Hi, everyone!
I’m going to ask everyone for their indulgence tonight. My boyfriend is going out of town on business tomorrow so I’ve spent most of the day helping him get ready for his trip and I haven’t really had much time to check through the feeds. However, I have managed to keep up with the main things that have happened in the house today. If I miss anything important that happened today, feel free to correct me in the comments below!
So, today, was the veto meeting. Before the meeting, Paulie, once again, tried to convince Victor to use the veto on Corey and nominate James in his place. Paulie feels that he could convince people to vote out James and he might be right about that. James may not be the strongest player in the house but he hasn’t made any enemies on the jury and, since the winner of Big Brother is often the player who has ticked off the least amount of people, he could be a dangerous player to take to the end. Paulie made his case to Victor and he also made the same case to Paul, which would seem to indicate that Paulie doesn’t understand just how determined Paul is to get rid of him.
But, the begging didn’t do much good. In fact, after talking to Paulie, Paul even looked at the cameras and told the viewers that he was sick of Paulie’s “poor me” routine. And, at the veto ceremony, Victor kept his nominations the same.
A lot of us thought that Paulie might literally lose it and get violent after the veto ceremony. Well, he didn’t. He took it about as well as he’s taken anything this week. However, he did tell Nicole that he wouldn’t have any problem “taking a swing” at either Paul, Victor, or James during Thursday’s live show.
So, as of right now, it looks like Paulie is probably going to be evicted and the vote will probably be unanimous. However, Paul is thinking about lying and saying that he’s decided that Paulie should stay in the house. Apparently, he wants to make Corey so nervous that he won’t be able to focus on winning the HoH competition on Thursday. Personally, I think that Paul will be making a mistake if he continues on with this strategy. If anything, he’ll probably get Corey so mad that Corey will be even more determined to win that HoH.
The houseguests apparently also had a backyard party. From what I’ve heard, it was a mix of a carnival and a concert. I’m already seeing some conspiracy theories online about what was going on inside the house while the houseguests were all outside. Some people think that the producers snuck in and, depending on who you’re reading or listening to, they either replaced Paulie’s return ticket or they gave Paulie a return ticket.
It wouldn’t be a season of Big Brother without a conspiracy theory or two, right!?
Well, here’s what we do know for sure. Next Thursday is officially the last day that a return ticket can be used. If Paulie has the return ticket, he will re-enter the house right after being evicted. If he doesn’t have the return ticket than he’ll either go to the jury house (where he’s apparently terrified of being reunited with Zakiyah) or he’ll go home and give up a lot of money.
And then on Friday, there’s a special episode of Big Brother and no one is quite sure why. Will another jury member be reentering the house?
We’ll find out!
Lisa Marie
Thank you, Lisa….hope your BF has a safe trip! I think it will be a BIG mistake if production allows Paulie to return with the ticket..what does that say about his bad behavior? He claims to have LIED during casting, about his therapy. He has THREATENED production about not going to jury..didnt comply several times with his “pie” punishment..will BB reward such behavior?? Truly I will be very angry and repulsed if he has that damn ticket!!
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This Paulie returning possibly really has me upset. I’m furious just waiting for Thursday. I’ll have to have a little wine that night to calm down..in case he returns..LOL
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thx jolee for your prayers! your my prayer worrior!
on bb – remember how many advantages big jeff got when he was continually put on the block? now hes the face of bb. production much?
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Yes, true Macy..but we all “liked ” Jeff….I have been reading so many fans dislike Paulie now..really dislike or hate him. I think a liability for production to keep him?? I can hope..
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macy, you are so welcome! I will continue praying for you. You bless me my friend! 💕💕💕
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ASTRA absolutely love love love jeff just like CBS ha
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I really hope the speculation about Paulie having the RT is not true. It would not only dissappoint BB fans, but add to the fact that BB is rigged! We all, I’m sure without exception want Paulie to go Thursday night. I will be beyond upset if they rig the outcome of his eviction! I guess we shall see!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Astra, I may just join you Thursday night! I might have to have my Tums handy! 😝😝😝😝
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Hey Jolee!! Too bad we aren’t close enough to have viewing parties together!! I’d even bring the wine. Lol. You could
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Make some yummy snacks and we’d all go to ASTRA’s!! 😄😉
Years ago we had a big group that would hang out during live shows. We’d all get an adult beverage and say what it was. Then we’d watch long comps together and our typing usually got progressively worse! Lol. But we had a lot of fun!! It really was almost like being together. 😊🍷🍸📺
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Star: Loved your cocktail glasses and tv. How did you do those?
