Hi, everyone!
You know, I’ve been watching Paulie since he was nominated and I really have to wonder: would Paulie have had any chance of getting on Big Brother if he wasn’t Cody’s brother?
I mean, don’t get me wrong. I know that the main reason Paulie was selected was because he was Cody’s brother. But, up until a few days ago, I really thought that Paulie was the type of player who could have gotten on the show on his own. Unlike say Tiffany or Elissa from Big Brother 15, Paulie seemed like a legitimately strong player. He was good-looking (or, at least, he was until Paul cut his hair) and he seemed to have a good social game and he was athletic. Even as I slowly started to dislike Paulie, I still thought he was someone who could have gotten on Big Brother on his own.
But this week, I’ve seen a new side to Paulie. Ever since he’s been nominated for eviction, Paulie has been whining nonstop, to the extent that he even cried. And, after Victor won the Veto comp earlier today, Paulie has been saying that if he’s evicted, he won’t even go to the jury house. He’ll go home and, I assume, he’ll give up whatever money he would have received for serving on the jury.
It’s not only incredibly immature but it’s also a sign of his own sense of entitlement. It’s obvious that Paulie felt that he was destined to win the game. It appears that it never even occurred to him that he could potentially be voted out. This is one reason why I don’t like it when production recruits players. Recruits always think that they’re special and that they’re going to be untouchable in the game.
Consider this season. It’s still debatable how many of the newbies were recruited, though we know that several of them were. (At the very least, Jozea, Bronte, Natalie, and Paul were all recruited.) We know that both Tiffany and Paulie were recruited because of their siblings. And, of course, the returning players were all approached by production. Watching them, it’s obvious that all of the recruits were led to believe that they would be big stars during this season. It’s also obvious that none of them (with the possible exception of Paul and Da’Vonne) were psychologically or emotionally ready to play this game.
And that’s why the season has featured so many players who apparently had neither the desire nor the knowledge necessary to play the game. They didn’t feel like they had to know what they were doing. They felt that, as recruits, they would have an easy time in the house. Unlike the fans who apply every season, these recruits didn’t have to fight or struggle to get into the Big Brother house. Unlike the occasional fan who manages to get in the house, the recruits aren’t focused on winning the money. In fact, many of them don’t even need the money. Instead, recruits are simply happy to have a chance to appear on television and hopefully promote their own careers. James said it best when he explained that he wasn’t focusing on the game because he believed that production and the viewers wanted him to see him play pranks instead.
Just a few weeks ago, I would have said that Paulie was one of the most confident guys in the house but that’s actually not true. Watching him now, it’s easier to see that his previous confidence was more a case of entitlement. He played like he wasn’t worried about being voted out because he sincerely believed that he would never be voted out. Like many recruits, he probably assumed that production had his back. What may have seemed like strategy was instead just arrogance.
After today’s veto competition (which involved Zingbot and will be broadcast on Wednesday), Paulie told Corey that, before the season began, his therapist had wondered if Paulie was actually stable enough to enter the house. Paulie also said that, when asked if he was in therapy, he lied to production.
And don’t get me wrong — there’s nothing wrong with being in therapy. But, watching him over the past few days, it’s become obvious just how emotionally unstable and generally immature Paulie really is. Paulie probably never should have been put in the house. He had a good run but his post-nomination behavior has revealed him to be a far weaker player than he initially seemed to be.
The lesson to be learned from this season is really the same lesson that should have been learned from the previous three seasons: No more recruits! No more relatives! No more friends of former Big Brother houseguests. No more returning players!
Instead, let’s hope that someday, we get a season where the Big Brother house is full of players who have actually applied to be on the show. Give us some houseguests who actually love the show as much as we do. Give us a season where the season’s stars haven’t been pre-determined ahead of time.
Give us the Big Brother that we all remember and love!
Here’s hoping,
Lisa Marie
Great take on Paulie, Lisa. I thought he was a narcissistic mysoginist but he may very well be emotionally unbalanced if you consider his treatment of Z.
Paul has no idea how lovely the jury house is and how much freedom they have there. He’s possibly thinking of being sequestered prior to entering the house and don’t forget, he has to face Zakiyah, having had her self-confidence bolstered for a week by Mama Da’, who saw through Paulie from almost the beginning. He should be afraid. Be very afraid, Paulie. You’re facing two women you are directly responsible for sending out! Enjoy your stay at the jury house little man.
