Hi, everyone!
Remember how, when this season started, we all thought that Big Brother 18 was going to be all about girl power? There were two all-girl alliances in the house and the boys seemed pretty oblivious to both of them. The Spy Girls were constantly chanting “Girl power!” The Fatal Five were all swearing that they would stay loyal to each other until the end of the game. Tiffany couldn’t stop talking about how this was the year that a girl was going to finally win. Da’Vonne and Zakiyah swore to each other that they would be the final two.
And the first HGs to be evicted were all men: Glenn, Jozea, and self-styled alpha male Victor. After Victor was evicted and Bridgette won HoH, a lot of us started to think that this could be the first Big Brother to feature an entirely female final eight.
Well, that all kind of fell apart, didn’t it? Bridgette fell under the influence of Frank and let him run her HoH. The rest of the houseguests rebelled and voted out Bridgette’s closest ally (and leading Girl Power proponent) Bronte. Then Tiffany had her little breakdown and, as a result, she was voted out the next week. And then Victor reentered the house. Of course, last Thursday, Frank was voted out but, even more than the women in the house, it was the other men who wanted Frank gone. And then Paul, another self-styled alpha male, won Head of Household. And who has been running his HoH? Paulie, basically.
It seems like a very long time since this season was going to be about girl power, doesn’t it?
What happened? I think it was a combination of things.
First off, the Spy Girls were a weak alliance and they had no strategy beyond screaming and jumping up and down on the bed in the HoH room. Bronte knew how to chant “girl power” but she didn’t know how to fight for it.
Meanwhile, the Fatal Five started out as much stronger than the Spy Girls but two of the main members — Zakiyah and Nicole — got distracted by their showmances and, as a result, neither one of them seems to remember that they’re in the house to play a game. Michelle, meanwhile, has never been able to fit in socially with the rest of the houseguests. (To a certain extent, she reminds me of Aubry from the previous season of Survivor.) And, of course, Tiffany ended up getting voted out of the house.
So that leaves Da’Vonne. Da’Vonne is the only member of the Fatal Five who is still trying to play the game but she’s playing the game so hard that she’s ended up alienating the house in almost the same way that Frank did. Da’Vonne made a huge mistake when she told James that she was planning on targeting the showmances.
And so, Da’Vonne is now the target. Earlier today, Paulie won the veto and he’s planning on using it. Da’Vonne appears to believe that Nicole will be the replacement. Instead, Paul is planning on nominating Da’Vonne.
As of right now, it appears that Da’Vonne is about to be voted to the jury on Thursday. Unless, of course, she has the return ticket. If they vote out Da’Vonne and then she opens her envelope and finds a return ticket, I can guarantee that you’ll some very frightened faces in the Big Brother house!
(Even more so if Da’Vonne manages to win HoH…)
So, we’ll see what happens. But right now, it appears that the boys are in charge of the house and Da’Vonne will be sent to the jury on Thursday.
Lisa Marie
great write up lmb!
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Da (to Meech), “I wish I would have won HOH this week…. this was an easy week… no blood on your hands”
ummm…. ok
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Says the woman who has never won a comp. Ever. 😄
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That’s one reason why I prefer Survivor to Big Brother: In Survivor, everyone wants to get blood on their hands! 🙂
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I think Survivor has something else going for it over BB. They
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------have a mixture of age groups and cross section of people. This group is so young it’s hard for me to watch. Nat didn’t even know
the difference between assault and insult.
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All true y’all. I just found that statement ironic because Da thinks this is such an easy week….. a no-brainer… Bridgette gets evicted.. right?
She will have a rude awakening at just how hard this week is tomorrow.
As far as Survivor. It is a better tv show IMO. The thing I like about Survivor is there is an incentive to keep strong players in the game… until merger anyway. Best of both worlds would be if Survivor was happening in real time… and had feeds! So many things on Survivor that I wish I could go to feeds and watch the non-edited version. But at the same time, at least on Survivor they can keep us in suspense with editing… so it’s a catch-22 type thing 😀
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Excellent write up Lisa! This makes it so more interesting!!!
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Wow!! You sure know how to spin a story Lisa! That was amazing!! Lol. That pretty much sums up The whole season. It’s everything we have all been saying since the show started. In one succinct blog. 😊 Best write up ever. And I got nuthin more. Right now. Lol
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You nailed it Lisa. The girls just can’t keep it together. Thank you for everything and the perfect explanation of this BB year so far.
