Hi, everyone!
First off, I’ve been away from the LFs for most of today so I have to give most of the credit for this update to JT and his comments under the previous post. Thanks, JT!
So, here’s the situation. This is probably stuff that y’all already know but let’s just make it official:
Victor reentering the house has — well, it doesn’t appear to have done much at all. For all the talk that Victor would immediately take out Paulie or that he was be targeted by the other HGs, it doesn’t appear that Victor has done much of anything. Nobody took Victor that seriously when he left the house and nobody seems to be taking him that seriously now that he’s returned.
The HoH contest was apparently one of those endurance things where the HGs had to stand on a wall and the last person to fall off was declared the winner. James won HoH but apparently, Da’Vonne put up a strong fight. It sounds like, after 5 hours, James and Da’Vonne were the last two on the wall. Da’Vonne apparently voluntarily jumped off the wall and allowed James to win HoH. I don’t know if they made any type of deal or anything like that. I guess we’ll see that on Sunday.
Anyway, James nominated Frank and Bridgette for eviction and it all sounds like the plan is pretty straight forward. Frank is the target. If Frank wins the POV and takes himself off the block, Bridgette will become the target. It’s good to see the houseguests actually going with a sensible and simple plan for once, instead of trying to split votes or backdoor or anything else that could easily fall apart.
Sometimes, simplicity is better!
Anyway, they’re playing for the POV now. (Yes, the veto started late. There’s a lot of speculation, on twitter, that it could be because of the fires that they’re having in Los Angeles right now.) The players are James, Frank, Bridgette, Da’Vonne, Nicole, and Michelle. Out of that group, Frank seems to be the most likely to win but you never know. It depends on the competition.
If Bridgette wins the veto, I bet Frank could talk her into using it on him.
Anyway, that’s it for now.
Thank you to all of our wonderful commenters!
Lisa Marie
Thanks Lisa… Looks like BBAD is a rerun of Thursday’s show… then what? who knows. LOL
I’ll paste a couple comments from previous page about my thought on the secret room..
The Secret Room is the one they’ve used from Pandora’s Box and coaches quarters. (I just call it Jesse’s Room) LOL
Each of the 4 signs has one word in green, put them together and you get…
“Secret Destination Departing Now”
On the flight schedule sign it says
“Paris —– Now Departing Now Departing”
Paris flight number is 211
On the model plane it says “Call Paris” (one word on each side)
Now the question is how do they get them looking. They need to drop a hint somewhere. Maybe the HOH will get/win a clue each week.
All the clues are on the travel signs… and on the model airplane. They are departure times corresponding to a flight number.
That flight number is 211
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And it says to call on the plane
So I’d think they would have to go to the upstairs phone booth
dial 211… and then gain access to the secret room.
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well…. I sorta butchered / scrambled that C&P job.. but you get the idea.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Where is my edit button? 😆
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Friday’s show.. not Thursday
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As far as the HOH comp…
I’ll be interested to see exactly what it was.
I know they had to hold their left arm over their heads… holding onto something I’m guessing. Maybe either hand? …but there were / are a lot of sore left arms in the house.
And whatever they were standing on I think they had to move their feet. Bridgette said something about stepping wrong. And Michelle made a stepping motion when talking about the comp.
Makes me wonder if it was similar to The Bunny Hop comp in BB8 that ED won. He and Zach were on that hours and hours.
But when I hear them say “could have stayed UP there” …makes me think it had to be a wall. Maybe even something like the log roll in BB11 that Nat threw to Kevin after Jordan fell.
Very interested to see Da’s performance whatever it was… and see if she could have stayed up much longer than she did.. like she said.
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Hey JT, so happy to see you here. I’m not here much at all anymore either but mostly because I don’t receive comment emails and it’s a PITA. I did read your posts from the previous page too. Good stuff!!
You are amazing and so much appreciated I’m sure by everyone who doesn’t know you from the beginning like some of us BB old timers or vets as Star likes to call us. 😉
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BTW, the house is not near the fires but the smoke could be a factor.
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Hi Starfish (I have to say it feels weird to call you Starfish now) 😆
In some ways it feels like I never left here… in some ways it feels like I’ve been gone a decade.
You’d obviously know more about the fires than I would, but I did read on Twiiter it was a combo of haze from the fires (bad for shooting), air quality alert…. and heat advisory that ended at 8pm your time.
Does that sound right?
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He’s here, He’s there, He’s everywhere so Beware!
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Hi Sal, yep.. here, there, everywhere.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In the air and everywhere.. like The Bugaloos!! 😀
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interesting can’t wait night all
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I hate it when they do this!!! A lot of people on the east coast have gone to bed not knowing, we don’t get BBAD and I heard that it was driving the HGS nuts…all the waiting. Did they slack on cleaning up the set from last night? Or have too many comp days in a row?? Maybe they need o hire more crew!! Sheesh!
Lisa,you mentioned the fires. I haven’t seen much news all weekend. Are hey close to where the BB House is? I wonder if the smoke was blowing in that direction and it a too thick to be outside in or to shoot in?
Julie is going to have to give the HGS some direction Sun on whats up with the Secret Room…or at least the DR needs to direct James to. There are so many lovesick HGs in the house, their heads are in the clouds(or under he sheets) not in the game!!lol If I have to hear Z ask one more person to ask Pauilie if he likes her, whine about him not asking her questions about herself or that it;s just all physical and she doesn’t want to be used, I may puke!!! lol Look honey……listen to yourself and you will have your answer!!!!! But give us a break!!!)
Let’s GO BB!!!!! We want some NEWS here!!!
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Star, I don’t think the smoke is that big of a factor. The fire is north. It would depend on which way the wind is blowing but still.
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I live in Cali and I might be wrong but I don’t believe the fires or the resulting smoke had anything to do with the delay in the comps. But I do believe the heat might have had a lot to do with it. The temps are in the triple digits right now making physical competition not only difficult but potentially dangerous.
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I did see there were some fires in Cali and you’d be surprised how far that smoke can travel. I live in the Twin Cities. Last summer there was a really hazy day out, I thought there was a fire somewhere locally. It ended up being some large wild fires in CANADA!! The border is a 5 hr drive, about 300 miles, and I could have sworn the fire was just down the street. It was insane….I couldn’t believe the smoke traveled that far. It was like everyone in town was having a backyard bonfire or something. It’s very possible it’s smoke related, but I guess we’ll see….or not…..they might not even mention it.
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I remember that very well Sirrock. And, like you, I had no idea where it was coming from. Was amazed to get home and find out it was from the huge fire in Canada.
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Star: If tonight’s BBAD (which I haven’t started watching yet) is
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------a rerun of Friday night’s, does that mean we won’t get to know
anything about who won veto until someone finds out by the LFs?
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BBAD going live right now
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Thanks, JT. Will start to watch it now.