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Couldn’t have said it better!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hope Paulie gets a taste of his own Medicine.
He’s a looser and all the cuddling he did with
Z was used her & lead her own.
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Lisa extremely well said….From your mouth to God’s ears. I would love a season like that.
If you have the live feeds, Corey is in the DR getting his unitard. This should be hilarious!
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Amen! and Amen!! Bravo Lisa Marie! What a great post! You said it all! Please, somebody in production hear our pleas!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻. PLEASE!!!
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Do you remember if some of the past winners were recruited or were true Big Brother fans? What about Dr. Will – his first time?
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@ Lisa very well said and so true, thank you for a wonderful blog 🙂
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@Princess…..I don’t think anything is bothering him except he is embarrassed by being fooled by his ‘friends’ and being the first man in the JH. He, as you say, is dreading seeing Z, Day and Bridgette. They will probably jump on him with both feet. He won’t have any of his manly ‘buds’ there to be macho with! It won’t be long before Z is in his bed again!
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Wow! Thanks Lisa. Great post. I don’t have LF ‘s or watch BBAD . I just watch CBS and read this blog. After reading your post I can see Paulie is really a loose canon! I totally agree with you, no more recruits! And please don’t let Paulie have the return ticket. That would be a disaster for every body! I don’t care if he goes home and not to the jury.I have had more than enough of Paulie! Thanks again Lisa!
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You’d think BB would learn from their fellow CBS show Survivor about recruiting players. They tried recruiting all pretty people for a few seasons and the show started to tank. Now they recruit a few and the rest are super fans and it makes the show more interesting. If they have 16 house guests, then a maximum of 6-7 players should be the pretty bar flies that producers like to nab.
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Corey’s unitard is very cute. He has to keep a puppet that looks like an eagle on one hand and hold a sign in the other at all times except when he is eating. It’s called a Patriot -tard. Its red, white, blue with a tall top hat and a flag cape. He has Red shorts over the uitard. The initard is half red/white stripes and the other half is white stars on a blue background. He is going to be really tired of this especially the hand things. He even has to have one on his hand when he is taking a shower!!!
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I love it. It is going to be so hard for him to sleep all the time
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------with trying to handle the puppet and sign. 🙂 🙂
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I was really hoping he would be the one to get the unitard like suit. Wonder how him and Nichole feel now? Lol. Funny
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Wow! Great comments from all. Lisa, once again you have nailed
it. Your insight is always spot on. I so look forward to your posts.
Vetting of the players has been one of my pet peeves for a few years
now. Anyone can lie on a questionnaire, but if each contestant is
really vetted, there are no problems that can’t be ruled out in advance.
I don’t know why Paulie was in therapy. But to think he was in therapy right before coming on BB and was thought to be too unstable to handle it. This alarms me, if true. He could be a
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------danger to the other hgs. But then he could be making this all up
so prod. won’t keep him from leaving or will see to it he gets the
RT. I would think Cody and the rest of his family would have
stopped him from coming on the show if there was a problem
with his mental capabilities when it comes to handling rejection or any part of the show. Cody with first hand experience surely would have been all over this, if true. IMHO, I’m not ready to buy this yet.
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I’m sure Corey must be thrilled!! 😊😊
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Lisa Marie, I’ve been reading for 3 years, and this is my first response. 😆 You are by far the “BEST” blogger that I’ve ever met. It took me until this post 2 respond.
You are spot on about Paulie. 28 hours ago, he was one of the most arrogant and cocky players I’ve seen. However, the last 24 hours he’s become emotionally unstable. I do believe that he’s in therapy, and like you said there’s nothing wrong with that.
I pray that he doesn’t self evict as he has suggested about 3 times so far. I think another issue with Paulie is the embarrassment of disappointing both Cody and Derrick. He was in the BB House for the wrong reasons.
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You’ve picked a winning blog. Welcome.
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@Sherry…..he was talking about his therapy and BB cut in with the fishes. Before the fishes he was saying he had a really hard time when his fiancée broke up with him and I think his family made him go to therapy.
He said he also has claustrophobia.
