Hi, everyone!
Well, we’re in the home stretch now. We’re down to five remaining houseguests. Jackson and Holly are a team. Nicole and Cliff are a team. And Tommy is pretty much on his own. And we are almost finished with this season.
The feeds were down for much of today because there’s been a lot going on. First off, they were down for the HoH comp. It was hosted by Bayleigh and Swaggy and apparently, Bayleigh said something during the comp that revealed to Jackson that he’s not very popular outside the House. I’m not sure what was said but the HGs have all been talking about how they now know that Jackson is apparently not liked by the feedsters.
Well, regardless of how people may feel about him, Jackson won HoH. This is his third HoH victory.
The feeds were then down again for the nomination ceremony and, to nobody’s shock, Jackson nominated Tommy and Cliff for eviction. As of right now, Tommy is the target but it really depends on who wins the veto. If Tommy wins the veto and takes himself down, Nicole is going up. I imagine if Tommy saves himself than Cliff will become the target because neither Holly nor Jackson feels that they can beat Cliff in a final two situation.
The veto comp is tomorrow! We’ll see what happens!
Lisa Marie
I am so glad he knows he is not liked. Hope Holly wakes up! Cliff just may be going home if joey wins that Veto! It will take a miracle now to get jackson out. Praying for one.
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Best thing Bayleigh ever did! Who is Joey?
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I think she means Tommy
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Ginny me too! Sad to say but Holly is not going to wake up! He is at this moment dressing her down again about how she talks to him on national TV! And she is just taking it in her usual whipped dog manner.
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Well I still don’t understand why Nicole didn’t get them out. She blew it. He will win unless there is a big shake up.???
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Everyone plays in Veto comp. If by another miracle (please, please, please) Nicole wins the POV, hopefully she will think strategically before acting this time and use the Veto to pull Cliff off the block requiring Jackson to replace Cliff with Holly. Nicole and Cliff can then, as the only two votes to evict, send Holly to the jury and work with Tommy to FINALLY send Jackson out the door.
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That would be fun!
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From your mouth to God’s ears!! That would be my dream situation.
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Now we have another worry if Tommy wins veto. I like C’est Moi’s idea for Nicole to win and take Cliff of. It’s past time to do what the HOH wants.
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They just started the Veto comp at 2:15 BB time.
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Jackson is again calling out Holly about how she talks to him. He says he’s doing it for her own good. He says its not because he’s easily offended! LOL. As typical, she is being a complete doormat! Also as typical just when it was getting good they cut the feeds to the HOH room and have all four cameras on Nicole sitting by herself doing nothing. They don’t want us to see him being his AWHOLE self!
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Nico!le won veto
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Is that a statement or a question lol?
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Nicole is going to take Cliff off the block so that means Holly will go up…….but……they are so stupid…they are still planning on voting Tommy out!
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If they don’t take one of them out now, they deserve to lose. Nichole, you just lost your game. So sad 😢
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Sorry for the confusion..yes i meant Tommy!
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