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Lisa, I agree with Star! Best write-up EVER! You do such a great job Lisa and I know you are a busy lady! Thank you. It shows you really pay attention! It’s been a frustrating season, but this blog makes it more than worth it.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I am going to attempt to watch BBAD, but Netflix is calling me! 😊😊😊
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My Netflix is working again so I’m watching it too! 🙂
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I love Netflix!! Let me know if you know any good series. So far, just since June, we have watched Heartland, McLeods Daughters, Reign ( haven’t finished this one) Paradise, and now we are watching Monarch of the Glen. Now looking for another great series.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I watched a little of BBAD, but not much happening!
Be back tomorrow! 😊😊😊
Going to bed! 😴😴😴😴
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Jolee…….I have been watching Reign for 3 years or from whenever it started. I love it!!! It’s a bit modernized but I still think it’s good! It on the CW. I’ll let you know when it starts up again. 😉
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I only watch 3 shows on Netflix. We never have time anymore with our regular schedule and Mike’s ear;y hrs….which makes him tired on the weekends too.
I watch Gilmore Girls…always been a fan.
The Borgias…..which I think might be a bit racy for you….lol
Frankie and Grace which is a comedy with Jane Fonda and Lilly Tomlin. You may not like any of those. But I don’t watch often…too busy!!! 😉
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Star,, we have been watching Reign on Netflix. There are several series there. We stopped for awhile, because it’s so brutal! We plan on finishing it a little at a time! 😊😊
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Thanks y’all! 🙂
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Lisa, BB should print out each synopsis of yours for every season and bind them in a book to give to new houseguests. They need some kind of illustration to show them how to play the game and what’s it all about. Unfortunately the returnees haven’t spread the word or even acted much like they know or remember what the word is. Blind leading the blind.
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Lisa, meant to add how great your write-up was tonight. You
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------always do a great job, but tonight was exceptional. Thank you.
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My observations on BBAD. Nic when drunk doesn’t whine as much.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------When around Corey she whines horribly.
Paul wouldn’t talk as much if he couldn’t say “my boy” and “bone”
and all of its derivatives.
Vic’s physique could do with some touch ups. If he exercises as much as he claims at home, it isn’t working all that great.
This group has a hair fettish. They can’t keep their hands off each
other’s hair.
Da is the only grown up in the group and is getting her fill of the
juveniles she is living with.
Z is smarter than she is allowing herself to be. Her showmance
is leading her to a broken heart.
Too much time was spent on James and Nat playing “girlfriend
and boyfriend”.
I keep thinking BBAD is going to get better, but it just doesn’t keep your attention most evenings.
And that’s it, folks. 🙂 🙂
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I haven’t seen Bridgette on BBAD in a couple of days. IS she still alive??? Is she sleeping to avoid everyone? LIke 24/7??
And I’ll ask again about WHY we aren’t getting to see the HOH rooms? Or even hear anyone talk about the letter they got or see any pics. All I hear about is what food they got!!!
This year is not feeling NORMAL!!!!!
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I agree, Star. I’ve asked about the HOH rooms, too. But thought
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------maybe they were just being shown on the live shows.
They mentioned tonight that Bridgett is staying in her room and
doing a lot of sleeping. I think she feels like she has no friends
in the house and is probably going home. She doesn’t know about
them wanting to evict Da, apparently. Nat says she talks to her
and tells her everything, but I haven’t seen any of that.
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sherry…I know…all these questions and no answers!! lol
I am sure Bridgette feels bad but if she doesn’t want to go home she better get out of bed!! I was going to say she and Da could get together but they are on the block together so prolly not going to happen…lol
And I agree about Paul and his vocab! After the last BONE I had to turn it off! Couldn’t take it anymore!!! Blech!!!
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Star, if you really want to torture yourself, you can watch Paul get hid HOH room!! LOL. ugh. It was shortly after BBAD ended Thurs night (Fri morn). I think about 12:15AM their time.
I turned off feeds when that happened however. Because it’s always the same. People gather in HOH room, kiss some ass, paste on their “I’m so happy for you face”, a bit of awkward silence after initial “excitement” dies down. Then.. people slowly filter out.
And then the actual game and game talk resumes. I didn’t tune back in after Paul’s HOH reveal was done (fell asleep) …and IDK what all he got (couldn’t bring myself to watch) LOL
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Bridgette does know the plan is to get Da out. She was told to just lay low and not act too happy. Not sure how much she actually trusts that though…. seems to have the attitude that she has to trust the plan… no other option really.
She is doing ok in there. I’m not a fan, but they haven’t all isolated her.
