The Diary Room is now open!
Cast your vote to evict in the comments or over on the right side of the page!
Do you vote to evict…
COREY, the quirk guy who does not have a beard
VICTOR, the quirky guy with a beard?
Cast your vote and be sure to watch on Thursday when one of these two will be evicted and will immediately get a chance to compete with the other four jurors for the opportunity to return to the house!
Happy voting,
Lisa Marie
i cast to evict corey!
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i think james should make a deal with vic for him to throw the next hoh if they keep him in.
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I’m with you Macy!! I really want Nicory to go away. I am sick of them making out and other stuff in bed all day. And Nic should have to do some fighting in this game seeing as how she’s never yet been in the block!
So that being said I VOTE TO EVICT COREY!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------He’s boring and we do not need two showmances in the house!!!
Fingers and toes crossed for Victor!πππ
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vic and paul are pulling a genius move! lieing and targeting both sides of the house and acting like paul is turning on vic. vic is working hard on james and nat.
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I vote to evict Victor. Corey is too hot to leave yet.
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Exactly Macy. Lol.
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I vote to evict Paul, there’s a small chance he won’t win and come back in tomorrow! Then ‘maybe’ Victor next week! Oh, if only we could control these evictions sometimes! HAHAHAHA
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I vote to evict Corey. He was more interested in his “snuggle time” with Nic, than studying for the Veto. He deserves to go home – I like him, he seems nice enough, but he doesn’t seem vested in winning BB.
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Paul, out. Such a bully and a baby.
The two showmances left need to start thinking about what they’re going to do when they are the final 4. Someone will have to go. If with Vic or a returnee, one showmances can break up the other, then there will be the final 3.
Jenna, you are such a dear. I wish I could think of something to say or do to give you some comfort.
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ty, it’s ok
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Whoops, I made a huge mistake! Hold on, I’m correcting the post!
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Sorry, for some reason, my brain wasn’t working when I made out this post and I accidentally listed Paul as the nominee, instead of Corey. Don’t ask me to explain how that happened. Lol.
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Victor out
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I vote to evict Victor…simply because he alone can beat Paulie and come back. Then, he deserves to win!
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I think that they should evict Paul cause he is the target
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Jenna, are you using your mom’s email address?
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i vote to evict Corey
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@Jenna…. Way to cast you first vote!!!!lolππ Perfect start Even tho Vic prolly is going. We can hope!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sending lots of love !!!β€οΈπππ
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I want to evict Paul He thinks he is the ruler of the house……If I was in the house I would have to ask him to please shut up….He never stops telling people what to do….
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I vote to evict corey. But it’s gonna be vic. But I hope Victor comes back again and wins the whole thing. I don’t want Paul to last more than a week or 2 more. I wish he was being evicted instead.
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I read something that Paul will be the winner of it all. I can’t for the life of me understand Meech not thinking that keeping the showmance together they will get her, if she was smart enough she would of thought oh wait, they team together, I have no one on my side, I know James and Natalie are together and Corey and Nicole are together what type of chance I would have, its noway they would put each other up.
But in all She should vote to evict Corey breakup the showmance and she would have a chance coming into play as a top 3 player working on getting James and Natalie broken up.
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Meech can’t vote she’s co HOH.
Nicole votes Vic, Paul votes Corey, everything depends on James. That’s it, there are no other scenarios people.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And James has an outside deal with Nicole from before they came into the game plus he’s jealous of Victor because Meech and Nicole both have a slight crush on him. Victor is out.
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I really wish Paul was in one of those chairs, but under the circumstances I vote to evict Corey, for the reasons mentioned above and because Victor has added more to the experience than Corey!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thinking of you Jenna!ππππππππ
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God, I hate Paul but since he has the veto I vote to evict Victor!
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OMG?…Michelle is eating again!!!!! Shoving thing in her mouth as fast as her hand will move! She likes like an old woman (someone my age) with her hair up in a bun, her HOH robe on and shuffling her feet. I really can’t stand that girl! She needs to go!
Jenna…glad to see you on here. Hope you are doing ok.
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i’m not ok, but i still have my moment’s it’s very hard. i really want my mama back, but i know she is in a much better place.
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Is anyone here?
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I vote to evict Corey.
Corey has done nothing for me until tonight when he did his strip tease during the fight. That was hysterical. That is the most fun interesting thing Corey has done all season.
I loved the music in tonight’s show. BB has been awesome with sound effects also. =0)
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Oh wait I can’t evict him
# arrogant #bossy#annoying
Ok Victor !
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Victor need to go now or he might win. The problem people do not remember another person will come back so it will change. Paul won POV so you know he can’t be evict .
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Goodnight, sleep tight. …… I will be back tomorrow. I have a busy day tomorrow. Lunch with my daughter, sister, niece and grandbabies!! I haven’t seen them since they got back from their vacation to California. Excited!!! πππ
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I vote to evict vic
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my opinion from yesterday re: slip n slide….
Could very well be that comp for HOH. They do that comp every year it seems… and 5 will compete (after 1 comes back). So it seems they need to do that comp this week or next if they are going to do it at all. Next week will probably be another DE. Going from 7 HGs to 5 seems likely.
That one doesn’t take very long to set up… but setting up that plus a juror comp would explain the long BY lockout.
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I vote to evict Victor and all the snacks in the BB house. I hope Vic or Bridget comes back, but Natalie and Meech with the snacks are getting on my nerves really.
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I vote to evict Victor.
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I vote to evict Corey.
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I vote to evict whoever James decides to vote to evict.
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I evict Corey
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I vote to evict Corey. I don’t think they will ever vote out Nicole. They all want to take her to the end because they can all beat her.
