Hi y’all!
So, we’re sitting here waiting to find out who the new HoH is and it could be a very long wait. The feeds are down and, according to some inside sources on twitter, the HoH comp keeps getting paused because of broken props. So, we might be in for a very long wait…
(Or maybe not! The feeds came on just as I was finishing my first draft of this post so read on to see who won HoH!)
So, just to make it official, here’s what happened tonight:
Scottie is the newest member of the jury. It was a unanimous vote, 6-0. However, Scottie will get a chance to return because next week, there’s going to be a battleback between the four latest evicted houseguests, Bayleigh, Rockstar, Scottie, and whoever get voted out next. I’m pretty sure Scottie could beat both Bayleigh and Rockstar. So, it’ll probably depend on who is voted out next.
(I have some issues with the battleback. Julie let Bayleigh know the names of everyone who voted against her and also let her see the goodbye messages that revealed the existence of Level 6. Typically, when the houseguests go to jury, they’re not supposed to know that info.)
I imagine that, after the battleback, the next week will be a double eviction. That’s the way things usually seem to work.
Anyway, I wish I had more to add but until the feeds come back and we discover who the new HoH is, that’s pretty much it and .. oh wait. The feeds are back.
Now, I know that Angela was talking about nominating Sam and Haleigh for eviction so we’ll have to see if she follows through on that plan or if Tyler convinces her to do something else. Angela was saying that she wants Sam out but I think Tyler might want to keep Sam around as a vote.
Either way, Tyler is pretty much safe this week, which means his cloud power will expire without him having had to use it.
Lisa Marie
I do think she will nom Sam & Haleigh like she said.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------She certainly has reason to put up Haleigh
And she did say she would BD Fess if the chance is there.. but IDK if they decided otherwise since
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Tyler and Angela made a deal with Fussy Wuss and Hayho, so if she does put up Hayho (even as a pawn) the Wuss will not be happy and all bets could be off!!
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Tough hop… Haleigh put up Angela not as a pawn.. as her target!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As Ty & KC would say, “Welcome To BB” LOL
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Maybe she might be testing the waters and if the Wuss doesn’t win the veto, Angela might backdoor him!! We can only hope! I definitely don’t want both Scottie and Fess back in the house together!!
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I agree on noms. And I don’t think after all that that Sam can be counted on as a vote anymore. She’s going to be very independent and indignant and not trust anyone ! Plus it’s kind of time to quit using her. Her usefulness HAS come to an end IMO. And if Angela doesn’t want BLOOD in her hands this way she wouldn’t have. And she can say Hayleigh is a pawn and keep their pretend alliance with H and F.
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That is sort of the plan. And even Haleigh told Fessy it would be a good move for Angela to put her up…. of course Fessy is still clueless how the game works
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Angela scored 39
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tyler scored 38
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See? Perfectly matched. Lol.
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Pretty funny with them all sitting around the kitchen and talking about funny moments so far
Like RS blaming Brett for everything
Bay telling Rachel about power
OTEV comp …etc
worth watching on flashback around 11pm BB time
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I’m watching BBAD and everyone is in the kitchen. They are all gathered around the kitchen counter, talking, laughing, drinking beer, and over at the BIG round table, Sam is sitting all alone! She was in the storeroom mopping the floor earlier! She deserves a medal for everything she is doing for everyone else! IMHO!! 💕 I don’t even know if they appreciate her! I like her! I would probably be like her! I couldn’t stand lying around all night! Boring!!!
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I like Sammy too. I’d be a nutter in that house. Seriously. Reminds me of my daughter’s bedroom when she was 14-15 and how she was such a slob I finally lost it and dumped all her clean clothes from a big dresser on the floor on top of her dirty clothes and told her she was staying in her room until everything was folded and put back….today she’s a neat freak and a minimalist.
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I absolutely love that Hay is sweating it out right now! Does that make me a mean girl! She is being her typical mean girl right now because she’s scared about going on the block. She’s breathing very hard..