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Sherry..see below..lol And BBAD is live again. 😉
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Star: Thanks. I guess she will go along with James and get
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Frank out? I hope so. But then she REALLY doesn’t like Bridgett.
It will be interesting to see what happens to Brid.’s game once
Frank is out, if that is Michelle’s choice.
Also, I have to wonder if production will mess with the results and find some way of letting Frank know how to find the secret room and pershaps get off the block.
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I rely on Pocket Big Brother app on my smart phone for up-to-date info. They have the new HOH and the current nominations on the block. Also go inside for Joker’S updates and get play-by-play action. I also always check for Lisa’s blog every day to read everyon’s take on what is happening.
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Do I care who wins POV? Yes
Do I care enough to keep watching CBS reruns whne my eyes are getting very heavy…. and have no idea if it will be 5 more minutes or 3 more hours?
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MICHELLE won the POV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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buh bye Frank
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LOL… was just going to sleep literally 30 seconds before BBAD came back
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Nite JT! Ya..our comments were both stamped 12:42. lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So are you REALLY going to bed or are you going to pulled into BBAD??? JUSTA little?? lol
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Yep.. gonna sleep some. Could barely keep my eyes open watching the reruns. And now we all know who’s leaving no matter how much talking they do…. so not much to see til Thursday night really.
Late night OTEV comp… gotta love it.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nite 🙂
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Michelle?..Hmm..wonder what she will do? Since I dont have the feeds or BBAD…I dont know much about Michelle, except that she stood her grpund with Frank trying to sway her vote B4..
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Yay Michelle won veto and I got that news right here! BBAD coming on now!
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By the way..really good to see you posting here again..JT! Do you and Star know..will Michelle keep the noms the same?
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Thanks Astra, Like Star said, she will keep noms the same. It would just be too disastrous for her game to change them.
And she wants them both out anyway.
She already said there is zero chance she will fall for any of Frank’s promises.
We’ve seen some pretty crazy last minute change of votes in BB history, But Frank surviving Thursday would be the most shocking one I could think of.
But still, In BB you can never say never. (NEVER!!) 😀
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Michelle, Nichole, Zee & Da all dancing for joy in storage room.
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Hey Astra! I think she will leave the noms the same. Everyone wants frank gone and she and Bridgette hate each other. And don’t worry. NO one knows much about Michelle. No one likes her and she is SO BORING!!!lol But every one was dancing around the SR because they all know this means Frank leaves. I actually liked frank his year and don’t see how he got so demonized. Just like Tiff did. If anyone would have worked with him, they could have gone pretty far as he knows the game. But I think it was the whole returning Vet thing and people were actually afraid of him. so…..as JT said…Buh Bye Frank…….lol
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Star: I could be wrong, but I think the reason everyone turned
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------on Frank was that he talked too much to everyone. He made
too many deals with too many people and played his hand way
too soon. He, also, got too cocky and started trying to control
the noms each time; plus the girls turned on him for swatting
their behinds. I don’t think it was meant to be a chauvenistic
move on his part, just what he grew up with at home. But these
females hold a grudge. His closeness to Brid (whom I don’t think
is much liked by any of the other females) put a big target on
his back. I think he simply became someone no one trusted.
But that is just my take on things, and I don’t get the LF or the
live shows and am only going by what I’ve read and seen on
BBAD. Could be all wet on this.
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No sherry.. You’re right. I didn’t ecen like rank in his season all that much. He was very immature and a big showoff…kinda like Paul!!! But I guess I wanted the Vets to pull together this time and give it a good old BB try. And they never did. They turned on each other….almost more then the newbies did. Plus I know from watching all that you don’t, that he quit a really good job to do this. And that was his choice of course. And he can’ be angry at anyone or his decision. I guess I just feel kind of bad for him. He’s older than he other kids that have left and it’s a bigger deal to him. But it ain’t over til it’s over and he knew there were no guarantees going in.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bridgette however has totally screwed herself. She will be all alone after he leaves. Be prepared for a barrage of tears when Frank walks out that door!!!!
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I’m going to just throw out a guess, that team thing where if your player wins, the team is safe, created some cocky players. Frank, Paulie, Bridget, and Michelle. They’ve all been safe for almost the entire season. Life is pretty easy and care free if you’re never in fear of being nominated. I can see that going to your head a bit.
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Spot on sherry. That is exactly how I see it too. Frank just didn’t learn from his own mistakes.
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Star..thanks…Michelle seems a little strange? Doesn’t matter..but she does seem boring! I didn’t know she hated Bridgette..LOL…I agree Frank knows the game and would like to see him stay to face off with Da..2 strong players. Well, anything can happen. Would LOVE to see him and da final 2..who would win? Actually they could go very far if they worked together..just MHO
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Interesting theory Astra. But those two would kill each other before they got to F2…lol I would like to see them go at each other longer tho.
Michelle is VERY weird!!! She is afraid of everything, talks nonstop but says nothing. She ot drunk one night and called herself Big Meech and now that is her nickname. But in sort of a condescending way. The other girls have all grouped together and she has pretty much been a loner. Maybe she and Bridgette will bury the hatchet and work together when Frank leaves just because there is no one else.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BTW….Michelle said before the POV that she wanted to win. Frank told her NO way! Not this one. He or Bridge needed it. I think that pissed her off and lit a fire under lumpy lil butt…lol guess she wanted to prove she was BIG MEECH after all!!! 😉
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Hello everyone! I just found out there is a new blog!! I will make my comments as soon as I get caught up here! 😊😊
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Hi, Jolee. Will be interested to read your comments. Am going to
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------check in on BBAD for now. Will check back later.
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Hi Jolee!!! 🙂 ♥
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cya later sherry!!!! 🙂 ♥
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Star: I think you’re right. Bridgett will be a mess after he leaves.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Didn’t know he quit a very good job to do BB. I’m sorry, but in the
economy of today I can’t imagine quitting a good job to be on a
game show with no guarantees to come out the winner. Coming in
as a vet made his chances even slimmer.
I think he let his ego get the best of him. And since you subject yourself to 24/7 camera time, very few come off looking good by the end of the game.
In all honesty, I know I don’t have the self-confidence needed to handle all the personal scrutiny each player subjects himself/her-
self to when entering the game. So even the worst of players have
a certain amount of respect from me….even though I know they
should expect this upon agreeing to do the show. However, I have
a feeling most are not prepared for the emotinal roller coaster ride
they must endure, especially after they’ve left the show.
I, too, was pulling for a strong vet pack that would last the game.
I gave up on that idea within the first couple of weeks. I don’t think
any of the vets have played a very good game. Frank tried to play a good game, but let his hands and attitude towards the females ruin his starting chances. He needed to put a pause on his talking, too.
