Hi everyone!
Well, after watching the latest episode of Big Brother, I feel a little bit guilty. I was really critical of Michelle for crying so much after she discovered she was nominated. I saw her laying in bed and sobbing and talking about how she felt like she was about to throw up and I thought to myself, “Girl, stop whining. It’s Big Brother!”
But then I watched Sunday’s episode and, for the first time, I got to see the nomination ceremony. I heard what Victor said to her and Zakiyah after he nominated them. I watched as he tossed beads at them. And, as I watched, I actually started to appreciate Michelle’s restraint. She may have cried but she didn’t leap over the table and try to rip Victor’s eyes out of their sockets. That’s what I would have done and I imagine I would have been kicked off the show as a result.
To be honest, there really hasn’t been a truly good nomination speech this season yet. We all want interesting and memorable speeches but we also don’t want speeches that are cruel. It’s never fun to watch someone being bullied and that’s what Victor’s speech was. I still think the worst nomination speech of the season was Bridgette’s incoherent babbling during week 3 but Victor came in a close second.
Seriously, Victor is a such a jerk! I can’t believe that I wanted him to come back into the house. And what’s especially annoying is that Victor isn’t just a jerk — he’s a dumb jerk as well! During tonight’s episode, he told us that Da’Vonne told him, “They are going to vote you out next.”
Then he added, “But I don’t know who ‘they’ are.”
It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure out that Da’Vonne was talking about the exact same people — Paulie and Paul, in specific — who has just engineered her eviction. But apparently, that required too much thought on Victor’s part so he decided to just ignore what Da’Vonne told him. And then he promptly allied himself with Paul and Paulie.
And yes, the new all-boy alliance is called The Executives. Corey, Victor, Paul, Paulie, and James are all Executives and why shouldn’t they be? Since the remaining girls don’t seem to be planning on actually playing the game, the boys might as well form a second-rate Brigade and give themselves cutesy nicknames.
And, of course, within the Executives, there is another alliance. The Board. Victor, Paul, and Paulie. Victor may think he has a final three deal with those two but I’m predicting they’ll still vote him out as soon as they get a chance.
As I watched Sunday’s show, I thought about impressions change over time. When this season began, I really liked Michelle and I couldn’t stand Natalie. Michelle was the dorky girl with the sarcastic sense of humor. Natalie was the Spy Girl who was always carrying that big wooden spoon. But, over the past week, I’ve realized that I’ve really changed my mind about both of them. The minute that Michelle felt she had been accepted by the popular kids, she turned into a mean girl. And the minute that Natalie got away from the Spy Girls, she became a lot more likable.
And by that same token, I thought Victor was a little dumb but otherwise well-meaning. But after tonight’s episode, my opinion has changed. I can’t wait for Victor to discover that his current “friends” aren’t planning on carrying him to the end.
As for what’s going on in the house right now: Michelle and Zakiyah are on the block. Paulie has the veto and he’s probably not going to use it. Because yesterday’s veto comp ran for so long, the feeds have hardly been on since Thursday and it’s a little harder than usual to pinpoint who the number one target it. I have a feeling that most of the houseguests would be happy with getting rid of either Zakiyah and Michelle.
If I was them, I would vote out Zakiyah because Zakiyah isn’t particularly good at comps. If Zakiyah has the return ticket, they probably wouldn’t have to worry about her coming back in the house and then automatically winning HoH during the double eviction. Michelle, on the other hand, has won a comp in the past.
That said, I think Michelle’s going to be voted out. Paulie may be getting tired of Zakiyah but I don’t think he’s totally prepared to get rid of her just yet.
We’ll see what happens!
I don’t care for Victor
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Someone should have put Michele up a long time ago. She wines like a dam baby, and frankly is not cut out for this game . I say good bye , and take her wining ass home or to the jury.
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he is A BIG (_!_) HOLE…………………Mich is a mean girl but after watching V. i’m with you……….i would have jumped that jerks back, fist pumped his throat……i can be mean. (to men) he’s not a man. i hope he, paul and paulie stab each other in the back.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------at this point all of the girls can stay.
i feel so angry.
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not one freakin’ guy stood up for the girls. i need to loan James my balls.
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I read your updates and have for a few years. I so agree with you about Victor’s speech. All the guys tonight sickened me. Their reactions to Victor’s speech was childish giggles like Victor had said something cute. It’s a shame that at least some of the girls didn’t say something. Everyone is so afraid of being voted out but when does the game get set aside and morals come into play. Personally I’m glad I’m older and married because I sure don’t want to spend any time with the young men of today if this is what they’re like. Karma though is as they say a biatch. So these little boys might have rude awakenings coming for them when they get out of the BB house.