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Star, I would love that! I make good yummy snacks! Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could have a BB reunion? I have grown fond of so many of you this season! It’s been the best!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------sherry, I think you have to have an iPhone to get the different images like Star has! I think I have the same! I can show you what kind of snacks I would bring to our party:
How’s that?? They don’t have chocolates or freezer jam! 😊😊
See you at the party everyone! 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
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Sherry. Jolee is right. I am on my iPhone. When there aren’t too many posts I just answer from
Here. The typing is easier and there are many more smilies. 🎪🎹🎯🎨. Lol
Unfortunately there is no way to type them without the phone. 📱📞.
But I’m pulling out the puter now for awhile so they will soon be gone. Lol. 💻⌨
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I remember that…it was my first year of participating (instead of just lurking) while sipping a Merlot or two and chomping on popcorn and nuts. 🐩
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Would love to Host you all….Star, Jolee, all the blog. I have tums..LOL…and wine! 🙂
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Hi Star. I’m still here.
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Lisa. You never need to ask our indulgence as you indulge is everyday!! Hope you BF has a good trip. Too bad you couldn’t join him. 😊
I agree with everyone about Paulies behavior. And given how many times BB has let him off the hook for things that others were punished or evicted for it won’t surprise anyone if he does have the RT. I wonder if , because he was Codys brother and they really wanted him, they had to promise him things in his contract?? I mean when Jen was in slop in S8 and ate a damn apple she got a penalty vote so. Really??
I also think Paulie is all talk he had threatened things, like self evicting, and hasn’t followed thru. And all the personal trauma stuff feels like bull thrown out in an effort to get what he wants. So I can’t really see him belting anybody in his way out Thurs. especially if he had any hope or idea that he may be coming back in the house! That would be suicide.
I was so for him and so anti-Paul up until recently. I can’t believe how fast things can change in there. After weeks of BLAH. Lol
I’m curious about Fri too. Can’t even imagine. Unless they are doing another DE because why would they bring someone back this late. Maybe we’ll have a special guest star. This has been a strange, throw things against the wall and see what sticks season, so anything could happen !!😳😄
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Star – Jen was on on slop for 30 days for losing out in that a POV comp. Same comp where Jamika ended up giving up playing in 5 HOH’s. While she was still on that punishment a week or two later, she got backdoored by Dani. She was pretty certain she was going home. She ended up stealing and wrecking all of Dick’s smokes, 4 cartons worth. She then ate a turkey burger, apple, cookies, and got called into the DR. Production gave her a penalty of being nominated for the next week, but some of the HG’s thought it wasn’t fair to Jamika. Like, they could just vote Jamika out now because Jen was on the block next week no matter what…..so that was changed to a penalty vote. Everyone was tired of her shit about being there and not caring about winning the money and what she did as far as messing with another HG’s stuff and breaking the slop rule, so she got booted in a unanimous vote. One of my favorite seasons!
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Star, you are so right about Paulie! He has proved over and over what a real jerk looks like. If they bring him back Thursday night, I will be so disappointed. I am just beginning to enjoy the show finally, and if they pull a trick like that, it’s back to square one for me!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well, I’m going to check on BBAD and see what’s happening!
Nite for now! 💕💕💖💝💜💙❤️💕💕
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I didn’t know about Fri. until I read the blog posts. Perhaps it
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------could be a program with Derrick and Cody being interviewed and
what happens when they all get to jury house at different times??
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Well, BBAD is boring again! They are all laying around talking smack! I give up. I am going to call it a night!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Love to all of you! 💕💖💕💝💕💛💕💙💕💜💕❤️💕
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What a pain in the butt. Just typed some stuff and lost it. On a tablet so its gone. Name and e-mail address wasn’t automatic for some reason. What a pain in the butt.
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Sorry Junksies!! 💕💕💕💕💕💕
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Thanks Jolie.😆
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Re: that return ticket… I think, 🤔 since we didn’t actually see the unedited video of when the players got in the room to ‘pick a ticket’ from that ‘ticket garden’…I wonder if Paul (since he was first to figure out the code) was perhaps able to determine which ticket might be ‘the one’ from its placement among the flowers. If production actually goes in and switches tickets, that’s so wrong….. Like rigging an election…..😡
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Production has manipulated the game for pretty much every season in some way or another. Some are way more egregious than others. This would be in the top 5 for sure, if they did rig it for Paulie.
