Hi, everyone!
So, obviously, this post is going to be a spoiler. If you haven’t seen tonight’s eviction episode and you don’t want to know who got voted out, stop reading now. As I sit here typing this, tonight’s show has yet to air on the West Coast and I believe it’s going to be preempted tonight. So, again — if you don’t know who has been evicted and you want to experience it without spoilers, stop reading this post!
Okay. So, tonight, to no one’s surprise, Janelle was voted out. The final vote was 9-2. Everyone voted to evict Janelle except for Dani and Enzo. Enzo likes to toss around random votes to keep people off-balance. Dani mentioned to Cody earlier today that she might vote for Janelle and then try to frame the vote on either Da’Vonne or Bayleigh. So, I guess that’s the plan.
Dani did her best to try to convince everyone to leave “mean goodbye messages” for Janelle. Nicole did make it a point to tell Janelle not to come to her wedding in her message. It was pretty weak and it made me lose some respect for Nicole. (To be honest, I’ve been losing respect for Nicole ever since this season started.) When she was talking to Dani, Nicole made it sound like she left this big, tough message but instead, she came across as if she was scared of Janelle (which she was).
Julie told Janelle who voted to keep her and also revealed the existence of the Slick Six during the exit interview, which means that no pre-jury evictees will be returning to the game. So, tonight was pretty much it for Janelle.
When the show ended, they had just started the HoH comp. The feeds are currently down and I imagine they will be down until after the West Coast airing so it’s probably going to be a while before we know who the new HoH is. Kaysar needs to win this HoH or else he’s going to be in trouble this upcoming week.
When we have confirmation of a new HoH, I’ll post it in the comments!
Lisa Marie
Thank you Lisa! I hope Kaysar wins the HOH! I noticed that he was the first to get the three balls in the holes! So, he will go on to the next round! “”GO KAYSER!”
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I will check back later! đź’—đź’—
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I’m with you Jolee! Go Kaysar!
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Dani trying to convince everyone to leave mean messages for Janelle tells me two things about Dani. 1. She’s as immature as ever and 2. She is definitely the spawn of Evel Dick.
I was amazed how quickly Kaysar finished his first part of the HOH! 🙏🙏🙏🙏 Please let Kaysar win HOH!
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I agree. Danielle has not matured or changed. Just bitchy as usual. I think it was a mistake to evict Janelle. She could have remained a big target and helped Tyler or Cody’s game. David is annoyingly clueless. I hope he goes soon
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Enzo is the new HoH!
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The Meow, Meow
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Ouch!! I guess it could be worse!?
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Hmmm, that should be interesting!
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Yikes! Watch out Mama Da!
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Welp! Nicole was a little irritating just slinking around while others were telling Janelle bye. Also, Dani was disappointing trying to get them to say means things.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So .. that’s two definitely on my “get rid of” list!
Who should be next?
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I’d definitely love to see Nicole out. If we lose Dani we lose the stealth game play that she brings. With Janelle out, it’s gonna get pretty boring if we lose Dani too!
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I am so glad Janelle is gone! Her botox face is cringe worthy. It was hysterical to hear Nicole dis invite Janelle to her wedding during her goodbye message. I don’t understand why Kaysar is not trying to find some peeps to work with him. Did he really think he was only playing against Janelle? I think he can do it, but he’s not even trying. Dani voted for Janelle to stay?? Enzo is a complete wildcard, he is going to do things no one else has done with his HOH. Interesting BB this season..🤔
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Yeah… the Botox face kinda gets me too! I always think… “why!” Of course I’m a little wrinkly now at 55 and spending much of those years outside in the heat of south TX! I’m a never gonna Botox kinda gal… now a facelift wouldn’t be out of the question though! Lol
I think Dani & Enzo voted to keep Janelle to throw shade on Mama Da & Bay. I won’t be surprised if one or both of them ends up on the block… probably Da since Dani views her as the much stronger player, which she is. Loved watching Julie nearly fall out of her Jimmy Choo’s when Dani voted to keep Janelle though. That was fun!
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Okay… I was so wrong on who Enzo might put up… of course he’ll prob change his mind… but looks like poor Kaysar may be a target. Enzo being pushed by Cody to put him up . of course didn’t do it in his HOH. I’m liking Cody less & less. Christmas reminded Enzo that it’s not Cody & Tyler’s HOH & encouraged him to do what he wants. Guess we’ll see after the HOH convos today.
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The BB game isn’t for everyone and for sure not for David! I feel bad for him..he is just to nice and really doesn’t have a clue.
Nicole..i want to wring that skinny neck…haha
Dani is an evil spawn..The apple doesn’t fall far..
Whats going on with kasysar..Is he losing his powers!!
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