Hi everyone!
Well, there’s really not a lot going on in the House. Now that Cody has the veto and everyone knows that he’s not going to be using it, almost everyone in the House, except for Janelle and Kaysar, seem to be prepared to just sit back and wait until Thursday.
Janelle and Kaysar know that Cody is not going to use the veto and they also know that Janelle is the target. They’ve spent most of last night and today talking about both their friendship and their plans for the future. It’s actually been kind of sweet to watch. Janelle even apologized to Kaysar for making him a target by agreeing to be on All-Stars with him and Kaysar said that whatever happens is worth it because it’s given the two of them a chance to reconnect and to see each other again.
As for the future, Janelle has said that she will be campaigning to stay but she will not be saying a word against Kaysar. Janelle knows that she’s probably going to be voted out but, unlike some other houseguests (like a certain Nicole Anthony), she’s not planning on spending the week whining about it. She’s going to get out there and make a case for herself and try to convince people to keep her.
Kaysar has said that, if Janelle is evicted, he’ll be fighting to avenge her. Janelle told Kaysar that he should lay low but only after making Nicole F. a have-not. Janelle wants Kaysar to say, “This is from Janelle,” when he makes Nicole F. a have-not, which should make for good television.
The other big event in the House is that Christmas received her safety suite punishment. She has to take care of “Star Baby,” which is a star-shaped pillow that cries and occasionally demands to be told a story. Christmas has to carry Star Baby with her everywhere. Star Baby is cute but kind of annoying. However, Christmas is enjoying her punishment because she knows it’ll mean more screentime for her on the show.
And that is what’s going on in the House right now. The veto meeting is tomorrow!
Lisa Marie
Thank you Lisa! I enjoyed the trip down memory lane with Janelle and Kaysar! I still haven’t gotten into this season! Hopefully, things will get better! đź’—
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Jolee I didn’t watch the feeds for the first two weeks (just not interested) but now that I’ve started watching I’m starting to like it more. Some of the players I’m just not crazy about like NicoleF, Kevin, Memphis and David. I was wanting to like David but he is so out of his depth and doesn’t seem to be catching on at all. He’s pretty much clueless. Also he likes to talk about how smart he is and that gets on my nerves.
So try the feeds that might help get you interested!
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You are so right!. Without the feeds/After Dard stuff, the network steers and its hard to get insight…,my fun for watching!
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Jolee i loved them too discussing their past. The flashbacks they showed we forgot how young they were! You can see the difference in the maturity. I adore the both of them!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I liked Tyler’s game plan. I felt he deserved to win against Clark even thought he got the runner up and most favorite and a trip to Hawaii. I felt he did all the beginning work and had everything set in motion and with luck she woke up and charged in. My feelings!
No favorites yet but cannot stand Nicole F.
Thanks Lisa!
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I like Janelle’s plan for the week. It probably won’t help her, but at least she’s not whining and crying about it! Maybe Kaysar can convince the guys to put together a “bro” alliance & get the girls out. I’m sure Memphis would go for that one. They could start with the annoying Nicole F! Jolee, I’m like you.. still trying to get into it. Maybe it’s not BBS fault. Maybe it’s this season of discontent we’ve been living in for months now!
I’ve not watched last nites episode yet… glad there are flashbacks of Janelle & Kaysar.. worth the watch. (I had to watch our family favorite, Yellowstone, to see what happened to the Dutton family!). Will watch BB at lunchtime!
Lisa Marie, thanks for the play-by-play, as always!
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The last I saw before I went to bed last night Christmas had two more babies. She now has triplets with probably more to come! lol It’s actually a pain in the butt punishment because she was up many times during the night ‘changing the baby’, walking the
‘baby’ 50 laps in the backyard and taking the baby to every room waking everyone up and asking the HG how cute the baby is. It also cries a lot and is very annoying.
Davonne is very PO’d that Enzo didn’t pick her for his spare safety so she and Bayleigh were up in the HOH room plotting everyone’s demise. They are working to keep Janelle in the house although they will just be showing their cards because Tyler has enough votes to get her out.
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Janelle is a great player, but she is REALLY in a bad spot. She’s got to make a deal with the surfer, and get him woking for her. He can convince Memphis and Cody. Thats the path..,but its a lot to move her way.
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Tom I don’t think that’s going to fly! LOL
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That was fun seeing J&K in their early seasons. I never saw those. I need to go on the feeds and see the star baby. I love Xmas and she’s a good sport. So funny about extra screen time. I was avoiding everything because I didn’t want to see the Noms. I would rather K go.
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Ted the last I saw last night she had 9 star babies!
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I can’t wait to see that. I keep forgetting to go on the feeds to look. I’m going to do that now, thanks, Margie.
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Hit the jackpot, Margie! I couldn’t believe it, Xmas and Nicole were talking. Nicole was exercising and Xmas was on the couch and next to her was a baby stroller filled with baby stars! After a bit something was up and the screen went to stars. I’ll check back in a bit.
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Me Too!
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Ted she now has 11!
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She was talking to Enzo and David in the bathroom and I was trying to count them, I thought I got 10. Can’t wait to see what she has to do with them. Janelle was talking to Dani and now she’s talking to Cody.
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Now she’s talking to K and that buggy is overflowing with baby stars.
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Christmas and Kayser were big time talking just now. Flashback and watch. It seems they are forming a half assed alliance. I don’t know how serious Christmas is though. I want to watch and see if she tells any of her alliance about the conversation.
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Last count last night was 13 star babies all crying at one time!!!
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