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I hope that Paulie gets evicted on Thursday and that he does not have the return ticket.
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Maybe, just maybe, production was making sure the DIDN’T have the RT so that he would not be able to return. Oh, please, please, please let that be it.
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Marla Jo,
I was thinking that same thing! I wish the HG’s would all open their envelopes since they are no good after Thursday. Then we would ALL know whether Paulie has it or not! Of course they won’t do this…
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Marlo Jo: I love the way you think. I’m going with that scenario.
Could be interesting if Paulie did have the round trip but takes a swing at Paul or James on the way out so he gets pulled from the game. He definitely has anger issues. I don’t think he would mess with Victor because I think Victor could kick his ass.
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Paulie had the nerve, because Nic is safe this week, to ask if she would open her RT envelope!! It would help determine the odds for him and Corey. Can you believe that?!? She declined citing there may be a double eviction and she may need it.
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OMG! I did not know that! Thanks for the info Junksies!
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Paul told Nat and James that Paulie “made it to home base” with Zak five times…once in a bumper car. Nat was shocked that they were able to find privacy. Am I the last to know about this?
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Junksies. I heard that too. I had heard things from both of them
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hinting to having done it. But usually the camera catch something so I wasn’t sure. First confirmation I had too!
I missed that about PIlie asking Nic. Some nerve! I shut it down after the second hr. I was bored and couldn’t take it anymore!!
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Is this the last week the ‘return trip’ ticket can be used???
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Maybe I missed that somewhere.
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Yes, I believe this is the last week. And I hope Paulie doesn’t have it. I don’t trust BB so have been watching closely when Julie pulls from envelope.
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Could someone please tell me why everyone thinks the producers switched Paulie s return ticket . I agree that Paulie is acting like a total desperate idiot. It’s a shame b/c he played well for half the game. Now he is a desperate baby. Wonder what his brother thinks. Anyway could someone please let me know about the switch
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks guys
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Karma– I believe it was Lisa who referred to conspiracy theories that a switch of envelopes may have happened while a comp was happening.
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Good Morning Everyone,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yesterday evening I turned on the feeds. The houseguests were talking about how strange it was that they had them all gather to talk about their memories of this season. Michelle.. I think told them that they save that for the final 3.
Then on another BB site a member said that they briefly showed an empty room with a button on a pedestal on the feeds. Did anyone see this?
I sure do have a lot of What If’s floating around in my mind.
I love this Blog and every ones comments. It truly makes my morning. Everyone Have a great BB day!!
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JUST ME…..That sounds like the reset button! But no I did not see it. I wouldn’t be surprised. Expect the unexpected!
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If there was a reset button again, first…..how lame….second, if they only showed it for a second by accident, people would have just went back in time on the video and posted a screen shot of it. Anybody see actual proof? The speculation is running wild! It is kinda fun though, it’s just as much a part of the show as a POV comp.
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Oh Lisa, I love your blog everyday. Today was such a joy to read. Your so funny!
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did some say something about rigging an election…please don’t start this…bad yr. to be making that statement…we already have 2 losers running for the highest office in the land…maybe Paulie can run for President…then we would have 3 losers running…and I agree can not figure out why CBS wants to run up against the Olympics for a Friday night…something smells fishy in paradise…
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Thanks Junksies for the info. I hope it isn’t true. If he does legitimately have it though no one will believe it.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------He was one of my favorites till recently .
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Don’t you think it would be almost impossible for production to alter an outcome on Big Brother? It sure appears that they manipulate behind the scenes: informing houseguests in DR, turning people against each other, even types of competitions. But if they blatantly fixed the game, it would surely come out & ruin all credibility. I don’t think they would ever take that risk even if they could.
And in any event that they have and a member of production told a friend in confidence…what a bad friend to go share it with the world, even in anonymity. I’m going to hold hope that the game isn’t that “fixed” because what would be the point of watching.
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Production does rig stuff behind the scenes. Usually they change the rules or add a “twist” to help save certain players. They reserve the right to change the rules at anytime. Says so in the contract.
My conspiracy theory has been that all the tickets are “One Way Tickets” and they just give whomever they like the winner in the DR, where they control what’s recorded.
