Hi y’all!
Seriously, where is the anger in this house? We’ve seen bullying. We’ve seen pettiness. We’ve seen a lot of crying. We’ve seen a lot of cattiness and dishonesty and all the rest. But where is the anger? Is there no one in the house who is willing to stand up and say, “We’re sick of being pawns and we’re going to change things around!?” Is there no one willing to say, “It’s time make a big move because we’re sick and tired of being at the mercy of the whims of just two guys!?” Is there no one willing…
Oh, why even bother to come up with a third example? We already know the answer. At heart, these houseguests are not fighters. They’re far too content to just spend the summer hanging out in the backyard. They’re too easy going. They’re not willing to make big moves because a big move might mean that someone gets mad and yells a little.
In short, it’s all very high school inside the house right now. Paulie is the class president who everyone secretly hates. Paul is dorky little sidekick, who no one can stand but they feel like they have to stay on his good side because he’s friends with Paulie. Corey, Nicole, and Victor are kind of in the popular clique but aren’t popular enough to actually be leaders. James and Natalie are the class clowns. And Bridgette, Michelle, and Zakiyah are the kids who, for various reasons, are destined to always be on the outside.
And really, Bridgette, Michelle, and Zakiyah should all three be furious right now. They should be getting together and plotting and scheming. They should be begging James and Natalie to help them stage a coup against Paul and Paulie. And yet, none of them are doing that.
Earlier today, at the veto meeting, Paulie did not use the veto. No shock there. What is shocking is that both Michelle and Zakiyah seem to be okay with that. Zakiyah, especially, should be furious. And yet, both of them seem to have accepted the fact that they’re on the block and that one of them is going to be voted out on Thursday.
And right now, it looks like the plan is to vote out Michelle. That’s what Paulie wants. However, James has the power to take away two votes and earlier today, he was telling Natalie that he’s thinking about using it to keep Paul and Paulie from voting. He feels that he can work with Michelle, whereas Zakiyah is always going to be Paulie’s servant.
And he’s absolutely right.
What’s sad, of course, is that James figured this out on his own. Michelle didn’t approach him and make this case. If Michelle stays, it’ll be because James decided, on something of a whim, to keep her around.
Of course, the thing with James is that he’s always talking about potentially making a huge move. But, when push comes to shove, he almost always ends up playing safe. If he doesn’t use his care package powers on Thursday night, they’ll go away forever.
In short, James needs to remember that America gave him the power to take away two votes because, in theory, they thought he could use them to make a big move. If he doesn’t and if he gives away the biggest advantage that he’s had in the game so far, then it will be very hard for me to continue to hope that he makes it to the end of the game.
Seriously, it’s great that James is likable. But at some point, he needs to start playing the game.
They all do.
Lisa Marie
Again, I spoke too soon. Now it sounds like James is going to use his powers to save Zakiyah. I guess he doesn’t want to get Paulie or Paul mad at him.
Whatever. Bleh.
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Yes on BBAD last night it sounded like Nicole, Corey and James were going to keep Z in. We’ll see. There’s a lot of time before Thursday. James has been very wishy washy this year. Nicole told Corey last night that America didn’t understand that the way she is playing is strategy and good for her game. Such BS. They’re all scared little chickens afraid to make a move. This DE I have a feeling is going to take out two of them if they don’t win and put up Paulie, Paul or Victor.
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Oh my goodness James don’t let anybody get mad at you. Used to be a good player not anymore. Children playing on the playground again so boring. Like someone else Said this is like the scene of an accident you don’t want to watch it but you just have to see what’s going to happen. 🐔 . Yes still got a love big brother. 😘 😴💤 good night all.
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Hi sissy! Two posts in one day? I’m impressed! 💕💖💝❤️💙💛💜💕
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What a bunch of wimps! It’s like Spring vacation in the house! All fun and no game play! I really think the girls don’t even care if they are voted out because they can just move their party to the jury house that is a definite improvement over the BB house. Beautiful house, no slop and a nice big swimming pool! Can I get an “Amen!” 😎😎😎
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lisa, another great post! You are the best. You manage to put things in a whole new perspective everyday! Thank you! 💕💖💖💕
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Night all
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They should be getting together and plotting and scheming.
exactly what I thought.
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Wimps for sure!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Paulie is really good at sweet believable talk and u can tell it’s not the first time. He is a snake! What’s with these girls just letting themselves be bullied and not sticking up for themselves! For sure Lisa! Where “is” the Anger!!!
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Worst season ever. Such a snooze. All the “tension” left w Da’.
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Thanks Lisa for making something out of nothing so we can at least enjoy your update.
Bleh, a bunch of wimps!!