I personally think that would be a mistake because the women will vote for her.
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Depends who she is against. Nat & Meech said flat out they want a girl to win… but would definitely vote for Vic over Nicole if they were final 2.
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I vote to evict Pablo The Pelican
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I vote to evict Vic. But I think he’ll come right back after battle
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------back comp.
I know that Corey hasn’t done much in the way of game play,
but he has proven to be a much nicer person than any of those
left in the house. I’m hoping he comes on hard after tonight’s
evict and wins HOH.
I just want to break up Paul and Vic. Wish it were Paul on
the block.
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So you’re sayin’ there’s a chance?
Vic does have a chance to stay (returning HG aside).
It appears it will all come down to today’s talks between Nat & James.
Nat flip flopped a few times this week and is currently in favor of keeping Vic (as of the time she & Meech went to sleep)
James was set on Vic going… and he does have the deciding vote of 3. But late night / early morning talks in HOH bed between Nat & Meech might change that?
Nat plans to talk again to Meech when they wake up this morning (afternoon?). If the both still feel they need to keep Vic after sleeping on it, Nat will talk to James. She said she’d use the “I’ll be upset with you if you vote out Vic” tactic.
So we’ll see if James decides it’s best to get out a huge comp threat while they can… or if he decides it’s best to keep his showmance giddy.
Personally, it would be a no-brainer to me to get Vic out while I could.
IF….. if they convince James to vote out Corey, I really hope Vic wins HOH and puts up Nat & Meech. Those 2 fell for the oldest trick in the BB book. Paul & Vic staged a fake fall out and N&M are eating it all up.
Meech is a “superfan!!” OMG… any superfan would have seen this trick coming a mile away! The funniest part is… right after they bought Vic’s story of the fallout, Meech said privately to Nat they should stage a fake fight….. so N&M wont seem so close and be targeted together!
I seriously LOL’d at that conversation coming so soon after Vic & Paul had just pulled that oldie on them!
The worst part (to me) is that even if they convince James to keep Vic…. and he hooks back up with Paul (he will)… and it all blows up in their face…….. odds are those 2 airheads wont pay the price for that mistake. Bigger targets… bigger fish to fry than those 2. They will say “ooops” and slide into next week.
I just got home from work an hr and a half ago and trying to get caught up… I hope to be awake and catch some of the important conversations.
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JT: I believe Nat and Meech are two of the dumbest players
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------in the history of BB. I call them the “Pea Brains”. I wish they
were the two on the block.
Poor James hasn’t used his brain much this season, either.
He has allowed his emotions erase his logic. It will be him
to pay the price for this week’s events and will probably be
the next one out of the house.
If Vic manages to come back into the house, he and Paul
will skate to the end. If he stays the same thing will happen.
No one seems to understand the main game play is getting
out the biggest threats.
What Vic doesn’t understand is that Paul will get him out
the first chance he has. He doesn’t want to go to the F2
with him, he knows he can’t beat him. He would like to
go with someone like Nic. She isn’t liked by the jury
members that well and is horrible at comps.
I, too, think the HOH comp will be the slip and slide.
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IDK about Paul’s intention really. I think he would stick with Vic til the end… but I’ve been wrong about that in the past.
I’d need to see a DR session by Paul on that subject to know for sure.
Yep, if James let’s Nat talk him out of voting out Vic it will probably be James that pays. And I guess if he does that.. then he’ll deserve what he gets.
At final 6 (where they think they are), you have to get big comp threats out and hope you can beat the others.
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JT: I so agree with everything you said. And Paul may stick
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------with Vic. It all depends on how badly he wants the money.
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I personally was happy to see someone finally put Nicole on blast & to make her squirm. She is lazy, does nothing for any alliance she is in because “I can’t go on the block against her”! She has to be one of the all time most weak people I have witnessed. What a loser!
Vote to evict Corey and next week take out James or Natalie.
I’m over these people laid up in bed with each other not even trying to win comps. At least Paul and Victor fight to win these comps and James is over there always not wanting blood on his hands.
Send Corey out and James next!
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I second everything you said, Kwebby!
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i vote to evict corey
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Victor must go…
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I am pulling for James to evict Victor I hope he sees thru the lies and deception that Paul and Vic are promising, JamesTown all the way that is the best move for his game….
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I vote to evict Corey.. He is the most foul mouth dumb player that has been on BB.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Why do the producers let them curse so much? Can’t we make this more of a family show? I turned off After Dark. I refuse to let my13 yr watch it and it really offends me as well,!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I vote to evict Victor . I like him better than Corey but voting him out is the only way to get Paul out next week now that he won the veto.
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In my honest opinion, Victor and Paul are the only two in the house that have actually been playing the game. I’m NOT a fan of Paul, but he is at least playing the game. I vote to evict Corey. I wasn’t a Victor fan at first, but since returning to the house, he has been kicking butt! If you look at all the remaining players, Victor and Paul are the only two that deserve to be final two.
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I vote to evict Corey. He hasn’t done much in the house, but maybe won 1 comp. I’m not a fan of Paul, but he and Victor have been, at least, playing the game. The showmances are boring. I’m very disappointed in James and Nicole. You’d think as vets they would know to avoid showmances and at least play the game. I really enjoyed Corey’s strip tease last night though, even if it came at the most awkward time.
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I agree Queen Bee.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I dislike Paul and Vic but they have been playing. The showmance suck. James and Nicole are disappointments.
The striptease was the best. Especially because it came during the argument. Awkward. That was funny shit. =0)
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and what was really funny was how long it took dense Corey to realize what was going on. SMH
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I vote to evict Victor. I don’t want anyone from the Jury coming back and I think he will win his way back blocking the others from returning.
