel so very differently about them on any other given day. But it’s taken more than half the game for the real
players to stand up and identify themselves.
When we were about to give up all hope that things would ever change… they did. We’ve watched golden suits of armor become tarnished and dented beyond use, and their actions and words the sword that eventually tripped them up.
We’ve seen those who seemed to be cloaked in vanity and an inability to understand the game become stronger and more likable.
We saw those who entered the house with a set of tools that could have proven to be a great asset ignore them and change from players to floaters.
I like that Vic didn’t want to pile on to Paulie’s feelings of utter
defeat. He learned something from his own experiences in the house. and it’s made him more empathetic. His social skills and
way of wording things still need work, but I think he’s looking better
for a finale vote.
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Sherry,well said! I was really upset with Victor the way he nominated the girls. It actually made me sick to my stomach. I usually forgive easily, but his actions were so rude and so demeaning to those girls. However, in the end I always choose to forgive! I have been forgiven so much, so how can I not forgive?? 😊😊
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Beautiful, Jolee 🙂
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I’m not ‘there’ yet. I know what 23yrs. Of being put down by a man who should love you… feels like. I have zero sympathy left for mean boys to men.
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Sirrock & Cyndee My heart goes out to you all💜….
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Thank you bobo!
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Yes, Sirrock and Cyndee..my heart also goes out to you both. I will keep you both in my prayers and thoughts.
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Thank you Astra!
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Sherry, thank you for you analysis. I do think Victor put on his Big Boy pants and realize Paulie was a strong player with the ways of the wizard behind the curtain. As far as a favorite, I really tired of this High School drama. But I do love this blog with/without numbers, it’s all good to me. My appreciation as always goes to LM, she’s the greatest!!
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Ditto, Jan. Always enjoy your input.
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Thanks for another good write up Lisa💕 Was watching king P talking to everyone……….. What a jerk! 😝 I have some stuff to do & it’s time to get off my computer because my ass is falling asleep! LOL
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@Star you forgot that I was one of the night owls that would hang out with you when you came to this blog💕…. I did comment a whole bunch at the beginning but just started to read what everyone had to say & keep my mouth shut, way to many fights! Bloggergal would send me some E-Mails thinking I was cutting & pasting stuff but that was not true!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So I guess I am a Vet & a Veteran LOL , I just did not jump ship because I’m very nosy & want to read everybody’s comments!
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Bobo…Sorry. I didn’t mean to leave you out!! I was just trying to explain to Junskies and I KNEW when I started naming names I was going to step on some toes!!! Mea Culpa. Wasn’t intentional. I think it might be better if we are all just considered equals from now on. We are all just addicted BB bloggers!! Time spent here doesn’t make anyone BETTER by any means!!! Still friends?? 😉
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NO I WILL NEVER CONSIDERED THAT STAR MEA CUPPA! STILL FRIENDS ????????…………………………….. 😝LOL Got ya………..
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What number is this? So I can come back if you have a reply?😜😜😜😜
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Bobo…I answered you donwnbelow! But with all the stuff going on here lately, I wsn’t taking any chances!lol
There ARE no numbers Bob. Or was that more sarcasm??? 😉 I am going to email BBBlogger before next season. I really think we need them back!!!!! 123456789……………infimity!! lol
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@ Sirrock and Cyndee ~~~ So sorry for both of you and I will say a prayer for both of you. ~ on this blog everybody cares about each other ~ shoot I’m surprised I am still alive and pain free, but I am still sassy, but i sleep alot. 🙂 smiles to yall all BBL
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Good to hear you are pain free my dear friend SWT 💕
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Jolee: You are the best. Your kindness that is always shared
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------with all of us never ends. Your husband was very lucky to have
had you in his life. And I know you feel the same way about him.
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bobo: It isn’t necessary for you to post a lot. What you have to
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------say is always good and to the point. I’m so glad you are a big
part of this blog. I always look forward to what you have to say.
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@ bobo thanks so much 😁
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Thank you swt….I’m glad you’re doing well. 🙂
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@ sirrock thank you so much, my heart goes out for you and yours 😃 God has a plan don’t worry😁
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I checked out the BB facebook group I’m in and they said the feeds were going nuts about 3 hrs ago. I checked in and everyone is asleep now except for Miche and Nic. I guess they were all fighting pretty good. Sounds like Miche, Nat, James, and Paul talked about starting a big fight to rattle Paulie before the POV.
