It’s that time again!
Thursday is quickly approaching and it’s time for you to cast your vote! Who you want to see voted out of the house this week?
Do you vote for…
FAYSAl, the worst HoH in Big Brother History
HALEIGH, the second worst HoH in Big Brother History?
Cast your vote in the comments below or in the poll over on the right side of the page! And be sure to watch on Thursday to see not only who will be voted out but who will win the battleback and be allowed to reenter the house?
Personally, I vote to evict Faysal and I hope Scottie wins the battleback!
Lisa Marie
I vote to evict the clueless person that has been blindsided just about every single week.
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You mean “Justaguy living in a house” ? LMAO
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I vote to evict the stronger and more devious of the two. Haleigh
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I vote to evict Haleigh as I think the clueless one could come back in the Battleback
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Faysal – not only do they plan on voting him out, that is the smartest one to vote out. He got 32 in the veto comp. He’s a fierce competitor.
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Hayleigh needs to go as she is the smartest , as I don’t see her winning over Scottie in Battle Back and he won’t work with Faysal . If Haleigh is there I see him going right back to working with her as he is so smitten with her.
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I vote to oust fessy. However I do hope he wins the battle back. Axtually I kinda hope he wins HOH again lol. It would make for interesting tv. I am desiring a little excitement, edge if the seat excitement. It’s time to put little JC on the block already. He has bragging rights right now….hes the only one that hasn’t been on the block. So I want him on the block. Come on time to shake thangs up in here!!!
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JC is the only one who hasn’t been on the block
..and the only one who hasn’t won a comp.
As much as I don’t want Fessy back… I do agree it would be sorta funny if he won and then won HOH… just to watch Haleigh run back to him after ditching him since POV. That would be priceless. The sad part is that big dummy would be waiting with open arms
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JT…and he would probably take Tyler and Angela back!!! lol
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I vote to evict Fez even though I know there is an excellent chance he will come back in the house. But as he said today when he was once again bragging about how good he is at comps, He will be humiliated if he doesn’t win the battle back! That would be worth paying to see! lol
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I would evict Haleigh as the much smarter player. She has way better instincts and can socialize. Plus if you think about it she has won 2 comps… Fess has won 3. So that’s almost a wash as far as comp threats.
I know Fess will go probably 5-1. So I guess at this point I’d like to see someone other than Fess win battle back. I’ve had enough of the dysfunctional Hay-Fess thing.
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Me too!
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Boy Angela is having an emotional day. She’s still upstairs crying.
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Any idea what happened?
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Junksies…see above.
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I didn’t know the whole day was emotional although she mentioned it. I hadn’t hardly even touched my phone all day I was so busy. Is it that time if the month or is Thursday’s upcoming Comp getting to her? I did see the aftermath of the deal with JC. Little pervert! I have gone do up and down with him all season. I was kind of liking him but his lusting over Tyler during Hairgate and then seemingly getting jealous of Brett tonight is just gross. You knew going in how long you could be there and be the only gay guy. They’re straight! So just deal !!! Yuck! Plus his floating so hard is starting to get on my nerves. He’s just in the house whispering in his horribly thick accent and screwing with people. I wish he was OTB this week! But he needs to go soon. Maybe next week. I hope somebody sees that!!
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Hi Margie,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Can you give me some detail on why Angela is crying. Also about this NAKED MESSAGE Story? REAL?? NAKED as in Fully Naked?
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Tom and Junksies….Angela was very emotional because in DR they made her talk about her very bad childhood and her realization of how much she took advantage of her mother in that her Mom was away from the home and the rest of the family when they were pushing Angela to compete in gymnastics. She lived away from home for several years and was mistreated by the coaches. She also said her family is very unemotional and since she has been in the house she has learned that other people do not experience the kind of coldness and lack of emotion that she experienced in her family life in childhood.
Then Brett was giving her a back massage and JC just busted in the door without knocking and ran back downstairs and told everyone that she was naked in bed and Brett was rubbing her. She was NOT naked but her bra was unhooked and he was rubbing her back. She was very upset with him for that. Typical JC.