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I vote to evict them all. never cared.
Agreed that the comp tonight might be the slip and slide..hope so then Paulie will beat Dictor for sure.
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Never cared. Lol.
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I hate that the end of the BB season coincides with Thursday night football. Tonight in my area BB doesn’t come on until after 2 am….
If I was a houseguest I would vote to evict Victor but as a fan I vote to EVICT CORY! Paul is crazy and all of the negatives I have read here – but that is what a BB winner usually has to be!
My biggest concern is that the HOH competition may be a crapshoot (short) in order to get it in the time slot – so that we can vote for the care package! That might rule out VICTOR! Nnoooo
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We have no way to know for sure how they will do it, but I suspect they will do a quick juror comp between the 5. That way when CP voting opens after the show we will know who the returnee is. And that person will play for HOH and can be voted for CP.
As far as HOH… I’m guessing that will take some time but probably start at the end of the show. Maybe endurance… or maybe semi endurance like the slip n slide comp where they have to slide back and forth filling up bowls or something.
If Vic is still in the house and HOH is slip n slide… I think he has a very good chance to win HOH.
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And one advantage of living in an NFC town…. most of our games are on FOX. Only 3 on CBS and not until October π
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JT: Why couldn’t they have already had the comp between
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------jurors and we will only see clips from it? Then the winner
reenters the house and the HOH comp starts?
Just an idea.
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Because whoever is evicted tonight will also compete to return.
The only way they could do what you said is to record the “live show” early. Then fool us into thinking it is all live tonight. Unlikely… but it wouldn’t be the first time.
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GARDENLADY check for ktxa – chn 21 here – on at regular time – 8 central
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I really don’t care who they evict but if they keep Victor, the rest of them don’t have a chance against Vic and Paul. That’s my opinion today. π Also, if Vic goes, he’ll probably march right back in and then they’re toast anyway.
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For me Paul is the only HG that made this season interesting.
just sayin’….
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You are exactly right even though I don’t care for his CRAP!
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Did anyone note that CBS changed the hours for voting for this last care package? Originally I think voting started at 10:00 p.m. and now voting doesn’t start until 3:00 a.m. Friday and then ends at noon on Friday. That doesn’t give much time to vote and will probably crash the system so CBS can say whoever they want to win as the winner.
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Really? I haven’t looked since yesterday. That is odd for sure.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And it makes no sense to rig this CP because it’s almost useless anyway… or at least less useful than the last 3 CPs.
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Maybe if Paul (or Vic) wins the care package, they could bribe James to vote out Corey or Nicole. James do love the monies. Yes!
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LOL… James does love the money. And since he said he’d put up Corey & Nicole if he won HOH anyway… that would be an easy sell.
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Want Victor to STAY. I have always felt that Corey is a little shady – just a feeling i have always had. I really want Victor to go all the way and win it all.
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I vote to evict: Corey !
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How to get to the bottom of Paul’s motives…. if there was any real sign of strategy in the house.
If I were James, I would go talk to Paul and say I noticed the fallout between him & Vic.
Then I would tell Paul that Vic said if he stayed he would go after him (Paul) (Vic did actually say that as part of the fake fallout)
Then watch his reaction…..
He’d be caught in a catch 22
If Paul said “Vic wouldn’t come after me” …..gig is up!!
If Paul said “yeah… he probably would”
Then I would say “Well I will vote him out for you….. so it will be 3-0 if you vote him out as well….. deal?”
If Paul backpedaled… gig is up again!!
I’d say I was going to vote out Corey but want to help you and work with you.
The only way this tactic would fail is if Paul called my bluff and said, “yeah… vote out Vic”
I’d still vote out Vic.. but at least have Paul to pin in on.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“He told me to!!”
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You need to be on the show. Your strategy is flawless.
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My strategy would never see the light of day….. I’d blow up and get evicted first or 2nd week… or self evict!! π
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JT: I hear you!!! Me, too. π π
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I vote to evict Victor. He really is El Douche Baggo.
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I vote to evict Corey. Only because I want Nicole to be nervous without her back-up in the house.
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Vic will go and come back in about 20 minutes…oh well…I am floored that Meech can stay so thin and eat eat eat eat eat all day long…mostly snacky stuff…she’s a big girl to begin with but she is still ok in a a 2 piece swim suit…must have a high matobolisum…nice to be young…if I ate like her I would be 400 lbs…if Vic goes and come back its basically a wasted week…
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@JT…..the last I saw last night…Nat and Michelle were having their stupid discussion about keeping Vic ….Vic and Paul were talking about how stupid Nat and Michelle are to believe the crap he just pulled on them …..and James talking to Corey and Nicole saying they are completely safe. He told N/C that he is not stupid and no matter what Nat/Mich wants he is voting to keep Corey. Did you see earlier when N/M ‘called’ N/C up to the HOH room to question them about their loyalty AGAIN! I think this is about the time I would have told them to kiss my ass! One good reason I would never be on BB!
I would not be surprised if Nat got him to change his vote because he is stupid over her and she twirls him around her little finger. Although when he gets Nat away from Mich he can talk her into seeing how that would not benefit them. He has had to do that many times just about Vic already this week.
I think all this exchange between Nat and Mich shows 2 things…first that Mich really is NOT a super fan and second how much she lets her hatred for Nicole let her make stupid mistakes.
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I did see that. Spent a lot of time this AM watching flashbacks after work.
I see it the same way. If James and Nat talk alone, Nat is much more likely to come back around to James’ way of thinking. If Meech gets in the mix… then Nat will be harder to sway.
James has to know if he screws this up it will be him that pays for it. Nat & Meech aren’t viewed as the biggest threats at this point.