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Go get ’em, trendr! Manners and kindness in the BB house are rarities. Vic had a lot of potential. Until he allowed himself to be Paulie-fied, that is.
Every time Nicole mentions her game in the DR, I want to ask her to be more specific. What game is that?
The girls are wasting their time and the guys are a waste of time.
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What was I thinking?!?!?! Lisa, you always get complimented for your write ups. I wish I could think of something more original to say besides, “Great job!” But that’s what they are. : )
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Two, you said very succinctly everything I was thinking! Well done.
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I was appalled at how cruel the nomination speech was and tossing the beads was simply insulting. Paulie just sat there with his face in his hands while his erstwhile Showmance, Zakiyah, was insulted and ridiculed. Real men don’t do that. In fact, real men don’t bully women they know to be alone in a house filled with strangers. Real men don’t bully. I never liked Victor and I was disappointed he came back in. Fortunately he’s pretty dumb and doesn’t know the game at all. Paulie has simply proven himself to be an incredibly unlikeable jerk. I thought I might like him because he had a relative in the game but he’s just another selfish, narcissistic, mysoginist who may very well win this disappointing season of Big Brother. With 5 guys and 5 girls it would be the perfect time for the women to come together, but Nichole is too busy swooning over “Duh-Corey,” Natalie will do exactly was her Jamesey (geez!) wants, Bridgette actually believes Paul and Paulie are protecting her (much as Frank did), and the other two are on the block. I can only hope that when Nichole watches this after it’s over she’ll have learned something. But I think that’s asking too much from this group of airheads. Nichole knows what she did wrong in her previous season and did it again. This time with someone who barely acknowledges her presence except to ask how to play the game. Maybe I’m just too old for BB after all. They really are all children. And they don’t play together very well.
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Well said Princess. All those boys had heard the speech before as Victor practiced in front of them. The speech was cruel. Victor was a bully. The boys were all bullying bastard for laughing and not standing up for the girls. The girls (Natalie, Bridgette, and Nicole) are just as bad , in my opinion, for not saying anything either. What the hell?!!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I want Karma to bite all those boys and Nicole in the butt at least twice and really hard. It’s supposed to be hard on a person inside the house because they have no one that loves them, no one to trust. I think Victor just made it impossible for Michelle to have any self esteem left at all and poor Zakiyah has no self respect left (not that she had any to begin with).
I seriously hate this season. The boys think Derrick and Cody are home thinking Paul and Paulie are playing a great game. I really hope that’s not true. I hope Derrick and Cody are seeing what I am seeing.
Wow, I’m still so upset over that speech. Day would have hurt a fool had she been sitting there through it.
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I agree with everything you said but you forgot to mention the looks on all the guys face when he was giving that speech..and Nichole the whiner!! The we’re all smirking and trying not to laugh. I would like to see who date anyone of those losers after the show is over. Paulie unless you have a 10 pound hammer which I doubt, I can’t see any woman wanting to be caught in private with You!!just get rid of Nichole too and put us out of our misery!! My guess for the winner is Paul!
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I’m sitting here trying to picture the nomination ceremony. I don’t
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------like what I read. (BTW : Great report Lisa.) Having raised two
sons of my own, I know how hard I tried to instill in them how to
treat women. What I failed to teach them was that there was a big
difference in real tears and crocodile tears that can be turned on and
off like a faucet. Thus the two daughter-in-laws I have.
But there is no excuse in humiliating anyone in the game of BB. I
remember season 9 (I think) where James with the Mohawk was
treated so horribly by the other hgs. My heart broke for him.
What is it about this game that brings out the worst in people?? I was hoping for a new alliance between Vic and James and a few of the girls. NowI just don’t want anyone to win. I wouldn’t mind Nat winning on sheer likability, but then I would hate to see a phenominal floater win money. I have to ask how differently things might have been had it been Nat on the block, and she was treated by Vic that way. Would James have had something to say then?
It seems like the guys are afraid to show distaste ove bullying for
fear of being the next victim. Are they really a junior high girls”
cliche in men’s bodies? But to have NO one with the gumption to
say something to Vic about how wrong his actions and words were,
including the other girls is beyong appalling. No wonder we have
been so disappointed in this year’s cast. Now I’m also disgusted
beyond belief.
It would be great to have no one vote for America’s Fav. player. Maybe then CBS would get the message about poor casting and
vetting of those chosen.
I know the game is centered around lying and deceit, and maybe
that’s the problem. If you have character and a sense of decency
you don’t seem to get very far in this game. But strategy and being
decent human beings should not be in opposition to each other in
any game. IMHO.