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I vote to evict Fez! I am SO upset! There is a #@%&?!&% Game on tomorrow night! We can’t watch BB until 2:00 a.m. Of all the nights to have a game! So much going on tomorrow night! I’m bummed! As much as I appreciate spoilers, I like to watch the scheduled shows in real time! Especially Thursday’s show!

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That sucks Jolee. You don’t have another CBS station? I’d be furious too. I don’t evrn like football !! I think these are preseason games too so it’s all for nothing!! Don’t come in here and read. It’ll ruin it for you. You’ll be able to get the news on BBAD probably anyway.
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Yup…same for me. This is the second time and it’s very frustrating!!!
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i vote to evict BOTH of them with no battle back!
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I vote to oust Fez. I know it’s probably smarter to vote out Haystack for the reasons many of you have stated, but I just want him gone.
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JC is really on one tonight. He’s beginning to crack under the pressure knowing that with so few choices left to go on the Block his time is coming. He is criticizing Sam left and right in his attempt to manipulate her going on the Block. Exposing Haystak on the toilet was another punk-a$$ move and then he argues with Sam because she defended Haystak. Tattle tailing to the others about Brett giving Angela a naked massage? Give me a break. Later, while he was talking strategy with Tyler, JC brought up the naked massage again and from what I could decipher it didn’t really fit in the subject at hand. I’m glad that Tyler called him out on it knowing what JC was up to. JC appeared to be a little embarrassed and or shocked, red-faced that Tyler called him out. I was so glad that Tyler didn’t let him get away with it. JC is one little manipulative, conniving, dangerous and smart player. Sometimes I love him and sometimes I hate him. It’s time for him to go.
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Last night, JC and Tyler sleeping in the same bed in the Blue Room. Tyler is asleep JC caresses Tyler’s arm above the covers, then it appears he caresses Tyler’s chest under the covers and then leans over and kisses Tyler!!! Then I see a second video where it appears that JC is trying to cover his butt for what he did the night before by telling the other hgs that Tyler was having a nightmare and talking in his sleep. JC’s excuse for this near-sexual assault was that he was “consoling” Tyler. The minion video, the ice cream scoop, and now this? I guess anything goes in bb20!! Perverted and gross but what do you expect from an amateur pornstar?
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F did the same thing reaching over touching H in a very inappropriate way while she was sleeping in the next bed. Creeped out watching and wondering why production did not step in and stop him.
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There is an article over on Yahoo news about how inappropriate JC was yet he continues to get a good edit.
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What’s this that I’m reading about a conversation between Brett and Angela at approximately 2 a.m. last morning or perhaps the morning before? No details were provided but the Tweeter said run Tyler run…!!! Anybody?
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I read that too. Didn’t it refer to Tyler being Haleigh’s next target?
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i vote evicted faysal he is worst bb player in history and always gets mad but i hope he can win in jury battle back if he gets voted out tonight
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I agree that both Hayleigh and Fes are pretty equal as far as winning comps. And because Fes was being so pouty, I was feeling like he needed to go. But who’s fault was that? Hayleigh’s!!! Plus she knows the game better and is smarter and whoever comes back in will work with her. If Fes stayed he could be more easily manipulated.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So I think I am going to vote to evict Hayleigh. But actually I really don’t care. Lol
No actually I’d like to evict that little shit JC! Just for the record. Lol
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Real Vegas advises the comp tomorrow is the spinning on the disc and to get the puke buckets ready.
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happy voting
hey AC
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Hey Janna
where ya been. Saw you posting early in the season.
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Hey AC, yea, been working on myself. I sent you a email awhile back. I’m hanging in there. Glad to see you.

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While I know Fessy has been the WORST player and is so easily manipulated, I would like to see Hayleigh out. I wanted to like Hayleigh because she’s from Texas, I’m from Texas…but I just don’t.
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I would love to send them both home. I vote to evict Fessy.
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Maybe if the house evicts Haleigh, Fessy will self-evict.
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From your lips to the BB God’s ears! LOL
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I vote to evict a very confused Faysal. I actually think it would be smarter to evict Haleigh since she is the brains of the showmance but I’m really feeling like JC’s stupid little puppet needs to go before humiliating himself even further (if that’s possible). As for the battle back, it would be awesome to see Scottie come back just so Faysal can be freaking at the jury house with both Brett and Scottie helping Haleigh through her grief of losing him. lol. Poor Faysal. =0)
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Did Brett really give Angela a naked message? Who was naked? Fully Naked?? Was it on LtveFeeds?