Even when Nat & Meech were running through scenarios, they excluded themselves from being OTB in most cases. And they seemed surprised when James tossed in “what if you’re on the block?”
Best viewing for me if Vic stays or gets back in would be him winning HOH and nominating Nat & Meech. But that wont happen.
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I also saw Meech fishing for a possible mention from James as in the running for AFP.
If Meech gets anywhere near Am’s fave player I’ll be shocked…. and wonder what voters were watching.
Even Meech’s HOH robe looked tired last night.
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Corey NEEDS to go…he has no game just wild eyed and feeling up Nicole night and day! Nicole is definitely a tv Ho. I never cared for her and that whiney voice drives me crazy. Michelle is the dumbest “Super Fan” I have ever seen…and she finally took a shower!?! She has no game she’s let food take over her game! Someone needs to tell Michelle she really looks FAT with that robe wrapped around her. Ratalie is just like the proverbial blonde… dumb as a rock and a flip flopper. I used to like James but he has lost all sense of the real world panting over Ratalie. The only thing wrong with her neck is it is trying to hold up her big head. Paul is just plain toxic waste! I do like Victor but he needs to trim that beard…js
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I vote to evict Victor. If they don’t get rid of him now….they will be sorry. He could win it all…for sure.
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Feeds have been on Highlights for an hr & 20 mins now (no, I haven’t been watching that long!! LOL… just checked in and compared time)
Seems a bit early to shut down for the live show. But seems way too long for the wake up call / music.
Hmmm… are they doing stuff early? Recording anything to pass off as live tonight?
Or maybe they know where things left off and cut feeds early… before Nat could talk to James. Maybe they want us to be guessing what will happen?
Looks like once again they are trying to get people to cancel feed subscriptions by not letting us see anything.
Or maybe they will come back on soon??? IHNFI (=IDK)
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Thanks for this page LisaπI have been away for my Birthday & just trying to catch up with everything so I go along with everything JT said π I think Victor should go! See you soon time to read all your comments Bloggers…………
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Hi Bob… glad you had a nice birthday in Atlantic City! ….and won some $$$$ too!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Good to see you back π
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Thank you so much my Friend & the BD Page was so cool & I know you must have had a hand in it…………..
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Happy Birthday wishes going your way, Bobo!!
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Happy Birthday Bobo!
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Feeds still down so I had time to scrounge for more info…
Apparently it will be an endurance HOH tonight. No real surprise there. But it was also announced that it would be on feeds. That is always questionable this season….. they haven’t let us watch much. Sounds like a drive to get people to sign up or try the free trial.
(Pssst… CBS…. if you would let us see more of what we pay for you wouldn’t need these announcements to get subs up)
Because of the delay in voting for CP (5 hour delay from what was originally posted), speculation is that all 5 jurors will also compete in this endurance comp. And like seasons past, last juror standing is back in. And if that juror is last standing of everyone… then they will also be HOH
This makes sense otherwise there would be no need to delay voting. We could find out who was back in the game and start voting for CP… we wouldn’t need to know who was the new HOH for that. We never knew who would be HOH any other week we started voting.
If they are allowing 5 hrs, it must be something they think will last a long time. So that makes me think slip n slide wouldn’t be the comp. I’ve never seen that comp last anywhere close to that long.
Who knows
(feeds just came back as I was typing)
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Ok.. what I was waiting for
Nat is in Have Not with James trying to convince him to evict Corey.
She is telling James she knows Vic will put up Paul (NO HE WONT!!)
Nat is also saying she knows Nic & Cor are working with Paul.
James is trying to reason with her and tell her what is actually going on… but Nat gets pissy and says “ok… but if I go home next week”
Geez…. I seriously want to reach through my screen and shake some sense into her…. or toss her into the backyard to do some cheers.
James explains Paul will get back with Victor… Nat says “you’re right” (but doesn’t really mean it)
The other thing that is upsetting me is James doesn’t seem to realize it’s a desperate ploy by Vic & Paul. Wake TF up James… you’ve played before!!
Nat says “I trust you” and crawls into James’ bumper car. James still in deep thought though. But James does say “I know Corey & Nicole are more on our side than on Paul’s side” (That is true)
So for now it looks like James held strong to the best move for his game. But I doubt this is the end of it. As soon as Nat talks to Meech they will try again I think.
This could be one we don’t really know until James votes…. this could change at the last minute and while feeds are shut down
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Wow you are so right JT ….. A bit of a problem with the kids that do not know how to really play the game
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Hope you had a wonderful birthday Bob! Welcome back.
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I guess the best player being the winner of BB has changed to the one who didn’t play all season and didn’t ruffle any feathers.
Vic and Paul have engaged in game play and deserve to win, but since they’ve ruffled lots of feathers, I can’t see either winning. Nic/Corey, Nat/James – one of these will win and BB fans will be disappointed, even though the live audience will be going wild and confetti will be dropping.
JT, you are so great at fact finding, and you did this early on. Could you again find out viewership numbers for this versus past seasons? I can’t believe all this boredom hasn’t been reflected in dropping numbers. If they have remained the same, don’t expect CBS to change anything.
Bloggers here would be terrible HGS. Too nice. We’d all be saying, “Vote me out so you can stay.” or blowing a gasket and self-evicting on day 2. : )
Jenna, hug, hug.
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Season ……….. Ave viewers (million)
Big Brother 1 9.10
Big Brother 2 7.90
Big Brother 3 8.70
Big Brother 4 8.80
Big Brother 5 8.30
Big Brother 6 7.24
Big Brother 7 7.56
Big Brother 8 7.52
Big Brother 9 6.56
Big Brother 10 6.72
Big Brother 11 7.19
Big Brother 12 7.76
Big Brother 13 7.95
Big Brother 14 6.79
Big Brother 15 6.47
Big Brother 16 6.41
Big Brother 17 6.18
It seems this season has had anywhere from 6.1 to 6.5 million viewers.