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No one voting for America’s favorite player? Bah ha ha ha! That would be awesome. I’m hoping there isn’t one this year as each player is a big disappointment. James should have to give his back. I thought he was a better person than he is being this season.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Money is great. I wouldn’t mind winning 500k. No amount of money could make me treat anyone the way these boys and some of the girls are treating people. No amount of money could have me sit quietly and watch anyone being treated like these people are being treated. I would have been the first one voted out.
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Sammi: I’m with you!
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Sherry, I actually think the boys (and they are boys) enjoyed Victor’s speech and the way he insulted the women. Except for James. He did look uncomfortable but he doesn’t want to rock the boat. I applause Z for the extraordinary composure she showed during that belittling and debasing diatribe. I’ve been critical of her actions with Paulie and how insecure she’s been, but he’s given her reason to feel insecure and it’s obvious, when she’s talking about how cute their babies will be and he’s talking about voting her out, that they do not feel the same way about each other. Commitment issues, Paulie? Except to the bros that is. One of the girls had a t-shirt “Dough(s) before bros.” I wish they could have figured it out before everyone got paranoid and the one-sided showmances took over. I’m glad to see that James and Natalie seem to be real, but it has ruined his game – if he had one. But at least he’s still likable enough for now.
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I am hoping Victor goes home at the double eviction! I don’t care for Michelle and I mentioned to my daughter that we were probably going to be watching a whole episode of her tears! That being said, Victor was unnecessarily extremely meanand an idiot! Doesn’t he realize that these girls will be in the jury house casting votes for the winner?
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Princess: Since I didn’t get to see it, I wasn’t able to see the expressions on anyone’s faces. But being uncomfortable and
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------not standing up for what’s right are two different things to me. With James’ sense of humor he could have said something and done it in a way that would have put Vic in his place and yet taken some of the
tension away from the situation in a humorous way. But then he
may be just biding his time to strike. I understood Vic said something to him and made James mad when they were doing the veto comp. What was said I don’t know, but now I wonder if it had something to do with the noms ceremony or if he made another debasing remark about one of the women. He could have said
something demeaning about James, too. I hate to give up on James, so I truly hope you’re right. I so agree about Nat ruining his game.
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I think I’m missing something, but what was the point of the beads?
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Ha ha ha! I thought the same thing. I think Vic received a jesters hat and the beads in his HOH basket. I’m sure he threw them at the girls to help them feel a bit more demeaned than what his words accomplished.
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Oh, geez. I would have thrown them back at him. I loved the way Michelle just sat there and let them slide off the table.
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The only thing that came to mind when I saw he threw the beads was what happens in New Orleans during Marti Grau…..when guys throw beads at women so they flash their boobs. Not sure if that was the message he was going for, but that was what came to mind for me. Maybe someone else has a better answer.
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What do I think of Victor now? I’m glad you asked. I hated him from day one. I thought he was loud with an abrasive personality. Now I hate him even more. He put Zakiyah up because she didn’t pay him any attention and all her affection was for Paulie. With that kind of thinking he is probably verbally abusive to women in the real world too. How can you go on national television and whine about someone not liking you that way? Everyone is complaining about Big Meech and her tears but at least she is showing true emotion and not lashing out at the people who don’t think she’s pretty.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Victor is a bully and those boys are worse than bullies for sitting and laughing instead of stopping him before nomination time. Vic practiced to the guys so they knew what was coming. They just sat there and giggled while James put on his fake concerned face. Why did no one confront Vic? OMG.
I will not be voting for America’s favorite player this season. If I do, I will be voting for Glenn. I bet Glenn is thanking his lucky stars that he got out while the getting was good.
I hated Frank but I wish he wouldn’t have been voted off now.
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I don’t understand the meaning of throwing beads at them.
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I did ot understand the bead throwing either…can someone explain what it meant?
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Someone plz explain the beads and what Vic said when he threw them. I couldn’t hear what he said bc he was mumbling and I had tuned him out bc he was being so nasty, but now I am curious about the beads.
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I said is a reply above, the only thing I can think of with the beads is during Marti Gras, people throw beads at women who flash their boobs. When he threw the beads, that’s the only thing I could think of. Not sure if that’s what he meant by it, but I can’t think of any other reason for it.
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The beads………….I like your idea!
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As far as Lisa’s opinion of Natalie changing, I think that goes for America as well. My girl friend follows a few BB Twitter pages. They basically type out the live feeds on Twitter. If something happens, people with “like” that tweet/statement by the HG by clicking a heart. She says each tweet averages maybe 60 likes. If Natalie says something, it gets HUNDREDS of likes. One tweet of something she said got over 600 likes! That’s like 10 times the average. James also gets a lot of likes but no where near what Natalie gets. Seems like America really does love those two. At least on that twitter site. Just found it interesting and worth sharing. She seems sweet and cute, but she’s like a little girl with fake boobs. I guess in comparison of the rest of the broads in that house, she comes off like the most wonderful person in the world.