He knew everyone would eventually get together and compare notes. I just don’t think he can help himself. He must have had a
sales job. Thurs. is a long way off, though, and he might pull a
rabbit out of the hat.
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sherry, well said! I agree with you! 😊😊
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sherry…yes it was a sales job. And he said it was going well and he had a good future with them. Frank has a easy way about him and a very persuasive manner..the southern accent makes him seem like someone you can trust or have a drink with. So sales is perfect or him. Too bad he didn’t apply more of this work ethic to winning the game. And who knows if he was telling the truth. He may have been unemployed for all we know! I think his ego won out over his common sense and he wanted his 15 mins of fame again. Only this time he thought he could spin it into an hour and a fortune. Well, its not over yet but I really can’t see at this point what would change the HGS mind about getting him out. They may never get the chance again if they don’t. And they know it!!!
And DITTO about never being on BB!!! I am way too private. I can’t do things with people watching me.Much less personal things like bathe and do my make up and change my clothes. That kind of stuff even bothered me in locker rooms and dorm rooms!! lol And that’s not even considering the aftermath!! I would need therapy for the rest of my life after hearing waht BB fans said about me!!! NO THANK YOU!!!lol I’ll stick to playing the lottery!(which I don’t anyway…)lol
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Something I haven’t understood from the very beginning is when our vets started the “8-Pack” alliance, with Paulie being a plus 1 on the side, that they didn’t know better with their combined experience that you NEVER EVER have an alliance that big!! You can never control that many personalities, opinions and egos. That was very, very stupid and a real rookie mistake. If the vets had a solid alliance just amongst themselves and possibly one other person who they would carefully choose over time (after getting to know them and learning their abilities and trustworthiness) then they would probably have been able to rule this game. Derrick’s season was a perfect example. They weren’t constantly together, each built a side relationship with someone and stayed social with the house. They weren’t all involved in showmances and kept their head in the game. I had such high hopes for the vets but I think the strongest vet is about to be evicted this Thurs. Right now there are only 3 people who are really playing the game Frank, Paulie and Da. After Thurs there will only be 2. I feel like screaming at all of them to get their dam* head out of the sheets and into the game!! Sorry for ranting but I just couldn’t help myself. 🙁
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That was a mistake made by rookies. Vets should know better.
Another good example was (as much as people want to hate them)
The Brogade / Brigade.
4 person alliance with each branching out to another person.
Matt had Ragan
Lane had Britney
Hayden had Kristen
Enzo had…. no one really.. but a good social game and a cool penguin costume.
Even though people were suspicious.. no one went after them. And they could have been final 4 together if Matt hadn’t strayed away.
I agree about these people needing to start playing.
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I am going to show my age big time and confirm the belief I am
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------an electronically challenged moron by my next comments. I do not text and do not have texting on my flip phone. No tablet, no smart phone, no FB account, no twitter acc’t. Wouldn’t even know how
to begin with twitter. So that means I don’t know what most of the initials stand for in posts. What does BTW mean or IMAO? You can
stop laughing any time, Star! LOL.
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Sherry: I’m kind of like you. I have a smart phone but don’t really use the “smart” features. I use the phone and texting mainly. Oh and I pay for my salad at Chopt with my phone.
BTW – by the way
IMAO – in my arrogant opinion
LOL – laugh out loud
I see some and have no idea what it stands for though.
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Thanks deb!! 😊😊😊
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deb: Thanks for helping my feeble mind figure some of the
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------abbreviations out. I had to laugh at IMAO. I would never have
figured that one out on my own. LOL I have been told LOL means Laugh Out Loud most of the time, but then have been told it can also mean Lots Of Love.
It’s sad when the phones and t.v.’s are smarter than I am.
My t.v. automatically shuts off at odd times and frustrates me
to no little end. But then my old VCR had a clock on it, and I
never figured out how to stop it blinking the same time.
My new (used) car came without a manual. Who throws away
a car manual?? There are still things on it I can’t operate (like
change of time on the clock).
As electronically challenged as I am, it’s a miracle I am able
to survive in today’s world. My computer is my worst enemy, but I don’t know how to do without it.
So thanks, dear, for giving me some clarity and knowledge in
a world that’s left me behind!!
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sherry, BTW means “by the way!”
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IMAO, not sure about the ‘A” but I have always used IMHO, which means “In my humble opinion!” Maybe someone can tell us was the “A” means! 😊😊😊
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Thanks, Jolee. IMHO is one I didn’t know either. This blog
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------may bring me up to date on the latest lingo!!!
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It’s LMAO and it means Laughing My A$$ off.
You asked…lol
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Here is a short list of Digital Shorthand.
OMG Oh my gosh / God
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TMI Too much information
TBH To be honest
FYI For your information
LMAO Laughing my ass off
ROFL Rolling on floor laughing
TB/WB Text back/write back
BTW By the way
RT Re-tweet (Twitter)
EOD End of day
AFAIR As far as I remember
Thx Thanks
WYP What’s your problem?
ATM At the moment
IRL In real life
CSN Computer says no
WIP Work in progress
WIIFM What’s in it for me?
JIT Just in time
JK Just kidding
HHJK Ha-ha, just kidding
CAP Cover all possibilities
GSOH Good sense of humour
POV Point of view
AOB Any other business
CTA Call to action
SMS Short messaging service
BBM BlackBerry messenger
FWD Forward
DM Direct message (Twitter)
PM Private message (Facebook)
COP Close of play
@ At
PPC Pay per click
CPC Cost per click
XOXO Hugs and kisses
YOYO You’re on your own
YOLO You only live once
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LOL Sal. First half of the list… I see a lot. 2nd half… not so much
TBT-Throw Back Thursday
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Sal…….I think a lot of those are used on twitter. Never saw them before. But just about a week ago, some 20-something on TV used that YOLO…..and I had to google it..lol I think they have added a lot that we never used!!!! SMH lol
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I guess deb beat me!! I guess I was laughing too hard to notice…;) J/K (just kidding!!)
Before blogs everyone talked in chat rooms. It was talking real time. Kind of like texting.(BTW..i do all the things you mentioned except twitter!! ) 😉 so since it was all so quick a new shorthand was developed so there was less typing. I could give you a bunch but if you ever have a Q ,justa ask!!! 😉 I have seen cheat sheets before. You might be able to google it and find one.
I hadn’t heard the arrogant opinion one. The ones I always used were….
IMO….in my opinion
IMHO…..in my humble opinion.
Then there’s….
IRL…in real life
TTFN….tata for now
Cya L8R
SMH….shaking my head
Alot of them you can figure out according to the context of the sentence. there are literally hundreds!!! Aren’t you glad you asked??? LOL
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LMAO… sorry Star but this is too funny. I had no idea what you meant in your other comment about losing one… but now that this has been moderated I see
As you said.. you started typing up where your name goes!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No.. I will not start calling you “I see Deb beat me Star”
way too long!
