Big Brother 22 — Week 2 Evictions

by Lisa Marie Bowman on August 20, 2020

WARNING: If you haven’t seen Thursday’s episode of Big Brother yet, this is a spoiler. Read on at your own risk!

Tonight, a very strange week in Big Brother history came to an end. David went from being the target to being almost an afterthought as the House came together to evict Nicole A.

Kevin voted to evict David, which was expected.

Enzoe also voted to evict David, which was not expected. Enzo has been telling everyone that he would be voting to evict Nicole A. so I’m guessing his vote was a way to create some drama and paranoia in the House. It’ll be interesting to see who he tries to blame for that vote.

In the end, by a vote of 10-2, Nicole A. was evicted from the Big Brother House. On the plus side, she did tell Julie that she had finally realized that Janelle was not trying to get evicted. On the negative side, Julie told her all of the details about Cody’s alliance, which can only mean that there’s not going to be a returning pre-jury player this season.

As for the HoH comp, Tyler won. Ian came close to winning but, in the end, Tyler pulled off a victory. Who is Tyler going to nominate for eviction? Probably Janelle and Kaysar. The two of them are basically alone in the House and I don’t think Tyler’s going to want to ruffle any feathers this early in the game. Janelle and Kaysar are an easy duo to target.

But you never know! Nicole F. is convinced that one of the first four evictees is going to get a chance to reenter the House and she’s worried that if Janelle is one of them, America will vote Janelle back in. We know that’s not going to happen but the HGs think that it might. Tyler might decide to go after a lesser target this week, just in case. We’ll see what happens!

For now, though, Tyler is HoH and nominations will be announced tomorrow!

Lisa Marie

Jolee August 20, 2020 at 10:16 pm

Thank you Lisa! šŸ’—. I’m glad Tyler won HOH! I was hoping David would win, but I don’t think he wants to be the HOH this soon in the game! It will be better for the HOH after they do away with the safety suite! It will be very interesting to see who Tyler nominates, and then to see if his nominations are not messed up by the safety suite! Could be an interesting week! Goodnight everyone! šŸ’—šŸ’—

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MargieP August 20, 2020 at 11:37 pm

The feeds were down for a long time after the show and according to comments made by Janelle, Kevin and Davonne there was a big ā€˜dust upā€™ between Nicole and Janell during this time. Damn why couldnā€™t we see that. Now Nicole is laying in the bed upset.

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tom rak August 22, 2020 at 5:29 pm

Thanks for the ‘Heads Up”. I miss the “After Dark” shows. They helped to get a clearer picture of what was happening.

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MargieP August 21, 2020 at 12:03 am

A new alliance was just formed named 4 Prime. It consists of Ian, Nicole, Dani and Cody. They said they could include Tyler and call it 5 Prime.

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Lola Stinson August 21, 2020 at 8:07 am

Margie I agree we needed to have seen it, feeds are so boring. They don’t want to upset Janelle, she won’t be one to mess with. Back in old school days feeds were fun to watch, now CBS is to cheap or sensitive to something being said. I have done lost count on who is in or how many alliance there are.

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Marcella August 21, 2020 at 10:18 am

Does anyone here know who can go into play in the ā€œsafety suiteā€. Iā€™ve sorta lost track of that. With everyone pushing Memphis & Cody to put up Janelle & Kaysar, weā€™ll see if Tyler has the desire to make that move. Memphis didnā€™t because he sees them more as a future ally. I seem to be alone here in my ā€œlikeā€ for Memphis. Maybe I like him because of ā€œFather Danā€. Anyway, not too sad to see Nicole go. Iā€™m not in the frame of mind to watch all that crying all season long! Glad Tyler got HOH. Iā€™ve always liked that kid… now letā€™s see if heā€™ll shake things up and nominate Janelle & Kaysar (though Iā€™d hate to see them go). Happy trails yā€™all. Iā€™m off to ride my horse & get some fresh air before the temps here in south TX get to the 100s today!

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MargieP August 21, 2020 at 2:03 pm

Marcella Tyler said he is definitely going to nominate Janelle and Kayser. Memphis is down the list to get out. The players that I know of are Memphis, Enzo, Tyler, Nicole, Dani,Ian and I think Justin. They have been trying to decide Who should be saved. I love Tyler and his handling of everyone who came up to talk with him last night was masterful!

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Ted Strutz August 21, 2020 at 5:52 pm

You aren’t alone. I never saw Memphis play, but I like that he does what he wants, even if he was a bit over the top with David. Yes a big cryer is gone, and that incessant talking to herself that they love to showcase.

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tom rak August 22, 2020 at 5:29 pm

Kevin, the cryer II, must go. Hes not a threat to anyone..,just an annoyance.

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Marcella August 22, 2020 at 8:31 pm

Now f theyā€™d just get rid of the rest of the criers!

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Ted Strutz August 21, 2020 at 5:45 pm

Thanks, LMB! That was a fun hoh comp to watch.

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Ted Strutz August 21, 2020 at 5:45 pm

And glad Nicole is gone.

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MargieP August 21, 2020 at 4:17 pm

The comp was played and not sure who won. Enzo won and saved Christmas.

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Marcella August 22, 2020 at 8:26 pm

Thanks MargieP!

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Hypocrisy August 21, 2020 at 10:05 pm

There has been several seasons where cast members have been ruined because they made a racist comment. If any non-African American (White) made a comment like Devonne made theyā€™d be ruined for life. She straight up said Iā€™ll never vote out anyone that looks like me. She explained how if a person of color was on the block with a white person sheā€™s voting out the white person or anyone who doesnā€™t look like her. Why is racism against White people ok? What is with the black privilege that they can be so outwardly racist while complaining about racism?

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MargieP August 23, 2020 at 2:06 pm

Tom I agree 100%. He is the epitome of a floater who whines and cries all the time! Go home Kevin! Heā€™s so useless he will probably slide by to F3.

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