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Cyndee, my husband passed New Year’s Day, 1992. I still talk about him and don’t hold back, but instead of sadness and tears, I feel wistful and yearning. I don’t know when the switch took place. More of a gradual changing, I think. My advice is to embrace those tears and clutch them close. Let them be a kind of salve to your pain. Seven months is nothing. Might as well be seven days. It’s too soon to feel anything other than what you are feeling right now. But there will come a time when you can think of him without breaking down. Don’t block your feelings as they will help you heal. Not forget. That never happens, but you do learn to live with it.
Sirrock, my dad passed on Christmas Eve, 2002, of pancreatic cancer. He was sick for months, but as long as there was life, we had hope. Never surrender to despair. You’re not really the type for that, but it will be tempting at times. Reread what sherry posted. She said it so well.
My mom died on April Fool’s day, 1993. Star, I know how close you were to your mom. You must have been devastated. My heart goes out to you.
I’m sorry for all of you who have had to endure such loss.
It seems God has chosen holidays to call my family members home. He may have Fourth of July in mind for me, but more likely I think it may be Halloween. Some Halloween way, way off in the future. : )
swt, we are all happy you aren’t in any pain right now. Would that it always be so.
I talk to you guys more than I do to my other friends and family, and I never talk BB to them. I get blank looks and remarks against all reality shows. So why bother?
This dethroning of Paulie. I never saw it coming. But I do hope nothing happens to derail the plan.
I’m sitting here wishing I could address each of you by name. At least I can thank you as a group for playing such a positive role in my life.
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swt: So glad the pain is at ebb. Hang in there, girl. You’re doing
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------great!! 🙂 🙂
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two: Awesome post!! 🙂 🙂 You have suffered so much loss and have come out of it all much stronger. So glad I’ve had more time
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------to talk by posts with you this summer.
I know what you mean. My friends don’t understand about BB.
Thank the good Lord for this blog which allows me to shoot off
my big mouth way too often, but always with support.
I hope your day today is blessed many times over and my real
name is Sherry. I’m too simplistic to have a cool blog name!!
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two …….I am spot reading as I am way behind. And I just wrote to Cyndee telling her about losing my Mom. ANd then here you are……..posting to me about it before I had even said anything!!! That kind of amazed me!!!
We are so connected here by love of BB but also by a passion for it. And maybe even a bit of lonliness or reaching out..at least at times. Often it seems that we think as one. It sure did this time!! 😉
I am not going to be able to read more right now as I can’t see the keyboard(tears) and my hubby wants to get going….lol But thanks you for the kind words!!
And I have no kind words for Paulie!!!! Even if he wins POV his season is OVER!
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@ two thanks HOSPICE is the best !!!! 😁😊😴
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My love goes out to all of you! You are an amazing group of friends! 😊😊
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Cyndee, I am so sorry for the loss of your husband. I must have missed a past post where you had mentioned it.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sirrock, I am sorry about your dad. I lost my dad to cancer 2 years ago and I understand what its like having a parent ill in the hospital. It is really hard to see a parent helpless like that.
Hugs to both of you.
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Thank you Tammera!
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Thank you, Sherry. Thank you, thank you. I feel the same, and as for daily blessings, I have more than my share and you figure in that every time you post. : )
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I’ve been following this blog for years I rarely comment but I really appreciate all of your comments and I think I’m the oldest follower
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Karla: The best parat of age is the appreciation for the years
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------granted us. We’re thankful for even the bad things that have
happened to us, because they’ve made us stronger and more
We also lose our inhibitions that protect us socially as we age. When those inhibitions go, we don’t care so much what people think of us. We say what we mean and say it directly. I love that!
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Sherry! Amen sister!! 😊
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Hi Karla… talk anytime you want…. even off topic. To me, its how we get to know each other. Welcome.
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Karla, I don’t know about that!! I am 83 years young!! 😊😊
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I really do love you all.
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Astra…right back at ya!!! ♥♥♥
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Astral, the feeling is mutual! This has definitely been the best year of this blog! I think we have learned so much about each other this year! I love this blog! It has truly been a blessing!
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@ sherry……… 💜 Thanks for that comment! I think from now on I will be replying this way …..I always forget to go up to see if my reply was answered! & to My dear friend Star I hope you know I was just kidding you old Vet you! 😜😜……………….
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Bobo, {{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}} 😊
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Bobo..well, better safe than sorry!! 😉 I don’t need or want any hard feelings in here. This is our happy Place!!!! 😉 But thanls for telling me anyway. I feel better!! lol
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Veto comp is done, feeds are back up.