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JT……..Yup…it is, thank God! Just stick with Stra…..lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I was SO tired at that time I was falling asleep at the keyboard……FAATK…..lol I tried to go over to FB for a bit but I literally was head banging and I’d open my eyes and there would be like 10 other pages up!! lol
I don’t know why but I keep having that problem here tho. It wasn’t the 1st time I had started posting by my name. Never had that happen before this year. Just didn’t catch it last nite. I TODE Lisa to ignore it!! I knew the flack I’d get if she put it on!! Oh well……you don’t call me Stra for nuthin! lol
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Have to admit, I did not know IMAO was even a thing. I always thought it was a typo and was supposed to be either LMAO or IMHO… and I would just insert the one that best fit context.
And… I usually read the “H” as honest instead of humble. I guess it works either way.
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“A” Arrogant
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Lot’s of great comments tonight! Hi Star and sherry.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JT, so good to see you. Thank you for all of your in-depth comments. It really helped me get caught up on what is happening in the house. By the way, I love your avatar! 😊
I agree with you about the secret room being Pandora’s Box. I think now is a good time to have it. It can really throw a wrench into everyone’s plans. They have had some really rough ones in the past. I am looking forward to seeing the HOH comp. Sounds like it was brutal.
Lisa, thank you again for a great report. You always come through for us.
Well, I am going to check in with BBAD. I may be back!! 😊😊😊
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I used to change avatars all the time. But after I found this one (and added the hat, frame, and a few other things) I kept it for a few years now… same one as on facebook.
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Oh My GOSH!!!!! I just sent sherry a post and started it up by my name! So it went to moderation!!!! LMAO!!!
Lisa…..you don’t have to check on that one, I know what I did!!! Luckily, I copied it. You just never know!!!!! 😉
Ok…here it is….for sherry…….sheesh!
I see deb beat me!! I was laughing too hard to notice…;) J/K (just kidding!!)
Before blogs everyone talked in chat rooms. It was talking real time. Kind of like texting.(BTW..i do all the things you mentioned except twitter!! ) 😉 so since it was all so quick a new shorthand was developed so there was less typing. I could give you a bunch but if you ever have a Q ,justa ask!!! 😉 I have seen cheat sheets before. You might be able to google it and find one.
I hadn’t heard the arrogant opinion one. The ones I always used were….
IMO….in my opinion
IMHO…..in my humble opinion.
Then there’s….
IRL…in real life
TTFN….tata for now
Cya L8R
SMH….shaking my head
Alot of them you can figure out according to the context of the sentence. there are literally hundreds!!! Aren’t you glad you asked??? LOL
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Another reason a lot of the abbreviations were created is because in the beginning texting had a limited amount of characters (spaces) that you were able to type. So in order to send a complete message there had to be a way of abbreviating words to allow you to get your message across in that amount of space. Therefore we had to start learning a new form of text language.
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BFD – Big Deal
IHNFI – I have no idea
GTFO – Get The … Out
WTF – What The —-?
I’ll let y’all guess what all the F’s stand for. 😆
BBL… Be back later
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Thanks. Mylist is growing!!
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Star: Yes, I am very glad I asked. Since I haven’t always been able
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------to figure out some posts and was afraid to comment because of
maybe getting the meaning wrong…..this helps. I feel like I’ve
just learned another foreign language!! Now maybe one day soon
I’ll learn how to do those little comic figures ya’ll are so great at creating on your posts.
There is one good thing about my flip phone. If I ever lose it, I
don’t have to worry about someone stealing it. I lost it one time
at a restaurant. They called me by finding my name and number
somewhere on my phone. They told me they’d found this antique
phone with my name and number on it and wondered if I’d lost
it. Yep, there’s always a silver lining to every cloud.
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Sherry….A long time ago I lost my flip phone at the grocery store. They found MOM and called her and I got it back. I don’t think any one wants them!!lol
It sounds like I need to take a trip to your house. You are a hot MESS girl!!!lol I wanted to try to tell you how to fix your car clock and TV and teach you how to make smilies……PHEW! lol I didn’t used to be good at this stuff either but since being OL (online) since about 1995, I have learned a lot. Mike likes to trade up all the time…for puters, cells, TVs…..so I have gotten a lot of experience and practice!
To make a smiley face all you do is hit the colon…then the right half of a parentheses. That’s a happy face. Do the same with the left half and make a sad face. Master those and I’ll send you a page of them to use. 😉 <~~~ wink
: + ) = 🙂
: +( = 🙁
Gonna go over to FB. Have a good nite!!! ♥
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I actually watched an hour of BBAD. Best I’ve seen so far! They were all eating, so I got hungry! Well, goodnight all!!🔚😊😊😊
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Yikes!! I just had to turn off BBAD!! Frank and Bridgette are talking and between the two of them they used the ” F” word every other word! I’m sorry, I just don’t understand why! Do they think it’s cool, or is their vocabulary so limited they can’t express themselves want other way? In fact Frank just said he had never used that word as much as he was using it in the BB house. Then he said he was going to have to stop using it, but still kept on using it! Can somebody please explain why these kids think it’s okay! That is one reason I can’t watch BBAD. It honestly upsets me. Maybe because I never heard it used in my family or with any of my friends or co-workers. Is it just me?? Okay, I’m through! I am turning on my Ray Price music and going to bed! Nite! 😊😊😊😊😊
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Autocorrect strikes again! Correction:”can’t express themselves “any” other way!” 😊😊😊😊🔚
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JOLEE: I blame Hollywood for the bad language. You can’t go to a movie nowadays without the f-word being used throughout it or the Lord’s name being taken in vain. (Except for animations and G movies.) The same goes for literature. Authors I’ve read for years now have this going on throughout their books. This was considered unacceptable years ago. So publishing com-panies and Hollywood have greatly influenced our society, especially with the younger generation.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Then you add the inclusion factor of youth wanting to act grown
up….. Even grammar is being changed. I’ve never been happier
is now I’ve never been more happy. Texting is ruining the ability
to spell properly and carry on a decent conversation.
I heard from a parent who went into his den to check on his son
and his three friends, because they were too quiet. He found each of them texting each other rather than talking. It’s a changing world.
I would hate to do without my computer, but it is so hard now to
get a problem with billing solved computer errors are more difficult to change.
I liked being able to understand the person whom I am talking to about a business or technical problem. Now I’m sent halfway around the world and connected to someone I can’t understand but about every third word. When I ask them to repeat themselves, they get irritated.
Progress can be a great thing, but it comes with some bad side
effects. However, our parents thought the same thing about
Elvis and his hip gyrations. How I miss that gyrating hunk!