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JT……so that’s when they are doing it now!!! Those little creeps!!! WHY do they even have LFS or BBAD???? They don’t want us to see ANYTHING anymore!!!! I’m seriously PO’ed about this this year!!!! They used to maybe hide one comp from us per year, but now we haven’t seen any of them and aren’t even getting the HOH rooms and BBAD is FREE! I could maybe see it if they were using it as TV footage, but they aren’t even doing that!!! GRRRRR. This show gets to be more of a rip every year.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And I know what you mean about the HOH room ritual. I just like to see the gifts and hear what someone in their family is like. And see a few pics. The rest is uncomfortable. And predictable.
I just thought of something. When we had to pay for BBAD via Showtime, then WE got to see all of that. Now that it’s free, NOBODY gets to!! Do they just hate their fans or is there some possib;e reason for this?? Might be email to CBS time…..lol
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Jolee, I loved Monarch of the Glen. I love Reign, too. Lots of good stuff on Netflix. About BB, why do people let others run their HOH? I just don’t get it. I don’t have the live feeds. Is Bridgette alone?
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Marla Jo, we are on the 6th season of Monarch of the Glen. All of their people are disappearing! I miss Archie, Lexie, and now Duncan! I hope we aren’t disappointed at the end of the series. I don’t see Molly mentioned until the last episode of season 7.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well, getting ready to watch BB. 😊😊😊
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They should put ALL the past episodes in Netflix!!! That way house guests could watch them when they apply and get an idea of how it works. But CBS is greedy and won’t allow their shows to be put on there. I think it would be great!
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Seasons 1-15 are on youtube. Not with CBS permission though. They do each get a few seasons to watch while in sequester before the season starts. But it seems a lot don’t watch very much. Nat must not have watched a season.. maybe just a few episodes. I say that because they have to explain absolutely everything to her about the game. What is a backdoor.. how it works.. what is double eviction.. how that goes.
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Thanks JT, I may just go find the previous seasons on YouTube to watch the beginning seasons. I watched season 1 when it came out but didn’t hang around very long- about 3 weeks- then I stopped watching until season 6 I think. So it will be interesting to see the early seasons and how much it has changed.
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Kevin Wade is the name of the guy who has BB on his channel. Just type that name into the search bar at youtube and you should be good.
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Thanks, Lisa. Great write up. I really really dislike Paul & Michelle. Both are really mean spirited people. I feel bad for Bridgette and would like to see her get some power. I don’t think she’s played a good game but other than Paulie, Frank And Da nobody has even tried to play the game.
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Big Brother has changed so much and continues to evolve to what it is today. The hgs are much younger and more immature, many have never seen the show and dont have a clue, they come on for the tv exposure or a shomance, the hoh room is no longer the reward it was meant to be – everyone comes and goes and hangs out as they please, there is no letter and no ‘who wants to see my hoh room’ (so weird – I actually heard Rachel’s voice when I wrote that). I even miss the old way the hoh would do the nominations. This is probably the first year I havent kept up by reading Jokers updates which brings me to a big personal realization. I dont need Jokers because Lisa keeps us completely up to date on all the goings on in the house. I love this blog and thank you so much for your take on whats going on in the house. BB isnt what it used to be or maybe I’m just getting too old to appreciate it. I do know I’m not liking all these young ones every season. Was not really that interested and wasn’t going to watch it but here I am.
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LOL… that is who I always think of too when I hear, “Who wants to see my HOH room?”
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------But in my head I hear it as Britney… when she was mocking her in DR session.
“Who wants to see my HOH roooom!!?”
“NOT ME!!”
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Great job as usual Lisa Marie. You definitely spoil us.
I miss how the nominees used to be done with the big wheel and everyone pulling out a key. It added a little drama.
This group seems to sleep a lot. Past houseguests at least used to make up games to play using what was available in the house. Bowling with empty two liter bottles, tossing balled up aluminum balls into various pots and bowls for various points, etc.
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I agree. Spinning the wheel around the table added drama. Sure, the wheel was heavy and sometimes people needed help carrying it down from the HOH room.. but still!!
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I have to admit this season is missing a lot of the ingredients of
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------seasons past that made us into the fans we are today. But CBS has
changed a great deal, too, in the last few years. Casting, production
heads, and greed have overshadowed the desires of the fans. They
hear people complain about A. Groder and still she stays. They hear how we would like more of a mixture of age groups and the cast gets
younger and less informed about the game every season.
Star: I had to turn BBAD off last night, too, over the subject matter.
It seems Paul over does every sexual innuendo. He sure was trying
to get a female interested in him, but will never succeed with the
way he talks. So glad when his HOH is over.