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Margie you are not a mean !!
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Haleigh makes us all into mean girls. She may be being nicer lately but karma waits for no woman.
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even makes me a mean girl. LOL
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I’m glad Angela won HOH! But if she puts up Sam and Sam is evicted next week, I will 🙏 she wins the battle back!! Except for Tyler and JC, she’s the only “real” person in the house! I don’t want her to win, but I want her in the house longer than Fez, Haleigh, JC or Brett! I think she is interesting to watch! She’s the hardest worker in the house!
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Worst case for Sam is if Fessy wins veto
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Then it will be Sam & JC on the block and Sam gets voted out
If that happens.. I agree I’d rather have Sam back than the other 3.
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I’d rather have Scottie. At least he knows how to play. I’m so tired of Sam’s pouting because she doesn’t know the game. Or Tyler or Brett dont love her or like someone better. Or the kitchen isn’t clean. Gimme a break!!! I do NOT want Bayleigh back at all!! RS would be next then Sam then Scottie. But it doesn’t matter. Most of the time returnees get returned to Jury ASAP!! lol
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I’d like to see Hay go to jury but she would have a good chance in the battle back. If Sam goes and Scottie comes back he’ll rejoin Hay and Fess. I’m agreeing with the others here I don’t want to see Bay or RS come back. I just don’t see any good scenarios with the battle back so I really wish they skipped it this year.
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It might be very hard to get frz out with him being a beast at comps! If Scottie gets Back Tyletr will have Alot of testosterone to beat!
Poor Sam.. whatever happened to her! From strong independent woman to maid..so weird. Did the house break her because she acts likes she is on a vacation with the people and not playing a game.
Thanks Lisa!
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I’ve wondered the same thing about Sam. If you were to put a picture of her the day she walked into the house along side one of her now, she now looks so haggard. And as far as her game plan, does she even have one anymore, or even one to begin with?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------There’s a saying, “You can take the girl out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of the girl.” That really seems to apply to Sam. I originally thought she could be the next Jordan Lloyd, but that sure didn’t happen.
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I think being on slop has pushed her over the edge. I wish they’d stop the slop thing. It’s very upsetting to the tummy. Whey protein mixed with oats? Whey is awful if milk is upsetting. I couldn’t do the whey thing.
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The biggest problem with the current Big Brother is it’s no longer about the HG’s. It’s about CBS’s production crew and staff, sitting around for months between seasons trying to think of what can they do to inconvenience the HG’s even more and more.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Go back to the first seasons of BB. It was ALL about the HG’s interactions with a few minor things thrown in. When the season is over, I’d love to throw all the production crew, writers, staff, all of them (including Julie), into the house for 3 months figuring out what to do next season.
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It’s hard to take Hay and Fez seriously with that crap on their faces! Hay saying she can’t F’ing way to see Sam’s face when she is voted out!
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Seems the season of mean girls and for me I think Sam is so out of her element its sad watching her react ~ IMO she seems like a very simple female living in a trailer in her Mom’s backyard, doing a job that was based for men but something she loves and her life is pretty much down to earth simple…a true country female that is used to manners, politeness and she is in over her head with all the manipulating ~ sad to watch her struggle
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whats IMO mean?
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In My Opinion
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Very apt description Tigrezz.
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thanks Star ♥
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Sam also cuts hair…..which isn’t easy. I know. She’s like me in the way I don’t like hanging out with young adults who party, have money and brag about it….are loud….I’d much rather be around animals. I couldn’t handle that game. I’d cut someone…( kidding) maybe.
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giggling as I used to cut hair eons ago ~ didn’t like it ~ but Sam does appear to be more mature for her age ~
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YEAH! I think they have decided to put up Hayleigh and Fez!!!