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sherry, boy can I relate to everything you said. 😊 It’s really sad when you think about it! The positive thing about computers is the ability to connect with your loved ones. Our family is scattered all over this country. Facebook and “Face time” are wonderful. 💖 However, there are so many negatives. I don’t get to see my grandbabies who live close by very often, but when they are here, both of them are iPhones or Kindles!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As for BB, I am looking forward to seeing the HOH comp tonight. I also loved Elvis, even though I was a Sinatra and Bing Crosby fan! 💖💖
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There have been some recent studies about swearing and if it’s considered to be a lack of vocabulary or intelligence, which usually isn’t the case. Here’s a link that’s from the Washington Post about it. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/12/22/why-its-a-good-sign-if-you-curse-a-lot/
I know it’s just a study, and probably has an opposing one to it. It’s like the old argument, “Eggs are bad, dont eat eggs”…then a year later you hear, “Eggs are great for you, lots of health benifits.”, then it goes back. I lost count on how many times that has flip flopped back and forth in my life time!
As far as me personally, I think cursing is kind of a subconsious thing in a way. I curse, but I know how to control it. If I’m around my Mom, it’s very rare, if ever. When I’m having beers with my buddies, I’ll curse like a sailor. It’s not that I can’t find a better word, it’s just like adding salt and pepper to a statement or joke.
Everyone is different. My mom is in her mid 70’s and hates swearing. She’ll say Shit or Damn every blue moon, but never the F-word. I think I heard it once in my life from her. I really try to not say stuff like that around her, but say if I drop a cement block on my foot and she’s there, I’m swearing and that’s just how it goes!
I don’t think it’s a generational thing either, cursing too much. I know older people that swear all the time. I know ones that never do. It must be more of a cultural thing, like being raise not to, being punished if you did, etc.
I have a neighbor and his young daughter, in her early 20’s who I’ve never heard her swear once. My neighbor (guy) and me will talk and we swear all the time. Why doesn’t she swear? People are just different, I guess?
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Sirrock I noticed you said you live in Twin Cities. Where? If you don’t mind me asking.
White Bear Lake here 🙂
Wow.. I was reading this post and it sounds exactly like me! I swear a lot sometimes. Not out of lack of vocabulary or intelligence (at least I don’t think so LOL) It just depend who I’m around. Around work buddies, it’s just more natural and (i know some wont get this) it actually adds a “flavor” to the conversation.
My parents are also in their mid 70s. My Dad swears some.. but never around my Mom. My Mom will say the same words you mentioned.. with about the same frequency.. blue moon.
I never swear around my Mom. I know she is offended by it. I do have a very good filter.
sherry if you are reading this I did read where you asked about all the acronyms used. One thing you can pretty much bank on…. if the letter “F” is in there.. it usually stands for one word only. (ie WTF) 😆
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@JT – I live in South St. Paul, have for about 20 years now. Before that, I grew up in Inver Grove Heights, did all my schooling there. Small world! I haven’t been to WBL in quite a while, kinda out of my way. I think the last time I was there was to go to Donatelli’s after seeing it on Diners, Drive-in’s and Dives! Good grub!
That smoke last summer was so wild. I had no idea till I saw the news that evening that it was from the wild fires in Canada. If someone told me it was from Canada, I would have called them a liar….haha!
And yeah as far as the swearing goes, we are pretty similar! Do it with your friends or coworkers, don’t do it around parents/older folks…unless they do. Sometimes if I get a little fired up, I’ll let on slip in front of my mom and she’s fine, but if I drop an F-Bomb, she’ll tell me to not say it and that she doesn’t like that word. It’s pretty rare, but it’s happened. Sometimes it slips! But yeah, if I was in that house, I would be F-ing this and F-ing that every other second, most likely.
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Can’t say I haven’t been to (through) Inver Grove & S ST Paul in a while…. go through there all the time on my way to work at Flint Hills
Been in WBL 20 years almost exactly (Sept 96). Maplewood before that… Woodbury… Coon Rapids.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Also lived in Mpls, Richfield, Anoka, Ham Lake in the early 70s as a kid.
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Wow, you got around, but always on the north side of the cities, I’ve always been on the south side. I got family all over the area. My uncle Ted was the king of the winter carnival a few years back. His son did it maybe 2 years ago, he was one of the lesser things….duke of the east winds or whatever you call them…haha! They run a flooring business in St. Paul on Rice St. That winter carnival stuff is pretty helpful with business.
Flint Hills….the old Koch Refinery, right? I have another uncle worked there for 30 years at least. I think he kinda got forced into retirement, lots of the old guys did. Made too much money, I think? He’d tell me stories about that place, how much it changed over the years.
Small world just keeps getting smaller! 😉
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Although I have always lived mostly North of the Twin Cities… I did once live South too
Texas… right on the Gulf
LOL…. lived there about 10 years in the 60s and 70s
Yes, we moved a lot when I was a kid.
Yep.. the old Koch. First time I worked there was 32 years ago.
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Sirrock….Ditto both you and JT! Except it’s not a GUY thing with me!!lol I like your comparing it to adult salt and pepper, as it does SPICE things up! Shows passion or makes you laugh. But to use it every other word like Bridgette is, is annoying. Especially when you look like she does. I think she, and most of them, swear to sound older or tougher, more threatening. Or to fit in. They are young and just finding out who they are!!
My family was the same. My dad swore so much tht one night we had a priest over for dinner and he was sweating bullets the whole not, trying not to let one rip. Needless to day, he didn’t talk a whole lot!!lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My Mom did the occasional Dammit, but there was no *F* word in her house!!! I heard my Dad say it casually once. He never did it again, I assure you!!!lol When I came home from college on my first break, I had learned to use it just like Bridgette does. It felt like FREEDOM!!! But I found out our house was a dictatorship and I kept it for my friends…;)
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Well said Sirrock! 😊 My mom hardly ever swore unless something happened to scare her and the “s” word would slip out! Especially with my dads driving! 😃😃
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JT – maybe you knew my uncle, Jim Kromschroeder? I know it’s a big place but he was there a LONG time. He passed away in Jan of 2015…fyi. Here’s his obit, only attaching it because it has a picture of him so you can see if you recognize him. He was a good guy.
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I see he was 70. So he must have retired at least 10 years ago or so?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Doesn’t ring a bell. But I never actually worked for FHR itself. I’ve worked for contractors there.
I did spend years out there in the 80s… then not again until 2002. Worked there most of the last 13 years.. so I must have run into him at some point over that time.
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I’d bet some of the FHR people I know would know him though.
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He “retired” maybe 15 years ago or more? I can’t remember. They were pretty much forcing out the old timers because of too much pay, vacation, ability to pick jobs, etc. Got really “political” there and after he saw some close long time co-workers getting fired for very petty things, he decided it was best to move on before he was moved out in the same fashion. At least that’s how I remember it.