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All of the boys just disgust me for doing nothing but snicker during Victor’s uncalled for “speech.” I especially thought his reason for putting Z up was very childish.
I was reading a conversation James and Natalie had last night and Natalie has actually put the pieces together with Paulie calling all the shots. James can flip the house this week with the way he and Natalie vote and the votes he cancels. Let’s hope he actually does it. Sounds like he wants to keep Michelle which will be going against Paulie’s wishes.
I watched a podcast or whatever it was last night with Derrick. I could only watch about the first 15 minutes but he thinks Paulie is playing a good game but he thinks Paul is in the best position. He also likes James and Nicole although he said Nicole was distracted. Ya think?!?!?
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In order for James to flip that house, it would require him having balls, not laying low, and actually playing the game. I wouldn’t hold my breath on that. They love to talk and scheme and plot…..and then do a whole lot of nothing.
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they snicker because they are kids.
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It’s just astonishing how the lack of maturity seems to be the theme of Big Brother this season. There was exactly one over 40 person, who was also the token larger person, who was easily knocked off out the gate. Then you’re left with, I believe, (and don’t feel like checking these idiots bios) 2 30 somethings with Frank and Da’Vonne, and a bunch of exceptionally shallow 20 something alpha-male types, who instinctively will form a pack, of some kind; and their female counterparts, whose lack of maturity is revealed by their submissiveness to the men and their cattiness towards each other. It makes for a very unsatisfying season, to say the least. Thank you, Lisa, for paying attention to all this and making it interesting.
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This season has been such a disappointment to me that this is the first time I’ve blogged. I think they got all of these players off the school ground I’ve never seen such a bunch of childish antics and big brother ever. It made me want to cry the way Victor treated michelle. Someone said that victors has to realize that these women will be jury members. I think he’ll be in there with these women and I hope they give him just as the bad of a time as he’s given them. I have never been so disappointed and BB is I have this year. James used to be one of my favorite players. I’m very disappointed and James. Just the fact that he said he didn’t want his hands to get dirty come on James you’ve been a big brother player for a long time go dig in the dirt.
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WooHoo! I’m so glad you posted, Jeanne. I/we have missed you. I was a touch concerned at your absence even though Jolee told us why. Great thing you were doing tho. Still, even though you and the rest of us are very unhappy with the behavior of the HGs, I love to read everyone’s different versions (not so diverse, actually) of their unhappiness.
Sammi! GREAT idea to vote Glenn AFP. He should win by default because no one is against him since he wasn’t there long enough to show his backside.
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Honestly, I won’t mind seeing Z go home this week. HOWEVER, I agree with everyone else that Vic is a jerk and his speech was horrible. What is wrong with just saying, I know you went or would go after me and I’m taking out a threat. Or even just saying “I don’t like you” so you need to go? I know it’s BB and lots of rude and ignorant things happen and are said but that went over the top in my opinion. Can’t wait to see him go.
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He threw the beads at them like they were strippers on a stage and I couldn’t understand what he said as he threw them. I’m surprised the blogs haven’t lit up at that disgusting gesture of contempt. I went back with the closed captions on but it didn’t get what he said either. It was meant to be demeaning to them and the boys were together in doing it. This is turning into a Lord of The Flies island with the boys (not men) turning more filthy and cruel with each passing day.
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I felt the same when Victor threw the beads at them. In the context of his speech and overall behavior toward women thus far, it was obviously a sign of contempt for them not only as players, but as women too. Victor is a disgusting person, and Natalie was right all along about his misogynisitic behavior. I thought he was done dirty when he was evicted at first, but now I regret hoping he would get back in the house. He has a swollen head that only rivals in size to Paulie’s. If James uses his power intelligently, he might just reach the level of “decent human being” in my book.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And on a side note, I certainly hope none of these boys, especially Paulie and Victor, want to get into a serious relationship with a woman once the show is over. If either of them tried anything with me, I’d blue-ball them real bad 🙂
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Well hello Sissy! Great to see you blogging! 😊😊
Oh, Lisa! I was so glad that you agreed with me about Victor. I am sure you read my thoughts about Victor on the previous blog! My stomach actually hurt when the nominations ceremony was over! They scrapped the bottom of the barrel when they picked Victor! Unbelievable! He just gave a performance to prove what a demented jerk looks like! I usually don’t get THIS upset over the happenings in the BB house, because I have been watching it for so many years, but this takes the cake. It was cruel, uncalled for and I will be so glad to see him evicted! In my dreams, I see Z being evicted and Michelle winning HOH (remember, I’m dreaming here!) and her nominating “Vicious Victor” and “Predictable Paulie!”