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Yes Starfish I agree
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This will be my last post for the night. I could pull my hair out at
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------James wasting his votes. Why save Z? She’s a Paulie ally and would probably stay anyway. If her idol had the veto and didn’t use it on her, why should James save her? Why lie to Mich.? James is playing
like a turnip head. Disgust doesn’t begin to cover how I feel. He just
put an even bigger target on his back and got nothing in return. PP
can be loyal to anyone and will not have his back. He deserves to lose this game if this is how he plays it. A wasted care pkg. and
season. Sleep well all.
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sherry…..same. And a shame! Earlier James was going to go with Meech. For obvious reasons. But he’s not playing with his head. He’s playing fearfully. He is scared to go against the Execs, who are really just a bunch of immature play ground bullies. He KNOWS how the game should be played. So doesn’t he know that he’s going to be the Enzo to this years Brigade???
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We have all said it before at different times in every season, that this is the worst BB ever! But I think it may seriously be true this year!! SMH.
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😳 Meant to say can’t be loyal to anyone.
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I’ve read in previous seasons it appears the HG’s are medicated.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B/c they really do act the part.
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This is what happens when they go searching for people to be on the show instead of taking people who actually do watch the show and want to be on it. The producers are just plain stupid. This is what they get for being so. I think BB is doomed to end soon.
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I agree Marla and it starting to show. The post’s use to be more and know it only the die hard left . I am watching only because of Lisa Post’s and keeping her number up. This is not the worst but close. James wake up P and P working for them self That why Paul told Da that he didn’t know why she was voted out. He lied right at that camera.
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@Lisa …Bleh, is right!
Where is the anger? It’s right here in my heart and soul. These houseguests are pathetic. They suck. Bring back Frank the tank. I hated him but at least he was playing and he would have busted up Paulie and Paul.
@Jolee …AMEN!
@Sherry ….Turnip head? OMG! That almost made me wet myself. Maybe if it wasn’t true it would have been funnier. Damn it James! Definitely a wasted care package.
@Marla Jo …I totally agree with you. They shouldn’t put people on the show who have their own agendas. They shouldn’t search for the cast. They should only pick real people who love BB. And while I hope you’re wrong, I think you are right that BB will end soon. Damn it production!
I watch with my heart. I cry during cruel speeches. I scream during BBAD. Why am I more passionate than the people who are playing to win?
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Sammi, I know how you feel. I don’t want it to end either. I think maybe CBS needs to “clean house” and get some new production people.
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I actually like the concept of finding people who never saw the show – if the whole house was full of them. Then maybe we would see a new game played out.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is not my favorite season – by far, but it Aldo is not my least favorite. I would say it is the most boring. Literally, everyone of them is a disapointment! Kudos to Frank, Tiffany and Da who were the only ones who played Big Brother. James and Nicole are huge disappointments and boring to watch. Paul, Victor and Paulie are arrofant wimps. The girls are spineless. Oh and Ciey is basically not even there. Yawn.
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Doris, you are right. If everyone in the house knew nothing about the show, then it would be different. A “level playing field,” so to speak. I record BBAD, but when it try to watch it, I usually end up erasing it before 30 minutes is up, or speed through it to see if someone might be doing something to want me to watch. YAWN!!
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Marla, you hung in there longer than I did! I lasted about 30 seconds before I erased it. When I saw Victor prancing around with a grin on his face, that was it!! ERASE!!!! 😈😈
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Telegraph, telephone, tell Nicole
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I have to agree with many of the above comments above. It’s a ho hum season, no moves to balance the game, Let P & P have what they want, they know best, and they won’t evict me. I am a James fan and disappointed in him also. Thanks LM good write-up as always!
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“Does Nicole EVER shut up?” I am so tired of hearing her constant whiny voice! I like Brittany but she does cuss ALOT.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I can’t help but like James. I certainly hope Natalie isn’t playing him and he gets some backbone to make a move on his own!!!!
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I agree with all but. SOAP BOX ALERT…. I also think that , maybe IMHO, the people that apply for BB are either too old, too big, too small, too intelligent, too logical and/or are super fans that would PLAY the game rather than the myriad of recruits that can and do get minipulated by production. CBS feels, again IMHO, that we all need to have eye candy for the most part. Now, don’t get me wrong I do not mind a bit of beefcake and for the guys a bikini babe or two. Sexual orientation is irrelevant….don’t give a fig one way or another…….but for goodness sake please, please PLAY the GAME! Why can’t they find another Evel Dick, Dr. Will, Dan, Janelle or even ( heaven help me) Rachel Reilly. I can’t help but to think that……..God Forbid………..wouldn’t want to tick off those PC police. OFF SOAP BOX. Have a good day all……😉
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Oh and thanks Lisa. Great write up as always
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I’ve never been this bored with a season of BB ever. I never watch BBAD anymore, rarely check the online spoiler pages, what’s become of our show?????