I kinda remember a story about some long time coworkers that got fired (I think). One was of Hispanic decent, the other was Italian. They were friends and coworkers for 25+ years. They would call either other “Beaner” and “Dago”. Obviously those are racial slurs, but they did this for decades and were friends. I don’t remember if they were suspended or fired for referring to each other with those names. It was clear, the management was looking for ANYTHING to get rid of some old timers. I know things change and in the PC world we’ve evolved to and the old “dinosaurs” get in trouble for not changing with the times, but my uncle was convinced it was just a ploy to cut older employees and so were his coworkers. There were other examples he gave but I’ve forgotten them over time. He was an honest guy and never gossiped, so when he said this stuff to me, you could take it to the bank, that’s what it was. I was kinda shocked he even told me about it, to be honest. He was pretty private. Anyway, that’s all I can remember. Thanks for indulging me. 🙂
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I just got a photo from my sis near the BB studios and the sky is black with smoke and she said it’s a little hard to breathe. The fire itself is far away near the mountains but the wind is coming towards population. It’s a factor for sure.
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That smoke can go a long way. And sometimes, even here in Minnesota, we get different sunsets because of fires in Cali.
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Sunsets world wide are actually caused by the particles in the air from volcanos and major fires. That’s why sometimes you’ll see more dramatic sunsets while other years are sorta blah. Depends on the ash particle content drifting through inner space of our biosphere.
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yep… the fires can make a beautiful orange sunset for us.
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I loved going to Minnesota for work JT I would have to got to The CCOA on press runs, one of the largest printing plants I ever saw… Had to got to the Mall one day because I needed some more Cloths The young lady that took me was so kind I could not get over that everything was so high off the streets & she told me it was because of all the snow we get here in St, Paul Wow, very cool state!😜……………..
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Actually, it seems we don’t get nearly as much snow as we used to. I remember when I was a kid it seemed we got tons.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We do get the extreme cold 2nd to only North Dakota in the US… but snow… Rockies, Michigan, and East Coast get way more than us.
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Star: Thanks for the lesson on happy faces. I will try it now. :+).
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------🙂 (:) Now you see why when I was working and a piece of equipment
broke, everyone in unison shouted, “Sherry, don’t touch anything!!”
Don’t think I’ve mastered this yet. Duh.
Fell asleep before I got much viewing of BBAD last night. Will try
to view it this afternoon.
One more try: :+)=. Nope.
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When you do the smiley face… omit the + sign. Star just put that in there to show it was the : and the ) together.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------But if she had just typed them together without the + sign.. it would have just shows as 🙂 …and that doesn’t help
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JT: :). No. :))) No. 🙂 I’m still doing something wrong. If I hit
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------them separately or together at one time, I get the same result.
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Just put a colon : right next to )
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------just one of each…. no spaces between the two
BUT… do leave a space on either side of the whole thing
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Hey, HTH did I get a smiley face here?
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Because you did the 3rd one right.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------the first 2 …you either put too many )
or you didn’t leave a space on both ends.
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sherry..you don’t use the PLUS sign!! I was just doing that to demonstrate which keys to use!! If I just did it, then it would have made the smiley and you wouldn’t have seen how!! So just eliminate the + and it will work!! 😉 And I was sleepy then too. That’s why I took off…..😲💤
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JT: Thanks. That was one I figured out on my own. Also, WTH.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------But I thank all who have answered my quest for knowledge of
internet abbrevs. It has helped. I have written them down in case I forget any of them.
I, too, am not immune to using swear words. My husband was a
pro at it. Living alone, I find I use them much more frequently
than I normally did. It goes along with talking to myself out loud.
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@¿@ BOO
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JT: okay. Here goes. 🙂 . No smiley face.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------🙂 No smiley face. (:) No smiley face. I’m definitely getting
a complex over this! 🙂 :):):)
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Okay. Now I get it. It just doesn’t show up on my typing copy
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------of a post, but after it’s sent it shows up. YAY!! Thank you.
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yep.. it doesn’t show up until posted.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and you last 3 :):):) would have been smilies too if there was a space between them
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sherry, yay, you’ve got it! I have many icons on my iPhone, but not on my Kindle!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------💕💖❤️💜💙🔚💒🎈😎😺👄👁👗👗👠👛🌂🐶🐼🐰🐠🕷🐬🐿🦃🐀🐕🌲🌳🍀🌿🎄🌺🌸🌷🌹☃🌝🍏🍐🌽🍨🎂🍰🍪🍩⚽️🏈🏉🎾🎹🚑🚒🚠⛵️🌋💒☎️. I know, I’m a show off!😊😊
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SnakeBit Sal: Thanks. This is so much fun! 🙂 🙂 🙂
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LOL glad we made your day so simply sherry!!!! You’d be a fun date!! 😉
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(H) Forgot the second space
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😈 found the correct ones I hope
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Ok… I’ll toss in some BB game talk.
In the unpopular opinion corner…..
I would not trust James as far as I could throw Glenn. 😯
I do like James. He cracks me up. I bet he is bt far the nicest guy in the house ….outside of the house. Of all the people in ther, I think I would get along with James the best in RL (real life).
anyone sense a "but" coming?
I have seen his game too much to trust him in that house. We all remember what he did after winning the endurance wall HOH comp his first season.. right?
Shelly threw the comp to him on the promise to keep her & Clay safe for the week. Who did James nominate that week? Clay & Shelly. Clay went home as is usual for the guy in a showmance.
Did I really care? Nope… was not a C&S fan at all. But it did show to not take him at his word in the BB house.
This week he promised not to put up Bridgette. We know how that went. Not a fan of Bridgette either so I really don’t care.
Then last night he was talking to Frank and telling him he doesn’t know anything…. that if the house wants to save him he’d be ok with that. That he really doesn’t know what the house wants.
I get playing things close at times. But POV is over, all that is left is to cast 7 votes to evict Frank Thursday. Done deal.
So part of me wanted James to just tell him what’s up straight up. James always says he’s a straight shooter… but really never is. If he never claimed to be a straight shooter, then no harm no foul.
As far as I know, The HGs do not know about the secret room yet or even to start looking for clues.
My only point, I like James, but would put little faith in what he told me in BB.
I suppose I have to give him some space…. they all know another twist is possible and Frank may not be as done as it appears.
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Totally agree with you on James and just about everything you said. Good guy, would be a cool neighbor or whatever in real life, but his BB game is pretty much a joke. He’s either clowning around or “laying low”.
Like you said, he lied to Clay and Shelli and put them up. I also didn’t care, it’s BB and you lie in BB. I remember him saying last year he was going to make big moves and didn’t care about getting blood on his hands. I liked that, but he did it one week and that was it.
Now he’s tap dancing all over the place with Frank. It’s just so random, not sure I get it….I don’t think he has any real stragety other than to flirt with a girl, play jokes, appeal to America so he has a shot at AFP….and IF he wins a HoH, break up a couple that everyone is targeting.