Now, I think the “bead throwing” was just Victor putting the finishing touches on his “award winning’ performance!”
I was so glad when I got up this morning and read all of your blogs confirming what I thought of Victor’s performance last night!
And, I learned something new about our sweet tendr! In addition to her tats, piercings, and colorful hair, she has balls to donate to the guys! Amazing! LOL 😊😊😊😊
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Great comments everyone! I hope you all have a great week! I am actually looking forward to Thursday’s BB to see if dreams really do come true! 😊😊😊
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vote Z out
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I would love for Michelle to win HOH and her speech go something like this: I studied all of the douche bag men in the BB house and have decided the two biggest douche bags are Victor and Paulie. Enjoy the hot seat fellas. I could care less which of you go home just as long as one of you are gone on Thursday. Yes, I’m dreaming like Jolee is dreaming.
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Oh, my gosh, deb, that would be so awesome. I’d probably pee my pants from laughing so hard. Keeping fingers crossed for it.
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deb: I am with you on your dream. Michelle has shown more
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------class than all of the men put together. Part of their problem
besides lack of class is that they’ve been able to get their way since day one. They’ve had no competition or had to fear going home. They think it’s because they have used super intelligent strategy. It’s happened because all the other players are allowing them to rule and aren’t playing the game.
I wasn’t able to hear most of the strategy talk last night because of whispering or surround sound being so loud. So I’m not sure I heard this right. But I thought I heard Corey and Nic talking about how they’ve thrown comps because the time hasn’t been right for them to expose their real capabilities. They don’t want
to put a target on their backs as being comp beasts. Excuse me??
They’re going to wait until they have to really fear leaving? Yeah, that’s like saying I won’t show my teachers how smart I really am until I know I’m failing.
Then there is Paulie trying to get James to use his care package
to save Z. Now who is it who has the veto power that could be
used on Z???
I can only hope James uses his powers when it will do the most
good and not for the benefit of Paulie’s desire to have his love
mat stay.
But so far none of my dreams have come true this season. Hope
Jolee and deb yours do.
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There is hope. James and Natalie were talking last night that keeping Michelle was better for their game. I think he thinks Paul and Paulie will vote out Michelle so he was talking about cancelling their votes out with his care package. Of course I was half asleep when watching so maybe I was dreaming again. ;o)
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I haven’t blogged before either but this is were I go to every morning. It is great!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I really could care less who goes home anymore. I have quit watching the feeds. Every time I turn them on it is literally PP and Vic talking about sex or someone sobbing. Nicole’s voice turns my stomach. There is not one person I want to see win.
After 18 seasons I’m done trying to watch.
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deb: I thought maybe that was something they were discussing,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------but couldn’t hear well enough to be sure. The only problem with
that is you have the Executive alliance. Which is really a sham for
Paul and Paulie’s game. If Paul and Paulie’s votes were cancelled,
Michelle might still be evicted if Nic and Corey go along with P and
P. Brid will vote for Vic’s plan. So that would leave James and Nat
versus Corey, Nic, and Brid. If he can talk Nic and Corey (and hope
they can be trusted) to make the move to his side…yes. But I’m
not sure how Corey and Nic swing. It’s a DE and if Paul or Paulie
win the HOH, James go up and probably Corey. That would split
the group’s vote unless they win veto. So James would probably go home. It will take someone besides P and P or Brid to win the HOH
and the joining of Nic and Corey to their side for a true change in the house to take place. I would like to see an alliance between Nat, James, Michelle, Nic, and Corey and for them to start winning comps. One of them could win the whole thing if they win these comps coming up. But if not, the guys win again. I really want Vic, Paul, and Paulie to go. Don’t know if it will ever come to pass.
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Hey everyone….that speech that Victor made was encouraged by Paul and Paulie. They gave him the idea and he ran with it and now thinks it was his own idea. They even encouraged him to throw the beads at the end of the speech. So they are even bigger jerks than Victor. The two of them encourage all of the stupid things that Victor says and does. He’s just a puppet. It just shows how much of a douchbag Paulie is that he is treating Z so condescending is disgusting. He thinks he’s all that and a bag of chips!
Paul is trying excessively hard to get rid of Z and that could be because he wants to go to final two with Paulie because he knows people don’t like him all that much. It could also be that he thinks he will weaken Paulie by taking away one of his votes. Who knows what the jerk is thinking!
