Okay, it’s that time again!
It’s time open up the Diary Room!
It’s the final 24 hours of Faysal’s HoH and it’s time to cast your vote to evict!
Do you vote for…
KAYCEE, the pawn
SCOTTIE, the victim?
Cast your vote over on the right side of the page or in the comments below!ย And then, be sure to watch the show on Thursday to see what happens!
Happy voting,
Lisa Marie
Tyler has got to be the sweetest guy ever! I love the way he is the first or one of the first to console and comfort his ‘girls’ or anyone else in the house. He is consoling Kaycee right now because she was upset in the DR. They were questioning her about coming out to her family and she got very emotional.
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I agree
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I think we both have a little crush on Tyler, Margie. ๐. My HS BF looked a lot like him, except his hair was straight. And there were no man buns back then. Lol And he had a T name too. ๐. He was a bit shyer tho. Definitely good eye candy for the girls in the house this year. Guys too for that matter!! Lol
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Star ….. I think you’re right!!!! lol. By the way, he reminds me of an old boy friend also!
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I vote to evict the weird little twerp Scottie.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If for no other reason than dumping stuff on the floor and looting the storage room while packing. Plus I’m at the point where I can understand JC better than Scottie when they talk.
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I agree
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What was the little sneak looting, JT?
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any random shit he could fit in his suitcase…. condoms, tooth paste, laxatives.. etc. Strange MFer
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Completely agree! Scottie gives me the creeps.
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very hard to choose since I was a fan of Scottie but sadly he dropped off my radar and either one I do not care who goes to the Jury
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I wanted to like Scottie at the beginning of the season…. and did for a while. But downhill with him for me too
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I happily vote to evict Scottie. Mainly for the reasons JT mentioned but also because I love Brett’s diary room sessions. He makes me laugh every time. Scottie just makes me cringe and feel sorry for him.
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Brett is funny. Heโs the most laid back guy in the house. His DRS remind me of Dr Will and Boogieโs DRs. However if he makes it to the end those will come back to bite him in the butt!! Lol
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I think Brett is hilarious!! I’m not saying it is the smartest game play, but he is so funny to watch!
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So sad to see Scottie go. Faysel is the biggest fool and I don’t know what school in their right mind would ever hire him to teach – he is not bright. I hate that Bret won the veto, he is mean, nasty and full of himself…Dingbot was certainly right about Bret..lol!!
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Lola30, I can’t agree with you more.
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agree with you about Faysel, which am confused as well how can he teach when he cannot even see what is right in front of him ~
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I vote to evict Sneaky Snake Scottie!
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Very aliterate cute Margie. Lol. Or should I snidely snicker. ๐๐
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I don’t want to see Scottie go. I don’t think he deserves to leave on Faysal’s stupidity. What a shame.
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I agree. I think he ads something to BBAD. Heโs almost always in a Good mood. Iโd much rather it was Sam leaving. But that will probably happen next week anyway. Scottie just didnโt have anyone. You canโt play BB alone!
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Scottie and his five finger discount! The thief.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------…so still not 50 huh? …maybe next year. LOL
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shocked that I know this?? LOL
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Happy 29th Birthday AC!!
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Happy Happy Birthday AC! Youโre so lucky to have your day during the summer AND B.B.!!! ๐๐๐๐ฐ๐ฅ๐๐
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Happy Birthday AC!!
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Thanks everybody ๐
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Am I the only one whoโs ready to see Kaycee go?? Sheโs annoying and has ridden the coattails of Level 6 all season. Plus, can we see her hair in any other style besides that bun?? Iโm over her and her โletโs goโ crap. I know Scottieโs leaving, but I vote to evict Kaycee. Scottie can go next week.
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Holley…I like Kaycee and would be sorry to see her go. I would like to see her hair down for a change. It’s very long, down past her waist.
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I like Kaycee too and would hate to see her go. I like her demeanor.
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Is anyone else having trouble with the feeds? Mine keeps locking up and I have to restart my computer to get it back. Also if I try to change cameras it does the same thing.
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I’ve had minor issues all along.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Especially when I switch to full screen it will freeze at times
Also when trying to rewind… don’t usually have to restart.. but have to click on camera and then it goes again
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I’m getting real irritated having to restart my Mac all the time!
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I vote to evict Scottie! He showed his true colors when he vandalized the house during the Veto comp, just for revenge! And I didn’t know he looted the storeroom! He’s always been weirdly sneaky!
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Scottie the goofball. Now that Rockpile is gone Scottie is the next logical one to go
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I vote to evict Nerd Herd 2.0 Scottie!!
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Iโm so tired of hearing him squeal when he talks really loud. I did feel sorry for him but lately he gets on my nerves like kray kray.
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Scottie should just beam himself up to the Jury House to avoid being voted out on Thursday.
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I’m voting to evict Scottie. It’s creepy that he loaded his suitcase with things from storage. He has to know everyone is watching.
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I vote to evict KC..only because I’d like to see Scottie try for revenge against Fess and Hay
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Astra that could still happen if Scottie is the one to come back! lol
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I vote to evict Scottie the thief! I wish BB had called him out for stealing all those things from the storage room. He has no one to blame but himself for being on the block. He rarely talked to anyone in the house, except Hayhyo and Steve for the short time he was there. Scottie thought he was so cleaver during his DR’s, but in the end, his plotting and scheming came back to bite him in the a$$! He hated JC and wanted him out, but now JC will get the last laugh!! Bye, bye Scottie, I for one won’t miss you!