As far as the Secret Room goes, I figured maybe it would be Julie dropping a hint on the live show or maybe the screens will have a clue on them during the week? No way they’ll even look for anything unless they’re clued in. My cynical brain thinks whatever production was going to do, they’ll need to step it up quick since Frank is all but out the door already, with no way to save himself. I bet they put something on the screen, then Frank will get some hints in the DR, privately. They won’t out right tell him, but they’ll steer him in a direction to help him, I’m almost positive. Keep us posted!
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I agree. If it’s a secret room for the whole house and not just a Pandora’s Box for HOH, then putting a clue on the big screen for all to see makes most sense.
But no one is looking yet… and no one knows to look. So they have to prompt them in some way.
Frank is as close to 100% gone as you can get in BB. His only chance is if there is a clue and he figures it out first. But even then.. we don’t know what the mystery power could be… but I’d think it would be something to save him…. otherwise this twist will be a big thud.
The BB cameras randomly have been zooming in on those signs and that model airplane…. so maybe that stuff will start appearing on the screen. Then they just have to notice the words in green and put it all together.
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I said the same thing watching that on BBAD. James ALWAYS says he doesn’t know to everybody and the says he will just go with the house! Even Nat asked him who would go up as a RN if Frank or Bridge won the Veto. Again, he hedged and said that crap about the house. I know he can’t be trusted and I also think he is a big chicken!!! When he had no power, he DOES vote with the house!! He always wants to be SEEN as the NICE guy that no one has to fear! So when he does have power, he just plays off on that …./but he knows exactly what he’s doing!! He just keeps it to himself. I don’t think he was like this last year, but the he had Meg and for some reason, I think he felt SAFE with her. Like she was his shield. Maybe this was his strategy coming in this year. But it’s very obvious as an outside observer.
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Seems like his whole game is revolving around trying to win AFP, hooking up with Nat, and making Jury. Just read something on Evel Dick’s Twitter saying returning HG’s always get more money to return and get a bonus if they make Jury. It’s like everyone wants to just hang around to make jury, cash in, and have a paid vacation. Nice work if you can get it. 😉
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I’ve heard past returnees say the same about extra cash to come back (right before, “You are not allowed to talk about production”)
LOL.. yep… good gig if you can get it is what I always say.
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Things are tentative with the secret room a possibility for discovery. The only thing I wonder is what power if any will it give someone?
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Like others, I feel it could depend who finds it!
Frank find it – Coup d ‘etat!!!
Newbie finds it – 2 week slop pass!! 🙄
LOL.. I don’t think it would be that bad, but we’re all suspicious of production… especially when we can hear HGs slip and say things they weren’t supposed to say.
BB production reminds me of the NBA draft…. “yes.. we will have a random drawing for first pick….. let us just go behind these curtains so no one can see us”
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I agree with most of what you said. But I have to give James
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------credit for not being afraid to make the big noms. Most of them
in the house are too afraid to put up the biggest threats or can’t
win a comp so they can make any kind of nom. James has been
floating for awhile. It’s time he got into the game.
I look for prod. to give Frank some hints about the secret room,
and it will give him a Coup d’etat. Like you said, if a newbie
finds it….it won’t be so great….probably.
BBL 🙂 🙂
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I do give James credit for doing what others are scared or unable to. Just the trusting what he says issue was my only point.
And I am disappointed in Da. She has been clucking for 2 weeks how much she wants to get Frank out. You’d think if she had a chance to win HOH and get the satisfaction herself… she would.
But she tossed it to James?
I suppose it might be a good game move to let others do your dirty work… but still, all the chirping you’d think she would want it herself.
Da’s days seem numbered. But as long as she’s happy to just say “I beat you” to whoever in her good bye message.. good for her I guess.
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JT…how hard can you play when you lay in bed all day>???? Da seems to have turned into our Audrey of S18!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------But that’s fine by me because I don’t really like her and not having to hear her making accusations at and hating everybody is a relief!!!
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Whatever happened to the guy in Vegas with the sassy cat? Sorry but I can’t remember his name right now.
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Kev11… he is still in Vegas.. and watching BB. Mostly hangs out on twitter no days. Unfortunately, his hilariously sassy cat “Saki” died a while back. But he got a new rescue cat and is doing ok.
Who knows… maybe I can prompt him into making a fly-by here 😀
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Hey JT I left a reply to you about Minnesota, but it’s way up…………
Thanks for all your insight’s my friend it’s good to see you back in action my friend😜😜😜
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I saw it up there Bob and replied.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I do like the reply feature.. but sometimes wish this was like it used to be… all comments in order.
Yes… sometimes I’m to lazy to hunt for where a new comment is
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I don’t like hunting for comments either. I wish they were numbered too. I look at how many comments and just go to the end. If the comment is a reply, I generally don’t go hunting for it.
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If there aren’t too many at once. I go to the very top on the right where it has recent comments…. then I click that and it jumps me right to where it is on the page.
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JT……Wait…what??? there is a new comment button???? I am having the same problem as you and deb. Without numbers, this is impossible. I am here kind of late and I am wondering why I am typing all of this as no one will prolly even read it!!lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It was much easier to just red them in order and look for your name. I am going in search of said life saver……….
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It’s up at the top… to the right of Lisa’s post.
Recent Comments
Just click on the blue part and it will jump to that comment.
The only bad thing is it only shows the last 5
That has always been there….. even way back 7 years ago during the treehouse days. LOL.. that is how PGA found us 😎
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------kev11 he has a new cat sir louie, since he lost saki, kev is very busy we all mis him
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Hi MM!!! 😀
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Hi Margie💜💜
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Thanks JT. As soon as you typed it, it was familiar again. Sorry about Saki.
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From my friend JT a long time ago!!!!
evil  twisted  shock  cool  mad  sad 
cry  oops  roll  wink  razz  eek 
lol  smile  grin  mrgreen  ???  neutral 
arrow  !  ?  idea 
These are the code words for each smiley. Add a colon before and after the word… and leave a space before and after the entire code..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Like this ….. Here is a smiley I like :codeword: pretty cool huh?
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Just to bad WP had to change all those years ago… they still work ok.. but used to look much better.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Oops used to change from yellow to pink… now it just does this 😳
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Thanks bobovnvet!! I am having a blast learning all this new
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------info from JT and others. Great 💡 Love it.
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I was just trying out “idea.”
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I was just looking over the comments. To be honest, I don’t even notice when people curse. I guess it’s a generational thing.
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Maybe.. but I’m a generation beyond you & Lisa and I don’t really notice it either. Doesn’t bother me here or on feeds.
If that makes me somehow less of a person… oh well.
I do know when to filter myself though.