Smell ya later Paulie (unless he has the return ticket)
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You got that the same time as me LOL…………
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haha….I just saw it and had to share! We’ll call it a tie. 😀
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Okay I just heard that Vic won POV………………
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It was the Prize/Punishment POV comp. I guess James won $5K, Paul got a punishment.
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Very cool Sirrock! & yes if you look at our times it was a tie LOL ………
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I’m reading Vic gave up the $5k to secure the veto. So that would mean James had the Veto and he swapped it so James got the money…..if what I’m reading is accurate. It usually is…so Vic didn’t want his noms messed with. haha
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Thanks Sirrock and bobo for the tips. I am thrilled. Paulie will
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------be actually gone now. It was their only chance. If he had won
veto, he might have figured how to stay to the end. Just hope he
doesn’t have the RT.
I am pulling for Vic. He is really playing the game. He could make
BB history.
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Great news about the veto! Goodbye Paulie!! 😊😊
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You might know I miss one day of checking in (I had to take a break from BB) and all of my friends are on here sharing! I really love this group! I have no friends in RL that care anything about BB so I have no one to bounce things off. My sister just rolls her eyes when I mention anything BB. lol She just doesn’t get it. BB is one of those programs that you just have to share your thoughts with someone or it isn’t nearly as much fun.
Sirrock I was heartbroken to hear of your pain. I wish you the very best and will constantly be thinking of you. I’m so sorry I was bugging you about the links during this stressful time for you.
Cindy I remember you talking about your husband earlier and I hope you are feeling better.
To everyone else thanks for sharing your stories. It makes all of feel much closer to know a little background on each other.
Sherry you are able to express your feelings so well. I love reading your comments because they are always so insightful. Also Star, Two, Sirrock and everyone I forgot to mention express things so much better than I can but I love reading everyone’s comments. No matter who.
I’m not a ‘Vet’ I’ve only been here two seasons but I felt welcomed right away. Before this I was with another blog ‘DishChicks’ which was so much like this group with the same people coming back year after year. Carolyn stopped blogging last year and I was devastated until I found this blog. Thanks so much BB Blogger and Lisa!!!!!!
I was happy to see that Victor w0n the veto. I felt confident that he would. Paulie went up and talked to him before the feeds were cut again and was an entirely different person than what we have been seeing. He said he would not campaign against Corey and for Victor to do what he felt was best! I actually liked this Paulie. He should have been there the entire game!
Before the comp Meech and Nicole were in the Have Not Room, seems they are the have nots this week. Nicole must have taken it for Corey. They had a loooooooong talk and hashed out a lot of crap that was told to each other over the last few weeks. Seems Z was trying to pit M & N against each other. Maybe she was jealous of their relationship. Anyway very glad she is gone!
Sirrock have any idea why they went back to the Jeff loops? We know the comp is over and it seems as if Zingbot was the MC?
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Margie…I kinda did the same…..needed some time off. But just got back home and needed to come in here and see what was going on!!!
I knew Vic won, but the rest I didn’t know. VIc sure is beasting it! I like him , but gamewise, the other HGs should have gotten him out ASAP after he won the Battle Back. That should have been a CLUE!!lol
I appreciate the compliment but ypu write very well yourself missy..lol And I don’t have the patience to watch the LFS, much less post , as much as you do!! We all contribute in our own ways!
I don;t know if you saw what I wrote to Bobo up thread, but I think we need to knock off this Vets/newbie thing. We are all here for the same reason….to share our BB addiction!!! People that don’t get it do think we’re cra-cra..lol So it’s nice to have a place to share and be accepted. I just don’t want this separation thing to cause any more problems or anger on here.
And I can’t wait to hear some of Zingbots ZINGS to these HGS!! He sure ahs a lot to work with this season!!lol
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It doesn’t matter how long anyone has been posting on this blog. We are all here for the same reason and have the same right to our opinions. I’m taking the vets/mids/newbies thing as kind of an inside joke.
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Star and Princess: Couldn’t have said it any better. Dang it, this is
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------the best group of people with so much heart to give to everyone!
Margie: You have made this season for me with all of your blow-
by-blow descriptions of what’s been going on. I would have been
lost had it not been for you and so many others always thinking
of those of us handicapped this season from watching.
Thank you all.
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Margie, trust me, nobody on here is annoying me at all. I’ve welcomed the distraction to be honest. I enjoy helping people and for me to find some links or share info, it’s really pretty easy to do. I love BB and if I can help someone see the show or provide a link to a funny picture/video, or what have you, I really enjoy it.