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I stumbled across some stuff on Twitter a couple days ago regarding Paulie. Not sure if you watch The Amazing Race, but a couple seasons ago (I think) they had two cheerleaders as a team. They both know Natalie and they’re all from New Jersey. I’m sure they all did some reality meet and greets and such with Cody and Cody probably brought Paulie along for some of it. Anyway, they basically inferred that Paulie cheated on his fiancee and that was why she left him. Also, Pau Pau, former BB contestant who got voted out right away in one of the recent seasons is a DJ in NYC and also knows these girls from the same reality events. She said she has dirt on Paulie as well. I found this info from BB spoiler pages retweeting their tweets….it was like a little digital paper trail I followed and it was pretty eye opening about Paulie. I think Pau Pau said that in his introductions on the show on day one he said he owned a DJ company or something but he was nothing more than a dancer. I’m sure being good looking and dancing and being around these reality people really inflated Paulies ego. But I’m guessing from being a good looking young athletic person, he probably had a healthy ego to begin with.
I don’t really like to bag on generations, but his attitude is very stereotypical of the “Millennial” type stuff you hear. The pampered, protected young person who when any adversity comes their way, their parents bail them out, excuse the behavior or just plain run away from it. When everything was going Paulie’s way, he was just fine being a cocky jerk. Once the chips were down, he’s now looking for the ejector seat to run home to kiss his dad on the lips!!
As far as him just leaving and forgoing his stipend, I have a feeling he signed away more than that. CBS owns his ass till after the finale. I’m sure he’d be held in breech of contract (and maybe already is since he lied about therapy) . I just don’t see them making things easy for him. It’s big boy time when you sign a legally binding contract. It would behoove him to just take his lumps, go to jury, and show up on Finale Night to cast a vote and collect his BOOOOOOO’S!
Oh and personally, I don’t judge any generation or group. I’ve met plenty of young people who have good parents and are great people. I’ve met people older than me who are worthless cry babies who blame everyone else for life’s problems. I was just saying Paulie kinda fit right in with all the negative things you hear about people of his age group. So don’t attack me Millennials (if there are any on here) I judge a person on their actions, not by when they were born. 😀
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Paulie..please go!! If it’s true he was in therapy…he never should have been allowed in! I hope he DOES self evict and goes home..not to jury! A BB first..love to see it! What an arrogant ass he is!
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I think the game is rigged for one of two players to win anyway. I like Paulie. But James, Michelle, and Paul need to go.
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Listen..there is nothing “wrong” with therapy..BUT…if you are too fragile or angry or depressed..or too defensive..and are in therapy..dont go on BB which messes with everyone’s mind…period. IMO
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Astra Kelly: I couldn’t agree more.
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I totally agree with you Astra.. From what I’ve read here I believe he’s in therapy for a broken heart which is a far cry from being really nuts. I’m sure BB has a way to determine the stability of guests before entering the house. It would be a MUST for liability issues.
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@Sherry…..I love helping you out because I know how I would be if I didn’t have LF.
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Margie: You’re the best. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
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Great write up Lisa…..you usually kill it, we all know that, but this one was particularity great.
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Personally once again I think Pauli is lying about walking from the show. It’s another ploy from him.
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Something just kinda popped in my head after my LONG reply above. I can almost guarentee a big network and clauses upon clauses for someone who want’s to take their ball and go home like a big baby. He’d be sued most definately…..unless……..He punches someone in the face!
Think about it. Willie head butted Joe…..gone. That one chic threw her mic pack in the pool, quit going to DR’s, gone. Another guy on maybe season 2 I think had the hots for a chick, they got drunk, were making out, and he put a knife to her throat in a sexual role play thing, BOOTED. Even when they had the ex’s in for that season, one dude lost it when his ex was hot for another guy….he flipped out and got booted.
Basically, he can’t QUIT the show, IMO….but he sure as hell can’t get removed. I doubt he’ll do anything….he’s a lot of talk. He’ll go to jury with his tail between his legs and I’m sure dummy Z will take him back instantly after they get drunk and they’ll make a BB Jury baby. :O
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Sirrock: Good one!
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gonna be hard to beat vic –
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Its funny…they are all sitting around talking about all kinds of things and James said they did an excellent year of picking people for the show???? They all agreed that this was an excellent cast this year.
Paul is out of the DR with his costume. He is a secret service agent with a suit, tie, sun glasses and wrist apparatus. He has to frisk people, etc. He has to stay serious all the time… wonder how that’s going to work out! We will finally get our wish for him to shut the F up. When the red buzzer goes off he has to every checkpoint and yell CLEAR. If he is in the shower when it goes off he has to grab a towel and run to perform his tasks. He can’t take his sunglasses off. He has swim trunks that he has to swim in with a tie.
When the red alert goes off he has to frisk everyone and say clear. It’s pretty funny. He is perfect for this.
