Hi y’all!
Okay, so there’s really been no shocks so far this week.
Angela won HoH.
Angela nominated Sam and JC for eviction.
And now, the veto has been won by…
That’s right. This is Kaycee’s fourth veto win in a row. Along with winning one HoH and one hacker comp and managing to get through almost the entire season without getting on anyone’s badside, Kaycee is emerging as the clear favorite to win this season. She and Tyler do have a final two deal and Tyler has told her that he is going to honor it, even if it means evicting his showmance first.
Tyler, of course, could be lying. It would be a total mistake for him to take anyone other than Angela to the final two. However, I’m not sure Tyler understands how much the jury probably hates him. There were only two people that the Tyler disliked more than Tyler and Tyler just blindsided one of them (Brett) during the live eviction.
Anyway, JC is really freaking out about being on the block but he need not worry. Sam is the target and that’s not going to change. No one takes JC seriously as a threat to win the next HoH. What’s interesting is that, as of right now, JC seems to be the only person in the House who understands that Kaycee is a huge threat to win. He’s tried to convince both Angela and Tyler that Kaycee needs to be blindsided. JC’s right but, for some reason, both Tyler and Angela seem to be blind to just how strong a player Kaycee has become over the past few weeks.
The veto meeting will be on Monday. There’s no way that Kaycee is going to use the veto, though if she did, Tyler would automatically become the replacement nominee. The feeds will then go down on Tuesday, at which point Sam will probably be evicted from the House.
Lisa Marie
FYI: Sunday’s show will be a half hour later than usual
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8:30pm ….. 7:30 Central
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Kaycee winning her 4th veto out of 5 is great! (Angela won POV during DE to break the streak)
I do think Kaycee wins hands down vs anyone… but as I wrote on the other page.. it is sort of a shame that she is such a clear choice over Tyler.
I’ll re-post my thoughts…
Tyler has won 3 (probably would be 4 if he didn’t jump down for Sam)
Kaycee has won 1
Kaycee has won 4
Tyler has won 3 ….technically 3, but really 4 IMO. He did win the comp where he let Angela keep the POV… Angela finished 5th of 6 in that
Kaycee won Hacker
So pretty much a wash in comp wins so far.. slight edge to Tyler
So look at first half of game. Kaycee really didn’t do much at all, other than stick with L6 and be a vote for them.
Tyler had JC & Sam on his side… which was crucial in several votes that were decided by 1. If Ty didn’t have JC, Brett coud have been voted out over Winston. Brett would have lost to Rachel. Even Bay could have stayed if JC was with Fessy instead of Tyler. And then Bay using her power?? So many things would be different.
Also.. remember week 1 when Sam trusted Tyler about her power…. and Tyler used that as the last resort to save her that week. He was trying to save her without telling anyone… but wasn’t getting anywhere with that until he told them they needed to keep Sam & her power on their side.
Where would these 3 be right now if Tyler hadn’t done all he did early in the game?? In jury? Watching at home?
Hard to say.. but things would be way different!!
But this is exactly the stuff that will bite Ty in the ass if he is final 2 with Kaycee. A bit ironic that Tyler would lose because he played the game since day 1…. and Kaycee would win because she started playing about day 60. But I do like her and fine if she wins… I just think Ty gets a raw deal in ways. Catch 22 really… without the deals he made none of them get to final 3…. but with the deals he made he insured people wont vote for him
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JC and Tyler had a conversation the other night where JC told Tyler that if it is Tyler and KC F2 that she will win. Tyler’s response was yes he knows that. So in my opinion Tyler knows full well that he will not win against KC and it’s my opinion that if he gets a chance to put her on the block and evict her he will do it.
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Hi Junksie , do you have rain where you live? We are getting 3 days worth. We will be doing a lot indoor activities.
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I think the only two ways for Tyler to win is if he is able to bring Angela or JC to the final two (assuming Sam is still on her way out this coming week). I don’t believe Angela has a single person in the jury house that would vote for her over Tyler. And the ONLY way JC would win is a pity vote, which I believe would be next to impossible.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------At this point in time, it’s Kaycee’s to win. And I am not sure about this Kaycee didn’t start playing the game until day 60. There are a lot of ways to play this game.
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ok.. not playing until day 60 was a bit off I admit.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And I have liked Kaycee since week 1.. her & Ty have been my top 2 all season.
Guess I just meant that she was barely noticeable until then… but I suppose that is playing too. And a better way to play in many ways.. while others win all the comps and make all the moves and ruffle feathers… you can sit back and chill and mop up the final few weeks.
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You are spot on. Now if Angela and Tyler figure that out..,KC needs more wins.
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Kaycee has become a strong player. I, with a lot of others have been for Tyler from the start. Sam is my favorite person in the house and always has been. She had an unfair advantage from the beginning being the Robot.
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You mean disadvantage, right?
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Yes Astra. It’s, 3:00 am brains not in full swing. I still think it was “unfair” since she was unable to socialize in the beginning which made her feel like the “new kid” I have been there, because my family moved around alot. Which made it hard to fit it. Being from a small town and small family she doesn’t have the social skills.
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When it comes time am going to vote and campaign for Sam to be the America’s favorite player
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America’s favorite Big Brother Merry Maid – Sam is odds on winner.
America’s favorite “me, you talkin’ to me” no mirrors required – Sam and Di Nero fan favorite to win.
America’s favorite player who played the cameras 20/7 but never played the game – Sam wins, hands down.
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Tyler and Angela strike me as being for real as a couple that have played together and will stay together. F2 of Tyler and Angela would quite possibly be a future community property windfall for them regardless who wins the 500K and who comes in second with 50K. Then likely add another 25K for Tyler as America’s favorite player and the two “winners” could leave the house with 575K to sweeten the love pact for years to come.
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Totally agree with that!
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If she gets to the jury vote..,I think KC Wins. But, I also think Ty+Angela will be smart to have a discussion about that…,and get KC out. I think Sam_+JC can be swayed to get KC out. So..,KC better WIN every Competition.
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Thanks, Lisa.
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Sam cooks and cleans and knows how to use a fire extinguisher. I worry that once she is voted out, the remaining house guests will starve or die in freak accidents.
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New post! http://www.big-brother-blog.com/big-brother-20/big-brother-20-panic/
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Jeanne I agree. I love Sam as a person..just dont think of her as a “player” on BB because she hasn’t really played the game..she is out of her element. But I really love her as a person
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The camera men love Sam. I think production does also. She talks with her eyes.

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Sam won’t win according to Twitter, which I hope isn’t indicative of who will win, which is Haleigh. Barf.
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