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Margie: Good afternoon. I thought the whole thing sounded more
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------like P and P, because Vic seems to not know which end is up. He
is lost in this game. But it also shows his lack of character to do it
at anyone’s urging. He can’t see that they are trying to ruin his game. Everything they say and do is for one reason only…to see the
two of them at the end. What excuse did they give Vic as to why he
should throw the beads?
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Hi Sherry….They just thought it would be funny. I thought they were acting incredibly cruel and thoughtless. But what’s new. Paulie has been acting that way the entire season. The way he speaks to Z you just have to hear to see how condescending and hateful he sounds. He is so harsh with her and she just says in that little girl baby talk ok. Even when she asked him if he was using the veto on her and he told her no. It was like she has no spine. I would have told him to go F yourself you arrogant little prick! Little being the operative word! lol
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By the way, none of the others in the ‘alliance’ knew victor was going to do that! They had been told by P&P that his speech was going to go down in history as one of the best in BB history. That’s also how they got V to do the speech because he wants to be one of BB’s best.
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I was watching as the three of them were devising the speech. Victor had no reason for throwing the beads. He just thought it would cap his speech and remind everyone he’s from New Orleans. It just reminded everyone what a jerk he is.
Nicole, Corey and James did not know what the speech was going to be about. P&P told them it was going to be epic!
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I guess I’m in the minority. I don’t really like Natalie. She is just using James to keep her safe. She will not have a relationship with him after the show. Every time he says something to her that has to do with the future she says ‘we’ll see’. Also everything he tells her, and he tells her a lot, goes straight to Bridgette.
She appears to have gained a good bit of weight since she came in. Her face is getting round and she says she can’t fit into any of her shorts or swim suits. I think she’s still cute and I like that she doesn’t wear so much makeup now.
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Margie: Truer words were never spoken when they said it would be eipic. It will go down as the most epic showcasing of three of the world’s biggest jerks in the history of BB. I wish I could be a fly
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------on the wall when the three of them get out of the house and discover
what the viewing audience really thinks of them. Any girls who would date any of them are gluttons for punishment and have no
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Margie: I am glad James, Nic, and Corey didn’t know ahead of time
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------what was going to happen. It’s one thing to sit there knowing what
is about to happen and enjoying it so much and another to be caught
off guard and not know how to respond. At first I think they thought
it was a joke that would be explained. Didn’t happen. What I have a real problem with is prod. not calling the three of them into the DR
and letting them know their actions were inappropriate, and if it
happened again, they would be given some sort of penalty or evicted from the BB house. And then make them apologize to the girls and the entire house. A big dose of humiliation is due the three of them.
BB has allowed a lot of things to happen the past three seasons that should have been stopped and weren’t. They wonder why the hgs talk so them with so little respect? Why not, when there seem to be no real rules for conduct.
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Margie: I don’t think it’s so much that people really like Nat, as it
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------is she looks like a fairy godmother next to the others. I do not think
she will have anything to do with James after BB, but who knows.
Stranger things have happened. What I don’t get about her is if she
really was a Dallas Cheerleader, why hasn’t she wanted to exercise
to keept he weight off. She lies around most of the time and only
eats, laughs, and sleeps. I did notice, however, that she seems to be
mingling a little more than usual.
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I need to get some work done around the house so will be off line
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------for awhile. BBL.
BTW: Where is Star? She’s been missing all day.
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Sherry. It’s nice to be missed. But I’ve been busy and everything that had to be said was last night. I hate repeating stuff over and over and I just didn’t have anything to say. Plus the last few notes of BBAD have been so boring I just feel over this season already. But I’ll hang in. It’s like trying to keep making yourself read a really bad book. It’s starting to feel more like work!! lol
Last year at least we had a villain , a good guy and a side show til the end!! 😄😎
TTFN. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
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********SPOLIWR ALERT***********
Veto ceremony over. Paulie did NOT use the POV on anyone!!!
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Star: Just as I suspected it would go. He wouldn’t use his veto
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------to save his wench, but he will spend time trying to talk James
into using his care package to save her. He is so scummy.
Thanks for t he spoiler alert!! 🙂 🙂 👿
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Sorry , Star: The devil face was suppose to go after the word
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------scummy!! It is so hard to teach an old dog new tricks!!!
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Sherri. No worries. I wrote Spoilwer alert. Lol. I was laying out trying to see my cell with sunglasses on and my fingers were all sweaty. Lol. TMI?? 😉 So no sweat over a misplaced smiley. 😎☀️😅
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And let me guess, Z is still all clingy to him because she understands why he didn’t use it on her.
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You would be correct! She was just laying all over him on the bed talking baby talk!