Those numbers are considered decent to good these days with a million channels to watch (give or take 900,000)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And their numbers are better in the “key demo” of 18-49
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sorry… hard to read with the season number so close to viewership. It did look good before I hit submit… and it erased some spaces! LOL
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Thanks, JT. You’re kind of like a wikiJT. : )
The viewer numbers have been dropping the last few seasons. Even though the numbers are still considered acceptable, surely they’ve taken note that they are decreasing. If they’d look back to the seasons that garnered the most viewership and try to replicate the comps and HGs, maybe the next BBs would be more interesting. Huh?
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hugging u back ty
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hugs you back, ty
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Vic just tried another move on James in have not room.
Before I get to that… Last night when Nat, Meech, and James were trying to figure out their best move, they decided to get to the bottom of it and call Nic & Cor up to HOH and ask questions. Figured Nic doesn’t have a good poker face and they would see through any lies. Plus, according to Meech, Corey yawns when he’s lying (I think he yawns when he’s bored… or being boring… or too dumb to realize it’s a serious conversation)
So James went down and woke them up. The 5 talked in HOH and seemed to clear enough air to go ahead and evict Vic. (It was after all this that Nat & Meech talked again and flipped back to wanting Corey out)
FF to now
I have no idea how Vic found out about that coversation.. he said Paul told him that Corey told Paul. Vic said it was about James being iffy about Corey & Nic.
James went into his deep thought look again… because how could have Vic known about that convo unless Corey told Paul? And is Corey working with Paul? They aren’t working together… but James doesn’t get to watch and listen to everyone on feeds.
So James goes to the bathroom and talks to Nicole asking about it. Nicole finally got upset and said, “if you think it’s best for your game to vote Corey out then vote him out…. I’m tired of being accused of being sketchy”
James backed off and they both came to the conclusion it was part of Vic’s plan.
Now I have to go see what Meech was screaming at Paul for while this was going on. I think Paul called her the worst name you can call a girl…… yeah… that one.
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Things are blowing up a bit and Paul is getting called out. Seems a lot of air is getting cleared… or more confused as these things go
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------But Paul and Vic are still acting mad at each other.
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In the “things we all know but I’m gonna say it again anyway” department….
Corey really is too damn dumb to stay in this game. Shocker.. I know.
Sometimes it’s best to keep your mouth shut. Sometimes it’s best to speak up for yourself. Knowing when to do which is the key.
Corey has no clue.
Paul and James have been arguing at the table for a while now. Vic also sitting in being mostly quiet (as he should be)
But Corey? Corey just stands at the sink and keep doing dishes the whole time.
Why should he speak up about all the evnts going on and the possibility that Paul is with Nic & Corey now…. and that Paul has turned his back on Vic supposedly?
Gee…. IDK. How about because it’s eviction night, his ass is on the block, and James is the deciding vote!!! Good enough start to speak up? You’d think so. But he stands there like a dumbass the whole time when he could easily chime in that there is no way in hell he is working with Paul… and that Paul and Vic are up to a big scheme.
But no… just keep your mouth shut and hope for the best? SMH
If Nic was in the kitchen she’d speak up. That I’m pretty sure of. Her only problem is she’s so afraid of confrontation that she’d rather hide than clear the air in front of the BB Gods and all.
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i think Corey has been a floater am i HOPE he gets VOTED OUT
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I think James need to go as well
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Jenna, from your lips….
Corey and James gone would eliminate the showmances so maybe the remaining HGs would have no choice but to play the game.
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JT?….are you listening to this crap right now with James, Nat and Mich!!!!! They are so freaking delusional! Even James is on board now! What a idiot.
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absolutely listening….. in disbelief.
And trying to figure out how to get the necessary info here without taking up 3 pages.
The most shoking part is the 3 of them told Victor to go smooth things over with Paul so Paul wouldn’t vote him out!!!!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------OMG!! Seriously???
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I want to see victor voted out then beat the crap out of the jurors to come back in. Done dirty twice and he’s gonna be ruthless. I can’t wait. Otherwise if Corey is evicted Paulie will win and come back in and that will be a nightmare.
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JT……I can’t believe how freaking stupid James is. Check out the conversation between Paul and Vic!
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LOL.. staying on the 3 stooges. I can pretty much imagine how Vic & Paul are reacting.
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James really trying to do what’s best for his game… but he is being double teamed big time by two idiots who think they know this game
James: “What if this is all a ploy?”
Nat: “Then we team up with Nicole and get those two out”
Yeah…. because when you evict someone’s “ride or die”, they always want to team up with you after.
Just can’t with these people.
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Whew!!! Just got caught up! It’s been a busy day! That’s for all of the great comments!! ππ Be back after the show!! ππ
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JT….. They are playing them like a fiddle!! It’s going to be hilarious when Vic wins HOH and puts James and Natalie on the block!
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I pray he puts up Nat & Meech. I know he wont… but that would be the absolute best!!
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And wouldn’t the fact that Vic supposedly got Paul’s vote back so easily be a clue?????
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Yes it would!
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JT?…Paulie will probably be the one coming back and J/N/M will crap their pants. This is one of the most ridiculous moves in BB history!!!
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It ranks right up there no doubt.
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And on that cliffhanger… feeds cut to Highlights.