If I’m on facebook and someone asks about something, I try to find the info. It takes me no time at all and I like being able to find the info to be honest. I’m pretty good at it! Kind of the same deal here. My GF and my mom are the only BB fans I know IRL. I need this blog and twitter and fb to keep up!
As far as the feeds being down again, I really have no idea. I tapped out and made a couple lasagna’s and we watched a movie. I remember Zingbot was in the audience for the live show so it wouldn’t shock me if he rolled in to rip on the HG’s. If memory serves, they like to use ZB in the comps in the past, but other times they just have him show up to harass the HG’s. I guess we’ll see. I”m recording BBAD and am gonna watch soon. Wanna ffwd the commercials.
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Never mind Sirrock. They are back!!!!!!
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Doh! Guess I should have scrolled a little further. Oh well, can’t wait to hear the ZIIIIIIINNNGSSSS!!!
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The Zingbot came and zinged everyone. They are discussing the comments now.
Thank goodness Corey finally shaved. He looks so much better.
Meech was in the HN room sharing her insights but I missed it. I’ll check flashback later.
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Wonder where Paulie is…. everyone else is accounted for. Maybe sulking…
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@swt…..I am so happy to hear that you are pain free!! Lets celebrate!
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Yea thanks so much party time let me get the hats and party stuff !!!! 🙌👍👏🎈🎈🎈🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎆🎆🎆🎊🎊🎊🎊📣📣📣📣📯📯📯📯📯🎡🎡🎡🎡🎷🎷🎷🎷🎷🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎵🎵🎵🎵🎶🎶🎶
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I hope so! Sick of Paulie!
Who in the world voted for Nicole??? I was concerned for Michelle’s safety after her harsh words, so I voted more than I have ever voted before.
It would hurt my feelings to see Paulie walk out this week and Nicole next week.
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Heard a rumor, maybe its on here somewhere, that Bridget was most likely the winner but got voted out in the DE so Nicole got it for 2nd place votes. She’s got like 125k in Twitter followers. That’s a lot of possible votes.
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Hilarious….one of the zings to Paul was about his catch phrases, friendship, pissed (and I forgot the others) then said here is a catch phrase for you…..Paul shut the F… up!
Boy he has his number doesn’t he! lol
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I have been on this Blog for 10 years, way before Lisa was the Blogger of this site SHOUT OUT TO LISA WE ALL LOVE YOU, your the BEST 😇 and so are all of us BB friends thank y’all so much😃😸👪💝👋🐦🐩🐰🐣🐭🐸🐵🐚🐙🍒🍓🍉🍌🍊🍎🍇🌼🌸🌹🍁⛅🌻 I love all of you!!!!!
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SWT is ready to party so let’s party gang!!! I wish you nothing but pain free days going forward. Just an FYI — whenever I see your name, I always refer to you as Sweet (which you are). I love this entire group. We are the best! LOL
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I know I speak for all of us when I say we love you swt. I want
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------to add I am more than impressed with all of the cute little symbols
you did. (I know they have a special name, but don’t know what
it is.) Loved it!!
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@Star….they are just sharing bits and pieces of the zings so I can’t put them together yet. Except the one for Paul. That was pretty accurate!
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@swt…I’ll bring the Tequila!
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@Meli$$a……I for one, voted for Nicole. I disliked her less than all the other dipshitz’s they have on there! I don’t think Meech deserved any more than Nicole did. All she did was lay in bed, cry and let everyone else do the work to keep her a$$ in there! She definitely wasn’t playing the game.
I’m beginning to like Victor. I have a feeling he is going to win. He will be very hard to get out at this point!
By the way, James took the $5,000 price, Cody has to wear some kind of costume (unitard) for a week, Victor won veto and Paul won some kind of punishment. I’m not sure what it is but it lasts all week.
@Sirrock…..do you know what Paul’s punishment is?
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I voted for Corey to get this week’s care package only because I wanted to see his big dumb ass in a costume all week. Sounds like I got my wish if he has the unitard. Him and Nicole should look so cute this week with their clothing apparel.
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deb: I was thinking the same thing!
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CYNDEE, SIRROCK, SHERRY,STAR,TWO—–i join you all. i lost my mom last year – we were very close (16 years apart) grief can really knock the wind out of your sales. my husband and my 16 yr old are tired of me talking about it – so this blog is nice.
SIRROCK – just said a little prayer for your dad.