More likely than that, during a comp when everyone is outside, a production member could just exchange the losing ticket with a winning ticket in someones bag. That would make the most sense. That way the player never even knew they were helped. Unless someone’s envelop had a stain or crease on it and they knew it was different. 😉
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Sirrock….. I 100% agree.
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@Deb….. We actually DID get to see them pick their tickets on Live Feeds. It was pretty mundane.
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@Junksie & Star….. Yes they actually did make it to home base several times. It was shown on the live feeds. One time after Z’s head was in the down position under the covers with a lot of ‘movement’ she got out of the bumper car, quickly ran to the B/R and washed out her mouth with mouthwash and went back to bed.
Don’t you all think it would be kinda funny if Paulie did have the RT, came back in the house and had to go thru another week on the block, then be evicted. I would kind of like to see that! It would serve his right to have to endure another week knowing he was just going to be evicted again!
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Margie: The last thing I want is for Paulie to return to the house.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If he came back into the house, he could win the next HOH
comp. and go crazy and be more arrogant than ever. Did Vic
get to be HOH when he won the Battle Back comp?
BTW: Why is Paulie blaming everything on James? Everyone
is the house is against him (except for maybe Corey and Nic and
I’m not so sure they want him to stay now). Vic is the HOH and
anyone should know Paul is calling the shots. I must have missed
something between Paulie and James.
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If the ticket was switched I don’t think it would be because it’s Paulie on the block. They need that person in for another DE.
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By the way, Nicole did confirm yesterday that Christine IS Michelle’s cousin.
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Did you see that yourself, Marige? Who was she talking to? More DEETS! I haven’t been on Twitter much in the last couple days so I would have totally missed that. Can you narrow down a time frame for me? Thanks!
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Sirrock…..Yes I did see it myself. She was sitting on the bed with Corey and Paulie. I really don’t remember the time but it was some time in the afternoon before I left work. I wish I could tell you a closer time. It was just kind of a off-hand remark. She was talking about how much Michelle acted like Christine and that one could tell that they are related. The conversation was about the veto ceremony and Michelle smirking the whole time.
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OK, so did Michelle TELL Nicole that she was Christine’s cousin or does Nicole just think she is because of behavior and whatnot?
Earlier in the season, fans were thinking Nicole and Michelle were cousins because they looked similar in glasses. So I guess unless it comes straight from the “Miche’s” mouth, I’m still skeptical
I got a TON of cousins an I think I only remotely resemble one, but if we were together, I bet nobody would think we were related. Maybe they have a tight family and spend time together. Miche is from Michigan……don’t remember where Christine is from. Wondering why that was hidden when they were so up front about Paulie and Tiff? Unless Miche never revealed it.
Meh…..till Miche says it, I’m still not convinced. But thanks for the info. Something to keep an eye out for. 🙂
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Margie– I kinda thought you’d be in the know about the bumper car thing. Appreciate you watching LF’s and sharing with us.
If Meech is such a big BB fan I’m surprised she had to ask about the location of the post-show activities and location. Something about her is a little off. Covering her entire body except for her face, crying for every little thing and whacky extremes when she drinks. I think she’s been in bed for two days.
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Have we ever seen a man cry in the feeds? Very surprising to me. Almost like two Paulie’s. One the strong macho guy..the other a wimp. Seems like one of those entitled children being raised today.
Thanks Lisa for the update.
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well he could legitimately have the ticket also. i am not condoning his actions at all – i think he is a wussy baby but if he does have the ticket it does not necessarily mean it was set up that way.
for myself I love Victor. 🙂
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Sherry….. James was the one Paulie, Nicole and Corey trusted the most, I think because of the Derrick connection. When he turned on them (because he has Natalie up his butt all the time) they felt it was more of a betrayal than anyone else switching.
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Sherry….. I think Paulie was a fool for not thinking James would turn because of how Paulie treated Natalie, although IMHO she somewhat deserved SOME of what she got from him because she should not have told Z all that crap. The only reason she did that was at the instigation of Paul and James. They wanted to get Paulie riled up for the HOH comp and pushed her into doing what she did. She did not do it for Z’s benefit is what I am trying to say.
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Thanks Margie for clearing that up. Was there a bonus for whomever won the Battle Back….they got to be HOH? Or did
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I get it confused with something else.
