Well, here we are! It’s Sunday. Sunday is always the most difficult day to write about as far as life in the Big Brother House is concerned. With the veto comp on Saturday and the veto ceremony on Monday, little seems to happen on Sunday.
That’s especially true today. Nicole won the veto yesterday and she has already decided that she’s not going to use the veto. She’s going to leave her nominations the same. Paul will stay on the block as a pawn. Michelle will be sent to the jury, probably as a result of Nicole breaking a 2-2 tie.
Nicole has been getting a little bit paranoid today. For some reason, she’s worried that Victor will betray Paul. Anyone who has been paying attention to what’s been going on in the house would know that Victor would never betray Paul. Victor is probably the only truly loyal person in the entire house.
But Nicole hasn’t really been paying much attention to anyone other than James and Corey. Just the fact that she sees Michelle as being a bigger threat than Paul proves that fact. And so, Nicole is paranoid. Apparently, she is really committed to the idea of her and Corey being in a final four with Paul and Victor.
So, Nicole and Corey have come up with a plan. They’re going to offer Victor the $5,000 in return for voting to evict Michelle. They feel that it would seal their alliance. It’s a totally unnecessary move but then again, if they don’t do something with the $5,000, it’ll just go back to Big Brother. So, they figure they might as well give it to Victor.
The thing is, Corey can use that $5,000 up to the end of the next HoH comp. Why not keep the money and offer it to someone during the HoH comp? That’s what I would do but apparently, they’re going to give the money to Victor for no good reason.
The only other big thing that happened today was that a drone flew over the Big Brother house while the houseguests were outside. It dropped an inflatable sex doll into the back yard. Written across the doll was the following message: “JUR8 BBS18 #1.”
What does that mean?
I have no idea.
Anyway, veto ceremony is tomorrow! Nicole should be keeping her nominations the same.
We’ll find out for sure tomorrow,
Lisa Marie
I just can’t believe they’re not getting Paul out when they have the slightest chance. JMO
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tendr…..Nic is taking the path of least resistance, as usual.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Getting Meech out will not hurt her as she is not breaking up anyone’s alliance. So no one will be gunning for her next week. Also by putting up Meech and Paul it looks like she is still working with Jatalie. She is still laying low, even as HOH. That’s her MO.
She’s not really thinking of her end game and that Paul and Vic can both beat her in comps. But what does she care? She’s said she’d rather Corey win anyway. So she is just doing her stint as HOH and getting out with no* blood on her hands!!!*
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That phrase is getting sooooo old. no “blood on my hands”. I know I’m not the only one who’s sick of it. Anyway, Star, I believe your take on what’s going on is right on the money.
Thanks so much Lisa for your excellent follow up. I was baby sitting my little grandson all weekend and haven’t been on the blog and sort of watched BB last night. You guys are awesome. I appreciate all of you.
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If if I repeat if Paul and Victor truly are true to a 4 person alliance this was the smartest move at this time Nicole could make. Seems dumb and honestly probably is dumb. But meech was always going to vote with James and Natalie plus she wanted to drag Victor into her good graces. I think her and Nat both have a crush on him. I think the writing is on the wall for Victor and Paul to be final 2. Her only hope of staying is if James and Natalie don’t get wind of this new alliance because they will.put her and Cory up if James wins. Best case scenario is James and Nat stay in the dark on the new alliance. It’s gonna be a race to the finish once meech leaves. Nicole better hope Cory finally wins HOH
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Here is part of the convo after the drone when the HGS were locked down inside.
It was on the body,” Corey confirmed.
“It could have been a girl doll. I didn’t see boobs. I don’t think I saw boobs,” said Nicole.
“Why wouldn’t they just get a little banner and make it clear?” asked Corey.
Nicole believes there was a point to the message being on a blow-up doll and the message probably exposed someone’s secret.
“Last time this happened, I blew it off and it was the hugest secret ever,” said a concerned Nicole.
“What was it last time?” asked Paul.
“The message told us Derrick was really a cop,” answered Nicole about a similar incident that happened on the Season 16 live feeds which revealed Derrick’s big secret to the entire house: that his real career was that of an undercover police officer.
Throughout the history of Big Brother, fans have tried to send messages to the HouseGuests in various ways. Banner planes have flown over the house, fans have thrown fake newspapers over the wall and shouted messages from nearby with the aid of megaphones.
I had forgotten about the Derrick message. Now Nic is even MORE paranoid!! lol It has got to mean something. If someone went to all the trouble of sending a drone, why wasn’t it clearer?
Does it mean someone coming back in from the jury?? there are 7 in the house now, so that would make it 8. But they just DID that! And there are only 3 weeks left.
Is it something that will happen to the 8th juror?? Nothing really makes any sense. If they were trying to help someone or even shake the house up, it kind of fell flat!!