Seriously… it looks like Vic and Paul have pulled it off. Only thing that can save Corey now is if James gets some alone time and puts 2 n 2 together.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Seems unlikely…. but I seriously DONT KNOW
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The vote will be 2-1
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After all the ridiculous decisions J/N/M have made this afternoon based strictly on Nat and Mich hatred of Nic plus the fact that both of them have crushes on Vic…..I don’t want to see either one of their butts sitting in the final two seats. Nat and super fan Mich are just stupid but James is majorly stupid because he should know better. That just shows you what a little ‘you know what’ can make a man? like James do. What a idiot! He deserves to lose. Please don’t vote for this idiot for AFP!!!!! !! I am sick to death of his stupid pranks that he does just because he thinks America wants him to. Natalie is just as bad!
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Happy birthday Bob!!
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Thanks JT for all your insights on the BB game….yes a game & the two who are on the outs are the only ones that are playing the game! What the hell is going on with James β & thank you my friends for your Birthday wishes π Your friend from the Jersey Shore…
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If this goes the way it appears (Corey getting evicted)
Then Vic and Paul can keep up this fake fight unless Vic wins HOH.
If Paul wins it wouldn’t be hard to explain why he didn’t put Vic up… Paul supposedly has the whole house against him so him putting up Nat/James/Meech would be logical.
Depending who wins HOH.. and who comes back.. this charade could have some legs.
The sad part is tonight’s show will barely be able to even scratch the surface of how the vote flipped (if it didn’t flip back…. again).
IDK when they have to have all the footage in for final edit.. but I know none of the stuff right before feeds cut out will be shown. And I doubt they had time to include much from late last night.
Sunday they will show a lot though… as much as they can
We’ve heard Julie say before, “heated right up until the live show”. I expect her to say something along those lines tonight.
I also would bet the farm (someone else’s farm) that James will be the 3rd one to vote. I’ll guess Nicole votes first.. but doesn’t matter.
If James votes out Corey, he doesn’t plan to tell him (last I heard). James was going to reassure Corey to avoid any more drama… Nat & Meech told him to do that.
Looks like a late-nighter finally worthy of watching feeds. According to a CBS statement the entire HOH / juror comp will be on there… they allowed 5 hrs and delayed CP voting that long.
I guess I’ll find out in the early morning when I get home from work.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gotta go.. enjoy the fireworks all.
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hey LIVEFEEDERS go to 2:08 – you will see paul and michelle going at it and he calls her the C word – who does that?! if people saw that he might kiss the cp bye bye
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i want corey gone – during the fight today – he didnt say a word – just let nic do all the talking – hes not playing the game.
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JENNA – you have been in my thoughts. i lost my mom last year – and know, she is with you and so proud of you taking over her blog!
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I am so sorry, for your lost, my mama loved this blog
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Jenna… I’ve been thinking about you, your family and your Mama. πππ
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Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear BoBo!! Happy Birthday toooo yooouuu!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ππΎπ° ππππππππππ
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Thank you π
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Hi, my name Janna, I am SWT’s other daughter our mama only had us two Jenna and me Janna, we wanted to thank you for the Bible verse our family we all read it, so true.
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happy b-day bobo – go do something naughty! jk
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hi yall this is SWT other daughter Janna, Jenna and I are not twins, she is 3 years older than I ha ha …. Jenna has been keeping very busy her and mama was really really close. I was very very close to my mama to0. Jenna askes me to blog for awhile she has 2 children, they keep her running. I don’t have any kids and I don’t want any. This world is too dangerous. Glad to know yall liked my mama, she was so sweet and good. Thanks for all the nice thing’s yall posted. we always watched BB together, that was major bonding time, we had a great time together. So now it’s Jenna and i bonding time. We miss our mama so much, we been crying so much it’s depressing. I talk too much just like our mama. Jenna don’t, that’s why she wants me to blog. Jenna’s children keeps her busy, I am just like our mama, more than Jenna. But we need to keep pushing forward for our family. Our love for God will never fail us.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I want Corey to go
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huh ??
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JT… Thanks for the updates and stats. Last night my head was spinning trying to figure what was fact from fiction. Finally some drama and I’m still confused!!
HB bobo
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Sirrock… Metalica???!!!…I’m so jealous. π€ Hope your family’s situation is improving.
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Junksies – yeah, I think this was my 8th time seeing them. Always a blast. I saw them for the first time in 1988 on the And Justice For All tour….actually saw them twice that tour. For some reason they came through the Twin Cities 3 months apart so I went to both….I was in 8th grade and it was my 2nd and 3rd concert. First was Iron Maiden in 88 with my brother and some friends. Big rock/metal fan but rarely go to shows anymore. This was such a big show, I couldn’t pass it up. We had a blast.
Sounds like my dad is doing much better and was able to go home for a bit today, had lunch with his 3 sisters and his wife, then went back to the nursing home to do more thearpy. Not clear if he’s able to spend the night at home just yet, but sounds like it will be soon. He still needs to get his heart checked and that’s a bit of a slippery slope, but from where he was, to where he is…..things are much much better.
Nephew has been having ups and downs. Today sounded like a down day. He’s still kinda sedated, has the tube in him and now he’s got a fever….so they’re working on that. The other day he was doing very well….it’s just one of those things. We’re just trying to stay positive. Thanks for asking! π
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Hey guys! I haven’t had time to be on much lately and I feel really out of the loop!! Hope I’m still a Blogader!!! π
I stared to think they weren;t going to sow anything..Jeff was on til a sec ago.
I hope this doesn’t go for hours. Then it bumps into BBAD….and we get show reruns!!