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Margie: Hilarious! Couldn’t happen to a better fellow. I just
wish they’d added a penalty if he used the “f” word while talking.
That would have really messed him up. He will love this. He
loves the limelight.
I noticed the cameras caught his expression when Corey came out in costume. You could tell he didn’t like the attention Corey was given. I see this expression on his face often when Vic has the floor and attention of everyone.
Just before he went to DR, did you notice how he had to come back to James’ room to find out what they were talking about and exchanged caps? I thought he acted funny and seemed to be
hunting for a reason to stay. He’s getting more and more para-
He will ham it up to the point of being sickening when he comes
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------out in costume. I hope I’m wrong. I may have to FF to keep
from watching that.
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if i were in there i would not want him to be able to frisk me. never liked Paul from the beginning. I would ask for a subsituation frisker. — that would be Victor. 🙂
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on VIC i feel like he can talk about any subject – i like that
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I like that too Macy. Love a Renaissance Man. Maybe that’s a bit much. LOL
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He has to sleep in his suit!
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Sirrock, very interesting point of view! I really enjoy your comments. I remember all of the incidents you mentioned. All Paulie has to do is abuse one of the HG’S and he is gone!! I wonder if he realizes this. In my opinion, I think he is just being a big spoiled brat who thinks the world owes him a living!! Grow up little man!
Well, I think I will wander over to BBAD and see all of the drama and costumes! 😊😊😊😊
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Sirrock…..thanks for the info on Paulie. I’m not surprised. I figured him for a braggart and it figures that he was a dancer not a business man.
By the way, each checkpoint Paul has to check into has a seal that says United States of Zing that he has to stand on. lol
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Paulie and Corey are cuddled up in one bed together when there are three other beds in the room. What’s with that? It looks really weird!
Paulie is stressing because he can’t sleep
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Rumor has it that Corey is gay. More like bi?
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I’m loving the Patriot and Secret Service costumes!! BB is showing a little comedy homage to the presidential election. Or maybe it’s just my interpretation cuz I’m a political news junkie…
Paul as SS agent is hilarious!! He’s doing a great job!
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junksies: Glad to know I am not the only political junkie on here.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have Fox News running all day long every day. I then listen to
talk radio when in the car. I think I’ve become an addict.
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Yes sherry, I remember that we are political news soul sisters and yup that’s exactly what and where I listen to as well, but with a sprinkle of the “other” news stations mixed in just to keep an eye on them.
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sherry, me too. I watch Fox News all the time. I DVR some of the programs and watch them later. I am very invested in this year’s election!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I just watched a little of BBAD. I just can’t get into it!
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Omg Sherry. We must be sisters from other parents. I,too, have Fox running all the time and talk radio on in my car. My kids say I’m wacko. Second, let me thank ALL of you for your kind words and support yesterday. We truly are a little blog family. And yes, I’d love your e-mail address. Now to BB……..Paulie is a spoiled
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dysfunctional brat. Sirrock ‘s observations are spot on. I truly believe that CBS should just hire us, as a group, to produce and run the show. We’ll just hire a few worker bees to do the heavy lifting! WE would increase ratings. Yet I did read BB is renewed for another 2 years. I assume that as long as Les Moonves is in charge it will be on. Take care all.
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Junksies …..yes he is!
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@Wayne……Welcome to the group!
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Well, it never ceases to amaze me the high level of intellectual
conversations that take place in the house. Tonight they talked
about pooping corn. Are you serious??? And what is it with Nic
putting her hand over her mouth or her hair over her mouth?
Paulie has scared the heck out of Nic and Corey with his talk of
a psychiatrist. I got to thinking that he might be using that to find
a way out of going to the jury house free of legal complications.
Why would you mention something that makes your contract
null and void?
Nic has proven once again what a dopey player she is. When you
are in danger of being evicted soon, you don’t spend your time
with your love interest. You start trying to make some inroads into
the game of those left. But then she has never been an intellectual player. I can only hope her mother is once again keeping track of
how the viewers are talking about her daughter. For goodness sake,
get someone to help her with her nasal, whiny voice!!
I had to laugh last night when Paulie quoted Shakespeare to Nat, and she had no idea what he was talking about. I think he did it on purpose for his own enjoyment. He knows her brain cells never quite light up all the way.
Vic and Paul are already celebrating their being the final 2. Did
they learn nothing from Paulie? Nothing is guaranteed in this
game. But they probably will make it to the end unless James
starts winning some comps…..maybe Nic. Right!