BTW…..on BBAD I thot it was funny that Meech and Nat were wearing the same bathing suits in the hot tub. Now that they are BESTIES, they are dressing alike. Aww…how sweet!! NOT! lol Meech is thrilled to be with the COOL girl. And you can tell Nat is one of those girls….cheerleader, sorority girl, likes PJ parties, doing each others hair and wearing matching PJs. that’s why I have a gut feeling the doll was about her. I just don’t know WHY!!!!
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The only thing that occurs to me is that they now have 4 jurors. Counting Victor as 5, Meech as 6, James 7, Natalie would be 8. Or perhaps someone is hoping that Nicole is juror 8. It’s not abundantly clear at all. Too bad the bright idea of a drone left such an inarticulate message.
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Nicole and Corey could be making a big mistake because Paul and Victory are the strongest players in the house. James and Natalie are make the smarter move, voting to evict Paul. At this point if Victor goes to the final-2 he should be the winner. Additionally, if any of the other players go to the final-2 with Paul, the winner should be Paul. The smarter move would have been to used the bribe money at the last minute to have Victor vote out Paul since they put him on the Block. Reason being Michelle has little to no change of winning the big prize even if she got that far. At this point Victor who has been voted out twice and returned appears to be sitting in the drivers seat with Paul as his copilot. Note Paul should win against anyone but Victor. With that in mind, will Paul stay loyal to Victor. The game is finally being played. HOH is key this coming week…let’s see who makes the smartest moves to win the big cash prize.
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I know I’m in the minority on my opinion that getting Meech out is not a bad move for Nicole’s game.
Other than the FACT that Meech wants Nicole out and has for weeks now, let me run the scenarios for next week.
Option 1) Nic votes out Meech
James & Nat wouldn’t like it… but they know very well Meech has made it clear to the entire house she wants Nicole out.. so they would at least have to understand the game move.
Vic & Paul are happy to finally not get screwed over.
If Nat or James wins HOH… they target Paul & Vic or Corey most likely. But at least Nic & Corey wouldn’t be on the block together
If Vic or Paul win HOH they target James & Nat
Option 2) Nic votes out Paul
Vic is upset.. deal broken again. Probably moves Corey & Nic to top of his hit list
Nat, James & Meech are happy. But guess what… their targets are still Corey & Nicole… and they are still 3 strong… half the house!!
If Vic wins HOH he could target Nic & Corey after they betrayed him
If Nat, Meech, or James wins HOH they would probably all target Nic & Corey as the only other duo left in the game. Plus those 3 have wanted to break up Nic & Corey anyway… and with Paul gone.. they would.
I know Paul is a threat. I know he needs to go. Vic & Paul need to be broken up no question. Danger danger Will Rodgers!!
Personally, I believe Vic & Paul deserve to be in final 2. Strategically, they need to go!
From Nic’s view right now.. going into next week… seems better to get rid of one from a Final 3.. which any of the 3 would put you on the block if they won HOH.. and those 3 are together to the end.
I look at it this way. If she evicts Paul, then anyone winning HOH other than Corey and she goes on the block.
If she evicts Meech… then she potentially stays off the block no matter who wins HOH.
Lastly, the last 2 HOH comps have been 2 hours each. Seems pretty likely that the next one will be questions of some sort… days, before or after, true false… whatever. Meech is pretty good at those. If Nic keeps Meech I think she’d find her butt on the block on Friday.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Paul has to go… but to get to final 2 you have to make it through next week.
No need to reply.. I know most disagree. I get an opinion too. 😆
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I’m replying, JT….I agree with your logic. Well thought out. * thumbs up*
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JT……I agree with your assessment 1000%. I have been saying this all week. She would be a fool to get anyone but Meech out of the house. Another fact is that Meech has 3 confirmed votes in the JH. Day, Z or Bridgette will NOT vote for Nicole they definitely would vote for Meech. I think she is making a great move for her game and I believe Vic and Paul will be loyal to N/C up to the final four!
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JT i know that if i were hoh, and someone was clearly coming after me – i would want that person out of the house ASAP
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JT, great concepts! I just DO NOT want Paul to win!!!!! He drives me CRAZY!!😝😝😝
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Danger, Will Robinson, danger, danger…
Yes. Nic picked the safest path for her game. Too bad James still thinks he can trust her. Too bad Natalie is relying on James’ veteran status to make moves in this game.
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I agree with you all the way
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JT: You always make perfect sense, whether the majority agree
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------with you or not. Keep them coming!
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Will be out most of the day, but will check back in later.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Have a great Monday, friends!
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Sherry!! 💕💕💕💕💕💕😍😍😍
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Jolee: Back at you, dear friend.
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Just watched a little of BBAD and Meech’s chewing just drove me nuts. Had to delete the rest.