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Betty….I’ll bet a dollar that when he left they confiscated any purloined items he took because they always search their luggage when they leave from what I’ve heard. LOL. Anyway what use does Scottie have for condoms!!!!! They would dry rot before they were needed.
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Too funny, but so true!
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I hope Brett wins HOH tonight and puts up Haleigh and Fessy. Hay would be so angry, she would really lay a guilt trip on Fez, then if he won the veto we might see another Marcellas play, as I would not put it past Fez to use it on her! It would be the cherry on top of all seasons, if this happened.
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I hope whoever wins put up Fes & Haleigh. Just so he can feel stupid about his HOH, and Haleigh can bitch to him about how dumb a move he made. And then Fes can go join the jury with the rest of his “alliance”. Oh, and Brett can give him a nice “You Idiot” goodbye message.
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AC….As of this morning around 4:30 when they went to bed the decision was to put up Fez and Hayleigh. This was decided by Tyler, Kaycee, Angela, Brett and JC.
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I guess they arenโt going to let us see the comp on LFS. Total rip off!! But it looks like Iโm talking to myself here too. Where is everybody??๐ค
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We waiting on the spoilers or Lisaโs new post.
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But Iโm not good at waiting. Thatโs why I have LFS. Lol
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I’m here Star….I’m totally pissed that we aren’t allowed to see the comp on the feeds! I thought that was what we paid for!
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IKR!!! Smh. Theyโre worse than my Condo Association. Lol. I even went to FB. Looks like just JT and Lisa. I know they want to put it in TV but SO??? Thatโs why we PAY!!!๐๐
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If Bayleigh or RS wins the BB they will come back with a vengeance! Hopefully it will be either Hay or Fez that goes this week….preferably Hay. In that group it would probably be Scottie that came back. Then they will have to have a double eviction.
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Itโll be another girl leaving in either case and I think Scottie would win. But I also think I heโd get sent right back In DE.
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Bayporker and Rockface would be easier to get out than Scottie! Hopefully Fez will go out next week and battle against Scottie.
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I thought Julie said the comp would only last one hour! JT where is your foot stomper!! LOL
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Right…It’s been over two hours already. Anyone want to bet who won HOH???
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Wait. Two hours? It only hit over about an 1 hr 15 mins ago. At least here!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Iโm hoping Brett or KC. Neither have won HOH yet and it needs to be L6!
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I am hoping it is Brett. He might be the only one who has the guts to put up Hayho and the Wuss.
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HOH comp is a total clusterf**k
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Feeds have been down the whole timeโฆ. and the props in the comp (lollipops) have broken 3 times
So they keep stopping it to repair.
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Thanks for the update JT. Bet they won’t use this comp again!
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And that engineer will be looking for a new job. LOL
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Angela was in the lead last I heard.. but no clue how long is left between all the breakdowns
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I don’t want Angela to win. She won’t put up Hayho or the Wuss! Come on Brett!!!
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Angela won HOH
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OH NO! I don’t think she will put up Fez and Hay! But maybe she will….we can only hope!
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We need JC to work his magic and use his logical reasoning!!
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If she don’t put up Fes and Haleigh, then who would she put up? Sam & who?
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Well at least L6 won. Now she and Tyler can cuddle without spying eyes. lol
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LMAO…. ughh!! that might be as painful as watching Haleigh * Fess
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nah… couldn’t be
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New post! http://www.big-brother-blog.com/big-brother-20/big-brother-20-about-tonight-2/
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She will probably put up Sam and a pawn.
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I hate this Battle Back crap because I don’t want any of those losers back in the house! The only good thing is they did not show but one of Tyler’s goodby messages. Brett and Angela will have more to fear if Bay or RS returns.
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I hope whoever wins HOH puts up Hayho and Fessy! Fessy is just stupid enough to use the veto on Hayho and then Fessy would have to fight Scottie in the battle back. I don’t want both Scottie and Fessy in the house at the same time again!!
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Ditto!!!! And I think Sam is going next week. Great choices!! I guess Iโd rather have Scottie back!!!
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Bay will never work with Angela and Tyler!
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She and Tyler just got done saying they didnโt want to win this one.
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Like he’s going to need the condoms!!!!
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Amy. Totally agree!
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Me too!
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I’ve said all season that I really liked Kaycee.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I do wish she would do more… but winning that hacker comp was huge!! If she hadn’t won that.. L6 would be down to 3
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Me either….I’m to impatient!
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Lol. Margie forgot it starts at 8pm on Thursdays ๐. Might feel like that long though.
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It starts at 9:00 here I forget all you guys are on Central time. Not that it matters. Just gets confusing sometimes as the blog is on it too. Iโm in EST.
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that’s exactly what happened AC!!!
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โบ So true!
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I heard her say a couple days ago she would put up Sam & Haleigh (as “pawn”) ….and BD Fess if possible
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Sam and Hayleigh
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I later heard them talking about just putting Fez and Hayleigh up because if Fez got picked for veto and won he would take Hay off and they would both be safe.
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Then Fes goes Rambo in Veto and save Haleigh. Then JC goes up.
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Yep… then Sam gets voted out and Angela & Ty have to do some fast talking to save their new “deal”
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