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I sure hope they do! If Fez wins the veto, will we see another Marcellas play? LOL ☺
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Brendon & ED also did that using their vetos on Rachel & Daniele
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I hate jury battle back, especially this season. No way do I want Bayleigh or Rocksalt back. One thing that usually happens is that the people that have been in jury the longest don’t really have the fire in them to win and come back. My bet is Scottie or whoever gets voted out this week wins the battle back. Then they will probably get voted out immediately.
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1. On BBAD, seems like all they do is lay in bed..,and get up to eat. Sort of boring.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Angela is so cunning. Can’t wait till she EXPLODES..,and I predict she will. So beautiful..,so spoiled by beauty.
3. I think the main reason Scotty looks so uneven as a person is that he is lovestruck over Hayleigh and sets up an inner conflict within him.
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Everyone seems to be hating on Hayleigh. I think she is a very sweet girl. Young and naive but no where near a mean person. That would go to Angela and Brett. It would only make sense that Angela put up Hayleigh and Fessie. They obviously don’t want to work with them and are super set in their alliance. Not the way I wanted to see the house turn but I can’t argue with gullible. They fell for everything presented to them.
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JSD….I hate to be the one to break it to you but she REALLY is a mean girl! lol
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What has she done that’s been mean?
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I agree with you Margie! She has been very mean! Go back and look at past episodes and you will see!
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I have been saying that!!!! I also thot something was weird about Sam from beginning. But everyone kept telling me NO!!! Lol. It’s so nice to be right!! Lol. J/k. Kind of. 😏
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She only cares about herself and how far Fessy and Scottie could take her in the game. Any infatuation she has with the Wuss will vanish once the show is over.
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jsd, Haleigh can be sweet when it’s to her advantage! I know she was very sweet with Scottie. I enjoyed some of their private conversations during BBAD! Remember when she was the hacker? And, even though I don’t like Fez, she has been very mean to him. Did you read Maggie’s comments above about Haleigh. Insisting she was going to sleep with Kaycee, even though Kaycee said she didn’t want her to sleep with her!
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I hardly think insisting to sleep with Kaycee is considered mean. As for Fessie, other than game talk with him, how has she been mean? Fessie was big time idiotic putting up Scottie.
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And, she treats Fessy how?
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I agree with you. Angela is the true mean girl of this season and Bret is just as nasty.
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have to disagree with you but am in agreement with Margie & Betty on Hayleigh being a mean girl ~ she was the one that in a hammock once told Brett there was nothing to her and Fessy then turns around and says the same thing about Brett and Scotty ~ all those females are not just young but they use what they can to all those hang dog males in the house and no one is not stupid or gullible with exception of RS
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Haleigh was trying to tell Fessy that she thinks that Tyler, Angela, Brett and Kaycee might be working together. Luckily, Fessy doesn’t believe that possible and tells Haleigh to stop stressing out. Haleigh is catching on to what is happening in the house; Fessy not so much.
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As of 4:30 this morning the decision was made to put Hayleigh and Fez on the block. Making this decision was Angela, Tyler, Kaycee, Brett and JC.
Hayleigh was being a little witch….Now that so many people have left there are plenty of beds plus two extra. Hayleigh was insisting on sleeping with Kaycee. Kaycee told her no she didn’t want her sleeping with her she wanted to sleep by herself. Hayleigh pretending to be joking said she didn’t care what Kaycee wanted she was going to sleep with her anyway. After leaving the HOH room Hay and Fez went downstairs to do their face masks and Hay said to Fez that she didn’t give a F**k what Kaycee wanted she is going to sleep with her whether she likes it or not.
Fez is still thinking he can talk Angela out of putting Hayleigh on the block. He doesn’t realize at all that he is a target. They were both double teaming Angela even before she got her HOH room.
Fez thinks he can talk Angela into putting up JC and Sam or Sam and Brett.