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SL…good call! lol Yesterday afternoon Meech was sitting in the backyard, actually awake for a change, eating the seaweed chips. She was crunching so loud I changed cameras and wouldn’t you know it, they kept the sound on her and not on the people on camera!! Had to turn it off.
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So funny….Natalie is still bragging about the 1 (one) pound that she has lost!!! She’s so proud. How she knows she has lost a pound is beyond me because they don’t have any scales.
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They had the veto ceremony.
No surprise — Nicole DID NOT use the veto.
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JT. Oh to have a brain like yours that can figure out every possible scenario. My memory is good-ish but figuring out various outcomes just leaves me scratching my head.
I loved the nod to Lost In Space!
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happy monday all you BB Bloggers!
im not going to say who i want to win – in fear of ‘the jinx’ ha ha
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Finally got caught up again! 😊😊😊
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I, for one, think JT said it all! Thank you JT!
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Good point JT. I too got the Lost in Space reference. I guess we know who is older in the group. Once I was at Target and the teenager cashier told me my total was $13.13. I chuckled and said you know who lives at 1313 Mockingbird Lane right? She looked at me like I had a third eye. I said again do you know who lives at 1313 Mockingbird Lane. Again a blank stare. I said the Munsters and she continued with the blank stare because she had no clue what I was talking about.
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I’m going to play devil’s advocate. If Meech is voted out, that is
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------just one more vote against N and C from the JH. There will be
three twosomes left.
Only one group doesn’t have a weak link. Vic and Paul. Natalie
is a weak link, as is Corey. Even Nic is not that strong. So Vic and
Paul will have been handed the final 2 on a silver platter.
In past seasons I’ve seen people really mad at one of the final
two and still vote for them to win because they were more de-
serving than the other one. None of those left have a valid
case for winning against Paul and Vic. Especially Vic. He’s been
a comp beast. Paul is capable of coming on like gang busters if
it’s a mental comp.
I would have taken my chances against Meech winning HOH
rather than a sure deterioration of ever seeing the final 2
finish line with Vic and Paul still in the house. Even if James
and Nat are lucky enough to beat out either Vic or Paul, they
will now be out for Nic to be evicted as payback.
Vic and Paul may deserve to be the f2, but to hand it to them
so easily is beyond my understanding. They both have a much
better chance of winning the next HOH over Meech and together
may prove to be unstoppable.
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Sherry ….. Sorry my friend but I don’t agree with you. Lol. I really believe Meech needs to go. If she stays there is a firm 3 people instead of 2 playing against her. JAmes, Nat and Meech. But that’s what I love about this blog we all have our opinions and aren’t afraid to speak them!
I’m listening to Michelle and James talk right now and othey really have no idea how the wind is blowing in the house this week. James is telling her there is no way in hell that Paul is staying in the house this week. He sincerely believes this. They were plotting their strategy for the next two weeks and what they plan is to get Nicole out next week and keep Vic and Corey. Michelle says that Nicole is the brains of that group. I don’t think Vic needs anyone to tell him what to do. lol
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JT ………….
Thanks for the new write up Lisa💕
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Ms Sherry I agree with you 100%
I plan on going to meet Victor in person, he does not live far from us. I think he is cute. I hope he don’t have a girl, waiting for him. I hope he wins!! Win or not, I am gonna find his gym and meet him regardless. He is eye candy!!💕💕
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Janna: Good luck, dear.
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Hopefully the gym in Slidell Victor Arroyo manages was not one of the many buildings adversely affected by the recent major flooding in Southeastern Louisiana.
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@ C’ est Moi i hope so to. i know Waveland Ms was involved, and Slidell is in between New Orleans better find out. ty
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snooze fest in the house – they are mostly in the kitchen – but of course cory and nic are in the hoh bed
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This has been a real snooze fest today. Of course, the only ones in the house that are paranoid right now are Michelle and Paul! Since tomorrow is a work day I think I’m turning off the feeds and read awhile. I might be back later. Goodnite!
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By the way the only thing going on now is Michelle smacking and CRUNCHING seaweed!!!!!!!
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Sweet Dreams, MargieP. 🙂 🙂
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nite MargieP sweet dreams
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New post! http://www.big-brother-blog.com/big-brother-18/big-brother-18-veto-ceremony-results-3/
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Goodnight everybody! Tomorrow is going to start early, so it’s time for bed! Bless each of you!! 🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵
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Sweet Dreams, Jolee. 🙂 🙂
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How does anyone not know exactly what will happen. There has been only one surprise vote this season, and as a long-time fan I’m tired of the blaze preordained votes.
The BOB kept alliances from turning eviction night into a yawn fest, so why did they get rid of it. The house guests swarm on anybody who tries to shake things up (remember the Frank campaign) and if they don’t come up with some Alliance Busting magic I’m done. I give them one more season and then, and if I don’t see some crazy votes then they will see ass and elbows from me.
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