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Sirrock…it amazes me how you and others can remember so many details of past seasons.
Paulie is in fight or flight mode. His fight is gone so his next response is flight to save face. He had himself so high on that pedistal the reality of loosing is unbearable to face. The word says…pride comes before the fall and for him it’s a long way down. I hope he learns a lesson.
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Yeah, my brain is weird like that. If I think of something or see something, it’s like my brain tries to reference it with other stuff I’ve seen/heard in the past. I can’t explain it. It’s a lot of useless knowledge, but I’m a hell of a trivia buff. 😉
Usually someone says something and I think of a line from a TV show or a movie or something like that. But when I was thinking of Paulie doing something like punching someone to get thrown out of the house, the memories of those who got booted just flooded back. I saw the scenes in my mind, like I was watching them again. Weird.
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That’s again for all of your comments. I don’t get the live feed and can’t seem to stick with BBAD for very long! I have more important things to do. Right now Jeanne and I are watching Murdoch Mysteries on Netflix! It’s really good and Murdoch is so gorgeous! It’s a series from Canada, and has over 100 episodes. We are on episode 8! 😊😊😊😊
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Be back tomorrow. By the way, the costumes Corey has to wear is ridiculous!
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If you wanna check out the feeds for free, try this link. I rarely go on there but if someone says the feeds are heating up, I’ll tune in.
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Sirrock, this site will not mess up my Mac, will it?
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@ Bobo – I don’t think so? I don’t use a Mac, but it’s just a basic site that many many people use without incident. Should be OK, I would think.
Put it this way, I’ve used it on my laptop and desktop, and have had no issues. I wouldn’t share it with everyone if I thought it would harm your computer. 🙂
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$!=:+$#;+\%%> autocheck!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank’s again ……..
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Jolee: Don’t worry, you didn’t miss much by not watching BBAD.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It snoozed this evening. I LOL about there being 100 episodes and
you’re on 8. Guess you’ll be tied up for the next couple of weeks!
I don’t know why I find that so funny, but I can’t quit laughing.
Maybe I lifted my cosmo once too often with swt!!!
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sherry, If you could see how handsome Detective William Murdoch is, you would relax with your cosmos and watch it too! 😊😊😊😊 It’s not a continuing series, but each episode is a different crime to be solved. You know if they have over 130 episodes, it is really good. We watch a couple and watch other things! I guess we will be watching it for several months!😊😊
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I will definitely be watching BB tonight. I am eager to see what is going to happen during Friday’s special show.
Well, I’m going to finish my glass of apricot nectar! 😊😊
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thanks Lisa.
still i want Paul to go to Jury also…asap.
ms. short term memory
Hi Wayne
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Echo … echo …
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Your e-mail Lisa Marie is echoing the thoughts of mine and probably many other (former?) fans of BB. This is the FIRST season where I stopped watching the show (about three weeks ago); however, I am choosing to read your blog to get the recaps. I am at the point of hanging up my interest in future BB seasons. Too many of the “recruited” players are seeking fame and fortune (gigs on TV, modeling, promoting their product/business) outside of the show and they proudly state that they are there for the money. Let’s get back to the basics of “playing” the game without dangling carrots (money) in front of the players. From my perspective it seems as if BB only wants to have players who would fit into the age category of being in a sorority or fraternity. There are many BB fans who are not in their 20’s who would love to play this game and many of them would not be so self centered.
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earlyriser, well said! I completely agree. I hope you keep on posting!! 😊
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Me too. Hi earlyriser….I probably go to bed as you’re getting up.
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OMG!! Excuse my ignorance here, but I honestly had no idea regarding the recruits that were relatives or returnees. How and why were the four you mentioned Lisa all recruited?!
“(At the very least, Jozea, Bronte, Natalie, and Paul were all recruited.)”
I’m with you, it’d be really awesome to see another Bb season of ALL new super fan/constant applicant players again!
I also wish (as in BBUK & BBAU) that we got to see diary room conversations! Sometimes those are the absolute best!!
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Just want to mention that all the push-back from the house guests is FINALLY making me interested & liking these house guests– esp Paul
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Paul gets on my nerves on so many levels, but honestly, I do think that he is the ONLY one who has truly been playing a smart game from day one. Of all that are in the house, he deserves it the most.