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Sherry…..No no bonus.. The bonus was to come back in for a second chance. He did get to play in the HOH and didn’t he win it? I can’t remember, I’ve slept since then. lol
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FYI …… During one show, or it may have been on BBAD, they showed where one of the beds could be lifted up and there was a place two people could hide and the cameras couldn’t see them. I remember the bed had a pink sheet and they actually picked up the mattress and showed the ‘hiding place” underneath the mattress !!!! ?????? Did anyone else see this??
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There is a “crawl space” under the bed. That is where Natalie and Paulie were laying when he talked about kissing her. Why would they be there in the first place? I think BB designed the beds purposefully for that reason.
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Thank’s Junksies
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@Jolee…..I saw James changing the sheets on the bed with pink sheets. He had the mattress pulled all the way off and kind of holding one end of it up in the air but I don’t remember seeing a hiding place.
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Margie: Maybe that’s why I thought he was able to be HOH when
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------he got back. But if Paulie returns (ugh) and is able to compete for HOH, he could win, and I don’t know if I can take much more of
his arrogance, whining, and drama. 🙁 🙁
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Sherry…. I think he would be so rattled he wouldn’t win anything. I think it would amusing to see how he would handle a second time on the block and having to continue to bake apple pies.!
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Sherry….. that’s kind of mean of me, isn’t it! But I think he deserves all the scorn. Also it would give him two chances to hear the boos from the audience!
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Margie, I thought someone said it would be a good hiding place, because I was thinking someone could hide their plaque there during the hide and seek comp. ????? Does anyone else remember this??? 😊 (remember, I’m dealing with a “senior brain” here!) Lol
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@Sirrock……OMG I loved that season. She was a real piece of work wasn’t she!
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She was! She seemed to be kind of emotionally dead or something. She took a lot of shit from Dick and just kinda played it off like “whatever”….no way I could do that. E.D. is one of my all time favs. I know many are rubbed the wrong way by him but he’s funny and he knows the game backwards and forwards. Love his take on things on Twitter. I haven’t gone as far as to purchase his online show he does….Dick at Nite. He gets former HG’s, or BB twitter people or celebs and they rehash each episode right after it airs. He’s posted a few for free, they’re pretty good.
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Jolee…. I think there are a lot of ‘senior brains’ here! Me for one! lol
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Margie, 💕💕💖💝💜😘❤️💛💙💕💕
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@Sirrock……Michelle told Nicole that they are cousins. Nicole has known this since she came in the house before the feeds were activated.
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@Sirrock…. this isn’t the first I have heard Nicole speak about Christine and Meech. Michelle and Nicole have spoken about Christine several times. For all I know, Michelle could be lying to her. I don’t know what she would hope to gain by it though.
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Huh…I’ll take your word for it, you’re on the feeds way more, you’d be the one to know! Just weird I never heard about this or read it myself. Like I said before, the only thing I heard was that people thought Nicole and Michelle were related.
Could be a lie, but like you said, what’s there to gain? It would be more of a target you’d think. Oh well….thanks for all the info, as usual. 🙂
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Yes I would like to see Paulie have the return ticket simply because all the tickets become void after this week so what would be the purpose . If not used it’s supposed to be a game changer. You guys that would think the system is rigged just would have to get over it.
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Rod, we all wouldn’t HAVE to do anything! We all have a right to our own opinion, just like you! 😊😊😊😊
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Jolee: You are correct about a hiding space under one of the mattresses. We saw it in a “flashback” the other night to show Paulie saying it was a good place to make-out with Natalie to show that Natalie was telling the truth about what she told Z. They also showed his comment to Natalie about covering up her Venezuelan booty. He is just a dog who is now acting like a unloveable puppy.
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Thank you Deb! 😊😊😊
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Lisa, hope BF has a safe and successful trip.
Now that Paulie’s real self is being revealed, as opposed to the Paulie in power version, I can understand why he’s in therapy. I hope he continues to get the help he so obviously desperately needs and that his mother, brother, and whomever else is responsible for catering to his ego will stop – not only for his sake, but for the sake of future women in his life, employment opportunities, and everything else that has difficulties and human emotion tethered to them. He clearly does not work and play well with others when things are not going his way. I have no sympathy for him at all. He could very well finish his BB run as one of the most disliked players of all time. At least in the top 10 in my mind.
And yes, Sirrock, I loved Evel Dick! I’m so sad that he cannot ever do BB again. He played to win, and he did.
