Hi y’all!
Okay, so before anything else, let me give you a SPOILER WARNING! If you haven’t seen tonight’s show yet and you don’t want to know the identity of who the first evictee and the second HoH, stop reading now!
Okay, for those of you who are still here:
The vote was not a shock. I thought that Janelle and Kaysar might at least give Keesha a sympathy vote but even they ultimately decided to play it safe and go with the majority. By a vote of 13-0, Keehsa was voted out of the game.
As I said, it really wasn’t a shock. Keesha really didn’t seem to have her heart in the game this season. Even Kaysar and Janelle got annoyed with her refusal to go to the other HGs and really campaign for herself.
After Keesha left, it was time for the HoH comp. The HoH comp required the HGs to answer questions about some really annoying videos. To the surprise of everyone, Memphis won that competition.
That’s right — MEMPHIS IS THE NEW HOH!
So, who will Memphis nominate? Probably Ian. He considers Ian to be a huge threat because Ian beat Dan in BB14. Memphis couldn’t beat Dan in Big Brother 10 so I think Memphis has gotten it into his head that this means Ian is invincible.
So, with Memphis perhaps targeting Ian, Janelle and Kaysar may be safe this week. It’ll probably depend on whether or not Cody can change Memphis’s mind about who he wants to get out of the house.
We’ll see what happens!
Lisa Marie
First of all, let me thank you Lisa! Good reporting, as usual! ๐
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Now, my opinion about tonight’s show! Complete disappointment! I guess I thought the All Stars would not cave into the “group mentality.” I am OVER everyone having to vote the same way! I, like you, thought a couple of sympathy votes for Keesha would have been better game play! I call it “chicken ______!”. Fill in the blank!
It’s going to take a lot better gameplay for me to enjoy this so called “All Stars!”. So far the only players I am enjoying are David (love that smile) and Tyler, mainly because of last season! Hopefully, things will get better! I miss BBAD because it gave us a chance to see behind the edited version of the show! Well, that’s my opinion.. I’m looking forward to seeing what everyone else says! Goodnight everyone! ๐๐
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I agree Jolee! They just went along and had no backbone! I miss afterdark too as we could get a real look at the players and see where they were really coming from. With the afterdark it was many times two different shows!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks Lisa.
Night all.
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I miss afterdark too. I do NOT want all access and I never did. This year is already lackluster as far as I’m concerned.
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No votes for sweet Keesha! She wasnโt really playing the game. Probably just going for a paid summer vacation… well girl.. vacation is over!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So happy Memphis won his first HOH ever! I do hope he nominates Ian. I donโt much care for him, and it would make for some good tv revenge rivalry! Itโs probably going to be a tough week for him with everyone in his ear constantly.
I miss BBAD too, but you can still get the feeds free for a month. This year I feel safe, knowing thereโs unlikely to be any showmance going on. My boys are pretty much grown now, youngest 18 & graduated this year… but I still wouldnโt want them to see the nightly antics of some seasons. This season is pretty tame!
Thanks as always Lisa Marie!
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Anyone hear who Memphis is thinking about nominating? Ian?
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Betty they are having the nomination ceremony right now. Earlier this afternoon Christmas won the Safety thing and her second save was Ian. Memphis literally did not tell any of his alliance who he was nominating and they are all kind of Leary of him now. I think he is going to nominate Nicole A and David but I’m not sure.
They just came back and looks like that’s what happened. Nicole is crying and David is upset.
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Thanks Margie. Strange, I thought Christmas was in the Cody/Memphis alliance.
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I loved hearing Memphis reading the letter from his son! They had the video on Twitter tonight! Best thing yet! I loved it! ๐๐
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She is!
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