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Margie. I watched for a bit this afternoon when they were on lockout all the girls are in shorts and Ts with hair up just chillin. Z had booty shorts on so tight they would have ripped if she farted. Lol a push up bra under a short tie top and tons of make up!!! She never looked so good on the live shows!! 😄 It’s like the only way she knows how to campaign is to be seductive! God forbid you talk to any of the girls about game or actually use you brain instead of your body!!!! Bleh I know she’s not but I WISH she’d go home this week. Enuf of the Z and P show!!!😝
I also saw Meech talking game to Nat. She thinks she had their votes but James lies to everyone and plays(?) dumb to stay off the radar. But at least she’s trying. I don’t care if she has been emotional. It’s pretty heavy in there and she’s kind of alone. I hope something happens to make her stay. For her but also for us. We need something unexpected to talk about!!’ Lol. 🙃🤓
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deb: I heard her tell Nic last night that P told her he couldn’t
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------use it on her for fear one of their vets would be put up and she
was safe anyway.
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IMHO on Victor I liked him in the beginning and on the comeback, BUT he needs to let the NEW ORLEANS COME OUT already he missing something in his game like his thought process good grief like hpr56 said he needs balls, Golly he’s given up, he’s give’n us a name by playing a sh***y GAME he acting like a wimp ~ I hate Paulie for the 5th time damn it. Backdoor him already, gosh I hate this season they need some cut throat and back stabbing already. poor BB18 sucks,gone, over, done already. Players get blood on your hands !! just do it already.
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SWT. Totally agree!! It’s so bad I’m not sure I can even think about watching another season back to back!! Especially one I have to watch on my cell!!!! This season sure isn’t good advertising for the next one!!!!! 🙄😜
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swt and Star! I so agree with you! Why do we keep watching this stupid show??? Because it’s Big Brother!!!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Can a zebra change its strips? Can a BB fan turn off the TV??? Nope!!! We will all hang in there until the bitter end ….. just because!!
I love this blog and all of my blog buddies! You make the whole BB18 easier to bear!
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In conversation with Natalie, James said he is playing all these pranks and totally ruined the house (when everyone got mad a him) on the veto comp because all of his fans want him to do this. Well, I don’t. I think it’s silly and boring. If I was in the house that would irritate the poop out of me. I’d want to vote his ass out just for that. I believe he could loose AFP to Natalie this year and I bet that would chap his butt. He talks about it a lot.
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Star: Well, friend, you WERE missed. But I know what you mean
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------about this season being repetitious and comments become redundant.
But I want to say I am very disappointed in Derrick. He should have
called out Paulie on his behavior…friend or no friend. How would
he feel if his wife had been treated like M and Z were treated?
Most of the problems we have stem from us making poor decisions. But you need to learn from those experiences and not repeat them.
It seems as if too many people have become indifferent to bad
behavior and take no responsibility for their own bad behavior. (IMO)
The guys are under the impression they are going to be famous when they leave the BB house. They don’t understand there is
a difference between famous and infamous.
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Sherri.. Their problem is that they are young, immature and have no life experience!! Plus I think social media ostracized young people do that they don’t have any social skills. Not to mention manners. Or empathy for others because they’re not used to talking to real people. Just think. BB was started before this trend. Back then people interacted all the time so that was the draw of his game. Somehow they should have been tweaking it as times changed. IMO.
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I agree, Star. In order for us to have something different to say, the HG would have to do something different…like be nice or make a game move. The nicest thing I’ve seen so far was Vic helping Tiff off with her contraption after their comp. And now look what he’s done to himself. He ruined whatever good will that one little act generated. If he would apologize for his disgustingly dastardly nom speech, and separate himself from PP, I think that he would have a chance at winning AFP and even the game.
Does James have to use his care package reward on the first eviction or can he wait and use it on the second eviction? Better he wait if he can.
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I just came up with an idea for BB 20. Let it be all girls or all boys.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I think we would have a lot more drama if either was implemented.
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Great idea! Why has no one thought of this before??? Or all married people? BB may not want to lose the prospect of showmances though.
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OMG! That would be awesome Sherry! All girls and you know some of them would end up bald. I would love to see these two shows.
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Sammi: “Some would end up bald”…LMAO.
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I Thot the same thing Sherri. May have even rambled about it when no one was listening. lol. It would get rid of the showmances but CBS wants them in for sure.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Again when BB started, the Hgs looked like real people. Not models! And there was more variety with age. So everyone in the house wasnt hooking up like the nite after prom!! Lol.