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Thanks Lisa for this new page, I did not get an E-Mail but got here from your New Page is up!😜 Great write up Lisa💕 Now I have to go back & read more of the comments 🙂
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@Sirrock …..The BMX-TV you gave out the other day looks cool, will I be able to watch BB show Thur. Night at an earlier time then EST??
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Bobo – Nope, East coast and Central (where I am) get the first showing. I think if you miss it, you might be able to watch it on that “West Coast Feed” button, but that would be like Midnight or 11pm for the east coast, I think?
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@Bob….I used the BMX last week that Sirrock helped me with and it worked great!
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Poor Victor….no body else is up so he is having to take photos of himself with the timer! lol
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I’m sure glad you all are………remembering past seasons for me. LOL between senior brain and MS brain I’m in a fog a lot of the time. All your memories and observations are great and I, for one, enjoy each and every post. I’m heavy on Dr. Appts. This week so between them and this horrendous heat that just wipes me out I’ve been somewhat neglectful with keeping up. Thank you all so much for your insightful comments. Plus they always make me smile. Take Care All!
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Hang in there Cyndee! Check in when you can. Just take care of yourself. 🙂
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Cyndee, you take care too!!
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Victor is taking some of the funnies photos. Now he has lathered his hair up with soap and put it in a top knot on his head, set the timer and took his photo. lol He should wake up one of those lazy asses and get them to take pictures with him. Nicole is up but just got out of the shower and is drying her hair. Everyone else is asleep.
He really loves to look at himself in the mirrors. Can’t say I blame him. I kinda like to look at him too! lol
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@Cyndee….My sister had MS diagnosed when she was 29. So I can sympathize with your condition. She could not take the heat either. If she got the least bit overheated she would get deathly sick and have to be hospitalized. Hope you are doing well.
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speaking of old minds…Michelle is Christine’s cousin…I am having a hard time placing Christine…what yr. was she in…I must be looking it…yikes…
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No way! Christine from last year who had the “close” relationship with Paulie’s brother Cody??
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@Mortgage Dr…… Christine was on the year with Cody and Derrick. I think it was season 16. Remember Christine was the girl that was married but was attached to Cody at the hip! lol
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Check out this interview with Derrick about Paulie.
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That is a very good interview with Derrick. He tells it like it is about Paulie. I also like his take on James, Natalie, Michelle and Nicole.
I sure miss Derrick! Can we get him back to finish out Paulie’s season!!!!! He’s just so level headed and nice.
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They just got the smaller table.
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can yall imagine if paulie does have the rt – hes gonna turn up the scheming and sucking up to the guys. hope they dont fall for it.
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Macy they won’t fall for it! He’s a goner no matter if he does come back.
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@Margie….How did you log in Or do you have to up date the flash? …………..
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On the BMX….
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I’ve gotten over the Paulie thing…it’s Nicole and Corey who are on my last nerve! Nicole is a whiny little _itch and Corey is lacking B_lls!?! Don’t get me started on Natalie and her fake boobs…she is totally playing James.
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Bob it told me I had to update the flash but I didn’t and it worked just fine. I clicked on the numbers in the center until I found one that I liked. It would stall at times but I could still watch. I just wanted to be in the know on DE! lol
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I did up date Flash & now it’s working my dear friend Margie 💜
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Do you know if they will show BB on Thur. We have Football & BB is on very early in the AM!👿
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Oh No….that means I won’t have it until late either! Where are you located Bob? I’m in the central time zone, Louisiana.
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Bob… last week BB wasn’t on until 12:30 a.m. after the football game. Probably will be again this Thursday.
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@Margie….I’m in EST NJ Hope you are okay with all the floods going on……
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I’m using a diffrent Avatr today to let a good friend of mine to see the 25th. Inf. DiV. patch I had in Vietnam….Tropic Lighting! …….
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Bob it’s pouring down rain even as we speak. It usually takes me 25 minutes to get home and yesterday it was raining so hard I couldn’t see a thing. It took me 1 hour to get home. I was a nervous wreck by then. All the highways and streets were flooded. Had to take a round about way to get home, when I got there the street was flooded and I wasn’t sure I could make it in the driveway! What a pain in the ass.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It is flooding pretty bad here but not like it is down further South. I live in Alexandria which is in the dead center of the state. Down around Baton Rouge, Houma, New Orleans it’s really bad. The last I heard there was 7 deaths attributed to the flooding.