From day one Paulie struck me as being a bit off. I chucked it up to being a baby brother who has aways been protected and coddled his whole life. Hmm- guess my first instincts were spot on.
Okay, something else that I can’t get out of my mind once I put the image there. Is everyone familiar with the Rocky Horror Show? I can’t help but see Cory as Rocky. A good looking play toy created just for pleasure, but absolutely no brains!
As for James and Nicole, both are disapointments. I am SO over James (who I once loved). Destroying the house this time around was not funny, just childish. Come in to play or don’t come back! Yes we enjoy your sense of humorvand some of your pranks, but we enjoy watching the gsme being played more! Nicole- just yawn. But, I think she at least came in with the game plan to lay low and unnoticed. At least, I hope that is her game play.
Victor and Michelle woke up too late in the game. Victor should have put up Paulie and Paul during his last HOH.
I look forward to seeing Michelle step up and play the came she claims to live.
As for Natalie- I don’t not like het, but she has no game.
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I find it so interesting how we all watch the same show but have differing opinions on the HG’s and their games. One of the best things about BB, in my opinion.
That said, I have to disagree with a couple of your comments. Paul playing a smart game since Day 1? You do remember he was aligned with Victor and Jozea and they were all over confident and obnoxious. His alliance was targeted and 2/3 of them were evicted. After that, Paul was basically cut off at the knees and was at the mercy of The 8 Pack alliance and was used as a pawn for 3 straight weeks!
Paul’s turning point was when he kept Victor in the dark about being backdoored by Paulie. That’s when he earned some trust with Paulie and they started to have a bond. With Vic and Jozea gone, he toned down his attitude and just tried to be more funny and clung to Paulie. Next thing you know, Paulie has a matching Paul haircut and they’re the PP alliance. That’s when he started playing smart, not from the beginning.
As far as Natalie, she has come on pretty strong as of late. She organized a lot of things…..getting James to use his votes to flip the house and was instrumental in getting Paulie’s game blown up with her discussions with Z. She’s been laying low, using James as a shield for most of the game but she’s been playing pretty strong over the last 2-3 weeks. That HoH comp was pretty telling….she’s got heart.
Not knocking you, so don’t take it as such…..we just see it different….but it feels like we are watching to completely different shows! haha 🙂
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Huge spoiler. Paulie has round trip ticket back in house. So he gets to avoid Z for at least another week.
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@I do know: How do you know that? Eviction is Thursday night!! ,😊😊
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How do you know this?? We have all suspected but there’s been no proof. And Julies opens the tickers persomally. If Paulie has peeked, even a little, I am sure he could be sent home!
You must know someone in the Production or something if you know this for a FACT! Are you going to tell us the rest?? If not,I am not buying it.
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Trust girls it will happen. I went back to check past blogs and it was HERBIE that stated that Victor would come back into the house in a final dual with Tiffany. Trust this information is as solid as Herbie’s even though I think he just guessed. Come Thursday you will get official result. If I spoiled this for anyone I apologize but it seems most on this blog like inside information.
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Star also trust production knows Paulie has the return ticket. I am bummed he has it but he probably will go the following week.
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Big Brother, please give us another season like 16! A season full of superfans who actually wanna play the game we all know and love!
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Many of BB16 were recruits. Some went right on the show, a couple were recruited but had to audition, a few tried out for The Amazing Race/Survivor and got sent BB’s way. Check out this list I found. The casting has been recruiting “pretty people” for years now. Basically half the cast of BB16 was off the street, the other half was recruited in some way.
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Great blog, Lisa. Always spot on but this one was especially spot on. 😊. I too wish the show would stop with all the recruiting – its really changed the way the game is played in my opinion. I miss the blindsides. There was nothing better than a good blindside. Now everyone seems to know everything before it happens. I wish there would be a few more mature players – older, like you know, in their 40’s or 50’s? I wonder what the age demographic for BB is – it seems to be all about young attractive people, shomances, some obviously want the exposure on tv to further their careers. I still watch it and probably always will until the end but each season my interest wanes – this year I just read this blog, watch the show of course and catch up in a BB facebook group. I dont go to Jokers this year at all which is new for me. But I am getting bored with the same type of hg’s who don’t seem to know much about BB, the last few seasons. Thanks again, Lisa, and all of you – so interesting to read your viewpoints. It’s like reading the story behind the story sometimes and is much more interesting than what we see. One more thing – sooooo disappointed in James.