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No one was naked! That was just JC exaggerating as usual! She had her bra unhooked but had her other clothes fully on.
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I think then, that JC just put a Bulls-eye on himself with Angdela. Tyler and Brett also.
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I am done with the HayFest! I want them both gone! Fessy first, then Hayho!
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For all Big Brother watchers who have NFL game night preempting Big Brother in the normal time slot tonight, me included in Mobile, Alabama, try the link below. “Price is right” is airing on CBS via Mediacom in my market (WKRG CBS affiliate) and also streaming the same show on the link below at the same time with a few second delay.
After the link opens, click on channel one in the right corner of the window. The British Flag simply indicates English language. Hope it works as well tonight for Big Brother at its regular time as it is working now.
Call letters for the CBS steam are WCBS New York and, unfortunately, that station is airing the NFL game, not Big Brother, at its regular time.
Still researching other options.
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Here in the New York area..I am in New Jersey..CBS has a sister station WLNY that is showing BB at reg. time
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WLNY only streams news on a schedule. I’m in Mobile, Alabama, local WKRG CBS 5 airing the NFL, but I’m now streaming “Young Sheldon” on CBS 21 from Harrisburg, PA. “Big Brother” comes on after “Mom.” Love beating the system!
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Fez actually has a shirt on that he hasn’t ripped the sleeves out of! I don’t remember seeing that before.
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Hayleigh just told Fez that after the toilet door incident last night Allison Grodner came and talked to her. The whole incident was instigated by Hayleigh playing a joke on JC. He jerked the toilet door open and she planned on scaring him while sitting on the toilet and it pissed him off and he propped the door open and left the room.
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I vote to evict Hayho..she annoys the crap out of me. Little miss crybaby bitch. I also hope Scottie wins the BattleBack and he and Fessy go on as enemies in the house. Every time Hayleigh cries in the diary room I’d like to smack her
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Tyler knows what JC did to him but unless he formally complains Alison is not going to do anything about it. Twitter is calling for JC’s head on a platter. BB is complicit in JC’s perverted behavior. I am outraged as well that he will suffer no consequences.
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Junksies ….. Hayleigh initiated the entire thing to scare JC. He did not know she was in the toilet…She scared him and he was paying her back by leaving the toilet door open. She was completely covered and nothing could be seen. She certainly was not embarrassed!
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Real Vegas is reporting that Allison is talking to JC and that he may be in trouble. Yeah right, like a little slap on the hand. We’ll see nothing happen other than a stern lecture.
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A sneak peek of tonight’s comp.
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OMG I am so glad Scottie came back instead of any of the rest of them!! Sam is already big time sucking up to Scottie!
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I couldn’t believe he told Julie he wanted to team up with Tyler! Hayho will put a stop to this…or will she? LOL
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If he’s not smart enough to know that Tyler has been working with Angela, then he’ll be walking right back out that door blindsided.
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Dang it I knew I shouldn’t have got on here. I was just spoiled!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My fault. I meant to tell you that the setup was for the battle back.
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Sorry Junksies….I forgot about the football game!!!!!!!!!
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I saw that!! At least shes learned how to play the game!! lol I also saw Brett being happy for him and him ignoring Hayleigh!! Could get very interesting this week!! MUUUAAAHHH!!! lol
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Margie hope you can stick around and let us know how the HOH comp is going?
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Definitely Betty! I don’t work tomorrow so I’ll be here !
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Me too!! Altho for some reason over the last two days AOL and Apple have decided they dont like each other and none of my phones are working. So I’m at my desk on my PC. UGH!! going to have to drive and hour away to get to an apple store this weekend I guess. ATT was NO help!!! but I hate this. I feel so trapped sitting here!!!! lol
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I wonder if they are going to start this until like Midnight. And then run into BBAD. It’ll be all reruns. I don’t get the feeling its happening anytime soon!!!
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Here Sam goes again…..she always starts acting weird after the evictions every Thursday night!