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I am very happy you are Okay, maybe it took a little time to get home but at least you have a home! When Sandy hit the Jersey Shore it was so bad for us….No power for 9 days!!!!
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Margie, stay safe!
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Margie: As I watched last night, I wondered when they would get a smaller table. Now I know. Thanks!
Thanks for the Derrick interview. I’m going to watch it now.
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Bob … I noticed your new patch and wondered what it was!
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A Good friend wanted to know for my Birthday! When they get I’ll go back to me…LOL ………….
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BOB…that sounds like when we had Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Karina we were out of power for a week. Rita it was three weeks. Now talk about a pain in the ass! It was in the middle of a heat wave also… no A/C!!!!
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Well I’m getting ready to make the trek home….Hope I get there. If you all don’t hear from me tonight or tomorrow you will know I was swept away by the water! lol
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Don’t say that!!!!! Be Safe my friend!💕
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Love the new profile pic, Bob!
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Good luck, Margie! Be careful out there!
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Thanks Erin…I made it home finally. It is still pouring down rain. Now all I need is for the power to go down. lol
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Margie, I hope your house isn’t in danger of flooding. LA has had more than their share of watery problems. So has the Jersey Shore. Too much and really sad.
I also am in CST but BB is on the same time as usual. I never remember it being preempted. I understand being very upset if it happens in your area, Margie, Bob and others who live in football prone places. : )
Back in 2000, central AR had a bad ice storm. I was without power for 6 days. Fortunately, I had a gas hot water heater (for showering), gas fireplace (for heating one area), and gas stovetop (for cooking). I tore some bricks out of a flower bed border and heated them up on the gas stove. Wrapped in a towel, I placed them in a box where my feral cat slept. Loaded up all the canned goods and hauled them next to the fireplace so they wouldn’t freeze and explode. My family called me the Pioneer Woman. : )
This was near Christmas time. I had wrapped some audio books for gifts and so I tore them open to listen to for entertainment. Rewrapped they were still given out at Christmas.
Natural disasters have a range of devastation. For me, I was fortunate. Very fortunate.
Bob, love the new avatar! But miss your smiling face!
I really liked Derrick. I really didn’t like Christine. Zingbot’s remark to her should have shamed her to pieces, but it didn’t. She was an embarrassment to her husband….even though she said she told him she would flirt and do whatever necessary to win.
I also saw the flashback where Paulie and Nat got under the mattress. Their mics were still on and you could hear Paulie saying they could kiss and not be seen. Also, in the backyard he made the comment to Nat about her booty.
He is such a sleeze.
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Two…great story! And informative!
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Two…No I’m in no danger of having my house flood, thank goodness. We are pretty soggy though! I lived in LA, Cali years ago and the people I worked with teased me about having web feet and water marks on my legs! lol
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two: I’m from AR, too. Where in AR do you reside? My power
was off for 11 days with no heat, no lights, no nothing. I lost
everything in my freezers, kept myself warm with a bunch of
quilts and comforters and hoodies. I ate sandwiches. Even
the restaurants were closed down. I couldn’t get out anyway as
a huge tree had fallen across my driveway . It was miserable, but
at least I had a home when it was over.
Margie keep safe!!!
Thanks for the Derrick interview.
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Two…it was preempted here last week but I think that was because the Saints were playing. BB didn’t come on here until 12:30 a.m. My sister is a huge Saints fan. She lives about 20 feet away from me and I can hear her screaming at the TV and I know the Saints are playing! lol
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Be careful Margie.
Jolee…scroll up for my bed comment.
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Junkie, I did! Thank you!!
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MARGIE do you have a boat, girl?!?!
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Macy no I don’t but I will need one before the week is over!!!
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I’ve been in over Paulie for a while now so I’m ready to see him leave the house. I just hope he doesn’t sneak back in!
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Hows that two 🙂 ………………….
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Margie: If I was physically able to travel, I’d be there after the
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------rain!(LOL). I actually crave crawfish at times, but only those
who have LA ties no how to cook it right. Some MS people, but
they usually have some ties to LA. Cajun food like gumbo can
be no better than that found in LA.