TENDR – candy coooooorn – cracked me up – i can just hear her saying that!
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macy: So sorry about your mom. Glad you have this blog to
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------vent whatever you are feeling. We will never get tired of hearing
how you feel.
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Thank you Macy….and sorry for your loss.
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I think Corey is going in to get his Unitard! This should be very funny. He will be so embarrassed!
I keeping thinking of Frank in his Unitard in his first season. That was hysterical! As well as the guy that was evicted in his Unitard that was in the all boys alliance (can’t remember his name. It started with a C).
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so overjoyed victor won pov – our next mountain is for paulie to have a one way ticket. yay for now!
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What a titty baby Paulie is! He just told Nicole if there is no RT ticket or buy back after he gets to the Jury House he is going to just quit and go home. Nicole was trying to talk him out of it and he told her he couldn’t stay in closed up spaces like the Jury House because he can’t stand being closed up in close spaces. What the hell! How can he stay in the BB house then? He’s just embarrassed and worried about what the outside world is thinking of him! What a quitter!
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He has no idea how lovely the jury house is and how much freedom they have there. He’s possibly thinking of being sequestered prior to entering the house and don’t forget, he has to face Zakiyah, having had her self-confidence bolstered for a week by Mama Da’, who saw through Paulie from almost the beginning. He should be afraid. Be very afraid, Paulie. You’re facing two women you are directly responsible for sending out! Enjoy your stay at the jury house little man.
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Margie: I was thinking the same thing about Paulie before I
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------learned about his conversation about quitting. He has been
feeling sorry for himself ever since Z left. He saw the hand-
writing on the wall. The jury house is nothing like the con-
finement of the BB house where you can’t even get outdoors
most of the time.
I agree with Princess. He spent a lot of time confined in one
room or another discussing his personal strategy and manipu-
lating others to do his bidding and never complained.
He is a poor loser, and I believe is afraid to face Z and the rest
in the jury house. Paulie is a guy who can’t handle failure. He
looks upon his having to go to jury as failure. But if he has been
such a great fan of BB and learned so much from his brother
and Derrick before coming on the show…..why doesn’t he know
how great the jury house is? He’s just looking for an excuse to
quit and go home to lick his wounds. Paahleeese! No RT for
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Nicole won a trip in the veto comp.
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Hope she isn’t planning on taking Corey with her. I don’t think
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------he’ll be having much to do with her after the finale.
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I love love love my “seasonal family”… appropriate title for this gang Sirrock. Everyone is so very special in their own way.
Tears, thoughts and prayers for Cyndee and Sirrock. To swt I’m glad you are pain free.
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Haha…glad you liked it junksies….just kinda popped in my head as I was typing…but it’s pretty spot on. Thanks for the thoughts and prayers. 😀
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Well thanks for all the info everyone just came up to check on things I was watching some TV down in my Man cave 😜& I was looking for you today Margie glad to see you my dear💕 I will be back after a few more shows…………… Later my friends…….
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@ junksies thanks 🎂
I voted all 20 votes for Nichole 😊
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@ Margie, let’s do some shots
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Thrilled that Victor won the veto to seal Paulie,s fate! It will be a joy to see him walk out. That being said, I have to admit that I wouldn’t mind if he had the round trip ticket, went back in, won HOH and sent Paul out the door. I just think it would be fun to watch.
Thank you all for the updates. I don’t have live feeds or BB after dark so I truly appreciate you keeping me informed.
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@swt…..I’m passing you the bottle, lime and salt!
@Doris…..I would like to see that also. I think it would be great TV !
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@ sherry ( huggggggggsssssssssss ) thanks’s I think I might not die until after BB ~~ I feel really good ~~ HOSPICE takes care of me, but I am hanging in there. since you can’t get BB you could come stay with me I have a guest room 🙂
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What a beautiful offer. I would be there in a heartbeat if I
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------could travel. I have some health issues that prevent me from
travelling right now. I am so thankful Hospice is with you.
I can’t say enough good things about them. I know you are
in good hands. Don’t you dare die until this season is over!!!!
We are all praying for you. Love you, girl!
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swt, God bless you sweet lady! My dad was cared for by Hospice. I was able to see how they treated my dad during one of my visits to him. They treated my dad like royalty! He lived in Oregon the last several years. I traveled from NC at least every other year to visit him. I pray for you! Keep on posting. We love you.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I also want to thank all of you wonderful BB friends. I always feel good when I come here and read all of your comments rather on topic or off! I love you all!!! 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
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