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Spot on critique of Paulie . I haven’t been watching live feeds a lot till Friday and I’ve not heard Paulie say anything about being in therapy although I agree it could be true and there’s nothing wrong with that but I don’t see how CBS could have not known…? I’d think they would check people out better and not miss that kind of information.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I don’t understand why when a show has been as successful as Big Brother .. a network would mess with it. I mean if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. Right? Favorite houseguests who return never please us as well as they did the first time anyway and recruiting family members ? Well that’s just them hoping for a big player again and what’s it’s been 3 times now it’s failed? Hope CBS has learned as lesson… before they kill the show.
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Dang Lisa Marie,
You should run for office, that was rather inspiring, nice job and amen; however I always thought I would like to see more sharp professionals with different skill levels, for example I’m a 17 year detective, mentalist and and I never got a response, I just figured they wanted low brow emotional and unstable folks for typical junk TV entertainment. A totally different show with avid pros would be interesting though.
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Ryan, I hope you make it! Don’t give up! 😊
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Ryan…I agree with jolee! Problem is, you are probably right. Look at what passes for Reality shows on TV. It’s mostly garbage!!! Maybe you could write CBS and at least plant a seed?? I’d watch it, that’s for sure!!! 😉
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Why in the world does BB recruit?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It has an abundance of fans or would have been cancelled years ago.
It only seems fair to have the fans as BB contestants and would provide a much better game play.
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Ran: Amen.
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Cyndee: sherryhe23@sbcglobal.net For your use any time.
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Paulie has a good chance of having the round trip ticket. it would be great if he comes back and takes head of household.
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It would certainly spice things up….and wouldn’t surprise me in the least. Can’t remember a BB twist that didn’t pay off.
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Rod..he does have it.
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I had to chuckle when Margie said Paulie was dressed as a secret service agent, thought he was a Blues Brother!
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If he does come back ,he probably will not be evicted right away, not with this group look what happened with Victor.
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opps, I meant Paul
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U are right give true big brother fans a chance not entitled they think people who don’t know the game
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@ I do know, ~ how do you know this spoiler? or is it a gut feeling you have?
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No one knows if Paulie has the return ticket. If he secretly opened that envelope he should be evicted regardless.
If not BB is fawning all over him. I think therapy is good to help one if they have any depression or mental problems.
Paulie is a square peg in a round hole. I hope he tries to hit Victor and then he will be called to the diary and walked out the door.
Glad he didn’t win Veto. So we shall see tonight what happens
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Wow, what a great post and comments this is, thanks for the insights Lisa Marie and everyone. Just a couple of things to add, Paulie has some nervous ticks that from the beginning have made me wonder about his state of mind. For example, the right eye twist when anyone challenges what he says, and the throat clearing when he is being less than forthright. There is also the constant mirror check with hair smoothing. About recruitment, no one has talked about Victor being Jenn City’s brother, he has started to become my favorite HG (except for the nominating speech last week). One last area, I have been saying to friends since the beginning that if you watch Corey’s gaze, it is generally on Paulie’s body, checking him out. Nothing wrong with that my own is usually on Victor, LOL.
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@Sherry…..I totally agree with your observations about Paul. He always inserts himself into conversations to make sure he is in the know about everything going on in the house. No one can have a private conversation.
@Sirrock….I was thinking the same thing about Paul not playing a smart game since day 1.
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Right on Lisa! =0)
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If Paulie refuses to go to the jury house, Cody and Derrick would be so embarrased. Such a bad sport. If he gets the ticket back in, I think production should not allow him to use it, based on the threat he is making regarding jury house. I would think production is speaking to him privately about his threat. He looks extremely depressed. I truly hope he is not suicidal.
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Wait!?! Vic is Jenn Arroyo’s (Jenn City) brother? 1st I heard that. Didn’t she play with Frank? Wouldn’t you think that would have aligned Vic to Frank since he was loyal to Jenn? This game, as simple as it is, confuses me more more each day hhaha
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@Courtney…..I thought he looks Blues Brothers also! lol
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I didn’t know that Vic is related to Jen City??? Is that true? Sirrock do you know?
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News to me….
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I can’t take credit for it, that’s what Mical said. It will be interesting to find out if Jenn & Vic are related.
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Very good write up Lisa💜 Just gave you my Purple Heart….But you can’t really keep it LOL 😝 So many good comments on the page today Thank you & Thank you Lisa💕 Got to go to the store but one thing I would like to ask @Sirrock, That site you posted, it won’t mess up my Mac will it? I tried one like that & that’s what it did this past week! It took so long to get things fixed!…………………..