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Thanks, Junksies. How kind you are. I do have a story for about everything it seems. They just seem to leap out and I have no control. Or rather, I don’t bother controlling them. : )
Margie, you were both in LA and in LA. : ) I know it’s not funny to you, but the watermarks and web feet comment made me giggle. Nothing like getting enjoyment out of another’s bad luck. Except when it’s Paulie, then it’s ok. : )
I love LA, the state. Friendliest people anywhere even if you don’t speak Cajun well…or at all. We went to the World’s Fair in NO and I ate my way across the Fair. I don’t even like black pepper so there were a lot of instructions when I ordered. Everything I ate was delicious. If I lived there now, I’d be big enough to float myself to higher ground. : )
Margie, I really am concerned that you stay safe. Driving in high water is so dangerous. Take care!
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Two….. I thought the LA comments were funny also. I worked in an office with nothing but men and they treated me like a queen. They were the best! They thought alligators just roamed free around everywhere here in Louisiana. lol I haven’t seen a alligator since I was a child.
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Margie: I can’t begin to know what you are experiencing right now
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------with all the flooding surrounding you. It was in Lafayette (?) where
we got caught in the flooding and the water came up to our door
handles in some places. It was the love of God that got us through
it all.
But I would love some NO crawfish. I Loooooooveee the stuff!
The Catholic Church in NO is beautiful beyond words, too. I learned
quickly though, you need someone who knows the area well to see
all that NO has to offer. Bourbon Street is not my cup of tea.
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Sherry…N.O. is not my cup of tea either. I don’t remember the last time I went there. It’s been years. Lafayette is having a hard time with the rain right now. I love me some crawfish too. We have all we can eat here. Come Visit!
Your experience sounds frightening!
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James is being so sickening right now kissing up to Natalie. It’s sickening. She acts as if she is such an authority laying up in bed SMACKING on the damn crackers with her mouth wide open. He is going to be surprised when she says adios the night the game is over! As you can probably tell, I really can’t stand her. She says she is so happy that she got to experience being sick in the house???
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Margie: I noticed Paulie is a smacker, too. But I think it was Christine’s season they smacked the worst. It drove me bonkers!
I will say that it seems the room Paul, James, and Nat sleep in is a little cleaner than any of the others, except for the HOH with Victor. He has let the HOH room return to what it once was. He sleeps alone, keeps it immaculate, and doesn’t encourage the lot of them to make themselves at home and turn it into a pig sty. (I noticed Paulie ate the majority of treats belonging to all the other HOH winners…except for Vic’s.) Love it.
It, also, seemed like James was always the one cleaning while Nat
lounged in bed. She spends a great deal of time in bed. What was
that about her being sick in the BB house?
When she was first in the house, she cooked and made herself useful, but haven’t seen that side of her in ages. However, I don’t
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------get the feeds and could be missing a lot of her activities.
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I’ve noticed Nat keeps complaining about knots in her shoulder and
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------wanting James to try to work the knots out. If she would keep her
arms down from over her head, she might see those knots disappear!!
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James is so kind and empathetic towards Nat. He has a great deal of
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------common sense (most of the time when not tied up in knots over Nat)
and will make someone a great husband. I hope he finds someone
he deserves. I don’t believe Nat it is.
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what paul and victor talked about as far as investments – is what my husband does – so wild hearing them talk about it
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hummmm, i like arms over the head.
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Just doing a little BB browsing on social media and found this link shared from the Jokers site. Cities that will have BB preempted due to preseason football.
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If you live in one of those cities, use this link to watch the live Thursday show. Otherwise, BB will air sometime passed midnight.
I use it to watch the LF’s for free, but you can also see the live show on it. I haven’t had to resort to that, but Margie used it last week and it worked. I might not play the best, but you’ll at least see the show at a decent time on Thurs.
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Thank you Sirrock!! {{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}
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Sirrock: AR is not due to change the viewing time according to
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------your site. Thanks. But what time does it start for CST? Since
I have no channel coverage I don’t even get a schedule of what
should be showing.
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margie – worried for you – get your photos and things you cant replace and go to a hotel way away until the waters subsides – i seem a little bossy right now – i know you have a good head on your shoulders…
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SIRROCK just checked the thurs listing – no football hear in texas – but im sure youve helped alot of our bb bloggers – props to you!
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here – dang auto correct
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Thank all of you for your comments. I have to wait until BBAD before I can contribute anything!! 😊😊😊😊
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Here in CST BB comes on at 7pm Sunday & Weds, and 8pm on Thurs.
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Thanks, two. I knew in past seasons two nights were on at
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 and one night at 8, but didn’t remember which night for
any of those times.
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YW, Sherry! (insert emoticon of your choosing here) : )
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