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Im still dealing with probs here..and trying to get off this computer! What did she do? I dont see her on the LFS….
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Just got an update from Lisa….HoH Update: The comp is scheduled to start in about two hours, at 1:30 am Eastern, 12:30 central, and 10:30 pacific time. WTH????
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Sorry, Star, I misread your comment!
The reason why it’s taking so long for the HoH comp to start is because they have to set everything up in the backyard.
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NP Lisa. I should have known that. Duh! lol. My minds going in too many directions tonight!!
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When it’s 1:30 on the east coast, it’s 12:30 central and 10:30 in California.
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Think she meant why are they making us wait so long.
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What a huge, extravagant setup for such a simple, EASY, little competition!
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A simple, easy competition that was tailor made for Fes and his tall lanky ass still couldn’t win. SMH. He damn near could touch the tube, lol.
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I laughed myself silly seeing him reach for his tube!
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AC…He said today and last night that if he didn’t win a battle back he wouldn’t be able to live with the humiliation! Also he has to worry about Brett and Scottie in the house with Hayleigh! LOL
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Fes is NOT good under pressure. We all know that!!!
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How did you’ll like that fake ass speech Hayleigh gave?
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It was cringy. It sounded fake and made her seem like she was sucking up. I wanted her to hurry up and finish.
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I think I actually saw her nose grow!
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I hope they start the HOH comp soon, so it won’t interfere with BBAD!
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Scottie just said production confiscated all the stuff he took out of the store room before he left. I figured they would.
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But was she REALLY NAKED? A message is one thing—naked message a much Bigger thing?
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No she was not naked!
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That’s very sad to me..about her childhood. Why would production task her about this? I dont get it…
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Oh yes, without a doubt. In fact, when Tyler finally went up to console her Angela was talking about getting him next!
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I wonder if Scottie might try to work with Brett, if Hayho tells him about Tyler.
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AC…You know Hayleigh will make sure is over informed on everything and probably exaggerate everything.
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So true, he only has Hay and maybe Sam to team up with.
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Don’t underestimate Hayleigh’s hold over him!! I’m pretty sure she can use her feminine wiles to get him all over her again and working with her!! Tyler isn’t THAT cute!! lol
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I hope Hayho is the next to go!! This will make the Wuss happy!
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Star… I agree. She will be working him hard!!! She is so excited that he is back, in fact, I’ll bet she wanted him back over Fez because Scottie is more game minded. Of course, anyone is more game minded than Fez!
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Preaching to the choir girl!! lol And whether she really likes Fes or not, HE likes HER! And that is not conducive to good game play!! Plus Scottie is a much bigger BB is she… and both are smarter!! But he’s not as smart s we think if he thinks Tyler has his back!!!
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Me too Junk! It seemed like it was all South and West. You didn’t have any interruption Margie??
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Football on FOX tonight
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Star… None at all which is surprising! Usually we are the ones that have the interruptions for football.
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FOX?? Then why did it interrupt CBS????
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I mean in New Orleans. Different stations in other cities.
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I’m opposite. My laptop just froze up. So had to get on phone for backup.
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Star …you are the fourth person TODAY that told me they were having trouble with Apple! WTH
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Thank goodness all my stuff is working fine right now…My Air Mac and my iPad.
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Are you with ATT?? or Apple?? Sounds like this is all a THEIR problem for sure!!!
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MAC never has problems. Probably should start using it. Just a creature of habit and HATE CHANGE…LOL
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IHNFI!!! And ATT was NO help!!! We were on the phone with AOL until like 1 AM! And Kike jut spent time making a new PW for all my phones..again…because I couldn’t even get in!! Ive had Iphones since like the 3 or 4! Never had this problem before!!!
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Oh, okay! That makes sense.
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Sorry Lisa! AC got it. Just too much going on here. Not saying what I mean.
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Looked like he was about to tip over a couple times.
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Margie…Scottie told Julie he was going to try to work with Tyler,. And when he came in Hay was trying to hug his back but he was kind of ignoring her!! He had NO idea Fessie was in love with her! Not sure he’ll work with her now..altho he should!! If he got Same working with them they might have something!!
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He’s already humiliated that he lost that comp to KC. Now he lost to 2 girls and a nerd.
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