Maybe they sould make it harder again. Make them take care of animals. Or wash their clothes by hand. Or eat only PBJs. It’s too easy in their now so what do they do! Eat, sleep and cuddle. Or whatever. ***wink wink***😉
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I had to go online and watch Victor do the noms. I read so many of your comments but I fell asleep during the show. This is the worst season ever. Maybe I should forget about watching the rest of this season. The only way there could be any redemption for this season is to get the guys out of the house. Everyone of them are worthless and down right despicable. James going along for the ride and trying to stay out of everything is no better. I know getting on the show is a chance in a lifetime, but there is no way I could tolerate that kind of degradation towards me or around me.
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Janice. I was thinking the same!! But why does everyone’s mom speech need to be so nicely nice? Look at Boogie’s or EDs and no one hated them for it. It made the game more fun. And real. I’m so sick of PCness creeping in and sanitizing everything.
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That’s NOM speech. lol. Stupid auto correct. Lol
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Maybe a good long “MOM” speech is just what they all need. I’d be happy to give it a go. =0)
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@TWO…..he has to use the care package this week. Can’t save it.
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well i think it will be meeech that goes to jury because thats what paulie wants – he was stung by her in the safari room the night of noms when she said something to ‘well, paulie is the one that got victor out, why didnt he nominate him?’ zinnggg
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Thanks Lisa💕 I have not been able to read all the comments but you are right about Vic being a big jerk! Had some computer problems so maybe later or not I’ll read everything…….. 8Pm now so I’ll see you soon my friend………………….
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I played back Vic’s speech and Sirrock I think you were exactly right he just tossed the beads as a nod to his hometown, but I finally did figure out what he said. He tossed them and said,”I have some beads for y’all to cherish.” Man is he pompous or what
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Is anyone watching the live feeds right now? I would like someone to confirm the conversation I just heard between Natalie and Bridgette. They were giggling and talking girl talk about feelings etc and Natalie said something to the effect that she just has to get away from James at times because she couldn’t take it any longer. She said she would tell him she has gas and run to the bathroom. Bridgette was talking about a flirtmance with I think Paulie. How he gives her butterflies then something was said about Z that I couldn’t hear. So this pretty much confirms my suspicions about how Natalie feels about James as well as I have been watching Paulie flirt with Bridgette. I think his flirting with her is game play.
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I am not watching live feeds right now but from things I have read and things I have seen I believe every word you wrote. I have seen Nat run out of the room saying she has gas. I have seen Paulie and Bridgette flirting. It’s probably real on Bridgettes end but I’m sure it is complete game on Paulie’s end. He is just a rotten person.
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Margie…that doesn’t surprise me at all!! But it’s again beyond pathetic that latching onto a guy is the only way these girls think they can make it. Nuff said.
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Thanks Sammi …a whole group of them were sitting on the couch outside talking about Natalie’s fake boobs, James came up and sat down in the middle of them. Paulie started laughing about her FT’s and James what’s that. Paulie told James that they call Natalie’s boobs FT’s for Fake Tits and just died laughing. What a jerk! You could see that James was not pleased but all he said was ‘oh, their not real?’ It will be interesting to see if James says anything about the episode later.
Nat and Bridg are still gossiping but they keep doing fishes.
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I just read that Natalie was talking about her boyfriend Josh earlier this afternoon with Bridgette.
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Paul looks like an idiot walking around the house with the duck floatie around his waist.
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She definitely is not there for James. She is using his little ass!
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@Star…..Did you see Z getting into that outfit? It was hilarious. She was wiggling and posing like a porn queen for the cameras putting those tight, little bitty shorts on!
I loved your comment. I LMAO!
They were just talking and it is definite that Z is staying. James is going to use his ‘gift’ to make sure this happens.
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Margie.. No I missed that. Luckily. Lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Not sure I know how this works. So James is going to try to pick off two Hgs he think will vote for Meech to stay? Well proves he was lying to M, doesn’t it??🙄
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Well Paulie is on his bragging soap box now which, as we know, could last for hours so I’m going to hit the sack! Good night everyone.
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Nite Margie!!! Sweet dreams!!😴💤
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Start ha is exactly what James said he will do!
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That he will do. lol
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Nite Margie! 💖💖
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I like James but am let down by him but…………i don’t feel sorry for him. He doesn’t have to chase some girl around. He’s not a little boy. guys are so stupid.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Paul………………..is the no.1 problem. let him get voted out and i know the other guys will feel lost ..which would be good.
i’d rather listen to whining than listen to a bully.
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I’m almost embarrassed to be s female although I wouldn’t play the game like them. They all act like their in camp. Not one has played the game. I like the guys they play and plan and one of them should def win. Love Paulie and James but I’m afraid they will get voted out. Paulie cause he is in control and James cause just cause
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------he’s James. Paul def gets on my nerves but he plays and is good
For an occas laugh. Just sayin
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