Anyway, I’ll be around if anyone else is here…reading back and catching up!! π
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@Sirrock….glad you got to gave some escape time for awhile!!! π
Happy to hear some things are improving for your family. Baby steps. Will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!!! β₯β₯β₯β₯
So far this is a mish mash pf Jeff and Love comp. Love how they take all the good parts out WHILE we are watching…lol
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LIVE comp..not LOVE……lol trying to watch a show and listen to the LFS and type!!! π€ππ±
COREY FELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Star: Who is left hanging? (I assume James voted out
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Thanks Star! We rocked out…it was awesome. Totally needed that. It’s like that 80’s movie “Summer School”…where Chainsaw was about to take the final test and he just screams this blood curdling scream….and says, “tension breaker….had to be done”….it was like that! With lots of beer. π
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Da’Vonne and Zakiyah are down. They both jumped off the wall at the same moment.
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I guess either Im too distracted or my cell is too small cuz I didn;t even see that !! Thanks Lisa!!!!
3 down…..9 to go!!!!!
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Corey’s out.
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I hate to say it, because I think she’s a fake, but Bridgette’s looking pretty strong right now.
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They all do really. Did we miss something?? All I see are Paulie,Vic , Bridge,Paul, Nic and James. that’s 6.
Bridfge fell!!!!!
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YES! Bridgette is out! It’s down to Paulie and Victor to see who is going to return and Paulie has been looking weak up there.
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Keep those spoilers coming. I will stay until I find out who WINS !!!! Thanks to those with live feeds….
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Hey Linda. Five left. Might not be as long as I thought…lol
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YES, Lisa, keep us posted on whose up and who else falls, please. We need u.
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Janna: Welcome to the group and so sorry about your mom. She was a special lady. Take care of yourself during this difficult time.
Live Feeders: Thanks for the play-by-play. Much appreciated.
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thank you i will be blogging for now on, my mama will be happy, that we still are watching BB actually we love it. we watch it every year, since it been on.
thanks for the welcome
Jenna is just busy, she don’t live at home anymore, but i do.
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Water keeps pounding on them. Doesn’t look fun!!! the ones left seem in a good mood tho and talking alot. No one looks like they are ready to go…yet….lol
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Hey Star I’m still around!!! ………………
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I want Paulie to fall already. Looks like he had a rough week in the jury house. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. He deserved all that he got and more.
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OMG>.I so agree deb! Is he an arrogant pig or what???? I SO don’t want him back in the house!!!! So glad Z dissed him good!!! Bout time girl!!lol
Still FISH. It’s giving me a headache! Wonder WTH is going on that we can’t see?????
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Paulie is still so cocky. What’s up with his short shorts?
Aren’t you in Michigan? I seem to remember the Grand Rapids area. I’m originally from Detroit but in Maryland now.
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Nicole looks like a drown rat! She’s about ready to go…James keeps letting go and I thought they had to keep both hands on the board?!? Paulie’s not looking too good π Only 4 left…James, Paulie, Victor and Nicole
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This looks like it could go on for a while. Victor is looking strong than Paulie. Paul knows that either he or Victor has to win this or he’s pretty much screwed.
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Paul might be struggling. James won this comp last season.
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Paulie is out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOOO!!
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Woo Hoo, like the girls said in the Jury house he is a little Bitch LOL ……………..
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Thanks, Star!!!!!!!! I did a happy dance right here at my computer. I’ve been more passionate this season about whom I don’t want to win rather than whom I do want to win.
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Oopps! I forgot Paul…he’s still up there π
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That is music to my ears Star!!!!!!!!!!!
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Hey Lisa Marie,
I can’t assist the live feeds. I have tried 4 times to get in but the site will not accepts my credit card number. The expiration date is correct and so is the numbers that I put in.
I need help
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That sounds like it’s a problem with CBS All Access. (They’re the ones who control the feeds.) Don’t enter your credit card info anymore — I’d wait for a bit and then maybe try again and if they still won’t accept it, send them an email.
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Vic last to drop..BACK in the house!!! Yeah!!!
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PAULIE’S DOWN! Victor returns a second time!
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Lisa I clicked on your pic & saw all the photos on your page are they all you??
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β ???????
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Looking very good my dear friendπ
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Boy do I have a good looking grandson for you LOL
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Thank you, Bob! AND — HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 π
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deb and Bob…..DITTO!!!!! lol
Left for HOH…James, Paul or Nic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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yea !!! thanks Star for the info so glad Victor lasted don’t that mean he is HOH?
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Janna…No but he is back in the house!!
Still 3 left competeing for HOH!!!
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Vic was the last juror. He just fell. Paul, James and Nicole are still up
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YAY vic just made a record!!!
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Unless Paul wins this HoH, this upcoming week will probably just be like this week all over again.
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Agree Lisa!!! Fingers & toes crossed for Paul!!!!!
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Oh no Vic Fell @ Margie…………….
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Fall Paul, fall!
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ALL 3 still up.
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Star: Thank you for your updates. I’m hanging in
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------there to the every end.
Lisa: Thanks for your updates.
Why havea they gone to fish?
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sherry….never sure. usually means they are taking it out for the TV show. Or someone swore or something…lol
None of them talking or making deals. Vic, Meech and Vic chatting constantly!!!
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Well that s$$ks!
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The 3 still standing. Nic looks best. Peanut gallery chatting up a storm!!!! I think these 3 are in it to win it. I wonder how long this will go on????
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Paul seems like he’s struggling. If James wins this HoH, it’s going to be last week all over again. Except that Michelle will be the replacement target if either Victor or Paul wins the veto.
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Nicole’s upset because none of the jurors hugged her when they came back in the house. She’s figuring out how much they all dislike her.
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Lisa: Did Nic fall? Or is she talking to those left hanging?
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sherry…Nic is till up. ALl 3 are. Actually, with her blonde hair and whining, Nic could play that part to a TEE!!!