And to think, another season is right around the corner.
Its now or never for James. He needs to jump ship, use his power, team up with the chicks, and they need to target P&P in the double eviction….or its over.
Next power makes someone safe for the week (big deal) and the one after is a shared HOH. That will only be cool if opposite sides of the house get it. Or if two weak players get it, they’ll presumably both be safe, and won’t vote, so out with another strong guy.
Long story longer……James needs to roll the dice and make a move now or he’ll just be playing for 5th place.
Get some balls, James!!!!!!! (Not holding my breath)
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Sirrock….watch all of us idiots give the new power to Paul or Paulie!!!!! I can’t think of one of them I would like to have the power to be safe for the week. Hell send them a power to send someone home! Spice this game up!
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I removed BBAD from Series Manager and stopped watching the show except for evictions on Thursday’s. I read your blog daily Lisa Marie and just can NOT stomach the show. This season is terrible, no big moves just a bunch of followers. Blech!!!
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I’m still recording BBAD but like you, I delete or fast forward every episode. I feel degraded every time I watch.
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Thanks Lisa for the wonderful job you do to keep us updated. I wholeheartedly agree that this is a very boring season. Allison Grodner needs to go and production needs to pick much better houseguests. Can’t really call them players, because none of them are really playing the game. It’s a vacation for them, plain and simple. Please, someone WAKE UP (SHAKE UP) THE HOUSE!!!
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When I first saw that James and Nicole were returning I just said “WHY THEM? ” They were both so inept in their season and they are inept this time too. I think all the boards are in agreement that this is the most boring season ever and the cast is the worst of all. Hardly any fans are rooting for anyone and most of us have stopped watching the After Dark due to boredom.
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Good comments everyone!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sammi: You’re going to like this one! I have come up with a name for this group of boring non-players. The Turniphead Brigade. They have accomplished something no other season has done. Although the past three seasons have gone steadily downhill. This one rates at
the top. They have sat back and given the win to P or P. So their
alliance of turnipheads has won worst season ever. Hope they’ve
enjoyed their vacation, because they certainly have forgotten BB is suppose to be a game of wits. Not one of distasteful shomances, whiney girls, “let’s see who can use the F word the most”, more hours spent in bed than out working game strategy, and a waste of
every care package given by America. Speaking of those care packs,
I would love to have a note inserted in one of them that says “America is beyond disappointed in this season because of a lack of game play. This is a warning that all who continue to not
play the game will be part of a mass eviction decided by America’s vote in one week.”
James can sit down and explain to Nat what this means.
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sherry, I wonder how much it would cost to hire a helicopter? We could take up a collection! Best idea ever!! 😊😊😈😊😊
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@ Sherry LOL too funny and fitting
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OMG Sherry! I do love the name The Turniphead Brigade. That is as awesome as it is perfect.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I also love the note and eviction idea. They would all be shocked. They think they are playing the best game ever and I bet each of them thinks they are America’s favorite player. Little do they know we would vote for Glenn to get it. Lol.
Good comments Sherry. =0)
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I am with you Sammi on voting for Glenn for AFP. None of the
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------rest are digestible. Glenn never had a real chance, thus he is
more palatable than the those who remain. It would also send
a message to prod. and the hgs that they weren’t well received
this season. I would like to see another award for season’s most
disliked person. It could go to A. Grodner who continues to do
an abysmal casting job that insults the loyal fans. Maybe she
hasn’t seen the earlier seasons of BB when it became a fan favorite?
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Tell me again how using the votes on Big Meech will help James game. Tell me again why he should he go against his main alliance (Nicole, Corey, Paulie) to help a weak player who actually doesn’t like him.
Let say he makes the “big move” and get Z out. Then what?
He becomes the biggest target in the house for Corey, Nicole, Paulie, Paul and Victor. I know Paul/Vic want to save Michelle but they will not align with James because the are loyal to Don Paulie.
Paulie is playing EVERYONE in that house like a piano and I love it.
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they need to do a much better job of selecting a cast of house guests…this collection of ship of fools DOES NOT KNOW HOW TO PLAY THE GAME…and yes they are a large group of spineless whimps…someone needs to grow some kahunas and do something…outside the box…the BBAD show is horrid at best and the regular CBS show is not much better…I think they need to do an ALL STARS cast and have that be the end all of the series and bring the curtin down…cast members from previous yrs have to be laughing at this group…Evil Dick was rude and crude but at least he made it interesting to get you to the next episode…
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Mortgage Dr….I second that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Mortgage Dr. I third that!!! 😊😊😊
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Michelle need to go this week
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Well I like the name of the “loser brigade” or maybe ship of fools.
These HGs are clueless as to how to show up P n P. Don’t think that they have a mean bone in their bodies except Victor.
I didn’t like him at first and was glad when he was voted out then came back in.