I feel sorry for Bridgett, too. But she DOES need to get out of bed
and try to do some damage control. You don’t just give up and iso-
late yourself. If she had watched enough BB she would know this
never works.
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Great write up Lisa.
THank goodness I’m not the only one sick of Paul and his constant use of ‘your boy’ and ‘bone! I’m not sure he would know how to ‘bone’ if he had the chance. Although Michelle says she has a crush on him!!!! I think she just wants some male attention and he and Victor are the only ones available.
I’m so sick of Z saying constantly that she’s ‘gonna make a big move, I’m not afraid’. Girl you have to win something to make a move. Z seems to be one of those girls who does not have her own opinion. Whomever she is talking to at the moment is what opinion she has. If she doesn’t want Day gone why doesn’t she say something to Paulie when he says yes Day is the one leaving this week. Although Day is the one I want to leave. lol
Bridgette is claiming another injury and sleeping all the time. She needs to get out of bed and show that feisty spirit she has. I think she may be faking the injury so everyone will think she is helpless and leave her alone.
Day always seems to have a scowl on her face. I hardly ever see her with another expression on her face. I am not a fan of hers because she can never have a conversation without her snarling on someone. She always has a negative comment to make. You can just feel her waiting for the moment i.e when she is having a group conversation the first person to get up and leave usually has something snarky to say about them.
Thank goodness I’m not on this show. I couldn’t handle the stress!!!!
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Margie: I agree with your estimation of Da. I understand why she
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------would be disgusted with those she is forced to live with and can’t
blame her. But she goes too far with her snarkishness and doesn’t
have much good to say about anyone. Her problem is she can’t
keep her opinions of people to herself. She is so observant in many
ways and yet does something so stupid as to mention she wants to
get the couples out to James. Duh! Part of one of the couples.
JT: Thanks for your explanation about Bridgette and the HOH
rooms. Just realized I’ve been spelling her name wrong all season. I think she could still be a good player, despite the fact she needed more knowledge of how the game is played. But it may be too late. She is capable of doing well at comps.
I had to laugh at James last night. He said, “Corey may have
played baseball, but he’s really bad at comps.” He then said
something about his being tall a waste.
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I agree with you about Z. I think she does want to keep Da, and has said some subtle thing to Paulie & Paul trying to target others, but she hasn’t been very aggressive about it. My take is she wants to keep Da, but realizes if she pushes too hard she will become a target herself.
The funny thing is she is already a target for those guys. If the guys get their way, Z will follow Da out the door…. then Meech after that.
Wish I could remember exactly what Z said the other night (when trying to shift the target to someone other than Da). She said to Paulie something like, “I feel like we are letting a lot of people slide by… I hardly ever even think of James”
I found that funny. Sure, James hasn’t done a lot strategy-wise, but he did win HOH, break his deal with Frank & Bridgette at the house’s request, and get Frank out of the game. I thought, “remind me again how Z isn’t sliding by?”
That is why I’m not a Da fan as well. Just too angry all the time. Hard to watch someone that looks so miserable 24/7. I’d be miserable in there too.. I know.. but that’s why I like to watch from 2,000 miles away! LOL
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Margie……what injury is Bridge faking now??? I guess I didn’t hear that.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And as far as all the HGS sleeping all the time……they did that in Season 1. Big time so I remember, but prolly a few seasons after too. Then Production told them no sleeping during the day, lights always on, no sleeping anywhere but bed and gave them games and made them clean the house. Anything to keep them UP! That was one reason they quit doing so much booze. S1 got beer every night if they wanted it. Then slept and had hangovers all day. Things that used to be against the rules in BB seem to no longer be a big deal.
They also used to give them practice games to do before the comps. Let them practice but also kept them busy and gave us LFers and BBAD watchers something to actually watch!
CBS REALLY needs to get back to their roots in this game before we all stop watching and they have to end it. Altho, maybe it needs to go. It has been on SOOOOO long, prolly no matter what they did, we would B*tch because basically…..we’re just sick of it! Kind of….lol
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Thanks for another great write up Lisa💕 I neen to go back & catch up on all the comments……………………..
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Need……….. 🙂
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when will da get the news?
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OMG!!!!!! Paulie has been talking nonstop for at least 2 hours. He really loves the sound of his own voice! Also seems to be an expert on everything.
MAcy probably won’t tell Day until tomorrow right before the veto ceremony. They don’t want to tell her too soon because of all the theatrics.
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Good morning Bob! Well it’s afternoon now. Lol
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It’s Monday night my friend, have a good one my dear…….
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JT….what do you think….I believe if James turns the vote to get Bridgette out instead of Day it will really cause him trouble with the guy alliance. I don’t think he has enough guts for that.