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Sounds like Hayleigh is going to go cray cray this week. Sam won’t have to worry about anyone looking at her!! God. Wait until the noms!!! I don’t usuall wTch LFS during the day. Too busy but I’m going to have to watch for that!!! 🤯💣🔫🤬
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Hay and Fez are back up in the HOH double teaming Angela again. They won’t leave her alone for a second! Fez was there about 10 minutes before Hay came up saying the same thing over and over and over again!!
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Foutte / Hive have done that all season… whether it was Bay, RS, Hay, Fess… even Swaggy the week he was OTB
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Just keep droning on & on with same thing over and over
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Angela just gets up and leaves HOH and they stay up there waiting for her! lol. Fez is so boring!
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Brett already has and will continue to make a fool out of himself with Angela this week. Early this morning around 4:30 BB time Brett would NOT leave the HOH room after everyone else left. He was telling her how much he really likes her, better than anyone else in the house. He was waiting for any indication that she was receptive to a kiss. Is he blind to the fact that she and Tyler have a connection? He’s very jealous of Tyler.
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She said early in he wasn’t her type. More like a brother. Maybe she should have said it to him!!!! lol
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I feel a bit sorry for Brett. I know he has been extremely nasty with his goodbyes, but he has also taken the brunt of the hatred from the other side. Look how many times they put him up! I bet outside the house he is fun to be with. I wish the final four would be KC, JC, Brett and Tyler.
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Brett is so loud.
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Hay has made herself at home in Angela’s bed under the covers and Angela is down in the kitchen eating peanut butter! lol
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I’m guessing Haleigh constantly taking everyone’s HOH room will stop after noms.
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JT…. You are so right! It will come to an abrupt stop! Then She will be holed up in the pink bedroom or the geo room with Fez talking crap about Angela! lol
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Feeds went to fish 15 mins ago… so must be noms
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------OMG.. gonna be so funny to see Haleigh & Fessy after they are nominated
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Hay can’t take a hint! She keeps laying on Angela’s bed telling her how she can be trusted and Angela keeps telling her she wants to be alone and think!
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Well it seems the lockdown was to get the smaller table!
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LMAO… I was so disappointed when feeds came back for a small table
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Bummer!! I think they did that to get us all nervous and excited!! Meanies!! Lol.
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LOL.. they suckered me in!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I just hope it’s not so dang late like last week.
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Angela, so how does it feel to have Fessy in your ear 24/7 with the same tired pitch? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bce97c12df83f450af8c31e95cdba55fa841a4644892a238be4108a3d8e47dcf.png
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I feel sorry for Angela having two people talking her ears off 24/7. Zingbot was right, Fessy is a moran!!
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I can’t wait to hear about the fireworks that will be going on in the house if Angela puts up the Wuss and Hayho. ☺
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I don’t like the Battle Back at all. And if Bay wins, she has an advantage over the others because of the information Julie told her after her eviction. Doesn’t seem fair to me.
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Can they PLEASE get on with the nominations or are they waiting for Angela to change her mind?
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None of those emoji’s can top the one tapping his foot!! Thanks anyway JT! Any news when noms will take place?
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Finally doing noms now…
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I can’t wait to see the fireworks! Fez will be dumbfounded because he has NEVER considered the fact that HE could go on the block! lol. Moron. If he wins veto he will probably use it on Hayleigh because you know she will weeping and wailing the rest of the week.
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I agree, he will use it on Hayho, she will guilt trip him into it!
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Funny, right after noms Fessy said he didn’t see this coming! He truly is a moron!
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I wish they would go back to the round box with the keys inside. It made the noms far more interesting and you had the chance to see people squirm when it came down to the last two!