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hey yall,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------thanks for posting, i don’t think Michele will us the Vito, i hope Frank goes home 🙂
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You are correct. She will not use the veto. No way
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Frank will be gone Thursday (unless secret room comes into play)
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anyone know what kind of veto comp this was? hope someone has to be handcuffed to another (like bridge and meech) – he he he
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It was OTEV.. seemed a bit early for that one to me. but oh well.
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Ok. DUH! I see the recent comments! I have always seen them, just never paid much attention! Didn’t know you could click on it and a whole bunch would come up. I’m almost afraid to try it….lol
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Try it… what could possibly go wrong for you on a computer / phone ? 😝
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Hey, does anyone know where the link is to support this blog by signing up for live feeds? LMAO
Oh… between every comment… and every reply?
I get it.. it’s a business. Gotta advertise. But it does make it hard to find the reply button sometimes.
I know I know… quit whining!! 😆
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Star: I am thrilled there was something I found on my own. Have
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------been using the recent comments all this season. The only problem is if you have a reply to one way up on the list. You will
havea to seek it out on its own.
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I am about to believe I am not meant to see BB this year. I went
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------to watch my recording of BBAD from last night and it own taped
the first of the comp between Glenn and Jozea. But then I looked
up and saw that black cloud that follows me around when using the
computer or “smart t.v.”. 👿 I haven’t tried the LF because I am gone so much of the time. Didn’t think I would get much good out of it. Maybe should have done it anyway.
I need to bake cookies for a friend who just had surgery Will
BBL. 🙂 🙂 🙂
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Don’t feel bad sherry. It’s usually not you! TVs have a mind of their own as do the Tivos. Tonight we usually record BB and watch at 9:00. For awhile now our TV guide says most channels are To Be Announced. If there is no content you can’t tape. Do I missed a lot of tonight’s show. I think our cable box is shot and we are going to prolly take it in this week and get a new one. Super frustrating tho. But not our fault. Lol
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Whew! I just got caught up and now BB just started! Great comments everyone! I absolutely love, love this blog! Be back after BB!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------💕💖💜❤️💛💙💝💕 😘😘😘😘
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P.S. I have written “Replies” to several of you! I hope you got them!! 😊😊😊😊
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In case anyone needed more proof about James in my post earlier… tonight’s episode pretty much summed it up.
I want to root for James!! I want to like James! I do like James… but wow, does he know how to get himself between a rock and another rock real fast!
It’s not lost on me the tough choice he had. And I know it was the best move for his game to not have the whole house against him… I get all that.
But STOP writing checks with your mouth that your a$$ can’t cash!! A tough spot yes, but he put himself in that spot.
Given his track record, this could (should) really hurt him going forward. Who in their right mind would ever trust a deal from him? I know they all have to lie, but James lies in front of the entire house.
And just so I have it straight, Frank is the snake everyone hates.. But the rest with lie after lie and breaking deals are the “good guys”
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ok… got it.
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Haha….exactly! When I saw how things played outwith James I was like like, dude….AGAIN??? Promise you won’t put people up then put them up?
Dude should have just blew off all the talks of making a deal and just won the comp outright, then he can do whatever he wants and wasn’t beholden to anyone.
And as you said, everyone lies….hell, Nicole has been straight up busted by Da TWICE now. But yeah, she’s all good too….better focus on Frank’s lying ass. hahaha!
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JT..there are no “good guys” to me..how could there be, in my view, playing Big Brother? Such a childish way to see things..it’s a game of deception and mind games. That’s why I was never a Jordan fan..she won by luck and Jeff’s help. I know some think there are good guys..not me. If so, they are not playing the game. There has to be some compromise of values and integrity to win. Just MHO
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Astra. Totally agree especially about Jordo. Not sure if u were lurking back then but I took a lot of crap for my POV on her. She is cute and sweet but not the brightest bulb in the box. If not for Jeff she never would have won. Maybe he planned on marrying her all
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Along and figured she had a better chance to sneak by. Lol. But everyone was mad at me because she was AMERICAS sweetheart. I don’t favor HGs cuz of their financial situation or cuz they have kids either. The game is the game. All’s fair. Respect it. Yo. Lol
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I dont mean you personally are childish, JT..just in general that view would to me, be childish
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I didn’t take it personally. I was talking about how the other HGs view Frank as the evil one.. and think they are the “good guys”
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks for clarification just in case though 🙂
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JT. I didn’t get to see tonight’s show. What happened that cemented
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------your view of James? What lie did he tell the entire house?
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Basically the same lie he told Shelley his first season.
It was Da, James, & Bridgette last 3 in HOH comp.
They all made a deal that Da & Bridgette would drop and give James the HOH… and James told Bridgette he would not put up her or Frank
Like I said… he was in a tough spot.. but he never should have made that deal if he couldn’t keep it… same as with Clay & Shelley.
I know they have to lie some… and I know James is a decent guy in the house and out. But it can only hurt his game to keep letting everyone see him break deals like that.
If he survives to final 6 say… and makes a final 2 deal with you then… would you trust that based on history?
I wouldn’t. But I don’t dislike him.. hope everyone understands that part.
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I do understand and did not know about the three way deal
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------he made with Da and Bridget. Hate he did that. I didn’t like
it when Dan did the same thing during his season. It came back
to hurt him the second season. People didn’t trust him like they
once did. He could have put Frank up and not Bridget or vice
versa and told them the house wanted him put up. He got away
with it this time, but no one is going to let him have anything
now that he has shown he can’t be trusted. I like him, too.
But I don’t like he went back on his word after given the HOH
Thanks for explaining it to me, JT. 😯
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The sad part is it looked like he was going to win anyway… either him or Da.
He had no need to make a deal with Bridgette & Frank. It was poor judgement.. Bridgette couldn’t go much longer.. she even said so herself.
I didn’t know about the 3 way deal either until watching the episode. And though I knew he said he wouldn’t put up Bridgette, I thought maybe he said that off hand in private to her. But he told them both they were safe right there during HOH comp.. in front of everyone.
Of course the rest don’t mind he went back on his word this time…. but I have to believe that is the type of thing that gets filed away in the back of your head.
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Sherry, I agree with you. The way James lied during the competition was, in my opinion, wrong. I know it’s been done before, but to me it’s poor sportsmanship. I think it will end up hurting him. It’s different than lying during strategy meetings. In fact it’s expected! If you are smart, you don’t trust anyone, except maybe if you are Jeff and Jordan! 😊😊😊 So, James lied to two girls!! Those girls gave him the HOH!! Brave move James!!
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Agreed Jolee and JT. 🙂 🙂
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Lisa! Bridget was up there too! For all the years I am watching BB it always drives Mr crazy when they make deals and expect the deal to be honored. James broke the deal and put both Frank and Bridget up while Natalie let saying it’s your HOA pick who you want not he house but James gave in!
Please..Miss back stabbing drama queen DA…go home soon along with Nicole!
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