The stunt that he pulled with the two girls was so nasty, I threw my plastic vase at my TV.
I like James a lot but he better start showing his game to get rid of P n P.
Paulie is so bad that I wonder if he has ever had a girlfriend. What I really believe is the truth of why he ditched “Z” was when she mentioned how cute their kids would look. That would shake up any guy to reality.
all for now.
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never know with this game…..paulie could change his mind and want a flirtmance with bridgette – then want z out….
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The Turniphead Brigade……I love it Sherry.
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I am in full agreement with all of you who are disappointed in BBAD. I can remember when I couldn’t wait for it to come on, and I would stay up and watch the whole thing! One year my cable company didn’t have TVGN and a I was so upset! Now, I can get POPs TV and I couldn’t care less. I only DVR it in case something good is reported the next day! Then I erase it. Not worth a minute of my time and I get a good night’s sleep! 😮😴😴😴😴
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You ask – Where is the anger? Well, it’s right here in the pit of my stomach waiting for me to scream to the highest heavens for CBS or the Producers of BB to wake up and put a good reality show competition together that all the loyal Big Brother fans deserve!!!
I so wish Evil Dick could come back. He was the best negotiator ever! The HGs hated him; he hated them – and told them so. But he could negotiate what he needed or wanted for the week. When is the last time someone negotiated on this show? First of all, they don’t know how; they don’t know the game; and they don’t care!!! So what kind of Big Brother does that make – “BORING”!!! I used to be so excited to see the network shows and loved watching BBAD. Now I could care less. As much as I love this show, it has been so disappointing over the last few years, that if it didn’t come back, I wouldn’t miss it. Although I wish it would come back with a vengeance and bring in a cross section of ages of BB fans that would actually play the game!!! The majority of these HG’s don’t even try to win any type of comp other than the three that are in power – Victor; Paul & Paulie.
How about a real twist for America’s Vote that I think all BB fans would love at this point – Let us vote each week on the top 3 or 4
HG’s that we feel are not playing the game the most – those top 3/4 would have to wear costumes for the week or have laundry duty for the whole house – things like that. Then these people might get the message. The biggest problem is – the majority of them don’t care. Hell, they never watched Big Brother up to this point, so why would they. It just blows my mind that a little thing like half a million dollars doesn’t put at least a little fire under their feet. But that’s what you get when production just goes after ‘young” pretty faces and pretty bodies and no brains. I do have to say this is one of the dumbest cast I have ever seen. And when did Voting with the House for the entire season start??? You can’t do that to the end and win, especially if you’re not good at comps!
I was so happy to see Frank; Nicole & James back. Da – not so much. However, all that changed. I really liked Da. I hated Frank; I can’t stand Nicole’s whiny, jealous, backstabbing gossiping. So disappointed in James. He hasn’t even played this season. When he did win HOH, it wasn’t a stretch. He just did what everyone wanted anyway. He just happened to want it too. As much as I like Nat( and did not in the beginning), I kind of wish she would go so maybe James would get his head in the game. If he doesn’t in the next week or so, it’s going to be too late. But I’m so aggravated with his playing, I really don’t care anymore. There’s no one on the show right now that I care to win. Half of them don’t need it and the rest don’t deserve it!!!
Sorry this is such a long comment, but I’ve been holding all this in all season. I’m new to this blog. I’ve been reading it for years. I feel it’s always been on the same page with me along with all the contributors. Ya’ll are all awesome!!! Hope I didn’t make anybody mad – NOT!!! I really wish the producers would read these blogs so they could see how the super fans feel. But I’m not sure they really care anymore. Maybe when we all stop watching and the TV share goes down, then they’ll take notice. By then, it will be too late!!!
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MaMaBB: Length doesn’t matter when you have something to
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------say. Way to go! I am a wordy person and often have posts too
long. Others probably would like for me to be less wordy, but
that’s just me. So please post more!! 🙂 🙂
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sherry, not me! I enjoy all of your posts! Don’t be anybody but yourself! You are awesome!!
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Well said MaMa BB! Glad you decided to join us. The more, the merrier!! I agree with everything you said! 😊😊
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Thanks Lisa………. Still did not read too much My computer was hacked & I am just getting things back to normal………. See you all soon …………………….
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Sorry Bobo. I hope everything will be okay soon!
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Hi, everyone! Four hours ago, MaMaBB wrote a very long and very good comment but, unfortunately, it went into moderation. I just got it out of moderation and I want to make sure that everyone sees what she had to say so here’s a link to her comment:
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New post! http://www.big-brother-blog.com/big-brother-18/big-brother-18-i-am-so-confused/
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I misses the show, Wednesday. Who was evicted?
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Eviction happens on Thursdays. Don’t miss it tomorrow as it’s a double eviction!
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