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and the phony “thank you”s while putting their key around their neck were hilarious… and cringy
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I was just thinking about how some of us differ in our likes and dislikes of the houseguests! 😊. I think those BBBuddies who don’t really like Sam are the ones who like the players who are really playing the game, making deals, alliances and don’t mind being deceitful! 😊. I almost always agree with Star 🌟 and Margie 💕 on their opinions! 😊😊 My favorite is still Tyler! 💕 and I cringe when JC goes on his rants! I really like Kaycee! Then there is Sam! I have mixed feelings about her! I think she will go down in BB history as a very unique player! Most of my opinion of her comes from watching BBAD! She is always interesting. Not a typical BB player! I always watch her because she is interesting, and not just laying around, but doing something! I believe she is completely out of her element. Sometimes she wants to go home, and then she wants to stay! It reminds me of the song: “First she says she does, and then she don’t, then she says she will and then she won’t! she’s undecided now, so what is she going to do?” 😱 I like her in spite of her quirky ways! 😊 Well, that’s my opinion anyway! 😊
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I still want Tyler and Jaycee in the finals! 💕
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Jolee. I don’t dislike Sam. But she is definitely out if her element. I don’t think she ever saw any BB and is only used to being around people that are like her. From her area. So she has no gameplay and really doesn’t know how to handle herself around people from different walks of life. So fir those reasons she frustrates and annoys me. But I blame BB! They shouldn’t put someone like her in a situation like this it’s not fair to her or the fans!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And you’re right. I like players that are smart and savvy and play the game hard. I love it when we get down to the F6 and all the floaters are gone!!
I want Tyler to win also. Definitely my favorite. But I also like the rest of L6. ALtho Brett a little less. Lol and we don’t have to like the same HGS or have the same opinions on things. That’s what makes the blog interesting. In fact you should come on more often. It gets too quiet around here at night sometimes. 😏
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Hi Star! 💕. I think you are the perfect example of a true Big Brother fan! I love reading your comments! You, Margie and JT are my top three BBBuddies! And, of course our leader, Lisa! 😊
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Should be interesting to see how angry Hayho will be at the Wuss.
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Feeds back and noms are done finally
Haleigh & Fessy
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------get your popcorn
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Hayho has started the guilt trip on Fessy. “I’m going home…etc”
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All we need now is for JC to put Fessy on a bigger guilt trip, so if he wins the veto, he will give it to Hayho! LOL
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Actually it seems Fessy is taking being OTB very well, it is Hayho who is crying.
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Fessy has been fine… laughing it off and saying it’s a game
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Haleigh has been doing ok too from what I’ve watched. She is a bit upset but says she sin’t shocked at all since she took 2 shots at Angela & Tyler… and Fess is her #1
I haven’t seen Haleigh crying about it
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JC brought her some cookies and said he didn’t like seeing her cry, so therefore I assumed she was. Very disappointing, I thought there would be more fireworks!
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Fessy apologing to Hayho. I wonder if she will try and dump this moron and find another alliance. LOL Unfortunately there is no one left at the moment.
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Fez and Hayleigh discussing how they will be bitter jurors. They said they will even vote for Sam, Kaycee or JC to win over Angela or Tyler. Hay saying how much she hates Angela because she’s so good at everything she does. Her every other word is the ‘F’ word! Thats how you can tell how ticked off she is! lol
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I heard that too…. Haleigh saying that Angela has played a good game and that is why she is bitter about it.
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New post! http://www.big-brother-blog.com/big-brother-20/big-brother-20-todays-nominations/
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Well at least Fessy realizes that Tyler has played a great game… and doesn’t seem to be bitter about that. And Haleigh seemed to agree.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So hopefully Ty can get to final 2 and get the votes.
He deserves it over anyone
I do think it will be tough for him though… he is a big target… even for his allies as numbers get smaller and they know they can’t beat him.
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I think Brett is even thinking about turning on him, but I am not sure.
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See… the HGS agree with me! They’ve all said unanimously if Sam goes up she goes hone. She’s been bitching about how no one cooks or cleans etc since the comp. In a really bad mood. She basically has no friends left in the house. Maybe they won’t have to evict her. She might beat ‘em to it. lol
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The reason I don’t want Scottie is because I’m rooting for Tyler
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Other than that.. I’d want Scottie back of those 4
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That’s what they say in front of each other…. but when whispering in back corners it’s about getting Fessy out
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I think Sam is the only reason I continue watching the show. She is so down to earth. She stays grounded amongst all the choas. . In fact we will FF until we see her.