Don’t you just love how they all complain about how tired they are after they just got up or as in Paulies case running his mouth for hours. Come to think he probably is tired! lol
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If James turns the vote it could be trouble for him… or it could work for him depending who goes with it.
But I don’t think he sees the big picture. Da told him point blank they have to break up the couples. Da meant getting out Corey, Nicole, & Paulie… but James took it as meaning him too. So I don’t think he would want to flip the vote even if he could.
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JT……your quote about what Z said the other night is pretty accurate. That’s almost exactly what she said. I think if she realized she doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell with Paulie she might be more willing to stage a revolt about getting Day out. I heard her talking with Nicole about her and Paulies family would really get along and kinda planning a future with him. She should be a little fly on the wall right now listening to him talk about all the beautiful women he’s going to get after the show! He really is tired of all her little jealous fits.
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If only she knew what we know. Paulie knows he has to keep her close for the game, but he does want her out next.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------That was Dr Will’s downfall in all stars. He finally couldn’t take Janelle anymore and blew up on her a bit… and she evicted him in 4th place.
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Sherry….I’ve got to say I like some of the changes they have made this year. It’s got to where any real BB fan that gets on the show can predict even what comps will be played when. I like it when they don’t know what’s going on! It would be funny if they threw in a triple eviction one year! Keep em guessing.
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Natalie just told Meech that she didn’t want to work out because she didn’t want people to consider her a physical threat! lol
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thx margie!
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Star….she was claiming yesterday that she reinjured her knee, limping around whining, etc. She got out the ace bandage again to wrap her knee, crying ‘ look how swollen it is’, they did a close, close up of her knee and I couldn’t see anything. When no one is around she doesn’t limp but she sure does when others are in the room. I can’t say I blame her, it’s working with Paulie and Paul. They think she incapacitated. lol
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But I thought she had injured her ankle before. Typical men. They never pay attention..lol
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She injured both but at separate times….. “supposebly” (Nat BB11) 🙂
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Macy….Paul is getting ready to tell Day right now that she is on the block. She is in the HOH right now telling him Bridgette came to her and told her to go tell Paul all the bad things about Nicole. He said he was going to tell her tonight some time.
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Star…..she also hurt her ankle again, she said.
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Ok..there it is!!! lol I answered before I read!!! 😉
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Day is pushing very hard for him to put Nicole up.
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I’ve got to say that Paul is a real smooth talker. Day is do a lot of uh hu, yeah, yeah, uh hu , yeah, yeah, uh hu.
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It’s about to get exciting in the house now. Everyone needs to tune in. Day is on the hunt!
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Thanks for the heads up!! I better have a look while I’m waiting for the delayed BB to come on tv 🙂
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I am a Da fan. If she goes, I do not care who stays or go. They can all go home for all I care.
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I DVR the show tonight and 60 minutes took half the show so I missed out on who Paul put up for eviction. Please fill me in
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Paulie and Bridgette.
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i know paulie is being a douch bag boy by talking about z the way he is – but its best for his game
hey all you girls out there – has there ever been an all girls alliance – hell to the no – we havnt learned the bro code – ha – still dont know how we can correct this girls!
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What was Paulie saying about Z? I’m watching BBAD and she came to sit next to him on the hammock with Nic and Corey and it was awkward to watch. She touched him and he complained her hands were cold and then she kissed him and he complained about her lipstick. What the hell happened to cause their “relationship” to become so ice cold?
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Barb, on Sunday night I always DVR the show after Big Brother (which is Madam Secretary in my area.) because there are games Sunday afternoon that causes all of the Sunday night shows to start late. I have been doing this for several years. On nights BB is preempted, they usually rerun it around 2:00 a.m. The station usually announces the time.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Now, regarding Season 1 of BB, I believe when the HG’S came in the house and gathered in the living room and introduced themselves. During this time, the HG’S picked the HOH after they asked who would like to be the first HOH. If I remember correctly, the HOH room was downstairs, by the living room. The room wasn’t fancy like today.
Well, that’s how I remember it. You can always check it out on YouTube. 😊😊😊
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Where did all the bloggers go?? I was here two hours ago! I will check back later! Blog on!! 😊😊😊
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Support our blog by signing up for the BB22 Live Feeds via CBS All Access
Hummmm, I guess it was only an hour ago! It’s 1:49 a.m. here! ??😊😊
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Support our blog by signing up for the BB22 Live Feeds via CBS All Access
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Support our blog by signing up for the BB22 Live Feeds via CBS All Access
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