I saw Margie back there once I think. Maybe she had to get to bed. JT is working.
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Star: Where’s Margie tonight?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Watched BBAD last night, and it was too much of Tweedle
Dumb and Tweedle Dumber. When Nat said, “I’ve played the
ditzsy part for the game, but I’m really smart.” I kept thinking
I’d heard something like that before….Crissy on Three’s Com-
I give James the patience of Job award. How he puts up with
the two of them is beyond my ability to understand. It has to be
true love. I would be bald by now, if it were me.
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Lol, Corey’s complaining about how uncomfortable he is while Nicole’s struggling to stay on the wall.
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Corey…BAH!!! Not as big a weasel as Paulie but both misogynist ,spoiled jock pigs!!!! I forgot entitled…
Nic said all these comps need arms and her arms suck!!!!! Telling anyone who comes on to work them out first!!!
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I’m having trouble with the LF… I really want to see Nicole drop! James has won a similar comp before so he may be able to outlast Nicole and Paul.
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Karlla…I was thinking the same thing. I think he is strong and has short little legs an it helps. He just sits down when he gets tired.
Nic starting to look a bit frazzle.
What’s wrong with your feeds????
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Do any of you think Nicole can beat these two guys β She has been resting in a armpit for so many weeks………………..
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Sherry……here I am!
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Sherry….Nic and James are having a rough time….looks as if Paul is handling it better although he is very, very quiet which might indicate he’s struggling.
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π€π€π€π€π€π€π€ Lets go people, I some TV to watch..
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Sherry…believe it or not I kind of hope Paul wins and puts Natalie and Michelle on the block. Their dumb asses need to go home!
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Margie: Good I was missing you!
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Paul is down!!
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YIPPEE !!! Paul is down
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Paul is down!
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James is saying as his excuse to Nicole to drop that he wants off have nots. He only has one day left!!!! That should make her think!
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I hope she hangs in. But on my LFS all I can hear are the peaunut gallery. LOUD> Must be where the mic is. I can’t hear what those 2 are saying. But Nic is playing like she is sore. I hope she isn’t agreeing to drop!!
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Nic and James whispering. I bet they make a deal soon.
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James is going to win……….
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bobo: I hope you’re right. Nicole as HOH would be a week
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------of she and Corey in bed. But James is going to have to
offer her something big to get her to drop. She knows she’s
in trouble.
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Paul fell. Only Nic and James left.
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Nic really wants letter from home. HANG IN THERE GIRL!!!!!!
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Nic don’t let him talk you don. Hang in there. He’s telling her he wants his 4th all comp is why he won’t let her have it. He just wants the HOH bed for him and Nat. I think he wants to still have Nicole and Cory as options because Nat wants them out.
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Margie..I don’t think she is buying waht he is selling. She wants a letter and a bed for her and Corey too.
She is asking what he wants. He said he is thinking. She is really trying to deal but not sure he wants to drop.
James won this sone last year tho. I wonder if Nic can beat him.
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Janna welcome to the blog!
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SIrrock…so happy to hear your dad is better. Hoping the same for your nephew.
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And the winner is……….Nicole
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Hi, maria e — I don’t know if you saw my reply to your comment above so I’m reposting it down here:
That sounds like itβs a problem with CBS All Access. (Theyβre the ones who control the feeds.) Donβt enter your credit card info anymore β Iβd wait for a bit and then maybe try again and if they still wonβt accept it, send them an email. Here’s a link to their help and support page:
It has an option at the top for Contact Us and you can probably use that to send them any questions about why they’re not accepting your credit card info.
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Did James drop on purpose? He’ll be sorry if so. Do we know
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------who is getting the CP?
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James threw it to Nicole. No blood on his hands type deal???
I suppose if they just target Vic and Paul….it probably doesn’t matter who won, but since James is such a pussy, I kinda hope he gets backdoored now. hahaha
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OMG! James actually fell for that whiney Ho’s story about a letter?!? He has lost his mind since hooking up with Ratalie…
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Margie…..WHy do we always post at the same time and you get on first?? Same thing happened on another blog. Same time, I was second! Damn slow puter….lol
Happy it wasn’t James. ALtho the 2 showmances were working together so it’s all the same thing really.
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Thanks MargieP
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sad though, about my mama, services tomorrow. I hate it, so much, π€π sad I just can’t believe our mama’s gone. It don’t seem real.
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Janna, know tomorrow there are a lot of us with you
in spirit and prayer.
My mother died at 46, and I never quit wanting to talk to her or share something with her.
It won’t seem real for quite some time. In fact, you won’t
believe it’s true, but the cloak of shock will be worn by you for a year. It will help you get through the first Christmas, Thanks-
giving, and all of the holidays throughout the year. Then reality hits hard. But the actual grieving never leaves you. You just
learn to cope better with the loss.
I know your Mom is so proud of her daughters. She will be
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------watching and protecting you both. She’s hoping you re-
member some funny times you shared. For laughter and the
memories that make you laugh are the best medicine for
healing a bruised and aching heart.
God bless you and your family.
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Janna, (hug, hug) take what Sherry said to heart. She’s right on every point. I’ll be thinking of and praying for you tomorrow. Love leaves bruises because we feel it so deeply. You were and are blessed. I’m glad you and Jenna have each other to lean on.
I want to drown my disappointment over Nicole winning HOH in a bottle. Think she’ll use this opportunity to make a big move? Me either. I doubt they will leave the bed or HOH room all week.
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Nichole is a complete idiot if she puts up James and Nat. Now is not the time to get rid of your closest allies. She might as well hand over the $500,000 to Victor or Paul. (hopefully Paul at this point) You take out the strong players dumb ass!
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