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And no way in hell do I want RS or Bay back!! Not under any circumstances.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I’d take Frankie & Jessie instead!! LMAO
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I want Tyler to win too. You think he can’t if Scottie is there?
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Frankie I can take. Jessie is pushing it. Shudder. lol
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He can.. but I think it would be even harder. No matter what Scottie said… he would run back to Haleigh … and Haleigh would get Fess & Scottie on the same page this time
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And those 3 together would be very dangerous to all of L6 IMO.
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Oh yeah. Hmmm. But really all the HGS in jury are Hivers so same goes no matter who comes back. Except RS and Sam don’t win comps. Lol
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Exactly …seems way more likely for Scottie to win comps
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bay did win HOH… but remember all she did was slide down a ramp
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True. But it could be something random or chance like that. I don’t remember there ever being a mental BB comp but could be anything!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I love how everybody jumped on the booze!! Lol. Only 4 of them can drink but it didn’t look like much when they brought it out. They haven’t let them drink much this season. Celebrity BB had their own bar!! Can you imagine these people drunk every night?? 😆 they sure sound like it tonight! I think their tolerances are down. lol
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Pretty funny listening to them now talking about so many funny moments
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Even Sam laughed a couple times
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As much as I LOVED BB1 back in 2000, it is impossible for me to rewatch now. I have rewatched almost every season at some point… but trying to watch BB1 again I made it through about 3 episodes. Just way too boring.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No HOH, No POV, No competitions… no alliances.. no strategy.
Just 10 people living in a house… and then voting on who to nominate for America to vote out.
I do agree they need to change things though… but going back to BB1 format would be a big mistake for ratings IMO.
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Ed did it for his daughter, which I can understand and Brendon using it on Rachel was no surprise, as everyone knew they were a couple. Fessy and Hayho’s romantic relationship is a maybe (if that). LOL
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For one thing .. one night she was bragging endlessly about herself. How beautiful and smart she is, etc etc. Nothing more unattractive than an enlarged ego.
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Jed…..there are many things! Watch the feeds and you will see!
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Jeanne ….so true!
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You must be blind. She steps on Fessy..,and everyone she can manipulate in any way.
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I hardly think Hayleigh having an opinion is to be categorized as mean. There are some nasty people in that house but Hayleigh is not one. Call me blind, but I’d choose to be friends with Hayleigh over Angela anyday.
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Oh yes you are so right Tom. She does and in a very vicious way!
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LOL… and Fess will say a million times how dumb Angela is.
Just like Ty was dumb for not taking Angela’s veto
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And Angela was dumb for putting up Bay instead of Scottie
And Ty was dumb for not using POV on Rockstar
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LOL!!!! I can’t wait to see the look on Fez’s face.. This will be the most confused look he has ever had. He won’t believe that anyone would reject such a smart offer that he and Hay made to Tyler and Angela! In his words ‘It would be dumb to turn this offer down’!
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What do you bet if the Wuss wins the veto, Hayho will guilt trip him to use it on her? Spoiled brat!!
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don’t you see the one tapping his foot??
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IDK why it shows code here.. it doesn’t show that on Wordpress
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ugh… nvm.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It did show up when I first added it… but now I don’t see it either.. just the link.
Oh well.. guess they wont work here
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Thanks for trying JT! I’ll just picture it in my mind! Hope noms won’t take long and when the Feeds return the house is still in one piece! LOL
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I can always put it in Aggieland
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Thanks Jolee! That’s very nice if you. I apreesh as Jeff would say!! Lol
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JC was also puzzled by how Fessy was handling it. Fessy was laughing… and JC asked him if that was how he handled being sad.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fessy said he wasn’t sad… and that it is just a game.
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