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Very interesting comments! Thank’s everyone!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------sherry, BTW, if you combined James Bond with the Pink Panther, you would have Murdoch Mysteries!! 😊😊😊
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Jolee: I’m having a very hard time thinking about a combo of
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------James Bond and the Pink Panther. (LOL) You sure you don’t
want to throw in a little Columbo?? 🙂 🙂
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If I was Victor, I would not use the POV on anyone, and let the house vote Paulie out.
I have a feeling that Victor will win the game.
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Where is the stuff about what is going on? I usually enjoy your posts but this one seems like an editorial which someone would send a newspaper
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Actually, the post tells you exactly what’s going on, so I don’t really get your complaint. Victor won POV. Paulie is crying about being evicted and saying that he might either self-evict or just not go to the jury house. It’s all in the post.
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Suzanne, are you kidding? You get more BB information here than all of the others combined! Go back a few posts and I think you will see what I mean. 😊😊😊
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Amen Lisa
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maybe paulie is testing the RIGGED situation by saying he will not be going to the jury house to make production give him the rt (if that were the case there would have to be two tickets in the envelope and julie would have to be in on it) he is that arrogant
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macy: I keep thinking about him telling the hgs he was in therapy right before coming into the BB house, and he’d lied
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------on his resume. I can’t believe prod. didn’t call him into the DR
and have a conversation with him on this topic. I think they
know he’s only blowing hot air, but think it will keep the house
in a uproar and help ratings even more. He’s slipped up too many times on the claustrophobic angle for anyone to believe
him, so he pushes the I’ll go home one and that one is losing
steam, as well. At least it’s given us all something to write about.
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Don’t worry so much about Paulie and his depression they have a doctor on staff if necessary they can prescribe.to help him all the way to victory
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HAHAHA, I love your response Rod about doctors on staff and medicating Paulie back to victory.
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Come on nobody is going to kill themselves on big brother
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I am disgusted by Paulie’s behavior….oh, poor baby..is he depressed?
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Astra: I think he’s only depressed because he’s found out he’s
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------not the brilliant game player he belived himself to be. He doesn’t want to face his family and those he helped evict ahead of himself. Besides, as I’ve said before I don’t believe he has any
respect for women. He even cheated on the woman he was living
with. Having to go to the jury house and be stuck with only
women is his own personal idea of Hell.
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James is such a wussie! He kisses Natalie’s a$$ and lets her lead him around by the nose. Man up James!
Wonder what the order to get people out is now? Has anyone heard them say? I can’t stand to listen to James, Natalie and Paul’s conversations because all they do is dog people saying the same thing over and over again.
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Big Brother is on!!! 😊😊😊
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Star I’m not buying it either!
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Something’s going on. They said the care package would be delivered next Sunday! Wonder what will happen on the Friday show?
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Just watched BB and Paulie is crying to Cory. What a FN baby. He can dish it out with Natalie, but he can’t take it.
What an evil performance but this waste of life. He thinks that he is daisy. Telling James to man up because they are against the girls.
I hope that he tries to pick a fight with Victor. He is not nice person but a damn pimp. I am like Victor. I have had people in my past that thought they could sway me to like they way of doing things and it just backfired in their faces. I forgive but will never forget.
This child man is getting it back two-fold. I hope that he walks out that door and gets sued.
Oh he thinks that it’s in the bag that he wins veto and Victor shows him up again. Sweet times are coming.
I really think that Victor is going to win this game hands down
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Tonight’s show really exposed just what a jerk Paulie really is! At last I am actually looking forward to watching Big Brother! The game is finally being played! I can almost forgive Victor for the way he nominated the girls last week! But, did you notice how different he treated the boys during the nomination. After the way Paulie treated Natalie, I can’t feel sorry for him. He alienated several of the house guests all by himself. I was so glad to see James and Bridgette calling him out. Best Sunday show so far! I hope the drama continues! I want to see the girls begin to play harder and eliminate some of the “boys!” 😀😀😀
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Hellooooo! Where are all of my BB buddies??’ Guess I will check in later!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nite! 😴😴
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Let’s all sing !!!! Little Paulie Paulie sitting in a saucer, cry Paulie cry Paulie, wipe your little eyes Paulie !!!!😅😅😅😧😧😧😧😥😥🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀😭😭😭😭😭😭😢😢😢lol
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